JJ and Mikey Found NEW BIGGEST LADDER in GIANT PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

Let’s get started today we found a ladder in a large hole this ladder is very long all right okay Mikey let’s start climbing wo wow JJ H why are we climbing this well Mikey yes huh what is this place a steel wall all that effort and we hit a dead end is it

Really hey swords we can use these check it out huh cool I’m going to put the helmet on awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice

Does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wao what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get past the steel wall try it ready yep what’s behind Here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful W wao there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword right whoa I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it worked it’s dead what the sweet we beat

It it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door ooh can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it oh what’s that this is no way it’s a flamethrower

Huh wo it’s powerful it’s practically Unstoppable so strong I can’t believe we found our own flamethrowers nice nice nice wo cool Mikey let’s move on we might find our way out of here if we go through this door I bet you’re right I want to get out 3 2 1 open

What wait a sec huh what’s going on here help me are these enemies maybe oh they’re attacking ouchy let’s take them down nice job use the flamethrower wa go away keep fighting this is amazing oops I set you on fire oh ouch it burns this

Is bad that was a close one I almost burned up my dad all right one left nice attack take that nice one thank you let’s keep moving so we can get out of here but JJ look the doors are locked we can’t get through what do we do perhaps

There’s a way to unlock them there’s a chest over here maybe there’s a key inside nope just cookies you want one sure we’ll need something that opens those doors but there’s no key what’s this way oh there’s a room down here let’s take a look good thing there’s a bouncy slime

Floor yeah what happens if we pull this lever I Wonder huh the block lit up could that mean the doors are now open yeah they are they’re wide open wo awesome let’s keep going okay oh no that’s bad enemies we have no choice get him all right take that and that last one yeah we did it nice job

But we still haven’t escaped and it looks like we have a way to go they’re boats in here grab one and hop in maybe that’s how we’ll get out of here it’s worth a try let’s go wait watch out we must be getting close to the exit

Careful boats speed up when they’re on the ice this is tough all of a sudden it’s hard to control huh yeah but we’re making progress I wonder what’s next let’s find out shall we gain your boat straight ahead and roll wao didn’t see that coming same this way

Through the Gap made it now straight ahead I’m going to fall hang in there I got through how about you oh I fell I’ll wait up for you heads up though this room looks like trouble really that scared me oh there’s a door open it done oo okay charge let’s break out of

Here no another dead end but we’ve come so far oh we’re never we’re going to get out of here H why is there lava here wait hey Mikey yeah remember what was in that chest potions of fire resistance hear me out what if we used them and tried

Walking through the lava that’s crazy talk what if it’s an endless wall of lava it could be but it’s a risk we have to take fine let’s make it quick right drink your potion and and run come on huh that was easy good thing we risked

It the lava was hiding a secret entrance yep it all worked out H there doesn’t seem to be anything dangerous in the water this will be easy all I have to do is swim across right that’s way too easy all right here I go woohoo oh

Huh what there’s some kind of weird fish raining down H those fish are called Guardians and they are extremely dangerous Mikey died what just happened look carefully Mikey there’s a trip wire just over the water no kidding I never noticed I set off the security when I

Touched the trip wire H do you give up hang on hang on there must be a way past this oh I know I should dive and swim under the TRU wire all right I’ll just swim underwater wo impressive Mikey wo I did it across the lake without

Tripping the wire you defeated my first security measure woohoo what is it looks like there’s two holes this time how come interesting what’s down there a little pool of water and here lava that’s pretty dangerous are we supposed to choose which one to jump into oops I dropped an apple my bad what

I dropped an apple let me try it burned wao that’s pretty suspicious it’s probably safer if we jump into the water instead yeah lava’s too hot on second thought maybe the lava’s safer no way that’s crazy JJ I’ll let you decide this one easy I picked

The water let’s go JJ water it is I trust you you’re probably right absolutely okay then let’s go 3 2 1 go go Wooh hey wait a second what we fell right out of the map this one then it must be although I’m still not 100% sure what do you think I mean

How are we supposed to survive the lava for now let’s just be brave and go for it okay okay I’m going to go first again no wait should I oh man what should I do don’t worry I’m right behind you I’m doing it I’m falling too fast let’s go wao

Huh what’s going on oh I see there’s water beneath the lava wow I didn’t even lose any health hey look at this there’s a chest let’s see what’s inside oh there’s a gun a laser rifle check this out a helmet too awesome 3 2 1 how do I

Look now we both have one but what’s it do other than look cool I think there might be a boss coming up after this really wa gross come on Mikey shoot it with your laser rifle it’s not doing anything don’t get too close ah it’s doing something sh back get up attack go

Go go keep shooting this could be bad we have to destroy it wao nice these guns rock yeah they’re so strong it almost feels like cheating to use them come on let’s go open up do you see treasure in there it’s open oh nice JJ H pick up the

Past there’s nothing to see in this ordinary hallway H really Mikey huh it looks like there’s nothing in this hallway uh-huh but that carpet on the floor is awfully suspicious huh of course it’s not there’s nothing here hm okay huh aha I knew it Mikey oh you hid magma

Blocks in the floor are you kidding me well that was a close one a you saw through my magma trap now I’ll just cross the room through this section without any carpet you figured it out it was a close Call okay then let’s try the third room H let’s try it okay well I’m opening it all right h I put the ultimate security guard in front of the Vault H there’s just no way you’ll be able to get into the Vault the ultimate security guard that’s right that’s not good still I’ll be fine huh I actually prepared for something like this so I brought a weapon seriously I’ll use this to fight your security guard no way I’ll make it quick ha are you kidding me I did it you beat

The ultimate security guard in one Hit the guard dropped something huh a key okay let’s move on to the next room H hang on it’s locked that’s right I’ve locked it h oh that’s right I should probably try using that key I picked up from the security guard ah you got it nice it

Opened all right wo is this so be very careful on the course all right good luck Mikey wo I’m nervous it’s okay ouch it burns I was so sure I could do it you got this yeah I’ll make it this time nice that was awesome good job what’s next Mikey do

You see a button it should be there I get it now okay yeah push the button to launch into the air I made it you have to walk across the pipe without falling to open the door good work Mikey thanks m oh huh uh-oh those must be zombie

Villagers looks like a bunch of them got locked up really but how are we supposed to cross over like this I see can you make it pop wow that was amazing Mikey but my back hurts too much for me to try something like that ouchie ouchy ouchie are you okay yep I

Have a golden apple oh good idea yeah okay let’s see time to eat but is the golden apple enough yep I’m fine I’m just oh no myy seriously I’ll be back in a sec I’m here oh hey Mikey my back is hurting so I’m going to take this way oh I should

Have gone that way Too a quick eat your golden apple no not again ouch I did it again hurry up I’ll be right there okay okay I’ll take the alternate route This Time come on there nice there you go that’s how it’s done thanks things might get rough if you open that door that’s

No good so let’s not do that I think these zombie villagers are supposed to stay where they are let’s climb up this ladder let’s go well huh what’s that duh they look like ghosts yeah they’re trying to stop us I wonder it’s probably tens of thousands

Of years old huh what’s this H what is it looks like there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit wa let’s try it okay here we go okay back home wo h Huh where’s this I found something treasure treasure let’s open it yeah ready what is it wooden swords that’s it

It’s not much but it’s better than nothing this must be the first treasure let’s go to the top yeah parkour watch out for the husk oh careful I got him awesome what’s next let’s go go JJ oh got him that a boy JJ good job keep going you can do it huh

Look Mikey these are ladders it seems that now we need to climb up I wonder what will be up there are you ready come on yeah wo we’re so high up oh ter treasure a door it’s got to have treasure could it it’s got to be huh hang on a freaky

Clown look out it attacked me it hit you it’s strong seriously the swords we found right wo use your sword take it down shoing slash ouch it’s so strong slash that was strong wo We Beat It we did JJ I found something amazing the clown was impressive but look treasure

Let’s check it out treasure treasure treasure 3 2 1 open what is it diamond pickaxes and swords thanks These are nice awesome wao it came back to life huh seriously woah how ouch woah yes we beat it they come back we’d better hurry along Mikey quickly it’s

Terrifying but at least we got something good out of it okay wo this is awesome what’s it supposed to be diamonds and gold maybe we use our pickaxes to choose the ones we just got so which one I’d like some diamonds can I have them we can share

Okay let’s mine the diamonds together ready another freaky thing it’s something else wow I’m low on health Mikey wao it’s strong this sword can defeat it take it down I can do this wa we beat it JJ hurry right before it comes back yeah let’s go let’s mine the Gold I

Guess gold was the right choice hang on a second Mikey watch out pillagers huh they’re not shooting Mikey they’re taking aim careful ow we should see what’s in the box Mikey wao grab some got it I need to gear up come on hurry okay I think we’re

Supposed to fight back with our bows and arrows take that Pillager red there one down nice I missed got him oh I got the last one cool yay I got him good job Mikey we beat them all wait wait why you can’t cross there that was

Close I can’t make that jump hold on I see a passage wow really oh I think that in order to get over there we need to hit the big Target yeah like a challenge we have to shoot the bullseye right in the middle the center is the only part

That counts Mikey just the middle I’m pumped from hitting that last husk can I go first yeah of course you got this I’m going to hit it dead center go what a you missed Mikey try again okay right in the middle Mikey help me JJ those zombies fell out

Of nowhere attack them you have to save me I know eat a golden apple uhoh JJ it’s okay I’m eating a golden apple wo oh man oh well it’s seriously not safe to miss let’s be careful my confidence didn’t respawn with me you do it okay let’s do

It wao what that was cool good job JJ nice it spawned a platform for us wow yes cool yay we did it what okay what next I found something a treasure chest 3 2 1 open there are potions of swiftness in here should I drink it wait doesn’t that

Look like a TNT Dash challenge yeah the potion should make it easy right sure let’s give it a shot down the hatch am I faster now let’s find out here goes nothing Wo look at me go JJ oh I made it hurry up okay I’ll try it too wo I feel super fast now here I go it’s so fun ready wo that was awesome didn’t that feel incredible yep wow I think there will be parkour there great

Wo there are a lot of vines here hey Mikey we’ll be heading upstairs soon there is very little left wow what’s next I bet there’s awesome treasure I can’t believe how high we’re getting right now awesome we’re here yeah h Huh where’s this guards this is bad they

Found us run away we can’t fight them they look way too strong where should we run JJ don’t fight with bare hands are there any weapons I fell hold on I see a chest open it quick I’m coming yes wao swords nice take one Mikey here oh

Thanks now what now we can stand up to the prison guards and fight they’re below us here I go get them let’s go here yes nice hit we’re doing good for the next part I think we have to make it through this hole like like this nice

Okay wo cool hey good job I made it no problem Let’s Escape what’s next wo TNT explosive storage you’re right first let’s deal with the guards one hit Kos now look over here nice job there’s a chest up here oh a mining charge nice where should it go maybe on this wall

Sure let’s go yes wo it worked let’s check out the treasure sure the chest comes first open what’s this sweet iron and pistols I guess so H what’s up oh hang on it shoots blocks what really cool awesome oh it looks like we need to parkour but those gaps are too big to

Jump it’s too far I think we’re supposed to use the guns yeah like this amazing now make a bridge let’s do it oh this is fun let me try this is cool nice wow this is so amazing let’s go nice oh yeah M it oh skeletons how this is scary watch

Out wao hang on there’s armor in here great let’s put it on okay hey look I found an anvil I think we need to make copies of it really we can adjust our guns so that they fire anvils you’re right let’s shoot them up here try it yeah

Wow nice it worked keep going you try too Mikey sure let’s get a bit closer go for it oops I missed oh wo good shot bam ah hey it hit me come back I’ll be right there all right oh hey Mikey what’s up hi next is look at those skeletons Mikey

What’s that it’s bad news Mikey it’s a pile of skeletons ouch they shot me hang on let’s see what’s in this chest careful oh look what I found TNT woah really now to copy the TNT copy it see that Redstone yeah we need to fire the TNT at it

Really wo you can do that cool oh I get it nice three to go shoot it JJ wao they’re firing back get them these guys are tough I missed go go go ow Retreat epic got him what a cool gun you can say that that again another chest oh

You’re right let’s open it there huh awesome what a hul there are golden apples and a full set of diamond armor WoW netherite swords amazing I also have some good news for you Mikey I think we’re almost at the top let’s go JJ we have to clear this

First parkour come on you first boing Bo wow I’m talented today hurry up JJ look there are Vines again we’ll have to crawl up again we’re insanely high up wow there’s the top I bet there’s treasure there has to be time to go ready wo we’re going up wow look at that

What could be up there I can’t wait there must be goodies inside we’re here wao what’s this it looks like parkour parkour let’s get across sure be careful I will nice hurry up we need to keep climbing let’s go got it I can’t wait to see what kind of incredible treasure

Awaits us there we go me neither in here yes I fell well that’s how parkour goes the sword makes it pretty easy how when you swing the sword it boosts your jumps you good y okay now let’s wo look out for those slimes they seem way stronger than

Normal get back they’re so tough I know seriously whoo there’s no more we beat them we beat them all wo what a fight I know time to go all right low try to hit the slimes before they see you they attack on sight smart strike first perfect nice okay now

We can climb up this ladder let’s go well huh what’s that hang on H it’s a dead end there’s no way to get up there we can’t reach you’re right but look over here we walk right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let’s see huh well what do we

Have here there’s a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those going to help us check this out let’s put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure ready go wo I made it sweet thanks

Yep I was launched pretty high okay I’ll try not to fall off yes nice I made it let’s go all right okay wo what’s all this it’s not safe we’re high up this is scary Mikey I don’t want to fall off go slow so high I can barely look down this is seriously

Crazy take it easy and you won’t fall all right it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough that was close but I made it okay I made it yes let’s keep going oh we have company get him yeah these guys are

Tough we have our Stone swords they can’t win is this a maze I wonder what else is here me too maybe treasure as a reward oh it’s a dead end tough enemies yes all right there’s nothing here oh the exit we made it let’s keep

Going let’s go we can break these I see all right well hold on be very careful oh what’s over there look there’s TNT see the pressure plates step on one of those and the whole place will blow watch your step go slow and steady I’ll be careful yeah extra careful watch out

Don’t step there JJ this is tough watch it oh what if we walk up here I don’t know you okay I’m good it’s close slowly oops okay nice wo a little more all right okay I think I’ll make it almost there yes Mikey see that chest treasure let’s see what’s

Inside I’m opening it right now 3 2 1 goodies totems of undying cake diamonds gold emeralds Wow Let’s split it and run thank you now let’s get out of here we’re going home yes we’re free

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found NEW BIGGEST LADDER in GIANT PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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  1. Ok so you want to play that game

    Why are you still looking

    Not even close

    Still not

    Still not

    Getting there

    A little closer

    Just about there

    Finely you made it

    Go down a little more


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