This is the Most GAME CHANGING Terraria Mod!

This is a terraria Mod you might have not heard of that you need to play right now the mod overhauls a bunch of vanilla things and has some of the coolest and most unique visuals I’ve seen in the Terraria mod let’s hop in game and check

It out we are back here checking out the dormant Dawn mod another terraria Mod made by our Chinese terrarian Brothers we know that they love to destroy and make some of the best Terraria mods I’ve seen coding wise yeah we checked this mod out a while back and it’s been a

Minute and I want to see if there’s any new stuff in terms of equipment bosses all the goodies it definitely looks like there’s a bunch of new stuff but first off we’re going to cover bosses but first off before that who’s my boy right here Reds hello ice slime hold up you

Talking to the ice slime yeah that ice slime moving a little different am I tweaking yeah I know this mod does overhaul some vanilla things for example if I hold a sword look at that is a little bit different let’s talk to my boy Red’s here hello I am a hunter I am

Homeless now can you provide me with a house I got you my boy you get challenge him what does challenge mean what the heck yo we already got some weird stuff I just noticed our character walks really weird too look I kind of messed with it but uh let’s let’s get a house

For my boy here all right I done made my boy a house yes sir how you like it hello ladybug I like they he just talks to Rand of things hold up grass slime what’s this grass slime up to go ahead hit me damn it stinks in this house hold

Up the grass slime he’s giving me Stinky no that might just be the poop he’s giving me ballista Panic your ballistas rapidly shoot in panic what a weird weird thing to give somebody yeah now that you got you a little house Reds let’s do this uh challenge what is this

Enter grassland what the heck we got a loading screen I like the little uh animation in the bottom left okay Warriors you can okay you can what come on reds give it to me are you going back no so what’s going on here what is going

On here we got like a a side scroller going on I don’t know I’m going to switch to the yo-yo just in case I do a little too much damage I really like how this mod has has some uh vanilla tweaks I like that we’re holding our yo-yo like

A textbook from school but what am I trying to accomplish in this am I just trying to kill like a bunch of slimes is this like a little event yeah looks like the the tier slime is going up either the further I get or just you know wave

After wave but I’m going to keep on going to the right as you can see it’s a decent area back to Blue oh no hold up we got a mix of slimes now we got a good mix of slime spawning in I wonder if we

Fight like a king slime or a new boss from this mod let’s see there’s a chest what is it got Force wooden magic wand so you’re supposed to do this early I mess with that noise and this thing says W yeah I take those and we’re back I

Lowkey mess with that look there’s another one should we do this other one we might as well don’t even think about it hold up my boy’s here oh do I got to beat my boy up you sure you want some of this Brave grass slime I respect The

Bravery hold up he about to hit us with some moves let me hop out of God mode here let me see the moves my boy got let me see that slime shock that’s it it’s just a jump all right I beat him up oh he said something about

Bullying bro he dipped he dipped he left so fast I couldn’t even read his text but this is kind of sick I really mess with this little early game thing you could do to get some gear little mini like event and challenges I kind of want

To see them all but we got to move on and check out the other things Okay I lied I did one more it’s called abandoned warehouse yo your character puts the sword away I had to check this one out though we’re going to quickly run through cuz I’m trying to see this

Abandoned warehouse okay here it is can I break the stuff in here oh damn we got new enemies popping in not like actually new enemies but not slimes I’m messing with this I’m trying to think of some like crazy events and scenarios they can do with this in the future once they add

In a little bit more custom enemies and stuff like they could do some cool stuff we could like raid like a goblin Village we could raid like a skeleton Fortress like there’s some things that they can do in the future with this that could be pretty sick so let’s check out the first

First set of bosses here starting with this one let me make sure I’m in master mode we got this the Lifeguard now I think you’re supposed to fight this in the next boss three different times so we can see here look first fight second fight and third fight so I’m assuming

Every time the fight is going to get a little bit crazier but we got the Lifeguard here we can break it little uh outside Life Crystals it’s shooting projectiles it’s got the little crystals spinning around it it shouldn’t be too crazy of a fight because look how early

Is this is literally before the King Slime it should be easy fight my boy said R what that mean I as the Guardian of Life acknowledge the power you possess as a guardian of life I will remove the power containing your first life limits if your heart seeks more

Power please return look forward to our rematch oh okay so I think I remember you got to kill this guy to uh yeah increase your health so a little bit different take which is kind of cool and then we got this guy the Mana guard which is also the same thing but I

Believe for Mana so if you want a different route to increase increase your life and Mana you know like a required boss it’s kind of cool kind of gives a little bit more of an RPG aspect I would say like you can’t just force yourself to get like 400 health and what

200 Mana off rip you got to really fight something to get there there’s an actual obstacle in the way so you can’t just become op as soon as possible yeah I’m assuming there’s not much to see in terms of uh fighting with these early ones so we’re going to take them out

Quick and move on to the next one now another cool thing this mod does is it has boss summon intros my God actually making the King s see a little seem a little scary bro I don’t know he’s scaring me at least with that Roar but

Then we beat him up again and look at him he explodes scary on death too I respect it too bad he’s just the king SL but there is a mini boss in between this withered Acorn Spirit how do you spawn this thing in there’s a chance to spawn

When cutting down trees in a cemetery let’s spawn it in regularly but let me make a cemetery for it okay flashing lights for anybody sensitive to him let’s see the withered Acorn what’s my boy got for us man this dude just a silly acorn look at him what is he about

To do this is a boss hold up let me about a god mode this dude seems like actually silly you got nothing for me oh that wel them up hold up my boy is actually with the shits oh hold up the music changing up this is not the type

Of music I expect from fighting an acorn from a tree this sounds like the type of music I’d be hearing as the Doom Slayer but he got a couple attacks on him not like he’s a complete like fool or joke of a fight he’s got some decent attacks

Like look at that H projectiles he gets off a couple attacks and then looks like he gets tired and just drops to the floor like that I still mess with him though as goofy and tiny as he looks I mess with them cool death animation too

And he also dropped some goodies for us look at this of course the The mastero Relic dropped a little aorn Cannon let me get some acorns for this cannon oh yeah all right let’s quickly run through the next phases of the Lifeguard and the Mana guard boss fight so what is

Different from their fight okay they seem a little bit quicker and they got a couple new attacks this dude is spawning in life Warriors for us okay I’m messing with it he’s got a lot more Hearts around him too as a little Shield so it’s definitely going to be harder to

Hit him cuz you got to break them unless you got good piercing weapons it’s early game so you probably won’t have too many piercing weapons but let us finish him off again not too many attacks still still early on this is post King Slime now and again he will make our Health

Cap higher I believe this will be for 300 yeah there you go 300 and then bring in the Mana Guardian what type of new attacks does the man of Guardian have I think we saw this one in the first form what else he got for me oh okay my boy

Got the little teleporting attack the visuals from this mod are really good by the way like I feel like I don’t even need to say that out loud I think it just speaks for itself like you guys been seeing but yeah let’s finish him off there’s not too much to show with

This form too and let’s move on to the third form I think yes third and last forms I’m fighting them at night just so we can see their visuals pop a little bit more hey what’s that slime right there star slime okay last fight here shooting a lot more projectiles we got

The dash attack no hesitation on any of these moves music is bumping by the way I think they both use the same music but it’s bumping so it’s fine what kind of crazy special attacks do they have to offer they got way more Hearts around them but other than that it seems like

Most attacks are fairly the same just a little bit higher Health that you got to go against but let’s finish off the Lifeguard here I’m having trouble killing it with the terrarian in god mode so that might actually be a tough fight in like masterb and then let’s

Bring in the Mana Guardian for the final battle here summoning in way more projectiles and they home for like half a second you see that that’s going to be tough that’s a lot of stuff to dodge what else oh okay we’re actually starting to see a couple new attacks

Here I think visually I like this one better I don’t know I feel like the the glowing blue is just way cooler I like the attacks too I think I really enjoy these attacks way more than the Lifeguard summoning the Little Doctor Strange portals and shooting projectile

St but I think that will probably be all the attacks from this boss also dad’s going to give us his little Spiel but in the meantime you know let’s go ahead and place the statues down look at this Relic this Relic is like actually pretty big compared to the regular Terraria

Relics it’s got an animation on it too so I’m assuming this one also does yo see even The Relic the mod changes up a little bit man this is a great mod yeah here we go we’re seeing some of the cool little drops that they got uh we even

Got this accessory here a magic C Circle will be generated to protect you and then we got this one greatly increase the life regen after being hit summons life servant to protect you oh man some great accessories you get early on here all right so as you can see when I kill

The brain it says the goblin Legion gains some kind of power we are getting a new little boss and or mini boss at the end of the guy Goblin Invasion which is beautiful I love me some event changes specifically when the snow Legion gets some event changes that is

My favorite thing in Terraria mods but you know I like when the goblin Invasion gets some love too yeah I believe we have to do pretty much the whole event and then the boss SL mini boss will spawn towards the end is it me or are these Goblin Summers like way way cooler

Or Goblin Sorcerers the way they’re shooting projectiles look way cooler than it normally does look at that let’s see him shoot look at that they just it’s got a better glow it’s definitely the mod that adds that little glow to him but let us see here what is at the

End at this Invasion come on what y’all got a powerful force is approaching oh shoot Goblin sorcerer Chieftain oh the world shaking there’s got to be a monster oh my God that would have hurt so it spawned all the way over here oh it’s actually a really tiny one little

Tiny boss a little bit less intimidating especially with how much it was like shaking the world but still nonetheless it’s a little boss we got to fight at the end and this ain’t no Goblin sorcerer pushover as we can see the attacks are a little bit more dangerous

It’s got 3.4k Health in master mode what’s it doing spawning in Goblin Sorcerers it’s kind of cool oh my God this better be a vicious attack oh so it’s the giant projectile so that’s what was shaking the screen okay I think we’ve seen pretty much everything here I

Mess with this adds a little bit more spice to the goblin Invasion and probably gets even harder as you get into the hard mode and stuff very very sick and of course we got a death animation what the heck was that a Marty death animation bro is that supposed to

Hit you like right before it dies that’s wild I can’t lie hold up Talisman damage can be equipped in the Talisman slot ah okay I was wondering what that slot was and then we got a shadow flame this is used to make some stuff o some goodies

You know let’s just grab one of them let’s grabb a a random weapon here cuz we’re going to go over the weapons later but let’s grab a random one Shadow flame staff o I mess with this next up is the meteor excavator what do we got oh we

Got 10K Health oh my God why is he so loud turn that down no reason for him to be this loud turning it down did not help at all so we got a worm boss and I think I messed with the theme of this worm boss cuz it’s a just a giant

Excavator it’s made out of meteor too so the technology there kind of lines up so far though he seems like your average worm boss a little bit cooler looking visually but I haven’t seen any attacks here that blow me away for a worm boss you can damage him pretty easily there’s

No specific spot you need to hit he’s got his probes kind of like the Destroyer any special attacks or is that all it looks like that might be it oh my God I forgot how cool that animation was okay I remember that boss now he was in

The original video and he had that insane animation hold up you know we got to check out the the relics okay simple Relic I like how his expert bag is a toolbox and then after that we have meteor Annihilator so let us see what this dude is does he have any specific

Things no okay let’s bring him in what does he have for us y he just straighted up a spaceship so we got like a little meteor themed set of bosses here kind of like how 1.4 was a hollow theme set of bosses you know Queen slime emess light

We got our meteor theme boys got a couple projectile attacks the type that you would expect from a boss like this a little spaceship but let doing some damage and see if he offers anything else hold up knock his ass out oh my God lowkey flashbang me if I’m playing in

Like pitch dark and that move hit me like that might actually visually hurt me take damage IRL but I like how it turned up a little bit hold up my boy turned green and now he’s got a little extra attacks yo look at these projectiles they look so good it’s like

They all got like a certain glow on them and it makes them all look amazing so he’s got a dash and he’s got got homie missiles behind the dash okay he some crazy attacks here look at this oh my God you better have an arena set up bro

Or somehow have flight early from like a mod or something cuz that boy got a tax for you he’s got like a little like electric static field around him I don’t know maybe he’s about to malfunction blow up once we finish him off right here I’m very interested to see a death

Animation from this guy oh not even like a crazy one or anything but just an explosion hold up speak about wings my boy got wings for us these are pretty clean too like look at look how I’m moving and then he gave us a frisbee oh

My God this is a pre hard mode weapon kind of insane it’s not doing that much damage so it just looks insane it’s not like op the last and final boss from this mod is the Hellfire serpent as we can see it is post Wall of Flesh so I’m

Assuming you fight it down here Hellfire serpent hell that’s got to be right so let’s pop it oh my God we got another worm boss here what you got for me though come on spice it up not saying the excavator was a bad worm boss but

It’s not the craziest so you got to really show me some some stuff I’m liking how the whole entire like area looks different it’s a lot more ambient in terms of the background of the fight and just the lighting in general so far I don’t know my boy’s kind of got a

Basic fight he’s moving around like any worm enemy would with a couple of uh extra projectiles here and there there’s no specific spot we got to hit him in either he is kind of not really taking like any damage so maybe we do got to hit him like the head or something I

Don’t know I will say he’s a little sporadic like he kind of reminds me of like a uh weaker softer version of like OG devour of gods terms of like how sporadic they are hold up he’s got some little Hellfire serpents in the air okay couple more things you got to look at

And Dodge he’s not taking as much damage so I think you definitely have to hit him in his weak spots which probably is head but I’m having troubles even hitting his head and I’m using a hom weapon so you can see he’s getting quick almost impossible to hit him in the head

If I wasn’t playing a god mode oh my God hold up my boy just got naked hey yo he lit my ass on fire purgatory fire high temperature causes even obsidian amount so maybe at this point it becomes like a timed fight like you got to kill them

Before you burn to death cuz the burning isn’t stopping we have to hit him in the head hold up I got to take out the Zenith bro I cannot hit this dude but this is a pretty cool end of the fight I I respect that it was a little bit tamed

Though the majority of it like the first half but once that armor breaks off of him you know you got a little race till the end before you die let’s head back up to the surface place his Relic down ooh that one that one’s got some shine

To it he’s got a Hell Fire serpent Cub so we can have a little pet with us what you got damn that thing is gigantic and then he dropped his staff what you got from the staff do I let go oh no this is oh it spawns in pretty much a Hellfire

Serpent I was wondering if I let go or not and then we got a ring that allows us immunity to Lava and high temperature Buffs and then apparently if we have the visuals on if we stand on water we turn it into obsidian this is sick what the

Heck it’s even got a little like animation with the little Sparks and stuff that’s such a cool little detail there things like this that this mod does that make me really appreciate it grab the handful of random weapons here let’s go ahead and go through them starting with the sealord bites oh yeah

That sounds like a snack that would be in the Terraria Universe Sea Lord bites so it’s like a Duke type weapon it shoots out little uh shark runs cool we got Stone magic bow hold it press and hold the right button to charge the attack so we can charge it and then

There’s a a certain point we got to like release at for us to do like Max damage with it kind of sick we got hell Cannon nothing crazy in terms of uh special attacks it’s just a cannon can’t go wrong with cannons shadowflame book it is full of History of shadowflame Magic

And goblins I always like that the Goblins are associated with Shadow flame kind of wish that vanilla ter expanded on it a little bit more cuz like every ter a mod literally expands on it so it’d be nice if the vanilla game would expand on it we got blood staff right

Click to absorb your own own blood and deal more powerful damage so let’s left click okay 101 Shout Out game Raiders what if I let go okay so it’s just a giant bolt that we let off and then if I right click oh yeah look at that oh my

God charge that to 200 and I missed 200 Bo it didn’t insta kill that’s Master mode for you we got the corruption staff here this one doesn’t have any special like right click attack it’s just pretty much like a magic Uzi right here just letting it go flame sta what you got for

Us I really like how the magic weapons are represented in this mod I like how they all have like a little charge up animation and stuff cool attacks too obviously cool visuals hard Lo staff what you got for us ooh this one charges me up like even I’m glowing not just the

Projectiles it’s kind of like a dataless stormbow but instead of falling from the sky it’s like the little portals here we got B Just the letter bring me some zombies fossil slimes damn crusty ass slimes look at them okay got us some more weapons here let’s start with this

One Shadow imp staff what you got for us hold up can’t even see it okay we got a little Shadow flame imp for us I like these they just seem like really good Summits that’s it don’t even need to see more of them we got Shadow flower okay

So this is like the fire flow and Ice Flower Shadow flame blade look how big this sword is O terab bow press and hold the right button to charge the attack so I’m assuming this is similar to that previous bow we had in terms of charging

It like right there and it does like the best damage it does rains people it’s a Terra B like come on pistol time 2 simple name yet effective I know exactly what I’m getting when I use a weapon called pistol time two oh hold up boss summon animation pistol time two

Terraria needs more dual wielding we got the holy bow what’s holy about this bow let’s see okay de storm bow or got the little portals that we used with that weapon earlier and the arrows are kind of different too we got super carrots what is super about these carrots I

Don’t know let me guess any carrot that would damage you is pretty super I guess we got the Tachi what you got for us hold up what am I holding it’s like a sword and then like the thing you put the sword in fairly simple in terms of

Attacks and then we got True Blood butcherer I think we saw this one in the original video I like this attack animation though instead of like slashing we’re like clapping with two blades last couple things we’re going over in this m we got some summons here

Just check them out really quick I just want to visually see these summons see what they look like and then another thing this mod does is that the vanilla Toms are actually little overhauled and I appreciate this overhaul both visually a little bit upgrading in the attacks

Here and there as you can see very nice this is a couple of vanilla things that are overhauled I believe I don’t know like every single one so I really couldn’t tell you but a good majority of them are overhauled my tweaking or is just break your blade like 30 times the

Size but on top of that this mod has these little Talisman things we got one earlier as a drop and I want to see them in action here hell gourd what is this so let’s put this on and then I need to bind it to a key I think what does this

Hell Gore do can be equipped teleport the talsman near the mouse and spray Fireballs towards the mouse position okay bar is charged up let’s see it in action here nice little like flamethrower it seems like it’s just like a little extra DPS thing and then

You got the cool down at the very top but what other goodies do we got here cuz I think there was some insane ones let’s put this eye teeth one on I think this one was insane so let me bring in let’s bring in the eye we’re going to

Use the ey teeth one against the eye hold up little uh boss spawn animation watch it come through the portal but let’s see this one in action oh yeah guess what me versus the eye but I’m also the eye it’s like when you choose the same character in a fighting game my

Attacks aren’t as effective though so it’s like when you unlock the boss in your party in a fighting game well hold on I want to use on this wver I feel like it might be good oh yeah hit every piece of him this next one we spawn in a

Voodoo doll and if you know what voodoo dolls do you know you hurt him and people that are connected to the voodoo doll get hurt so that’s what we’re doing here we connected to somebody we heard it and then the voodoo doll will do damage to whatever it’s connected to

Kind of interesting oh sent that boy back to his realm see you later buddy next one we got here is a lantern that illuminates near our mouse cursor but also does damage it lasts for a while as we can see I don’t know what the damage skills off of maybe Summoner or whatever

Weapon you’re holding it can’t be whatever weapon I’m holding because I feel like a Zenith would do way more damage this next one makes a shield that protects me from damage not for that long but as you can see I did take a couple hits this one

Allows me to step on monster head so I could turn into Super Mario this one allows me to step on clouds or something like that the cloud is down there okay I think I use this one wrong but summons a cloud at the bottom your feet that you

Can step on it’s kind of cool so if you really need like a platform to step on Boom bring that in and then we got this one where we turn into the king sign for like half a second kind of amazing the ones that turn us into like bosses and

We do an attack is probably the most creative and best ones but yeah that was the dormant Dawn mod shout out everyone working on it it’s got so much potential bro and it’s already meeting like 90% of that potential there’s so many mods that are made by like Chinese coders and

Spriters and stuff like that and they’re all just amazing so shout out our Chinese terrarian t- mod loader Brothers yeah there there were some other cool things I saw in here but I don’t know if they’re spoilers or not as per usual but like I saw weird things midor there’s a

Black hole like I don’t want to spawn them and show you guys them fully but there’s some crazy stuff in there if you go looking excited to see what’s in the future with this mod but yeah make sure to check it out if you guys like the

Video make sure to leave a like subscribe hit the notification bell all that good stuff hey if you want to see me playing a big terrario mod pack that is what I’ve been doing on my twitch I stream around 5: to 6:00 p.m. literally any day there could be a stream there’s

No specific schedule except for the weekend is probably guaranteed streams so make sure to follow my twitch I usually also tweet when I stream and also obviously my Discord I post in there when I stream but thank you everyone for watching I hope you all

Have a good day I’ll see yall next time

You NEED TO PLAY this GAME CHANGING Terraria Mod! From changes to tons of Weapons to Boss Intros, this Mod has it all!

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