Ranking Every Room in Stardew Valley!

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Channel today I thought it would be fun to do one of my favorite things which is ranking I love to rank things and I have carbon here to help me say hi he’s sleepy you guys know that I love stardo

Valley and I’ve been in yet another one of my stardew Valley kaks so I thought that it would be fun to One Rate the different Interiors of the different farm houses and then two rank the different spouse SL roommate houses that you get once you marry somebody so

Obviously spoilers if you don’t want to get spoiled about what people’s rooms look like but I’m nosy I don’t want to wait to marry every single person in the game so I’m going to go on the wiki and look and we’re going to rank them I’m

Going to be ranking every room out of five star drops total so let’s get started so I’ve pulled up all of the photos here and the first is going to be the standard Farm um it looks pretty plain and it’s a lot of of what color

Tone of wood is this I think it’s like Oak but I do love that there is a plant in this room give it some greeneries some of the other rooms don’t have plants and I’m like why a plant should be included in every room but besides that the starter room for the standard

Farm is pretty shmegular dular you get I don’t know what that is on the table is that a candle but you get a candle and a fireplace but I guess all of them almost all of them come with a fireplace yes carbon hello I guess this room is pretty

Standard so I’m going to give it a standard rating of three out of five star drops up next is the Riverland Farm which unlike the standard Farm is more of a I’m like going off of Minecraft like textures but it’s giving more Spruce it’s a darker wood the bed looks

Pretty much the same actually it looks almost the same as the standard form except it has an anchor on the wall and a map on the wall and it has this blue rug yes hello he just wants my attention we just go home from dinner that’s

Why yes I got you I really don’t like the anchor in the map it’s kind of giving Pirates of the Caribbean it’s giving Adventurer um and the wood is not like that nice dark wood it’s like a kind of grayish Darkwood if you guys know

What I mean so I’m going to rank this a two out of five it’s not my cup of tea up next is the forest Farm which was actually my very first Farm type so the forest Farm is lots of greenery there’s lots of different plants there’s a plant

On the table it’s very very nice the only thing is the plant wallpaper I think I also had this as my first initial reaction when I got this room in my farm and I was just like this wallpaper is kind of crazy it’s like Le it’s green it’s leaves falling there’s

Even a g Garland at the top um which is also green so there’s lots and lots of green going on which makes sense because it’s the forest Farm but at the same time it looks a little uh it looks a little too much green if you know what I

Mean I do however love the contrast of the green with the dark wood floors and you know this is my first Farm room so I think I’m a little bit biased but I’m going to give it eight four out of five the next room is from the hilltop farm

And it’s very very great it’s giving medieval there’s pickaxes on the wall the fireplace matches the wall so it kind of Blends in which I guess is kind of nice and there’s little purple Accents in here and I wonder what that thing at the front is is that like

A what is it called a lantern it’s a lantern it’s cute it’s medieval but even though I like the vibe of it it just it’s not hitting the way i’ want it to so I’m going to give it a three out of five up next is the Wilderness Farm

Which is giving like muted pinky purplish tones uh the wall texture is different it looks like kind of a shiplap and sorry I’m like staring at my iPad there’s a cactus in the corner which I love but the window is broken and also I just noticed the little

Little monsters on the wall it’s very very cute wait I actually kind of like this it’s ugly but like in a nice way upon further inspection I think I’ll give it a 4 out of five up next is the Four Corners Farm which has like the birchie type of uh

Furniture which I personally love in my current playthrough I’m trying to get all of the Birch themed I think it’s Birch themed the Birch themed Furniture because it just looks so nice and this Four Corners Farm room is 100% my aesthetic there’s a plant there’s two plants there’s three plants actually on

The table oh it’s got the benches it’s got the nice wooden table table a fireplace a little Sunset photo in the corner two bright Windows this room is a five out of five in my opinion and last but not least for the rooms is the beach

Farm so the beach Farm is very very tropical it’s blue themed it has a bookcase it has some palm trees and again with the Birch Furniture I love the Birch Furniture this is actually a really cute farm and the fact that it comes straight out to the beach I feel

Like makes it even better almost it’s giving very very beach house which I mean I think that’s what it’s supposed to give but I really really like this room actually I can just imagine waking up from a hard day of farming there opening my eyes and being like wow I’m in

Paradise so for that reason and because I just love the POA blue color and the palm trees this room is also a five out of five and now we’re going to move on to the spouse SL roommates room so if you don’t want any spoilers about what the

Room looks like once you get married to said person or have someone move in just skip ahead or just go to the end of the video so first up is Abigail who has a drum set in her room she has a hamster cage a sword a chest table some potions

And video games and an aquarium fishy wallpaper okay I got to say in my opinion this is very very Abigail it’s very eclectic she loves her little things and I love that about her too quick question I’ve never married her but do you get a hamster is the hamster real

Can you keep said hamster um I actually really like this room I think it’s a very good reflection of her personality and I feel like if I was living with her I’d be in her room all the time whether that would be to fling that sword around

To play chess to play the video games you know I’d be all up in that or to even just mess around on the drum kit I think that would be really fun so Abigail Miss Abigail even though you’re weird for eating rocks you get a five

Out of five up next is Alex and I have strong opinions about this because Alex is actually my marriage candidate for my long playthrough and I absolutely hate his room I don’t like how it’s bright green flooring it looks like astr Turf and it’s connected right to my bedroom

So I get to wake up and see a bunch of turf and workout equipment in this ugly room that’s right next to me so that’s amazing even though I enjoy Alex’s character Arc that might be controversial to some people I hate his room his room gets one out of five up

Next is Elliot who I thought’s name was Fabio for a very long time but it’s actually Elliott or hopeless romantic writer I think he’s a writer but his room is a bunch of books and barrels and honestly it kind of it it looks like a Tavern it looks like you know when you

Go to Ginger Island and you go into Pirates Cove it looks like that but just transferred over into Elliot’s room I get that he’s a writer and he likes books a lot he probably reads A lot of them he probably writes in a lot of them

He’s probably a book annotator um I just don’t want a Tavern in my house unless there’s a keg somewhere but or beer on tap but I don’t see any this this is okay I’ll give it a three out of five up next is Miss mui Emily and her little

Parrot friend in her heart themed room well she’s got heart she has Sparkles she has this little desert painting in the back and then of course she has the cloth and scissors because of her sewing machine I actually really like this room it’s kind of like the beach house room

Where it’s very very tropical but like in a nice relaxing way um I feel like it would be fun to use that big table for crafting we could talk to the parrot the parrot could be our friend I mean parrots talk right and I just think the

Painting she also chose is just very very cute it’s very her and I feel like it ties in with like the stardy realm with you know the desert and all that you can just sit there and cut your Fabric and be like wow I have a pair of

Best friends and I love the desert so I would give Emily’s room a four out of five up next is the town doct Harvey I’m not sure what the heck is in Harvey’s room he’s got some model airplanes he has I don’t know what that is a blood

Pressure machine and pills on the table I mean I guess he’s a doctor so he’s got to experiment with stuff but it just kind of looks I’m not really sure what’s going on there it just seems like everything is scattered I wish he was a little more organized

I haven’t gone very far in my friendships with Harvey so I don’t know much about his personality if I’m going to be honest but his room is kind of a flop for me uh I’d give it a two out of five hey everyone post Diana here I

Totally forgot about Haley in her room um I’m sorry that’s my bad but I’m going to review it now she’s got a little makeup vanity she has you know the beachy theme she’s got a corkboard she’s got a film camera and this really creepy looking teddy bear her her room is very

Very cute if I was a teenager I would love love love to be in this room doing my makeup filming my like 2011 makeup tutorials and posting them on YouTube and taking cute pictures of me and my friends and posting that on the corkboard I actually really enjoy

This room as much as I don’t like Haley I’m sorry if you like Haley I just haven’t gone far enough with her yet to see any type of redemption Arc but right now I do not like her cuz she just says ew to me so I just don’t talk to her

But her room is really cute I enjoy her room I would give this room honestly a four out of five up next is Leah who’s giving a little bit of Bob Ross energy in her room her room is very red she has this giant red rug this beautiful plant

In the corner this red wall that matches the rug and then she’s got some paintings and I don’t know what these are on the right side with all the different colors are they is that oh is that paint are they stools I’m not really sure but but I love this room I I

Think it’s just me but any of these rooms that has kind of like a crafting element something that you could just like sit there relax do your hobbies I’m really into and I feel like I could go into Leah’s space in my home and like pick up a canvas and just start painting

And have a relaxing time with her chitchat with her um and maybe turn it into Greenery she’s starting with that big plant I feel like that big plant would be hard to take care of so maybe starting a little a little Nursery in there along with the plans would be such

A good time other than the paintings there’s not much else going on in her room so I think I’m going to give it a four out of five up next is Miss Maru our scientist her room is very very sciency just from the looks of it she’s got robots quite literally everywhere

But I love how the gray contrasts with the wood and with the dark Starry um what do you call that wallpaper and then I think that’s a poster of like calculus something in math I’ve seen I’ve seen that figure before um I can’t believe I

Have to look that close to my iPad but her room like fits her personality to a tea I can imagine her being in there all night tinkering with something whether that be one of the many robots she’s building or the telescope but I do enjoy

That she still try to put effort into it by putting posters up on the wall even though they are sciencey posters and then also having her PL in the corner I really really like this room actually I think it brings a lot of character to

The house and to the space so might be controversial but I give it a five out of five up next is Penny who quite literally lives in a library that’s her whole room is a library it’s the Museum from town the Library part of the museum

Just flopped over into her room which I guess makes sense because that’s where she spends all of her time which is in the library but I feel like that’s kind of boring I feel like there’s I feel like there’s more personality behind penny that we just don’t get to

See yes Bubba honestly she just spends so much time in that Library I feel like I guess this is kind of fitting I’m not much of a bookworm though I don’t care to read that many books I do think those bookshelves would look aesthetic though like you know on Pinterest those photos

Of the like Florida ceiling bookshelves just filled with books it looks very lived in it brings a lot of personality to the home I feel like that would look really nice but in this case it’s just giving the Museum’s library to out of five up next is Sam’s room he’s got a

Computer a keyboard a guitar a small bookcase and a bunch of posters on the wall this looks like a fun room it kind of gives me like the same Vibes as Abigail’s room just a place that would be really fun to be in like he could be

Playing his guitar he could be playing on the drums and I’ll be on the computer playing whatever start the equivalent of stardew Valley is within stardew Valley um I’ll just be like and he’ll be like and we’d have a great time his room is awesome he needs a rug though he could

Like you could put Leah’s rug into his room and I feel like that would look really nice but overall I really like this room I think it’s an amazing room there’s lots of things to do in this room you wouldn’t get bored so five out of five up next is Sebastian’s room I

Personally have gone nowhere in my friendships with Sebastian I don’t know why but I just always always always forget about him even though I know he is a cult favorite at some point I’m going to have to befriend him and see what he’s all about but for now we’re

Just ranking his room I do think he’s some sort of like computer sciency guy so but his room is also giving kind of medieval Vibes he’s got I don’t know if that’s a computer like a chemistry set he has uh maybe a board game or a puzzle

Going on a couch I really enjoy the couch I feel like he’s the only person so far with a comfortable place to sit and Lounge and then he has like the black wallpaper with some posters and a nice painting up there um I also think

This would be a really fun room to hang out in he could be doing his little chemistry stuff and I could be on Tik Tok laying on that Big Comfy Couch I actually really enjoy the black couch with this like purple rug I think that

Is very very cute I can see the appeal for Sebastian now just based off his room I feel like his room is very telling like we could sit we could do a puzzle we could do some chemistry together he can teach me about acids and bases is I don’t know I could learn

Avagadro’s number so I enjoy this I also give it a five out of five then we have Shane’s room and um just from first glance uh there’s beer cans there’s some exercise equipment there’s a video game console a mini fridge a pizza box and I don’t know what those weird stains are

Is it from his dirty feet I’m not sure um and then a poster of a chicken this kind of doesn’t make sense to me because once you get to the end of Shane’s cut scene spoiler alert if you haven’t seen it yet but he decides to quit drinking

So I’m not sure why there are a bunch of beer cans in his room I feel like we could have gotten something else about his progression from his alcoholism um and maybe had his room a little bit neater why is it so dirty why are there like actual dirty footprints

In this house I don’t understand it’s not a good reflection because I feel like Shane has such a good character Arc went to get through all of his cut scenes and I really came to enjoy Shane even though I hated him in the beginning but this room is horrendous like even if

Shane was my top marriage candidate and I saw what this room would look like I’d be like I’m sorry I love you but no this room is not going to be in my house it gets actually a zero out of five and last but not least it’s kobis who is our

Little shadow guy and his room looks exactly like where he’s at in the sewers but you know I really like the aesthetic of the sewer that the kind of bluish gray the matching floors the matching walls the little whatever vases are in there it’s got some personality it’s

Very kobis and you know you can’t do wrong with kobis kobis is perfect kobis is love kobis is life so obviously I can’t give kobis anything less than a five out of five and so those are my rankings for all of the rooms in stardew Valley let me know if you agreed or

Disagree with some of my opinions I’d love to know your thoughts let me also know what is your favorite room in terms of the different Farm layouts and the different spouse or roommate candidates let me know down below but anyway thank you guys so much for watching I really

Appreciate you all and I will see you all next time bye do you want to say bye bye bye Byebye

Ranking every room in Stardew Valley! What’s your favorite and least favorite room? Also sorry for spacey audio – I filmed in a new space and am still adjusting some settings. Thanks for understanding :’)

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  1. Harvey’s room is actually full of airplane stuff, and that big gray machine thing is a communication device, it’s a big part of his personality
    No pills lol

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