Today me and my brother Milo are competing in a new versus Pro KFC build battle challenge to see who can build the better KFC but what happens when these greedy villagers get impatient we only have 20 minutes left until the villages come and make their V that’s

Why I’m going to start building my promodern KFC right now because whoever has the highest rating at the end of the build will win and the loser has to pay the ultimate price no I’m not worry because I’m totally winning this one no way I’m already starting building my

Foundations and I’m building it out of smooth Stone it is the perfect block to use because it’s nice and sturdy and it looks like concrete does in the real world and in the real world KFCs are always made out of the strongest concrete that’s no way I’ve been to so

Many KFCs and they’re just made out of dir and mine what Milo that is not what KFCs are really made out of what kind of KFCs have you been going to just a really good birie KFCs they’re extra scrubtious cuz they do fried buies that sounds disgusting my KFC will only serve

The most delicious Fried Chicken as well as french fries and some sodas and milkshakes as well yeah well my place has that too but it’s just pretty much better EW by better Milo do you mean bird flavored and all gross yeah there’s no way that the customers will order

That from your restaurant Milo these guys are going to be villagers not birds so that’s why I’m making my restaurant all the kinds of foods that villagers would love to eat villagers Love To Eat Fried Chicken it’s one of their favorite foods and that’s why my KFC is going to

Specialize in it I only have to build this last little back bit of the foundation and then I can get started on the big grand entrance my entrance area is going to look so cool Milo it’s going to have a real popcorn bucket sticking out the side I need to grab some red

Concrete and some white Concrete in order to make it first we need to pick a huge area to make this in I think this is a pretty good start it’s nice and big and it can have a big KFC sign on it we’ll need to place these concrete

Blocks out in each Direction this is going to be the biggest KFC bucket in the entire world villagers will come from miles and miles around just to see it in person okay now that the shape is already outlined I need to start building it upwards KFC buckets can be

Pretty tall and that’s all part of the design if this bucket is tall enough the villagers will see it from miles away and they’ll be drawn to the lovely smell of my fried chicken which means my customers will love my restaurant so much and rate it really really high on

Yelp reviews y reviews I only have tweet reviews tweet reviews Milo you got to get all the reviews that’s going to make it a lot harder for you to get a really high five-star rating it could cost you this entire competition and cause you to have to pay the ultimate price at the

End whatever that ends up being no way I will not be paying the ultimate price because I don’t need the internet to make my restaurant famous the villagers are just going to tell each other how amazing it is what do you want them to make the five-star rating on little

Pieces of paper or something and pass it around no chip they’re just going to tell their friends about it and then bring them here I don’t know Milo Villages can be kind of bad at talking to their friends that’s why you need to help them along by making an awesome

Restaurant that’s how you really get them talking just like this awesome KFC bucket that I’m already making it’s looking so good I can’t believe it’s coming along so quick I’m going to make the entire restaurant inside this big bucket area these villagers will have never eaten inside a KFC bucket before

So it’s going to be so exciting for them that they’ll rank my restaurant really high just because of that and that’s not even counting the amazing food that I’m going to serve them on the side that doesn’t even look like a KFC place it looks like the amazing digital suckers

Hey that’s because I haven’t built the other parts of it yet don’t judge it before you see the finished product Milo when I’m done with this KFC build it is going to look so perfect you’re going to totally eat your words and then you’re going to eat some of my delicious Fried

Chicken well I think it’s a suus tent and like you’re a clown no way the only clown coming here is going to be Ronald McDonald crying because he’s not going to sell any more Burgers after I open this place up what the chip you are not

Going to be rich from this KFC it’s going to make you broke no way it’s not going to make me broke it’ll make me so much money and even if it did make me broke that’s just a price I have to pay in order to get really good reviews I’m

Not about to lose this competition Milo I need to be the best reviewed KFC place ever otherwise I will not get good ratings and I will have to pay the ultimate price remember chip you even like KFC yeah I love it so much and my

KFC is going to sell cookies so it’ll be my favorite KFC in the world I also need to make some big Fried Chicken on top of this bucket let’s see what blocks we can use for it oh I totally know let’s use Oak planks even though this isn’t

Actually a fried chicken block it still has the exact same color as a Crispy Crunchy golden KFC wing by building in Oak planks as well as some stripped oak wood on top of my giant KFC bucket I help make sure that this entire restaurant looks exactly like a real

Popcorn bucket from KFC we also need to make sure we add the chicken Bon so let me get some bone blocks just like this I’ll need to make sure we build it really realistically so the bones need to be nice and sturdy this way the villagers know that when they grab the

KFC it will not fall off in their hands even though it’ll totally fall off the bone from how juicy and tender it is why building popcorn they don’t even serve that at KFC Milo I’m not building popcorn I’m building popcorn chicken one of KFC’s most famous menu items I order

It every single time I go there don’t you well yeah I really love the popcorn chicken but it’s not my mostly favorite yeah I’m pretty sure you would just order the bird seed milkshake and the dirt Burger well you would be ordering the loser milkshake hey what I would not

Order the loser milkshake Milo they don’t even serve that maybe at your KFC they might though that’s rude sorry Milo I don’t mean to be rude I’m just really pumped to totally win this competition I bet once these Villages come and rate my KFC it’s going to be the favorite KFC in

All the world I’ve already built a big drumstick on top of my bucket but now I’m going to build a chicken wing this is so cool I can even build it out of a slightly lighter shade of wood this way it matches really really nicely with the

Drumstick I’ve just made I bet they’re totally going to love this Milo it needs to be nice and muscly meat so that the villages get nice and strong when they eat it The Villages are going to get sad when they see your KFC cuz it smells bad

What Milo that’s just because I haven’t started cooking yet wa you’ve already made the sign okay I guess I better hurry up a little bit now I’m going to grab some gray concrete this way I can start building the sides of the KFC I need to make sure I build this in a

Really calculated way I do not want to just throwing random shapes out there that would be a really bad idea by making sure I only build the perfect amount on either side I help make sure this KFC will be designed perfectly with no flaws and a perfect 10 out of 10

Design the villagers will be sure to rate my KFC a perfect five star keep dreaming buddy when I’m the richest KFC owner in the world I’m going to buy your KFC restaurant and I’m going to make it into a swimming pool what a swimming pool ew that’s gross are there going to

Be bits of chicken floating in the water or something no that’s yucky it’s just going to be places for people to hang out on a hot day but my KFC will be a place for people to hang out on a hot day I’m going to have ice cold soda

Machines in my KFC where any villager can come in and have the most delicious soda they’ve ever had hey I’m going to do that too okay Milo I’m happy for you to give it a go I don’t think your sodas will be anywhere near as good as mine my

Design of the KFC also means that it’s a way bigger restaurant than yours is so I can fit a lot more space to have a lot more things inside it like more soda options and a bigger seating area I also need to make glass windows I think if I

Make the glass windows a cool white color it matches the white red and gray color of the entire restaurant my KFC is so fancy that it has a signature design which is the exact same as the KFC colors it’s really cool how my Pro KFC is going to turn a little chicken

Popcorn bucket into a giant restaurant I need to start working on the kitchen area though so I’m going to start making the floor for it right here oh my sort of machine is going to have Pepsi and Mountain Dune what mountain Dune my Lord do you mean Mountain Dew um yeah I think

That’s what it is but I don’t really know how to say it Milo you’re a bit of a mountain buffoon because you need to learn how to say all these soda names properly how are you going to know what the villages are ordering if you can’t even understand what they’re saying well

That’s a pretty good point I’m going to have to read up on all the KFC stuff yeah it would be pretty bad if the villagers order a fanter and you give them a planter which is just bird seeds or something oh no that would be bad and

I would definitely get low reviews oh yeah really low reviews and I don’t think you can get many low reviews before the restaurant gets officially ranked as a zero star and nobody ever comes to do it again that would be the worst option ever and you would probably

Lose all your money not to mention Milo if you get rated a zero star they could arrest you for almost poisoning people with your disgusting food oh no that sounds like a really bad situation I’m now going to work really hard and grind all day to make this the best KFC ever I

Don’t think you’ll be able to do it Milo because the best KFC will be right here just across the build Zone I need to make sure I get started on building a large quartz area this is where the kitchen counter will be where everyone will come up and Order their delicious

Menu items I think it can wrap around right over here it needs to be right in front of where everybody walks in that way they will enter my amazing restaurant and see the menu so they know exactly what to order right away there will be no confusion and hopefully that

Means everybody orders even more things I need to make sure I hurry it up a little bit though I’m taking so long building this over already I’m going to go twice as fast now because if I don’t and a villager comes randomly over before all the villagers arrive to order

The food I could be in real trouble and they will not like it if I do not have food ready for them they will totally rank me zero Stars if that happens luckily I’m moving along way quicker than I thought I would and I’m almost done with these back walls this entire

Wall can be fully red I think red concrete is the perfect look for this wall perfect and we can also finish this wall quickly this restaurant would not pass health code inspections if it didn’t have a wall then bugs and gross stuff could totally just fly inside that

Would be not safe for any food I serve these customers so to make sure my KFC is really safe I have to finish the walls before I add any food to this restaurant I also need to harvest my own chickens only the best chickens will be

Served in my KFC so we need to make sure we Harvest it ourselves just to make sure we do a really good job with it I’m moving along with this back wall so quick quickly I can almost taste the items that I’m about to put on this menu

The menu needs to hang from this part of the wall right over here we need to get some chains and we also need to get some hanging signs H what’s a perfect color oh I think Birch hanging signs will be perfect because then we can place them

On these chains just like this but it won’t just be the end Birch color is not the same as the regular KFC instead once we put the sign down we can grab some red dye and some glow ink sacks this way whatever we write on this sign will

Totally be glowing and bright red let’s place down all these chains and all the signs and start thinking of what items we want on our amazing massive menu the first item that will come up on my menu will be the KFC chicken tenders this will be a really big bucket and I think

We need to make sure that this is only $3 it needs to be really really cheap so that the villagers can afford to come here and order it as much as possible next we totally need a chicken bucket meal yeah yeah oh this is going to be so

Awesome we’ll even add an exclamation mark so they know how crazy it is it’s a bit bigger than the chicken tender bucket so we’ll make it $5 instead of the $3 we of course also need some french fries my French fries are going to be so delicious and crispy and wait I

Totally forgot to put a price they need to be the cheapest thing on the menu so they will only be a dollar of course we also need to sell a burger this can be a chicken burger or not it’s actually up to the villagers to decide we will also

Serve Pepsi Cola at my amazing establishment this can be really cheap only $2 but it can’t be as cheap as the french fries those need to definitely be the cheapest let’s Also Serve some Fanta for only $2 as well and we’ll naturally make this red and glowing I’ll leave the

Last two signs blank just in case I think of any really good ideas before the restaurant is set to open for now we really need to quickly build this eating area if I grab these Acacia tables and I grab some chairs that are red as well

Just like these red cushion chairs we we can make an amazing seating area there can be so much space we have no idea how many villagers will come to this KFC so we need to prepared just in case there are thousands of them this restaurant cannot have long lines because if there

Were long lines we will not get high ratings nobody likes waiting in line for hours just to get KFC that’s a terrible idea if we make anybody wait for longer than a couple minutes our ratings will be so low that we will never open again luckily these tables are so quick to

Place so by adding them right over here we help make sure that building this seating area is the quickest thing I’ve ever done look we already have enough seating for almost 50 Villages that is so many I don’t think we’ll see 50 villages in a while or at least until

The opening time I have no idea how many could come around before we do open though we need to make a roof I think the roof can wrap around just like this this roof will be kind of flat but it also needs a staircase shape at the very

End just like a classic CLC KFC roof if we want these villages to instantly know exactly what kind of restaurant we’re building right now we have to make sure it looks just like a classic KFC if they woke up and it’s some weird experimental thing they would be really confused

That’s why the main crazy feature is the giant chicken bucket it’s already a really famous part of KFC so the villagers will not be confused about what it is or what it’s doing here they might be amazed but they will certainly understand exactly what’s going on with

It now I just need to place these final layers of stairs and then we can put quartz all throughout this place we have to make sure we don’t miss a spot I’m not going to have a leaky roof if I had a leaky roof and it rained or snowed

Because we are in the cold mountains after all the water would totally get through the ceiling and land on the chicken or even worse the customers I know if I was in a KFC and water or snow landed on my head while I was trying to

Eat a nice bucket of chicken wings I would rate that place so low that it would close forever I have a feeling those villagers will do the same thing if they come here and water gets dripped on their head that’s why we have to try really hard to make sure it does not

Happen and the way to do that is by quickly finishing this roof as fast as we can and done wow that roof went quicker than I thought it would but now I need to go even faster if I want to make this kitchen in time currently it

Is very plain so I have to add as much as we possibly can as quickly as we possibly can I need to grab some deep sight stairs to make my classic heat vent that way the smoke from frying all this chicken will not float around the KFC that would be so embarrassing the

Villagers would cough and splutter and they totally leave we also need to grab some cauldrons and instead of Hot Oil we’re going to fill them with hot lava that way these KFC Wings will cook twice as quickly and we can serve twice as many customers that’s such a good idea

I’m really proud of it this way the weit times for my restaurant will be shorter than any other weit time in the entire world we need to have lots of kitchen drawers over here this way any storage that we need to do inside the kitchen we

Can do it really quick I think we also totally need a red kitchen sink or maybe even a couple this way anybody that works at the KFC can really easily wash their hands just to make sure this place is as clean as possible I’m also going to grab two different colors of fridges

We’ll place them just like this the black fridges will be where we keep all of the potatoes for the french fries and the chicken and dough for all the chicken wings the white fridges will be where we keep our soda and our milkshake ingredients that way we keep them

Separate which is a lot safer for people to eat you do not want to store raw chicken and sodas together that is an accident waiting to happen and luckily I’m not going to wait for any accidents instead I’m going to work towards the most amazing successes here this place

Is coming along so well already I need to grab some flower pots to decorate this place nicely though I think this one could even be perfect look it has custom flowers all inside it this way our kitchen looks nice and friendly to the outside making sure that anybody

Walking into this KFC immediately feels nice and calm and relaxed relaxed customers always order more food this way if we keep everybody as relaxed as possible we can sell as many things as we can let’s have big examples of what’s on our menu all the way up here we can

Have every different kind of chicken bucket as well as two french fries this way they know that we have lots of fries to spare we can also start cooking some of our KFC chicken tender buckets right over here we’ll need to grab some raw chicken and cooked chicken as well this

Will show that these stoves really work the raw chicken can be here and the cooked chicken will be on the side ready for any customer to take once they’ve ordered of course this cash register needs to be a lot beefier than the other ones I’ve built before I have to make

Sure I do not accidentally build it wrong we need to label this a cash register just so that everybody knows this is where you need to come if you want to spend your money we can also add a couple more over here this way we can

Serve as many Villages as possible in a really quick amount of time it helps make sure we will not run out of space for anybody I might even move this cash register over to the side a little that way the villagers can come and speak directly to the people cooking the

Orders today that’ll definitely be me though I do not have any employees here we also need to grab white and red Shuler boxes and put a big storage area here on this wall we can load a bunch of emergency spare chicken supplies inside of here just like this this way we’ll

Never run out of ingredients so nobody can ever come and try to order something and have it be out of stock that’s one of the worst things you can do to a customer and we’re only nice to our customers here that’s why they’re going

To rate my Pro KFC so high and they will not make me suffer in any way I’m totally going to win this thing I really am not sure how much time I have left so I need to get going on this second part of the roof really fast if I don’t

Finish this in time this could be a real disaster and I’m not going to let that happen not on my watch what why do I hear a weird villager noise right now hello oh um hi sorry we’re not open right now I don’t care um sorry sure you’re a very weird looking

Villager by the way that is rude oh I’m so sorry I should never insult a customer um I guess I can serve you right now but I’m kind of in a rush so would you be able to order something small please H I want a Pepsi oh uh okay

Sure let me do that right now I don’t have a Pepsi station yet let me quickly grab a brewing stand as well as some potions to make the Pepsi What potions could I possibly use as Pepsi I guess this one’s the same color as Pepsi I’ll just put it inside these Brewing stands

And okay I can give this potion of Pepsi to the Villager right now here you go sir here’s your Pepsi thank you for coming I better get building now I also want a chicken bucket meal okay fine I guess I can get you a chicken bucket meal um let me just grab

It over here here it is here’s your KFC chicken bucket meal thank you for coming please go now I want three million french fries three million french fries that’s not possible only someone really bad at math would order something like that and hey your eyes look a lot like

My friend Milo what H I don’t know what a Milo is and you sound like Milo too and this is not how you spell villager only Milo would spell something wrong like that Milo is this you oh chip you’re the worst and I will get my revenge oh my goodness Milo was totally

Disguising as a villager he was doing it just to waste my time this is bad it means I’ve taken way longer to build this restaurant than I want to I need to go so fast on this remaining pot because Milo has wasted so much time distracting

Me I’ll admit that was a very good trick and now Milo could have a serious advantage against me I better make sure I build the final parts of my KFC restaurant as amazing as they possibly can be maybe even the best restaurant ever made that’s the only way I can win

This thing now that I’ve wasted so much time with that silly prank I definitely need to build a second story to my KFC only Noob KFC’s with really low ratings have only one level if I have multiple levels I can fit many more customers in who can each give me so many more

Five-star ratings this will help make sure I have the highest rated KFC ever and it’ll also definitely make sure that I win and nothing bad happens to me or my amazing restaurant and rather than having just a boring old regular second level to my KFC my second level is going

To be a huge eating area built on top of the chicken bucket that is going to be so much fun for every customer to enjoy I don’t think any of the villages that will eat at my KFC have ever eaten on top of the KFC bucket before that is

Going to be a world’s first and and hopefully because of that they give me the highest ratings ever hey Milo yeah what do you think the villagers are going to rate your KFC probably a million out of 10 because it’s so fancy Milo that’s not even a possible number

That they even could rank it what have you built that could make them rate it that high just some really good designs and stuff I’ve got some great ideas okay have you built the great ideas already Milo yeah but I don’t really want you stealing ma okay fine you don’t have to

Tell me what they are just yet but later on I will find out what they are and I hope they’re enough to not get your restaurant totally cancelled I do definitely want to be the winner to get all the Village’s money but I still don’t want your restaurant to be totally

Destroyed no matter how bad a newbie it might be don’t worry chip my place is not newbie it’s actually going to be yours they’re going to love The Vibes of this place okay I can only hope that’s true Milo one thing I don’t have to hope

About because I’m so certain of it is that my KFC does have amazing Vibes it’s so awesome and this bucket is going to be the best place any of these Villages have ever eaten on I just need to make it a little bit quicker we really don’t

Have a lot of time before the villagers show up and that means I have to go quicker than ever before luckily I’m almost done with the sides of this bucket and once I finish that I can move on to the main eating area in order to make sure that these customers can

Actually reach up to that top level where the chicken bucket is we need to build a huge and awesome Majestic staircase that goes all the way around this main area this might be the most majestic build I’ve ever seen inside a KFC and it might be the most majestic

Build that any villager or customer or any person on Earth has ever seen in a KFC I really hope that’s true because I would get so many really good ratings from that especially if it leads up to an area that’s as cool as my top eating

Area H the St is does not go up fast enough though I think once it reaches this point we can switch to stairs this way the villagers will be able to walk very quickly up and it will not block the menu and ordering area from site that would be pretty bad because if

Nobody could see it no one would be able to order and we would not make any sales and if we don’t make sales our ratings would be really bad people would be mad that they don’t have any food which if you’re a restaurant is pretty embarrassing let’s move this red pot

Over here a little bit I think we can expand the floor plan just a bit this design is a pretty awesome part of what makes my KFC so special and different from all the others so we have to make sure we design it pretty well that’s why

The quartz needs to go around like this and finally we can have an awesome chamber with white and red stripes it can lead right up to the top and I guess Milo is kind of right this does look a little bit like an awesome circus just like the amazing digital circus luckily

There are no clowns here except for Milo when he realizes that my restaurant is going to get way better writings than his will let’s place the stairs all the way up to the top we’ll build a concrete scaffolding structure right here that the stairs can be placed on like this

Wow we’re placing them so much quicker than we ever were before once these customers reach the top they’re going to see the giant chicken wings and a huge open seating area let’s add the final pieces of concrete build this up and then we can add the seating this might

Be one of the final things we can build though we are running out of time and I need to get preparing the food before the customers show up if they all show up at the same time I could be totally swamped and the kitchens would run out

Of space from all of the ingredients I would have to cook at the same time not to mention I’m not a professional chef I can’t cook 50 different things at once I can only do like four Max that’s why I really need to hurry if I’m caught off

Guard I will not be able to cook for these villages in time and they will probably rate my KFC a zero star experience and then even worse worse they might go over to Milo’s KFC oh that would be a disaster I can’t imagine the villagers would like that at all Milo

What is your KFC like right now if a villager walks through that door right this second are they going to be really mad about it or will it kind of be okay they will be so happy because my KFC is pretty much done and it’s looking super

Good we even have a drivethru a drive-thru what I haven’t made that yet uh-oh I need to get going so quickly on this because I’ve tried to build this KFC so nice looking I didn’t even think about building it quickly I’ve got to go faster than I’ve ever built anything

Before I’m placing all this concrete Down super speed style and we also have to place a bunch of red concrete over here this will be the area that these villagers will walk on before they sit down on the giant seating area I’m about to build we only have time to build a

Couple more giant chicken wings as well anymore and the clock would hit zero and so would my writing I told you I would be a really good competition for your stinky restaurant no way Milo you might be ahead in the building stage because you build a lot quicker than me when you

Build small but I’m going to be way ahead in the customer satisfaction stage no villager will ever leave my restaurant hungry because I’m going to sell them so many chicken wings that they will never have to eat again in their lives what the that’s a pretty big

Guarantee I’m going to have to stuck up on some chicken wings like yeah you better get going on that Milo if you don’t the villagers will arrive and you’ll have nothing prepared this is fast food for a reason and that’s because it’s so quick not because it

Takes years to cook this entire top section is looking better than I ever thought it could I need to make sure I add these outer walls I don’t want these villagers falling off the sides imagine how low they’d rate this KFC if they fell off the roof that would be a real

Disaster I could make the best food in the world and if a villager fell off the roof they would probably still rate my KFC as zero stars that would be a disaster so I can’t let a single villager fall off this roof I’ve got to make sure this roof is as sturdy and

Strong as possible and that also means I need to add some white glass panes this will be an extra layer of fen likee protection around the Top If the villagers can’t even get to the edge they won’t be able to fall off so that’s a very important way I am keeping every

Customer safe I also really care about every customer at this KFC I want every single villager that comes here to go away with happy stories to tell all their friends and all their Yelp followers so this way I make sure nobody is ever dissatisfied now we need to

Actually add the chairs and tables up here we’ve got to fill every single corner with as many chairs and tables as we can this way we really save up on space and we stick to our goal of getting as many people inside this KFC as possible or at least as many people

On top of this KFC as possible I’m also going to place a big stained glass p P all around this little staircase section otherwise the customers could totally just fall in which is not the best idea for keeping all your custom is safe which is why we’re definitely not going

To do it instead I’ll just place these last few tables and chairs before making something very big in the middle of my giant rooftop seating bucket now because this KFC is going to be famous for my delicious golden crunchy french fries I need to build big french fries on the

Top of this bucket I don’t know how I did think of this sooner if we do not add the proper amount of french fries the customers might not even realize that we sell them which could be really bad they are one of the best items on

The entire menu so when they order them they’ll rank it really high if they don’t order the highest quality menu items here then they will rate this place a lot less high and it is my duty to make sure they rate this place so high that they basically never want to

Eat anywhere else again I’ll add different fries going in each Direction one of them can even be leaning sideways like this oh wow that is so funny I love this one so much I think the fries hanging off the sides of the Box are very cool I just hope people don’t try

And jump up them as all help me oh no Milo what is it now I’m stuck under a table in my KFC or your KFC in my KFC please help me okay I’m going to come inside but just so you know Milo this means I will get a sneak peek at what

You’ve built so far I don’t care I just want help okay I’m coming in and wao Milo how are you stuck under the table I can’t get up please help me yeah let me help you up that was really terrifying oh my gosh Milo this KFC is a mess this

Is so newbie if even your tables are dangerous traps these customers are not going to have a good time they could be in a lot of danger and they might rate this place so low that you get shut down forever that is really rude just you

Wait and see the customers are going to love the food here get out okay Milo I have a couple final things I need to build before I am officially done I just have to make sure I finish them before the first customer arrives in 3 minutes

From now 3 minutes oh my gosh I have so much to do I know me too Milo we better get going as quick as we possibly can these french fries are looking pretty good and I don’t think I have time to make them anymore they already look nice

And curly and very golden and crispy now I need to add some final touches before I make the big finale it’s not just french fries that will be on top of my roof I need to make a giant sign that tells people exactly what this restaurant is I have to build an outside

Area first we’ll need to add a couple nice little gardens around the side and wow these flowers are so pretty they’re a mix of the colors red and white that’s why they’re pink it fits perfectly in with my KFC color scheme I also need to to add a bunch of chickens around the

Outside this way all the customers know that our chickens are caught fresh and cooked every day they’re not just Frozen somewhere and kept for ages in a box ew that would be so gross and it would be really mean this is one of the nicest restaurants to animals that they ever

Has been okay these flowers around the edge look pretty good now I need to make a giant parking lot and I’m going to do that out of black concrete it is really dark and I’ll also need the yellow concrete as well we’ll have to make sure we build it as quick as possible

Possible especially if we want the villagers to be able to park any cars they might have here this parking lot is looking pretty good but there’s still some more things I need to do to it first we’ve got to add a big walkway that lets every villager know exactly

Where to go once they do Park their car I also need to add a curb this way the villagers are nice and safe and they won’t accidentally Drive their vehicles onto the side of the road that could be a real disaster imagine if a villager crashes through the wall and gets engine

Grease or all in the food ew that would be so disgusting I bet the villagers would hate that and they would definitely complain online leading to less customers and lower ratings I’m also just going to replace this part of the floor with some nice quartz this way

They get a clean cool entrance into the amazing KFC I’m building once I build these parking spots I can actually build the giant KFC sign on top of the big bucket this will have to be the final build as we now only have 2 minutes left

Before all the villages show up I’ve got a build this parking lot real quick just to make sure that I’m not totally swamped by them and if the villagers cannot find anywhere to park by the time this place opens I will have zero customers which would be the biggest

Disaster if no customers come into my KFC then I’ll get a zero star rating because no ratings equals zero Stars which is the worst score you can possibly get so I better really finish building these parking spaces and quick okay I think this is about as many as

I’m ever going to get it is time now to make the giant KFC sign these red walls that I built earlier came with a very good reason this is what I will base the stands for the giant KFC sign on I have already built them into the ground so I

Have less to build right now this saves me plenty of time which is very critical right now the villagers are getting closer and closer I can practically hear the orders coming in already this means we need to quickly build this sign and get inside the restaurant waiting for

Everybody to show up I totally forgot to spawn the chicken as well let me just spawn a bunch down the side luckily they can fly down so they’ll be totally safe once they reach the bottom I just hope they can reach the bottom and walk around my area luckily I’ve added some

Nice grass for them to play around in so they should not get totally lost I built this way too high I need to break it down a couple blocks so that on the other side I can build it equally quickly let’s build a giant white concrete sign over the KFC bucket box

Okay perfect this is a good distance because now it has to connect up to the red concrete wall on the other side luckily this also hits the ground too I am so glad I planned this ahead this means that it saves us plenty of time in this very important stage I’ll need to

Tap into my most talented spelling ability to write this sign as quick as possible I know it takes Milo a while to write words even words as small as KFC I think I need to spell it as quick as possible though that is my number one

Chance of writing this in time for the villagers to show up yeah we only have 30 seconds 30 seconds this is is bad luckily I’m onto the sign writing stage so I just have to write these letters perfectly I really know I can do this if

I can’t this will be the end of my entire restaurant and everything I’ve worked so hard for not to mention I could totally go to jail if these villagers don’t like it all right that K is looking a little weird but I think that’s as good as we’ll get it now it is

Time to write the letter F I need to make sure that this letter F is nice and thick this way every single villager will be able to read it really easily and finally the letter letter C the letter c looks really weird as being boxy so I need to make it slightly curvy

In these edges but that could cost me extra time that I’m not sure I have how much time do I have left now Milo what 10 seconds I need to quickly add foundations to these walls just so that they don’t fall over if this Falls over on the customers I’ll totally lose all

Of them and go out of business forever I really hope I can do this in time chip you’re running out of time you only have six five 5 four Milo your counting is stressing me out well you should be stressed out because the villages are almost here don’t worry Milo I’m not

Stressed out because I’ve just finished this entire KFC I’m ready for any villagers that could come are you yeah Milo look the customer villagers are already lining up outside your KFC you better give me a tour quick so I can check there’s nothing wrong all right come inside okay this place is looking

Exactly the same as as it did last time Milo you still spelled kitchen wrong what I don’t know how to spell it so I was just guessing Okay uh-oh how is anybody going to know where to order the food if they can’t even read it an order

Here Milo that’s not even how you spell order well I don’t know I’m trying my best and you’re tottally stressing me out right now why are there snowmen in the kitchen Milo they’re the workers the workers Milo why have you hired snowmen aren’t they just going to freeze all the

Food no they’re really good and smart Okay and Milo what is this this is some snacks that you can order Milo these look like moldy beans hey they’re not moldy beans they’re star seeds which is a delicacy in the bird KFC okay um I guess that makes sense but why is there

A painting Gallery in the eating area well so that you come look at some nice things while you’re eating it makes it feel really luxury there’s also grass spreading across the floor and is this whole building made out of dirt Milo yeah because it’s my favorite material

What’s wrong with it oh no I don’t think these customers are going to like it Milo and wait what’s this room well this is the bathroom and then if you come through here this is where all the workers were sleep what Milo this is horrible this is so cramped why don’t

The workers have their own houses well this is the hle right I could give them everything oh my goodness Milo this is crazy I really don’t think the villagers are going to like this what are these these are my buttons for the drive-thru this takes the order this makes the

Order this sends it over to my little snowman friends this one is just for fun did you hook these buttons up to anything at all no oh no Milo this is terrible your dive throw is not going to deliver any food to these villager customers it will chip you have to trust

Me these customers are going to love my place okay why don’t you start taking the customers in and I’ll keep watch luckily none of them have shown up to my KFC yet my customers must still be coming it’s because they like my KFC the best cuz it’s the prettiest look Milo

One of the villages is already coming inside oh hey Mr villager what would you like he says he wants a chicken bucket meal and a coke that’s all good here’s your chicken meal Milo that’s not a chicken meal that’s raw chicken you can’t be serving this to customers

That’s not safe oh no okay I just need to get some cooked chicken all right here’s some cooked chicken in there you go sh how do you cook anything when the whole kitchen is covered in snow well they keep everything cold but when they want to cook something they really know

How to wait he liked it Milo you did a really good job yeah this is awesome hey what’s he doing in the kitchen yeah he wants another snack okay that’s good I guess now it’s time to take the orders for the other customers h next look Milo

Here he is hi sir what can I get for you he’s facing away but he says he wants three Burger meals with milkshakes a I don’t really have that but I’m going to give him some frog spawn and a suspicious stew instead what Milo you just threw the Frog spawn on the floor

You can’t serve it to him now no it’s way I don’t have anything else to give him he’s just going to have to take that this is terrible he’s not going to like that at all Milo well goodbye sh thanks for coming to Milo’s KFC he’s going in

The kitchen oh these Villages are crazy these are the worst customers I’ve ever seen no wonder who’s coming here next look Milo here they are and wait there are three of them oh this is pretty stressful um what can I do for you guys they’re ordering for a big football team

And they’re making a really big order he says oh my gosh 10 chicken bucker meals three bucket meals and five nugget meals to extra sweet W what am I going to do I’m going to have to give you this and this and just so many chickens Milo

You’re hitting him in the face with the chicken and was that beetroot soup and seeds yeah that’s all I have in the kitchen I guess these Little Snowmen don’t cook very fast no Milo that’s not his order at all and the chicken’s on the floor again that’s not safe you’re

Going to poison these guys oh my gosh this is terrible oh what am I going to do but hang on chip I think they’re actually liking it oh goodness no they did not like that at all well I’m still pretty confident mine’s really good and it’ll definitely be yours they’re coming

Into the kitchen to try and hurt you Milo look they rated you cooking a 1.2 out of five 1.2 oh no this is really bad Milo your KFC was not rated good at all that only means the one KFC left to rate is mine I better serve these customers so well to

Make sure I do not have to have anything bad happen to me or my KFC all right I guess we should go over to your stinky KFC and see what’s going on and wo look Milo there are a bunch of villager customers outside oh my gosh they’re

Already here well you better try better than me chip I know I will Milo I’m right behind the counter and I’m ready for them to come in all right villagers come inside I am ready to take whatever orders you could possibly throw at me look mil Lord there’s one already hello

Sir how can I interest you in ordering from my KFC today I wonder what he’s going to say wo he says he wants some chicken and a side of fries sure sir I can totally do that let me go grab some chicken I think by chicken he definitely

Wants a KFC chicken bucket and let me just cook that over the stove really quick perfect okay now it is nice and warm I also need to grab some fries from the fry shelf let me put these above the hot boiling oil well yep those are definitely frying now that they’re nice

And golden brown and crispy I can give them to this villager here you go sir here are your items I really hope you enjoy wow look he’s got them he loved them Milo he even left me a tip that is so cool hey don’t go in the kitchen area

That’s really bad what the what is he doing hey you can’t stand on the Shelf although in your KFC Milo you left those villagers and did not let them go where they wanted to maybe if I let these villagers do whatever they want in my

KFC I will get a higher rating oh no that stinks I really don’t want you to get a higher rting I do so villager sir you can keep standing on the chicken as much as you like as long as you rate my KFC a five out of five he chip another

Customer hi sir what can I get you today he says he wants a he’s still deciding I think he wants a chicken bucket and uh it’s okay sir take as long as you need yeah you take a forever yeah what he wants a chicken bucket and some burger

Chips and an orange soda I don’t have an orange soda oh gosh I just have to make this customer happy though uh yes sir I can totally get you an orange soda first I’m just going to get a really big chicken bucket and I also need to grab a

Burger and chips I think that means fries perfect now I need to find a way to get an orange soda I don’t know much about orange soda but if I grab all these orange items maybe I can combine them I don’t know how much time I have y

He’s waiting oh goodness this is bad okay I’ll just try and put all the orange materials together on this bench and uh-oh it’s not doing anything wait a second I know we can get a potion of fire resistance this looks really orange let me get rid of all these items

Luckily I have really well-built storage that I can put all of it inside this way the only items I need to have are the items fit for this customer here you go sir here is your orange soda your KFC chicken bucket meal fries and a chicken burger I hope you definitely enjoy what

The he really liked it that is amazing Milo these villagers are loving my food more than I ever thought they would I am such a good restaurant owner and I really hope they see that look Milo he even got a job working at the frying station that’s how much he loves it here

What the this is crazy I can’t believe you’re beating me so far but I’m sure something will go wrong no way I don’t know how many villagers orders there are left but I need to all of them perfectly look Milo there are Villages coming in

Right now a chip there’s a lot of them what I only see one uh-oh never mind there are three villagers here and this one’s on the bench that must mean he’s a really crazy customer okay he wants two chicken buckets some wings fries Mountain Dews oh no they need to get

Some for their dad as well they’re increasing their order they want three buckets two wings and four Diet Mountain Dews and Fries yeah this is awesome you never be able to do that and they’re going to race you really low no way okay sir I can get you all of those things

Just enjoy your time on this bench and I will be right back with your full order okay so they wanted some chicken wings first luckily I have all of these wonderful chicken buckets cooking and I guess I can also give them an amazing bucket meal I’ll upgrade them to an

Extra meal so that they get a little bit nicer with their voting I also need to grab some fries let’s put one out on the table and grab another now we have too we just need to properly fry them first okay while These are nice and sizzling I

Need to make sure we grab everything else they wanted I think they wanted four fries actually so we better get two more pieces of fries sizzling on that fryer perfect they also wanted Mountain Dew hey Milo did you throw frog spawn in my restaurant I don’t know what you’re

Talking about keep this out of my kitchen no frog eggs are going to be inside of here that’s just gross whatever chip okay I need to find a Mountain Dew Mountain Dew has a crazy H so if I grab these potions of night vision they basically look exactly like

Mountain Dew those fries should be done by now as well I think I heard them say they also wanted a burger oh no I don’t remember Milo if I get this order even slightly wrong they will not rate my KFC a five star and that means it won’t be

Perfect and something bad could happen yeah and also I’ll probably beat you this is awesome no way okay I have to wack my brain they said they wanted two chicken wing buckets four Mountain Dews as well as four fries but they wanted three of something else oh I know

Exactly what they wanted they wanted three chicken buckets luckily I have three chickens right here I just need to grab three buckets let me grab some right now okay perfect I have three buckets and we can give them the chicken as well perfect we’ll take each of these

And okay sir I have your entire order I really hope I got this right and that you will be able to rate my KFC a fstar experience first I have four Mountain Dews just for you what chip how did you even make us Milo it’s all part of my

Process I can make anything if I put my work into it it’s just part of the amazing restaurant that this is here you go sir have all four of these Mountain Dews next you ordered two chicken wing buckets just like this I will give both

Of them to you and one of them is even upgraded to a bucket meal this means you get even more value for your purchase I do remember you also said you wanted four fries is that right Milo well I don’t really remember it’s your restaurant yeah it is my restaurant so I

Do remember and I remember he wanted four fries here you go he also wanted one final thing and I will make it right in front of you sir on this Grill I will remove these raw chickens because this needs to be a cooked chicken Zone only I

Will put down three buckets just like this and to all three of the buckets I will add cooked chicken now if my stove is good enough these will combine into chicken bucket meals oh yeah this is perfect I’ve done it Milo once I give this to this villager and if my order is

Correct he will rate it a five star oh no I hope it’s bad no way it’s going to be perfect here are your three chicken buckets 1 2 3 oh wow Milo they love it they’re saying thanks again what the this isn’t good and they’re going into

The eating area to eat it all together and look Milo I got a five out of five score what oh my gosh that’s not fair I wanted to win a KFC challenge I won my amazing Pro KFC made all these customers happy and it definitely was the best KFC

Ever I don’t know about your KFC Marlo I think it’s going to get shut down woohoo yeah I totally won

Milo and Chip are going head to head in a Noob vs Pro KFC HOUSE Build challenge in minecraft! Who will win? And what happens when one customer EXPLODES!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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