Minecraft But Any Color You Touch, You DIE

Today my friends and I can’t touch any color and if we do who you die every color death will give you a new letter that spells loser first to get the five deaths that spell loser has to eat a food of a single color for 24 hours and

I don’t want to eat a blue burger oh my God okay come on give me a good color you guys are gonna get the one right now it’s the best come on come on come on give me something rare give me something go Blue no no no no no no no oh my

Goodness okay dude I hate you guys you guys are so lucky bro I hate you bro if I touch your butt I die oh dude look at this little rat oh I’m yellow I’m yellow okay no screw you I’m muting up okay so I just muted up Gamers this is so stupid

We’re supposed to work together but I Loki obviously want them to die and I cannot die myself dude I can’t touch green are you kidding me okay hold on let me get this food green is literally the worst color we haven’t gotten our task yet but at any second we’re gonna

Be giving one and oh my gosh I gotta be careful wait Izzy can’t get bread can he wait yeah if he can’t get bread oh my God is he already died hey yo wait wait he actually died oh my God wait Frozen Noob you had a yellow dude how did you

Die from yellow wait yeah you’re actually terrible wait yo did you guys get this death took it or was it only it’s only us because Izzy die is he has the first L okay so I just muted up Gamers hold on a second if I right click

It wait I just spent it we can get custom items whoa what a color swapping potion monochromatic boots I have no idea what the heck I’m gonna buy all this looks insane hold on I’m gonna grab this what is that I bought the colorless

Touch wait I think if I oh my God I can step on it wait dude I can step on that one because it’s not oh my gosh wait does it go away yeah it got it it goes duh dude wait that’s actually oh did you guys just see that we have to mine

Diamonds oh my God how am I supposed to mine diamonds when I can’t touch Blue Dude wait oh my God my touch we can use my yeah we can use my color touch how did you get that yeah well because you died okay so I’m gonna mute up Gamers

I’m gonna Focus up I gotta get the diamond bra so Izzy has the first letter oh my God are they chasing each other yo bro throw me seeds all right no I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out okay hold on I’m gonna grab some blocks

We gotta get diamonds I’m just gonna oh my God and then make my way to this wood okay good you guys swerve this stupid watch out Golem oh my god he has green on him I don’t know if that would count if the Golem would count but I think

Most certainly the mossy cobblestone would okay there you go oh my God let me drop down there you go I got the freaking wood bro I’m not losing I do not want to be the freaking oh my God I almost just touched the freaking Cobblestone watch out bro green eyed

Nerd let’s make cobblestone pickaxe Izzy hello watch out bro what the hell okay wait no we should okay hold on why is everybody fighting wait yeah wait where’s where’s where’s kids is he already down mining security is working on himself man do you have blocks do you have blocks hold

On any I need blocks bro I cannot touch green at all began to witch deal you got to keep your distance all right green boy look at you no stop watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out oh oh oh thank you thank you you call me green

Boy what the hell you are a green boy bro hey yo what’s up bionic what’s up bro oh my God could you just oh you just died what killed me let’s go dude wait yeah we got another coin okay I’m gonna save mine dude I stepped on the one Little Flower oh my

God you had one job wait so both of you guys have L’s right now oh you’re gonna be the losers all right I’m getting all these blocks bro I’m gonna make it to the freaking oh my God okay do not touch that bro the grass is updating man I’m actually so

Scared hey yo we gotta get diamonds we have to complete the first challenge okay hold on oh my gosh slippers oh my God wait what what did you get monochromatic slippers dude I hate you guys bro I can’t even freaking step on these things oh my God I don’t care what

You do bro I need to get done dude I think you just saved my life oh my God go go to the cave oh my god let’s go baby oh my God oh my God wait are we good oh it’s it’s disappearing oh my God oh my God oh my

God dude that was so close bro that was actually so close get away from me there’s a zombie oh my god oh wait my boots is it your feet are exposed bro oh my God wait watch out watch out watch out wait did you lose your boots they

Broke oh they must have had like one durability oh wait I can touch blue I forgot okay wait no this is actually so easy bro no this is mad easy because like you gotta be kidding me you cannot wait is this blue is copper blue is that

Green I wouldn’t risk it but bro speaking of green you got it no way oh my guys guys Creeper Creeper Creeper he’s green he’s green and the villagers got a sword bro oh my God I can’t even touch the Villager I can’t even help you guys with the Villager he’s green all

Right we got it we got it Izzy is it Izzy we gotta be bodyguards bro yeah you guys gotta please help him out we’re on bodyguard Duty bro it doesn’t matter oh my goodness all right I’m coming down I’m coming down I’m coming down oh my dude there’s water dripping it just

Missed me dude if that touched me I would have died do not touch the watermelon you’re not kidding imagine you die to like a drop of skeleton did you just die to a skeleton you’re a boss guys I’m gonna get the iron okay I’m gonna get the iron what if you guys

Get a furnace okay okay so I just muted off I don’t think Izzy has the O because he didn’t die to a color so he’s lucky we need coal I’m gonna put my iron in here it doesn’t look like there’s anything oh my God there’s more green

Okay we just need to get a freaking Diamond why is this actually the hardest thing ever guys there’s a creeper there’s a creeper dude is this skulk blue yeah wait the skulk is probably blue I would not risk it I’m just gonna smell with the wood bro I don’t even

Care man Danny help me what what do you mean Danny I can’t help you wait what is he doing is he bullying you I didn’t do anything no oh my God Skizzy you just got the O squid you just got the O he’s an idiot he touched yo he was trying to

Troll you bro yeah and boom okay perfect yo I can make a first iron pickaxe yo I’m gonna grab this lapis just in case like Skizzy wants to like act up and try and kill me oh I found diamond let’s go I’m the first one to complete the

Challenge whoa Gamers I got the diamond all right here wait I don’t I don’t need the pickaxe anymore I guess you could take it watch out watch out do not don’t touch it dude okay let’s get you the diamond bro so we can freaking move on get a new color

Okay okay we gotta go we gotta go okay wait let’s try this all right you ready wait what do you mean okay okay right now wait mind it mind it quick oh okay okay I’m going I’m going watch out schedule he picked up the diamond if I

Even pick this thing up I died but I completed the task that’s all that matters let’s go bro he died because he picked up the diamond he’s a boss oh my God oh my God he completed the task though because it’s to mine the diamond not necessarily get it yeah you just

You’re the only one who needs to get it bro you have an iron pickaxe No I gave it to oh my God oh my God all right come on give me your pickaxe give me your pickaxe dude I can’t go near the zombies they have blue shirts on oh my God okay

Thank God Izzy’s taking care of the zombie so I’m muted right now I just noticed is he’s about to get the final Diamond so we can move on to the next challenge and we’re gonna get a new color but but I noticed guys on our player tracker it says you School wants

PVP is enabled and we all have a player tracker and oh my God okay he’s gonna get the diamond all right the diamonds I got the Diamonds oh my God okay yep he completed the task PVP is going to be enabled at any moment so we gotta watch

Out and I don’t think these guys know so I’m gonna use the bonus shop and oh my God wait yo there’s a bunch of stuff there’s doesn’t seem to be any weapons except they’re swapping potions transform Splash blocks into different colors yellow wait a second I think this

Is a weapon I’m gonna go and just buy one okay I can’t tell him they’re looking at me I think they’re sketched out what are you doing bro what what nothing I wasn’t doing anything bro what are you doing man whoa why are you sketching you’re being susp right now

I’m not being come on what was sauce guys oh I should have known race took wait race to mind your bed oh I see mine I see mine wait what the heck is this oh my god oh why is my bread poo brown okay okay wait oh no wait what are

We gonna what am I gonna get yellow one bread oh my God wait are you kidding me oh wait don’t give it to me oh my God I almost just died oh you’re good wait what did you get I got orange and look at the fireworks wait I think there’s some yellow too

Wait and see what did you get I don’t know bro you threw the bread at me I forgot what color I got oh okay well you’re screwed all right I’m out okay so I just muted Gamers hold on not these losers no whoa whoa whoa get away

From me bro get away from me man bro I thought we were gonna work together what happened all of a sudden leave me alone no he distracted me man I just touched freaking dude I hate it I forgot that I can’t touch yellow man oh my God yellow

Yellow bro okay wait and I see the thing honestly Gamers I was thinking of saving this for the final like PVP round but I might need to use this and oh my gosh we’re at the top left of the map we gotta get I think it’s just straight

Ahead what happened guys are you a little scary little chicken you’re so scared oh okay well did he just bought out why yeah wait what is this oh wait I can just touch this let’s go bro I’m out I’m out oh my God wait oh yeah what what

No this is not fair I hate you so much anyway Loki I’m just gonna follow him dude okay dude no this is actually broken no way oh my oh my God wait they’re just they just ran out oh my God he just died that was actually the funniest thing

I’ve ever seen wait what happened Dad bro he literally they broke that’s easy baby yeah dude what an idiot bro I bet the bet is this way I cannot believe he just I’m dead it was red oh he just died again I think he’s literally on his last letter

My God bro this is so stupid wait I can’t even dude I don’t have any food or anything wait I’m the lower dot we are getting closer actually I guess as long as I’m not last then we won’t get a letter I think I’m only on L I don’t

Even know bro I’m actually Loki popping off wait the beds are right here the beds are right here oh my god let’s go wait I see Skizzy right there I got the boots oh come on you little cheater bro no I had to do it bro I have

L-o-s-e dude wait is this gonna turn my bed into not red wait does that even count uh I think it counts yes just in time bro oh my god did they just break well you know what that means no circles but look at the map bro I

Guess Izzy loses you guys are actually such cheaters dude Izzy you got another letter let’s go what happened bro did you run out of blocks dude help me please no no no where you been you don’t get to mind your bed come on I’m right there man Death Match stage three oh my

God okay wait so we’re gonna be fighting each other and avoiding the colors I did not sign up for yes please bro give me something good red wait that’s good that’s good Izzy is he I only have one letter left I know you have loss you

Gotta team up on this guy oh no I hate you are you guys serious oh he’s gone bro he’s gone okay I just muted no way bro are they seriously gonna chase me okay I was gonna say dude there’s a world border okay so I can’t touch the

Color red but wait if I’m not mistaken Izzy got gray and then Skitty got purple or something I have no idea and Izzy has two lives so bro we gotta be super careful I think we can do this I have five death Shop tokens I might as well

Buy food coloring hey yo that’s actually six used on water so okay I’m gonna hold on to this and then the colorblinding goggles I don’t want the color blinding goggles I’ll take the boots though just in case and I’m gonna actually go and just grab myself oh dude I can’t get

Another potion wait what you get you run out of the stuff okay I’m just gonna save the other death token we just gotta get super stuck with 60 seconds until color meteors oh my God they’re on me oh my God they’re on me they’re on me

They’re on me oh my God no no no no no oh my God run run oh my God wait what did he just do why is my game purple what did you do idiot oh my God on oh my God I actually cannot see this I can’t take this off that’s it

That’s it they think they’re gonna avoid the meteors nah hold on hold on a second I’m gonna Splash this idiot come on wait what no he avoided it he avoided the gray oh my God come here little rat tell me your little rat yeah yeah PVP me wait

I think this thing might I have low durability hit me idiots oh my God yes thanks for hitting me and breaking it idiot oh my God wait is he just through the potion and killed himself so Izzy has one life left oh my gosh wait we can

Actually win we can actually win wait no but if I kill him with an ax it doesn’t count we need to kill him with the colors maybe I can get them to follow me and then I can like change the the color of the water I don’t even know I don’t

Even see water oh my God yes right here that’s perfect wait oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God red red red meteor I just died I just died I just died dude that one just land Ed I just gotta keep running oh my God

We just gotta keep running Gamers oh my goodness oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m actually dead I’m actually dead I’m actually dead I’m actually dead oh my God no I’m actually dead wait they stopped oh they stopped I think they stopped I think this oh my God oh my God

How did I not die no I died to the media I hate this dude dude I’m on Los no no no I have two lives come on kill the city dude no yeah wait wait that means he lost wait I got him I got him you little rat bro you’re

Such a loser man come here oh my God oh my God no I’m not the loser I ain’t the loser bro okay you want to follow me you want to follow me Little Rock no I know I know what I must do I know what I must

Do what are you doing no no I hate him so much we’re both on our last letter Little Nerd come on come on don’t touch great yo that’s not gonna do anything what you’re not gonna do come on come on come on oh my God yes I can get another

One oh my God oh my God no I missed all right no no no no I know what I must do okay guys I’m gonna run to the ocean I really hope this turns it gray bro if it doesn’t I’m gonna be so mad I’m throwing

It I’m throwing it what color is it that’s red I guess we should let Izzy decide what we eat for the next 24 hours oh my what color what color I think you should get red oh my God I hate you guys well here’s my breakfast there’s my lunch and my dinner

Bro I’m gonna die with this diet

Minecraft But If You Touch ANY Color You DIE

@Bionic Reacts
@Danny Bionic

TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
My Editor: @Mutant

#minecraft #MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge


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