Stardew Valley has a New Axe and I’m Here For It

We’re exploring stardew Valley for the very first time the catch we’re not using any Wiki whatsoever we’re just relying on the gamer intuition if you enjoy the video please leave a like And subscribe it really means a lot good morning and welcome to another beautiful day in starw Valley I hope you’re having

A fantastic day and if you’re new to the Channel first time here welcome I’m really happy you decided to join along uh we are doing some amazing things in our first ever playthrough on stardy Valley so welcome uh recently I got some new speakers some monitor speakers for

My setup and oh my gosh I can hear this game in like a different dimension now and I’m really happy about it um looks like our cauliflower is about to grow but um you know it’s just an exciting day it’s really uh I don’t know I’m feeling good I made some adjustments

In my life that were very very necessary with work and with life and with the people in my life and and everything else else and here is your sign to just choose you first that’s all I’m going to say if you’re unsure about something and you’re not quite sure what decision you should

Choose seek inside yourself and uh do what’s right for you in moderation don’t quote me like if you know I don’t want to be held liable for anything here but you know how it is so in this video I’m very excited because you know I’m not really sure

Quite yet what we’re going to do but I know it’s going to be exciting okay uh let’s double check before we open that on our our weight oh we hold on we need a scythe where’s our Scythe that’s cool we’re almost about to harvest this oh did it just

Wither uhoh did we just ruin it but in this video we’re probably going to look into this the quest unmilled rice okay uh we haven’t even we can’t Mill These yet yet so run this through a mill okay so we’ll save it for the mill interesting good to

Note we’re going to go probably mining in this video I feel like I’m full-blown ADHD right now I hope you’re feeling settled in your new home I’m writing to let you know that pure store is now selling fertilizers why don’t you swing by and see if you can afford a few dozen

Boxes I think that’s probably a good move we can get some fertilizer going I wonder if we can add fertilizer to already grown plants to get it going uh probably going to go mining probably going to go fishing you know do all the fun stuff in this game that has

To offer I have to say because we’re new there’s still so much exploration to have you know been getting done and and doing and all the fun stuff so we’re going to do it together and I got to say all the comments have been super helpful

You guys in the last video told me uh that we needed to purchase all the strawberries from the Easter Festival thingy magig and now we are accepting I don’t want to slay three of those I’m good um you know now we’re learning hey we can make bank with some strawberry

Seeds and uh soon we’re going to buy our backpack so we can carry even more go deeper into the mines and it seems we have a beautiful cut scene here with the wizard is this the wizard Morris uhoh is this JoJo Mart’s guy uh-uh I’m not here for it come and

Get it folks Co PA’s 50% off all right sign me up where do I go where do I go 50% yeah see he’s trying to get that Customer Loyalty I’ll take it I’m in uhoh he’s taking all the people I mean what can I say it’s a

Discount you know what I’m saying it’s like Amazon running some business Pierre you got to figure something out here uhoh must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like oh my gosh Morris is a menace can you blame them JoJo Corporation is clearly the

Superior choice I mean if I’m getting 50% I’m getting 50% you know what I’m saying but it won’t last that’s that’s what we need to remember that’s what we need to remember I’ll purchase from you beer okay first I’m gonna talk to you oh he’s sad uh okay

Oh I wonder how the prices are over there a grass starter where’s the fertilizer hello basic fertilizer improves soil quality a little increasing your chance to grow quality crops mix into tilled soil that’s pretty good retaining soil is also pretty good we should consider oh speed grow growth

Rate by 10% now that’s what we’re talking okay I don’t want to waste any money right now because we’re really close to 2K which means we’ll be able to buy that bag and just feel better about everything in this game but for the time being we’re going to come on up here

Let’s verify okay we need to give someone a gift find Robin’s lost axe let’s go find her axe cutting wood near Marty’s Ranch I believe Marty’s Ranch is down to the left so let’s continue the story that way uh go get this axe that she misses very much or steal it for

Ourselves and act like nothing happened that would be terrible right hello we’re going to grab some of this food here 25 energy and 11 health is pretty good if you’d ask me um let’s see any axe down here Axe Body Spray anybody um where is

It so she’s she was in this area right she lost it somewhere in this this area because I believe Marne yeah yeah we’re we’re at her Ranch we have to be at her Ranch let’s verify it’s actually marne’s Ranch okay we’ll go in we’ll check out

How much stuff costs here because I know we need a mill coming up soon oh close for the day she’s cheating us that’s not cool we both know it’s not cool I’m trying to buy and she’s taking my business away I need this all right so while we’re searching

For this trunk here we’re going to go find a beautiful what what was it called an axe we’re looking for an Axe Whatever wherever it is oh no I don’t have anything a group destroy these things oh see if we could destroy this oh see that would be good that’s a

New location I think has to be all right um you know the wizard probably likes ores I didn’t think about that but we need to definitely get him some of that so it is she was cutting wood south of Mar’s Ranch so we are kind of like Southwest

But I’ll still consider it South because this is somewhat productive we’re collecting good good food source here and we’re not going to sell any of these salmon berries feel like this will be our main source of food for a very long time somebody in the comments said that

This stuff is very abundant this time of the year so we should capitalize on it for the time being you know I’d like to find is it over here maybe behind this no okay where is the a maybe down here as far south South as it can be let’s see

Um nothing yet if you know where this is let me know because I can’t use my Apple Maps GPS for this and it’s really frustrating you know even to just go to like the simplest store now I just type in on Google Maps or Apple Maps like uh

Please direct me to Walmart and I’m just there in 2 minutes it’s literally right next to my house but it’s called brain dead it’s almost like the equivalent of brain RW but for for for life I’m going to stop talking while I’m ahead here um oh look at this we’re getting

Some really good items got some spring onions growing oh it’s over okay I got to say these speakers are like bringing this stard Valley music to the next level you guys probably don’t hear any difference but I’m telling you this is crazy um maybe maybe the axe is just we have

41 oh we found it easy and we have an extra inventory space okay Robin where are you can we just use this no we can’t it’s like a statue Robin I believe Rob Robin was uh isn’t she the one that let’s see Robin builds all the stuff Robin where are you Robin’s literally

Okay um don’t know where Robin is but we’re looking for overalls some red hair and overalls it’s a good look it’s 3:30 p.m. let’s hope that uh we’re not too too lost here going to take a sip of this this coffee kind of a coffee guy

Um I had a grown a really huge passion for coffee and it was due to I had opened a a subscription coffee business during Co and really enjoyed that time the only good thing that came out of it was a strong coffee addiction but I’m not complaining um honestly have a really

Huge passion for coffee now in a really weird way uh actually not in a really weird way I just like coffee okay but I I started tasting you know the nuances between different flavors and the depth of of the coffee world is a lot deeper than a lot of people recognize I feel

Like we get so accustomed to the same flavors of coffee because we just shop at Starbucks or you know get our coffee from McDonald’s and see it as a way to get caffeine rather than uh an enjoyment thing right so for me it’s just really cool to get to experience coffee or this

Drink that notoriously I used to use as as energy to now use it as kind of a a ritual in the morning like a routine if you will it’s really cool now where is Robin I don’t even know where this this person’s supposed to be oh my gosh I

Want to talk to you um maybe she’s just chilling all right maybe we’ll see her tomorrow I’m pretty sure this is Robin’s store let’s verify though maybe we can uh sorry shops closed oh wait okay yeah it’s Robin um I’m at Caroline’s place for the aerobics Club I was not invited to this

At all are you kidding me it’s locked only M’s friends okay so we’ll come back tomorrow it’s 550p M you know we’ll we’ll relax on it it’s okay no stress no rush here just enjoying enjoying what the game has to offer I do want to see how much a salmon

Berry sells for because this could just be a pretty good source of revenue for us as our fresh uh Farmers you know what I’m saying so let’s verify this real quick we’re going to put all but one away and we’re going to sell the rest here I

Wonder if I can just sell this axe um no I can’t boom boom boom boom boom boom all right and we’ll fill up our water can for tomorrow so we don’t need to do that in the morning and we’re going to hit the the B uh the the bed

The head the the hay we’re going to hit the hay early yes we’re sleeping for the night hopefully it’s raining tomorrow fingers crossed uh bee house speed grow Farmers lunch got it okay so salmon berries five gold it’s not that great I think we still save it

Because it’s a good source of of food for us you know all right a beautiful next day it’s sunny we’re just going to step out here let me read this I’ve got some new items in stock a deluxe fishing pole and some bait that can get uh that that you

Can attach to it you can use bait to make fish bite faster hope to see you soon all right so we’ll go purchase some new stuff oh we got our cauliflower let’s go this is a massive moment for us all right so we have nothing else to plant there and I don’t

Really intend to plant anything else my strategic decision why is because it is the 17th and I’m not quite sure um if we’ll be able to harvest anything in time so this will be our last stuff for this round of the season and we will of course plant some

More come what is it uh Winter Hold on I think it’s spring so hold on winter spring summer summer should be coming up if not it’s summer right now and it’ll be fall I don’t know okay let me live I don’t even know what day it is what time

It is I’m just gaming I’m a little gamer boy um we’re going to finish watering these riveting gameplay as you do soon we’re going to get all of the sprinklers uh which all the comments have been really helpful in acknowledging that sprinklers are going to make this game a lot less tedious in

The mornings but nothing like just Watering your your plants in the morning how could you argue this you know what I’m saying okay we are done and we’re good to go we got to go find Robin we got some stuff to do today and I don’t

Want to hear it from anybody else this is our Flamingo hello we still haven’t named our Flamingo I feel like that’s something we should probably try to do all right we’re going to sell our cauliflowers and oh we can press e to open this I’ve been pressing escape this

Whole time we’re not going to talk about it and we are off to the races Robin I’m going to find you today and I was going to say some some like I’m going to kill you but that’s a little aggressive it’s a peaceful game you know we’re not

Playing Minecraft or Terraria right now we’re playing stard do Valley and I need to remind myself that uh that we’re not we’re not doing that this is just peaceful game very peaceful we’re good so we should have 2,000 by tomorrow which means we’re immediately dumping that money into a backpack I don’t want

To hear anything about it even if there’s a better purchase decision I’m sick of having this small of an inventory I want to unlock the rest so let’s see Robin hello Robin guess what I have for you a gift what a relief I almost chopped my toe off with the other one I

Was using you’re very welcome okay so let’s see what we got Moment of Truth 250 gold easy deeper in the minds reach level 40 raising animals and win some friends yeah not good at that one all right uh we’re going to keep moving here um we’re going to go north and go

Mining for a little little bit because what else are we going to do in this very peaceful day uh boom we’re going to put away the hoe because we don’t need it oh we don’t have a good sword with us we left it at okay we’re going to

Actually go buy one what am I doing I’m throwing oh no oh it’s locked oh no what are we going to do okay maybe we just fish we just fish it’s okay there’s no issues it’s a beautiful day to fish you know okay actually we should go visit

Willie he sent over you know a nice a nice letter to us because he’s trying to sell out his new stock he just purchased he’s he’s in the uh the societal realm of buying into oh my gosh we got a chub wait a second so somebody said if

You hover over an item that is part of to the community center okay wait I can actually just submit the stuff to the Community Center from here oh it’s game over okay okay it’s very much game over perfect so let’s go visit Willie we’ll get some of that stuff going and it’s

Just going to be an easy easy chill video today okay nothing crazy we are totally going to see if yeah okay so it blinks like that boom boom Oh wait do we have to bring it into we got to bring it to it okay look I’m learning I’m learning I don’t want to

Hear a thing actually I do I want to hear your thought did this just move oh my gosh okay my brain’s everywhere I’m sorry we got to go grab all the tools we just put away what am I doing let me live okay it’s hard to

Speak and and and uh do the whole gaming stuff at the same time it’s crazy it’s like my brain is just moving at a thousand and uh we’ll take this and this as well nice oh my gosh beautiful we can put these away and we’re almost done

With the first all we need is a horse radish which we might be able to find actually on the way if not I know where they spawn up here let’s just grab it real quick look I’m getting a little smarter all right okay they’re not

Here I guess I’m not as smart as I thought I was it’s okay it’s okay everything’s fine just moving on down to the Beautiful the one and only the broken up Rusty house that is the Pelican Town Town Hall let me in here okay so we actually

Need to go to which which box is it um boom it’s it’s the oh it’s actually just all in this one I haven’t actually submitted anything yet let’s see boom Oh it’s over look at this we’re we’re about to finish the spring forging oh and it’s spring only we have to find

A horseradish like very soon or we’ll be stuck so let’s get that going let’s just find a horseradish we got to finish our first Diary today oh my gosh this song is going to make me start singing I’m going to Freestyle soon you guys are not going to like it

Either that that little buzzer that’s my uh reminder that I have a call in 30 minutes that’s the sound I get and it’s painful to now it’s a nice chime but it uh it doesn’t sound the best you know oh I got to feed you one moment please

Boom excuse me Leia thank you very much for those of you who don’t know I have a Cat in real life I have two cats and one of them’s name is Leia so it just kind of works out it’s kind of cute I named it’s a gray cat as well so kind of

Awesome um and then um and then the second cat’s name is pixel so kind of cool we got to find this horseradish if it’s the last thing I do let’s find this thing come on show me the money where’s it at um okay it’s got to be around here

Somewhere it’s going to show up one of these days it’s always when you’re not looking too you know that’s a that’s a Pros for Life quit looking for whatever you’re seeking and it will come I can promise that consistently is the case for me personally I’ve noticed that whenever I’m searching or seeking

Something out it adds a lot of pressure around it to find it right and whether that’s a relationship or or money or whatever that may be when I actively try to seek it yes like it technically you’re doing the things that that will help getting towards it but ultimately

You’re adding stress around something that there doesn’t need to be stress around and so for me when I remove that stress and I acknowledge hey whatever is supposed to happen will happen and I’m just going to embrace whatever happens in whatever this is um things get a lot

Easier and it’s funny because the things that you wanted and and felt like you needed just miraculously come into play and when you it’s kind of a oxymoron or I don’t even know if that’s the right word but it’s when you least expect it and when you’re

Not expecting it it happens um I don’t know it’s just a mystery of life and I think it’s really cool now I got to find this freaking horse radish while I’m going to throw a fit and it’s not going to be an easy fun fit it’s going to be an angry

One and you do not want to hear that let’s actually see what’s for sale here feel like we did absolutely nothing today no I’m trying to buy something let me buy up that okay we’re going to come on down here go check out some of this horse

Radish wow a very productive look every day can’t be productive okay just cuz I wasted a full day in this game searching for horseradish oh wait wait wait wait this is promising pretty sure that house doesn’t doesn’t actually close because it’s just an abandoned place so we should be

Pretty good got a muscle here let’s smack this got an old book let’s go okay no horseradish wow these speakers make that water sound so nice I have like a left and right speaker you know the deal um okay I’m manifesting horseradish over here is it even a horse radish what am I

Looking for yeah okay anything over here nothing over here anything over here the game said no to spawning any horseradishes today let’s kick this can we got nothing are we going to mine it what what can we do nothing oh let’s go to a JoJo Mark they’re still open let’s

Go membership is now available whoa 5K we don’t got that kind of money right now feel like that’s just a waste you know feeding into the capitalism how dare we we try to live um anything hello all right we’re going to do one last walk through enjoy the

Scenery and if there just so happens to be a horseradish we’ll be the first to grab it you know I bet I bet Marne or or the wizard is snatching up all this stuff they’ve been eyeing the horseradish come on show me show me what you got it’s got to be

Somewhere my eyes are peeled help me find this thing guys I’m really struggling no tell me no come on it’s getting dark it’s getting scary let’s see um little leak there we go never heard anybody we’re going to sell this fish and call it a night I guess man come

On come on give me the horse we’re going to do one last walk through you ready watch this watch this watch I swear it’s going to be here if it’s not I’m going to sell my channel I I won’t do that because that’s against the guidelines I’ll delete my

Channel come on come on show me something okay it’s not we’re we’re good we messed up we’re almost done we almost filled our first little diary it will have to do it will have to do okay well if you made it this far into the video I just want to say thank

You um you’re making a little childhood dream come true uh by hitting subscribe and commenting and liking this video and for that I really really appreciate it so wherever you are in life just know you’re not alone and I’m hanging out with you we’re doing it together we’re

Releasing daily videos and I’ll see you in the next one see you soon goodbye oh let’s see how much money we made oh we have enough to buy the bag that will come in the next episode goodbye

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EP 08

Immerse yourself in the charming world of Stardew Valley with a special episode focusing on a quest to find Robin’s lost axe. From anticipating cauliflower harvests to exploring the missing tool, every moment is filled with discovery and adventure. Witness as our player navigates through the vibrant landscapes of Stardew Valley, relying solely on viewer tips and their gaming intuition, all while delving into the depths of personal growth and coffee appreciation.

0:00:12 – Welcoming and Introduction
0:02:23 – Prepping for Mining and Farm Updates
0:03:07 – Strategic Planning and Community Tips
0:05:33 – The Quest for Robin’s Lost Axe Begins
0:09:02 – Axe Found and Inventory Management
0:11:21 – Searching for Robin and Coffee Musings
0:15:48 – Successful Return of the Axe to Robin
0:17:01 – A Shift to Fishing and Mining Plans
0:20:11 – Spring Foraging and Community Center Goals
0:25:34 – The Elusive Search for Horseradish
0:27:07 – Reflecting and Wrapping Up the Episode


  1. Part of the Stardew experience is backtracking to grab tools, so you are playing as intended, worry not!

    Also, the TV channel Living off the Land gives general tips. One of those refers to salmonberry season. You are running past all of the red berry bushes, which are good for energy and a little cash. It will probably be over by the time you see this comment- it’s the three days after the spring festival that the bushes produce berries.

  2. A tip for the bundles in the community center: it's a good idea to keep at least one of everything you forage/catch/harvest until you learn what's needed for all the bundles. I recommend trying to grow one of every spring crop and check the travelling cart for the crops you won't have time to grow before spring ends if you don't have them already.

    Also be aware that some fish can only be caught in certain seasons, at certain times in certain places and without using the wiki it might take you some time to figure out where to find specific fish so it's a good idea to always keep a couple of each you catch for future quests/tasks/bundles.

    KIND OF SPOILER for future bundles:
    grow some more parsnips using quality fertilizer since you'll need five gold quality ones for a later bundle and it'll be difficult to get those after spring ends. Or you'll have to wait for spring to come back around in a year.

  3. reflecting back on my first ever stardew gameplay in comparison to yours, how i wished the young me took her time. i was so impatient and felt frustrated before that i consulted the wiki so many times. again, i'm happy to see you taking your time. i appreciate the calmness of this gameplay because it made me chill at the end of a tiring day. plus, your commentary is also chill. thank you for another video!

  4. Honestly loving the series so far! If you wanted to make the episodes longer I know I wouldn’t be the only person that would enjoy it 😉

    Tips: you get rewards for finishing the individual little bundles in the community center.

    And you don’t pass out until 2am. If you pass out it’ll cost 10% of your money, up to $1000g. If you die (like in the mines), you’ll lose some items as well.

    Check out the tv everyday to learn recipes as well as learn tips. Living off the land would have let you know that it was salmonberry season.

  5. Pretty sure my bloodstream is like at least 50% coffee. But then again I'm Finnish, and Finland is the biggest consumer of coffee (per person) in the world, so… 😅

    Not a lot to say, it's nice to just chill and pick berries!

    On Tuesdays Marnie's ranch and Robin's carpenter's shop are closed 'cause they attend an aerobics class. It's held in Pierre's general store, as it's run by Pierre's wife Caroline, and their house is connected to the store.

    (Pierre's is closed on Wednesdays for no reason and everyone hates him for it.)

    I was going to remind you about the community center bundles but you got to it in the end. Oh and uh… you have a horseradish in your chest…

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