Days 29 – 56 || Super Expanded & Modded Stardew Valley

I basically ignore a letter from joam Mart to begin day 29 they want me to buy a Georgia membership I will not be tempted by such scandalous Temptations I will complete the community center regardless of how long it takes me to do so and more importantly regardless of

How much of a toll it takes on my soul I’ve got some free time before Duran’s house opens up so I head to the mines to very quickly decimate the Slime population within and collect some copper ore I move on to floor two repeating the process though this time I

Am dealing with zombies instead of slimes this proves to be nothing short of cathartic it is incredibly satisfying defeating these enemies and picking up the valuable loot they drop despite Duran’s house opening at 9:00 a.m. I continue on to floor 3 at 10:30 a.m. this was not a conscious choice on my

Part I simply did not realize how much time had gone by though I I will say I cannot even fathom a more enjoyable way to spend my morning despite the urge to remain in the mines and continue going further I am eventually forced to leave the Minds when my health drops to a

Smidge above zero I pushed my luck just a little bit too far but thankfully the consequences of that were not dire if they had been and I had been knocked out because of it it would have had a disastrous effect on my vibes I head into doran’s home and speak to him he

Does not have a Quest available for us I feel like I have made a slight error maybe I’m in the wrong location or something like that I take a look at the goods he is selling a lot of cooking recipes are available for purchase like a lot suddenly the requirement to cook

Every dish in order to achieve Perfection has become a lot more difficult but as always I am nothing if not dedicated this is but a minor obstacle on the road to perfection in the market Balor is selling seeds of various types I’m not going to buy any

Right now but I will keep this in mind in the future should I require any of these seeds something to note is that he sells artichoke seeds which pier only begins to sell during year 2 so at least we have a reliable way of getting those seeds now rather than just relying on

The traveling cart I head back into Pelican town I have decided to put the whole Duran’s rest thing to the side for a moment while I figure out what I have to do there next I talked to Demetrius at the fountain by the community center a conversation which I actually enjoy I

Let him know about the sprinklers I have on my farm I like to dabble in a little bit of flexing from time to time a trip to the saloon is on the table now as I require many cups of coffee to ensure I

Have a nice pep in my step I also buy a couple of salads while I’m here and immediately inhale them to restore my health I do something I probably should have done a lot sooner I ask Robin to build a shed on the farm the garden pots

I acquired during spring will be placed in here so I will be able to plant the spring seeds I bought for Community Center purposes Robin is also selling quite a few nice things kegs preserve jars hardwood among other useful items are being sold here thanks to the shop overhaul mod she too

Is selling Garden pots so I buy 20 of them I head into peers at just the right moment to watch him walk away from the counter this under normal circumstances would be annoying at best however this was something I actually wanted to happen right now it means I can partake

In a bit of shoplifting I get my grubby little hands on four pomegranate saplings along with four Georgia veggies in total these are worth around 10,000 gold so I have absolutely no regrets and I will be doing this again in the future I send my pickaxe to Clint so he can

Upgrade it to iron quality then I toss some items into the shipping bin to give her bank account a little Boost after the shopping spray I went on today I spent the rest of the day fishing I won’t show me fishing often as it’s pretty much the same thing every time

But rest ass assured I will be doing as much fishing as possible any and every time I get the chance we need so many fish for the community center it is quite frankly unbelievable and the last thing I want to do is fall behind on that or even worse fail to repair the

Community center before the end of the year because I Dilly DED for too long when it comes to fishing on day 30 I send gifts to Arwin Balor and Edris I believe what I need to do to unlock the next Quest endurance rest is reach one heart of Friendship with these three

Villagers so that is what I shall do I also had to do that with Doran and Goran but I’ve already achieved quite a few friendship hearts with them thanks to the quest I completed for both of them I set up a little area for my seed makers

And toss my salal berries and Georgia berries into a chest beside the seed makers geia berries sell for around 900 gold I believe and salal berries are a fantastic source of energy so I would like to plant as many of these two seeds as I can I begin the long walk to the

Desert making taking time to blow up some rocks along the way to get some oras and gems upon reaching the desert I do some foraging before entering Sand’s shop and spending all of my money on starfruit seeds when I return home it is time to knuckle down and get to work on

Planting various seeds I begin with the starfruit seeds I just bought then I follow that up with the planting of Georgia Berry seeds and salal Berry seeds I’m getting a bit of deja vu here I must say this is giving me flashbacks to the stardy valley expanded

Playthrough I uploaded last year where I did pretty much the same thing I planted hundreds of Geer Berry seeds at one point maybe I will do that again here maybe I guess it depends on what other seeds I can get my hands on I want to get started on making and planting

Summer seeds as soon as I possibly can so the rest of the day I spent walking around the Big Forest collecting summer forage tea saplings as we saw during spring are an excellent source of gold in the early game so that’s going to be the meta for a while basically I want to

Make make hundreds if not thousands of tea saplings during summer day 31 begins with a little text box informing me that there was an explosion during the night immediately upon leaving the house I watch a cut scene where Susan introduces herself to us in person she is no longer

Separated from the town as the boulder that was blocking her way in was destroyed last night I do a bit of harvesting following this cut scene which results in me obtaining Georgia veggies salal berries and ghost berries Clint has sent her pickaxe back to us that is wonderful news hopefully I don’t

Misplace it again shall we say I decided to make good use of the space available to me and place quality sprinklers on the farm I then enter the shed that Robin built for me and begin placing my garden pot the veteran stardy Valley players that are watching right now

Might be aware that sprinklers do not work on Garden pots luckily I am also a veteran stardo Valley player so I remembered this pretty soon after I began to place the garden pots and quality sprinklers I quickly fix my mistake and fill up the shed in a much

More effective manner I decide to focus on green beans cauliflower and potatoes first planting the seeds for each of these crops of course I will have to water them manually every day but that is a small price to pay as this is pretty much the only way to complete the

Spring crops bundle in the community center I toss a spiceberry into a seed maker as that should give us another pack of Summer seeds I clear out just a teeny bit more space I didn’t have to but it’s honestly very satisfying chopping down trees and breaking rocks

And just clearing out the mess on the farm then I finally begin planting all of the summer seeds I made using the forage I collected during the last 2 days I’m not done yet though as I also want to plant coffee beans I would eventually like to have a shed full of

Kegs that are constantly producing coffee I continue working on my friendships with the residents of Duran’s rest as I am very excited to continue making progress in that area I am very much in need of some financial aid as I am currently the opposite of

Rich so I head to the home of the bees enduring rest I spend the rest of the night defeating them in order to obtain their alsoo valuable honey it still amazes me that this honey is worth over 1,000 gold but I certainly will not complain about it in fact I am very

Grateful for it I harvest a pearl on day 32 which is not a sentence I ever thought I would say truth be told I do not know which mod has added a seed that grows pearls as this one Grew From a mixed seed that is a mystery I will

Investigate in the future I doubt I will go out of my way to buy or somehow obtain this seed in the future too but it’s nice knowing that we can grow a pearl they’re worth a few thousand gold and pretty much every villager loves them so they will be nice gifts in the

Future Willie has sent me a letter informing us that his friend Murphy has arrived in town Murphy would like someone to assist him on his fishing tler you remember back in Spring I repaired the broken bridge at the beach and unlocked the tide poool area I mentioned that that area will be useful

In the future when it comes to a mod I installed but was not able to get working yet well good news I was able to get that mod working it turns out I was using an outdated version of it but that’s all sorted now so we are good

Basically this mod the fishing tler mod allows you to go on Murphy’s boat and do a bunch of different activities to keep the boat running smoothly at the end of the fishing trip you get to keep any of the fish that were caught during it the

Best part you don’t use your fishing rod the boat has Nets that automatically catch fish I quickly toss some items into the bin of shipping then I permanently borrow a couple of sports drinks from Harvey without his knowledge I buy 100 summer seeds from Pierre then I rush to the beach specifically the

Tide poool area where I meet Murphy we set sail for the high seas where unbeknown to me the most difficult nerve-wracking experience I’ve ever endured while playing stardy Valley was about to take place I grab a c cup of coffee which gives me a plus two speed

Boost and make my way into the deck of the ship I think it’s called everything seems to be fine here so I go into the hull area immediately things go wrong as there is water flooding the boat already at this point I became tremendously confused and did not know what to do I

Focused pretty much exclusively on grabbing coal from the box and using it to keep the engine running while also making sure to patch up any holes on the wall so that the ship doesn’t become entirely flooded I thought I was doing a mighty fine job and I was feeling very

Proud of myself unfortunately I forgot about two other aspects of this fishing Adventure number one there is a computer in the room Murphy is in you can interact with this computer to get more time added to the length of the fishing trip number two and this is the

Important one I did not interact with the Nets in any way shape or form they ripped very shortly after this whole thing began and I did not repair them which means all of the fish I caught before they were ripped were lost on top of of that because they were not fixed I

Could not catch any more fish in short I finished this fishing trip with zero fish I did not realize my mistake as it happened and so I was very very confused when I checked the chest that supposedly contains all of the fish I caught and it

Was empty this was a disaster plain and simple and even worse than that it was all my fault I have nobody to blame but myself while I plant and water my summer seeds I want to quickly discuss something related to the fishing trer mod so the way it works is you select a

Day and you can only go on the fishing trip on that day I originally selected Thursday but I was not happy at all with how today went I felt like I hadn’t gotten a proper idea of how beneficial this mod might be so I decided to change

The day to Friday meaning I will go on another fishing trip tomorrow this will be the one and only time I do two fishing trips in one week after tomorrow I will only be going on Fridays also if tomorrow ends up being a complete failure again then I’ll just accept it I

Won’t go again on Saturday but I do have a much better idea of how it works now so I have faith that we will do a sensational job tomorrow I harvest some more pearls on day 33 along with an ancient fruit ancient fruit have joined the group consisting of salal berries

And Georgia berries this group of crops will automatically be tossed into seed makers so I can grow more of these crops than I could ever possibly know what to do with I would like to bring some to your attention now Jacob has a quest for

Us in his words and I quote I am looking for coffee to eat in front of the TV I don’t think he is aware of how Coffee Works you do not eat coffee you drink it that is also a sentence I never thought I would have to say regardless I will

Provide Jacob with what he wants I can only hope he does not eat the cup along with the coffee it is now time for the main event of the day once again I immediately drink some of Murphy’s coffee to get a speed boost then I get

To work on patching up the room with the engine it is honestly very very nerve-wracking trying to do this and keep the engine stocked with coal and repair the Nets all at the same time and you know what I love it I don’t just want this challenge I welcome this

Challenge with open arms I have opened the door to my house pulled out a chair allowed this challenge to sit down at my dining table and prepared a lovely three course meal for it if this challenge was a villager I would already be at the maximum 10 hearts of Friendship with it

Based solely on the amount of time effort and focus I put into it today I am rambling right now I am well aware of that truth be told I’m simply trying to say as much as I can so I can show as much footage of me working on this ship

As possible I feel like I’ve shown enough of that footage for you to feel my share raw Panic through the screen as I did all of those activities involved in this fishing trip so let us now look at the rewards I received upon success y making you back to shore halibut a new

Type of seaweed whose name I cannot pronounce and will only embarrass myself if I try to puffer fish and red snapper and a decent amount of these fish too in total 19 fish I am very glad I did this fishing trip again today for the sake of

Science of course because as it turns out it is absolutely worth it I will probably sell this fish as the majority of fish needed for the community center have to be gold star and I’m already working away on that when ever I get free time but all in all I think it’s

Safe to say that this fishing trer mod is absolutely worth using I teleport to doran’s rest where I talk to the villagers in the market in order to bump Arwin and Edris up to the magical one heart of friendship I have successfully completed the quest to get five of the

Residents here to one heart of friendship Duran gives me a Dwarven ale for doing so which I sell right back to him I also give him the five dwarfen barley malt which as usual unlocks another another quest in which I have to make a machine put the item I just gave

To Duran into it in order to make a new item and give five of those two Duran I head to the broken bridge in the town where I read a sign that says warning Bridge intentionally destroyed talk to me at the pub if you’re brave enough to venture into the

Wasteland if there’s one thing I’m good at it is repairing Broken Bridges so this is something I am very much interested in I head to doran’s home where the newest Quest was reveals itself I must deliver 600 wood to dorin in order to repair the bridge that isn’t

Too bad actually I have plenty of wood back on the farm I have also unlocked a farmhouse here in doran’s rest the big man Duran has sent us a bed in a fridge as housewarming gifts I assume which is very kind of him I have also been sent

The crafting recipe I need for the machine related to the quest he gave us today there are a lot of quests here in Doran rest but they are definitely worth doing I’m I mean we’ve gotten a really cool Hammer a new Farmhouse some crafting recipes access to an area where

We can get Shadow honey and access to the mines just by doing these quests so while I have spent quite a while doing these quests I am happy with that choice because it has helped us out quite a bit especially when it comes to our finances after sending my pickaxe to Clint I

Spend the rest of the night chopping down trees the crop fairy also shows up during the night and does some magic stuff in order to fully grow some of our crops on day 34 I discovered that it was our salal berries that the crop fairy decided to bless with magic last night

Which means a good portion of them are ready for Harvest something to note about salal berries is they are similar to strawberries and ancient fruit in the sense that once they have fully grown you do not have to replant the seed when you harvest the crop it stays there and

You can Harvest it over and over again I spent some time watering my crops in the garden pot shed plant some agent seeds and geia Berry seeds make a couple of warp totems and teleport to Duran’s rest I have said Duran’s rest so many times in this play through already and I’m

Absolutely going to say it many many more times what can I say I love the doran’s rest mod I enter balor’s house and go into his basement where Supernatural eggplants have taken over and I must fight them once again that is a sentence I never thought I would say

After clearing out his basement I head to doran’s house and give him the 600 wood he wants immediately following this I enter the Market where the residents have gathered alongside Duran Duran announces that I have accepted the responsibility of keeping the town safe from any enemies that may show up on the

Island the bridge connects to I did not sign up for that but considering the positive effect this town has had on my bank account I am willing to protect the people here Balor says he has seen something strange in the neighborhood and apparently we are who he is meant to

Call upon he wants me to meet him at his house I feel like I may have jumped the gun a little bit by going into his basement earlier and defeating the eggplants sure enough upon entering balor’s home he tells us that his eggplants have come alive and have taken

Over the basement he wants us to take care of them which I unfortunately cannot do today as these eggplants seem to function similarly to the bees that drop shadow honey in the sense that when you defeat them they won’t respond until the following day which means Balor must

Wait until tomorrow for his eggplant carfuffle to be solved we’ve spent enough time in doran’s rest for one day I feel so I return to pelicant town where I buy all of the seeds I need for the summer crops bundle in the community center I also pick up some wheat

Sunflower and corn seeds while I’m here along with a couple of scarecrows I then spend the last of my money on summer seeds I got to say in a weird way I am really looking forward to doing the normal Community Center bundles in a future playthrough I have a feeling

They’re going to be a lot easier compared to what we’re doing now especially the fishing ones I have to catch so many fish like I said I have done some fishing here and there whenever I have had downtime but at some point during the season I’m going to

Have to dedicate a few days exclusively to Just Fishing so I can make sure I get everything I need in terms of the summer fish Clint has sent me my golden pickaxe on day 35 I have arrived too early to enter balor’s home so I do what I

Usually do in the circumstance and spend some time Lolly gagging in the mines I eventually enter balor’s home and get to work on defeating the haunted eggplants this goes relatively smoothly and I defeat 10 of them without too much hassle the time I have spent battling

Bees has made me a lot more cautious when it comes to combat so I will hopefully avoid being knocked out for the rest of this playthrough I talked to Balor at the market to complete his quest and I spend some of my der Bloons on red cabbage seeds I also buy two new

Versions of hops seeds along with 100 artichoke seeds 40 Dwarven Kamas seeds I’m not sure to pronounce that one and 20 nuot bulbs after that little spending spree I talked to to Duran who warns us that the hardest enemy we have ever faced Waits across the bridge the good

News is this enemy cannot fly which I very much appreciate this enemy turns out to be the dirt Dragon it isn’t too difficult surprisingly enough it shoots Fireballs which do a bit of damage but they’re easy enough to Dodge I will say however bumping into this enemy takes

Away like half of your health so the best way to approach this battle is to just slam the hammer down when you’re near it and run away as soon as it starts moving I make my way around the area carefully battling the dirt dragons here these dragons drop eggs when they are defeated

Andure in once 10 of these so our main goal here is to of course acquire 10 of these eggs I take a break from this battle of the century and do a bit of gallivanting around the area I head to the west side of the island where I find

A hidden cave I enter and walk to the end of the cave where I find a sword that has been lodged into a stone reminiscent of the legend of King Arthur I pull the sword from the stone acquiring the Legendary EX Alburn this is an absolute Game Changer and for once

I am not exaggerating when I say that this sword makes quick work of the dirt dragons it shoots Fireballs which means I can keep somewhat of a distance from them hurl Fireballs at them and collect the eggs they drop I am very excited to see how this sword handles the enemies

In the pelicant tole mines and especially the enemies in the skull Cavern along with any other enemies we may encounter during our escapades after collecting all of the eggs I need I walk back to the starting area then to the bus stop I spend the remainder of the

Night planting my summer seeds I give the dragon eggs to Duran on Day 36 and I believe that is the final quest he has for me that is related to combat which means all I have left are the quests involving things we can make using dwarf

And barley you know the things I put into machines to make other things and then I unlock the crafting recipe for another machine that can make another thing I don’t really know how to describe it but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about also the sword I picked up the exeler I

Don’t know if I’m pronouncing that correctly but regardless the exal bur has made going through the mind so much easier I genuinely cannot even begin to describe how quickly it takes care of all the enemies here even the zombie for men which were a decent challenge before

Do not stand a chance now that I have this sword I almost feel bad for the enemies here almost I got so immersed in using the sword that I didn’t even realize how much time had gone by before I knew it I had made it to the home of

The bees and was taking them on so I could get their wonderful honey again the sword makes quick work of these bees I can throw Fireballs at them and take them out in one hit as overpowered as it may be I did do a lot to get my hands on

This sword so I do not feel bad for using this in fact using this sword has had a profoundly positive effect on the overall Vibes I’m experiencing I managed to make it back home and toss the loot I collected today into the shipping bin before the night is over I also make one

Each of the machines Duran has sent me the crafting recipe for on day 37 I observe my machines marvelous I send my watering can to Clint and buy 10 idium sprinklers because of the amount of seeds I have that I still need to plant I decided to spend the rest of the day

Preparing the ground for the planting of these seeds it takes many minutes but I get it done and plant a good percentage of the seeds I bought from Balor a couple of days ago too and that’s actually it today the salal burries that were grown by the crop fairy continue to

Shine a light on my life as they are once again ready for Harvest on day 38 following that it’s off to the mines I took a bit of a break from this area but I’m back now and I want to make it to the bottom of this place by the end of

Tomorrow I make it to floor 100 where I obtain my first star drop sweet I push forward making my way through floor after floor after floor the golden pickaxe paired with the exal bur makes things really easy and I get the floor 112 before I pass out Clint returns our

Watering can to us on day 39 I am greeted by The Sensational site of Summer forage which I harvest and turn into more summer seeds 400 more summer seeds to be exact but that is not all there’s even more forage ready to collect on the farm I used this forage

To make another 220 summer seeds I make 165 tea saplings which I toss into the shipping bin I donate red mushrooms cave carrots and mixed seeds to the Exotic foraging bundle Maple and pine tree saplings to the summer and winter foraging bundles and donate multiple items to The Boiler Room bundles the

Luau takes place today but I unfortunately participated in too much dly dallying and I ended up missing the festival I wanted to spend my der Bloons in the market uring rest as I need an aridium bar for the Boiler Room bundles but the market is closed I assume

Because of the luau so I teleport back home and return return to the community center with more items for the boiler room as well as muscles for the crab pop bundle and torches clams and coral for the foraging bundles I head to the mines not to advance further and make it floor

120 but rather to obtain the remaining bones and bat wings I need for the community center I end up completing the skeleton monster eradication goal which I was not expecting but I am very pleased with all the same I also made 82,000 gold from the saplings I shipped today

Some radishes are ready for Harvest on day 40 I plant georia Berry seeds along with some summer seeds I buy the crafting recipe for der Bloons from Duran now I can use one duranium to make 100 der Bloons which is a very fair exchange if you ask me I buy some coal

And an iridium bar from Goran along with some rice shots and a Citron Crimson Citrus and rested juniper tree sapling from Balor I purchased the second backpack upgrade in peers and grab an orange and apple tree sapling 10 garden pot and 10 irium sprinklers also while

I’m here I somehow wink wink nudge nudge get my hands on five grass starter I tripped and I I fell into them and they ended up in my inventory you I mean you know how it is you know what happens it’s happened to all of us right I send

My copper axe the Clint so he can upgrade it to iron then I head to the saloon I make good use of the part of the community mod here talking to a villager gives you five friendship points with the surrounding villagers the default value for this is two

Friendship points but because of the number of villagers in the game I feel like five points is a fair compromise because of the amount of people here on a Friday I can get 85 bonus friendship points with everybody here just from talking to them on top of the 20

Friendship points you normally get from just talking to a villager so 105 friendship points in total I donate an iridium bar coal bones and white algae to the community center unlocking the bounty board bundles and the Vault bundles but I have not fully completed the the boiler room yet I still need to

Donate some gems I take a look at the bounty board bundles at first glance they make me want to cry but upon further inspection it’s not too bad I suppose don’t get me wrong it’s going to take quite a bit of time to get them

Done but it’s not as bad as it could be I feel the Vault bundle is pretty simple I just have to donate 98,000 gold overall I’m feeling pretty good about the community center in general I think the two most difficult bundles are the fishing and bounty board bundles but

They’re manageable also I did check and the only fish that is exclusive to Spring is the legend which we don’t need to donate thankfully so we’re good on that front Susan sends us melon seeds on day 41 thank you Susan I harvest some poppies and coffee beans along with some

Ancient fruit and wheat also the potatoes in the shed are ready so I collect those to the bad news though is I don’t have enough to donate so I sprinkle fertilizer on the garden pots and plant potato and kale seeds I wanted to ask Clint to crack open some geod for

Me but I forgot he is working on upgrading my axe I find that a bit questionable considering he was not doing anything at all when I walked in but then I asked him to do something for me and he’s just magically busy that’s pretty suspicious if you ask me it’s off

To the mines and this time I am indeed going to progress further again we have some pretty powerful tools and weapons at our disposals I was able to get to floor 120 thanks in large part to the golden pickaxe and the excaliburn I now have the skull key

Which means I can enter the skull Caverns I think I’ll wait until I get the idium pickaxe to go to the skull Caverns though our axe has been returned to us on day 42 what a delicious start to the day I’m also not really sure whether or not to mention harvesting

Crops anymore or how frequently to mention it I think what I’ll do is mention when I harvest or plant the money makers so to speak so things like ancient fruit Georgia berries and summer seeds as well as things I need for the community center like the potatoes and kale I have

Growing in Garden pots I donate coffee beans summer Spangles poppies and peppers to the community center I am really proud of myself for staying on top of the donations next up is a visit to Clint where I have my geodes cracked open I need one petrified slime I think that’s

How you pronounce it three mudstone and three Celestine I believe and I only need to donate two of those three items so we have a bit of leeway with the last Boiler Room bundle as I can choose which two of those three I want to donate I donate some items to the museum

Including the one mudstone I had I did not mean to donate this but I have two Celestine and one petrified slime so I guess we’re going with those two I asked Clint to crack open even more geodes and I do not get the item I need but that is

Okay I want to get the boiler room finished before the end of summer so I I still have 2 weeks or so now that I have the iron axe I can break tree stumps and logs to get hardwood I’m going to break any of these that I see as I want as

Much hardwood as I can get for future projects that will require that material I check out the traveling cart which is not selling garlic or garlic seeds but it turns out I don’t actually need garlic at least not for the spring crops bundle you see I can leave one of the

Crops out and just donate the rest and that will still be enough to complete that bundle I grab as much hardwood as I can get my hands on in the secret Woods along with some red banebury the Quarry area on the farm is filled to the brim

With copper iron and gold ore emeralds diamonds and other gems and Frozen Shields I want to break every Rock here and collect everything but I am a busy bee and it also is my bedtime so I must leave this place for now day 43 is already off to an absolutely Sensational

Start as I harvest Georgia berries and starf fruit among a couple couple of other crops summer forage is also ready for collection I have to say the shop overhaul mod has paid dividends and has undoubtedly made this adventure quite a bit easier thanks to the sprinklers that

Were added to peer shop I donate radishes to the summer crops bundle and gold star starfruit to the Quality crops bundle I finish off the summer foraging bundle for which I receive a bee house acorns and common mushrooms are donated to the fall forging bundle and a petrified slime is thrown into the

Boiler room I really do hope I have been pronouncing petrified correctly but I don’t think I have I sell the rest of the starfruit I have to pier and make 73 tea saplings I’ve got more Geo Berry and ancient seeds at my disposal so I plant

Those I would like to get the Georgia Berry and ancient fruit Empire up and running as quickly as possible the tea saplings I created are sold along with half of the salal berries I have in my inventory I find a banana at the are outside the tunnel beside the bus stop

Which is a very nice find ordinarily a banana is something I would obtain in Winter after reaching Ginger Island so I am very surprised to receive one this early though it is of course a welcome surprise the walk to the desert also provides me with plenty of opportunities

To take on monsters that will have to be defeated as part of the monster eradication goals so it’s nice to know that we are consistently making progress on these goals every time I partake in this Marathon to Calico desert upon entering Sandy shop she tells us that we

Should avoid walking home as ghosts come out in droves at night time I hear you I understand you but above all else I’m going to ignore you I buy some rhubarb seeds 10 coconuts and 200 starfruit seeds then I Venture onto the road back to pelic town just as Sandy warned us

The area is teeming with ghosts luckily we have the exal burn so getting back home is a complete walk in the park just before I head this to sleep I make sure to plant some of the starfruit seeds I bought today the planting of starfruit seeds continues on day

44 I continue the tradition of making summer seeds I feel like I have grown especially attached to these wonderful packets of seeds and I harvest the green beans that I’ve grown in the garden pots for the first time I need 30 of these so this is something I will have to repeat

Two more times I head to Duran’s rest where I deliver five Dwarven barley malt to him this of course unlocks a new quest to make five of a new item and give them to him I check the mailbox at my farmhouse here and read the letter that contains the crafting recipe for

The machine needed to make this new item I spend just a little bit of time battling the bees here to collect some honey I might as well while I’m here then I head to Grandpa’s shed for the first time as I have the iron axe I can

Break the two logs that block the entrance to this shed I step inside and analyze my surroundings just as I thought this is indeed a shed but it’s not just a shed no it’s a big shed the rest of the day as well as days 45 and

46 are spent chopping down trees and clearing out the rest of the space in this big patch of land where I have been planting my seeds day 47 is a massive summer forage collection day of course they collected other crops the main ones being ancient fruit Georgia berries and

Pearls I don’t know if you can consider a pearl to be a crop but it grew from a seed so technically it’s crop I don’t know what’s going on anymore my brain is fried if I’m being honest between the first day of spring and now I have written around 20,000 words that’s

20,000 words about stardew Valley I wasn’t exaggerating about my brain being Fried by the way when I go to sleep I dream about summer forage and the mind’s endurance rest and stealing tea saplings from Pierre and catching dozens of fish after making 670 summer seeds I plant as

Many of them as as I possibly can bear in mind I also planted more summer seeds and starfruit seeds during that period of time I spent clearing out more space on the farm I would not be surprised if I end up with like a th000 or 2,000

Summer seeds by the end of this season that’s just the way things are going right now I donate potatoes cauliflower blueberries Tomatoes red cabbages and melons to the community center all of which I harvested during the afrom mentioned period of time spent cleaning up the farm I complete the summer crops

Bundle and receive an iridium sprinkler sweet upon further inspection of the bounty board bundles I got to say they’re really not too bad I admit I panicked when I first saw them simply because of how many items are required for these bundles but if I stay cool

Calm and collected I think I’ll be able to get this one done before the end of the year I buy some geod from Clint along with a rusty Cog and a rusty spur for the museum and five battery packs I ask Clint to crack open the geod I just

Bought and I very quickly get my hands on two mudstone it’s at this point I deeply regret donating that one mud Stone I had to the museum I buy some more GEOS from Clint ask him to crack them open and I receive the third mudstone I need I was actually hoping to

Get one Celestine because I already have two of those but I mean I’m not going to complain about this I will happily take three mudstone I make a few donations to the museum I have been lacking just a bit when it comes to this area but there

Are a lot of things I’ve had to stay on top of since this playthrough began so I won’t hold that against myself I head to the beach where I talk to Murphy even though Murphy isn’t anywhere to be seen I have the option to go on the fishing

Trip but when I accept it nothing happens I believe what has occurred is you cannot go on the fishing trip after 6:00 p.m. I made it to the beach before 6 p.m. but talked to Murphy after 600 p.m. so maybe the game just made Murphy disappear because even though I got to

The beach on time I was too late when it came to actually seeing and talking to Murphy any whst I donate three mudstone to the community center finishing off the boiler room we have now unlocked the minecart system we have also just completed our first room in the

Community center well done us on day 48 we have officially reached the stage where we will never be shorten coffee beans ever again I make 170 more summer seeds I do apologize for how often I have mentioned this but harvesting forage and making seeds brings me so

Much happiness I just want to share this experience and that happiness with all of you I head into Robin’s shop where a cut scene plays Robin say she has figured out what material she needs we need to give her 150 hardwood 600 Stone 50 iron bars and 20 battery packs yeah

Basically what has happened here is the game for some reason skipped the cut scene where Robin shows up at our house and and talks about Grandpa’s shed instead it has just jumped ahead to her telling us what she needs to repair the shed which doesn’t really bother me in

Fact I’m just happy to finally be able to repair the shed the reason for this being it contains a greenhouse which I desperately need I did a bit of mathematics in my head while I walked to Clint and figured out that I have just enough gold to buy 15 battery packs from

Him this is very good news because I already have five of them which means I have the 20 needed for Grandpa sh so I gather all of the required Stone hardwood and iron bars and toss them along with the battery packs into the chest in Grandpa’s shed and just like

That we have delivered everything Robin asked for I refused to partake in any sort of Dilly dallying when it comes to that shed and especially the greenhouse it contains I buy three iridium bars from Goran as well as five iron bars and two more iridium bars I make five of the

New machine required for Duran’s most recent Quest then I make more der Bloons and buy eight more idium and iron bars which I used to make four of the previous two machines that Duran taught us how to make just before I leave I buy a final five iridium bars I place all of

My machines down my thought process here is I want to be able to make everything Duran wants as quickly as possible I’m at the point where I want to wrap up the Duran’s rest quest and find out what we get for completing everything Robin pays

Us a visit on the morning of day 49 and lets us know that the shed will be repaired tomorrow thank you Robin thank you so much also I goofed uh I accidentally interacted with the mailbox while I was holding my golden pickaxe because I had five idium bars in my

Inventory it sent my pickaxe to Clint to be upgraded that was very silly of me but I was planning on upgrading my pickaxe anyway so we shall call this a happy accident I take a look at what Marne is selling the shop overhaul mod has added eggs milk cloth wool basically

Every animal item along with things like fiber and mayonnaise machines to our shop I don’t buy anything but that is good to know next up is a cut scene where I pet Dusty the dog this was a therapeutic cut scene and was very much needed after the previous action filled

Jam-packed and very intense 49 days I have gotten to the point where I don’t even read the quests on the bounty board anymore I just accept them and if I have an item any villager wants then I send it to them when I get the chance this

Honestly does not happen as often as I would like it to as I don’t yet have access to a good portion of the items that the villagers have requested after selling some crops to Pier I buy 50 tomato seeds as I need Goldstar tomatoes for the community center as well as

Basic fertilizer nine iridium Sprinklers and one more iridium sprinkler that I was able to afford after selling some salal berries for the first time I cross Shearwater Bridge and enter East scarp I cannot believe I haven’t come here yet but in my defense I have been up to my

Eyeballs in various Shenanigans and Tom Foolery up until this point the first house I enter in this lovely area is going for a minimalist aesthetic shall we say it doesn’t have a lot of furniture is what I’m trying to get at here maybe this will be my house in the

Future I would like that I would like that a lot I enter a hotel or an in I think it’s called I meet Rosa who dropped something she was cooking and immediately blamed me for it lovely my first day here and already somebody is angry with me I apologize which results

In Rosa immediately apologizing too I am massively confused I think I’m just going to forget that happened and start fresh with Rosa water under the bridge right she is selling bread cookies coffee East scarp warp tot toems and the crafting recipe for warp totems I don’t buy anything but I will remember this

For the future as I’m sure those warp totems especially will come in handy I explore the hotel a bit more and I find a lovely swimming pool area the rooms here are very nicely furnished a stark contrast to that first house I entered overall I like the aesthetic of this

Hotel I enter a house where I meet munching ton the cat nice we have Dusty the dog and munching ton the cat there is a lovely Beach area I hope some sort of Festival takes place here or just something that involves the villagers hanging out here I feel like that would

Be a lovely touch I enter a Cave System but I don’t have a pickaxe with me as I accidentally sent it to Clint this morning so I shall return at some point and see what this cave system has to offer I enter another cave and meet Lexi

I do not know who or even what Lexi is but I want to be their friend they have a positive aura and I’m liking the vibe they’re giving off I make my way to the north of East scarp where I find an exit that leads to the mountain area you know

The place by the mines and Robin shop it’s good to know that we can access East scarp from here I was not aware of that until now the Duran’s rest machines are thriving on day 50 though I would like to build a shed and put all of the

Machines inside it but that is a job for another day maybe even another season as I have a lot on my plate right now I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m complaining when I say things like that I’m honestly really happy to have so many things to do and talk about on a

Daily basis I don’t want this to change I want to have a dozen different things to do every day Robin has repaired Grandpa’s shed that is the best news I have received during this entire playthrough so far the first thing I do is head upstairs and plant all of the

Tomato and kale seeds making sure to sprinkle fertilizer on them as I do the reason for this being I need gold old star kale and tomatoes for the community center I also plant some artichoke seeds fully covering the entirety of the greenhouse with seeds I donate 30 green

Beans and take a few minutes to really assess what I have left to do here in the community center allow me to explain what I’m thinking right now the spring crops bundle is fine I just need rhubarb and unmilled rice both of which are growing in the garden pots for the

Quality crops bundle I can thankfully leave out the strawberries and easily get the other four done the fall crops will be a walk in the park I will just buy the seeds I need for them when fall begins The Artisan bundle shouldn’t be too bad it’s just a case of throwing

Fruits and vegetables into preserved jars and kegs and planting the fruit tree sapling so I can get apricots peaches cherries and pomegranates the animal bundle is the most difficult one here the items being gold star does add a significant challenge to this but as

Long as I can get a coup or two and and a barn and fill them up with cows goats chickens and Ducks within the next 2 or 3 weeks I should be fine the fishing bundles are just timec consuming more than anything else I have been making a

Very conscious effort to fish whenever I can like I’ve mentioned a couple of times it has been going pretty well but we are closing in on the point where I need to dedicate a few days specifically to fishing to make sure I don’t miss out on any of them the bounty board bundles

I spoke about this one earlier it’s not necess neily difficult it just requires a lot of items I think the worst part about this one is going to be getting all of the cooking dishes I need I could buy them I know Duran sells at least a

Couple of these dishes but I would rather make them myself instead of buying them and that goes for all of the other bundles too unless I absolutely have to I would feel a lot better about myself if I obtained all of the items I need instead of relying on buying them

In shops so overall I am feeling pretty confident when it comes to the bundles I have left it won’t be easy don’t get me wrong but it is a lot of fun and a very nice change of pace compared to the normal bundles I asked Robin to build a

Coupe for us then I spend the rest of the day fishing at the beach I have received my idium pickaxe on day 51 the very first Corn Harvest takes place the rest of the day spend fishing at the mountain lake yep the fishing portion of this playthrough is officially underway

On day 52 I harvest more summer forest than I know what to do with that’s a lie actually I know exactly what I’m going to do with this and that will be revealed pretty soon I finally buy the Iridium fishing rod and as you may have

Guessed I spend the rest of the day fishing even more summer forage is ready on day 53 I never really took the time to plant summer seeds or spring or fall or winter seeds this much in the past so I had no idea it would result in this

Much forage growing on the farm now I truly understand why people people invest so much time and effort into making tea saplings it makes so much sense now a tomato Harvest takes place too and of course any Georgia berries and ancient fruit I get are thrown into

Seed makers as always I ask Robin to add another Coupe to the farm and I buy 10 preserve jars from her we might as well continue the tradition the rest of the day spent fishing starfruit is ready for Harvest on day 54 I’m going to be honest

I’m a lot more excited now when I summer Forge than I am when to see starfruit which is weird because starfruit has always been my favorite crop in the game I visit Murphy at the tide pool area and embark on a fishing trip with him I

Drink a cup of coffee as always that speed boost is invaluable when it comes to getting around the boat as quickly as possible just like the last fishing trip I went on this is nerve-wracking to a goofy degree that is the best way I can

Describe it it’s a lot of fun but it takes so much concentration and effort to to stay on top of repairing the Nets keeping the engine running and repairing the wall to make sure the boat doesn’t get flooded my one and only complaint is that you can only get ocean fish from

This fishing trip maybe I’m wrong and in the future I’ll be able to get River fish and mountain fish that would be swell but that is just a minor complaint on my part this activity is a lot of fun and I’m really glad I installed this mod

When the timer dropped down below 20 seconds I did something I I’m very proud of myself for doing I remembered that I can use the computer to add 30 more seconds to the timer when the fishing trip concludes I check the chest containing all of the fish we caught

During it I have received clams starfish halibut crayfish snails Purry Winkles and red mullets it may have been difficult but it was absolutely worth it prepare yourself now for the surprise of the century the rest of the day is spent fishing the penultimate round of starfruit harvesting occurs on day 55 I

Also get a tower route which is really cool normally you can only get those when you unlock Ginger Island I’ve built up a nice collection of seeds I’ve got 14 ancient seeds 57 joia Berry starters and 20 fall seeds I acquired the fall seeds by putting common mushrooms into

The seed maker things are looking mighty fine in the greenhouse in Grandpa shed as the kale is tent inly close to being fully grown I sell a few of my crops buy eight full stacks of fiber from Marney and buy four chickens for the first

Coupe I had built on the farm I spend the rest of the day fishing in front of Leah’s Cottage as I need to get Pike and Dorado for the community center I have also decided that I’m going to wait until I have every fish I need and

Donate them all at the same time I feel like that is going to be really satisfying so I’m very much looking forward to doing that day 56 the final day of summer after making as many summer seeds as I can I have around 3,200 of them okay now I really

Understand the obsession some people have with tea saplings though I will say I may have overdone it as I make over 600 te saplings and the only reason why I didn’t make more is because I ran out of wood 600 tea sapling sells for

300,000 gold so we are going to be in a very comfortable position financially heading into fall the final starf fruit harvesting session of the Season takes place officially signaling the end of summer that’s a lot of s’s in one sentence I harvest all of the kale that

Has grown in the greenhouse and plant wheat and artichoke seeds in their place I improve my financial situation even further as I sell starfruit to Pier unlocking the achievement for earning a total of 1 million gold I buy iridium sprinklers donate corn gold star kale and unmilled rice to the community

Center I also donate a total of 9 8,000 gold to buy all of the Vault bundles and complete that room in its entirety the third and final backpack upgrade has been purchased which means we now have 48 inventory slots that is very chill I must say I head to doran’s rest I have

Lost count of how many times I have said that and I give the five items Doran wanted to him which of course unlocks a quest to make five of another item and give those to him too I utilize the super Elite tactic of using the warp

Totem in my farmhouse here to get back to the starting area as fast as possible disaster has struck as I am unable to plant my fruit tree saplings in the greenhouse I will be completely honest and say I very much panicked at this point however as I’m watching this

Footage and writing the script I know exactly why I couldn’t plant them it’s because they have to be planted on the dirt and not on the wooden flooring basically this is a very easy fix and I will plant them all on the very first

Day of fall I spent the rest of the day fishing to catch the last couple of rainbow trout and Sunfish I need and that is the end of summer I feel like this is going to be slightly shorter than spring but I also feel like we accomplished a lot more here maybe

That’s just placebo effect because I put more focus on the community center during the season but regardless I feel like we’re doing very well for ourselves I know for a fact I have repeated myself many times and I have rambled quite often but that’s just how my videos are

I’ve accepted it now if you enjoy Rambles and listening to someone talk really in detail about the smallest things feel free to stick around and watch more of my videos because that is my specialty anyway this has gone on long enough and I’m sure fall and winter

Will be a similar length so I won’t take up any more of your time I had tremendous fun this season let’s see if we can keep the ball rolling in fall

Mods Used
Automate ||
Better Junimos ||
Better Mixed Seeds ||
Bigger Backpack ||
Challenging Community Center Bundles ||
Coin Collector ||
Durin’s Rest ||
East Scarp ||
Everfarm ||
Festival of the Mundane ||
Fishing Trawler ||
Harvest With Scythe ||
Help Wanted ||
Lookup Anything ||
Mail Services ||
NPC Map Locations ||
Part of the Community ||
Ridgeside Village ||
Shoplifter ||
Shop Overhaul ||
Stardew Valley Expanded ||
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor ||
Visible Fish ||
Walk to the Desert ||

Music Used (In Order of Appearance)
Settling In
Spring (It’s A Big World Outside)
Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)
Spring (Wild Horseradish Jam)
Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
Fall (The Smell Of Mushroom)
Fall (Raven’s Descent)
Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
Winter (Ancient)
Calico Desert
Starwatcher (Maru’s Theme)
Mines (Crystal Bells)
Mines (Icicles)
Mines (Marimba Of Frozen Bone)
Mines (Cloth)
Mines (The Lava Dwellers)
In The Deep Woods
Night Market
Submarine Theme

Thank you for watching!


  1. This series is so good. I love the mods you have added and it makes me want to play more. Right now I'm working on the hard community center but with ppja and raffadax 😂

  2. While I absolutely adore this, let's play! Please don't overdo it, please!
    Take a break once in a while, so your brain doesn't get "fried". It would be a real shame if you were to suffer a burnout! Your health is always a top priority!

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