211 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening or nighttime welcome back to Hemlock Farm joining Sheamus on the 23d of winter year 2 it’s a Tuesday thank you for joining us I appreciate you stopping in and saying hi either you know actually writing it or just being here I

Appreciate you um so we are on the sword H uh we got a little bit of business to take care of let’s let’s see our meil first oh thanks Kent battery um we can do a turn of copper I think we have enough I need just get to a window

Where it has cool yeah we are just taking care of some last minute business before the end of the season we’re going to finish off the Aquatic po overpopulation Quest um I don’t know if we’re going to be able to do Key’s kindness we’ll see we will see we’ll kind of Stack

Ourselves up with some loved gifts and hope for the best I mean we should have accepted that before we gave out some loved gifts yesterday um thankfully we have seven people that we or seven Guardians I should say that we know we can Bank on for loved gifts oh shoot I did the

Mushroom stack hey yikes 30 Doom um and we got some other things in here too that we can take care of for loved gifts which is really nice let’s see let’s see what we can grab um so we Clint um Penny I guess we don’t have any diamonds in here Abigail

Sure um Emily you can give that too we have other thing things in okay so George uh Sandy Sam Haley Probus that’s good enough for there and then we have to go get some more gems let’s see what’s going on in here just hops today okay cool um Robin Elliot Gus Leo yeah sure we’ll stop in here and clean out this store store store store Sebastian yeah and then let’s do how many was that against 17 we’re going to wait on that we’ll just pick all these up though and dunk sure we’ll put the feather in there Dunk Dunk Dunk Dunk yep and then we have some oops I don’t want to eat the Hops no thank you

Are you up hops no okay that’s actually kind of good cuz I’m going to run around and give the gifts dunk the Hops in there and let’s see what we got in here we got one which is kind of a bummer I thought that we would have

More do we have any down here oh this will actually be good for um Penny actually there we go that’s a aium quality one no n down there okay we’re going to ah yeah we’ll do this okay loud noise warning heads up in five 4 3 2 [Applause] 1 nice Yammer all these

Out the idum is always Welcome and let’s store oh that’s a Maru loved gift isn’t it have we already gifted Maru twice this week uh oh okay we’ve only gifted some people once oh wait this is where I wanted to go never mind okay and I already forgot about something so let’s run and that actually

Let’s go and check our shed cuz if we have some diamonds here that’s some more loved gifts which we actually don’t need to I don’t we don’t need to stress over love gifts with the nature Guardians I think we’ll be fine cuz there’s seven of them

Times seven that’s 49 so even just them alone um but there’s still the people that we can work on the friendships with that we want to work on friendships with cuz I forgot about Vincent no And uh yeah well uh sorry sorry sorry distracted myself um we’re going to go to the greenhouse again cuz instead of giving Jazz one of our last pink cakes I think in here we actually have some fairy Rose yeah so we’ll give Jazz a fairy Rose from

Here all right let’s go and gift some things starting with Pam because she’s probably going to be right here yeah hi Pam one oh yay oh look at it it looks so lovely oh sorry I’m stretching oh hey Sheamus so what do you think I feel pretty good about it in

Fact it might be my finest work yet notice the round window very difficult to bend the frame like that oh and the intricate carvings on the door took me forever didn’t you notice that um I feel like that might be a vanilla thing that’s actually causing that oh I guess

I’m rambling about wood again hey where is huh anyways I’m going to go talk to them but first I have to ask do you want me to tell them you paid for this no I’d rather remain anonymous okay you stay there then hi there neighbors that’s a nice new

House you got there Robin I I I don’t know what to say this is a dream come true it’s all I have ever wanted oh Pam Robin thank you so much hey don’t thank me someone else came up with the idea and they paid for everything too then

Who I can’t say they insisted on remaining Anonymous they probably stayed Anonymous so we wouldn’t have to feel obligated to them whoever you are you are truly a pure Angel well I wouldn’t go that far Penny from now on will be like a real family you

He I don’t want to be so bitter all the time anymore I’m going to go try and turn my life around okay pick up fearin jod we don’t have a love gift for George we have a love gift for right here oh shoot where’d he

Go there you go Maru I got a battery for you there you Go and who else was there Emily was walking somewhere Evelyn shoot Abigail I have and Robin I have Robin before you go to fitness class there you go Emily I have this Jodi and Caroline no who else was running away oh Marne shoot what does Marne like I don’t think

I have anything for mne if I do oh well um who’s running up here Abigail right Abigail let’s go do Gus um Lewis we want to just give a pale cuz he’s do we we actually Max Lewis I think um Gus is what the heck where’s

Gus is he in the store what the heck where are you Gus oh you’re in the community center okay um we also didn’t get the gois for Leah so we’re going to don’t and get that no don’t drink up pale ale you silly goof see is Haley in here yes she is

Coconut for you talk to you too see who’s in here in this house I think I don’t know saml and Vincent will be here they might be in school oh they are okay so Vincent is grapes yeah I know no worries I can give you this and Sam’s not there he’s

Somewhere else is J um skipping yes we don’t have a loved gift for Shane we’ll give JZ this because then we can go and get the goat cheese for Leah actually let’s go and give Puck while we’re over here too see if Puck counts towards it where is that key kindness we’re at

10 yeah we’ll see if Puck counts towards this I feel like he should because he’s still coded as an NPC here you go my friend nice he does okay yeah this will be really easy with the the Guardians um yeah we really need to do Leah’s birthday

Which her gift oh my gosh I need to um consume something there we go let’s pop you oh my gosh I’m on the sword ah which I need to go and talk to the alter for cuz it’s at 166 I think right so I think

Do we need to bring it back down to whatever it was was it like a 100 was that what it was originally at okay Leah I got a goat cheese 808 yay yeah no worries Leah bye and Shane we will just give a rabbit’s foot to there you go do kobus and misto

There you go I’m not going to reset my fishing skill yet not until we actually make make the most out of the level 10 skill cuz I’m scared that our fishing bar is going to become tiny again I don’t know I don’t know if that’s something that we keep or we lose

Um then let’s do um there’s salmon Penny Penny on the bridge sitting there super cute Sam and then we can do shoot I auto sorted that’s okay we can do Clint with this gold star one there you go oh wow that brought you up to six hearts nice

Clint um what else do we have on us right Gus Elliot Sebastian is Gus still in the community center no he looks like he went back this would have been nice class while we working on the hero’s journey he G we’re going to give you this orange my friend there you go

And swing up here to these um fellas up here oh shoot we didn’t grab anything lus I think we just grab a uh Alex we don’t have anything for Alex either let’s give Demetrius this because he’s a bum hole nice eight and is Sebastian in his room yes

Oh we’re getting a cut scene okay oh hey give me one sec sure um I’m going to stay put he said give him a second so I’ll wait okay sorry about that I just needed to finish what I was working on no problem ask him what he’s working on what are you working

On I do freelance work as a programmer that was oh there’s like a double space there an instant message from Sam I guess he wants to hang out H I don’t really feel like going out today same so he’s drinking tea oh hi Shamus sebie I know you don’t like it

When I come in here but I ran to Abigail at the store and she said that she was looking for you did you tell her I’m working I did but she said she’d probably stop by anyway uh no one takes my job seriously no one ever bothers Mar when she’s

Working at the clinic does everyone think I’m just surfing the web all day Robin’s like not byy not having this conversation right now ask him about his career goals well I’m trying to save up so I can move out of here probably to the city or

Something you know if I gone to college I’d probably be making six figures right now but I just don’t want to be part of that corporate Rat Race you know well and I guess I feel more comfortable hidden behind the computer than deal with dealing with people face to face okay

True well I should get back to work I need to get this module finished by tomorrow you do you Sebastian I got an egg for you my friend L this how did you know um Bo potato SW I want some okay ah I wanted something for dinner yeah blue potatoes

Is a good option oh my gosh I’m stuck on okay um so we got Leo and we got Sandy and we have Elliot and potentially lius if we find something but he I don’t know his love gifts he he just likes Forge he doesn’t love Forge hello sure a willow

Bark um what am I doing oh right coyote new coyote and shock as well while we’re here coyote here you go my friend oh I forgot about wizard we can do wizard too jeez let’s run and give shuck a Gift trees holy oh you we’ve gotten you before but can we ship you now Juniper nice that’s going to be from a tree oh that’s so funny I clicked that right when I warped here you go Shu um now let’s do Sandy and Aman ra so I’m actually going to ditch

Fierin like on the train tracks gets run over oh stuck okay bring F into the desert just to increase our speed a little bit Alan ra there you are and Sandy crocus for you there you go and then let’s warp back home to he there okay to

Go um oh my gosh I need Fe I’m well run down here to go to the beach whoa whoa play that again run over here is he in his house are we going to get a cut scene probably he oh oh yeah we did there we go I thinking we would Sheamus come

In welcome to my humble well Shack adjust my mic stand again one second this is my writing desk it’s where I spend most of my time for as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a writer have I told you that that’s why I live out here by

Myself I figured a lonely life by the Sea would help me focus on my literary aspirations everyone back home said I was nuts that I could never make it as as a writer can you believe it they said for every successful author there’s a thousand who fail miserably such pessimism it’s

Sickening I can see it in your eyes you believe in me Sheamus you got that spark now that’s inspiring that’s what I’m looking for question what kind of books do you like Sheamus okay so that’s why yeah remember we he’s already written his book but let’s choose sci-fi because

That’s what he talked about I would never have guessed I suppose even um those of the earthiest profession sometimes have their heads in the Stars okay I actually like that an earthy profession I’ll remember that yes you will because you’re going to write a book about it that we already went to

Your reading well enough talk about me you probably know a lot about plants don’t you would you mind taking a look at this Rose here I’m afraid it’s not doing so well okay cut scene one done cut scene two oh never mind is he just playing oh

No yeah he’s supposed to be playing music right now but we cannot hear it sounds lovely what the heck why was that like a full song that we were listening to that took so long um I thought someone was there um that was wonderful thank you I’m not very good but it’s fun

To Play I’ve Been Working Day and Night to try and finish my book it’s been driving me insane Sheamus I just noticed the frame it’s like a that’s so cool it’s like a snowy Beach um an occasional tune is the only Recreation I allow myself oh my gosh a grind

There’s just too much work to do and all and my bank account’s starting to run dry sometimes I wish I could just throw it all away and become a farmer like you um it’s hard to be a farmer you know I don’t know if this is like

Negative points or not but you’re right that was an insensitive thing to say what I meant is that I’d like to get away from this dark musty prison and experience a little bit of real life that’s all sorry I’m complaining like this I just need someone to talk to now and then

Yeah no I mean you’re staying up in this tiny little room is there I think that’s only two in here yes hello there you go um okay let’s do the actually no we don’t need the fishing experience right now so we’re going to ignore those and let’s go and

Find Willie or not sorry um Leo before he goes to bed which he might actually be in his um thing his Treehouse so let’s go and see if we can find him before he sleeps cuz I think it’s only like 8:00 that he lights go out oh he’s not here okay sweet that’s

Great um maybe it’s just cuz I’m used to like the broken NPC p thing that I was dealing with for so long okay well let’s go and give a pale ale to shalot we’re here shalot there you go and then we can go and run and give one to ASD

Zoom and astd here you go lovely yeah no problem and now we really just need to find Leo who’s probably up watching the night sky oh there you are and here you are my friend um I love this I’m going to put in my Nest when Sun’s angry feels good

In the jungle so that brought us to 29 we’re already 2/3 or two FS 33ft of the way there jeez these are going in don’t really mind any of that we’re just going to zoom back yep and let’s go Fishing let’s finish the day by fishing um we’ll just ship the stuff I don’t really want it on me um we’re actually going to go talk we’re going to go to Pierre first to talk to the Statue of Yoba yoba’s altar just to see if this reduces this

Corruption further man if I knew this I wouldn’t have swung that sword and ra it so strong oh I want to show you something the Ouija board see this it’s called the spirit board have you ever used one put your hands on the plan shat with

Me now the spirits will guide us towards a look it’s moving the first letter is I next is heart wow look at that it’s spelling out sh I love I love c h love whoops oops accidentally knocked over the board huh it’s just a silly game it doesn’t mean

Anything I uh I have something to do you have to go sorry oh Abby okay bye I’ll excuse myself then see you I guess question mark anyways thanks for kicking me back out bedtime I guess Jody’s still or Caroline’s still in her workout outfit that’s so funny okay and let’s so you’re at

166 um now you’re at 155 oh my gosh we’re going to have to do this for like five more days holy oh you just equipped it that’s okay we’ll finish it eventually eventually uh let’s fish that’s what we’re going to do we were going to fish

Oh actually wait where is Willie can we bring Willie the link we don’t we sold the freaking link Cod okay that’s fine where is he is he in the saloon well good thing we’re going to catch another one here my goodness silly me oh my gosh that was so scary is that

Kent that’s terrify Ying Kent why would you do that that’s not what we want we want a link hod and we want six more perch how could you be standing in front of your house like that hey I don’t even need that chest I would

Only get that chest for exp but we don’t need the EXP perch yay is that number five um sure oh a diamond that’s good that’ll be a loved gift tomorrow um where are you that was five okay okay as soon as we get a link hod we got to run to

Willie you’re not a link hod oh please be a perch I think this is a bream though it’s not moving enough to be a perch Oops you’re also a bream I think I don’t know your fishing tackle has worn out oh that’s okay the cork Bobbers just like makes the bar bigger right you I don’t know what you are you’re you’re a pike I think right yes sorry I was just finishing off on my

Tea cuz it is now no longer lukewarm even it was just cold but it’s a tea that tastes okay when it’s cold there’s no cream or anything in it it was more of an herbal tea yay six of course when I want a link hod we’re not going to get one Now oh there’s a link Cod hello oh Hello I miss my big fishing bar I miss my big fishing bar should have gotone that perk that made the tackle effects last whoa sir there we go where is Willie walking back Willie no Willie aha yeah there we go checked off that again okay now back to perch fishing we need

How many again four more um probably next episode we’ll finish it off unless we have really lucky here and get like four in a row I think if we get like a link hod or something I might just cancel out of it though that’s a Link Card oh I think you’re a perch

Actually I think this is a perch maybe a pike yes is that seven oh are you also a perch cuz it kind of wiggled up and down that’s not bream bream’s going to stay still eight Wow Let’s see if we can get one more you’re a bream that’s okay we’ll still catch

You okay we only need to catch two more though that’s really nice all right fine take me home take me away um I should no it’s okay I don’t need to pick up that crocus we’ll get we have a bunch in our thing I was thinking

About for gifts cuz we again got NOP we got 29 so we have to give I can’t think I think right now 32 21 more gifts goodness brain just like literally dissociated there grab these why not and let’s quickly ship this the fish yep and run inside and call that a day

Hey 23rd of winter has been done excellent L little pocket change there well I want to thank you for joining us on the 23rd of winter it was lovely we’re going to continue fishing we’re going to go see Robin next episode um to move some buildings and

Upgrade our shed but until then I will catch you on the next episode bye-bye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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