Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE My Boomerangs…

In this video I try beating Terraria using boomerangs only but here’s the twist I installed a mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies with each level increases the damage Critical Strike chance size attack speed and the best part additional projectiles things are about

To get insane so stay tuned to find out all right so there are a couple of options to get for my first Boomerang there’s the wooden boomerang that can be found in chests that are above or near the surface of the world which later on can be turned into the enchanted

Boomerang with a fallen star or I can look for the ice boomerang in the snow biome now the ice Boomerang is a lot stronger than the enchanted Boomerang because of its higher damage and the ability to inflict frostburn so ideally it would be best to go search for that

First but in the underground snow biome there are a lot of monsters that will get in the way way while I search for the weapon so let’s try my luck to see if there’s the wooden boomerang first okay already there’s a gold chest down here let’s see what we

Got no way I just got Hermes boots within the first minute of playing the game that is crazy okay this accessory is going to save a lot of time now and it looks like the corruption is on the right side so let’s go search on the left side

First wow there are a bunch of Life Crystals down here that’s three 200 Health already and there is the wooden boomerang okay now I can start killing enemies and let’s see each hit gains us five points of experience okay since I have a boomerang now I won’t have to search for the ice

Boomerang instead I can go straight for the thorn chakum and to make this weapon is very easy I only need six jungle spores and nine Stingers but to help with collecting these materials a bit faster I am going to wait until night time to collect a fallen star to turn my

Wooden boomerang into the enchanted Boomerang oh I hear a fallen star perfect so from 10 m damage all the way to 17 no okay come on a damaged Enchanted Boomerang negative 18% damage that’s unlucky it’s still going to work regardless but it’ll just take a bit more time oh okay magic

Mirror okay suspicious looking eye and a gravitation potion and now my enchanted Boomerang is at level one so I gained two melee damage and 1% Critical Strike chance and I believe I can throw out two boomerangs now there’s a chance to oh yeah right there beautiful I’ve got enough jungle

Spores now I just need two more Stingers okay and that should be everything let’s go back home and craft The Thorn chakra but first I’m going to go clear out my inventory all right inventory is somewhat cleaned out let’s make the thorn chakum and this weapon has a huge 25 melee

Damage there we go it also has the ability to poison enemies let’s also make the gold pickaxe to speed up mining a bit and let’s make a couple of NBC houses the next thing I’m going to do is drink the gravitation potion to search for sky islands for

Some more accessories here’s the first sky island and we got the shiny red balloon second one starfury I don’t need that okay I’ve got 30 seconds left on the gravitation buff hopefully I can find it 10 more seconds oh God this is not good 5 4 3 oh I got baited

No well I know for a fact that it is on the left side yes so it should be somewhere around here and there it is last one should be a lucky horseshoe yep now it just turned into night time so this is the perfect opportunity to take on the eye of cthulu

I do have 220 Health which is um I’d say it’s enough so let’s just finish building this platform and then we can get started and because I don’t have a hook yet I’m going to have to build two layers of platform so I can maneuver

Around the BS a lot easier let’s place a campfire down actually no let’s Place one more there we go drink our potions and let’s begin and let’s just check out the stats before we fight so just to recap 25 Mele damage 6% Critical Strike chance okay not bad so

Far almost second phase there we Go oh that’s not good less than 50% Health now going to start dashing 500 health okay it’s going to be pretty hard to uh actually land my hits now come on almost done one more hit right there we go okay that wasn’t so bad without a

Hook let’s open the treasure bag and now I have the shield of cthulu which means I can Dash next up will be the Eater of Worlds but I’m going to go Max out my health and find more accessories as well as enough materials for a hook all right and the thorn chakum

93% almost level one o here are some rubies which means I will be summoning the king slam as well cuz that boss is a great source of experience okay that’s enough Sapphire for the hook I’ve got 20 now and my thorn chakum is now at level one so it

Now has 27 Mele damage and 9% Critical Strike chance and this life crystal is going to bring me to 300 health and we got the cloud in a bottle okay so all I need now is just four more Life Crystals and then I’ll be ready to take on the Eater of Worlds

Okay I just need one more and there’s the last one okay let’s go back home let’s make the sapphire hook and because I mined a whole lot of gold ore I’m going to craft the full golden armor beautiful 18 defense I’m also going to make a few

Golden crowns cuz I will be fighting the King Slime all right the arena is complete let’s go break the shadow orbs here we go coming from the left side oh wait and let’s check my weapon before I fight this boss any further level two with 177% okay the poison is doing its work

50% Health now it’s going well pretty far 1 th000 more health and you are dead Okay eer of Worlds has been defeated let’s purchase the DPS meter from the traveling Merchant then with the shadow skills and Demonite bars let’s craft the full Shadow Armor perfect 21 defense but it does

Look like I’m going to have to defeat the Eater of Worlds once more cuz I just ran out of shadow scales so I can’t make the nightmare Pickaxe but before I do that my thorn chakum is now at level three with 31 meleon damage and a whopping 26% Critical Strike chance but

That’s because of the Shadow Armor let’s summon the King slime and then I’ll go back to kill the Eater of Worlds okay and it looks like I’m throwing two Thorn chaks much more consistently now and you’re done and now it’s at level four let’s also make two more slime crowns for later

On okay here we go again okay damn that was so much faster now I have enough materials to craft the nightmare Pickaxe let’s summon the King Slime two more times and then we’ll move on that’s one and that’s two so that’s going to bring the thorn chakum to level six and

I can throw three at the same time now let’s open up the treasure bag and oh yeah there we go got the slimy saddle now it’s time to mine down to hell for some hellstone and with the hellstone I can turn the enchanted Boomerang into the

Flamarang oh wait hold up that’s a whole lot of diamonds 22 looks like I’ll be making the diamond hook then okay finally made it down to health let’s see if I can find a Obsidian Skin Potion okay it’s right here and now I can mine the health stone a lot

Easier okay that should be enough health stone and that’s enough obsidian first things first the diamond hook then the full molten armor cuz that’s going to increase our melee damage by a good amount an extra 10% from the set bonus let’s make the molten pickaxe and lastly the

Flamarang and this weapon has a massive 57 melee damage now I was about to fight Skeletron but it is daytime now so what I’m thinking of doing before that is to kill some Goblin Scouts for their tattered cloths so that I can make the Goblin Battle standard and with that

After defeating the Goblin Army I can find the Goblin tinkerer and combine all of my accessories together and that’s enough tattered cloths let’s make the Goblin Battle standard and summon the Army Goblin Army has been defeated which is going to bring the flame rang to level two almost to level three let’s go

Search for the goblin tinkerer now oh there he is okay let’s purchase the rocket boots and workshop I’m also going to reforge the flame rang into Godly okay first try 72 Mele damage now so let’s make the cloud and a balloon turn that into the blue horseshoe

Balloon as well as the Spectre boots I’m not sure how much time I have left in the night but let’s quickly make our way to the dungeon build an arena and then summon Skeletron okay well I’m out of wood so I can only afford to make one single

Platform so hopefully it’s enough okay never mind it just turned into day so I’m I’m going to have to wait until the next night in the meantime let’s go chop down some more trees for wood to make the arena look a bit better okay it looks pretty good now now I’m just going

To fight some queen bees just to level up the flame rang a bit more okay that’s one and that’s two so my flame rang is now at level four so I’m throwing two out consistently now it is f night time so let’s talk to the old man to summon the Boss 3 2

1 Hands First Holy okay that one died so fast all right both hands are down just the easy part now dealing 500 damage per second that’s pretty good all right Skeletron has been defeated so now that I have access into the dungeon I’m only looking for the Cobalt

Shield and there it is all that’s left is is to take on the wall of flesh okay made it to the end of the world let’s drink our potions and throw in the voodoo doll 3 2 1 let’s try to aim for the eye cuz that deals extra

Damage okay most of the hungries are gone 50% Health now that was pretty fast 2,000 more Health yeah this was pretty easy and You’re Dead come on give me the Warriors emblem perfect now that I’m in hard mode let’s use the pone Hammer to break some Demon Alters

In the corruption Okay so we’ve got Cobalt or Calum and Adamantite that should be enough Cobalt onto the or Calcom that’s enough or Calcom lastly the Adamantite okay that’s more than enough Adamantite let’s make the full Adam Manti armor sets so from 47 defense all the way to

72 and now my flamarang has 97 melee damage that’s insane this is a pre hard mode Boomerang but sadly this is going to get replaced right away the next Boomerang I’m going to go for is the flying knife and this weapon can only be dropped from h mimics so let’s go to the

Underground hollowed to try to find it oh there’s one I just got to be careful here cuz this spot oh God this spot is very tight so chances of me getting hits are very high oh there we go first one the forceful flying knife now this isn’t

Your normal kind of boomerang so so instead of throwing it out and then them coming back in I throw it out and it stays out it’s also controllable with my mouse cursor once I let go of my mouse then it’ll come back in the reason why I

Got this weapon is because it’s going to be so good against the Destroyer because I can just run it along the entire body and that’s going to be a lot of damage plus a lot of experience let’s reforge this weapon there we go now let’s go up to

Some Sky Islands to farm some materials to get myself a pair of wings okay it just reached level one and now I can start throwing two out at the same time now you can’t really see it but there is two there see double the damage okay that’s enough Souls of

Flight and that’s enough Souls of light now I can craft myself the angel wings I’m all set to take on the mechanical bosses but I’m not sure if it’s near daytime right now so I’m not going to risk it I’m going to wait until the next

Night to summon them in the meantime I am going to go into a spider’s Nest to level up the flying knife some more okay that’s enough I got the flying knife to level 9 so now it has 88 melee damage and 32% Critical Strike chance and it’s officially night time so let’s summon

The mechanical bosses the first one that I’ll be taking on is the Destroyer 3 2 1 let’s run up to the Clum up part oh yeah 20,000 damage per second oo oh my God that’s so satisfying and just like that it’s all done okay just from that boss level 9 two basically level

13 that’s insane next up the twins and we’re going to hit the spasm tasm first Jesus W I’m taking so much damage here okay that’s one down okay I’m actually curious let’s see if I just pass through the boss one time that was five was that five I think it’s five or six

Hits that was five that’s a lot of damage all right second phase and done lastly skeleton Prime and for this boss I’ll be taking out all of its arms first to maximize my experience gained Laser’s done Prime saw is down Bice is down and the cannon is down just ahead now solid 2,000 damage per second and that’s it all three mechanical bosses have been

Defeated and the the flying knife is officially bigger than my character now that I have all three Souls from the mechanical bosses let’s make the pickaxe Axe and another Boomerang that’s called the light dis ooh demonic I’m not really sure how well this weapon is going to perform

After I level it up but we’re going to find out let’s go into the jungle now to mine some chlorite and to search for the pl bulb oh there’s the plant bulb so let’s make an arena right here then all right the arena is pretty much all done but

What I’ve noticed about the light dis is that after I throw out five boomerangs then I cannot throw out anymore until at least one returns back to me so I think I’m just going to use the flying knife for planta so if you guys want to see a

Clearer picture picture of what I’m talking about I throw out five and then there you go I’m still trying to attack but none are coming out before I take on planta I recently just got the Titan glove from a mimic so I’m going to combine it with the feral claws to make

The power glove and then whenever it turns into nighttime I’m going to summon the destroyer once again so that I can transform the warriors’s emblem into to The Avengers emblem and then with that emblem I can combine it with the Power Glove to make the mechanical glove okay here we go run

Over oh my God I just thought 40,000 damage all right that’s over and done with got The Souls of Might now then I can make the Avengers emblem and and then the mechanical glove so this accessory increases melee knockback increases melee damage and speed by 12% and increases the size of melee

Weapons so my flying knife oh Jesus yeah I definitely notied the difference now now is 60 hollowed bars enough to make the full armor set yes it is it’s time to take on Pantera and I know I said I’ll be using the flying knife but I’ve decided to use the light dis

Instead if things do get a bit iffy though I will switch out to the Flying knife okay 3 2 1 there we go okay about 1,000 damage per second that’s okay second phase and you’re dead Okay that wasn’t so bad with this weapon I’m not going to take on Golem

Just yet there is another boomerang that I can get now and that is the paladins hammer so let’s go down into the dungeon now the paladins are a bit rare So this might take me a while to get come on Paladin’s Hammer no that took so long long for just one to

Spawn ooh black belt and the Tabby that means I can make the master ninja gear later on cuz I do have the climbing Claws and Sh spikes there we go oh wait I just got the shield too I will take that let’s reforge this weapon there we go 100 34

Melee damage then let’s make the master ninja gear replace the shield of cthulu and now I should be ready to take on Golem okay made it into the temple okay this boss room is not bad all right let’s get this thing started 3 2 1 oh okay not bad not

Bad throwing out two hammers now solid 5,000 damage per second so just from one golem level six hold up I got four more let’s use them all up o 10,000 okay level eight level 10 two more to go level 12 and the last one level 14 that’s a lot of pal didn’t

Hammer now there’s only one more Boomerang left to get and it’s inside this treasure bag the weapon I’m looking for is the possessed Hatchet let’s see if it’s inside that’s one two three let’s clear out some room four there we go let’s head over to

The dungeon once more to take on the LUN to take ctist and I will be using the possessed Hatchet even though I know the Paladin’s Hammer can do a much better job here we go and what’s really good about this Boomerang is that it can home in onto

Enemies almost done here 10,000 more health and the lunatic cultist has been defeated now my possessed Hatchet is at level five let’s take care of the nebula pillar first okay the nebula pillar has been destroyed I did kill some extra enemies before destroying the pillar so now my

Possessed Hatchet is at level 50 Vortex killar has been destroyed and that’s going to bring the possessed Hatchet to level 21 I think I’ve leveled up the hatchet enough so let’s switch over to the Hammer all right Stardust killer is done and my hammer is at level

17 okay I think my Paladin’s Hammer has been leveled up quite a bit so let’s go take down the last pillar all right let’s go get ready for Moon Lord I’m going to start off with the possessed Hatchet first see how that goes and it fits too strong I’ll switch

Out to the Paladin’s Hammer all right here we go okay 15,000 damage per second middle eye is now dead okay let’s switch over oh whoo whoo whoo oh this is even stronger what the heck look at that 28,000 damage per seconds oh hell no okay hold up I need to fight Moon

Lord one more time oh it went even higher Jesus 33,000 now okay I’m going to do the entire Celestial event again cuz I do want to get enough materials to craft the full solar flare armor wait actually I can just convert the other three frag M into the solar

Fragments yeah there we go never mind oo I am basically a God now 111 defense and my Paladin’s Hammer has 254 damage okay I actually do have enough to summon moonlord again so I won’t have to defeat lunatic cultist and do the celestial pillars all over again

Here we go the true test to see how much damage I can deal pay attention to this DPS chart right here guys now oh I saw 40,000 oh my God now let’s test out the DPS against a stationary enemy oh come on reach 50,000 oh just barely

Okay and to show you guys just how crazy things can get if I were to level my weapons up a lot more so it’s at level 51 and this is what it looks like 3 2 two one yep oh my God it takes up the entire right side of my

Screen and uh damage wise looking at about 230,000 damage all right that’s going to be it guys hope you all enjoyed once again huge shout out to Ken flesh for making this mod if you guys want to try this mod out for yourselves this mod and

Every other mod that I Ed in this video will be in the description below if you’ve enjoyed watching the video don’t forget to drop a like comment if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you

All next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using boomerangs only but here’s the twist… I installed a mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies. With each level increases the damage, critical strike chance, size, attack speed, and the best part, additional projectiles. Things are about to get insane so stay tuned to find out!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner
Signature Equipment by: Kenflesh

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