What Happens To Deleted Minecraft Worlds?

Delete forever it’s a bit of a daunting phrase to see your minecraft world that you played on or that you didn’t about to be thano snapped into the abyss if you click this button your minecraft world will be gone forever or will it what actually happens to your minecraft

World when you delete it it certainly doesn’t go to the trash so where does it go and can actually be brought back from the dead there are all sorts of ways to delete things within minecraft but are they ever really gone for good funnily enough the most permanent form deletion within the game

Is that of your items if you throw an item onto a cactus or into a pit of lava or blow it up it’s gone donezo no more the game is coded not to care about the item anymore all trace of it erased but not necessarily you see that item isn’t truly gone

Until the computer is told that it’s gone minecraft performs an auto save of your world every 45 seconds so unless you get unlucky and your world auto saves the moment you burn your precious items if you exit minecraft with task manager by force ending the process

Or use some other means to crash your game quick enough you can open it back up to wherever the last auto save was be warned though hitting escape or saving with the title to close your game will automatically save it permanently resulting in the loss of your items

But even the auto save feature can be bypassed and that’s by making a backup if you go to the files on your computer go to dot minecraft saves and find your world file you can copy it and paste it somewhere onto your desktop you can then go into the world and burn

All your items in lava if you so desire now feel free to delete the world and then just put the copied file back into the saves folder relaunch minecraft and open the world back up like nothing ever happened be warned though that unless you back up your worlds often

This may set you back a significant amount of time minecraft sometimes automatically prompts you to back up your worlds when you launch them on a newer or older version this is to avoid corruption as minecraft gets older and older and new updates arrive into the game they sometimes bring drastic changes with them

One of these game breaking changes is the terrain update of 1.8 if you try to load a world from version 3 1.8 with the version post 1.8 you’ll be greeted with a message asking you to back up your world you’ll get this in general with newer versions but it’s not as drastic

For instance look at the terrain of this world i booted up in minecraft 1.3 when i opened the world in 1.16 it gives me a warning about experimental features that could crash my game as you look around you can see the original 1.3 terrain and suddenly strange rigid borders where

New terrain is loaded by the 1.8 terrain engine it looks kinda cool but can definitely mess up your older worlds if you aren’t careful in fact some terrain generation issues are so bad that minecraft physically doesn’t even let you open the world back up as of when i’m writing this minecraft

1.17 is just a couple of snapshots this update is the cave update and completely reworks terrain generation caves are now much larger and gaping but more significantly there are now new y levels added to the game you used to only able to go from y0 to i256 in previous versions

Now however you can place blocks from depths as low as negative 64 all the way to heights of 320 this is a huge new rework and you can begin to understand why drastic changes like these can corrupt worlds as such if you try to load a previously 1.16 or underworld in a 1.17

Snapshot you can’t you can’t delete edit or do anything with the world that being said it isn’t completely impossible to access it using a small text to rewrite phoenix sc shows how you can actually load up an old world in a 1.17 snapshot which can result in severe game breaking bugs and crashing

Some seeds in minecraft look corrupted but really aren’t nothing is a better example of this than seeds that repeat land features if you go into spectator mode for this seed you notice something strange and wonderful the caves and every other terrain feature along the x-axis repeat indefinitely this

Is wild and produces this really cool effect likewise this seed causes dungeons lakes trees icebergs and more to repeat along a diagonal also producing this really incredibly weird look and finally not only does this seed result in repeating land features like ravines it also results in multiple infinite mine shafts

Mine shafts that stretch across the z-axis all the way to the world border but how does this happen well sadly it’s complicated there’s a whole bunch of code involved and some cases are just different than others to put it simply random numbers used to generate these features sometimes turn out equal to

Each other and zero which causes repeating features that’s by no means doing the explanation justice and i’ll link a video below that goes into more depth if you’re curious but let’s get back to the topic at hand what happens to your minecraft world when you delete it and can you actually

Get it back there are three main ways to quote unquote delete a minecraft world the first is the least permanent dying in a hardcore world when you create a new world you have the option to make it hardcore this sets the difficulty to the max in terms of damage

Mob spawning and pretty much everything bad and what’s worse you only get one life you’re warned that if you die the world is deleted but this isn’t really true in older versions it was much more brutal if you died in a hardcore world around 1.8

You wouldn’t be able to play at all once you die you would get a delete world button that wouldn’t actually delete the world but instead sends you to a title screen so that you would have to do it yourself harsh over time though this changed a

Bit and now when you die in hardcore you’re given the option to spectate the world that’s pretty nice but this in turn allows you to exploit the menu screen by opening the world to land with cheats on you now have cheats yourself allowing you to set your game mode back

To survival if you so desire thus getting more lives in hardcore so clearly that isn’t really deleting your world but what happens if you do the other weird way to delete your world is to go into the game file itself and delete the world file from the saves folder

While this does sound more extreme it’s actually much more reversible ignoring the fact that you can just click undo when you delete a file from your computer chances are it will end up in the trash which from there you can then restore it and launch it up like nothing ever happened

But when you use the delete button in game the world file disappears it doesn’t go into the trash it just vanishes another thing that you can delete forever is the absurdly large number of people who watch my videos and aren’t actually subscribed if you enjoy this content it really helps me

Out a ton if you could subscribe it’s completely free on your end and not to mention you can under your subscription whenever you want i would greatly really appreciate it and we can delete that large number forever but thank you so much and back to the video back on topic though

What actually happens to your world file well to understand what happens you have to understand what happens when you permanently delete a file when a file goes into the trash it isn’t completely gone it’s in a sort of purgatory where as i said you can restore it or you can choose to

Empty the bin this completely removes the file from the trash and now it can’t be brought back or so it seems when you lead a world minecraft completely bypasses the trash it skips the purgatory and empties the bin for you wiping the world from your hard drive when a file is

Permanently deleted the physical space it takes up isn’t it’s marked as empty the file is actually still there but the pointers aren’t pointers are things that tell your computer where things are on your drive they point towards them as visas pointed out you can think about it like a book where files or

Chapters and pointers are the table of contents deleting a file is like marking its table of contents entry as empty so in actuality your minecraft world is still there just marked as empty space that is until it gets rewritten because the space is now technically marked as empty

Minecraft doesn’t see a problem with assigning new files to that space so continuing the analogy if your minecraft world was a chapter deleted by marking the table of contents as empty what the game does to create a new world is to write all over that pre-existing chapter

Like writing on top of writing this can result in an ugly jumble of code to the game it’s like there’s only one entity the pointers say it’s a chapter about a new world but in actuality it’s a frankenstein of two worlds merged into one thing with one written all over the other

As much of a shame as this sounds it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get your world back after it’s been deleted best case scenario you haven’t made any new world since and that frankenstein monster of minecraft worlds hasn’t been created yet even if you have though

This isn’t the end as i told you your minecraft world isn’t gone the computer just doesn’t know that it’s there anymore special softwares like rekuva are programmed to search your computer for files that according to the computer don’t exist allowing you to find them again and

Bring them back using this tool you can indeed restore a minecraft world back to existence even if you had previously deleted it but there are just some things that can’t be avoided when the game time reaches 9 quintillion ticks or the 64-bit integer limit the days

Begin to go backwards the sun sets in the east and rises in the west and time counts down this is the end of every minecraft world whether you like it or not granted this would take 9.7 billion years to happen more than twice the age of the earth

By then your files would probably decay but eventually it will happen sad as it is everything does have to die your minecraft world will have its last day and one day you’ll place your last block ever and maybe not even know it at some point the last minecraft video

Will be uploaded to youtube and the last minecraft world will have reached its death day but while you can delete the world you can’t delete your memories sure you can’t forget but until you do even if your minecraft world is physically gone the time you spent on it

For better or for worse can’t be taken back it’s a part of you now whether you like it or not so yeah sometimes minecraft worlds will be deleted forever and softwares like recuva may not always be able to get them back but the memories we made on those worlds won’t be deleted

So thank you thank you for watching this video and thank you for allowing me to play minecraft and make it so much more memorable by uploading my gameplay for you guys it really means a lot to me that you watch this video i greatly greatly appreciate it and as always

Peace out and have a good one i’ll see you next time at least i hope so Do

Delete forever… It’s a scary phrase. But when you do delete your Minecraft world, where does it go, what happens to deleted minecraft worlds? They certainly don’t go into the trash, they just vanish. Where do deleted minecraft worlds go, and what happens to your world when it corrupts…

➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb

➤➤ Music Used:
Moon Men – Jake Chudnow
Mount Volbono – Super Mario Odyssey
Run! Jump! Throw! 2 – Super Mario Odyssey
Tostarena Ruins – Super Mario Odyssey
Maicol Nait – Outsider
SMW Game Over Remix Alt Version
Undertale OST 001, Once Upon A Time (❤)

Obviously this title and concept are inspired by Vsauce
Phoenix SC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7Fc6nELuTs
Matthew Bolan (repeating features): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtNXUMrSIxQ
AntVenom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4g8fnE2wYs
How to recover a Minecraft world: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/java-edition-support/2544844-how-to-recover-a-deleted-world

This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a more research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.

Fun fact, I believe the world in the thumbnail has the name “Corrupted” in the infinity snapshot


  1. I couldn't find anyone else providing this fun fact, so I guess here it is in my own words. The reason your computer marks the world location as "empty" instead of actually deleting it (overwriting it with all 0's or something) is because changing all the bits to all 0's decreases the lifespan of whatever storage thing the world is on (it's pretty minuscule, but that does add up). Every time a bit is changed, it basically loses a little "durability," and changing everything to all 0's uses unnecessary durability that could have been avoided, especially if the bit is going to be changed right back to a 1.

  2. I didn't know that Minecraft worlds has a timer and one day it will run out and sun will rise from the west, its scary af, in islam its how judgment day will start 🫠

  3. I had a lot of great worlds on PE. Then one night in September of 2017, I charged my iPad overnight and when I woke up, it would flash the apple logo and then go back to the battery sign constantly. That was the last time I ever played Minecraft.

  4. What about the console version though? It seems It's about Java, the Pc version but what about the consoles? Is it the same thing or just different?

    I remember one day my Xbox 360 world i used to spend a lot of time building stuff disappeared all of suddenly. I never delete it or whatever, it just.. disappear. That's it. Was it just my Xbox 360 having a problem i never knew?

  5. Recovering a file like its said here, is more so for HDD's.

    The file being marked as empty on an SSD, would cause it to fire its TRIM command erasing any data stored in the cell your world was on.
    Only way to recover it if your using an SSD is if you Disable the TRIM routine via something like command prompt. Otherwise, for an ssd, Its truly gone when you delete it via in-game.

  6. Oh yeah I forgot about this garbage of a channel. Oh let me act super ungrateful and complain that most of my viewers are not subscribed when I'm sitting here with over a million subscribers…

  7. I am so c0nfu$ed. Because I mý§eľf ıň ā wőřĺđ ğøť cöŕřůpted. (Mý ģåmę, Mįňćřăfť) so when I log into a world. Its going crazy.
    So, I thought everything was fine until I saw this

    Part 2
    1 like pls

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