The LATEST News on Terraria 1.4.5

Here is a quick summary of the latest 1.4.5 news starting off with new art Crown recently showed off a gif of moon Lord’s new Sprite Which actually animates its face after that red tweeted out this video of slimes being able to shoot arrows at you which is likely a

New feature in a secret scene red also posted this video to the Terraria forums which shows off a new mode in the flailron weapon which will shoot out bubbles in addition to its normal flail projectile but this video also had a floating island with a living tree

Growing through it which again could be a part of a new secret seed speaking of secret seeds we also know about a vampire themed one and possibly even a Skyblock one something else we know is coming is a painting of terraria’s Art in the 2023 version of our slash place

Which fits nicely with the 2022 painting we got last update and finally as for when we will get this update there’s no hard set date but they are done adding new things so it’s possible we could get it within the next few months

#terraria #gaming #shorts #gamingshorts


  1. "We are done adding new things." – Said the devs for years on end now

    Terraria has had it's "final update" tens of times now. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a 1.5.

  2. Kinda sucks they are done adding new things for 1.4.5 as there’s two things that I need to tie the game up. Deerclops rework on expert mode so the shadow hands aren’t fucking annoying and a frost legion rework as the frost legion event still feels like it’s stuck in 1.1

  3. As someone whose played since i was little i loveeee that the maces and flails got a rework they were good but not really anyone first option when theyre always cool

  4. Looking even more amazing than it already is somehow. Kinda hoping we can get new block shapes to hammer and the ability to change wall shape. Vampire mode sounds awesome! Is it a Seed or new Character Option to be a Dracula? Maybe a new Slime NPC that's like Jelly Jiggler from that Bo Bo Bo BOBOBOBOB show. But he needs an animation that touches the Player every time you run past it. With its gross slimy hands.

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