I built a GUARDIAN FARM in Minecraft Create Mod!

Over the last 4,000 days in this world I’ve built three towns thousands of blocks apart from each other crammed with factories production lines and transportation all connected by train lines and we’re very close to moving on to our next big project which is all going to revolve around food and air

Travel but before we can do that we do still have a few bits we need to finish around here as I still need to add Transportation lines from this side of the dock and have them drop off somewhere over there and of course I’m going to need to create somewhere for

All the food from the next District to actually get delivered to that being said we’re not going to do any of that today or today we go to the ocean as I figured it’s about time we made a guardian farm so I can get my grabby little mits on some

Prismarine and more importantly for the next phase sea lanterns and apologies if I sound a little bit weird today I’m just recovering from a cold after a week off why does that always happen you have a week on holiday and then when you get back you get ill but anyway we need to

Prep for today so if we’re going to be making a guardian Farm there’s a few things I do know about the mechanics of Guardian Farms thanks to this amazing farm by en x04 but we’re not going to be building that farm today we’ve got create so so we’re going to get creative

With it and I’m hoping what we can do is have some kind of an oil rig or something out there and then we’ll have a tanker that comes in and drops everything off and goes back and so on and it should all be wonderful and

Lovely if I can get it to work but the first step for today is going to be to find an ocean Monument to use and if I recall correctly from our previous exploration missions I’m fairly sure there’s actually one pretty much directly south but I don’t think this is

The one I was looking for as we appear to be struggling to load some new chunks here but this is an ocean Monument has a boat stuck in the side of it but this should do the trick nicely question is is there any land around here I can set

Down on oh there’s a bit there actually that’ll do so if we have a look on our map where is that ocean monument in relation to things so that’s down here and yep that’s pretty much directly south not too far away I reckon we can make that work the first thing I’m going

To need to do though is to clear out the Elder Guardians the big boys in there that are going to make it hard for me to break blocks but I didn’t come prepared for that whatsoever so let’s quickly go home and grab a few bits and Bobs so I’m

No stranger to Guardian Farms I’ve built a few in the past and in fact the very first big build I ever did in Minecraft was conversion of a guardian Farm look at that look doesn’t it look shiny and what I’ve learned is that potions of invisibility are going to be my friends

So the first thing we’re going to do is make a whole bunch of those and for that we’re going to need fermented spider eyes which hopefully we can make we’ve got a few eyes here we’re going to need blaze rods for fuel we’re going to need some Nether wart which might be a

Problem I don’t think I’ve actually got anyless there’s any hiding around here that’ll be a no although in saying that we do of course have a Nether wart Farm somewhere around here in one of the buildings this one I think so let’s steal some of that and then we’re going

To need a whole load of glass bottles probably not that many but that’ll do and I’m going to need some sugar and some brown mushrooms ah sugar could be a problem brown mushrooms though we’ve got plenty of those so let’s quickly go scavenge some sugar cane just so we’ve

Got enough it’s amazing how many of the basic Farms I still don’t have yet but then I would normally get sugarcane for Rockets right and we’re using a jetpack so I suppose that makes sense and now if we do this we should get fermented spider eyes and the last

Thing I need is some golden carrots but we should just be able to craft up some of those and it looks like I’m going to need a couple of Brewing stands as well and I think we’ll just do the Brewing over here because well we’ve got water

Down here so that’s going to make things much easier and then let’s get Brewing I guess so I’ve got 12 8 Minute potions that should be more than enough but we could probably also do with a few water breathing potions too so let’s get some

Of those on the go we loaded up on potions I’ve got my way Stone let’s go clear out this Monument so if we take everything off apart from our jetpacks so we can still move around quickly and then get our sword drink some potions hopefully we won’t get seen but there’s

Only one way to find out time to play some epic acy’s music I guess let’s Go oh I think I ate a puffer fish but more importantly all the big boys are dead now so we can actually start making plans now to make this Farm the first first thing we need to do is Mark off an area and I need to make sure that I’m

Constantly invisible and water breathing otherwise bad things are going to happen and in regards to where we’re actually putting things in this farm this is all from Ian x4’s Guardian farm tutorial so if you want to know more details about why I’m doing certain things and certain

Ways here then go watch his video I’ll link to it in the description it’s a great vanilla Guardian Farm I’m invisible so this doesn’t really work does it but it is a great vanilla Guardian farm and it’s what we’re going to be basing this off of so we found the

Corner of that chunk what I’m going to do now is fly over two chunks and put another Lily Pad there and one across in the next chunk and this area here way up there somewhere is where our AFK spots going to be and at this point I’m already going to divert from Ian’s

Design because well what he does is he collects all the Guardians sends them into The Nether and then they come up there and so on but I just want the drops I don’t really want the XP plus because we’re playing with creates I want to make a create based farm so what

We need to do is go this way we’re going to make a big Square on the surface here which is going to be essentially our catchment area now the first thing I need to do is to build up a couple of walls here on either s side and the way this Farm’s

Going to work is that we’re going to have a load of so sand down the bottom here that’s going to push the Guardians into this chamber and then what I’m going to do is use encased fans along the back wall here that’s going to blow the Guardians over to this side and then

On this side we’re going to destroy them with drills at least that’s the plan I’m hoping it’s going to work so if we stick a bunch of chain drives on the back of these and rotate one here at the end to go up because we do of course need to

Create power for these and if I’m going to be trying to make this look like an oil rig which is going to be very interesting considering we’ve got a giant square at the seed level but yep we’ll figure it out but we’ll have a power station up top and that’s what’s

Actually going to power the whole system so hopefully that should work for getting rid of the Guardians but we are of course going to need to collect their drops as well and for that I think we’re probably going to use the old backpack trick again because well these drops are

Going to be going everywhere but if we have a backpack with a magnet upgrade we can pull everything out and one other issue we’re going to have is when the Guardians get pushed up with the Soul Sand they’re basically going to go flying at the top here so we’re probably

Going to need a layer of glass or something over the top as well but I didn’t bring any of that with me so let’s go grab Some hopefully that’s going to stop all the Guardians flying out the top here but what we need to do now is to get down all the Soul Sand so if we get rid of this we should just be able to line this on top of the monument here and

That should give us loads of space for them to spawn and hopefully get pushed into our little trap well that’s a whole lot of Bubbles and not very many Fram left so if we go up here now though yep okay they’re getting trapped on the surface this is good but to test how

Effective it really is we need to go to the AFK spot so let’s just dump a whole bunch of scaffolding here for now so this should be the right spot if we go down and have a look do we have loads of Guardians in here wa look at that oh

That’s amazing and we got some sharks as well but if we were pushing those over into the drills they’d just keep respawning oh this is going to work a trait wonderful stuff but I think I’m going to turn down mob sounds for now cuz this is going to get very annoying

Otherwise now they won’t be making a racket while we figure everything else out although I wonder if I wayo away and then Waypoint back there we go we can clear it nice and easily so what I want to do now I think is potentially try and

Work out how this oil rig is going to go and we’re going to need power coming out there so maybe if we were to put legs in around here somewhere I think height wise that should work okay if we were then have a platform on the top here

Which is going to sort of stick out yeah this could work nicely so I’m just going to get the core shape of the platform we’ll just use these blocks for now just so we can see what we’re working with and then hopefully we can actually get some power involved and once we’ve got

The power going we can actually sort out everything else and well technically by that point the farm will be working and I’m very much looking forward to that I’ve got to stop going into F5 it doesn’t work when I’m invisible silly beardy right let’s get building so I

Have a basic frame in now it should work quite well I think height-wise it’s not looking too bad I think that probably looks about right I still need to connect the legs to the Sea Flor but we’ll do that later for now what I want

To try and do is figure out power and for that we’re going to need to actually put in the platform and then build some kind of a power plant up here I guess the thing is I don’t really know much about anything about oil rigs I’ve never

Really been on one and I’ve barely even seen pictures of them so I’m going to jump on Google and get a little bit of inspiration and hopefully we can make something that looks at least a little bit like an oil rig maybe so I’ve done a bit of research I’ve looked at some

Pictures I even watched a lovely video of a man giving a tour of an oil rig that wasn’t particularly helpful but he was having a wonderful time and so was I but the main thing I learned is cranes lots and lots of cranes oil rings tend to have cranes everywhere they also tend

To have a helip pad so that’s going to be interesting and other than that we do need the big drill itself so I think we’re going to get that in first so we will build on that and get the big drill up there eventually of course but the

Next thing I learned was grating lots and lots of grating so we’ll get this in next well that’s the mesh platform in but before we start working out where things like the helipad and that are going to go I really do want to get this power sorted now for this power station

I I think I’m actually going to do a sort of full sizee boiler thing we probably won’t put all the steam engines on that we need but I think it’s just going to look a bit better scale-wise and to be honest we do have a whole lot

Of drills and a whole lot of fans down there that we want running at Max Speed so I guess having a giant one here isn’t going to be a bad thing so I’m thinking six steam engines should be more than enough then we’ll just connect those

With a belt but now we need to solve the water situation luckily we’re in the middle of an ocean so that shouldn’t be too much of an issue and I think I want to have two different water connections I want to have one that’s powered by water wheel so it’s constantly got at

Least a little bit of water because this power station is going to be starting and stopping quite a lot so for this one here I’m just going to put in a water wheel just like that and to keep the water in place we’ll just use some

Copycat panels and then for the pipe I think if we were to go over here we can just strap it to this leg and then have it go all the way down into the ocean so if we Chuck a bucket of water there and rotate that round that’s probably not

Going fast enough is it not to worry let’s try something else so if we do that stick a speed controller in there turn it up to 128 hopefully that’ll be enough then if we just move where this pump is so put it down a block then hopefully we

Can set that to Vertical okay over stress let’s try 64 hopefully that’s going to be enough to bring up some water yep there we go look at that beautiful so at least the power plant’s never going to run out of water so now what I want to do is to get this and

Speed that up to maximum and when it comes to actually running this power plant I don’t think we need to worry about all of these we’re going to be putting blaze cakes in so maybe just like five of them that should be more than enough and we’ll connect that to

This depo and then just stick him there is that going to be close enough maybe not so let’s rethink this and just put it a little bit further this way so let’s link that up again stick him there and give him a cog now this power here

What I need to do is get it connected down to here so let’s just see where this comes out up the top here okay we can work with that potentially just with a couple of chain drives and over stressed perfect that’s exactly what we wanted cuz now in theory when we come up

Here and we want to run the farm and we Chuck a blaze cake in there it should have enough power to then run the system at least that’s the hope maybe we should grab a couple of blaze cakes and find out and luckily we’ve got 32,000 of them

Let’s see if I give one of them a thing yep okay that’s definitely enough to run this question is can it also run the other side where the drills are let’s find out wait a minute they’re sucking not blowing at the moment but I guess we’re about to solve that by putting in

A gearbox there anyway excellent then if we stick another gearbox there make that vertical and now the drills are running things are dying but there’s a whale stuck in my tank I didn’t think about the whales but is that really a problem I honestly don’t really know what to do

About that if anyone has any ideas please do let me know in the comments how do I get whales out of my guardian Farm but the good news is it turns out just one of these is enough to power the entire farm so I’m actually going to set

This guy to only feed one and that way we’re not going to be using up anywhere near as many blaze cakes so if we stick a draw here here and load it up put a funnel on the side and ah ah yes of course I didn’t think about

That this thing’s not going to put another Blaze cake in until it’s run out so we actually need at least two of these going so hopefully we should be okay now it should keep going but we’ll check on it in a little while but I guess now we’ve got the power sorted

We’re going to be getting drops down there so I should probably sort out a collection system and something to do with some backpacks I guess so the backpacks have a range of five which means we’re probably going to need two so this placement should work and then

If we put a bunch of draw trims around the back here and then we’ll just have these going directly into draws we’ll put a slave on that side a controller there so it’s all linked up and we’ll put in a few Spruce draws I don’t know exactly how many things we’re going to

Get from this yet I mean we should just get the two drops from the guardians but it looks like we’re going to be getting fish and whales and sharks and all sorts so we’ll just leave them open for now and see what the system wants to do I

Just need to grab a couple of bags and some magnet upgrades to get this working now so I’ve got two backpacks they just have an advanced magnet upgrade on them and if we stick these here and here they should start collecting all the drops and in theory that means if we were to

Go here to our AFK point in fact I think I might just do that the farm should now be in a completely working state so let’s jump into free cam and have a look and it looks like the Farm’s working a treat apart from the fact there’s now a

Giant squid in there eating them is eating them I think it is you know but apart from that we’re getting a lot of kills which is nice we do have some that spawn outside the farm quite quite a lot in fact jeez but the good news is after

Running the farm for only a few minutes look at that we’ve got loads of resources coming in look how many fish we’ve got didn’t need that fish farm after all but this is good despite the giant squid that are messing around in there oh and we’ve got some guests on

Our rig already as well I see off with you and you get off my rig so with that done the farm working the power sorted what we need to do is make this look a little bit more like an oil rig and I think the first step in that is going to

Be to actually build the drilling rig itself well for a first attempt I think that’s looking pretty good I will just run with that for now I guess cuz I do think once we build up everything else around the area that’s going to blend in quite nicely it might need to be a

Little bit taller but for now we’re looking good next up I’m going to hide the power plant I’m going to get this inside a building of some sort and to be honest I should probably get some railings up along the outside as well otherwise I’m going to keep falling off

It’s happened more than once I feel safer already now for this first building I think we’re going to keep things quite simple we’re going to make it look all metallicy and stuff using these Stone pillars and one thing I did notice from the tour video I watched is

That everything is very very cramped on these oil rigs so we want to have lots of narrow spaces like this we’re going to have details over everything and hopefully it’s going to look very busy by the end of it and we’ll have a little sticky out bit of the back here to

Contain the water wheel so I got that all boxed in but I’ve also added a limestone bit on top here because there wasn’t really enough space to sort of get all of this stuff hidden and it looked a bit weird sticking out the top but this should work okay let’s just get

A couple of Windows in short while later and I think that’s coming along quite well from the out side but the inside is still looking a little bit bare so I think the first thing we need is a ladder to upstairs and I think it makes

Sense just to use the catwalk up here because it is a little bit dangerous and it’s going to look a lot better with the catwalk when we put these rails on down here we should probably also make it a little bit safer and just rail off the

Bits we don’t need and then we’ll just get a few sort of random detaily bits in just to make it look more interesting in here get some brackets where necessary okay I’d say that’s looking pretty good in here nice and cluttered I think we can with a bit of texture on the outside

Though so if we maybe mix in some of these andite pillars that could help break it up a little bit this side around here is looking a little bit bare so I’m thinking maybe we can stick a ladder in and then if we use some of the copycat panels and the

Andite bars I think that will make a nice little cage as well we’ve done this in a few other places and I think it works well then here I think another ladder up to the main roof makes sense oh we’ve got a dancing creeper I should probably sort out some kind of light

Protection up here at some point he’s having a a whale of a time though look at him go you enjoy yourself buddy so that’s the oil Tower and the first building on but we’ve still got a long way to go and I think the next thing I

Want to do is tackle a helip pad and I think I want to put that over this side which means he’s going to have to go that didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped so helip pad this is going to need to be quite large so I think we’re going to

Have it sticking out over the side here so if we treat this bit here as a middle point how big do we want this so that maybe looks a little bit small I I think we can go a bit bigger than that there we go that looks like a much better size

Question is can I get a nice big h on this and have it look balanced yep that’s going to work a treat I just need to decide what to actually build it out of now maybe this eroded tough would work quite nicely so I think this could

Work but I’m just going to put a border on here of the walkways yeah that’s looking pretty cool just needs a few lights so if we take some of these and some of these then we’ve got ourselves a bunch of sea lanterns and if we use these buttons they should light up quite

Nicely in fact I think we’ll alternate these some of them are Reds then we just need some stairs to get up onto the pad itself maybe a few safety railings on this side wouldn’t be a bad idea either all right looking good and I don’t really want to put railings up around

The rest of this they’re generally left quite blank just so I guess things don’t get caught but that makes sense but what we need now is some support because this thing’s just floating so what can we do here maybe just make use of some gers we can probably attach them onto the side

Here as well well it overhangs a lot more on this side so I guess we’re going to need more supports there we go I’d say that’s looking much more structurally sound now and I guess the good thing about having a helipad here also means that when it comes to our AFK

Spot it kind of makes sense just to put a small helicopter up there right so it appears I’ve accidentally solved the AFK problem as well apart from the fact I now need to build a helicopter but first let’s get this platform finished and I think the next thing we need is probably

A crane of some sort and I mean we could build another custom crane over here but I’m wondering we do already have a crane we even have a blueprint for it cuz we’ve got a couple on the dock and it’s still kind of linked to the same area so

I don’t know maybe we can actually get away with well not putting it there but if we Shuffle this about a bit we can probably get it looking pretty good maybe we should sink it into the floor a little bit just so it’s actually attached as well and to be honest I

Think that’s actually going to work quite well so let’s grab a cannon put the schematic in and see what we need so I’ve just chucked both my backpacks down there run it and this is the stuff we’re still missing so I think a quick trip

Back to base and we should be able to get this sorted pretty quickly a few minutes later I’ve got a shiny new backpack loaded up with everything we need and I’ve got the cannon here ready to go and we’ve got gunpowder so I guess we just click this and get a brand new

Crane and a few minutes later we have a crane I’ve just got to fill in all of these framed blocks but that should only take a moment and there we go that’s looking much better the crane actually makes a huge difference to the platform looking very cool but we’ve still got a

Whole bunch of space over here and a whole bunch of things we need to add because well an oil rig is basically somewhere where people tend to live so we’re going to need some kind of kitchen Galley type thing we’re going to need some accommodation and we’re going to

Need like radio control tower type things as well cuz oil rigs are basically ships so although I do need to extend the legs down I don’t need to extend them all the way to the seaf Flor because well that’s just not how they work so I think we can cram a few

Buildings in here and we’ll kind of decide their purpose afterwards I guess let’s just get some stuff built up first so quickly put together a bunch of Cubes that will eventually become our buildings and then I got attacked by Phantoms but seeing an opportunity I decided to unive them all and I managed

To collect myself 24 Phantom membrane and that’s going to come in very handy next episode I then added some windows some roofs and lights to the buildings just to tie them into the platform a little bit better added some GDs for support and a few doors and then I added

Some stairs that connect the bottom of the platform to the top and overall I really think that’s helping to pull the platform together but we still got a few other things we need to do I feel like we need a little bit of color around here and I’m wondering whether maybe we

Can make use of more of these pipes especially if we put brackets on these I think it does help to tie it together a bit better oh yeah look at that just a small pipe and it makes a huge difference whether it makes any sense on

An oil rig or not I don’t know but it looks cool and maybe some pipes on the platform as well just to make it look like it’s all interl I think that helps and then maybe we can just stick some shafts on the side here because we can

And I think if we attach these with a couple of brackets it’ll add a bit of detail even though it doesn’t really have a purpose got to love shafts and brackets almost as good as gers but yeah just little bits like that I think really do help tie it together but I

Think in this area here I want to get a couple of storage tanks like these but we don’t actually have any at the moment so we’re going to need to go make some more and we’re generally just going to try and clutter this area up a little

Bit more and then I think we’re going to be done and there’s no need to ask about the interior of these buildings I haven’t quite decided what to do with them yet so I’ve added some texture some big water tank things over here I’ve added some barrels around and just

Generally tried to sort of clutter up the area area with ladders and things like that and I think this platform’s looking pretty good and from out here I’d say that’s looking pretty much complete as well but now we have another problem to deal with the AFK platform

And I think I am going to go with a helicopter for that I think it just makes sense we’ll just make some kind of small one I guess I don’t really know how we’re going to do this but we’re also going to need a way to be able to

Get up to the AFK platform and for that we’re going to use a warp plate which is one of these how do we actually make it warp dust okay yep fair enough we can do that but if we get a couple of these we can just have one down here that we

Stand on and then it will instantly put us in the helicopter and then starts up the farm and vice versa and that way we don’t need to have a big pile of scaffolding to get up there because our jetpacks just don’t go high enough I’ve also moved the Waypoint in here because

Down the bottom on that platform you can actually still get shot by the other Guardians and that’s just not very fun so let’s make a couple of warp plates just to get us started so we needed some of these and some amethysts that gives us this warp dust and then we just need

Some stone bricks and Flint now if we put one of these in the corner here of the power station and then get this thing and then for the other one let’s just replace that block of scaffolding with that make sure we’re at the right level and then if we put a war plate

Here what I should be able to do is put that shard in there and then hopefully that’ll take us down look at that and then put that one in there and that should take us back up excellent now to build a helicopter this is going to be

Interesting I don’t even know where to begin let’s get rid of the scaffolding first horrible stuff but very satisfying to knock down so I’m thinking for this helicopter we’re probably going to want a lot of framed blocks we need to figure out what color we actually want to make it and

I’ve got an inventory full of absolute rubbish I don’t really need so let’s go empty ourselves out at the base first and then come up with some kind of a plan I decided to build the helicopter out of a combination of light blue concrete glass and industrial iron and

It definitely didn’t take me almost an hour to build due to me constantly falling off and then having to teleport back up there and getting attack attacked by Phantoms but I do now have a small helicopter up here it’s not the best thing I’ve ever built but it does

The job and I can even get back inside and then walk back down to the bottom question is what’s it look like from down here a mess it looks like an absolute mess it’s looking a little bit better from back here but yeah I think it’s safe to say helicopters are not

Something I’m good at but it’ll do the job and you can tell how long I’ve been up there by how much stuff we’ve got down here now look 23,000 of that almost 10,000 fish jeez ow yeah this is why I don’t like hanging out down here very

Violent with that I think I can call this Guardian Farm complete we do still of course need to build a big boat to transport everything back to the mainland but we’ll save that for next episode I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I’ll catch you on the next one bye-bye now

Feels like it’s been forever! But I’m back from holiday, and here with a brand new episode! We abandon our dockyard area and head out to sea to build a guardian farm in Minecraft’s create mod, then disguise it as an oil rig! This farm is loosley based on ianxofour’s guardian farm (link below) – but we made use of some create components to adapt it to our needs.

@ianxofour’s guardian farm – https://youtu.be/dfwsIpmOwd4?si=uKx_zYfZim8zNiKk

Get the pack on Curseforge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world – and come join us on the community server via discord! https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw

🥳🥳🥳Merch now available! https://mrbeardstone.com/ 🥳🥳🥳


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Discord: https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone


#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode42 #survival #1000days


  1. to deal with the whales, instead of finding a way to stop them from spawning you can instead make the drills big enough to kill them, then just dump any droppings (if they arent useful) into lava.

  2. You can get sugar from honey bottles (4 per bottle, I believe), and you can double check with the "Enough Items" to see if there are other methods of getting sugar. Love the series.

  3. Now if only i could send you a bunch of screenshots about a completed server project of mine that culminated in an large ocean platform; nvm just joined your discord, now to figure out how to send 10+ screenshots

  4. Ocean Oil Platforms normally have living quarters, equipment storage, kitchen with a chef, operator room to control certain instruments.

  5. Sir please create a candyland themed section that makes all the candy and chocolate!! You could make the most amazing things with vibrant colour and interesting shapes!!

  6. when i came back from a trip to Legoland in new york, i had a terrible cough for a whole month… never go on vacation if you dont wanna loss your streak.

  7. Wouldn't it be cool to transport the materials back to the mainland using a helicopter instead of a boat 😀 That way, the helipad could actually used/utilized.

  8. Instead of warping to the helicopter you should make a helicopter looking train on the helipad, using phantom tracks. So basically you can sit down in a helicopter and fly it up to the afk spot. I think it would look a lot more realistic and fun

  9. Hello MrBeardstone can you please tell me the server seed, i am currently trying out your mod and its spawning me nowhere close to where the start of your first episode was i really need help please

  10. hey beardy can you add the mod no mob griefing since if you want to bread villargers you have to give them food but if the commant mobgriefing false was made they can't pick up food so you can't bread them and if you'l add the mod you/ players that use your mod pack cam just go into mod configs

  11. I think that a good use of the helipad would to use phantom track to make a working helicopter that could deliver supplies from the oil rig to the docks

  12. On the helicopter beardie should swap the propeller for a windmill bearing and sails so it is moving
    awesome video as always beardie keep it up

  13. I can't believe that I actually got affected by mr.beardstone was taking a week off since i watched all create episodes and didn't have anything as enjoyable for me to fall asleep to. I haven't slept for more than 3-4 hours in the whole last week. I'm happy you take time off since burnout and stress exist, but i do need the content to fall asleep to💭💤

  14. Ooh, if you do figure out a good helicopter design, you should use glass and a ocean floor rail to transport it back!

    Though an oil tanker would be accurate and easier too.

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