Today we are going head-to-head in a safest security house build challenge with our friends Mikey and JJ who will win and whose security house will be impossible to beat I think Mikey and JJ will be impossible to beat look how sneaky they look don’t worry Milo hours

Will be even harder to beat because I have a perfect plan we only have 20 minutes to build it before the timer is up and the battle begins so we have to start right now by building step one of my plan a big Lava Moat it has to go all

The way around the edge of our building area oh wow this is really exciting I love lava March yeah me too I bet Mikey and JJ absolutely hate them because they know this Lava Moat will be their Doom our house is going to be really secure they’re going to be totally jealous yeah

They totally will let’s make sure we build this Lava Moat four blocks wide and let’s make sure we build it all the way to the edge a four blocks wide is really wide yeah it is pretty wide but we need to make sure it’s super duper wide otherwise they’d be able to jump

Right over and it would make our secure base way too easy yeah and J is pretty good at jumping too yeah he is really good at parkour but I’m really good at placing down lots of lava buckets the more lava we add to this Mo Milo the

More difficult it will be for Mikey and JJ to beat us and it means they’ll go even slower so we win the competition I my lava bucket ready I’m a pro at placing lava no way I can place so many more lava buckets than you can just look

At how quickly I’m doing it no I’m going to do it fasta CH look I have a bunch of different strategies I can even place them in a ring around me and uh-oh it totally got me that was a bad idea I really hope that has not let you place

Them quicker than I can you place them on yourself you dumbo hey I’m not a dumbo I’m a really smart guy Milo all right yes you are but look we barely did it wow this is awesome we still have to finish up all the little flowy bits but

We’re almost there once we finish this Lava Moat we can get started on building the most giant wall we have ever made a that’s going to have to be pretty thick because I’m used to building some pretty tall walls yeah me too Milo even though your walls are usually kind of tiny we

Need to grab some iron blocks they are going to be tough enough to make this wall and we also need to grabb Buzz too let’s start by making a huge ring of iron around the bottom of this grass area we don’t want any grass remaining in the final security house that would

Be really really bad cuz grass is so weak yeah and they can just dig straight through it exactly hey wait a minute Milo you always build things out of dirt how come you know it’s weak and you still use it well because when I do it

It’s way better I don’t want to answer any more questions right now okay sorry Milo I know you don’t like answering questions without a lawyer present yeah and my lawyer is on a vacation right now yeah probably from all the stress he gets from trying to help you Milo yeah

Well I do get myself into a little bit of trouble yeah remember when the zombie Legion tried to sue you for taking all their brains well they were just freaks that was really mean yeah it kind of was me and I wouldn’t have done it but now

We can continue building this wall to show the zombie Legion and everybody who’s ever beat you in the past that we are real winners well I tell you what there are no zombies getting through this to kill her no way especially not with how high we’re building this wall

Right now we’re also using really tough blocks so no way anybody’s getting through this thing especially not Mikey and JJ yeah but if I was on the other team I’d probably be able to get through I don’t know about that Milo we’re making this pretty difficult so far look

We even have iron bars do you really think you’d be able to get through something like this yeah I just bite them bite them Milo you can’t bite iron bars you’d break your teeth well I kind of already lost my teeth because I’ve been munching too many bad teth oh yeah

Milo you need to remove the shells of the seeds first otherwise you break all your teeth on them everybody knows that well I didn’t know that and nobody told me the dentist definitely told you Milo I heard him say it a bunch of times why don’t like the dentist because he’s

Scary and I don’t listen to what he says you know what they say Milo an apple a day keeps the dentist away but one thing that’s definitely going to keep Mikey and JJ away from our secure base is a giant army of custom iron golems that

Live in the Lava Moat cust Iron Golems where did we get those from well I have a special kind of pumpkin that I can put on any blocks that will turn them into a Golem I could put it on emeralds to get an emerald golem or diamonds to get a

Diamond golem or even magma blocks to get a magma Golem what about hay can I please have a hay Golem Milo we can’t have a hay Golem in front of a lava mode it’ll get burned up whatever more like whatever it takes to win Milo just like

Making an awesome magma golem look at that wow that’s really amazing it is so cool but we need to make sure that he and every other magma Golem we spawn can’t escape I’ll keep spawning them down Milo if you make a big iron bar fence around the edge all right I’ll do

That for sure good job Milo we’re already moving so quickly uh-oh he’s totally suffocating in the wall chip why do you think Mikey and JJ are building right now I have no idea but knowing them it’s probably something really impressive Mikey and JJ are pretty good Builders especially JJ and who knows

What kind of crazy things they could have built to stop us from beating them the only thing that we need to focus on is building quicker than they can maybe then we will finish in 20 minutes but they will run out of time that would give us a very big Advantage yeah Mony

And JJ are pretty good at building secure houses so we’re going to have to try really hard yeah we’re going to have to use each of our strengths Milo otherwise we don’t stand a chance that’s so true and my strengths are being cool and looking awesome uh I thought your

Strength was testing parkour to see if it was too hard because you always fail at it what that is so not true I got a parkour metal the other day actually what really wow I’m actually impressed okay Marlo I’ll tell you what we need to make this at least possible to enter

Otherwise we won’t be able to get into our own secure base I’ll help you finish this iron fence and then if you can make the parkour jump I’m about to build I’ll give you another medal all right that sounds good butt chip I should tell you

Something what is it Milo the metal I got was just for my preschool what a preschool medal okay I’ll give you a real medal if you can make this parkour jump okay Milo all right I’m totally going to do it let’s go this parkour is

Going to go all the way around the lava mode it is going to be the only way to actually get inside and to enter our secure base Mikey and JJ are going to have to do it in one go otherwise they will fail and they won’t make it through

To the end oh yeah boy I totally got this yeah good luck Milo the parkour gets more and more difficult the further along you go all right let’s go can I start it yet not yet Milo I’m almost done the parkour will go all the way to

The very back and then it will lead inside the secure base all right I think I’m done you can give it a go now all right time to do my little epic jumps cuz I’m a genius one two and oh no I fell in the lav Milo I guess you don’t

Get a medal today but that means something good just just happen we found out that our parkour is really difficult this means Mikey and JJ might not be able to do it and we have a real chance of winning this thing that is so true it basically means we’re at the hottest

Parkour in the world exactly we totally have now we have to build the hottest security house in the world we still need to build the inside Milo all right let’s do the interior design the entrance will be over here near the front but you’ll have to go through a

Pretty difficult challenge in order to get to it first what’s the challenge Mikey and JJ will need to make their way through a magma Block Maze now normally this would do a lot of damage to people standing on it but when you sneak over a magma block you actually don’t take

Damage when you walk on it because you are tiptoeing I did not know that wow so Mikey and JJ will have to slowly walk through this maze which will really cost them valuable time in beating our secure base yeah they’re really going to regret even trying yeah they totally challenged

Us to this because they thought they could beat us easily little do they know we have been practicing since the last time we battled them and now we are stronger than we’ve ever been before this secure base is not going to be like any other secure base ever made yep and

I’ve got some awesome skills to show off as well really Miler what awesome skills do you have to show off well I’ve been getting really good at tadpole buckets tadpole buckets hey Milo be careful the tadpole could get hurt on the magma well that would be pretty bad I guess we

Better get the water back and the tadpole back as well right Milo oh yeah I’ll get him back too come here that was crazy Milo I can’t believe you almost hurt that poor Tad Paul well he’s just my little friend he doesn’t mind what’s

His name Mr Jim Jim Mr Jim Jim okay does he go to the gym a lot no chip don’t be sry he’s a tadpole of course oh yes yes I’m sorry I should have known but Milo look on the bright side the really bright side the floor is now glowing

Really really brightly because it’s made out of magma hey yeah it’s looking really good I’m glad that my feet aren’t getting burned yet yeah me too now I need to make the iron bar entrance we’ll need to curve it out a little bit so that Mikey and JJ cannot jump over we

Also need to make sure we curve it out this way otherwise if they reach the top they could just run around and beat the entire m before they even go through it this way they cannot run through it without falling right into the maze yeah and if I catch them cheating I’ll get

Real Angry yeah me too Milo they better not cheat on this secure base it would totally destroy the challenge and they would be disqualified they would they are so naughty if they cheat that’s why we w’t be cheating at all no we won’t unless we almost lose but I don’t think

We will I think we have a very strong chance of winning this competition fair and square Milo I bet the iron bars are also going to be boiling hot imagine how painful they will be to touch after resting on all of this magma Milo yeah that’s actually very true but I have

Something to say CH what is it Mila feeling kind of nervous about the competition because I heard Mikey and JJ talking about how good they are what were they talking about how good they are and saying that they have a better chance of winning than us pretty much

And now I’m freaking out because I really want to win the competition but what if we don’t Milo don’t even worry about that we have really good chances I bet Mikey and JJ would just trying to throw you off and trick you into thinking that you had no chance they

Want you to be nervous so that you mess up while trying to beat their security house oh dang they really tricky yeah they’re very tricky that’s why nobody else has ever beat them in a security house competition ition before it’s why we have to be the first to do it in

History that means we might get in the GU book of world record yeah we would really set a new record for the first people to beat Mikey and JJ let’s do it chip yeah we totally can look how confusing the maze looks already and we’re only halfway through

We can already add even more twists and turns in the second section of this crazy magma maze what chip I would find it very difficult to go through this maze because I pretty much go in circles yeah exactly if you can even find a circle to go along in the first place

The way that Mikey and JJ are going to have to go through this maze is going to be so confusing that they will definitely have a hard time yeah I hope they don’t hate us after this because they’re going to really struggle yeah they probably will struggle but I don’t

Think they’ll hate us Mikey and JJ are our best friends Milo so we have a lot of history to together that means that they can’t possibly hate us just for beating them in a little friendly competition yeah that’s actually very true oh my gosh this is so crazy it is

Really awesome once we beat Mikey and JJ we can hang a little trophy in front of our TV um chip I actually want to keep the trophy in my bedroom okay Milo you can keep the trophy in your bedroom but only if you can tell me something really

Dangerous that we can add to this maze I do not think that magma and BS is enough well let me have a little thing I think the llamas are pretty dangerous so I can have some llamas Milo llamas are just going to get hurt by all the magma maybe

Something like cobwebs cobwebs yuck those are really sticky and really really crazy that’s just what we want Milo that’s why I’m going to add cobwebs and if you can think of something crazy to add to this maze then we can keep the trophy in your room fine I’m going to

Thanks will hot for a second okay Milo I really hope you get this one because these cobwebs are a really good addition this way if they try and jump through to beat it quicker they will get stuck inside them and it will really add to their time they might even Panic while

Being stuck and stop sneaking that will cause them to take a lot of damage on the magma blocks yeah I’ve been thinking really hard right now Chip and I have an answer really you have an idea for what you can add to make this maze way hotter

For Mikey and JJ yep I want puffa fish puffer fish Milo that’s a really silly idea I hope you know what happens to puffa fish when they land on Haun magma my idea is not silly you get to come up with all the other ideas and I have one

Idea and you say I can’t do it okay Milo sorry why don’t you spawn down the puffer fish and if they survive then that means your idea was not stupid yeah but I’m going to do it with a dispenser and a pressure plate okay okay that’s

Actually not a bad idea Milo I take it back your idea was not stupid at all thanks champ just make sure it doesn’t put water everywhere and totally mess up the entire maze because the maze needs to lead into the next section which is going to be a void parkour this parkour

Will lead directly into the underworld and you will fall to the end Dimension if you fail where you will instantly die from the void Suffocation what the that sounds very intense it is very intense and we need to build it going in this direction away from Mikey and JJ and

Look I’ve already dug out so much of this underground void parkour section it’s very important that we move fast and why do I hear puffer fish noises uh just because I’m doing my thing okay just make sure nothing bad happens oh puffer fish spawn eggs is a great idea

Milo this means that no water will get on the magma I’m really proud that you have thought of such a good idea thanks chip I’m trying my best to think very very smartly and all that effort is really paying off Milo just like how all my effort in digging this giant

Underground area is really paying off and the void parkour is almost ready to be built I think we need to have a pretty cool theme for this void parkour and I know just what to make it it needs to be epic Crystal themed crystals can be sharp and spiky and they are Rock

Solid they’re even hotter than some diamonds cryst is a really amazing chip this is such a good idea I really want to come down and check get out yeah go ahead Milo and you can even help me while I stop placing down all of these amethyst crystals on the sides of the

Walls he yeah what a great idea wait a minute why do I hear endless flopping around hey Milo these puffer fish keep spawning other puffer fish oh no I didn’t really think about that oh no well I’ll just clean up all of these items I do not want this to be an

Endless cycle if this keeps going we’ll run out of puffer fish yeah but puffer fish are actually really cute so I don’t mind if there’s lots of them but Milo if there are too many the dispensers will run out of Spawn eggs and no puffer fish

Will be left to stop Mikey and JJ from beating our maze but they was adorable look at this little guy uh Milo you have water for him right um no Milo that’s crazy you cannot be making silly mistakes like that if we want to beat

Mikey and JJ what if they try to get through our secure house and they get stuck on something but find out you’ve left the door open and they can get through super easy without even taking any time that would be super bad and I don’t want to lose us this competition

No way I do not want you to lose us this competition either Milo that’s why we have to work extra hard to make sure we don’t make any accidental mess ups all right I’m setting my brain to working extra hard mode good idea Milo I’ll set

Mine to working extra hard mode too even though I kind of was already on it because of how nervous I am about losing yeah I’m pretty nervous too I’m actually shaking in my boots shaking in your boots Milo you don’t even wear boots well if I did wear boots I’d be shaking

In them wait a minute so you’re just shaking where are the boots coming into this well it’s just the say that wanted B school maybe we could even give Mikey and JJ feather falling boots for this parkour section even though it will not help them against the void yeah it’ll

Trick them and they will think that they’re actually doing really wow good idea Milo if you give them the feather falling Enchanted boots as a fake out I will start placing all the amethyst crystals on the walls all right I’m on it good job Milo we’re going to get this

Done so fast and we’ll even beat the time limit I was a little nervous that we wouldn’t finish in time but now I’m actually feeling pretty confident I think we’re going to make the best security house anyone has ever seen especially Mikey and JJ I agree now that

I I’ve placed big crystals on every wall I can place lots of little ones around them it looks like the crystals are spreading and growing in such an awesome way oh yeah and I have a pretty diabolical idea for what to make it I’m going to get black concrete and start

Placing it all along the roof Mikey and JJ will think that this is an endless pit inside of space itself the void is a spooky black color and if I make the ceiling spooky and black as well they might even forget which way is up and

Which way is down and fall into the void by accident wow chip that sounds pretty intense and also I just finished the boot so if you want to look at them that’s all good wait you finished the boots amazing job milon hey this is not feather falling this is Curse of

Vanishing what oh no I must have gotten my enchant mixed up that’s okay Milo this actually could help us curse of Vanishing is one of the most evil curses in all the world it makes the boots vanish whenever they die that means if they have to restart their way through

The security house and die to respawn they will lose the boots wow I actually did a smart thing with you look at that good job Milo that was pretty smart of you now for this void par I have a very sneaky plan if I place all of these

Black concrete blocks on the floor like this and start digging tunnels down in some of them when you walk quickly it can be very hard to spot which way is the right way and which way will lead you into a fall to your death especially if I place black concrete along rows

Like this this means that as Mikey and JJ are walking through the Section they would not be able to see the right way to go and might even slip up and fall into the void well if it was me I wouldn’t slip up cuz I’m too smart I

Don’t know Milo if even JJ would fall for this I think you would definitely as well and Mikey totally would hey Mikey is really smart as round chip don’t be rude I’m sorry Milo I did not mean to be rude I just want to win this competition

So bad that’s why we need to dig tunnels all the way down to the void for them to fall through and we need to cover the edges in Black concrete all right chip that sounds good to me chip I can’t believe you did all this it’s incredible W

Milo well at least we know it definitely works yeah it works but maybe a little too well yeah maybe it is working a little too well but now we need to grab more iron because what it’s going to work even better is the next room in our

Secure base what what’s the next room going to be tell me tell me Mikey and JJ will need to complete our find the button room but it’s not going to be just a regular boring find the button room it is going to be crowded with every kind of Golem we can possibly

Spawn wow that sounds really cool chip I love Golems so much thanks Milo I really like them too why don’t you help by adding iron blocks to these walls while I clear out a big area here Milo’s on the job thanks Milo H clearing out all this stone is taking a while actually

Instead I am going to use TNT and flint and steel to get all of this Stone out of the way and fast we don’t have much more time before Mikey and JJ come to try and beat our secure base so we need to move quicker than we ever have before

A chip this seems a little too dangerous for me so I’m just going to stand back yeah good idea I’m going to get some obsidian to put in the front entrance this way I can light a TNT place the obsidian and hope that nothing goes wrong wow that sounded like a really big

Explosion I heard it too Milo let’s see what it looks like and wo that really did clear out a huge area now we can finally start making our Golem infested button room way let’s go I’m going to make this room out of waxed copper it’s going to look so cool like all these

Golems are stuck in an underground round lab that got shut down hundreds of years ago that sounds actually really creepy like a horror movie oh yeah it’s going to be a horror movie and the title will be when Mikey and JJ lost at the amazing secure base challenge yeah they going to

Worse and we’re going to win especially if this Golem room turns out as awesome as I think it will which is pretty awesome Milo I have a very good feeling about this and I think it will turn out very amazingly bye chip I just had a

Scary thought what is it Milo well what if Mikey and JJ also have a really crazy Golem button room oh that would be really bad but I don’t think they will it’s a very very unique idea and if they do that means we just have to make sure

That this is the best golem button room they have ever seen even better than anything they could possibly build yeah that’s so true we’re going to have the most crazy variety of golems in the in the world exactly we can even have netherite Golems the most powerful Golem

In the entire universe okay Milo I’ll start spawning in the Golems if you just make the roof about this many blocks high do you think you can do that yeah no worries I’m the pro here no way Milo we’re both the pros here that’s why I know everything about these Golems like

This Obsidian Golem which wao looks so cool with the vines growing on him and we can even use an amethyst block that we already have on hand to make an amethyst Golem with custom crystals on the sides he looks so crazy he really does and because we’re in a copper room

I think we should do a copper Golem wow he even has a copper lightning rod on his head he looks very silly yeah he looks so funny but now it is time to start taking these Golems a little bit more seriously Milo I think we need to

Do a bunch of different ores for these Golems they have to be very powerful and we can even even do a slime Golem and a honey Golem maybe even a mushroom Golem I do not even know if that’s a real Golem we can only find out by trying as

Many as we possibly can and seeing if they work just like this Gold Golem totally worked and the diamond golem as well wow I bet all of these or Golems are going to be my favorite yeah they’re going to be so fancy I can’t JJ might get distracted by them even exactly I’m

Going to leave the netherite Golem for last because it might be so fancy that it even distracts us wow the mushroom Golem looks so silly like a giant buff mushroom that hey leaves mushrooms everywhere it walks that’s pretty cool I wonder what the Slime Golem will look

Like or act like it’s probably really gross wow look at him he’s pretty cool slime and honey blocks are pretty similar in that they’re both sticky and bouncy so I wonder what the honey Golem will be like wow it looks just like the Slime Golem only made out of honey that

Is really really awesome but that’s not the only Golems we’re going to have Milo we need to have netherite Golems to look like they’ve just come from the Nether and nether brick Golems as well as an endstone Golem they can look like they have just come from the end these guys

Are going to look so awesome I bet Mikey and JJ are going to be so impressed by them yeah or maybe they’ll be totally freaked out and I will throw them off that game yeah true but if one thing is going to freak them out Milo it will be

This netherite Golem are you ready to see if it actually Works yep and plus I just finished up the r it looks awesome Milo you did a great job I can’t believe how quickly we’ve gotten this find the button Golem room done it’s so awesome

But the most awesome part of it is going to be the netherite golem look he even has giant netherite gauntlets on his fists that is crazy I do not want to fight that guy at all neither do I now we just need to place a bunch more of

These golems all throughout this place and wo that endstone Golem teleported right behind you he’s kind of like an ender wow I guess Enderman and endstone share their powers that must be how the end has so many teleporting creatures CHF can I please put the button down

Yeah of course you can just make sure you put down loads of buttons all around here so it’s very hard to find and speaking of hard to find I can’t find you where are you hiding in this room just above you your dast wow that just proves that this room is very difficult

To find things in so Mikey and JJ will definitely have a very hard time beating it and it’ll really slow them down which is really what we need because we’re already getting closer and closer to the deadline of having to have our secure base done Milo what button should I put

Down next ooh I think you should probably put one of every kind of button the more colors and shapes we have in this room the more confused Mikey and JJ will get and the longer it will take them to beat this room all right I’m going to collect all the buttons and put

Them everywhere good idea Milo I think that’s such a good way to do this I can’t wait to find out which button is the correct Button as well I bet Mikey and JJ would love to hear about that too but they’re not going to find out until

They totally lose I’ll even help you place down more of every kind of button I’ll place down a bunch of Oak buttons over on this wall that can be a big patch of them to try and confuse Mikey and JJ wow these other wood kinds look

So awesome I really love the Acasa one because it is so nice and orange which is still my favorite color yeah and the mang button is super fun too really wo that one looks kind of spooky actually Milo it looks like a really haunting color what it’s not haunting it’s really

Pretty it’s like a r orange brownish color yeah isn’t that good yeah I guess that is good because I love the color orange and JJ loves the color red it is his favorite color of all time that’s why he wears it absolutely every day and never takes off his red hoodie that

Means that by having these red Mangrove buttons all around these walls we really help make sure JJ will get very distracted we could even decide that the right button that they will have to press will be a color that neither of them like that way they won’t want to

Press it and the correct button will be the last one they ever think of choosing that’s really smart thanks Milo I’m really proud of the idea as well which button do you think should be the right one that they will have to push well I think it should be a pink one because

Mikey and JJ don’t really like the color pink yeah that’s a great idea okay I say we can put a pink one right over here hidden amongst all these golems and right next to it we will put an iron door that will lead into the next

Section of our secure base look it can only be opened with the pink button and it is very hard to see from inside this amazing copper chamber I can’t believe we’re already on to the next section yeah and so is the end Stone Golem I guess he’s just visiting around I hope

He doesn’t teleport onto Mikey and JJ’s side though if he did that would show them our Golem strategy and they might be able to practice to help defeat it yeah and it might actually spoil the whole surprise exactly we do not want to give them a chance to prepare for our

Security base no way instead we need to add a big would you rather section that will confuse them more than anything has ever confused them before Oh Yeah Boy why did do it would you Mother exactly Milo I think we need to ask them some really difficult questions yeah like

Where do you put your socks in the morning what Milo you put them on your feet when you go outside wait a minute where do you put your socks in the morning I put them on my ears to keep my face warm what Milo that makes you look

Like a sock monster I can’t believe you thought that’s what socks are for well nobody ever taught me how to use them properly I have a feeling people definitely Ely did and you just didn’t listen well that might be true actually well I hope that Mikey and JJ

Also didn’t listen because the more confused they are the less chance they have of beating our secure base this next section is going to blow their socks off so they’re going to need to know a lot about how to put them back on if they want to Beat It by using lapis

Lastly it actually makes the walls look like they are deep underwater or in the middle of the ocean it is such an awesome block and the copper blocks actually look like a sunken wreck yeah and plus it’s actually my favorite color blue yeah I guess it totally is Milo

We’re doing you a huge favor by using your favorite color for the would you rather section I bet you’re so happy right now I am really happy I’m feeling great yeah me too I’m feeling awesome because I know this room has a very high chance of confusing Mikey and JJ and

Giving us the upper hand in winning the secua base building challenge yeah but JJ is pretty hard to confuse so we’re going to have to try really hard yeah he is pretty difficult he’s also very smart and knows a lot of fun facts we will have to make this would you rather

Section very confusing if we want to beat JJ I agree now Milo it is time to add each of the would you rather questions we’ve got to make them pretty difficult and we need to add punishments for getting them wrong yeah we’re going to have some really tricky punishments

For Mikey and JJ speaking of Mike and JJ Milo why don’t you go check on them I have a bad feeling and I need some time to think of these would you rather questions all right I’m going to go spy on them good luck Milo I really hope

This works in the meantime I’m going to place down a bunch of lapis lley blocks I need to add about five different questions each of them will have their very own iron door you’ll need to press the correct button in order to get through we will have different questions

With different signs these questions are going to be so difficult the first question will be a big would you rather sign I think we need to ask Mikey and JJ something they would never know a chip we have a situation what is it Milo Mary and JJ are up there and they’re looking

Really weird uh-oh this is bad we better go investigate and quick yeah let’s go who knows what they could be doing there they are Milo look it’s Mikey and JJ I think they’re spying on us or something wait what JJ’s leaving that is not good I can’t believe he’s abandoning Mikey

What where is he even going this is not good Milo I hope we find out where he goes later otherwise we may never know and we might never see JJ again now Mikey has to build by himself yeah I guess that does give us an advantage but

We have to use it properly Milo let’s get building the rest of the W you rather before we run out of time let’s go let’s put down another would you rather sign because this this is a question I actually really want to know the answer to would you rather know

Where JJ is or would you rather know where Mikey is well I already know where Mikey is really where’s Mikey right now Milo he’s building the house on the other side oh that is so true we still don’t know where JJ is that is the most mysterious question so behind JJ we will

Not add lava but behind Mikey we definitely will yeah that’s a really good idea chip thanks Milo now we need to add a couple more would you rather questions and a bunch more iron doors just to make sure this question room takes as long to get through as it

Possibly can we’re frer building secure houses there’s no way M and pizzas no way this one will ask if they would rather fight 100 chickens or if they would rather fight 100 zombies what the a chip I know what I would choose yeah me too Milo I would definitely choose

100 chickens so behind the zombies we will add lava yeah zombies are really scary if I see a zombie I’m going to punch him yeah exactly but not these zombies you do not want to fight 100 of them at the same time this next would you rather question it needs to be a

Very difficult one for Mikey or JJ to answer well I have a good one what is it Milo would you rather be Milo or chip would you rather be Milo or chip is such a difficult question I know what I would answer though yeah but I know what I

Would answer the wrong answer is clearly chip and the right answer is Myer cuz I’m awesome H okay maybe yours can be the right answer but behind this wall will still be Lava just to prank them when they go through whatever chip we will now have one final would you rather

Question that they will have to answer correctly or they will fall into the lava and never get through to the end what this one going to be this question will ask them if they would rather sacrifice Mikey or sacrif rice JJ that’s a really scary question yeah it is

Really scary but we still don’t know where JJ is Milo that means he could be being a sacrifice right now and behind the JJ sign I will add a lava bucket so he might actually be a real sacrifice champ I just had a really crazy thought what’s your crazy thought Milo what if

JJ’s spying on us that’s a really good point Milo JJ ran away but that could just be a trick he might be trying to make us think that he’s gone but he’s secretly looking through the walls spying on everything we build hey JJ if you can hear me you better back off

Buddy yeah totally but Milo we better get building fast we only have 5 minutes left to make the final room and the Diamond Vault 5 minutes oh my gosh quickly let’s do it we have to go really really quickly let’s dig a giant area using this already Dugout cave to make

It a little bit quicker for us to go through what’s this room going to be chip this room needs to be very very long because it’s going to be different to all the other rooms we’ve had before Milo inside this room we will add a giant target practice Arena except we’re

Going to be the ones practicing and the targets will be Mikey and JJ oh yeah boy we’re going to shoot some bers exactly we’ll have the strongest bow and arrow ever and we’re going to try and stop Mikey and JJ from getting to the Vault

The Vault will be at the very end of the room and if we can stop them then we might actually stand a chance of winning this thing Milo I’m really excited for us to win I’ve always wanted to beat M at a competition yeah me too we still

Haven’t but now that jjj’s being weird and running away it could mean that we finally stand a chance yeah this is amazing it really is amazing Milo I totally agree let’s get clearing this area as quick as we can so we can start decorating the arrow shooting area in a

Really fun design design chip this is a really big room yeah it’s massive Milo I don’t think we’ve made a single room this big in the entire competition so far I really hope Mikey and JJ do not have rooms that are this big they definitely don’t they don’t even have

Good thoughts to make big rooms no way and if JJ really has run away they might not even have enough people to make big rooms I really hope JJ isn’t missing forever Milo that could be really scary well a little I do wish he is missing

Forever because then he won’t be able to beat us at the game what Milo that’s so mean I hope he does stay missing but only till the end of the game when we win then he can come back and we can all be friends again I guess so well I know

So Milo just like I know we really need to get digging this area way quicker we only have 3 minutes I’m ding as fast as I can but my little budy arms can only go so fast in that case case then we will have to leave the room as high as

It is and start replacing the walls with a different block to Stone I’m going to do this floor over here if that’s okay okay Milo but don’t do it out of stone we need to pick a different block what block are we going to do we are going to

Use smooth quartz blocks as well as Redstone to make the floor and the walls of this room now I’m talking this is fancy yeah it really is fancy let’s also replace the lapis lley at the end of the wood you rather section with red Stone just like this this looks so epic and

Amazing I can’t believe we haven’t built this room already it is so cool we totally should have built this F yeah I agree except this one’s going to be really tough and it’s good to put that at the end of the secure house exactly this will be the most difficult room

That Mikey and JJ will get through in the entire secure maze they will not be able to make it past our amazing arrow shooting ability and I think that might really help us win this thing especially if JJ is still missing I wonder where we’re going to find him Milo well I

Don’t know but all I know is that I’m really not that good at shooting arrows so you might have to teach me Milo if you can’t shoot these arrows properly then we will have way less ammo to use against them that means I will have to

Do all the winning shots and they might actually have a chance to get through and find whatever in our Diamond Vault oh what the that’s really bad chip I’m sorry it’s okay Milo don’t be sorry we just need to make sure that whatever bow we use it is powerful enough that only I

Need to hit the right shots yeah that’s fair enough all right Milo these walls are going so quickly and those floors are almost done we’re doing such a good job in building as quickly as we can once we finish these parts of the walls and the floor we can get started on

Building a Diamond Vault at the very back we need to leave this room as open as possible while adding some obstacles for them to hide behind I’m going going to add a couple iron doors throughout this way they will have places to hide while we still try and shoot them down

Of course in front of each of the iron doors I will add Mangrove pressure plates this way we can fire arrows from our bow to activate the doors it means that if they hide behind them for too long we will land a direct hit on the mangrove trapdoor exposing them to our

Arrow fire that is really smart I’m loving this idea thanks Milo now we just need to dig out the roof to be pretty tall this way we’ll be able to stand here and have a lot of area to aim our arrows from yeah but not going to be

Able to dig the whole roof out in time no you’re right Milo we’ll have to use TNT again TNT is a very powerful tool and I’m so happy we can use it yeah TNT makes things go boom yeah it totally does all right I’m going to use it now I

Really hope this works wo that totally worked now we can add this Redstone all the way up as quick as we possibly can we really have to go fast before the timer runs out and Mikey and maybe JJ as well start going through our secure base

I really can’t wait to see what they built exactly me too I bet it’s something really silly looking and really really funny looking too probably all right I’ve added all the Redstone on this side but we can only add it to a certain amount we simply don’t have

Enough time to add it all the way across all right well this looks kind of good yeah I actually really love the stone roof it looks super cool and very rugged I think now we need to build the Diamond Vault at the very end before we run out

Of time Milo quickly chip you better do it right now okay I’m going to build it super duper quick we’ll need to make it a pretty big space inside so that we can fit something secret I have no idea what we could even put in it I guess I just

Have to fill it with diamonds and then we can decide if we have enough time that is Milo yeah I know because the clock’s sticking down and if we don’t have something secure to protect attack then we pretty much lose exactly Milo that would be the worst disaster we have

Ever faced I really don’t want that to happen so we need to get going quickly we just need to place this final block on top and uh-oh I don’t have enough time to fill the inside Milo you put something inside and you don’t even have

To tell me what it is that’s how much of a rush we’re in I just need to enchant this Anvil to get a bow that is powerful enough to take on Mikey and JJ all on my own I’m going to use arrows of instant damage to do twice as much damage

Against them we will also need to grab a power V book as well as a knockback enchanted book this means that we’ll be able to send them absolutely flying whenever we hit them with our bows that is wow this is perfect now we need to

Put a chest on top of this big area where we can actually put all of these bows and arrows for us to use I will have a bow surrounded by harming arrows in this chest and Milo can have one in here you can have arrows as well Milo

Even though I do not know if you’ll be able to aim Mikey and JJ will have to run through here and get to our vault in time before we actually shoot them with arrows yeah okay this entire room is now fully complete Milo the V done too

That’s perfect because we’ve run out of time look our time is up we need to quickly run and go beat Mikey and JJ’s secure base before they can come beat our one let’s do it wao is this what JJ and Mikey’s secure base looks like this

Is kind of random I don’t think they’re going to win no it looks like a house with just a nice garden and wait Mikey has put up JJ missing posters all around it JJ must still be gone oh no poor JJ but chip what if it’s a trick uh-oh it

Could be a trick Milo that’s why we have to go in as quick as possible before Mikey realizes the time is up and he needs to go do hours okay this house looks pretty normal so far I actually really like it and wait why are we in

Survival mode oh no and Mike is here this is bad he knows that we’re inside his house uh-oh I guess we have to go through it as quick as we can you can’t stop us Mikey no matter what you do let’s do it wait a second this entire

Room is filled with chests and buttons uh-oh do we have to find the right button to go through this door oh silly Mikey he even put little Turles in here oh my goodness he really is Mikey Turtle okay Milo we need to quickly find the way out of here otherwise we won’t have

Time don’t worry oh my gosh there’s a little skeleton wait a skeleton appeared oh no so did another one this is Bad Milo we have to find a weapon we can use to stop these skeletons look there’s wooden swords inside that chest I will come over here and give you one please

Quick chip don’t let the zombies get it Milo they are really really powerful and they will use those wooden swords to attack us if they get the chance that is these monsters are pretty tough I wasn’t expecting this for Mike a JJ neither was I they have been far more diabolical

Than even I knew Milo I don’t think we should open any more of the chests maybe we need to try pushing the buttons yeah let’s push the buttons then wo something just happened it gave me a weakness potion that is not good now I’ve got hunger from that rotten flesh as well

Wait a second I can’t attack because of how weak I am y I’m totally freaking out me too Milo we just need to keep pushing the buttons until we find the right one but some of the buttons are doing really nasty things to me me too Milo like that

Weakness potion I can’t believe how devastating that is it’s really stopping my ability to do any damage to these mobs oh none of these buttons are working oh no Milo we have to find a way through it’s our last chance to beat Mikey and JJ’s secure base Jeff please

Help me I’m coming to help Milo now that my weakness is off I can help stop all these mobs from attacking you and this skeleton as well wo it did a lot of damage to me we need to stop pressing the buttons for a second so we can take

Our health and regenerate yeah good Milo I’m glad you agree do you have enough rotten flesh to eat to regain your hearts well I have four of them perfect that’s exactly how many I have H I wonder which button is the correct button to press CH I don’t know but this

Is really distressing me me too Milo oh chip what are we going to do I’m going to check this chest for the last time and wow Milo careful there’s TNT yeah but I found a pickaxe a pickaxe what hang on that’s perfect we must need to mine

Through this door Mikey you thought you could outsmart us but we will always win let’s go Milo we can get through whatever this is it looks like a parkour room yeah a really nby parkour room a really nethery parkour room I hope we don’t fall into the lava Milo that could

Really cost us this security competition well one thing about me is that I’m a throw parkour yeah I guess you might be but Milo you’re still a little bit of a noob you’re going to need to be careful that you do not fall all right I’ll try

My best then yeah I just fell oh no Milo don’t worry come here I’ll pick you up and take you onto my platform thanks chip sometimes I need a little bit of help you’re welcome Milo oh no I fell off as well quick pick me up as well oh

Right come here look Milo we have to do this quickly we really need to complete this in time yeah I agree but at least we’re working together exactly Milo we make such a good team Mikey and JJ do not make a very good team right now because JJ is totally missing yeah Mike

Is looking pretty larome about it oh no maybe there’s something at the end of this that will tell us where JJ is hiding yeah what if Mikey kidnapped him or something that would be terrible that would explain why he’s sad he probably feels guilty about what he’s done hey

Look there a bed here we should probably set our spawns just in case something bad happens yeah because one thing about me is something bad going to happen oh Milo speaking of something bad this looks like a dropper we have to go all the way to the bottom without dying

Otherwise we could be in some serious trouble well that’s fine Milo you died already that is not a good sign if we die too many more times we will waste a lot of seconds that’s true let’s go then all right I want to see if I can go down this thing and ah

Wait where’s the water uh-oh wait a second I landed on slime blocks slime blocks stop you from taking any fall damage and that must be what they’ve hid under the purple carpet Well if I knew that was slime BLX that would be a different situation come on Milo you

Totally got this yeah look at me go wow this is so impressive we both made it to the bottom of the dropper ouch that sounded like it hurt Milo yeah my feet are pretty sore right now yeah I’m pretty low on Hots as well but don’t

Worry we still have a little bit more of this challenge to get through and then we can reach the final prize okay let’s do it chip this looks like a laser room let’s reset our spawns again that way if we die to these lasers we won’t have to

Come too far all right sounds good to me all right let’s go over the lasers and woah I totally made that first jump yeah I I didn’t oh no Milo you can’t be taking that much damage here you could really hurt yourself in these lasers

Yeah I know but I’m just going to try and be careful ouch I got stung by a laser as well we have to be very careful about these sideways ones Milo they are the most difficult hey Mikey just tried to push me what Mikey must know that we

Are getting close to hitting the end of this secure base so he’s trying to do everything he can to stop us from winning yeah what a bser let’s beat him chip exactly Milo that’s my plan as well I really hope we find JJ at the end here

Oh no I only have half a heart left if I take one more little bit of damage I am done CH I have some rotten flesh you can eat okay but be careful Milo I do not want to take damage getting through this thing well here you go buddy thanks Milo

This will really help me heal up and make sure that I don’t die before we reach the end oh we jumping over this one now that barely hurt me just like this oh I did it that was so close Milo I can’t believe I almost died today well

If you know a secret way to get why didn’t you tell me B it wasn’t a secret Milo I only saw because I noticed you failing and had to think of another way to do it but look Milo we have reached the final Vault maybe this will

Give us a clue about what happened to JJ all right let’s jump across and wow I made it me too Milo oh no I almost pushed you into the lasers I’m look we’re really here wow we totally made it this is incredible Mikey we have beaten

Your secure base and now it is time for you to beat ours yeah Mikey let’s go Mikey there is no way you will be able to beat our secure base all by yourself without JJ here to help you yeah Mike is totally going to lose you better try now

Mikey you don’t have much time W Mikey’s starting look at him go he’s actually doing the parkour even the magma Golems aren’t stopping him uh-oh this could be bad Milo if Mikey beats this too quickly we could be in trouble oh no he fell Mike’s a noob yeah he totally is he

Just fell in again wow we have a really good winning streak so far Milo that’s right we’re totally winning this yeah we definitely will Milo if Mikey fails one more time I think we’ll officially win he better try and complete this without falling otherwise this could be really

Bad for him and JJ and plus this isn’t even the hottest partt chip yeah our secure base is just going to get more and more difficult as it goes on so you better be prepared Mikey whoa he made it now he has to go through our magma maze

Hey he knows the crouching trick chip uh-oh he must have seen the magma maze somehow and learned the trick before it was time to go through oh R this is really bad but I’m sure he’ll still fail yeah without JJ the pro helping him he

Is not going to be as good at getting through this maze Milo so we have a lot of time on our hands yeah but I really hope we don’t win this me too if we lose JJ might be ashamed of us and never come

Back yeah but I kind of don’t want JJ to come back cuz he’s definitely a pro yeah he is a pro but he’s also our friend Milo you can be friends with Pros oh yeah I forgot that JJ was our friend Milo you’re so silly but look Mikey’s

About to step on the pressure plate I wonder if he can make it toss without stepping on it if he does look he activates the puffer fish yeah my puffa fish idea was genius it was also kind of crazy it just keeps spawning infinite puffer fish Milo yeah it’s so funny

They’re really cute but look Mikey has found his way to the next zone of our secure base and he’s going down wow he is going through quicker than I thought he would Milo yeah I thought Mikey was meant to be a noob this is not looking good Mikey has found the curse of

Vanishing boots inside of that chest Milo don’t tell him but those are actually a trap if he dies when he has those boots on he will lose them and it will be so funny that’s really funny look Mikey fell into the void wow now when we see him he will not have the

Boots yeah let’s go look Mikey’s going again he’s already fallen down into the void before so he better try and keep going oh look Chip he’s barely doing it oh no he actually made it through but don’t worry Milo he’s not going to reach our final Vault area just yet he now has

To get through the very difficult Golem find the button room there’s no way he’s going to through this no way it’s too crazy Mikey don’t hit the golems that would be really really crazy you just have to find the correct button but we’ve made this very difficult for you

The button is hidden amongst all the buttons and golems in this big room if miky h a g him he’s charged yeah he totally is I really don’t think he’s going to do that even Mikey wouldn’t be that silly yeah Mikey has to get through this entire crowd of golems in order to

Find the button Milo but there’s no way he’ll do that he’s totally struggling right now yeah look no he’s hitting them uh-oh lucky these Golems are really calm today but they could have seriously hurt Mikey oh no he found the button through quick Milo we need to follow him to make

Sure he does not get through the wood you too easily what the H did Mikey figure it out I do not know but look he is trying to decide would he rather know Milo secret or chip secret this is a really tough question and he has to make

An answer soon a he chose chip then ha he fell down Milo you fell down too he don’t be wored now Mikey you are going to have to pick the right answer if you would rather know where JJ is or where you are but hey you already picked where

JJ is it’s good that you picked the right answer because if you picked the wrong one you would have fallen into lava I also want to know where JJ is though I hope we find out soon before he goes missing forever yeah look Mike is pretty sad about it still yeah he

Totally is but hey the next would you rather question is a lot nicer and way more happy would you rather fight 100 chickens or 100 zombies Mikey Mikey would rather do 100 chickens wow he’s actually picking the right answer for these this is getting kind of crazy Milo

I really hope he doesn’t do this too quickly yeah why is Mikey actually good at this I have no idea this is insane now Mikey would you rather be Milo or be chip there is a right answer here so choose very carefully yeah mkey you know

What the answer is yeah I think he knows that it’s me Milo no why he thinks it’s me hm I guess we’ll find out look Milo he picked Beach chip and it’s the right answer he did not fall into lava yeah great now I’m real annoyed sorry Milo I

Don’t want you to be annoyed but I have a pretty good idea to help that if Mikey passes this question we will get to reach the arrow room where we can shoot him without bows and arrows and stop him from trying to reach our vault yeah Mikey you’re going down yeah you totally

Are now the final question is would you rather sacrifice yourself or sacrifice JJ wow this is a very tricky question for mkey it’s very hard look he’s trying to break the sign does that mean he’s not going to pick it oh no he was totally going to sacrifice JJ uh-oh this

Is bad I can’t believe he would do this now while he tries to stop being on fire we need to quickly run and grab the bows and arrow Milo this is the final barrier before he reaches the Vault let’s do it look Milo there he is he’s going to try

And get through but luckily we can come prep P yeah but chip I’m not hitting it with any of my arrows oh no I was but now he’s hiding behind the door I’m going to use this Arrow to totally activate the pressure plate and force

Him to escape look now he’s on the Run we can get him before he reaches the next door yeah Mike you’re going down B look I’ve activated the door again he’s had to reach the next one and I finally activated the pressure plate on it look

He’s about to reach the final door this is not good qu ch getting Dr oh no look he’s about to activate the button to get inside the Vault Mary stop it look Milo he’s trying to get through and wait a second is that JJ on the inside what the

What why is JJ in there oh my goodness I can’t believe JJ was in this Vault the entire time JJ you should never go missing like that again he totally broken and was cheating wow I guess JJ is a pretty good prize to have at the

End of this Vault but I guess the prize all comes down to what Mikey finds inside that chest what is it Mikey oh no I really hope it’s not good and wait it’s bird seeds that’s a terrible prize Milo that means we win this competition yeah let’s go hooray let’s go spoiling

Our riches thanks Mikey and JJ we are now the richest team to ever win a secure base challenge

Milo and Chip are going Head to Head with Maizen in a Noob vs Pro Security House Build Challenge! Who will win? And what will Mikey and JJ do to make sure its them!?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Chip will obiously win by the way chip milo if you read this comment i subcribed to you using my laptop phone ipad and tablet i also told my family members to subcriebed pls give me a shoutout 😁😁😁 only chip and molo fans can rate this comment

  2. That you know do not watch Dora hrt rim tim tage dim video because it is the
    LOUDEST video of
    Dora hrt😂😂😂😊😂😂😂😊burp😊this is good😂😂😂😂😂❤😂❤❤❤❤


  4. i set a 5 minute timer. you were still building so you are making children think 5 minutes is 50 minutes. Also you are an adult as i can tell 💀💀💀

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