Guys today we’re playing Roblox World eating simulator TIY I think what we’re standing on getting eaten oh my god look how much bigger she is than us guys and yeah we just have to eat the floor and stuff to get bigger oh doesn’t this hurt your guys’s teeth yeah it hurts mine I

Don’t know guys this is pretty good what the sage what are you talking about you’re eating literally Lego pieces don’t knock it until you try it techie it’s pretty good yeah I’m a sage it’s really good wao Tey look at that guy behind us what the wao do you guys see

That he’s massive oh bet he looks really scary too my scary he looks really big how do we get that big guys well if it isn’t obvious Ashley we have to keep on eating look at me I’m getting bigger W I’m bigger than all of you guys already oh

Tey you’re like a giant yeah seriously wait I’m pretty sure I could throw Lego pieces at you guys boom Oh my God I threw it at Ashley now te why would you do that oh sorry I doing it again oh my God I hit you right in the head you’re

So stupid all right Emma I’ll do it again but at you this time boom wcky you just sent me flying sorry I’m doing it again Emma boom Oh wait I missed oh you’re bad at throwing all right I’m going to try again I’mma this should hit you perfectly and boom Tucky this is

Starting to really hurt stop okay fine I’ll stop I do need to continue eating anyways I’m glad I’m under the bridge techy can’t hit me from here are you sure about that Eva boom what the oh oh man the map ended we’re going into a new

Map guys oh I like that map I was just getting started on the bridge yeah me too and wo guys look at those giant buildings we can eat wo I want to eat it w we can eat robloxs everyone to the building I want to see how much we could

Eat of this entire building maybe we can knock it all down Ticky try throwing something at the building see if it break all right here we go and boom oh wait it does break what the I need to get a bigger piece to this and oh my God

This guy’s breaking the entire place down why isn’t he just eating it why is he breaking it apart well he probably already hit maximum size look at him yeah seriously aa’s right and wait guys I have a really good idea let’s all throw pieces out of them and maybe we

Could kill them together okay all right here we go guys three 2 one throw it at him get it um guys are we even doing any damage to him I don’t think he even feels it oh my God I can barely throw cuz we’re so small yeah we’re not even doing any

Damage guys guys this is really embarrassing he doesn’t even realize us yeah we should probably Retreat for now until we get a lot bigger oh look guys at the bottom you can sell all of your blocks oh I didn’t even realize that okay I just sold all my blocks and then

Now you can go to the shop and then you can upgrade your size yeah I upgraded my size too now I can carry more blocks yeah I think I’m going to upgrade mine too and now my Max size is 600 so I can eat a lot more now Tey um look how much

Bigger I am than you what the what what does that mean what why are you throwing pieces at me what’s wrong with you stop it Emma please stop throwing BLX me you’re being mean right now ow look guys I’m even starting to get bigger I think

Techy is the smallest one okay not for long Ashley okay cuz I’m going to get big and strong too Sage your hair’s ugly today ow Emma what gift stop throwing stuff at me hya no you stop ow you guys are going to kill each other stop it

Good you stay out of it techy oh whatever what are you doing no that’s you’re dead You’re Dead come back here oh come on what the oh there we go she laid it to the wall Tey you stop it right now oh my God Emma I just hit you

Right in the head again te I can’t get up wait what Emma just get up Tey I think you broke my back uh Emma are you okay yeah seriously can you just get up I can’t move Tei broke me how would you calm down Emma it’s a new map anyways oh

Good I was getting scared there for a second okay you know what guys I feel like I’m not getting big enough and it’s taking a while to get really giant like that one guy so I think I’m going to go to the shop and see if I could buy

Something oh techy you can buy something called instant Max side wait and it’s so only 140 Roo okay are you guys ready for this that gu ate us that guy ate us who I saw that how did he pick you up I don’t know he just picked me up like I

Was a piece of dinnery you have to buy Max size right now and kill him okay okay one second let me see if I can upgrade my Max size there we go now I’m going to upgrade it right over here and purchase and now I should be Max siiz

And wo guys do you see how big I am wo tacky you’re almost the same size as him now me versus you come here Bo he’s picking me up he’s picking me up oh guys now I’m just Beauty again are you serious how does he become that big

Guys I think I know what I need to do I need to go by Max size again I need to upgrade everything cuz they’re just teaming up on all of us the guy literally ate me okay I’m Max size and I’m going to sell everything and then

Buy Max size again but before I do any to upgrade it there we go now I could buy another Max size Tey hurry up and buy it everybody keeps attacking us I’m trying to guys I keep selling it so I could buy even a bigger Max size and

There we go I just bought it again now I got to sell and then now I can upgrade my Max size again and boom there we go techy you’re probably going to be so big now yeah seriously oh my god look how giant I am wait Emma maybe I could pick

You up no no techy come on stop leave me alone techy please okay fine I won’t I got to sell everything anyways and you know what I haven’t really upgraded my size multiplier yet but oh gosh it cost $40,000 are you serious Tucky you know there’s money packs right what the I

Didn’t even realize I can buy so much money over here okay you know what I’m buying 600,000 for 450 Roo I’m going to be able to become a giant Tey you better not kill us with all that stuff I’m not going to in wo guys you could also buy

Something called eat players and you can steal their size oh uh guys I think I’m going to buy this no Tey come on no we just said not to thany if you start picking me up and killing me I’m going to be so sad I would you guys calm down

I’m not going to do that okay okay I promise well I don’t I don’t think I’m going to do that you you don’t think you’re going to do that no I don’t think I’m going to do that now would you guys calm down I’m going to buy Max size and

Uh a sage come here what what are you doing I’m picking you up down I’m not putting her down okay fine I’ll throw you Sage oh gosh sorry Sage hecky you’re almost as big as the other guy now yeah seriously I’m going to sell everything and then

I’m going to upgrade my size again and now I’m on level 20 size so I should be able to be really really big now see if you can get really big then eat him wa me and him are like the same size now oh gosh you just set me flying in the sky

All right now let me see if I can pick this guy up I don’t think I’m going to be able to oh no he’s still bigger than me oh and he ate me he got way bigger after he ate you are you serious oh come

On come on techy you need to get way bigger than him if I were you I’d go buy more blocks in the shop all right f bu let me go see how much they cost I guess I’ll buy another one for 600,000 and there we go okay I just bought more

Blocks guys now I got to go get more upgrades you should buy a size multiplier oh man it’s $40,000 though okay I’ll buy two of them and that’s about it now upgrade your maximum size all right guys I’m upgrading it I’m going to see how many times I could do

It and oh gosh I’ve done it so many times now now you have to buy Max size and kill everybody all right all right I’ll do it I’ll do it yeah seriously Tey like you’ve got to start protecting us okay I will guys there we go now I’m Max

Siiz and I think the other guy is still bigger than me what the how much does he have I I I don’t know but why are you walking towards me wait he’s also walking towards you oh no wait he’s so fast he’s so fast no no no no I need to

Sell everything quick before he kills me oh there we go I sold everything oh man that was a close one hecky you need to upgrade your walk speed he’s way too quick nope Ashley you got a good point okay I’m doing my walk speed next guys

Cuz he is really really fast I’m just going to spend all the money on the walk speed and I already ran out oh man tecky I think it’s time you buy the 2 million block oh man that’s 1,000 Robux though it’s going to help you out a lot yeah

Good point okay fine I’ll buy it guys and now that I have all that I think it’s time I upgrade my Max size a bunch and I need to get bigger than him so oh gosh we’re spending so much buies hecky what level is your size it’s 31 so I

Think that has to be bigger than him by a little bit next I’ll do my walk speed and I’ll just completely upgrade my walk speed next and there we go oh gosh he’s running towards me guys I’m getting a little scared well then buy my side all

Right there we go I just bought it oh my God I’m bigger than him now I think wait let me see if I can pick him up oh te what you just killed me are you serious what I can’t even move and never mind I’m still not bigger than him Tey you

Need to keep buying bigger size you need to be bigger than this guy yeah seriously Tey cuz he keeps killing us oh man okay fine guys I’ll buy more size even though I think he’s way too big for any of us and there we go I’m just going

To keep on upgrading it until I run out of monies and oh man I’m level 36 that has to be bigger than him right only one way to find out techie by Max side all right boom okay I have to be bigger than him now come on come on yes not bigger than

Him let’s go now he’s officially smaller than me and I just killed him guys let’s go techy now you can keep destroying him why he’s going to get you oh no oh no oh no why is he coming after me what’s wrong with this guy get away from man oh

No what s I’m not your man but thanks for protecting me everybody throw stuff at him help me guys oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I need to keep running he has explosives what the where did you get that from I hit him py py he’s going to

Get no no I got you don’t worry throw blocks at him guys oh no he got me he got me oh man let’s go good job guys and now I’m going to buy Max size in case he ever tries coming back around here hey now that you’re that big he’ll never try to

Attack us ever again yeah seriously wait I’m going to try picking him up now hold up wait I think he’s too small for me to pick up anyways he’s way too little now he’s just running away from me tecky why is he over here playing with us again I

Don’t know guys guys I’m trying to pick him up and kill him oh man he ran in the house okay that’s it I’m breaking the entire house guys oh gosh wait what the what is happening to me why am I glitch like this what is going on techy why are

You planking on the house I have no idea Tey throw that piece at the house I am boom Oh my God I got to destroy this entire house I can’t let this guy survive get him techy techy I think he’s just way too deep in

The house you might not be able to kill him oh man fine I’ll just kill Emma instead oh never mind I’ll kill sage no no get away from me no s I’m sorry wait I just realized I have too much size to even kill Sage oh no Sage where you going come back

Here Sage I’m going to throw Sage boom Oh go oh I threw Sage off the map sorry Sage when I get my hands on you take it you’re dead you can’t even do anything to me Sage you’re too tiny oh when I do get that big I’ll kill you oh no wait

Guys this guy B more size oh no oh no oh no help me help me help me help me he’s trying to kill me oh gosh oh gosh how is he already bigger than me oh no he’s going to kill me isn’t he oh he picked

Me up oh come on are you kidding me you know what that means Tucky you got to be bigger than him yeah you’re right Emma that guy’s way too strong and this time I’m going to buy explosive chunks so I could throw blocks at them and they’ll

Explode on them yeah you’ll be able to kill him so easily all right and now I got to buy more money so I could get really really big and strong and now let me go over here and upgrade my size and oh gosh I have way more size than him

Now can back I’m going oh gosh I’m really really B up watch out Sage I got to kill this guy you got to break the building over here he keeps running under it all right fine and boom Oh my God I destroyed the entire thing kill

Him now TI he’s still hiding from me are you kidding me that’s because you need to buy more walk speed okay I’m spending all my money on walk speed and oh man that’s the only amount I could get are you serious he’s still way FAS than me because he’s tiny he keeps hiding

Underneath the roof techy break it okay fine I broke it wait let me pick him up now he’s right under me I can’t even grab him and he’s throwing chunks at me oh gosh guys you need to help me kill him he’s going to kill me he already

Killed AA over here look wait AA you’re dead yeah I’m dead oh wait Sage I didn’t even mean to pick you up I’m sorry this guy’s one shot help me kill him you threw me off again sorry Sage oh I’m definitely going to die this guy’s going to kill me let

Me throw this at him though and boom there we go I killed himy you really need to watch where you’re throwing things you know you’re killing us right sorry guys I didn’t mean to wait let me S my size before this guy kills me when

I count of three we’re all going to kill him guys here we go 3 2 1 kill him Boom come on guys he’s getting big we need to kill him before he gets too big for us oh gosh oh gosh oh oh man guys come on keep throwing stuff at him he’s

Almost dead yeah seriously come on boom Oh gosh he doesn’t have that much HP left guys come on we we can do this oh no he’s trying to pick me up oh gosh and I’m throwing it watch out I got explosive damage ony that wasn’t me am I

Swear well I don’t think it was come on he’s almost dead we can do this yeah seriously one more Boom come on one more hit guys here check I got him let’s go all right well thank you guys so much for watching today’s video If you guys

What I’m doing my outro sell your size so we can actually see you I’m sorry guys okay anyways if you guys are try to want a part two subscribe with without notifications turn on and don’t forget to like the video bye everyone

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