Are We Getting A Brand NEW Area in The 1.6 Update!? – Stardew Valley

After hours and hours of hard research trying to figure out what we could possibly be getting in the upcoming 1.6 update piecing everything together and thinking to myself I possibly may have solved it I see a speculation that might just make all of my hard research pointless I could possibly be completely

Wrong let me speak about a brand new speculation I seen whizzing around since we’ve seen the the screenshot of the raccoon this this one’s quite big it’s quite deep not sure if it’s going to be possible but it could be because I’ve also done more research on this

Speculation and theory and I’ve put more together so I came across this screenshot right here somebody basically saying that the raccoon that we saw on this screenshot with the 1.6 release date could in fact be linked to the priori island in the gem sea now I know what you’re thinking like Sharky there’s

No way we are going to get a brand new area this is just a speculation just hear me out okay because I also F the same until I dived deeper into this Theory and it started to make a bit more sense now if you don’t know if you go to

The movie theaters which got brought to 1.4 update this was before Ginger Island you could watch a movie called natural wonders exploring our vibrant world if you go and watch this you can read it and on the screen it will show you different areas around the gem sea and

This is where you got a glimpse of Ginger Island before Ginger Island update came out we saw it in the 1.4 and the movies there was an image of the volcano islands and then this actually got released into Ginger Island now there is another section if you go

Further and you’ll see a screenshot here that says far to the West alone in the vast gem sea lies prii Island in spite of its name this land is home to a diverse array of natural biomes and then he goes on to say the island is known for its abundant population of raccoons

And it shows you a little screenshot of a raccoon oh my my god wow after all of those theories and speculations myself about the raccoon thinking maybe it’s a new farm animal maybe it’s a new pet but all along what if it was an indication to a brand new

Area this could be linked people are thinking we are going to be able to go and enter and travel to this new place called priori Island very similar to what we did in ginger Island now that is huge and it could be possible because if

You think about it guys we now have a boat in Will’s shop you buy a ticket it takes you to Ginger Island well look at this screenshot this seems to be some kind of ticket can we buy another ticket that takes us to priori Island and that’s where you see the raccoons and

Will’s boat it opens the doors for so many possibilities like new areas even if they are small but the fact that the boat’s there surely that should allow us to go to so many different places of course we also have the bus stop which is also ticket machine and we do have

The train station because there is speculations that this new ticket that we saw a little image of some kind of orange ticket that could possibly be used on the train but still can that take us to a new area now what makes this more believable to me is the fact

That this is already happened with ginger Island guys in 1.4 the movie theaters the fact that it shown you a snippet of the Volcano Island and then the next update Ginger Island became a thing what about if we follow that theme that pattern we see a snippet of priori

Island in the movie theaters what if this comes to the 1.6 and you never know 1.7 could be zuu city which you also see in the same movie this could be all linked together now this is a very big speculation and just you know just remember that it is the reason why I

Think this might not be possible because someone on Twitter did actually ask concern ape if this update is going to be as big as Ginger Island 1.5 and he basically said no because 1.5 was focused on a brand new new area whereas 1.6 is focused on what is already in the

Game kind of basically saying there’s not going to be any new places is that just to throw us off concern DA’s very clever he likes to keep things secret he could be just saying that and then we get into the update and be like oh my

God we can go to a new place on the boat prairi Island there’s a new little place new new buildings new NPCs new animals we never know if this is true I believe it will only be a very small area that we can enter it’s not going to be as big

As Ginger island with loads of different elements like the volcano the different areas the farm this could be very similar to the desert you might enter there there might be a few things to forage maybe one or two buildings with a new NPC or a shop and then that’s kind

Of it that’s more doable than something giant so that is a new speculation that’s going round some people believe it some people don’t let me know what you think Down Below guys because honestly I am personally starting to believe this I think this speculation has huge potential cuz if we just think

About it in the movie theaters it said that priori island is known to so many different diverse biomes and there is a ton of raccoons over there so that’s probably where you’re going to see them maybe there’s a shop there that allows you to buy the raccoon to bring back to

The farm and that’s where all the frogs could be we’ve seen a lot of frogs at the minute we’ve seen them on so many screenshots what if the frogs also are populated on priar island the fact that it’s diverse in Array of natural biomes you probably will get like wetland

Forests there’s also a beach in the ocean there as well because on the image there’s a little dock where the boat would go from will it if you are to buy a ticket and go there and if you see as well it’s almost like Canyons which if

You look at this image which I personally thought was either fruit or nuts for a long time well I saw another Fe in a speculation that these could actually in fact be Amber gemstones now look at this image they actually really look so similar and this just makes all

Of my speculations and theor that I have put together just almost pointless cuz I feel like this is more realistic maybe this amber gemstone can be found over on prior Island it’s a new mineral a new gem maybe you can break them open and find things almost act as if some kind

Of geode and again if we look closer onto this image of prii Island you can see this a little a very small town maybe with a few buildings a few shops we could buy new furniture new clothes like I mentioned maybe new animals raccoons live here in abundant so maybe

The theory of raccoons still being farm animals could still possibly be true but you just have to go over here to buy them because the word priori if I’m pronouncing it right I don’t even know if I am this basically means just open grassland right it’s just a large open

Area almost here some kind of like Savannah or something like that so yeah there would be a lot of animals there it’d be a great place to forage and explore the potential could be huge I know that Eric Bron said that there’s not going to be no new big area but in

Never mentioned a small area like I said if this is just like the desert nothing major like ginger island with loads of different areas this is just one screen you can’t go to the left and enter the farm you can’t go to the right and enter

A forest go north and enter the volcano you know Ginger Island’s got loads of segments I’m thinking that this could just be one big area you can’t go anywhere else you just get there like the desert and that is it and that is where like the Shops and and stuff will

Be let me know what you think guys I really actually am excited for this I want this to be true this could be really really interesting sadly though if this is true I believe that the farm type that I thought could be a wetland

Or a swamp may not be true and we could go down the path of just getting a larger Four Corners Farm which is going to be suited to eight players which is the brand new feature uh in 1.6 which would be very sad really and uh I’d be

Disappointed I don’t just want a bigger four corners map I know a lot of people are thinking that’s what we’re going to get rather than it being a specific Farm type you know it’s just going to be a big one one and I don’t know how I feel

About that but if that means we do get a new area like prary Island and then so be it you know I’d rather go to a new place than have a new Farm type maybe even better if we do get some special Farm type and a new area oh my God I’m

So excited I just can’t wait to dive into 1.6 and see actually what is true what have we got sorry for all the videos but I love all of the theories and speculations that people are putting together I find it so interesting and this one stood out to me the most uh and

After I did some research and dived into it I thought wow the raccoons all along it could literally be true this could be it all of these things that we’ve been seeing all along could be linked to the new area you know the new trees the new

Bushes the frogs the raccoons the warp totem I don’t know that could take you over there the ticket maybe it’s just crazy guys and even the new character that we see in the blue suit and glasses maybe is a new character over there uh unless it’s Guna I I can’t really tell

But the first time I ever saw that screenshot I assumed it was gone for straight away you know with the glasses and you can even tell with the beard uh the like goatey very very similar but I think concern dat’s been very clever here and he’s put the characters in a

New outfit which is a hood which if you didn’t know we are now getting winter outfits so maybe this is guner in his new winter outfit so many people so so many have requested that Goa becomes a real NPC he has his own dialogue his own cutcenes events you know he walks around

Roams around town he becomes someone you can give gifts to an actual person rather than just being stood behind the counter so it would be really good if that was true and then gfur actually travels over to prioria Island just like some of the people do when they go over

To Ginger Island but gfer could go and do his research you know he is an archaeologist and this character whoever it is has got some kind of notebook almost like they are studying and researching so this would make perfect sense for GFA to actually become a real

Character and this could all be linked with the Amber gemstones and maybe GFA would want you to find as many as possible possible to donate to him to do his studies and you can kind of trade them in for rewards and you could find loads of new things in there like

Fossilized bugs and insects and fish and things like that or dinosaurs which when you’re on your way to Ginger Island and you go in the boat there’s another Island that you see off to the West which has dinosaurs on it I’m just saying there’s a whole new Theory right

There but guys that is it thank you all for watching let me know how true you think this could be would you be excited if this did come to light also let me know your fears and speculation on what you think the raccoon has to do with the

1.6 update like where are you thinking this is going to be can’t wait to read the comments but thank you all for watching smash the like button subscribe for 1.6 content coming very very soon but like a week or so away I am so excited guys but until then stay safe and stay


➤ There are so many speculations regarding the upcoming 1.6 stardew valley update, but one of them stood out to me more than the rest! After hours of research, this one could be a winner! Let’s dive into it.

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  1. Another thing that could point to Prairie Island being added is in one of the screenshots it shows a large cow in much more detail than the cows on the farm, and we were told to pay close attention to it. The game Prairie King is about a cowboy, so I know its a long stretch but i think it could be hinting that Prairie Island could be added, and if it is there might a new NPC who is like a cowboy on a ranch. Just a speculation though

  2. Concerned Ape must be very pleased to see how deep we dive into speculating about his updates and thoughts, no matter how wild or wrong our guesses are. Maybe even some of our ideas are things that never crossed his thought at all. Just proof how much we love his work!

  3. To answer your concern about pronouncing prairie: it's two syllables. The 'air' in the first syllable rhymes with air. Prair–ee. Thanks for sharing your ideas. It's really a cool thought.

  4. its certainly not impossible, But you would think CA would have hinted at a new area, even if small. He has not sadly…… I think we are getting the new farm type and expansion onto the end game progression as he hinted at in the his preview post. (plus other small things). Regardless I am super excited for this update. arguably one of the best games ever made and he is adding more to it. YES PLZ.

  5. I don't remember for sure, but didn't Concerned Ape say something (after that tweet about 1.6 being about small updates) about the 1.6 update becoming more involved than he had originally planned? So maybe when he tweeted that, he wasn't planning on adding a new area, but then he changed his mind?

    Also – prairie sounds like prayer-ee

  6. And Gunther is dressed a little "cowboy/western-wear"ish with the hat and spurs. I could see him fitting into a prairie setting!

  7. I know that`s a big streach … but … "Ape said , big NEW area" , the caps on new might be the throw off will be a new area but not as big, a new farm is already confirmed but maybe not as a starter one but as a second farm where he can put, new livestock and seeds

    besides it doesn't need to have much in terms of plot now, and could be a foothold for later expansion.

    I'll say again, that is a crazy huge punt, and is much more likely that im completly wrong 🙂

  8. I think the fruits is dates, you know, the fruits that comes from kind of palm tree, the fruit is very sweet, commonly consumed by Middle Eastern. Sorry for broken English

  9. I would cry tears of joy if there was a new area added but I don’t think he would lie and add a new area when he previously stated that he wouldn’t

  10. ooh this does kinda make sense?? whatever it's going to be, i'm super excited either way. I wasn't there for the 1.5 update buzz so this is my first time experiencing this!

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