Can You Beat Terraria Skyblock?

What um you’re probably wondering how I got here well I had just defeated moonl Lord with 1 HP and gotten the portal gun so I was curious what would happen if I shot a portal into the sky little did I know the portal soared through space and

Landed on a New World Landing on the island the portal closed and I was trapped what’s worse is I lost all of my items but I have more than one HP if I want to escape this island I will have to defeat Moon Lord and get the portal

Gun so I can teleport to a new world and this all begins with stage one slimes bombs iron ore from killing slimes you can collect bombs and iron ore and killing slimes I’ll start with tree from stead tree you collect wood and Acorns from said tree you collect wood and acorns as long as I have acorns I have infinite wood with the wood I built a small platform but it was almost night so I encircled myself in wood and waited until the next day I did this so zombies wouldn’t spawn I’ll explain more about

This shortly anyways the next day arrived and I expanded the platform with the platform long enough it can spawn slimes as I mentioned from killing slimes you can collect bombs in ore there’s a 1 out of 16 chance to get bombs and a 1 out of 32 chance to get

Iron from every slime you kill the chances that the very first slime I killed dropped ore is insane but also extremely cruel that it dropped tin wood from the tree I collected two acorns extending my Island I planted the two acorns but it was night and now that

My platform was long enough zombies will spawn I purposely avoided this before because zombies suck so I built a tower that would prevent zombies from reaching me H nerd can’t get up can you but this Tower didn’t stop demon eyes you may have noticed that it started to R rain

Despite this spawn a umbrella slimes which you may believe is good because slimes equal bombs and ore right wrong they are useless and take up the entity limit causing less regular slimes to spawn the rain would also introduce flying fish which are if not the most annoying enemies in Terraria anyways I

Expanded the platform and built a slime trap and as if on Q the first slimes I killed dropped iron ore I then accidentally hit the S key and fell to my death while I’m falling this is the perfect time to like the video and comment down below upon falling I

Located another Island you see there are eight Islands in this world a demon alter lizzard alter queen bee spawner the ocean the dungeon a herbl lab hell Forge and a Snow Island whereas not all of the islands are necessary for progression they make it so you don’t

Have to spend eons farming this is where the chests come into play each island contains a chest and inside the chest are materials that will help you progress but I’ll get into the materials once I reach an island because at the moment I’m still falling hey Golem temp

Because I located an island I figured it was time to explore and platform down on the island there was a demon alter bed and a chest inside the chest was gem corns Stone heart crystals and masturbate as I mentioned before each island contains a chest every chest will

Contain a heart Crystal and masturbate this is to increase your HP and speed up fishing but if you’re paying attention you’ll notice there are only eight islands and therefore eight heart crystals so the only way to acquire more heart crystals is by fishing now that I’ve collected gem corns I can plant

Them in farm Stone on top of gems but most importantly this enables me to craft a furnace for stage two but seeing how I am still in stage one I’ll craft this later anyways I activated the heart Crystal then the most incredible thing happened slime fell from the sky and I

Wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity soon after I killed a slime and collected four bombs stage one is complete stage two furnace Merchant stage two begins with building NPC housing because I collected bombs the demolitionist can spawn for the merchant you have to have 50 silver in your

Inventory and because I keep dying I have zero so for the time being I platformed down into the cavern layer and planted a gem corn once it grows I’ll have enough Stone to craft a furnace I then continued to expand the Platform Chopping down the gem tree I collected enough stone for a furnace oh there goes my silver I expanded my stone farm and encountered a skeleton after Shing the skeleton for around 3 minutes I killed it and planted more gem corns the only downside to expanding the stone Farm is that more enemies would

Begin to spawn and the cave bats finally made their appearance leave me alone Beast ah platforming down further I located the lizard alter inside the chest was the usual plus the single chloride ore and lizard brick but this isn’t useful until hard mode so for now I activated the hard crystal in the

Process of escaping a zombie I jumped off the platform whoa I don’t know what was more shocking turning into mush upon impact or the discovery of the herb lab but I’ll explore it more shortly anyways I built another NPC house and collected the dirt from the island there are exactly 25

Dirt blocks on the island which is the amount you require to craft a dirt bomb with the dirt bomb I have infinite dirt you see a dirt bomb costs 25 dirt blocks but you can collect up to 55 dirt blocks with a dirt bomb so as

Long as you have 25 blocks of dirt you have infinite dirt wow I’ve never said dirt so much in my life huh I took a chest from one of the islands and used used it to store my materials all that is left is to wait for the merchant to

Spawn okay this might take a little with the merchant I have access to materials like torches arrows potions rope and the reason why I need the merchant the Anvil but I require bars to use an anvil so I crafted the furnace stage two is complete stage three bucket wood fishing

Pole stage three begins with building shelter you may be wondering how this is related to a bucket well it isn’t I just wanted a house once the house was finished I turned my dirt into mud by using the singular block of water with the mud I can extend my jungle once the

Jungle spreads trees can grow naturally and I have access to Wood again I extended my soon to be jungle built another NPC house and made a mistake you see earlier I collected six iron ore or two iron bars but I thought you needed three iron bars to make a bucket so to

Summarize events I wasted an hour of my life the demolitionist arrived I took the bed from the island purchased the bug net purchased wood from the traveling Merchant and I discovered it only takes two iron bars to craft the bucket to make a long story short I blame

Minecraft anyways using the bucket I collected my single block of water with the bucket of water I can build a fishing area so I built a fancy little house and a fishing hole all that is left is to craft the wooden fishing rod stage three is complete stage four

Fishing time this stage pretty much explains itself but I made a rookie mistake you see in Terraria you can fish in an area as long as it’s 75 tiles of liquid but here’s the twist if you want to optimally fish it needs to be around

300 tiles this fishing spot is not so I increase the size of my fishing hole but I constructed a new fishing hole in the jungle because of specific fishing loot you see in the the jungle you can fish jungle crates among other items inside the jungle crates you can acquire a

Fiberglass fishing pole that will increase my fishing power anyways I collected bait and began fishing time you see fishing is my only way to get ores accessories and heart crystals in layman’s terms in order to progress I have to fish I’m going to be here forever you can just skip through time

As I fish see you later one eternity later huh you’re back you don’t understand you You’ skipped too far you’ve been gone for thousands of years years of Lonesome fishing but you’re back now wait no where are you going please don’t Leave oh hey you’re back don’t mind the grav Stone everything here is normal to sum up the important items I fished I acquired aam Nami in a bottle sailfish boots and an eglet taking a break from fishing I went and explored the Herb Farm inside the Herb Farm was a chest

With the staff of regrowth this would allow me to increase my plant and Seed yield anyways I activated the heart Crystal and collected plants with iron I collected from fishing crates I crafted a reinforced fishing rod that will increase my fishing power from 5 to 15% exploring down I located the queen

Bee spawner and inside the chest was crate potions activating the heart Crystal I continued to explore downwards and located the hell Forge inside the chest was hellstone and a mushroom grass seed but most importantly I had access to Lava activating a crate potion and using masturbate I return to fishing

Time from fishing I acquired a gold crate and collected platinum bars this marks the end of stage four stage five lava obsidian Platinum pickaxe to begin stage five I collected lava and burnt myself extra crispy yeah I’m about to burn to death I created a larger lava

Source using water on the lava I have access to obsidian but I can’t mine the obsidian without a pickaxe that has a higher pickaxe power to acquire a pickaxe with a higher pickaxe power I extended the platform to the ocean you see this was my attempt to kill two

Birds with one stone by fishing in the ocean I can acquire either the Reaver shark or more Platinum to craft the pickaxe but what actually happened was I extended the platform and fell off the end so at the moment I built more NPC houses went fishing and acquired a

Jungle and gold crate from the gold crate I collected a heart Crystal and from the jungle crate I collected feral claws I activated a gravitation potion I collected from fishing exploring the world I located the dungeon and Shimmer inside the chest was dungeon brick and a heart Crystal I required Platinum to

Progress and you see the only way to acquire more Platinum is from gold crates which are classified as extremely rare So I returned to fish chin and acquired the anklet of wind from a jungle crate but I quickly gave up due to boredom and a few moments later I

Acquired Platinum Ore from a slime yes I know I said the only way to collect Platinum is from fishing but this isn’t true you see there is a 1 out of 32 chance to collect Platinum Ore from a slime that’s a 3.13% chance you will collect Platinum

Ore to put it simply I did not think this would happen using my Platinum I crafted the Platinum pickaxe with the pickaxe I finally have access to obsidian stage five is complete stage six molter armor Guns sliner Goblin tinkerer stage six begins with breaking a crimson heart from the Crimson heart I

Acquired The Undertaker and met the requirements for the guns sliner to spawn at the health Forge I crafted hellstone bars but I was interrupted by a blood moon so I purchased the mini shark and bullets from the guns sliner using lava I built a functioning mob

Farm I built the mob farm just in time because as soon as the blood moon ended the Goblin Army spawn using the mini shark and mob farm I easily defeated the goblin army with my hellstone bars I crafted the molten pickaxe molon helmet and molten breastplate using the molten

Pickaxe I collected the hell Forge before crafting the molten Greaves it was time to locate the Goblin tinkerer and because he can only spawn in one of three locations I easily found him but before I could purchase anything a bug fell from the sky and the Goblin

Tinkerer fell to his death that’s not good uh-oh once he returned I purchased the rocket boots and tinkerer’s workbench from fishing I collected all the accessories required and with the tinkerer’s workbench I crafted the lightning boots stage six is complete stage s Boss Rush to begin stage seven I

Crafted a slime Crown but a blood Moon spawned and I acquired the shark tooth necklace with the Slime Crown I summoned the King Slime this was a terrible mistake you see King Slime will teleport to a higher or lower elevation but I’m on a single platform and this means King

Slime will just disappear oh and I used all of my gold to craft his spawner so I can’t even fight him again anyways I crafted more NPC housing at the ocean I felt an evil presence watching me the eye of cthulu spawned and with the mini shark plus my

Horrifically La platform it was an easy fight using the treasure bag I have acquired The Shield of cthulu crimson seeds and crimtan ore using the crimtan ore I crafted the flesh Catcher And upgraded from 15 to 22% fishing power with my first boss defeated the dryad spawned purchasing acorns and grass

Seeds I reconstructed the forest collecting dirt blocks I expanded the forest even further with the dirt I turned it into mud and built the underground jungle as well as extended the underground Crimson if you’re curious why I’m doing all of this you see I’ll require these biomes once I’m

In hard mode so I’m building them now that way I don’t have to in hard mode anyways I built the Skeletron Arena but before I fight Skeletron I require sand so it was time to reach the ocean with my new Forest I have access to more than

Enough wood once I was at the ocean I talked to the angler looted the chest and collected sand oh and I built a house for the angler to sum up the next 3 hours with the sand I collected I started creating the desert and a house

For the nurse and guns Slinger but you see it takes 1,500 sand blocks to create a desert and my ocean is running really really low on Sand so I quit and slime rained from the sky this was my chance to defeat the King Slime and and let’s pretend that didn’t happen

Anyways I extended my Cavern platform and built a mob farm this will be immensely useful once I’m in hard mode it’s time to kill Skeletron so using my sand I crafted glass and bottles of water with the bottles of water I can craft potions with my potions ready I

Summoned Skeletron using the mini shark I dealt slow and consistent damage but once I destroyed his hands the fight became increasingly more difficult you see in order to dodge his projectiles I would Circle his head and because Skeletron is so high in the sky I take

Fall damage when I hit the platform so using my diamond hook I crafted from farming gem trees I could negate the fall damage if I messed up at any of these steps I would take crazy damage and because I don’t have Max HP I require every bit of life to

Win anyways what followed was the most stressful 6 minutes of my life but I killed Skeletron inside the treasure bag was the bone glove and Skeletron hand also I just have to say I’ve never used the bone glove before but it’s actually undervalued with Skeletron defeated it

Was time to kill the Wall of Flesh so I started building the arena during which I killed a demon and acquired the demon sight but sadly my good luck wouldn’t last and my innards became outers now that I have a magic weapon I crafted Mana stars and increased my overall Mana

Then something unbelievable happened wood no no that wasn’t it slime started falling from the sky once King Slime spawned I used the demon scythe and slammed back Mana potions a few moments later and after taking out 16 hours worth of Sky Block anger onto him I

Killed the King Slime you see with King Slime defeated the drad will sell debloom planter boxes with the planter boxes you can use them as platforms and what’s great about them is they can’t be destroyed by lava with the platform finished I created a fishing hole underneath my Cavern mob farm by fishing

In the cavern you can acquire armored cavefish with armored cavefish you can craft in endurance potions that decrease the amount of damage you take they are necessary because I don’t have Max HP and the Wall of Flesh hits harder than a truck thanks to fishing I had most of

The potions I required such as health potions swiftness potions and crafted the rest with my potions ready and a guide Voodoo Doll I acquired while building the arena I summoned the Wall of Flesh a very big problem then presented itself I’m down here the wall of flesh is up there

Thankfully this problem had an easy fix by increasing the height of the Arena I would be able to attack the Wall of Flesh once the arena was finished I built campfires for extra regeneration preparing every potion I could I summoned the Wall of Flesh and with the

New Arena I could actually damage him but I ran out of platform and my neck and knees became one anyways I increase the arena remember how I said I could actually damage him now well this also means the Wall of Flesh can damage me so to make a long story short after four

More attempts I had expanded the arena a total of 40% now you may be like 40% that’s not a lot it’s literally the size of the entire world anyways I summoned the Wall of Flesh this time around with the mini shark I targeted his lower eye

And used the shield of cthulu to enter a Sprint whenever the Wall of Flesh shot his lasers this allowed me to deal consistent damage and Dodge his lasers once the Wall of Flesh Health dropped below 1,000 I continued to Sprint dodging the lasers and killing the Wall of

Flesh on top of the treasure bag I acquired the goat skull I am SPO you see with the goat skull mount you can just about outrun every boss in the game add that to the fact I have a platform the size of the entire world I am pretty

Much Untouchable from the treasure bag I acquired the ranger emblem and Clockwork assault rifle not only did I acquire the goat skull but also the perfect loot from the wall of flesh oh and of course the demon heart with the Wall of Flesh defeated I am now in hard mode but I

Have many more challenges to face so will I be able to survive hard mode and escape this world if you have enjoyed like comment down below and subscribe to get notified for part two thank you to the very first member of the channel King Drago I’ll play myself out

Can You Beat Terraria Skyblock? In this Terraria challenge I try to beat Terraria master mode skyblock. If I fall off the island I die, I have to kill slimes for ores, and I even have to fish for heart crystals! I have a feeling this is going to be very hard.

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0:00:00 Intro
0:00:36 Stage 1: Slimes + bombs + iron ore
0:04:00 Stage 2: Furnace + merchant
0:06:24 Stage 3: Bucket + wood fishing pole
0:07:31 Stage 4: Fishing time
0:09:55 Stage 5: Lava + obsidian + platinum pickaxe
0:11:37 Stage 6: Molten armour + gunslinger + goblin tinkerer
0:12:52 Stage 7: Boss rush

More Terraria Challenges ➤

#terraria #skyblock #challenge #youtubegaming #mastermode

Thank You so Much For Watching And Have An Amazing Day 🙂


  1. From tree you get wood and acorns…….. jumps off
    I know that feeling. Minecraft skyblock with no sapplings is pain. Especially with skyfactory when the tree is your only source of blocks genuinely.

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