Adopted by the MISS DELIGHT FAMILY in Minecraft!

Oh where do I go uh oh no I got to get out of here my new oh no what where you’re going young lady well hello PE little girl I’m surrounded this is good oh please don’t e me just an orphan an orphan can we adop her adop I think that’s a perfect

Idea besides Minnie has been wanting a sister for the longest time I a sister oh well I’m glad to have a new family thank you well any daughter of mine has got a dress the part wa oh I look pretty cute you look like a member of the family

Already oh no where are those teachers oh come on kids let’s go I think it’s time for our first class of the day don’t you think so honey CL we can’t skip on education class we’re having physical education zo in the morning oh that’s the worst well if you think that

That’s bad watch this W your first test is to make it up to that Bell whoever can ring it first we’ll get a prize Ready set go oh W she’s toally fast I expect Straight A’s from both of my children Straight A’s I only get seed oh

There’s so much lava you’re going to have to do better than SE if you want to be part of the Delight family all right I’ve got to get up there first I don’t know what they’ll do to me oh both you girls are doing amazing oh

We’re on the same part there’s the bell I did it I won you’re definitely better than a sea student Hana oh thanks as promised Hana here’s your prize priz be careful it’s your oh this is amazing let’s get this gym all cleaned up let’s get going to our next

Activity another activity oh I can’t wait w wo wait the lights are out are you guys okay us we feel delightful get over here oh no this isn’t good a bad girl is skipping class what happened to no one plays hookie on our watch hide in here get

Over here lny leave me alone I just want to play with you like one of my no go go D go it’s a generator time to turn on the light you’re about to normal yeah when the lights go out we get a little crazy oh where did you go it’s Mr the lights

Come on this way back here we got to turn on the rest of the generators this way I’m coming for you Dad is not reset and Mom’s probably not reset oh no it’s Miss L it is a little girl avoiding her CL than playing Hookey hide over here

Come on this way has a bad influence on our daughter oh it’s another generator and good well thank you so much for fixing me Hana and where are you we need to find one last generator we still got one more left get back here oh wait I

See it over here go go go and time to turn you back wa sorry about that Hana he mom oh well that was embarrassing now wasn’t it Mr Delight why don’t you and Hana go collect the other students while Minnie and I prepare for class other students oh that sounds like a wonderful

Idea come on Hana these Critters aren’t going to come to class themselves see you later all right Hana these guys can be a little difficult when coming to class uh let’s just take it nice and easy all right let’s go hey Critters oh how’s it going oh hey Mr Delight he Mr

Delight time for class again now let’s get going everybody come on no we don’t want class I really don’t want to go if you want us to go to class you’re going to have to catch us scatter done okay Hana we’re going to have to do this the hard way you can use

Your Barb to teleport the critters straight to the classroom oh that’s so useful uh wait a second I think Bob is done all right time to go to class I don’t want to go ah it worked well I hope they don’t find me did you hear that

Ha I found you kick chicken no I don’t want to go to class time to go I think some other Critters went over this way all right let’s find them wait I see something over there oh I hope she doesn’t fight me I want to go to class time to go to

Class great job Hana there should only be a couple more remaining know and crafted I’ll do crafty corn another student for the classroom oh my wait a second oh it’s Bubba bad another one down betrayed by my own ears oh wonderful Hana I think there’s only two

Critters remaining all right let’s go oh where are you I don’t want to go to Club I got you piggy piggy Mr light needs our A+ student now the only one left is dog day he’s not the brightest student but he’s quite the Troublemaker where could he

Be uh-oh looks like you got caught up in some webs a day yeah I thought this would go a little bit better than it did time to get you out of there into class that’s all of them Hana let’s get back to your mom’s class it’s about to

Begin all right let’s go come on this way Hana oh there you are it’s so nice to see you we’re all here for the math test are you ready I didn’t study you didn’t study well dog day looks like you’re a first then is 5 * 2 it’s got to

Be at least 15 uh oh dog maybe you should have studied more oh that was kind of an easy question you think that this is easy well why don’t you go and sit in their place instead wait huh oh no down there why do I have to be

Subjected to this too Mom we need to make sure that you know all of your for math now crafty corn what is 2 + three uhoh no that’s not great crafty corn you should have done your help oh no crafty corn like this well Hana I guess it’s

Your turn next wait my turn what is 5 + 2 wait 5 + 2 oh seven that is correct now Bobby that is 12 – 6 is 5 oh you are so close oh no puppy this is my favorite test well why don’t we ask you next what is 8 + 10 that’s

18 18 18 oh she really is crazy I would have expeced nothing less from my little girl thanks M piggy piggy yeah 6 ided 2 is what 6 / 2 is four you’re wrong bye-bye pigy pigy now Bubba fan I know that you’ve been struggling with your multiplication tables who told you that

That that’s a lie me that’s 12 time two got to carry the two you got to carry a couple buckets of water uh uh 20 you were so close but no cigar no bubble no kicking chicken we know that you’re not the brightest bulb in the Box oh oh that’s kind of rude

What is 1 + 2 oh why do you do this to me teach you always give me the hardest questions come on chicken it’s not hard four I am so sorry kick and chicken but really I’m not refuse the happy hop cotch you get a word

Problem if I have seven eggs and I give away two how many eggs do I have left that’s so tricky seven cuz I don’t really share with anybody oh well you really should learn to share oh congratulations you two you passed the quiz said all the smiling Critters

Didn’t get it right but I’m so glad I survived oh don’t worry we just need to reassemble those Critters for the next class here Hana you can go with your mother and sister and take these charms to the make a friend room I’ll clean up

Here okay uh come on Mom let’s go just be goodful careful time to make some new gritters for our next class and here we are the make a friend room oh w Wait this looks like it take all those charms that you got and put them inside the to

P all right we’ll do I wish I could keep these charms for myself they’re so pretty and now we just have to wait for Mr Delight to come back with the ring all right sounds good what’s going on here it’s time up it’s purle Kitty quickly everybody R back here Mr light

He’s chasing us your little kid end of the line we have our job let’s go careful kids really hurt again again ew this water is gross we must be in the sewer and before catnap jumps in after us we really need to get going so why don’t we

Run quickly kids this way come on get back pretty kitty oh that’s not a pretty kitty that’s a dangerous one there we go and jump nice where are we going wait there’s something at the other side a lover it might be able to stop catnap come on you’ve defied me for

Too long Mr light quickly children we really need a hurry we don’t want cat catching up to us all right come on guys this way oh K now’s getting closer I’m going to get you oh no I can do this don’t touch the dirty water did it after you Minnie come on oh

There’s cat now come on this way going to cat you we need a hurry children hurry up on the ladder and over here the kitty I made it to the end now tessing the lever oh look there’s the lava know ha poor Kitty good job

Children oh there you are kids a Mr Del light come on follow me we got to get away but you can’t hide get back here come on family we need to find a place to hide come on in here hurry hurry go go go oh that was a close one has cobwebs

Everywhere wait there’s a chest is there spiders in here there are some materials and some tools in here I think we can make this area our new Hideout oh it sounds like a wonderful idea get a is what have I told you about bringing bugs and doors the bug get out

Get let’s start by cleaning up this place a little bit then we can make some changes if I see any more bugs I’m screaming just a few more crates there we go done oh this look looks excellent don’t you agree what a really nice SP I

Still think it’s a bit too dark for us why don’t we go ahead and change out the flooring and the walls oh that looks like an excellent idea H wait mom you’re skirt we should make that the flooring well look at that there’s a lot of different color wool in here we can

Definitely make it beautiful just like mommy’s clothing Perfect all right everybody start tearing out the floor aha there we go go it looks just like your skirt wow you guys did such a good job now let’s work on these walls I don’t like this gray it’s so sad and

Depressing it definitely doesn’t go with the new carpet that we put in so let’s start tearing down this wall and replace it with something a little more colorful all right there we go wow it’s so much more colorful this looks amazing this looks like an excellent space for

Learning but we also need to sleep here I could use a nap oh yes but this room’s pretty big I think we can all get our own rooms really H did I call my room in the corner I’ll go beside yours right here and we’ll make our room over here

What a good idea Mr Delight all right let’s get to work family all right there we go the room divider is complete a so nice now let’s go ahead and put my bed right over here and the bedside cabinet’s here all right time to decorate now I’ve got some decorations

So let’s go ahead and put my little plushy right there and then I think I’m going to put these box cases right here with the bookcase right here oh that looks great now I’m going to put my fun trampoline right here on the side oh there we go now time to put the

Trampoline in oh wow this are so fun and last but not least a dresser let’s go check in on what everybody else is doing uh wao hey Mr Delight oh hello Hana do you want to see our bedroom yes I would love to oh we still got some

Decorations to put in but I like it so far l a book oh yes oh I got to do lots and lots of studying and don’t worry you’ll be learning all of this stuff soon oh that’s a lot of studying oh it’ll be so much fun Anna we have two

Different ideas of what we consider fun okay oh Mom it’s the light this looks great I love the flat screen TV this is a chalkboard you we are going to be wasting our minds watching television this is entertainment of learning once again two different things of what we

Call entertainment oh great job honey oh thank you so much honey I’m going to go check in on what mini delight’s up to uh mini Delight what are you want to see something really cool watch W what’s going on why are they doing you’re crazy I can’t believe this

Dad mini delay has dancing car crunches in her room oh yes from the music class got butterflies oh my goodness okay yes isn’t our daughter so uh interested in learning nature I think it’s time for the two of you to go to bed we’ve had enough excitement for one day and let Mr

Delight and I clean up this awful mess okay it’s time for me to go to sleep hey knock it off down there the music’s too loud thank you now it’s time for me I got to Sleep wait what is what are you doing sh sh it’s late I don’t want our parents to wake up but I had a really good idea do you want to go exploring I need more bugs exploring at night time in the playround I don’t think that’s a good idea are you a

Chicken I’m not a chicken I’m a human come on come with me and prove yourself Mom and Dad will get mad if you get hurt I’ll go with you to make sure we get back home here we are in the Playco I see cobwebs there’s got to be

Bugs around here go ahead look for your bugs uhoh we found one really big bug big spider for a nice delightful snack let’s go that’s my H okay okay okay okay over here oh no it’s catnip Kitty no mnie you’re coming with me little Delight hey

Momy take care of this human give her back here little Delight mini where is she oh no I’m by myself I got to get out of this jail cell wait what’s in D this chest oh just a bunch of rotten meat wait oh I could move the chest all right let’s go

Ahead all right let’s place the chest right here above the bed perfect and here yay oh I got out of the jail cell now it’s time to uhoh trying to a tiny little Delight for no I’m just waep for class got to go sorry oh you won’t get away from me

This oh no she’s following me mommy is going to capture you oh there she is all right down into here through the tubes where do you think you’re going I have to find Minnie where is she you won’t find your little friend oh no I have to

Get to the end before mommy I’ve got to save m get over here all my stuff hand a few B take this stay go back Mommy and you can’t defeat me mommy is looks like you need to get schooled H I did it I defeated Mommy Long Legs

Time to get out of here oh time to get back to Mom and dad I got to go tell Mom and Dad there’s a PL over there gross oh no mom dad catnap must have gotten to them it’s up to me to save my family all

Right let’s go oh oh okay I’m going to go this way instead I hear him cat Up’s this way there’ll be one less family in this Factory oh no there they are oh nice of you to join us Hana can I won’t let you get away with this you only have a

Certain amount of time before I deal with your family starting I got to get over there you my love this is my life’s stream how many have we talked you about interest of thought Yes dear don’t be weird how are you liking those spikes Hana are they

Sh you can’t you don’t even have cat like reflexes oh yeah I’m going to save my family oh no oh the time is almost done oh no I got to change it the blue one you’ve ruined my plans for the last time time to defeat cat now ow his

Gloves are sharp you that CH chaining from earlier Hana you can’t beat him there’s a test behind me huh check this out oh wait it’s all the charms all right time to use these charms take this take that trying to defeat you to yes catnap has been defeated now it’s

Time to free you guys oh come on family let’s get out of here oh you did it thank you Hana you saved us look at our little A+ student Mr Delight yes you get straight A’s for being a great member of this family thank you guys you’ve been

Great well now that we’ve done that is it time for recet oh I think you’ve earned some extra recess time today

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What’s up my doki doki daisies!? I’m Princess Hana and welcome to my video!

Today, Princess Hana is adopted by the Miss Delight family! With her new sister Mini, her dad Mister Delight and of course her Mom Miss Delight, Hana has to learn what it means to be a good teacher! Her and the other Smiling Critters are in for the class of a lifetime…


Suggested rating: TV-PG
This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.


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