If You Die, Minecraft Gets More Scary…

If you die this Minecraft seed will get scarier every death increases the scariness but will we survive till the end guys be careful and don’t die that’s your only job yeah everyone be very kipley what are you doing you have one job who put that behind me that was not

Okay that was not even my fault no you had one job and now you’ve already ruined this run but luckily there’s a village over here actually blind pepper oh there is yeah but me yo did you see that pig yeah I don’t know he’s acting

Kind of weird uh why is he going so fast I don’t really know but we could be careful I’m going to get some food and pig oh my wait get the food get some tools get the iron golem where’s the Golem at I’m trying to be careful cuz

You got to ruined it already kied Le by dying instantly it wasn’t my fault who puts a berry bush there huh oh this pig is already acting weird and so the villagers I’m trying to get some IR there’s a Golem oh yeah there he is the

Heck oh guys take the goem you guys know the Str to kill the Golem right yeah right it’s like this Peppa you had one job he died twice oh do he not know my oh no okay yo he’s already ruining this Peppa you had one job wait I was trying

To get I was just trying to get iron you got killed twice that’s already guys and it was really high up and then I fell and then well I’m sorry be careful cuz it’s now on free we’ve had three deaths so far oh God we don’t know how much scary this

Se’s going to get you yo my loot qu take take take the wood take the wood you can take some of the wood yeah let’s just pretend like this as much as I had oh wait a second guys I don’t know if I’m tripping but this house was never

There and I kid you not this door just opened this door literally oh wait I think there’s a villager inside did a villager go in oh there’s a redstone torch it’s a baby oh it looks normal a normal house no yeah it’s it’s legit a normal house I don’t know why he’s doing

About wa guys guys guys I’m locking the door I’m locking the door oh my oh my God star at me through the hole what just happened you guys all saw that right I volunteer for white he’s he’s the door he doesn’t have a trade he looks fine I can’t kill him though what

If I break the bet he’s attacking you whoa whoa guys you you blocked oh you’ve got me killed for no reason that was so stupid chesing me run let guys don’t let it go into the next level kill him kill I can’t attack him kill him kill him kill him oh no but

There’s one thing I no is inside here oh my God what is this get trap I’ll get a trap chasing oh my guys you’re okay don’t die guys there’s one thing I noticed I broke the bed and there’s something underneath uh what wait there’s something down there oh there’s a ladder

Oh Peppa you you are actually just causing death constantly there was a ladder what happened oh there’s villagers down here what’s up guys wait guys this is weird this is really weird oh those aren’t oh these are definitely not Apartments wait this was under his bed as soon as kipley died this got

Worse and Peppa dying so many times oh yeah are these actual from the village and now yo there’s loot iron is it wait what oh cweb we can use those actually trap anything that comes and attacks us in the metime everyone stack up because we don’t know what is lurking here yeah

Make some torches this is unexplored territory right now yeah why was this man taking villagers prisoner this is awful we should let him out yeah right that’d be the obvious choice but then again these guys turn into herrien no he’s fine yeah he’s chilling look at him he’s fine be free my friends

Why were they trapped why was that one villager who was Herobrine trapping villagers yeah I don’t know are there secret rooms behind paintings no but we all check the barrels okay okay we can take the loot wait this wall doesn’t look right over here wait you might be

Onto something wait eeve you’re actually so smart wait what this looks wait what oh what is that oh there’s a spot guys um do we want to even enter this place oh what is that glowing bug right there man a villager’s death look at this what it’s taking from the freaking wall with

A B that look like that one villager with the white eyes oh what where did this guy come from wait was he always down here what look how many cages there are oh they’re all coming in oh no oh they’re following us they they’re looking at me as soon as I held this

Book they’re looking at me wait yeah what the heck they all just made eye contact with you they just watching this is weird guys it says beware each death in Minecraft for with it will unleash a belant force okay this proves that we’ve been dying too much AKA Peppa read that

It says don’t die no more all right you know what I’m just going to wait in here very very scary book don’t die you oh my gosh how why would you lock yourself in there that was obviously not a great idea bad idea it was how did that what man has no

Survival Instinct where are you I’m coming down the ladder oh look wait there’s another weird wall like Eevee saw over here okay don’t go in the spike room boxes just a heads up don’t mine it or be very careful cuz we could be the next oh this looks normal normal

Diamonds and a lost treasure map you’re such a you took both of them what is wrong with you I oh guys we can actually get stacked lost treasure oh wait a second this isn’t a normal Berry treasure map what do you mean let me look at it this looks a little bit weird

This could have been a normal map until Peppa died by walking into this trap I’m closing the doors this is so stupid don’t don’t cartographers make like Maps like that right I think I I hope no the X is too big to be normal what the true

This is this is way too big of an X do we even investigate what’s there we have toly take it be very careful leaving though something might be watching us or we let something out pepper don’t die should I just stay here guys yeah we

Need to lock you up in the meantime I am relatively stack might want to give me some food why is this guy just constantly watching me whoa whoa don’t kill the no he was just watching me it was weird let’s let’s get out of this weird basement yeah we don’t really know

What’s luring Here ow ow wow what the okay okay okay relax okay any new changes I don’t see anything new which is good it’s a good sign it is turning night should we check at the Villager still hello oh yep still in the hole still scary cow is just yo

That cow is weird he was watching us and then when we looked his way he flicked yo they run so fast okay that’s not normal that that Pig’s not normal come here C maybe we’re just slow no one really killed the Iron Golem I’m going to take him out before anything weird

Happens yeah we tried to kill the Golem and then pepper died immediately oh yeah that guy’s dangerous watch out for him no you just you failed there we go nice easy what was that um the aliens here uhoh what is that guys running towards us running towards

Us from where we spawned where we spawned who is that that what is that go close yo his face his face looks weird wait what do you mean he he stop running yeah no he’s just he’s staring at me um uh y he’s watching you why does he look

Like that he looks like a tree just don’t take your eyes off him I think the the more we look at him I don’t don’t think he’ll move let me back away or or is he not moving because you’re looking at him that’s what I mean I I don’t guys

He just moved he just moved cuz we took our eyes off him heroine’s right there what do you mean on the left he’s staring at Peppa pepper oh no yo my man where you at I don’t know what you did but wait hold on I got this guys I got this guys’s closer

He’s getting closer he’s getting closer kly please guys I hear guys I got this i got this noises eeve protect me have any swords I have nothing it missed wait wait wait he just guys there’s another one there’s another one yo yo yo yo yo yo oh my

God oh no no no no no who is that guys we are not safe we are not safe we’re not safe oh my God we are not safe here I just saw a guys he’s right here he’s right here they’re everywhere he’s on the window where’s pepper pepper are you

Alive I’m up here I’m up here wor he hasn’t died no we’re being haed right now they’ll despawn right wait there’s a chest behind us did someone set a chest over there it’s life for death we can’t even kill look over there quiff this way

We can’t even do damage is there a chest music stopped yeah it’s that way must be gone who guys there like a there’s a village head that’s jumping around uh what what do you mean no there’s legitimately a village ahead what do you mean I oh I see it and

What’s this chest why oh can’t behind you behind you that’s not a chest you lied to me you lied to me that was a chest that is a chest it’s a mimic w w w w wo W it does damage it does damage I’m not trying to die oh my gosh kill it

Kill it kill it oh W you got it I got it I almost died okay guys the small option right now is to go to bed we need to sleep this night away hello I’m going to sleep all the beds are taken I just got robbed assaulted murdered in my sleep

Kipley just died where did she die I I block your doors up before you sleep man that was not okay I can’t sleep cuz there’s monst is nearby oh you guys took too long he’s at my window wait look it says get interrupted by the limb snatcher what is a limb

Snatcher I can’t I can’t sleep he’s at my window I’m going to make a room for it I’m making a room for it oh no wait I can sleep again I can sleep try we just need two more people to sleep I’m sleeping I’m there’s a chainsaw dude in

My house sleep you have one jum can’t two in the world is that oh guys we need to leave this Village we need to leave this Village we are not safe here no more what was that please please oh no you you are all for yourself no why are

There normal mobs now oh no I’m hearing something from the caves yeah wait I’m hearing something guys we should just we need to leave uh let go oh my what is that slowly back away we have to leave this Village what wait he disappeared where did he go no

Where did he go he completely disappeared y Yo which way is the treasure let’s just who’s on the map I do I don’t see us on the map here you look at it you look at it guys I like moving when we don’t look at them this

Is too far wait we don’t see ourselves we need pepper to die pepper you distract him keep an eye on him and uh back for you oh my god run are we already this which way are we going no we don’t show up on the map which means

One thing I think we huh oh guys that’s a dinosaur right guys we oh my he’s moving honestly wo w w wo wo wo wo no one was looking at them w w run guys run just sleep the night wa everyone just hop into a bed hop into a

Bed oh my oh my God hello I oh no oh no oh no oh no guys we had one job just sleep I think I’m going to make a pickaxe that’s like the smartest thing right now and a shield guys I’m surrounded in every sense of the word

But it’s turning morning we just need to survive another few minutes without dying okay we got this EES is a lot of stuff outside your door myself I know I’m so scared can’t pleas are you fine I have the rotten stink there’s a serial killer outside your door there’s a new one

There’s a new one following me who is that he’s so fast I don’t know he’s like red stone why is he why is the moon going so slow I’m in I’m in oh look at these guys let me in your house let me in no you’re going to let them in you’re

Going to let them in let me in oh no no no no okay we’re good it’s turning morning the sun’s coming out guys I have a plan for it all right what’s your plan I have a plan I have a plan on everyone make a

Boat here you go a boat for you a boat for you EES you can make a boat right yes we have one plan right now I killed it guys I’m making room for it I’m making a run oh everyone run to the water run to the war this Island’s gone kly

How oh my I barely made it out are you guys safe y where’s oh my gosh I I don’t know Chaw guy I don’t know where Peppa’s gone and he’s not coming to the land we had one plan a pepper oh I see him he’s

Running he needs to make a run for it wait wait no the chainsaw guy Peppa you just died the Frankenstein got in his boat Peppa I’m going to come rescue you hop into my boat hop into my boat pepper hop in the Qui I’m hopping in go yo I

Captured like 20 Mobs with my boat over there guys we leave we leave this island it’s it’s been too corrupted go go go go go this seed has become a lot scary with with our deaths yeah we died way too much the only clue we have is this X on

The map that we don’t know where we are it shouldn’t be too hard we could try figure it out it must be somewhere close wait what is this house and I see oh my are you sure this isn’t one of y’all’s houses no but this looks awfully

Appeared in your world oh there’s a bunch of enchantments in the chests this looks oh oh hello take the cobwebs take whatever we can we’re robbing someone’s house right now pepper you just broke that I just picked up a SCP speed running what is this I’m seeing a lot of weird builds spawning

Now who wait a second guys there’s a dead skeleton body right here where where are you what happened to you did you guys hear that and some smoke um that’s what I mean how’s this who did this to a skeleton run right there e e

What I I swear it wasn’t me I’m making a break to this house we might find some the people it looks like a nice house who would be here it looks cozy with some chests guys i’ I’m taking everything in this house there’s some good loot this house looks way too nice

That’s what I mean who lives here oh guys come over here EES um I okay took a little no no it it was just a little fall damage oh my oh this is getting worse and worse now there’s Graves popped up they weren’t there here before as soon as e hi

Pumpkin pie oh my the Evil Pumpkin you guys have one job as soon as eeve died despawn we got this is a chest yo give anything good oh oh no he’s dead again oh no Peppa just run Peppa run I’m getting this man Peppa you’re just wasting all lives oh no I’m leaving

This area to find the treasure you guys can keep dying and ruining this seed for yourself look at another death just happened guys we’re at level 20 right now I don’t know how many more levels we can survive I know I know we need to get stronger quick come on we need the

Treasure oh my God uh who is that wait who is who wait that’s not a normal player oh my hey hello you don’t have a name tag who’s this um we just murdered the first normal person but a person that’s not oh guys what are these builds what is this well

I don’t really know but it’s covered in lava so I’m going to just leave it that it’s never a good sign and there’s another well here that looks like a cross that’s covered in blood guys wait what hey this is you was have water I think it is guys I think we’re getting

Very close I finally see was on the map okay good yeah let’s just go towards the X and then we should get stacked right I hope so I’m pretty sure unless my deduction skills are off it should be right here but I don’t see an X anywhere

Especially not X that would be this big oh wait why is Peppa here wait what do you mean Pepper’s here he’s right here pepper yo goodus here how did you get here slow no you have the map look at this look at this oh my God you killed

Him you cost those 10 deaths but look what I can do now oh wow it’s so cute does anyone really well that’s oh I don’t know if we want to go down here oh no uh is it safe go I think it’s safe go for it oh my there’s so much

Good loot no don’t open Diamond I didn’t need to wait guys we can get Stacks iron blocks oh diamonds diamonds take the diamond blocks I have a wood pickax but be careful cuz whatever happens this is a treasure room and treasure rooms are usually rigged to die and especially with Peppa dying a

Lot of stuff is spawning that’s not supposed to spawn y are just jealous those room seems particularly Peppa how are you guys so idiot there was a trap chest it literally has TNT oh these guys just dying for the sake of it now what’s going on weff quiff quiff

Help how do I save you I well you have limited time that’s for sure um I I I can’t save you my friend save me save oh no can I land on you now this time okay all right we’re good Peppa you’ve wasted a lot of lives and

They’re down there stuck I have no idea what they’re doing but in the meantime I’m going to craft some gear oh yeah we can yoink all the loot it doesn’t even matter that we died okay I have almost full diamond and I got a really good why

Is that sharpness on this chest plate there’s sharpness on a chest plate that’s kind of weird but I’ll wear it for now that’s super cursed luckily I did get some loot to stop me dying at least I got a Notch Apple nice so the treasure room actually got us very

Stacked but you guys died we wasted four or five lives here Qui literally led us into a trap Ian leaders you guys open the one chest that was obvious did you make diamond for yourself he keeps dying I don’t want this guy on my team he’s doing on purpose guys come to the

Surface I don’t have many blocks left and oh guys it’s night oh no wait do you see anything uh I see scientists guys I’m going to kind of torch up this area so nothing spawns around me kly take that diamond thank you oh my gosh and I

Got a spider egg I don’t know we need we need to actually find a safe spot right now heyo where’s e how no one rescued her from this pit I am leaving help please I need help herob wait w i just clapped you he just killed you

Armor oh my God he literally took your sword he took your sword quick guys what the guys lead him over to the boat or something he can’t strafe oh herob be like this keep shooting him yo how is he this strong oh we killed herob Brien I got a

Spirit of the snatcher what does that do I don’t really know but I want to leave this area there’s no safe environment around here we’re out in the open and we’ve seen a lot of things can go wrong guys we have died so many times Everything’s just going to keep getting

Worse and I’ve never seen that guy before ever in my life I don’t like this uh yo there’s something coming towards you guys and it looks like a mosquito what is that look at the guy that’s just standing there with a long nails oh wait who is come closer I have a

Boat yeah loser oh wait he gives us Darkness I can’t see anything what is he he’s like a grim reaper wait uh did we kill him or did he teleport I feel like he teleport I’m going to make I’m got a boat and let’s go let’s let’s just

Leave there’s a weird noise we should go now actually please go please go kly we head off over here hopefully we can find somewhere I think I see land guys I don’t think I took us in the right direction what eyes are our face oh it’s

Smiling at me let’s go inside luckily I found a woodland Mansion we could potentially get tokens from here to stop us dying cuz it’s getting really bad right now oh that’s so smart the only one normal structure we seen uh-oh that guy’s here again here get inside get

Inside get inside okay okay whoa guys guys guys oh let me out let me out me please kill him oh he’s dead yeah yeah goodness armor I got this guy too pea why did you guys guys guys no no no no pepper I know you we see pumpkins over here don’t spawn any

More bosses okay yeah that’s all right all right hear me out hear me out hear me out watch this wait guys is it not weird that we don’t see a single Pillager uh I see a giant Pillager face in that room if that counts no wait what’s in

There wa whoa was this always here wait is this vanilla I have never seen this before wait there’s just a bunch of little LS in here hey there buddies wait you guys can all Escape there’s a creeper peer careful oh I got him oh wait what guys what is that no what is

This wait what the that guy is not a problem anymore the creeper blue and unveiled this is this normal I don’t know much is this always been here oh guys I’ve never seen this before I’ve I thought this was a normal Wen Mansion we should have realized when there was no

Pillages guys there’s paintings yo there’s blood yeah be very careful yo is this normally in the pillagers basement or am I tripping I don’t think so it’s just there’s another dead body right there guys we need to follow the blood cuz I think it might lead us somewhere oh at that’s the

Probably the not not the thing we should do the blood ends here guys there’s a door right here guys wait there’s a why is there a door oh oh what there’s wait wait yo guys going do do not enter dud oh we’re all going to die what is this it’s the only painting

In case and it’s the most creepiest painting I’ve ever seen here what if we just break open the case that’s stupid okay um we might just be summoning a demon right now wait I think Kip’s on to something this could be worth a lot of

Money I sell this on eBay for like 500 bucks man okay you know what you guys can all grab it ground artist nice why does it say the paintings haunted demon K me just go one sh yo it’s a guy from the painting it’s a guy from the painting is

This thing yo dark this is why I just never wanted to deal with any of that close it off close it off close it I need the lo I need the lo I I need the loot I’m sorry the loots a lost cause this is why said never take the

Painting it’s literally the guy from the painting here just keep him distracted I’m just going to go grab my bread real quick okay it’ll be fine okay it’s going to be great this going to be great no no guys I can we can kill him come on kill

Him kill him kill him he just doesn’t die y he’s Tak oh he dropped a Wither Skull oh no I’m what in the W oh man I lost my chest plate wait a minute that’s my pumpkin sword I was wondering where that went I just called Soul saber I’m

Happy to leave this place I don’t I don’t think there’s a pill here yeah we got exactly zero totems if anything I died guys I told you the Woodland Mansion was not a safe idea it was oh I don’t know if I’m tripping but what’s that spell guys wait it’s just a

Normal cave right no that literally spells die I don’t know does it you make me a second guess it Peppa my gosh it actually says it says die oh my go it actually does spell die pepper where are you going Peppa please don’t die into

The cave that says die is Peppa this was not this build was not here when we went into the Woodland mansion that’s all I’m going to say oh there’s Rock people Rock people what do you mean what you mean help help oh my god there dead people

It’s torches no no no there’s rocks the rocks are after me what my I’m going to mine you this is you feel like something’s chasing believe that came from you I’m going to make more torture so we can light up but there’s Redstone torches leading down into this cave do

We want to explore the cave that literally says die I how look look it wasn’t me okay it’s always the fall damage at least the cave is living up to its name I feel like I’m responsible for 30 of those levels no you literally are stuff is spawning that

I didn’t even know could spawn oh no oh no oh no get him in a boat get him in a boat guys he’s just I got two more I got two more boats the guy got some grippers run run run no no no no no no no no

Kipley who is that oh no no no no no no no no he jumped the boat he’s coming no no get watched I’m getting absolutely T guys are you guys okay I see diamonds obviously I’m not okay yo yo I’m getting absolutely murdered oh my God God we got him we got

Him we got him a boat dude I’m first of all what is that who is this PE I don’t riding this guy him around new teammate all right is this the end of the cave yo I’m going back up for my stuff real quick wa

What a leg Spike guys I think this cave is endless we literally came from up there wait yeah why does it keep just going down and down and down like how far deep are we for this is crazy guys ancient city oh we’re deep deep yo this

Is vanilla right so we should be fine it’s so pretty I think so just no one anger the wardens we got to be quiet now here we don’t have wool it’s it’s yummy though guys be very careful we don’t know what why is Herobine here what was

That what was that what was that oh he was literally just right behind you he teleported a wateren spawning it’s turning um I don’t know if being here is the smartest thing we can do wait can it hear our voice when we talk I don’t think so that’s why I’m being quiet okay

The secret room looks completely normal I didn’t even know this was down here to be honest yeah yeah we should be safe right it’s we’re walking on a wall as well yeah looks completely natural nothing looks wrong this one’s a little interesting right I mean this is not

Normal wait what is this wall this yeah this wall was never here oh guys guys I don’t what’s behind it a secret room in a secret room no no no no no I’ve had enough I don’t want to go down there man you know what I’ll go let’s go I need food

Whoa we’ve died so much okay this is just wait I have an idea I have an idea oh um all right we got defenses small does any does anyone have any spare food yeah I also need food who picked up my bread oh just in case here’s a

Beetroot oh cool I got the be Ro can I have some of the bread yeah there you go there you go it’s weirdly quiet down here I’ve never been here before there’s no Warden shriekers or anything it’s almost like a dungeon with eyes free diamonds guys yeah there lots of

Diamonds over here I don’t have a pickaxe oh I got it I got it hold on some do we want to click this the guy literally died here after it says free diamonds too obvious of a situation no what wait how did wh just die you know what we fell for the trick

We we we don’t talk about it we do not talk about what just happened how did you just die but did you get any diamonds I didn’t free diamonds did you press the button well yep wait free diamonds no oh oh you did oh man wait there’s a bookshelf right here what does

It read oh yeah there’s a beneath the zor velt impostor Mas discern a place and claim your prize dude that was not English we need an extra Diamond so and we don’t have diamonds maybe there’s other loot somewhere in here kly Peppa are you guys safe get over here where

Are you guys there’s another free Diamond vending machine whoa who what is this this is even nicer into the void is that the void what what is this yeah guys very cautious cuz this looks weird uh hello there friend he died but this why is it like super cramped in here oh

Wao who you scared me what what if that was like a pitfall under there huh you would have been dead me you would have sped me guys we need more diamonds is anyone questioning why this room is under the ancient city yeah I know this definitely is not vanilla Minecraft is

There more in here let’s check under the stone I don’t have a pickaxe anymore oh diamonds got one oh got two how many do we need we need enough for a block I’m pretty sure more diamonds over here dude I am the worst at finding diamonds this

Is ridiculous I have eight so far oh more diamonds what are you kidding me uh-oh uhoh help help help help help Peppa what’s wrong wait yo guys he just just disappeared what do you mean he just disappeared he literally disappeared right FR my eyes how’s that

Possible I don’t know but I’m going to make the diamond block y my diamonds what boom here wait I have three more diamonds here I’ll give them to you they are in the vending machine room where is he speaking from I don’t know is which vending machines because there’s a lot

Yeah oh right there right there I got 25 something got me did he get teleported away I’ve got the diamonds I them down I guys are we sure we want to do this I he says there’s a cage and a swamp I don’t know this ancient sea room’s weird but that

We oh how did that just happen guys I he a warden oh where is it spawning um I don’t know sound like a huge Warden I don’t know where he’s okay don’t open this chest be careful is there anything around here wait wait oh can’t move I can mine this think I’m

Going to let you get it all right we have a netherite block two diamonds and a gratitude and sanctity what does it say riches relinquish water with Treasure barer of wealth bestowed with Secrets Villers demise Warden rise you said that like a spell and I just heard a noise can I

Read it yeah I literally heard the same thing um why whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa villagers are spawning villagers why are villagers demise Warden rise demise so murder why are we going to what uh all right I didn’t touch him kiple I know I was thinking it but I didn’t kly guys

Don’t back away back no no no no no just just guys guys guys he he can’t smell us or anything right you st your fling steel oh my go no no no no he he can’t he won’t see us I blocked him in the room what there’s still villagers behind

Us we yeah and wardens was plural in the book what if more spawn are these guys going to no no no another one going to spawn another one’s going to spawn oh guys they’re everywhere they’re everywhere they’re everywhere this Iron Golem won’t even protect us oh no no run

Run run run W whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa run no qu I blocked it EV come on hurry hurry hurry run run run they can shoot us through there oh my gosh block it block no no no no no what was that why are they spawning out

Here they only spawn when villagers die okay guys I don’t know the way out and we’re a member down they’re spawning they’re spawning now gosh run we need a run we need a run R we need to run what’s up here what’s up here just get out just get oh nice one

Oh no no no no no no no up here up here up here come on guys hurry hurry hurry run run outside forget an we cover something we weren’t supposed to can’t believe he’s going after you he’s going after you I’m I’m so dead I’m so dead

I’m so I’m soad I’m so dead okay I think I barely made it out oh my what is this what is this sound I’m in a swamp biome who is that yo this is a normal Peppa Peppa can you hear me do I just go inside the witch’s hook for protection but

Whoa oh run I’m so wait Qui is over here oh my gosh yo what is that what is that right behind you I lost my sword from dying place that is not a normal Vex I see a lot of different things not to be that

Guy but uh I’ll come save youed up up here yeah yeah we’ll come save you why is it a witch’s villager oh guys there’s so many cats in a cage right now uh how do I get down from here I I don’t really

Know so do we go down there or no no e watch out be very careful oh my gosh we’re definitely on level 80 of our death and why is it super green over there what happens when we get to 100 I don’t want to know yeah it’s going to

Get dangerous I want to leave this witch’s H it was a witch’s Village which is the weirdest thing why is there a witch’s Village I’ve never seen that before like a witch’s coven or like a cult or something yeah guys I don’t know how much more safe for we are cuz I’ve

Just uncovered something really weird what is it um what is this is it a maze what is that it it was in the forest what do we even want to go outside like we can just walk around it we’ve died too much we’re on level 80 of death I

Mean what if there’s like diamonds and stuff in here are we going to statues risk our life for diamonds it’s a maze guys and I to go I’m going to place Tor we spting up in mazes so I’m going to go this way all right oh my going go this

Way guys what are these noises I’m going to follow you um I don’t think I want to split up hey Qui Peppa did you see something yeah there’s something around this corner wait I how do we get to it I can like see it through the leaves yeah wait what did you

Find what what is this it was like drooling on the animals what the heck what kind of cursed place did you bring us to what did I bring us to you’re in the diamond armor we’re following you there’s another weird looking ritual sty you with dead bodies everywhere are you

Guys all right I’m placing torches everywhere it’s a maze what is this waa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo that was trap that was no yeah yeah yeah I don’t know how much longer we can survive I found blood died who in the gome looking guy is this don’t

What don’t look down don’t look down oh my goodness okay I’m going to go this way just come back this Qui there’s the exit that way but we don’t know how to get past it oh that’s just a trap yeah Eevee fell in the

Hole don’t fall in it oh guys this is so dangerous this is this is not an exit what kind of exit is this all right this is just B I don’t like this at one bit at all oh what what is this oh yeah we’ve been here yeah uh yeah this should

Be a sign to just leave ASAP ROM she you guys find anything on your side there’s got to be something guys guys guys guys I see orange creeper out of here here here build up build up build up okay there’s traps everywhere you have to be extra careful guys oh oh

My guys what is that noise I just got jump scared Oh by what I don’t know what it was that’s not a regular creeper that’s not a regular creeper why is it dude why is it targeting me oh oh no it’s another creeper what is this guy yeah we’ve already

We’ve already seen this watch out for the creeper my what the I don’t like this one bit I think we should leave but the exit just kills us so where do we go do the statues mean something what is this guy that’s quite it guys guys guys guys oh

My gosh what is that what is my twin doing there kill him oh no no no oh wait there’s a chest over here wait have you guys open this yep open already oh all right you’re not going to be believe you guys are can you throw me

What you just there so much wait a chest you guys are literally oh no no no ow oh my God I liter I literally have an eyeball to my name who picked up my tools huh I ain’t got any tools no I didn’t do it it was obvious you’re

Literally holding it in your hand right now we shouldn’t be fighting we should be leaving this area building build out have an eyeball guys just build out oh don’t build out oh no okay yep blocks though we got to find the exit the regular way wait what do you mean you

Died going up there killed me so we trapped in here you’re telling us we’re trapped guys I think I saw the entrance I think we leave through that okay I guess we were overthinking it weren’t we Halloween is over that’s good right I think so I think I remember where the

Exit is or the entrance it was like somewhere here unless it’s changed no guys I found the entrance I found the entrance I’ve escaped let’s get out of here let’s get out of here I literally have nothing anymore I literally have an eyeball oh I just had

Raw human flesh thinking it was steak the wolf is zooming wait who what happened to this Phantom whoa he’s moving what’s wrong with him anyway oh slender slender quiff behind you oh yo guys I’m running I’m running away I’m running away I’m running away what is it

What is it it’s always me I’m leaving this area how who is that I I don’t have a weapon I can’t help you guys I’m just going to the zombie out of Qui you’re in full diamond help me there’s nothing I can do I’ve got no food oh Herobine is

Right there wait wolfy follow him get out of here buddy get out of here we don’t want you I’m chasing how is there another slender I’m chasing him there’s no way Oh my he just pushed me there is a demon flying towards us a demon yeah

That is uh uh bye-bye no other words to say I found oh no I thought it was a weird shaped pole but this is even worse we’ve been dying too much are we’re on like level 90 or 95 oh they added the crab to the game it’s spawning weird

Structures guys this is upside down cross I don’t like that I don’t like that do you want to try like that I’m not trying to go to hell yeah I don’t want to either but I mean that’s kind of what the nether is I don’t know who place is here but there’s something

After us wao wo weird that was really weird timing uh that was not necessary there’s a village there’s another Village unless we blew back to where we were and this was the original Village wait I can get food here again yes finally wait why are you just

Standing still Viller the Golem is here this is different oh yeah I don’t know all I know is I want to leave okay I don’t know how much longer we can actually survive guys I’m going to be real yeah I’m paing sounds more and more

And more and why are there a bunch of Wither roses who placed this wait there’s a there’s a structure flower Fields but not like this there is a structure over there guys wait be careful don’t step in them oh they do damage I didn’t I didn’t know that

That’s wither part a creeper of course you could Bell oh what is oh guys just be very careful this is a recipe for disaster right now I don’t know what type of ritual alter this is but it’s not looking the best these flowers are trying to kill us ow I

On another one what’s in the middle wao oh that’s just an end wait a minute it’s just an end wait wait but what about that over there oh okay we got him what do you mean mon is that where in front of you wait in front of me I don’t see

Anything yeah you see that guy over there wait I see yellow eyes behind him oh I don’t see it I just see yellow eyes guys why does this look like some weird ritual wait who has a flun and steel I can make one I can make

One oh man not again I have an idea this might be very stupid but it makes the only sense light up the rest of these poles what are you trying to summon right now man maybe it’s something that will help us escape this world wait we’ve only got the last one over here

Scary Red SU pit you’re all going to die what was that guys there is a there there’s a man over there who’s like 7 ft tall wa I’m not kidding oh no what did I someone guys can we even fight this thing I’m good I’m good I’m good I can try I like

This guy y why is he targeting get him get him holy oh oh get him fight him fight him fight him wa guys are floating why am I floating why why are we floating why we’re going to die he really doesn’t like you guys everyone attack him everyone attack him

Oh my we can’t attack him bodies a no everyone’s dying what is this the bodies they do damage maybe the small thing right now would be to leave let’s get out of here we’re on level 99 you can tell guys we hit level 100 is over we will not survive we get killed

We oh wait oh can’t believe where are you coming from this is so bad this is so bad we need to leave guys I’m escaping there’s a sheep herob Brien oh no oh you got to be kidding me I am leaving Peppa this is not the time we have to disappear I’m

Following you I’m right behind you keep us in we’ve hit level 100 oh guys those mushroom trees right here oh wait this is actually kind of cool I’m going inside I’m going inside this there’s a Herobrine watching get inside the sound we can sleep we can all sleep guys this

Is level 100 are you sure we want to be in a house that looks completely nice it’s not nice it’s not nice it’s not nice oh there’s a dead body oh yeah this is this is completely nice it there’s a book in here it literally just says it

What what what says inside in the dense fog I glimpsed it a silhouette shroud in mystery its eyes pulls of Darkness so what do we do I don’t know it must mean there’s something out there right there’s um oh oh oh oh oh whose idea was it to go inside here wait what

Happened wait what is where did the forest go there’s no Forest left over there the forest not even real there’s there’s nothing there’s nothing left UFO look over there guys I think we’re on level 100 meaning the next deaths we have are our final deaths you hear that even know we’re

Falling from Fall damage I swear I I got to check out Herobrine he’s been staring too long no wa did you yeah get out of here no one lik get out of here her Peppa you also into the forest I think Peppa just died okay guys

Uh Pepper’s gone Peppa used up his last life that means if we die now it’s over Eevee get up here guys I’m literally trapped down here eeve it’s not you only have one life if you die it’s over okay take these blocks hurry there’s a b I’m

Going to build up I’m going to build up please oh gosh oh Eevee’s got banned wait what she died to the mosquito wait there’s no way wait kly did it not just turn night again wait no no no it was day it was day it was

Day wait what does this mean oh no oh no um okay wait what if we get stuck up here I see dogs dogs are spawning what’s on their snouts and skeletons oh no this is over kle uh I don’t know how much longer we have left one these

Guys I think they even fighting each other what is going on I don’t know we we’re the only people left are those blades on the giant cubes um let’s go into the Mushroom House you said oh um what is that I don’t know no maybe we just stay up here

You know hey you want to give me some of your diamond armor huh yeah you could craft some stuff with this oh my god oh this is this is getting worse I see a train yeah Choo Chu Charles up top wait oh my he’s right below us do not fall

Down I see invisible wait what is going on why are we all being attacked right here I told you it was level 100 a demon has manifested what does that mean it’s a it’s from the paintings e the backck wait what is going on gly this is not

The option we have oh it ped me quick oh my God maybe we should get inside yo quick they a fly oh this is not good wait wait take me with you there’s no inside there’s no inside it followed us down kly oh kiple over I have a heart klyy

It’s over I’m running kipley was banned There’s No Escape who are you all my last life was gone

►If You Die, Minecraft Gets More Scary…
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If You Die, Minecraft Gets More Scary… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


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