Stardew Valley Mods

I recently took down some old videos on my main Channel showcasing stardy Valley mods why would you do that list those are some of your most viewed videos on that channel that’s bananas well I had to okay a lot of the mods that I had suggested were mods that I no longer

Suggest that people use mod creators are amazing okay don’t get me wrong but sometimes mods will not get updated and since I made that video years and years ago a lot of them are broken or sometimes the Creator will be like hey I can’t maintain the mod anymore and then

Take it down it’s actually a lot of politics that goes into this stuff sometimes people will maintain the mod in the Creator’s absence and you’ll find links to them on forums but sometimes that won’t happen because the creator doesn’t want that it’s very interesting but anyways I wanted to make a video

With my current stardy Valley mod favorites I recommend this video for people who are just now getting into sty Valley mods and don’t really know what they want but are looking for Reliable mods I mean I’m hoping hoping that a lot of these don’t break and become totally

Defunct when the new stardy Valley update comes out but honestly a lot of the mods that I’m going to mention today are made by creators who are still very active in the modding community so we’ll see another note this is not a how to download mods video I will not be giving

Much instruction here I’ll link some video guides that show the many ways that you can add mods into your stardy Valley game in the description also in the description is a link to my website where all of the linking to these mods will be located all right let’s get into

Some of my favorite gameplay mods first I think everybody needs to talk about stardy Valley expanded stardy Valley expanded adds like so much stuff but it’s so cool it reimagines areas adds new places to go adds new characters and gameplay I would not recommend stardy Valley expanded if it’s your first time

Playing stardy Valley cuz then you’re not going to know what is actually part of the game and what’s not I also feel like stardy Valley expanded is just a little too big to me it’s just a little much it’s too much expansion I don’t really play with it that often but the

One time that I did try to run through everything I really enjoyed my experience but this one is probably my favorite ads gameplay quests characters type of mod that there is I like the game by itself okay I feel like there’s a lot a lot of creators of mods will

Suggest that you download this anyways but in case you’ve never heard of it the generic mod config menu basically what you can do is within your game itself change things about your mods and certain settings it’s definitely just a musthave for any type of modding in

Sturdy Valley next up we have gift taste helper this one is pretty self-explanatory if you’re sick of going back and forth to the wiki to just see like what people like and so that you can remember this is the mod for you it shows you what everybody loves there’s

Also a new progression mode so that you don’t know what people love until you give it to them pretty cool I don’t I don’t know it’s just nice to have all of that information in the game itself next up we have winter grass you know when you’re playing stardew Valley and then

You get all the way to the winter and you’re like what the happened to all my grass well winter grass keeps your grass in the winter for me I like to plant my grass in a very particular way and have it look super cute so if

The winter comes and takes away all my grass a lot of my farm decorating will look like garbage definitely a must have animals don’t eat grass is also an amazing one I actually don’t use this in my game that often but for those kind of areas where I want it to look super

Cutesy and super full and also I don’t want to just like keep planting grass all the time this is amazing beware cuz if you have all of your tiles taken up your pigs will not drop truffles that happened to me once and it was very upsetting so you kind of want

Your animals to eat a little of grass sometimes build on any tile is great there are certain restrictions when you’re going to Robin’s shop where you’re placing buildings of course I like to have my buildings like nuts to butts with the cliffs sometimes even on the cliffs because you know you don’t

See the back of them and it can give you just like those extra couple tiles I don’t know I like it this is not really a gameplay mod to most people but to me it is the normal dig spot I can’t see it I’m sorry I can’t see that it’s going to

Fly over my head I need my dig spot to be loud and proud baby this is the perfect solution next up is my aesthetic mods category now this one can be split into two camps one Camp is the vanilla look the way that the game looks already

But with some you know little face lifts and then the other Camp is the cottage core SL muted SL Brown look for me personally I have been straying away from that Cottage core type of look I have one Farm where it looks really good because that’s how I decorated it is

With some of the cottage core mods and then all the other ones I have been veering towards the vanilla look I just really like it I prefer my mods to look really similar to how the game looks so I really don’t go overboard in any Department with the aesthetic mods one

Thing that I really really hate is when the pixel art is a completely different style I just I can’t do it it bothers me to my core but a lot of the mods are like that so there are some that I deem acceptable and others that I deem not my

Favorite we’ll start here with the vanilla you’re going to notice that I have an extreme favorite okay um L’s junam mods mods this is by far my favorite stardo Valley mod Creator the first one that I would like to talk about here is the L’s dirt and Cliff Rec

Color this one slightly makes things Brown instead of having the yellowish tinge to all of the pathing and the cliffs it changes that to something a little bit more muted L’s grass replacement as well matches really great with the vanilla style and you can even change the length of the grass which is

Cool L’s seasonal buildings this is the number one most favorite mod of mine in stardo Valley I I adore how much you can customize this one I am obsessed with this one you can change just about every aspect of every building on your farm there are so many different options so

Many colorways so many different patterns and ways to customize I think this is the stardy valley mod MVP of the century there is also L’s seasonal vanilla buildings which is fun if you like the look of the vanilla buildings it just adds the little seasonal touches that you see in L’s seasonal buildings

It’s C if you’re not trying to do too much I think this is amazing L’s Town buildings gives all of the buildings in the town a little bit of a VAV Voom AUM a little bit of something you know these buildings are gorgeous I’m such a fan I

Am such such a fan of their art style and the way that they make things to complement the game as it is L’s kitchen replacement is also super cool because it’s very very customizable you don’t just get one two three looks you can custom I to your heart’s desire the top

Of the counters whether or not their tile the wood colors there’s just so much that you can do here now as you can imagine I’m very picky with my furniture I of course want it to match what’s already in game so I’ve actually only included two Furniture creators in this

Video just because I know it works okay I know it just it’s going to work and that’s because they’re my favorites and I want to see all of the wonderful things that they continue to create okay I’ve got one Creator here that does like bathroom Furniture Greenhouse Furniture

This greenhouse Furniture is so cute and the farmers market Furniture like you’re joking I am obsessed also I’m obsessed with the whole like building of the Stalls thing lot of customization there the second is Robo kit who creates custom furniture as well we have this bunny Furniture like if you want to have

A little bunny there’s Nursery you know for the little babies Kitty custom furniture um you’re joking look at that little cat but frog terrarium okay love it and a bathroom here as well I mean you know you can’t go wrong okay it’s time to talk about the cottage core

Brown muted look if you’ve seen any of my previous mod videos you’re going to notice that a lot of things are missing in this one and that’s because it’s just not reliable breaks I don’t know how complicated okay I tried to really just get it down to Brass tax here first of

All the only recolor that I will use in this muted Cottage core department is Daisy Nico’s recolor it’s absolutely gorgeous and perfect and beautiful everything we could ever want if you’re going to use a recolor like that you’re going to probably want to change a lot of your pathing and flooring so seasonal

Path and flooring is my go-to realistic wildflower grass for more grass now this one is a little bit of that different pixel art style that I was referring to but I like it I think it actually looks really cute there’s also Daisy noco’s earthy Interiors this is such a great

All-encompassing mod it changes all of the Interior tile sheets to more natural colors so you don’t need to have like a bajillion wallpaper mods and everything like it it’s just all going to look good okay across the whole Worlds the whole damn Valley and the whole damn Pelican

Town and it also covers Furniture which is amazing next up we have cozy Farmhouse kitchen I wanted to include this one even though I always use the L’s kitchen replacement because it’s pretty cute and then I also have a Furniture recolor if you wanted to stick

With that kind of like brown Jewel tone deep themes because the earthy Interiors might not be exactly what you’re looking for you might be looking for furniture tweaks as well and then you’re probably going to want to change your craftables up Brownwood craftables here just changes everything to a brown tone also

The farmers market furniture that I recommended in the vanilla section has a dark brown and a light brown kind of like Cottage Corey Vibe recolor love that and then one last thing for the cottage core muted look um you’re probably going to want to change your

Interace cuz you’re UI is going to look really bright and yellow orange in contrast to how the rest of your game looks I actually have never found an interface that I truly truly love to the deepest of my core in this department but vintage interface V2 seems to work

The best for me and then also custom menu background if you wanted to change up the background when you’re loading in your game so it doesn’t look as weird against your interface to me all of this stuff is just a little too complicated like I like the vanilla look because

Also I don’t have to have so many mods in my game I don’t have to keep up with so much stuff like I just like it maybe I’m a hater you guys can tell me that it’s fine okay next I want to talk about animals the animals in stardy Valley are

Already super cute but if I had to recommend any animal Replacements it’s going to have to be LS they are reliable God I love this Creator there’s so many to choose from here we’ve got dogs we got horse we got Coupe animals barn animals Town animals there’s also cats

With the only cat mod that I will actually ever use use is The Punchy cat replacement Punchy from Animal Crossing that’s right that’s my favorite villager of course he’s going to be in my stard Valley game at all times love that little dude next we have to talk about

Portraits portraits are complicated I deeply deeply dislike not having all of my portraits in the entire game be the same I’m not the person that can just change the portrait of my current Crush in the game I have to have them all match so I’m only attracted to mod where

It’s every single NPC so sorry so in that case I really can only actually let’s be honest recommend one there is another one we’ll get to that and that’s going to be stardy Valley anime mods I’m obsessed with so many of these portraits I think they look so good ooh everybody

Just looks so sexy a little bit of a different art style but I actually think it looks adorable in game and I know it works okay like it looks so good and it works and it’s got pretty much every character only a couple from stardy Valley expanded I think but like my God

I’m just impressed I’m impressed by the amount of work here I also really really love DC Burger’s highres portrait mod my only problem is that it’s very hard to get it to work I’ll link in the comments I’ll do like a pin comment or something but there is somebody who is able to

Make it work online I however it’s too much work so I decided to just wait for 1.6 for this one to work again because I think that’s what this forum post is trying to say to me but it’s such a gorgeous mod and it’s just a shame

Because I you know it worked for me for a really long time I got a bajillion comments about this one not working for other people then all of a sudden it stopped working for me so what are you going to do you’re more than welcome to

Try the fixes of any of the suggestions in that comment section that I’ll link to but like for me don’t care if I’m going to use a portrait mod I’m just going to use the thing that I can plop into my game and it’s going to work

Right away capish capish I’ve got a couple of farmer mods that I wanted to suggest to you guys hats won’t mess up hair it does exactly what you think it would it doesn’t have the hats mess up your hair as well as customize anywhere customize anywhere is cool you can get

Furniture from Robin I think or crafted or something like a mirror where you can change your look and then a catalog that has all the clothing in the game in it it’s really great if you’re just trying to make something cute make your character look cute but you don’t care

To mess with the whole dying system and everything and then you won’t have to use the actual Furniture to customize your character um you can do it on the go as well and lastly my final category for stardy Valley mods I know it’s such a short list is farm maps the only

Creator that I recommend people use for farm maps that is incredibly reliable to me is Daisy Nico they make so many different kinds of farms for all kinds of different situations that you could possibly be in such a fabulous Creator I also want to highlight them as one of my

Favorite creators these farm maps are all gorgeous and there’s a bajillion to choose from and I have used several of them with no problem and at the end of the day I’m just looking for the things that are going to give me the least amount of problems I’m very excited for

The stardy valley 1.6 update I will probably be playing that with zero mods at all in my game but again if when 1.6 or whatever comes around and a lot of these break please don’t be mad at me I’m pretty sure that a lot of creators have actually gotten tools from the

Developer himself to avoid breaks I don’t know if I heard that right um I might have made that up I might have dreamt about it no I think that that’s true I do think that that’s true so hopefully it’ll be a very smooth roll out when the update does come out and a

Lot of these things will not break I’m really really hoping cuz a lot of these creators are still so active if you have any mod suggestions please feel free to leave them down below YouTube will flag you for posting links so if your comment doesn’t show up right away I’m sorry I

Will approve it as as soon as possible but yeah as you guys can probably tell from this video I’m really not even into modding all that much I have grown to really love the vanilla game and how it looks and just everything about it like I just have like a deep appreciation for

Stardy Valley for what it is but I just like you know little upgrades and tweaks here and there this is my second channel so make sure you subscribe if you’re into stuff like this things that wouldn’t necessarily fit on the main Channel anymore since I have started doing more fully scripted full game

Let’s Plays if you have any ideas for things that you want to see on here I would love to hear from you hope you’re having a great day and you continue to do so and I will see you in the next one

I have compiled a NEW and TOTALLY improved list of Stardew Valley mods. Right before 1.6, I know…. but hopefully this will help guide you whether you’re into the Vanilla look, like I am, or the cottagecore style!

Forum post RE: DCBurger’s Portrait mods:,does%20fix%20it.

art & title graphics by

edited by @yungcorncob

0:00 Intro
1:32 Gameplay Mods
4:27 Aesthetic Mods
5:20 Vanilla Look
8:06 Cottagecore Look
10:36 Animal Mods
11:09 Portrait Mods
12:59 Farmer Mods
13:35 Farm Maps
14:05 Outro

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  1. liss ur vids introduced me to stardew valley and so far i am loving it!! can’t wait to see a video for the new 1.6 update!! 🙂 <3

  2. I never got into Stardew Valley because I'm a fan of Harvest Moon and I thought Stardew Valley was a rip off and I honestly never seen gameplay of Stardew Valley just screenshots. But seeing the gameplay here it looks like The Legacy of Goku 2/Buu's Fury/RPG graphics on the GBA. It looks interesting, I might play it one day ha.

  3. Oh my god I’m so happy pytk will work for 1.6, I love the dcburger portrait set as well as some of the orange pie options!!!

  4. Also, I highly recommend ui info suite 2 (needs to be 2). Tons of info! And lookup anything is another great one. Basically the wiki, in game.

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