We Made a SUPERHERO MOVIE in Minecraft!

Yes can we get back here no I’m a superhero iect your guitar I’m a guitar man but I’m a better superhero nope well you can’t get me I’m one of two fast the fastest music wait where’s Johnny I am on top of the roof because I’m a scary

Superhero wa everyone bow down to peee man peee man yeah that’s my that’s my superhero named Daisy peee man oh what what are you doing on the roof well I was going to jump off and also pee on everyone cuz that’s my superpower uh

Please do not pee on me all right here I come oh yeah that was so awesome that was sick all right who wants to get peed on first Gooby or Daisy no no not me uh I just use my electric powers Gooby that is the worst

Superpower I think I’ve ever seen in my life that’s not even a superpower it’s hard cuz we don’t have wheel superpowers so we got just easily have wait Daisy what’s your superpower I’m just really fast like these boxing gloves boxing gloves yeah so I can fight the enemy ooh

Guys I forgot I also have this kitchen knife oh yeah isn’t it so awesome I don’t think you’re supposed to play with kitchen knives guys check this out I’m chopping the air isn’t this awesome oh yeah uh you probably shouldn’t be swinging that knife around it’s kind of dangerous yeah it’s probably dangerous

Guys this sucks I wish we had real superpowers like you know going Invincible being able to fly yeah these superpowers suck superpowers aren’t real it’s all done by movie Magic wait what’s movie Magic Daisy well you’ve seen the superhero movies all those powers that they have it’s really

Just cool effects wait you’re saying it’s all fake yeah so if we make a movie we could become actual superheroes wait that would be perfect guys we should ask my daddy if we can make a superhero movie yes that would be so cool I want

To be in that he could help us film the movie and he could also give us millions of dollars so we can make it the best superhero movie ever let’s go all right everyone follow me let’s go ask my daddy daddy daddy where are you I’m in the

Garage trying to change the stupid Tire wait you’re in the garage Daddy I have a question for you what what what the heck what are you doing in here I’m fixing this tire cuz it’s flat well Daddy um me Daisy and Gooby um want to make a movie

And we want you to film it and give us money um it sounds like you want me to do a lot of different things that I don’t want to give to you right now wait so daddy you don’t want to give us money for the movie uh no what you guys are

Superheroes right now what are you um I’m PP man what’s what’s goobies I’m a guitar man okay it’s boring Daisy can I have flower power okay that’s really girly you guys are horrible superheroes I will not help you with this superhero movie but Daddy people are going to love PP

Man no they’re not that’s the worst name I think I’ve ever heard in my life well if we become famous movie star we can move out of your house wait you mean you guys could actually move out of my house forever if you guys blow up and become

Really really famous well yeah because we’d be rich yeah Daddy we’re going to have a ton of money and we’re going to be famous so we’re all going to have our own Mansions okay so if I throw a few million dollars into this movie ex few

My friends to get a few movie sets and you guys can blow up and move out of my house forever yeah Daddy exactly yeah but I don’t want to blow up that sounds scary yeah Dad we’re not blowing up no those are effects those are effects that

We will put into the movie really effects yes effects we’ll get costumes we’ll do it all just like we are superheroes it’s is perfect exactly but we’re going to have to change your names around because this peepe man’s not going to work a it was a good idea in my

Head and we’re going to have to take these these costumes off these These are horrible I thought it’s pretty good all right well Daddy you’re the director so tell us what to do all right I’m going to direct you guys to follow me all right daddy where are we going we’re

Going to go to my friend’s house and get some equipment all right sounds like a plan daddy everybody Welcome to a apocalyptic City where we’re going to be making our movie what apocalyptic City oh yeah wait daddy is this place a bandant oh yeah this this this has been

Used for a lot of movies a lot of zombie movies I think it’ll fit our superhero movie oh my goodness this place looks awesome we’re about to make the coolest superhero movie ever this place kind of looks scary yeah Daddy I’m scared no no it’s not that scary it’s meant to be you

Know one of those sets where we could do whatever we want we could destroy stuff we can blow buildings up oh my gosh I want to do that of course you want to do it Gooby all right so what I’m thinking for the first scene is I’m going to have

My camera I’m going to go right here and then Johnny and Daisy you guys are going to be on a date wa waa whoa hold up Daddy I am not going on a date with Daisy uh-uh cancel the movie cancel the movie Daddy NOP swim back home dadd we

Have to the swi home it’ll be fun it’s just for the movie doing the movie you’re not kissing her you’re just going to talk to her and be like ah wow you look really really really nice tonight nope daddyy I’m not doing it I’ll see you later well did I mention you’re

Going to be Spider-Man what Spider-Man Oh Daddy I’m coming back I’m coming back Daddy I’m doing the movie yeah but I have the actual suits you have the actual suits daddy why didn’t you say that first because I was going to surprise you but then you started

Becoming a brat hey I’m not a brat I just really like Spider-Man all right give me the suits Daddy give me the sus no no no I’m not giving you the suit yet why cuz you need to be bitten by a spider first obviously wait I need to be

Bitten by a spider yep you’re going to get bitten by a spider oh my goodness wait what is Gooby going to be Gooby you’re going to be the evil villain o that sounds really cool yep and you’re going to go and take Daisy away from Johnny oh my goodness oh I’m going to

Grabble and bring her back to my base exactly see you already know you’re so good Gooby I’m going be the bestest villain ever all right so I got to give you guys your suits obviously not you Johnny because you got to get bit by the spider but Gooby you are going to become

Doc O Doc O ooh he’s got a bunch of tentacles exactly and it looks so good in the movie when you pick Daisy up and run away with her okay let me Qui it on while here okay okay glasses are a little big but I think I got you look so

Cool Gooby so I look like an evil villain o yeah you do got a nice Cape okay let’s see uh what’s this button do right here W you got tentacles wa this so grabby let see hey hey hey back up smacking me in the face that’s so cool

Oh Gooby be careful with this uhoh this is a million dollar my daddy down Gooby this is crazy Gooby we’re not recording we’re not recording if you break it you buy it Gooby okay okay sry sry okay good gosh but you’re not going to be in this

Beginning scene okay okay you going to be behind me you be behind me here behind me over here yep okay and Johnny and Daisy are going to be sitting down enjoying a nice meal on the beach nice date looking really really good you’re going to compliment each other and all

Of a sudden uh Daisy’s going to scream I just have to scream yeah really really loud okay and it’s going to be a spider spider they’re going to think that it’s a super villain but it’s going to be a spider okay okay okay then Johnny you’re

Going to be like oh my God I love spiders let me just capture it real quick and see if it wants to bite me oh my goodness and then we’re going to pan to that scene and all of a sudden Daisy screams again and then Gooby is going to

Take her all right daddy that should be easy enough just record daddy we got this first try okay and Gooby I need you to spawn a spider on my account okay okay so get a spider in your inventory get a spider okay Johnny and Daisy are

You guys ready to kind to set the scene yes daddy we’re ready all right groby you ready yes all right here we go in three 2 1 action Oh What a Beautiful date we’re on Daisy I know Johnny thanks for bringing me wow I really like this cheeseburger it tastes really good yeah

And your hat looks really nice today yeah and uh Pink is not the best color on you you kind of look ugly okay cut cut cut Daddy I was just being honest you can’t be honest it’s a movie there’s a bunch of lies in movies I need to lie

Well Johnny in Hollywood you have to lie sometimes okay so I need to say that I like pink yes you’re going to say you love pink you think Daisy is really really pretty and that you know enjoying this meal is a really really great thing

You love it so much all right Daddy hit it again all right here we go three 2 1 action wow what a beautiful date we’re having Daisy I know Johnny thanks for bringing me yeah and I really like cheeseburgers they’re my favorite M mine too wow Daisy pink looks really really

Good on you thanks and I really like your hat thanks Daisy and then a giant monst something what are you doing C I love Bo cut cut cut Gooby did what did I say you had to do in the scene you ruined the scene Gooby uh oops I sorry I was

Supposed to jump in steal a ble and just R away I told you to place a spider down and you didn’t even do that oh oops oops oops oops well now we’re going to have to redo the scene again for the third time so gooy get behind me and I’ll give

You a cute spot a spider all right oh why oops enough of your oops no more oops this is going to be the scene all right you know what for the next scene we’re going to cut after Daisy screams because you know what gooy I don’t trust

You with the spider placement oops uh okay I got spider what here no don’t you no you’re not spawning it now you’re not going to spawn it now we’re going to do a scene and then we’re going to cut and then we’ll spawn it in okay I understand

Do you understand cuz I don’t think you do yes daddy why are you such a mad director Daddy I Am Not a Bad director I’m a great director I’m just working with untrained actors all right daddy we got it this time come on all right here

We go we’re recording in three 2 1 action wow Daisy what a beautiful date we’re having I know thanks for bringing me ooh this cheeseburger looks so good I’m going to dig in I love cheeseburgers wow Daisy you look really good in pink thanks John I really like

Your hat ooh thank you ah and cut okay that was good that was great was that good daddy yes you guys did a really really good job on that take so now Gooby what’s going to happen is you’re going to place a spider down and then

You’re going to run behind me okay okay you ready yes three two one do it spiders I wanted one spider why are you sporting a bunch of them you be too many spiders oh my God CAU you ruined it Gooby I just did what you said I put a

Bunch of spiders spider and I went all over them kill the spiders kill the spiders oh my goodness Scooby you had one job and you can’t even do the one job I’m sorry I’m trying oops oops uh I made a couple holes oh my God now you’re

Ruining the set too I got to fix the stupid set oh look at all these experience I got so much experienceby no one cares about your experience I’m trying to make make the best experience of people’s lives right now okay okay I know what to do I put only one spider

And then you run behind me yeah one behind okay all right here we go three okay ready two 1 one action a spider ah all right let me just film it for a few seconds oh yeah he’s aggressive we got an aggressive on oh yeah and caught

Beautiful good job everybody good job y good job Mr spider all right daddy now get the scene of me running away to the spider so I can save Daisy are you going to try capturing the spider yes daddy I’m going to capture the spider but just

Get the scene of me running away okay I will I will okay here we go in three 2 1 action oh my goodness I was just spider don’t worry Daisy I’ll save you it and cut nice yeah let’s go Daddy I’m getting better at acting am I AR I

Really good yes you’re starting to really get into the character which I really really like Daddy I pictured a spider in my head and then I just screamed oh okay you’re really that scared of spiders yeah Dad I’m really scared of spiders okay so in this next

Scene you’re going to trap the spider oh okay that’s a good idea all right so do you have any blocks that you can build with um I got glass Okay Glass Works Glass Works Gooby I’m going to need you again all right guys are we ready for

This next scene yes yes daddy Gooby you got to place down the spider and then Johnny you got to come in run and be a hero and trap it all right trap the spider Daddy I can’t pet the spider or anything nope no no Smack That on the

Butt either okay okay Daddy I got this are we all ready yep Daddy I’m ready ready I’m ready okay here we go three two 1 action come here spider I’m going to trap you up no you’re not allowed to run away oh there we go just make that

And boom now I trapped the spider let’s go my hero I CAU that was good that was good so now what’s going to happen is Johnny you’re going to have to talk to the spider and then Gooby now it’s your part to come in O yes all right Gooby so

Now in this next scene it’s your turn to finally show your face yes so you’re going to go over here and can you like take those big claw things out your big arms yeah yes now do a double jump all right nice cuz you’re going to come in

Like that W this is crazy daddy how much did you spend on this suit this suit’s a million dollars what that’s so much I really wanted a good super villain oh my goodness daddy that’s crazy all right so Gooby what’s going to happen is you’re going to come in like this and you’re

Going to grab Daisy she’s going to scream outside the frame and I’m going to do a little pan so I’m going to be on Johnny and I’m going to be like wa you’re going to grab Daisy and be like Daisy’s my sister and you’ll never see

Her again and then you go away all right I’m just going to sit right here all right sounds good Gooby do you understand what’s going on here yes I’m going to one in grabble and say w haa I’m my evil villain okay good and then

You got to set the story up being like this is my sister and you’re not good enough for her and then you just take her away okay okay okay Johnny do you know what’s going on no Daddy what am I saying to spider you’re like spider you’re mine I will defeat you or

Something like that wait maybe I dance on the spider daddy maybe I dance on the spider okay yeah you could do that cuz you’re like the hero as of right now you saved Daisy stupid spider take my butt I do that sure yeah that that works all

Right daddy record it record it all right is everyone ready I’m ready yes all right here we go in three 2 one action oh yeah stupid spider now I caught you take my butt uhhuh take that and Daisy scream and caught okay that was good that was good good job everybody now in

This next scene I’m going to go on to Daisy like this and honestly Gooby you could be already holding Daisy she just screamed just yes not not me no no no ow be careful it’s called the am you just smacked me out oh gosh Gooby I

Think I did it no you didn’t nope you didn’t grab anyone okay okay just like this okay I got them there we go now perfect try to get her like above the chair a little bit move a little bit closer to me all right right there right

There perfect back up a little bit boom stop moving Gooby stop moving like this yes that looks good that looks good actually I need you to come to the left a little bit you’re in like the tra so Gooby do you know what you’re saying yes

I’m going to say ooh I’m an evil villain Gooby and I you you took my sister and I’m going to take her somewhere where else okay yeah sure as long as it’s not that we’re good okay yeah I say something better that was just a practice okay yeah yeah of course of

Course all right da are you ready for the scene I’m ready okay here we go in three two one action M I’m evil and you you’re not good enough for my sister so I’m going to take her super far away all right C make me throw up what’s going on

Oops sorry uh it’s kind of hard to control these sa I almost threw up just watching what you were doing okay so less movement yes way less movement Gooby okay sorry I don’t even know what you were saying it’s just all mumbl jumbled up got to be more clear on your

Syllables yeah S I have a lot of spit in my mouth all right then we’ll spit it into the ocean oh God okay I just heal heal it all out e yeah get in the ocean get right in the water a little bit more good now can you move a little bit

To your left be okay just like this no go a little higher like that okay now your arms aren’t down how is that possible all right there you go now go down a little bit just like this okay no not on the floor I need you hovering

Guys this is going to make me throw up all right Daisy just just hold your food down a little bit I’m going to try we got the position we got the position all right okay here we go here we go three two one action I got this go and I’m going to

Bring her back to my place C boy we know it’s your sister you’re supposed to say hello to my sister oh oops oh my gosh and the evil life weird I’m stepping in here Daddy obviously you’re a terrible director this’s what’s going to happen Gooby you’re going to freaking lift her

Up and you’re going to say she’s my sister and I’m not good enough to date your sister and then you’re going to take her back into your biggest layer Tower okay okay yes secret base that makes a lot more sense uh you’re really good this Shin Mar you okay you’re not

Good I’ve been saying this over and over again no Daddy I’m saying it better and then you’re going to walk backwards Gooby over here all right you’re going to walk backwards okay okay I think I got it we need an evil laugh like yep that’s really good come out

With that Gooby come out with that okay okay okay here we go three two 1 action M I’m an evil Gooby and you’re not good enough to date my sister JZ so I’m going to take her away to my tower forever help me no and cut wow that was really

Good that was really good that was amazing you’re going to get an Oscar for that performance yes good job guys that was amazing that was really my hurts so much okay you can let it go okay yeah ow you did really good Daisy that that was really really good it was so painful

Daddy is it my turn to turn into Spider-Man now yes it’s your turn to turn to Spider-Man yes yes let’s go let’s go so what’s supposed to happen is the spider’s supposed to bite you okay but I don’t know if he’s going to bite you so you might have to bite the spider

What you want me to bite a spider so instead of becoming Spider-Man you might become Man Spider oh my goodness all right daddy that’s a good idea and also it’ll be kind of funny in the movie If I bite the spider exactly oh I need to

Give you your suit okay here you go yeah yeah give me the suit dad give me the suit there you go yes yes yes can I put it on now daddy uh no you can’t yet because you haven’t bit the spider yet a so I’m just keeping that in your

Inventory that suit’s more expensive than goobies I want you to know that really Daddy can I actually swing like on webs and stuff yes you can it’s $2 million that suit so if you mess it up and we don’t make the money back you’re paying for it all right daddy sounds

Good all right so in this scene you’re going to like see Daisy get taken away by doc whoever googy’s character is and then you’re going like oh my God I need to save her but I don’t have any superpowers maybe if I bite this spider or the spider bites me I can become

Spider-Man all right Daddy I think I can do it just roll it oh you want me to roll okay yeah yeah yeah I’ll roll it all right Daddy I’m ready all right here we go three two one action oh no Daisy come back oh my goodness this isn’t good

There’s an evil super villain wait wait a minute I just trapped a spider I know exactly what I’m going to do come here spider bite me no where’s the spider going and come back all right daddy cut and cut yeah stupid spider that wasn’t your line wait daddy we might be fine

What if I just go to a new scene and then I end up biting the spider okay okay he’s on the Run he’s on the Run we need to go get it oh gosh all right here we go uh three 2 one oh no C come on why

Is this spider terrible dad D all right he’s dying he’s dying I’m mad we got to get a new spider we’re got to go back over here all right daddy a new spider me do it like on this part no I don’t need a new spider from you gooby no no

Gooby we don’t need your help okay Johnny I just thought of something that might sound a little crazy but it looked really really good in the movie all right what is it Daddy I think I want you to take this sword and kill the spider and eat it eat its insides like

Crazy what oh my gosh Daddy all right that sounds awesome we should do it okay so I’m going to spawn the spider in and I’m going to start recording instantly you’re going to have to get into character right from the gecko all right Daddy I think I’m ready where should I

Go like over here like right here right here okay I’m going to spawn the spider right in front of you Daddy you go over here you go on this side okay all right then you spawn it right there and I’m going to go eat it all right here we go

Three two one I’m recording come here Mr spider daddy it didn’t drop anything dang it caught we’re going to have to do it again oh my goodness really yes really all right here we go three two one go I’m recording a come here spider a daddy it just dropped string gosh darn

It we’re going to run it again oh my goodness daddy why did you hire such bad spiders hey I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m going to get every time I spawn one in all right we just got to get random here we go three 2 1 action a

Come here Mr spider a ah die daddy it ran off the camera oh kill it oh it dropped the spider eye though oh now you can eat that a dang it all right here we go 3 2 1 a go come here Mr spider ah ah dny it dropped string what’s going on

Guys what what if I just float in the air and drop a spider eye you’re right there we could use movie Magic movie Magic all right you’re going to have to hover above here Daisy all right everyone set we ready yep Daisy get ready to drop the spider eye I’m ready

All right guys this the final scene here we go 3 2 1 action come here Mr spider ah stop running away from me I got a spider eye well if the spider won’t eat me then I’m going to eat the spider and cut and cut that was good

That was was amazing acting Johnny all right daddy without me moving should I turn into Spider-Man oh yeah yeah yeah good job good job all right Johnny I want you to stay in the same spot because you just put your Spider-Man costume on I want you to say wa I just

Turned into man spider or Spider-Man whatever you want to say and you have to go run after Daisy all right daddy so now I’m officially Spider-Man yes all right I’m ready Daddy all right here we go record action in three 2 1 action a whoa I’m Spiderman check this out I

Could jump super hi this is awesome I need to go get Daisy Daisy I’m coming and C is that good daddy wow you did a flip yeah Daddy it was really awesome and I also used the spider web man we have a really good movie coming

Along here hey Gooby I’m going to mess your character up in this movie no no I have I have Jack O tentacles oh yeah take that take that hey why are we fighting on set come here Gooby no fighting on set Daddy superpowers now this is so much

Fun okay well now we’re going to have to get some action shots I wish I had superpowers yeah no you’re the damel in distress wait maybe JY could be like one of my hmen okay maybe we could do a scene like that that would be fun yeah

Can play a different character ooh I have an idea okay so what’s going to end up happening is Gooby you’re going to take Daisy all the way up to the tallest spot in the building like this yeah yeah yeah just like that he put me down you

Don’t have Daisy you have the wrong person I’m over here Gooby gooby wrong person it’s s to see with these goggles on ow so you’re going to take Daisy to the tallest building in the city you’re going to keep her up there and then all

Of a sudden Johnny is going to be like oh my God I can hear what my Spidey senses that Daisy is screaming somewhere ooh that’s good D I really like this we get some action shots of you swing in the city yep yep then you go to the

Bottom of that building and on the bottom of that building there’s going to be minions ooh that’s scary I like it I like it I think Gooby and da you guys play like Minions trying to kick Johnny’s butt a little bit but what are we going to wear don’t worry Daisy I got

Costumes for that okay all right everyone follow me this way all right let’s go to the highest building everybody this is the tallest building in the whole entire city and we’re going to do a really cool scene here wa you see how call up we all go take me off

The edge look how D it is that’s so crazy everything looks like ants he’s going to drop me no he’s not be careful save that for the movie you’re going to do that to me at the end I’m the best at just using this put her down oh God okay

That nope nope you can’t that’s not allowed to happen we’re not even recording what are you doing I just go get her sorry oops go get her oh my goodness is she still alive barely yeah she she just has a srape on on KN you got to stop horing around I’m trying to

Record a multi million doll movie right now well Daddy hit me with some webs so I dropped by accident oops okay really blaming me all right no one is allowed to have fun on the set no more no more fun a so what’s going to end up

Happening is Gooby you’re going to go on the side of the building with Daisy you’re going to climb up okay okay you’re going to do a little moahaha Daisy you will never go on another date again and you’re going to put her in this cage okay okay you’re going to act

Really villainously Daddy what do you want me to do you do nothing okay you stand right behind me and you don’t get in the shot okay Daddy okay I can do that okay so we’re going to do two different scenes I’m going to do one of

You coming up and then one of you putting her in the cage okay all right I got to build something real quick Gooby are you ready yes all you’re doing is just doing an evil scream and going up the building that’s it okay okay yes I’m

Just going to climb up super good all right Gooby here we go 3 2 1 exit I Jess J I’m going to put you in the tallest to in the whole city and then no put me down nope nope you’re going in this cage right here and you’ll never get on another gate

Again let me out of here never unless a superhero comes and stops me Johnny help me and caught wow I felt the energy yeah I felt it too Daddy I was actually scared you were actually scared yes I was scared he already dropped me once yeah that is true well now you’re just

Safe in this little cage right here yeah but I can’t get out don’t worry superhero Spider-Man will save you soon Daisy okay well Daddy my stomach’s kind of rumbling can we take a quick lunch break oh yeah I’m pretty hungry too yeah let’s go yeah okay I can use some bogles

Yeah all right Daisy you just stay here all right we’ll be back wait no let me out we’ll get you some food Daisy don’t worry come on guys let’s go eat some lunch guys oh gosh dad these tacos are really good I needed this food break

Yeah it was a really really good food break but guys we need to start recording more of this movie I got to finish this you’re right Daddy no more tacos no more tacos so what needs to happen is I need to get footage of you doing Spidey stuff in the city all right

Daddy so how about I land on top of this building and then my Spidey senses go off and I hear Daisy scream in the distance that would be so sick yes we got to do that right now Gooby get out of here you’re not in this scene get

Out this is a Spider-Man scene all right I’m going to go right here and I think what happens is you like land in with a spiderweb yeah Daddy that’s actually really cool and look all like cinematic and really like hero like so Daddy I’ll do something like that yes I’m a big fan

I’m a huge fan boy I need you out of frame move more to your left yeah a chat yep thank you all right Daddy tell me when all right here we go Johnny 3 two one action yeah something’s not right in this city y wa I’m going to get you

Gooby oh my go Gooby gooby super Village don’t do that you messed it up Gooby you messed it up oh oops I thought that’s what I supposed to do just jump in no the scene before you were literally on that Tower over there so how would you

Be over here oh I guess you’re white oops oh my goodness all right we’re going to do it again Gooby you’re not in this scene okay I just go over here yes oh my gosh all right John you good all right you ready Daddy all right guys

Here we go three two one action something’s not right in this city uh what’s with the tacos what what what is going on Gooby it’s raining tacos in the shot oh oops uh I just trying to get some for Daisy bring them all together so uh Gooby you’re ruining it you’re

Ruining it stop stop Gooby I cut this the scene’s cut now because of you okay uh I I got some I don’t want any tacos we just ate tacos get away get away Gooby we need to record this stop okay oops go back to D Daisy let’s go back

Over there yeah go over there yeah go back to Daisy stop talking us all right all right here we go Johnny 3 2 1 action my Spidey senses are tingling Daisy must be nearby I think I hear her now nice cut that was beautiful did you

Get it I got it now we need to get some action shots of you swinging in the city all right Daddy I can do that okay uh go over here um daddy daddy where’d you go dnny I’m across on the other building what daddy that’s not safe what are you

Doing on top of that building I need to get a really good shot of you swinging in the city okay I can do that all right all I’m going to do is Scream action and then you’re going to start swinging all right daddy don’t fall all right all

Right I’m crouching right now I got a good shot H action all right daddy here I go do I look cool daddy yeah you look really good I think this is the shot I think I got it you got it I got it all right good job Daddy I know I’m getting

Down here Daddy I got an idea I’ll just put down some of these spider webs here you go land in here it worked there we go hey Spider-Man you’re welcome Daddy I’m a real superhero all right now to the next scene all right Daddy all right Johnny

We have a really cool scene set up where you’re going to hear Daisy and you’re going to swing right over to that building oh okay Daddy but uh isn’t this really unsafe Johnny we are losing money on the budget okay this is this is the

Only thing I can whip up oh my goodness daddy you’re going to fall like 200,000 ft no I’m not I’m safe I’m going to hold on for dear life and I’m going to scream all right daddy so I’m just saying that the screams are coming from the building

Yes and you’re going to be like Oh I’m going to go there and then you’re going to go okay Daddy I think I can do it all right Johnny are you ready to go yep daddy I’m going to do a dive in again okay here we go 3 2 1 action yeah I

Think I hear the screams coming from top of that building I’m coming Daisy was that good and CAU beautiful let’s go and since you just went to that side of the building I’m going to have to get a little video of you climbing up the building ooh yes Daddy good idea all

Right so I’m going to pretend to climb up and you just record me all right all right here we go 3 2 1 exit here we go Johnny daddy hold on we got a cloud in our way okay okay the Cloud’s gone all right here we go no no Daddy wait for

The cloud to go it’s almost gone hold on oh my goodness hold on Daddy Cloud’s almost gone hold on and daddy almost there and okay good action oh I’m coming up oh yeah I’m going to get you Daisy is that good daddy beautiful beautiful so you’re going to end up

Seeing Daisy trap in this in this crazy cage on top of a huge tower all right finally you guys are back I’ve been waiting here forever oh yeah we had the most amazing tacos ever Daisy you missed it but where’s mine oh you don’t get it until we finish the movie and make

Millions of dollars oh this sucks don’t wor JY I got a taco for you cuz I’m evil that’s not what evil people do yes this is what evil people do they bring people tacos thanks Gooby okay Gooby so what I think is going to happen is in this

Scene Johnny’s going to come on top of this little Tower he’s going to see Daisy but you’re going to be all the way up there all the way up here and he’s got he’s not going to know you’re here and you’re going to drop down saying

You’re not going to get my sister you’re going to have to battle me and then there’s going to be a crazy battle ooh yeah like a big fight that’s going to be so awesome daddy I’m going to fight Gooby wait who’s going to win uh obviously you but Gooby is going to

Let’s go he might try to win hey I want a win no it’s going to look like you’re a battle win and then Daddy I got an idea maybe a bunch of spiders spawn onto Gooby and the spider save me okay I like that idea it’s something crazy yeah Dad

It’s a good idea right Gooby you like that idea yes I mean if long we use fake spidal cuz I’m kind of scared of spiders a little bit yeah yeah we can do that we can do that wait when’s it time that I get to turn into a super villain ooh you

See um we kind of ran out of Bud budget and you’re just going to be the damel in distress the whole entire movie can I at least turn into a princess no we don’t have enough money for the budget no no then why am I even here because you’re

Supposed to be the girl that Gooby was you know supposed to steal and save you’re doing good job you’re going to be the most important character here okay everyone’s going to want to be a daisy all right Johnny you’re going to come into the scene and you’re going to be

Like wow Daisy I Finally Found You everything’s going to be so good and then boom Going drop on you I’m going to go over here all right and I’m going to fly up the building okay I like the idea all right I’m going to be like that and

Then like that okay I like it I’m going to be in this corner over here okay does everyone know what they’re doing on set yep I’m just standing all right here we go three two one action I made it on top of the building Daisy Daisy where are you Johnny I’m

Right here Daisy what happened why are you trapped up in this cage Gooby brought me up here he said I can never go on a date again Gooby wait where is Gooby I don’t know he just left me here here is the evil villain and I’m going to

Spiderman ow hey let me go ow you’ll never beat me let me go let me go well you think you can beat this what about this ow ow take my spider webs take that yeah you’re webbing me a little bit oh no my claws they’re getting sticky you like that you like

That come over here get back here oh no I can’t see I’m blinded a take that a oh you like that Gooby yes yeah I’m going to go on top of this building oh you can’t St away from me don’t hurt him I have to he’s a

Hero and I’m a bad guy take that take that hey that’s not fail take that now you can’t see haha Gooby oh yeah I can still hit you with my claws this you got spider webs in your eyes take that Daisy’s mom no no no how about this nope

Can’t get me I’m too fast for you I can’t see him he’s going too fast this oh no I’m running out of spider webs this isn’t good Spiderman you have been a men to me for so long but now no more because I’m going to kill you hey Gooby put me down

Oh this isn’t fair you’re going to die and I will be the one that take Daisy all over the place so she doesn’t go on any Gates well Gooby I got one more little trick up my sleeve Haya what what kind of switch you got go spiders go it’s my

Spider Army what is this spiders put me down put me down just steing on my clothes get out of here spiders take that Gooby take that no no no yeah we did it let’s go good job Mr spiders you’re my bestest friends ever Johnny you’re my hero oh Daisy I forgot

I got to let you out oh there you go thank you so much for saving me you’re welcome Daisy it’s just what superheroes do spider what Daisy no come back Ed scene wow that was so good was that good daddy oh my God guys that was a first

Time take that was incredible let’s go yeah Daddy I really felt like I was Spider-Man there I know did I do a good job dying you did a great great job dying you did a really good job yes now all that needs to be done is I need to

Give this to my friend to edit it put super cool superhero affection and then boom we got a cool movie Let’s Go I can’t wait to see when it’s done yeah Daddy it’s going to be so awesome when we see it in the movie theaters Daddy

Can we go home and watch it in our movie theater yeah let’s go let’s go see it all right guys come on everyone let’s go home oo I’m so excited to watch our movie in our home movie theater I know I’m so excited to see Gooby be The

Village yeah I want to see myself be Spider-Man this is going to be awesome all right well hit play Johnny all right guys here we go wow Daisy what a beautiful date we’re having I know thanks for bringing me ooh this cheeseburger looks so good I’m going to dig in I love

Cheeseburgers wow Daisy you look really good in pink thanks Johnny I really like your hat ooh thank you oh my God this is a spider don’t worry Daisy I’ll save you come here spider I’m going to trap you up no you’re not allowed to run away

Oh there we go just make that and boom now I trapped the spider let’s go I’m an evil Gooby and you’re not good enough to date my sister Daisy so I’m going to take her away to my tower forever help me no oh no Daisy come back

Oh oh my goodness this isn’t good there’s an evil super villain wait a minute I just trapped a spider I know exactly what I’m going to do come here spider bite me no where’s a spider going come back come here Mr spider ah stop running away from me I got a spider eye

Well if the spider won’t eat me then I’m going to eat the spider wa I’m Spiderman and check this out I could jump super high this is awesome I need to go get Daisy Daisy I’m coming I Jess you JJ I’m going to put you in the tallest shower in the whole

City put me down nope nope you’re going in this cage right here and you’ll never get on another day again let me out of here never and let the superhero comes and stops me Johnny help me my Spidey senses are tingling Daisy must be nearby I think I hear her

Now I think I hear the screams coming from top of that building I’m coming Daisy oh I’m coming up oh yeah I’m going to get you Daisy I made it on top of the building Daisy Daisy where are you Johnny I’m right here Daisy what happened why are you

Trapped up in this cage Gooby brought me up here he said I could never go on a date again Gooby wait where is Gooby I don’t know he just left me here inside the evil villain and I’m going to get you Spiderman Hey ow hey let me go ow you’re

That will beat me ah let me go let me go well you think you can beat this what about this ow ow take my spider webs take that yeah we you got spider webs in your eyes take that Daisy’s mine no no no how about this nope can’t get me I’m

Too fast for you I can’t see him he’s going too fast this oh no I’m running out of spider webs this isn’t good Spiderman you have been a m to me for so long but now no more because I’m going to kill you hey Gooby put me down

Oh this isn’t fair nope you’re going to die and I will be the one that takes shy all over the place so she doesn’t go on any dates well Gooby I got one more little trick up my sleeve Haya go spiders go it’s my spider Army what is

This spiders oh No Just stewing on my clo take that Gooby take that no no no yeah we did it let’s go good job Mr spiders you’re my bestest friends ever Johnny you’re my hero oh Daisy I forgot I got to let you out there you go thank

You so much for saving me spider what Daisy now come back wow guys that was so awesome what was your favorite part in our movie ooh I like that’s when I got to be a villain and just grab J and bring her all the way up to His Highest towel yeah that

Was pretty awesome I like the part where I was swinging in the city I look so cool that was pretty pretty sick I think my favorite part was the ending when you you’re like oh my God I’m going to die but you know what I’m going to call my

Spider Army to come take Gooby out yeah that was awesome Daisy what about you my favorite part was when you saved me I was in that cage for so long yeah I am a superhero so I’m pretty awesome guys I think this was probably our best movie

Yet we’re going to make millions yeah this is going to be the number one trending movie in the world and you guys can finally move out yay we’re going to be famous let’s go if you guys enjoyed watching this video and want us to make another movie

Then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye she have a tum a

Today, Johnny, Marty, Daisy and Gooby make a SUPERHERO MOVIE In Minecraft! Watch until the end to see the final MOVIE!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


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  2. Let's just take a moment to appreciate how many hours and work he put into this video? It's amazing, and I think they deserve way more than that!✨🧚‍♀

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  5. finally we made a new channel it was so cool and it was so good I subscribed five times to the channel and then getting reviewed I appreciate you God is good God is great I love you God loves everyone

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