Blowpipe I don’t like saying that I’m I’m about I’m about to pipe hey yo what the what The reic we got Terraria in the building we about to get to the get a play he yeah yo today man we got Terraria bro let’s get to it bro what’s good you guys welcome back to the channel bro today we are going to be playing Terraria man

Basically Terraria is like like a Minecraft type game almost oh my gosh bruh we starting the journey bruh just Whizz in the building we starting the journey bruh small medium large the hardest difficulty random let’s get to it bro yo but like if you guys have any tips you know let me

Know anything I could do or anything that I’m not doing yet let me know but I know that this has this game has like a bunch of bosses to fight and then so there’s a bunch of bosses that I got to fight it’s basically a exploring game it’s like Minecraft literally but with

Bosses basically and stuff like that but kill killing bunnies is cruel period that’s a fact here we are bro here we are hello world yo this world looks so nice bro hey man let’s just chop down trees bro just like Minecraft let’s get to it

Let’s get to it bro let’s get to it and do it give me that oh there goes our first enemy there goes our there goes our first enemy slime the blue slime what’s up slime bro what what the what the heck what the yo yo yo what’s up what’s up

With you yay oh my okay all right hey hey chill chill chill come on come on bro bro I’m not I’m not going to die on the first episode bro pull up bro pull up pull up pull up yeah okay workbench I’mma need that AAP oh give me the sword I need that

Sword oh we can craft armor now wood armor sounds mad I’m not going to lie wood armor sounds mad trash bro wood armor yeah that sounds heavy too I’m about to be heavy rolling what in the world oh yeah come on bro oh my this like okay I’m not going to lie three

Slimes is kind of crazy bro I’m not let me get some armor chill bro don’t hey bro yo chill all right bro all right bro come on bro let’s fight let’s fight let’s go bro I’m about to body these slimes bro I’m about to what I didn’t

Even know my health was that low what the heck are you serious did I just get merked by some freaking slimes bro I got merked by slimes the size of bunnies I’m so dis you know what uh let’s go over to the left side of the world I’m not really

Trying to mess with those guys oh torches I need that I’m not really trying to mess with the slimes you know I think the right side is not it’s not really a good side to start off with so let’s we’re not even we’re not even going to really

Bother with enemies bro I don’t I don’t really have time to to really do any of that you know what I’m saying let’s just go into this cave you know do some exploring oh my gosh bro oh got some ore give me that I need that ASAP tin ore appreciate it

Gotcha lesser healing potions potions and why is a slime in this cave bro cave slimes yeah leave me alone bro I don’t want the smoke bro I told y’all these pots have a lot of goodies in them I’m not going to lie bro why are there still slimes can

You go home oh chest our first chest what we got blowpipe stop stop stop yo oh my God bro listen bro stop it no if I die if I die here bro no no every time I freaking die they take my money like I’m poor bro I have no money

Again swiftness potion give me that 25 increase speed let’s go back to the right side bro we just going to keep switching bro until I can find my um Mojo bro to go to go get my money back from those creatures I mean those might actually despawn though oh my gosh oh my

Tombstone whiz was blended into a zesty sauce by the blue SL what in the world is zesty sauce oh my gosh bro listen we on the right side now bro we on the right side now let me look at this bow pipe allows the collection of seeds Okay that’s what we’re collecting right Now honestly bro I’ve been meaning to start this series for a minute bro I just didn’t really have time but like hey man if y’all enjoy it bro I’m I’m I’m going to make time you know you got you got to make time for all right bro

I’m I’m about to I’m about to attack you with my blowpipe I don’t like saying that I’m I’m about I’m about to Pipe yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure you know I’m just doing me do doing him activities Oh my God this cave looks crazy what in the freaking Mountain cave listen bro I’m in there bro oh we in the ice biome I’m in there I’m in

There listen please I don’t want no more slimes to bother me bro just just leave me alone bro I don’t want the smoke I I’ve been telling y’all for for for a minute Bro hey I’m not going to lie to OST hit Hey a oh let’s go let’s Go what The that’s what I stepped on the freaking pressure plate all right all right bro all right brother there go my freaking corpse bro we got to make this jump I got to watch out for pressure plates Bro cobwebs okay what the heck I can’t I can’t see bro okay there you go I’m like what oh not the freaking slime oh there’s a chest right there I need that but I’m not trying to get merked by this slime all right come on pull up bro pull up pull up

Blow pipe get piped yeah what’s in here lucky blizzard in a bottle what is this load outs allows the holder to double jump oh I’m going to kill that BRD I I don’t care I’m angry bro die die listen isn’t this the part where I

Died at I got to be freaking so tactical bro if I die again it’s it’s game oh that’s okay yeah yeah what’s up what’s up oh heart Life Crystal permanently increases maximum Life by 20 oh I need that for sure thank you thank you ma’am what else is there

Bro what is that that’s gold oh I’m not I’m not messing with I’m not I’m not messing with slimes I don’t care about freaking gold oh another um what’s it called Life Crystal give me that yes or what is this Platinum well I need that bro give me the

ASAP a bro listen bro I need a better pickaxe bro I I need a I need a iron or diamond pickaxe cuz this this going to take forever bro oh you know what I actually have bombs so let me just oh sticky yep give me that bro no no no no

If I would have died by that ah I would have quit the game oh my gosh yo it was almost it for me bro yo my life really flash before my eyes bro oh let me not go down there that does not look like there’s anything good over there hey man

We not we not messing with oh no no no what the freak no no no no listen bro that’s not how things work over here bruh I’m not messing with hey bro let’s get on this freaking uh card and and and and and get her gone get her

Gone let’s look out for for more hearts and some goodies I’m not I I need that heart but I’m not dying for it bro I’m not I’m not I’m not dying for that bro come on brother there that’s get get freaking merked get merked man and give

Me that heart just like that appreciate it regeneration I need that cuz I ain’t got no Health right now just move along Move Along Move Along get me down here get me down here y yep yep get me up here we got a little Hut appreciate that what’s in the chest oh we got a oh my God a dangerous ice blade bro oh we got a icicle blade oh and there’s another house is there

Like another chest oh say l give me that uh yeah thank you ma’am what’s in here another bottle can I equip both of them nope well I’ll keep it anyway yo double house okay double cribo let me get this painting let me get this painting just in case you never know

Somebody may be looking for that painting mommy all right there you go listen bro yo I’m so scared bro I don’t want to die like it took me a minute to get to where I’m at bro like I’m up now bro I don’t want to die as soon as I get up

Bro let’s get down here bro ooh oh oh my freaking Ultra Instinct come here come here come here freaking Dart trap come here bro Life Crystal need that I need that oh this icicle blade hit though I need that we doing pretty good right how far am I going to get down

Before I just start getting merked by everybody okay what are these shiny things let me wa I can’t even reach it so it’s side I got to be careful though Real Talk y’all no like real talk y’all I got to be careful bro I do not need to get

Myself killed bro some dumb see look at that look at that right there look at that right there thought you was going to get me huh thought you was going to get Me listen bro I feel like things are going to start to get dangerous like as I start going down what the freak is that listen what the what what is what do you want fairy what what do you want Navi navi’s like hey Lincoln hey

Lincoln where is it going oh I do got bombs hey bro hey that’s the best way bro hey man where there’s a bomb there’s a way let me be careful before I get slay what is that danger danger sense you can sense nearby hazards that’s amazing oh so it was like stop it

Stop it stop messing around bro I’m I’m not going to die bro I I literally just got that close to a chest I’m not going to die bro not happening what’s in this chest okay that’s a lot of things to unpack let me oh there’s even a

Breathing meter okay let me not let me not let me no let me not be in that bro chill menacing water walking boots provides the the ability to walk on water and honey four damage that’s all you had to Say what else I got shark bait equipable summons a shark pump yeah d d baby shark y baby shark baby I mean I’m not going to lie I think we really explored everything that we had to explore I mean I can’t really go down unless I want to mine for 3 years

Which that would not be entertaining for y’all I mean I guess I might as well mink these guys right here all right Bros pull up bro y going to get merked bro like I have a icicle blade okay as soon as I say that more enemies spawn

That’s that’s just my luck huh just my luck all right I mean you not really that strong or maybe I’m just that much powerful and y’all suck that’s probably what it is steak I got some steak say last oh y’all about to get minked bro oh my gosh yo look at

The damage I’m outputting bro I’m him oh what the whoa whoa 15 gold nah we got to I’m not going to die and and then and then get all my gold took bro listen bro money’s in in in in that chest bro oh my gosh 15 gold is crazy

Amount hey hey hey hey hey hey hey oh no why does this game soundtrack hit whoa this game soundtrack has like Minecraft level like they have scenarios for every event what in the world okay okay Terraria I see you I see y’all I see see y over there at at at Rel

Logic Rel logic bro that’s fire ooh another house another house another house with another mouse with another blouse that get me in there bro what’s up warding shoe spikes equipable material sorry allows the ability to slide down walls improve the ability of combined of climbing claws oh I’m about

To be on on some on some Mario bro I’m about to be on some ooh there’s some more of that shiny ore I need that please bro let me use the rope there you go work smarter not harder let’s go going to get some more of this ore

They about to do it some exploring bro I’m not going to lie I really hope I if I die I’m I’m done bro if I die I’m done bro please game don’t don’t stop it why as soon no I’m not I’m not I’m not engaging bro why as soon as I say that

There has to be an enemy trying to to end my career bro come on man do do y’ enemies want me to quit so bad man all right they said of course we do of course we do all right let me get up here

Yep get right back off cuz if I if I just keep running through this freaking track I’m going to run into something insane I have to be able to control myself There not much in this cave I’m not going to lie looks like a lot of cobwebs and stuff ooh Life Crystal I need that appreciate it boss listen let me hurry up before I drown in in this in this water bro okay there’s nothing down here let’s

Let me not even engage bro H let me get right out all right cool cool cool oh now that we have the water walking boost we can just walk on water so I don’t have to worry about like falling in into like a water pit or something I’m not going to lie

We’re doing very good bro we have everything actually before I head out again let’s let’s talk to this guy let’s talk to the guide man don’t get blown away by the strong gust going on and be wary of monsters which take advantage of them all right come on slime I’m too

Powerful you can use your pickaxe to dig through dirt and your aop trees just place your cursor over the tile and click if you want to survive you need to create weapons and shelter start by chopping down trees and Gathering wood press escape to CRA to access your

Crafting menu when you have enough wood craft the workbench this will allow you to create more complicated things as long as you are standing close to it this man is giving me the basic rundown of Terraria like I haven’t seen people play it bro God you you’re

Disrespecting me I feel like feel like you’re disrespecting Me he’s like bro you’re trash bro all right where is my crafting table let’s make another one right here bam and then we also got iron anvil can be used to craft okay ooh there you go there you go we got new weapons Tu and bra sword how you know that’s trash that

Sucks let me go to the crafting Table tiki Torch I stake my claim with this tiki torch no one will dis respect me actually let me make some armor let me let me let me make armor let me make armor for sure tuin helmet how much is that four defense versus one defense I need that appreciate it

Boss oo I ain’t going lie it looks fire what in the world okay bro I’m really him I’m not going to Lie what the [ __ ] yeah I thought that was a freaking um bro I thought that was like a just a thing that that was there on the floor I walk past and I get hit on bro that caught me off guard oh my gosh yo that caught me completely off guard Bro oh me in the desert biome desert biomes Cactus okay they don’t they don’t deal damage just like in Minecraft that’s good ooh enemies ant lion come here bro oh come on bro come on bro you suck brother what is that a duck uh gra well you can catch this

No what is this vulture vulture you stand no match come on man come on man come on man hey bro stay in your biome you not going to stay in your biome listen bro are you really follow okay come here bro come on bro like how did you think

That was going to go bro you thought you was really going to kill me like and like really beat me man listen I’m I’m the greatest Terraria player in the universe oh my God these soundtracks are fire what in the cave is that a cave entrance give me that cave

Entrance listen cave entrance what’s in here what’s up are you kidding me that is the suckiest cave entrance I’ve ever seen in my life jeez bro get me out of here bro bro get me out of here are you serious right now this the trashest cave entrance ever

Oh this area yo this game looks beautiful Oh My Gosh n this game is beautiful oh bleeding radar equipable material detects enemies around you I’m going need that with this I’m I’m I’m never going to get rolled up on by the Ops bro like

If a op tries to pull up bro my my my detector is going to be like hey hey op detected op detected and then it’s it’s over for the Ops bro it’s over for the ops Oh new Biome and they have mad biomes on on the um on the top of the world bro this is actually amazing yo oh you got heard that w w Hey ooh oo like some Mario like some Mario like desert type beat hey hey but we not even in the desert huh huh huh Huh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey give me what’s in this chest night vision I’m going need That B Hey ooh spear oh it is garbage I do not need that ooh or give me that you know what we just going to blow it up bro I’m not going to lie this is literally the best way to okay slime chill out bro chill out bro

Chill out bro chill out bro you don’t you don’t want the come on bro you don’t you don’t want these Problems is that a yeah there’s a tree underground what in the world is this listen bro I’m not I’m not using my pickaxe no more I’m I’m just going to bomb the place straight up just just bomb everywhere bro I don’t need to I don’t I

Don’t need to use the pickaxe no more bro I just I got bombs bro bombs for days anklin of the wind increases movement speed oh I need that it’s like a swiftness potion on like a thousand bro appreciate that oh look at that freak yo listen bro stop it bro stop it bro

You thought bro come on man listen bro if I would have died on some dumb stuff bro stop it stop it leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone ooh give me that hard Crystal I need that

ASAP listen why is so freaking dark didn’t I take a thing to increase my night vision that didn’t do Jack ooh another heart Crystal I need that yep listen I think we’re doing very good bro ooh more that shiny Ora bro I need that you know nope let me just Bam Bam why

Did the thing just switch up bro am I about to encounter a boss why did the music switch up like y’all heard that why did it switch up on me like that oh heck no bro hey bro hey we in the what n bro he whoa listen we’re in the wrong place oh

Another give me that give me that give me that no no no back up bro back up fish back up fish merked what the heck listen why is my inventory so full bro I’ve been exploring that’s why bro I’m him okay I’m about to drown bro I’m

About to drown bro let’s let’s not let’s not do drowning bro how about that bro listen I’m not even going to mess with you I’m going to make my way down here bro to this area yep give me that bam bam B oh chest I need

That yep yep yep oh my God hurry up though hurry up I’m about to drown I’m about to drown I’m about to drown oh my gosh oh oh my gosh bro give me what’s in his oh my God please please please please oh yo it was almost oh my God

There’s two crystals what the what what no no no no no come on come on come on come on baby come on oh my gosh yo yo yo yo potion I can’t take it oh my God yo chill out no I was so close to getting those

Crystals slime bro all right bro I’m I’m I’m going have to pull up on on on the Slime bruh I’m not going to lie I think we did very good y’all we got weapons we got a bunch of Collectibles we got excuse me we got armor

Yeah we got we got everything really bro so yeah like I said I want y’all to give me some tips in the uh description down below I know like a lot about this game I watched this game like from like YouTubers I used to watch in the past I

Watched it a lot so I know like a lot I know like you know you got to fight the bosses there’s a bunch of things you can get there’s a bunch of upgrades you can get as well and stuff like that so I mean I think I should be good in terms

Of progressing so the episodes won’t seem boring I think I’ll be able to get a consider amount done in every episode but I still want y to give me tips just in case and yeah without further Ado bro hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to like subscribe comment

Down below join my Discord server down below let me know how you enjoyed this video let me know the funniest part of this video that you enjoy hope you guys did a good day not watching this bro and I will see you all next time bro hey the

Link for this game will be down below love yall and I will indeed catch y’all later bro peace You May

This Game is Really Fun, Can’t wait to get into the bosses, Let me know any Tips and Tricks and Enjoy the Video!

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