These USELESS Items In Stardew Valley Actually Have Very HIGH VALUE

Stardew valley has hundreds of items actually it’s probably in the thousands and we all know that iridium ore and prismatic shards are incredibly useful but i want to highlight some of the items that might seem useless in this video let’s start off with mix seeds over time you will actually amass quite

A lot of mixed seeds as you find them by harvesting weeds telling dirt and even randomly by using the seed maker it is true that mixed seeds do have a lot of value in the very early game when you have no money and no seeds but what use

Do you have for them later in the game with the latest update you can now craft fiber seeds you will get the recipe for fiber seeds when you do the linus special order request mixed seeds are one of the ingredients for fiber seeds you can plant fiber seeds

Anywhere on your farm and you don’t need to water them after seven days you can harvest them for four and seven fiber fiber has become more important in the lightest update and mix seeds just make it easier to get a ton of the stuff there is one other really good use for

Mixed seeds if you plant them on your ginger island farm they have a chance of growing pineapples for you and pineapples are one of the most profitable seeds in the game so if you have a bunch of mixed seeds definitely plant them on your ginger island farm for some free pineapple crops

You will get sap from chopping down trees on my play through i managed to get like 4 000 sap over time but what do we even do with this stuff sap is not useless actually sap has few very good uses i already spoke about how useful fiber seeds are well sap is another

Ingredient for spider seeds you will need 5 sap for each fiber seed thankfully we have a ton of this stuff sap is also a key ingredient in every type of fertilizer in the game i spoke about fertilizers in my last video so i will speak just briefly about it here

Quality fertilizer will increase your chances of harvesting gold quality crops by 53 and quality fertilizer only needs two sap and any fish to craft you can take this much further by making deluxe fertilizer deluxe fertilizer needs 40 sap and one iridium barred crop it sounds expensive but at least each croft

Will make five servings of deluxe fertilizer using deluxe fertilizer will allow you to harvest iridium quality crops which greatly increases the value of each harvest so if you have a bunch of sap like i do put that sap to good use and make some fertilizer when you

Fish there is always a chance that you will catch trash or useless items some of these items include actual trash driftwood soggy newspaper a broken cd and even broken glasses these items actually just sound useless right well yes but they don’t have to be at level 4

Farming you will unlock the recipe to craft a recycling machine it only costs 25 wood 25 stone and one iron bar to craft you can place these trash items into the recycling machine to turn them into something a little bit more useful soggy newspaper has a chance of either

Producing a torch or a piece of cloth broken cds and broken glasses will always produce refined quartz and refined quartz has so many uses in sturdy valley most importantly you can use refined cords to craft lightning rods and even solar panels it gets better driftwood and trash both have a

Chance of reducing coal for some reason i always seem to have a coal shortage yes you can buy a bunch of coal from clint the blacksmith but in the early to mid game it is just way too expensive to do this instead of just throwing out your driftwood and trash i would highly

Recommend recycling them for a good chance of getting some free coal coal is used for so many things and some items require like eight coal each like bee houses i will take any extra coal that i can get this might seem strange but i am definitely guilty of this but every time

I find a new weapon in the skull cavern or the regular mines i always just drop it in the bin because nothing really compares to the infinity weapons i even tend to do this in the early game if i find a weapon that is better than the

One i have i usually just throw out my old weapon this tip is mostly for the early game but you can sell these weapons at the adventurer’s guild you won’t make a huge amount of gold but in the early game every little bit of extra gold counts this is also true for shoes

That you randomly find in your adventures instead of just dropping them in the bin sell them for some extra gold maybe you can buy some extra seeds or buy a backpack upgrade earlier if you sell your unused weapons and footwear slime if you love diving into the mines

Or the skull cavern you might amass quite a bit of slime over time i think i had three or four stacks of slime just sitting in my chest slime cells for five gold each so they are really not worth selling but you can turn your slime into

A money making machine and that is by making a slime hunch after you have bought your first slime hunch you will unlock the recipe to make a slime egg press you can place 100 slime in one of these machines and they will turn your slime into a slime egg some of the slime

Eggs will sell for up to 5 000 gold so there is definitely the potential to make a ton of money here i recommend hatching some of your slimes in the slime hunch so that you will have a constant supply of slime if you have a setup like the one i have your slime

Hutch will double down as a slime producing warehouse and also as a hops producing warehouse i think the slime hutch is very underrated as a money making powerhouse if you don’t have a slime hutch yet you should definitely go build one right away and just see the

Money rolling in remember that you can place an iridium sprinkler in your slime hutch to keep the water bowls full and place flooring on the area where the slimes will live that way all of the slime eggs will spawn on the safe side of the slime hutch every time you sleep

The witch has a chance to turn all of your slimes into black slimes if you don’t want this to happen you can buy a wicked statue and place it in your slime hutch this will prevent the witch from being able to turn your slimes into black slimes ideally you want purple

Slimes because if you kill them they have a chance of giving you some iridium ore you will probably be doing a lot of fishing in stardew valley for completing the community center and getting the monster angler fish achievement when you aren’t catching trash items from fishing you might be catching tons of really

Easy to catch cheap fish like sardines and herrings while some of the fish are used in a couple very good recipes a lot of them sell for basically no gold i mean anchovies sell for like 30 gold each that is really not much but we can make them worth slightly more once you

Reach three hearts with linus he will teach you how to make sashimi sashimi sells for 75 gold each and uses any fish to craft so you could turn all of your very cheap fish into sashimi to make some extra gold here is a list of all the fish that you should turn into

Sashimi as you can see there are quite a few that can benefit from doing this just make absolutely sure that you don’t accidentally turn higher quality fish into sashimi this is a mistake that i have made way way too many times and also remember to remove your key

Seasoning from your fridge when you do this when you finish a couple of the community center bundles you will get some seasonal seeds like spring seas and winter seeds these are actually called wild seeds and they definitely have a good use in the early game you can plant

These and they will grow into some of the season’s foragibles harvesting these crops will actually give you foraging experience for some reason foraging is always the law skill i get to level 10 and maybe that is because i always seem to skip planting these wild seeds getting to level 10 foraging is quite

Important because it will allow you to only pick up iridium quality forageables and this also works for truffle wild seeds will definitely help you boost your foraging experience there is another use for wild seeds they are used to craft tea saplings you can get the recipe for tea sapling from caroline

When you reach two hearts with her tea saplings will produce tea leaves for the last week and every season except winter and you do not have to water them if you set up a bunch of tea saplings like this around ajinomo hut you can very quickly

Amass a ton of this stuff then you can process the tea leaves into green tea by placing them into kegs probably not that profitable but green tea is a love gift for both caroline and mayor lewis and it’s always fun to just add some diversity to your farm with the

Addition of the latest 1.5 update you can now quite easily get a lot of bone fragments by hitting these rocks by the dick site but what do you even do with all of the bone fragments luckily for us bone fragments have tons of uses point fragments are used in a bunch of recipes

And you can craft a dark sign dark signs can be placed on your fishbones to give you a very detailed explanation of what is going on in your fishpond you can also craft the thorns ring when enemies do damage you the thorn ring will cause

Them to take a little bit of damage as well you also need bone fragments to craft the extremely useful hyper speed growth 50 bone fragments are needed to crop the ostrich incubator and lastly you can craft a bone meal with bone fragments if you have excess bone fragments or any bone-like artifacts you

Can place them into the bone meal to produce speed grow or fertilizers so yes burn fragments are definitely not useless flour honey is incredibly profitable right especially fairy rose honey but we will always be producing regular honey until our flour has fully matured regular honey only sells for 100 gold

Each meaning they are really not going to make us a good chunk of money so what do we do with this stuff well you could place them into cakes to produce meat but it’s really hard to validate mickey meat when you can be making wine luckily

For us honey is an ingredient in farm totems if you have played sturdy value for a while you’ll know that we’re always fighting against the clock because there’s just not much time in the day if you don’t have a return receptor farm totems are a very good

Alternative they are not that hard to craft you’ll need one hardwood one honey and 20 fiber to craft a farm more totem and for the last item on this list almost everything with a sewing machine you can craft shirts pants and even hats and there are about 300 pieces of

Clothing that you can craft in sturdy valley using a single piece of cloth and a random item that means if you think something has no use it actually might be used in a clothing recipe just place some cloth and some random item and see what piece of clothing you can get you

Might be surprised with some of the very interesting and questionable pieces of clothing that you can craft in this game and that brings us to the end of the video i just know i probably missed something in this video so if you have any strange uses for items that might be

Considered useless please share with us in the comments below stardew valley is so huge and has so much to offer you guys always teach me new things in the comments section thank you so much for watching this video and as always i will see you in the next video You

In Stardew Valley there are tons of items, and I mean tons of items. Not all of them seem very good, actually sometimes some items might seem absolutely useless? But are they? Well These Useless Items In Stardew Valley Actually Have Very High Value.

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  1. Fiber seeds are almost useless. You can 70 to 100 fiber daily from the mutant bug lair and literally as much fiber as you need by going to lv 25 of the regular mine get all the fiber then leave the mine rinse repeat . Unless you grow fiber during the winter it is a waste of space that can be used for more important crops .

  2. i usually just sell my tea saplings in the early game because it gives 500 coins for each sapling, especially when you get the free seeds from the bundles

  3. I think Foraging is the most op skill tree in the game for the first year.
    Imagine you only need to chop trees every day and mining only on the lucky day then your salmonberry and blackberry will carry your energy and health for the rest of the game

  4. Why do so many people buy coal or grind dusk sprites when the charcoal kiln exists 10 wood for 1 coal isn’t year 2 coal at clings like 250 for a single one, chop down a few trees and get lots of coal

  5. 6:27 and be sure to buy the wicked statue recipe from Krobus cuz if the witch shows up she might turn your slimes black…although I appreciate the void egg she left the first time I saw her

  6. Good morning. How are you? I hope you and your family are doing well. So this may be a stupid question. But do you have to water the Hops plants that are in your slime hutch? How did you set that slime hutch up? I really like that idea and I would like to do the same thing. Thank you for making these videos and thank you for your time.

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