I Added Custom Vehicles to Minecraft…

What if there were vehicles in Minecraft and no I don’t just mean mine carts or boats what if there was a Lamborghini or a pirate ship or even a tank well today there will be because I have added custom vehicles to Minecraft and my aim

Is to beat the game with my friends so let’s aim for three likes and enjoy the video boys are we ready yeah yeah men this is uh this is going to be pretty stupid but uh if you look in here we’ve got some special tires what is this

Okay now if you if you right click the uh the crafting table and then look at the uh the vehicles we can craft yeah we got it we got to start simple okay we just need a load of iron and we’re going to make the driller car all right the

Driller car okay so what do we need for the drilling car just iron oh okay I’m just going to start collecting iron while Bubba what I want Megazord wait did you say what is a Megazord yeah how do you craft that that’s that’s my question that’s tomorrow’s problem we

Just need to get iron right now boys okay I found a massive cave but it’s it’s kind of just I don’t know why I would need it to be this big I found diamonds at all seriously wait if we can craft this Giga driller that’ll actually

Be quite helpful wait what does the gig driller do well I’m guessing it drills man does it does it drill like gigantic holes yeah and gigantic just huge huge hole why does bubble low key sound a little bit like an announcer right now hello yeah like one of those AI

Generated uh twitch donation notifications hell yeah I just woke up like 10 minutes before this oh my God I’m on half heart okay boys I have got everything we need you are actually all useless all right oh wow okay I just got stone tools oh my God there’s skeleton

Ship I’m half heart okay I’m good I’m good okay I’ll meet you at surface guys meet to the chest right are we ready guys for this cuz this is either going to be really good or just absolute hor okay now I think it’s going to be really

Good I’m excited I can’t wait 1 2 three 4 boom boom boom okay driller car come on oh yeah okay right Bo oh my God okay I’m on one and half hearts oh wait it dropped something it dropped a drill pickaxe what does this do what oh my God my God

Oh my it just throws things down do you see this yeah what is this if you flip it 90° okay you need to stop you need to stop someone someone just get in it oh okay let’s go what oh wait it’s dropping iron gold there’s so much there’s so

Much what the heck oh that no this is actually just easy armor how do I go down wait here here if I if I use the drill pickaxe you can go down oh god oh my god oh yeah oh I have I have so many drill pickaxes I’m just going to chck

Them all out there’s obviously some sort of glitch here but whatever you furnaces oh is it now just is it now just stuck down there like yeah there’s no can we wait I I can try and hit it and mine it maybe I can pick it up give it a go give

It a go how you’re hurting it yeah I’m hitting it like it’s a so um Dr Dro this Shadow it’s uh it’s dead so it’s dead and you have nothing it it gave you nothing H we have enough iron it’s fine we have enough iron yo can I have one of those

Drill pickaxes yeah there’s a load if you come up on your way up you’ll see them I Chuck out about 300 oh 300 say less help help help it’s following me help all right I’m going to bedrock it’s been it’s been in honor where are you

Guys you guys are actually just I hate to use the word useless so many times bro we’re not useless we’re who’s for sweating bro he’s flying bro every time you use this drill pickaxe it just gives you another one I see it the drill that

Is flying around you is like yes and it keeps just digging me down all the way to the bottom of the world I can’t do anything wait can this dig Bedrock wait oh God oh my God there’s a car called an exploser guini that it just needs

Redstone and TNT and we’re near a desert oh my goodness all we have to get is redstone and then there’s a desert right here for the temple to get some TNT that’s easy man that’s so easy wait does your drill pickaxe do damage try throwing it on the zombies

Maybe she threw it at me ow did too hard sorry you said sorry I was just facing you and I thought I’d test it okay wait if we all spawn ourselves a drill car and then just take it through the desert we can find a desert temple there we go

There we go oh my God what the okay okay okay wait let’s go over here can we swim it through the water oh my God it’s breaking water blocks many of oh my God it’s breaking water blocks over and over Everybody Run everybody just run oh oh

My God wait I’m just going to kill them I’m just going to kill them no I can’t kill them the oh my God we have to kill the one under water I’m running I’m running I’m running okay wait this is actually destroying the server what the

Okay we need to just get out of here this is actually just destroyed my Minecraft oh yes here we go I don’t know why we didn’t keep one of the cars is it just so we don’t kill the server oh I have one of them oh

Okay ow wait destroy this whole thing up here just destroy it nice here we go here we go okay booster’s got diamonds we’ve got just to make sure you don’t get the TNT don’t go below it oh my God there we are sick I’ll go down here and

I’ll grab this okay I’ve broken the pressure plate we’re all good and I’m just getting the chests oh diamonds in the chest nice hello there I bet you weren’t expecting me to be in this chest okay that was weird but I wanted to let you guys know about meta PCS because as

You guys know they built my PC and if you use the code wisp you can get a massive saving on a wide variety of products so be sure to go check it out on metap pcs.com back to the video all right I’ve got TNT okay I found Redstone

I found Redstone guys okay yeah nice okay that’s what I was about to ask right Boer Chuck me Redstone here here I just realized I lost all my wheels guys exploser G you lost all your wheels um yeah uh I got it’s okay oh okay who’s going to ride this one

Uh oh oh I’ve got a rocket launcher huh are you kidding oh what wait launch at me launch at me you ready oh okay Shield can block it yeah it okay it hits the floor if it hits the floor it hurts you yeah it doesn’t do that

Much damage okay sweet okay and if you use R whilst in the car you get a TNT boost and if you use G you get a Mega boost so uh Mega boost oh okay nice here we are oh God I did not realize that dude why are the blocks full lying

Wait I’ll try G okay G oh G’s insane oh my God I fell in a ravine he’s gone oh guys I’m stuck in a hole oh my God oh my God oh I see another there Jesus I’m kill okay I killed the skeleton guys I’m stuck in this hole

What do I do don’t worry I’ll help you okay don’t do that don’t do that I’m coming out I’m coming out slowly okay here we are oh my God oh my God don’t worry guys I’ll pick up the wheels okay yeah just make sure got enough Wheels

Right okay I’ve got the I’ve got the explos guini out and I have absolutely no food so we need to get food right now for using how do I stop holy how do I stop oh and it died hang on a second if I press R whilst holding this

Thing oh what the be careful be careful um where are you look check this out oh my God oh my God okay it’s just multiplying TNT everywhere oh this is going to be so easy for mining let’s go down there throw a bit go down there

Throw a bit more little bit more okay so wait what’s the next uh what’s the next craft the next the I don’t know let’s let’s see let’s see what should we go for oh for the Hellfire Destroyer cuz it also requires TNT and Redstone and it’s

Either that or we go for a plane cuz oh all we need for that all we need for that is glass oh yeah just Redstone glass okay I can get glass if we go no if we go for the stealth we just need two blocks of iron and five glass yeah

So start start mining sand I’ll get us a furnace right now you I’ve already got sand as well okay I’m just putting it in okay I’ve got the five glass how much uh how much Redstone do you have cuz we can do both the plane and the tank ooh good

Idea I have got 35 35 Redstone okay okay okay okay give me like two blocks and then I can craft the tank wait so what are you making the Hellfire Destroyer oh God all right do you guys want to try it what is that bro well it looks so

Nethery there’s a bow here there’s a bow wait let me pick it up yeah yeah Hellfire bow what is that okay oh dude wait I’ve got two diamond wait I just got a netherite axee a netherite axe wait do that again do that again oh oh how did I get this I

Have a Megazord sword what is this wait hit me hit me okay that does five Hearts that’s 12 attack damage wait here you go wisp you you can have it I I don’t have any info on how to use it wait hold your axe wait wait hold your axe bubble I

Don’t have any more arrows does anybody have arrows no yeah what is the was oh my god oh nether portal nether portal guys nether portal oh there just a there oh I’ve got a flamethrower oh chill out don’t crash my game okay I can craft the stealth I’ve got the stealth

And it gives you a Wither bomb a Wither field and invisibility a Wither bomb yeah yeah so once we go through to the nether with food we’ll use this all right let’s just go collect a load of food right now wait did you build a portal I have

Got 34 raw pork chops I just need furnaces have I got you boom Legend bubble bubble hold out your axe come here come here hold out your axe oh God what wa wait shoot me shoot me I don’t have anym oh wait you get a random piece of netherite shoot me shoot

Me oh no we actually need arrows right now we need arrows go here boys you got boots oh yes sweet I got a pickaxe nice okay perfect right we’ll collect our food and we’ll go through by the way yeah we can we can trade with piglins

Infinitely we have so much gold oh yeah we can just get a load of spectral arrows that’s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay guys I’m going to place down a plane oh wait oh my it’s tiny I just got a stealth blade okay don’t hit me hit

Boblo oh my god oh we can’t leave our our way out is just gone that’s okay we’ve got a plane what the hell does this even do all it does is launch me forward this is this is like Dash I’m going to die these guys are idiots oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m out here you are boys I’m coming over don’t worry guys I okay I can do a oh my God what the hell is that what does that

Do oh my God it’s sucking in mobs oh the end oh my goodness I got an end Pearl that’s actually nuts wait if we use that in a blue Forest we could just get pearls out oh my God that’s actually genius okay right who wants a plane oh

It just goes oh you actually have oh my God I’m going to go straight into lava get off okay right so guys with the R button you have a Wither bomb G you have the Wither field and M you have invisibility okay what happens so if I

Press M oh my God I fully just got inis that’s actually not helpful I can’t see anything don’t press R I don’t know what the r does oh my God no that is actually just a Wither head let’s go oh my god oh you kidding me there’s a

Fortress here there’s a fortress there’s a fortress I found it I found it I’m here with you I’m here with you okay okay boom right I’m going to use this I’m sucking an Enderman oh my God I’m sucking all of these Enderman what I’m sucking them all I’m sucking so many end

Guys I think we should calm down you know just a little bit okay I have two ender pearls okay wait this stealth juice gives me invincibility I’m going to drink it oh my god I’ve got Wings wait yeah I’m fully I’m fully just not dying I’m in lava I’ve got speed

Five okay stealth blade come here render and let me suck you in yes how you got full netherite y y y y brother the arrows paid off guys okay okay well come to me booster come to me I’ve got I’ve got I want to show you

Something okay yeah I can get to there oh I see you I see I see your plane are you in the Fortress Yeah no no no I’m I’m literally I’m just sitting here come on down oh yeah you see me I’m down here B come down come down look check this

Out check this out guys hey look at this setup I’ve got check this out check out this setup I will suck boom Oh my God now we’re sucking diesel there was only one Enderman oh you’re sucking a MAG cuu oh God wait wait wh wh wh W here you go

Here you go here you go oh nice thanks man where’s my gift what the serious here you go wait no no don’t worry B I’ll suck you I’ll suck you here you are I’ll suck you yeah okay is got to stop okay what’s the next what’s the next

What’s the next vehicle what’s the next vehicle honestly I want to craft the Batmobile guys I’m not going to lie the Batmobile looks kind of sick and I can craft it I’m going to craft the Batmobile guys I think it’s like this and then this boom where do I place it

Is this a safe spot to place it yeah go on right click throw our ride back wait give it a go oh my oh my God what oh oh my God does that just track to mobs wa yeah oh my God I can’t control it I’m flying what the what is happening

How what do you mean you’re flying where’s he gone oh he’s the bat I’m flying a bad I don’t know what to do why is booa flying a bat oh I fell in lava it’s over I’m dead it’s over don’t die don’t die it’s over oh my God I’m just

Going to set up some Enderman sucking farms and then we’re just going to get all the ender pearls we need I’m at the portal I have nothing you had every single Blaze Rod that You’ got I had 11 blaze rods I’m going I burned in lava

Okay so we’re going to need to go back to the Fortress The Fortress is right there so that’s fine um I’ve got seven ender pearls I’m literally just sucking all of these guys oh my God we can craft the Giga tank if I if somebody goes back

To the Overworld and gets enough golden iron I’ve already got 64 gold and 46 iron wait yeah come back to us then we can craft this I’m too busy sucking ender man I’ve got another job got another stop sucking it okay yeah okay well he’s too busy sucking

Enderman I’ve got 15 ender pearls I don’t even know how that happened oh no 16 ender pearls boys wh 16 end pears okay so we just need blaz Rod then so let’s just I’m going to hop on my bat and we can just go and I can suck them

All in I can suck all the blazes how do I get in oh nice nailed it boom this plane is is whack it’s all whack it’s all whack everything’s whack I Wish I Could Break the plane and pick it up and bring it with me I mean the the guy that

Has the plane placing can place it infinitely yeah I’ve got the plane I’m I’m just sucking I’m sucking blazes and skeletons right now um boo far how I don’t even know what happened on my screen right now uh so um my stuff’s gone oh look who’s here

Okay okay right you stay go you stay god with babblu you two just fix everything okay I’m just going to get blaze rods let’s guard the portal ow help okay Bubba we’re the only two taking this seriously all right let’s just do our own thing forget these

Guys okay I’ve got eight blaze rods have you got any perfect no I give them all of you okay we’re good let’s just go I’ve got yeah 160 end pears eight blaze rods okay Portal’s here they’re not guarding the portal they are just completely useless I see bubo what

Actually yes he’s back here we they care about us oh they’re here they’re here okay okay I’m Boo’s getting sucked man oh my God this is gross oh it feels so good to be sucked after all this time let’s get out of here you guys have gear

For us right I I what after all I’ve done for you for you to get full netherite surely you have gear for us no I’ve got stuff for you come on come on I’ve actually got a gift for both of you have a giga tank my God I want to what is this

Where’s booster where he go dude he’s whipping and washing around oh my God oh my God you you’ve almost killed me b b stand on this stand on this stand up jump jump jump jump jump oh my God water thank God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m on one heart

I’m on one heart oh my God I’m I’m on one and a half hearts do not use that again don’t worry guys I’ll save you oh you are not bab bro you did not fudge oh bro I died oh my God my God get the stuff get the stuff get the stuff

Get all of it get all of it get all of it the coming in guys dude You’ got just leave us babo take oh my God what does this do what have you just done I don’t know you’ve killed the server oh what oh my God or guys orus oh my goodness well

Played well played Boo y actually though what is this right guys I’m going to build the Flying Dutchman from SpongeBob oh my God he is why not PES of the Caribbean isn’t that where it’s originally from no it’s from SpongeBob okay boys I’m crafting The Flying Dutchman okay if you press R you

Can fly if you press G there’s a ghost orb and if you press M there’s a Dutchman ghost I don’t know what any of that me oh my oh my God wait did that did it drop anything good this thing looks actually crazy are you guys oh I

Have I have a ghoul or right click is unleash the or put it unleash it on me unleash it on me oh I summoned a ghost can you guys fly with a Flying Dutchman yeah I think so so here we are oh yeah I’m flying I’m flying wait oh my God

It’s zooming oh my God that’s quick yeah dude I’m just I’m I’m going about I’m going about wait wait wait wait we can just fly to the stronghold wait we need we need to make this Megazord but I don’t know how I have the sword you you

Have the final Blade no this thing mega sword SW yeah I think I think so the bow gives us one of the blades I’m assuming that there’s another like item that gives us another blade right oh yeah yeah okay so we need to we need to craft

Everything then right we’re going to go for the fighter jet cuz I have no idea what that does oh okay okay I’m sped in a fighter jet I’ve got the Megazord sword and I got a fighter gun so oh my God sorry dude oh wow I’m dead yeah you

Just killed me oh sorry Bob what it’s just going up how do I enter it oh my God what the hell is that my God shoot him shoot him he’s going to kill me I have withering from him he’s going to kill me I’m shooting him I’m shooting him I’m shooting

Him wait maybe we get something good from this guy wait guys look at me look at me I’m doing flips okay okay I’m just killing him yeah you need oh wait I bomb and give it wither I think oh there’s diamonds down there wait no don’t throw too much don’t

Throw too much in case it blows it up oh has he dropped anything yeah it did drop the final blade why does it say right click I win okay do not do that do not do that that doesn’t sound good that sounds like either we genuinely win the

Game or it’s a scam I don’t want to click that yeah no I don’t think that’s safe right wait bar which way are we going uh that way that way okay okay okay we’ll take our Flying Dutchman and our fighter jets unless everyone wants a fighter jet instead oh actually yeah I

Want to fight her I want to fight her J God can somebody drop like oh no no no just run just run just run we’re not fighting this we’re not fighting oh my God just run I completely forgot they spawned him oh my God there’s three of

Them just run just go just go guys just go how are you faster in the Dutch man what screw the fighter J bro should I throw another eye yeah do it do it boom it’s uh it’s Southeast you guys should just switch to Flying Dutchmen they’re faster you can stop

With them yeah that’s true okay planes as well this is nice all right let’s all let’s all perch okay guys I think it’s this way okay oh this way it’s turn around let’s go and then wait so you’ve got the final blade let’s just quickly check we have everything we need food

That’s what we need nah food Smo man uh I need some diamonds who’s got diamonds I got 39 okay I just need okay all right that’ll do uh and then we just need to go off the flash boat I need gold who’s got gold and copper I got both I got I

Got it I got it I got it there you go okay the flash boat has been crafted boom right wait oh wait that that that’s clean is that I got the flash batt ax yes I mean that oh wa I just teleported through a block oh my God what the heck he’s going

I’m stuck in a block wait you can just boat it just makes water anywhere okay um I don’t know what just happened what does g do oh oh my god oh what the wait so what does g do do we have any information on the boat cuz it just

Does that some sort of lightning well I mean it’s pretty useless let’s get the fre out of here yeah screw the boat man the boat is useless what’s next are you sure you don’t want to right click the sword I no we are not right clicking the

Sword we’re making megaz Zoid right boom boom Chuck me the final blade and then we’ve got everything we need okay there you go okay Megazord crafted oh my god I’ve got Megazord Megazord okay okay okay I’ve got him I’ve got him no no we’re going to take

Him to the end we’re taking him to the end yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay wait yeah this oh sorry bad blue that’s my bad man why does it sound like you have noorus bro sorry buddy guys we’re digging down okay I’m going to down right here oh I’m

Following guys I’m going to drown come in the hall now okay everybody come in the hole come in the hole everybody come in the hole this is gaming four guys one block and one dirty idea this will actually suck if we’re not above the uh stronghold okay guys while

We while we’re digging what’s one plus one nice it’s seven okay let’s just keep digging guys I’m going to keep digging I’ve got another pickaxe I think no I don’t I lied but I can make one for you guys yo guys look up put a block put a

Block put a block put a put a block put a block put a block what was it it was dripstone oh my God we nailed it okay guys come on down right guys we need to use this Megazord and just defeat this Ender Dragon I’m done with this guys

Come on time is money I found it I found it time is money true yeah take this yeah nailed it let’s go spawn a Megazord wait we’ll do one just here what do you mean spawn a Megazord oh I’m him okay R is destruction beam G is Ravine sword okay

If we all right click this we can be him let’s defeat this Ender Dragon it’s all or nothing here okay I’ve right clicked it now someone else right click it I’ll it oh my god oh right clicking it get oh my God I’m done I’m dead I I we’re don’t

Worry guys don’t worry guys I gotb just just kill the dragon wait wait wait wait wait wait you know the crazy thing there’s no Bedrock structure in the middle and there’s no dragon we won yes okay boys I’m going to we’re going to right click this and it just says I

Win okay we all here we ready y y 3 2 1 uhoh okay oh my God oh my God it’s just I think it’s broken the game uh um I’m back guys what did I miss

Minecraft, But There’s Custom Vehicles… (Challenge)

Twitter – @wispexe
Instagram – @wispexe

Friends: @Boosfer @Baablu @Bubbo

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