More Cyberpunk! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.7

Hello there everybody and welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 now last episode I went all out with that crazy new segment for the intro whereas this time I’m not going to do anything weird at all instead I’m just going to interview the part of me that is apparently obsessed with EO hello there

Joel thank you for coming Joel now why are you obsessed with EO I’m not well that clears that up anything else to add yeah he’s obsessed with me that’s true any final remarks yeah um I’d like to ask want to subscribe sounds good go ahead please subscribe excellent anyway

Thanks for joining us tune in next time where I interview the part of myself who likes to scratch dogs bellies and call them good dogs now every time we have a hermitcraft meeting I hop on the server and I try and do something productive and oh boy have I been productive this

Time hey just me and you here what is this Joel what are these chests why is the farm looking different I got a lot of comments telling me how to fix my glow srid farm and I thought the best way to fix it is to get rid of it

Entirely and replace it with a different one so I have adjusted design here from logical geek boy who I’ll put in the description and it’s basically the same except it’s bigger and now adjusted for 1.20 as it works underground and here is how it works no axotal are needed and I

Was running this for a bit last night and look at all that already this Farm works so well but only when there’s nobody around loading in caves with water but if we head up here to where we can AFK look at it look at them all

Dying oh my gosh it’s so much better than the Old Farm and the best part no drowned and another bonus I’m loading in the chunk of my glow Berry Farm amazing but that now means you guys are useless we don’t need you we can be by ourself

No no we can’t Joel likes the axotal they gave Joel his first glow signs but we have a new Farm now a new Farm where we don’t need them but the exal are Joel’s friends we can’t kill them no no we shouldn’t kill them but we must we

Must move on from the axotal No No Joel can’t Joel can’t he needs the axotal he needs their friendship why would Joel need friends when he has me Joel doesn’t need friends no bad FS go away bad FS bad FS go away yeah you know what that

Person who made that Reddit post might have a point but today we are going to get working on covering up this ugly mess right here while also extending this staircase and going towards the bottom maybe not all the way we’ll see how we feel it’s probably going to be a

Lot of Terra farming if I I go all the way to the bottom and then where would I grow my trees my ugly trees but this Farm should provide us plenty of glow ink sacks to sell which I’m really really happy about and speaking of selling and buying stuff I’m going to

Head to spawn as I believe Cleo is selling mending books and I I’ve been fixing these tools for way long I need mending so Cleo’s selling drinks for free diamonds and you buy a drink and you get a free book with the drink interesting and is she selling mending

She is so let’s buy five drinks we’ll get a hot chocolate and some tea and take five free mending books also side note this is what Cleo’s done with her High tier books how am I going to sell mid tier books she’s got a bling Cat Cafe and everyone actually wants the

Books nobody’s going to want to buy my mid tier book Works anyway I fixed up these pickaxes quite a few times so hopefully this isn’t too Exp oh boy does it feel good to have fully mended tools yes I don’t want to talk about how many diamonds I’ve used to fix these but anyway this building what should we start with should we start with the pathway down I think we shall as we actually have a decent

Amount of turff at the moment as well as deep slate because I did it guys I finished my strip mine look at it it goes all the way down then it comes around and we have a strip mine and look no that’s not right look 57 diamonds we

Got a decent amount of diamonds from it so far that was in about 30 40 minutes so 57 diamonds I’m happy with that and now we’ve got mending tools we can go back and get more anytime I’ve also made myself a little Ender Chest for the first time so everything’s looking up

But you know what’s not looking up me right now because I’m looking down at the staircase that’s about to be built and I’m also looking down on you because you are stupid anyway let’s build this staircase every single person who came to this time that’s hoping I’d build a

Staircase in it well you guys are in for a treat because look what I did I built a staircase I also did some terraforming but no one really cares about that oh yeah look at this it’s made the area look quite a bit neater now that that

Hole has gone and we’ve got this staircase coming down oh lovely you can see here we’ve got another little platform this one’s a bit shorter but there’s definitely some opportunities for maybe going off the side here as well I’ve also just done some temporary Terra farming for now this will not be

Permanent the staircase is going to continue on but I don’t want to just leave it looking all floaty it’s the same with this side at the moment this is just grass I feel like we need to get some buildings here as the grass just doesn’t look good and you may have seen

This in the time lapse and wondered what it is well this is where my post box is going to go I thought this be a good nice place to have it but obviously they’re quite complicated and timec consuming to set up so not sure when

We’re going to get it but I put my request in and when it appears one day I’m going to be so excited but it’s time to get working on the building going here now I’ve come up with a bit of a weirder design for this which I think is

Going to look cool but also might look a bit funky we’re going to hand it over to Future Joel who’s going to tell us a story while we gather those materials what’s the story about about today Joel well Joel I’m going to tell you about my

Day so far I woke up I brushed my teeth I had a cup of tea about 11:00 something like that I then uh made myself some lunch and then I came and edited this video actually I was editing the video in the morning as well so skipped over a

Bit there and that’s basically it it’s really quite boring okay guys we are ready to get building this thing look how excited I am I’m excited and we’ve actually got to start out by clearing away some space up here so back in a second once this is all cleared out oh

This is taking so much longer than I thought it was like we’re already about 50 minutes in and I’m still clearing stuff anyway it’s done as you can maybe see I’m not sure if you can see but if you can then it’s done now to actually

Do some building so for this build we’re going to do it bit by bit and we’re going to actually start out with just this entire wall here which is a bit of a challenge as it’s quite a big wall all you’ll see we’re actually going to start

By removing some stairs and putting in some tough instead as I want to do a little funky bit here which you’ll see later but let’s build the rest of the wall shall we starting with the bottom section which as you can see we’ve used some jungle wood and a mix of dark oak

Wood as well for no detailing yet cuz we’re going to build the second wall and that is part two here which is a little stone wall with a bit of texturing on it what about part three and look at that another little wall this one’s got a bit

Of blue on it and also a balcony can I get on the balcony right now let’s see can I jump down to the balcony uh let me open that door and then I’ve got to try and fall no I’ve fallen all the way I got on the balcony guys I got on the

Balcony look at it look how nice of a balcony is you’re going to be able to look out and see stuff uh in the future let’s move on to the next section and Bam look at it look how it is it it is it’s it’s good we’ve added a bit of

Orange in as you can see we got some orange Windows as well as some cyan as well and then we’ve got some iron trap doors and some stone at the top it’s it’s it’s kind of a funky texture isn’t it I told you it was different it’s fun

Though I’m liking it and we’re actually going to finish off this wall Now by adding in all the details on this side guys I’m a big big idiot look at this big big big idiot although I look quite little down there I’ve decorated this entire wall look at it look how

Decorated It is Well it’s not actually finished and I forgot to click record on the replay mod like a fool but here’s some stuff we’ve done we’ had a cute little section down here and we’ve also added some sort of you know cyberpunky industrial stuff there and then finally

We’ve added the sign up here which we were just about to finish I guess you get to see the final coolest bit which is the glowberries on here however we’re adding some invisible item frames if we zoom out you can see the full thing and I am loving this it’s very different to

The other sorts of builds we’ve had so far which have been one blocky color this one has a bit of stone mixed in is a bit more cyber Punky because it is of course my glow Berry office but obviously as you can see we we’ve just

Done this one wall we’ve got to do the rest now and the one that I’m sort of jump juming next to here is quite awkward to Time Lapse as it’s really close with all the other stuff so how about we cut and Bam look at it it’s now

A wall this is going to be the entrance or one of the entrances to how we can access our lovely glow Berry bone meal machine here I’m going for like an office Vibe like I said so we got these sort of big glass doors here and we’ll

Have an interior at some point but as you can see here the roofs are actually Stu try to merge into each other that’s how close proximity all these builds are to each other and how do these guys keep appearing go away not very cool but we’re actually

Going to complete the rest of the exterior in a cheeky time lapse when’s it going to start though it could start any second it might start now it might start now I annoy myself sometimes when editing these videos I listen back and I’m like gosh how annoying is that guy

But look the Timeless you can kind of see the glowberries glowing in the background which is fun anyway we’ve added a little cyan bit here which I think is quite cool and then this bit here as well to protect the glow Berry Farm and it’s weird because these colors

Here in my eyes shouldn’t really work we go into free cam for a second you can see it’s like Acacia cyan and Mangrove and then also warped wood thrown in what this is weird it’s kind of like my old Melia days in Empires season 1 but when you put it all

Together and have this sort of wacky crazy building I think it’s really quite cool I I can’t explain it I’m just loving it I’m loving the weirdness of it all and I’ve also had to adjust the back of this building here this was all just dirt before but we’ve added another

Window into our train station which yes I’ve not done any interior yet but I I will at some point and you probably also noticed in the time lapse the rail oh my gosh how did it get down there well at the moment it hasn’t as you can see but

We’ll be connecting those up in a second second I’ve also just had the idea ooh this could be cool if I just had you know like a window so you could see the glow Berry Farm that’s cool yeah I’m going to add that but before we get

Decorating the interior I went to visit Jen because she’s collecting glow squid heads for some reason and I had quite a few from lighting up some caves the other day however when I get there of course eo’s there and of course he’s talking about me Joel you know he was

Trying to light up his his Glo ink you know system he just put down pickles for that always talking about me e always talking just obessed I can’t I can’t help it Pi you had to come running oh my goodness you’re the best you’re so

Magical thank you look at how I used it Joel Come See Come See are those mini pickle blocks there squids squids squid heads oh go in the go in the fish market okay oh yeah oh you know what I I I I’m sick of that noise for the glow grids my

Base so probably it’s nice but at the same time never visiting again yeah did they do that little that little belt charm too yeah isn’t it lovely that’s like you just entered a shop and you know the door when you open now you can have them on every door

I’m already annoyed with it I got to say yeah I’m not but I have it pretty low I think it’s great Jeb I think it’s cool it is good though yeah your camel just made some kind of bodily function over there I’m not sure what’s going on you

Might what about a camel head noise for the do a camel noise should we kill the camel I wonder what no you leave South alone South is bre South you know what I realized Joel what SE you must really like camels cuz they got the long necks oh for goodness

Sake you’re so obsessed with neck kisses it’s actually a bit disgusting like begging for them come here different series Joel different series different time a different time oh dear i’ chip it when am I getting my mailbox guys oh do you have your spot picked up I’ve got a

Spot yeah I messaged Pearl apparently I was the only one oh I messaged no no no no Gem’s on the list already yeah okay J you probably messaged it before me then no I probably didn’t but I did pick out my lighthouse spot yeah is coming up going to be like

Next I think we got sure if it would fit but I I think it will fit you built this whole Lighthouse and you’re not doing an interior chair like God do you see what the snail did to it how am I going to do an interior yeah that’s true that’s true

I can go up above the mailbox and think I do like one layer I think yeah you do at a roof about here and then I just forget about the rest how would you do the interior on this thing even if it’s only like five blocks wide and spiral

Staircase seen bebs recently yeah bebs beb is the expert he’s pretty good at that kind of stuff he makes things work in small packages you know that’s right Joel I won’t make any short jokes for you cuz you’re actually short oh J the show is actually is she yeah not fair there’s a

There’s a gender gap actually it’s not the same wait Tanga if I was to guess your height I would say 5 n yeah oh yeah n heard I’m totally yeah some some people say I’m 510 Joel you’ve met me a picture next to him come on well this this is a

Mystery this is a mystery that okay five take it take it’s 51 right it’s not 51 all right yeah it’s 51 it’s 5 I’m drawing the line oh dear wait how short is Gem then Gem’s like 42 or something like that right I every time you say my name e i

Appear it’s like magic and out of nowhere I know and it was actually just a weird coincidence but yeah it’s almost like you pretty much mention my name in every sentence so it’s kind of like any time I come towards you it’s going to be that’s true that’s true true cuz you’re

Obsessed with me and and yet you arrive every time as well oh my God what the heck wait where where did that come from is that from is that from your mic no that’s uh got you know the story behind this I know the video yeah it’s

It’s impulse in his hot wings but we he’s got it on their microphone that would be Jem yeah Jam you got oh wa my go I need this immediately on a horn I need one of those just HT it at his base it does have a huge range oh my

God it’s so loud so you guys are obviously aware that I’m uh streaming right now tell me what I’m doing so T hey look it what’s up beans what’s up skis this is like the this is like the third minute we’ve been on the server together what

You you roasted Joel oh my God I mean I’m Qui L it’s just your time zones isn’t it oh totally it’s just opposites all right one new guy on at a time they have to take shifts yeah usually when we invite newbies like they always hang out

To with each other they become best friends and uh you got to work on that you too apparently not this time sorry no it’s awkward we’re not we’re not do so the thing and Joel and I had a talk we’re aware that his level are cool and

My level are cool we put that together something’s going to Supernova it’s going to make everybody feel insecure yeah so we decided to take a step back okay it was it was it was the high road hey can you tell me is that give me the

Horn give it to me you want me to give it to you don’t do it you won’t get that this is my favorite horn oh my [Laughter] God actually if we pass it around we can get we can bypass the delay on it or we

Can just oh my God is it per person okay wait but by the time you pick it up it’s oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait wait stop I got got oh my God okay hold on let’s oh my God yeah let’s keep going

Let’s keep going we got to get this just oh my God pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up oh my God quick quick quick quick pass the hard passing go passing go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my okay okay oh my God

Now wait a minute when does impulse come on oh my god when is he oh my God he’s not on he’s not on are you in my chat dible do I want I really I I want us to do that impulses he’s beat red right now

And is he do let me tell you something impulse hates that that sound is taken from him which means which means I love it oh my God if he didn’t want it he shouldn’t have posted on the internet it it’s going to stayed it pretty good I

Thought right I’m going to head off that was fun all right oh my gosh I need to get myself one of those horns go that EO constantly flirting with me so obsessed anyway before we get working on the interior of our new building here I want

To get a blue Axel lottle at some point I’ve never had one before and hermitcraft Seasons last quite long so we’ve got a lot of time I just want to see if they’re real I’ll tell you what is real my glow squid gains look at this

Wo but yeah I’m going to try and breed up my axotal as often as I can in the hopes of getting the blue Axel lottle and to save on the enti count I’m not going to kill them off I’m I’m going to collect them in buckets all the failed

Blue axotal and this is probably the last time you’re going to hear of this until I get the blue Axel lottle I’ll be recording it but I’m not going to show it until I get the blue Exel Lal also I’m loving the fact I don’t have to kill

Cows anymore mining diamonds is so much more fun anyway we’re going to decorate the inside of here and I want to do something I saw gem do which is if I place all these Moss blocks here and then when I break it again wo some interior how did that happen magic Wow

We’ve done a bit of basic decorating down here nothing too crazy I went for a very sort of like Mossy theme if that makes sense because of the glowberries we’ve got some actual glowberries hanging in here as well next to our bow Mill machine didn’t know what to put

Here at the moment I might might save this for like some storage for bone meal in the future but we have made way for a little place upstairs which we’re going to do right now also I love this little viewing spot here you get to see the

Glow squid you get to see the rail we should have like an animal just going on a loop on this rail or something like that anyway I want to make like a sort of desk here but first let’s fix this ugly ceiling starting by doing a birch

Trim around the room and then adding some cherry in the middle and let’s do some more glowberries hanging down from here rather than you know like a a regular chandelier as this is Joel’s glow Berry Corp of course and then let’s build a big desk cuz I’m a big guy in

Height that’s pretty cool we’ll have our our chair there lovely and in fact let’s make this a corner desk yes and of course I need a flower on my desk plus some cherry bushes because I don’t know oxygen let’s display our permit behind us like so and we’ll put a diamond block

And some glowberries however let’s make them invisible there we go we’ve also added a HSE head because we want to intimidate people and you know what this is a pretty good desk all we have to do now is actually sell some glowberries as those are not from the profits I mind

Those myself but as much as we work hard we need to relax as well and I’ve left a little spot here as you can see to build a cherry tree which if we look at the ground and spin around and unspin and oh there it is a nice cherry tree using the

D Black Oak planks again we can sit on our bench here and just enjoy it lovely guys I’m scared to use Google Translate anymore can someone tell me what would be best to put on this sign to say glow Berry Industries in Japanese of course whichever alphabet Etc would be most

Appropriate but I want to quickly connect up these rail systems and also decorate it I really want to make that window now oh that’s going to be so cool coming through the rail seeing the glowberries growing yes let’s clear out the rest of this and decorate it a bit

And after a while we’re done I’m really happy with how this turned out let’s hop in the mine cart and click the button and this is quite loud but off down the tunnel we go and then we’ve got the glow bberry Farm there as well and we are out

Down here oh it’s good I definitely think maybe I should have some sort of animal on this or something going around but as you can see we went and bought some frog lights from EO shop at spawn and decorated the Farm a little bit with some deep slate around it and it’s

Turned out really cool I think as for the tunnel we’ve used some end rods and copper rocks to decorate as well as this stained yellow glass this whole rail system is really coming together I love it this whole building in fact has turned out so well now we got the rails

As well unfortunately though guys that is all we have got time for today how about some shaders to wrap things up eh oh another shaders Joel you wouldn’t I would look at it there it is and oh how about another one and no I’ve ran

Out that’s all of them but thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode of hermitcraft make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you’re new and I shall see you another time goodbye

Today we add to our base, rebuild our squid farm & more! Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Farm I based mine off:

Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. For the sign on your door, if you want it in katakana, do グローベリーインダストゥリアル but you can also do 光の実 会社 which is 'a fruit of light' + business/ work is the best i can think of 🙂

  2. you say you're not obsessed with etho, but then you go and plan what is basically the spitty station all over again lol you're not the only one of us who watches etho… we remember

  3. Yeah, you annoy me too but me watching your videos is a testament to how good you are building here on HC. You are like that cranky uncle who teaches you a skill. He smells, fails at dad jokes, insults people to compensate for his shortcomings, is probably into naughty anime but is S-tier in one thing.

  4. Scar is working on getting a permit to sell Mobs. You could probably supply all those excess Axolotls to him to sell. Not sure what you’d get in return, diamonds, some train station interiors, tbd.

  5. minecraft items actually all have official translations! i recommend the Japanese minecraft wiki for those! but here are translations you can use for that sign !!

    グロウベリー (glowberry)
    株式会社 (corporation)

  6. I came here because all the other hermits were gushing over your build. I'm so glad I tuned in; you definitely bring a fun, unique weirdness to hermitcraft.

  7. I think the jazzy colours work because there's a grey/brown base colour to most of the buildings that separates out the funky colours, it looks really good

  8. I think the terrain between the stairs would look awesome with a grassy flat spot about half way up and a custom “macro-bonsai” tree made out of different colored stained glass/panes with frog lights dotted in. Give it that “Neo-Tokyo” look. I think it’d fit right in.

  9. I’m really loving your base so far! the roofs kind of merging together gives it a really cool urban vibe where the walkways are kind of narrow spaces and it’s very lived-in

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