We’re trapped on one raft with a crazy fan girl now we need to build a working boat house to make it back home before dark but what happens when the crazy fan girl finally confesses her love a chip I think our Ro is breaking but Milo weren’t you just steering it yeah but

It’s stopping uh-oh how are we going to get back home now I do hang on chip what step behind you wait a minute Milo it could be a shock these are shock infested waters that doesn’t look like a shark it looks like a girl wait it’s crazy fan girl oh

No OMG look who it is it’s only my favorite person in the entire world and is lame little brother Milo OMG chip don’t you look so good on this Ro well that’s just word why are you here crazy Fang girl in the middle of the ocean oh

You know I hate it when when you call me that my name is Cindy chip or you can call me Mrs chip I think I just throw up in my mouth chip Milo we have no time to waste with that we have to get building as soon as possible we only have until

Nightfall to build a working boat house that can get us back to shore because once the sun goes down this little raft will be surrounded by sharks my gosh now I’m totally freaking out don’t worry guys I have a plan first we need to get a bunch more Spruce planks and start

Building out the base of this ship really really big we’ve got to make it huge if it’s going to fit all three of us looking for you chip I’m really good at building ship yeah I don’t think that’s true but crazy Fang girl what are you like at building ships well I don’t

Think I’m that great at building ships but I reckon you can build mine for me hey chip that’s what boyfriends do hey I’m not your boyfriend I am a pretty good boat builder though she’s not wrong about that Milo this is really weiring me out right now hey Milo I’m just

Getting complimented there’s nothing weird about that as long as she doesn’t get any creepy we’ll be fine and the only thing we have to worry about is the shocks coming at Sunset yeah but chip she was being mean to me before and it’s making me sad it’s okay Milo don’t worry

You can get through it I’m here to support you I will not let anyone be mean to you especially not a crazy fanu what are we talking about hey uh nothing don’t worry you just keep building and I’ll help make sure this ship totally

Goes at the end of this build we have to make sure it can go really really quick otherwise we could be in some serious danger with those shars yeah hey chip I’ve actually been thinking and um I don’t think we need three bedrooms I think we just need two wao what are you

Planning on sharing a bunk bed with Milo or something no I was planning on sharing a room with you what ew no that’s so weird I want my own room so I can make everything in it orange and cool looking and it’s going to be decorated exactly the way I like it I

Can’t wait for it yeah I don’t know if you know how things work around here crazy fan girl but we always have our own room wait you mean to say even the blue little weird birds get their own bedroom what did you just hear that I

Mean you are kind of a little weird blue bird but hey you need to be a little bit nicer to Milo he is my brother after all and we only need to survive on this raft against the shars together yeah we’re brother yeah I’ll be nice to you even

Though you smell like poo poo and wee wee Milo oh what the she kind of is getting this right Milo you do smell a little bit like wee wee well great now everyone’s ganging up on me I’m just going to go down the back of the ship and do something awesome that sounds

Great Milo make sure you stay down there for a long time hey don’t be mean to Milo crazy Fang girl you need to be nice and respectful to him he’s just my brother yeah he is just your brother he’s kind of weird though isn’t he a

Little bit but that’s what I really like like about him he’s so funny and silly all the time you know what I really like about you chip I really like how strong and musly and beautiful you look in that outfit you just look like a carrot stick

I could eat you right now what I’m not a carrot stick hey I don’t look anything like a carrot even though they are nice and orange and I think that’s awesome I don’t want to be a carrot Milo this crazy fan girl is getting kind of weird

Can you not leave me alone with her please yeah I’ll definitely stay right next to you because is giving me really bad vibes wait guys what are we talking about why are we Whispering is there someone weird near us that we need to be aware of no we’re just talking about the

Epic building yeah just one but it’s okay I don’t want to talk about that right now we just need to work on the boat right Milo okay anything you say chip I’ll do whatever you need me to literally anything I will do anything for you uh okay sure why don’t you make

This part of the ship go a little bit further upwards and I I can get started on building the bedrooms oh make sure you only build two don’t forget I building three bedrooms okay and I think we need to build them right on this corner of the ship I’ll outline a little

Area to put each one in I think mine can be here Milo’s can be right here and then crazy fan girls can be on the other side of Milo I want to be as far away as possible yeah but I want to make her room smaller cuz she’s SC what Milo we

Can’t be mean to her just because she’s crazy we can make sure that she is is far away though and I think that’s the safest thing to do oh whatever she’s pretty crazy so you never know what she’s capable of she could totally crash this boat and send us into the shocks

I’m barely hope that doesn’t happen guys this is a really boring job can’t I do something fun like follow you around for the rest of the day and then we fall in love and get married and have the most beautiful family ever and live happily ever after without that weird blue bird

Wait crazy Fang girl I’m going to stop you right right there I am way too busy building this boat to save us from the Sharks I don’t have time to get into a relationship yeah crazy F you yeah we’ll wait until we get back to the mainland

And then we’ll get married and then we’ll have our family and then we’ll grow together happily ever after Milo this girl is getting even crazier the things she’s saying are getting more and more insane I don’t know if I’m going to be able to work on the boat like this we

Need to find a way to keep going so we can survive the shocks don’t worry chip I I have an idea I’m going to play a nasty prank on her don’t be too nasty Milo we need to be respectful if you play a nasty prank and be crazy you’re

Going to be just as bad as her it’s all right just watch this her crazy fan girl hey Milo you look awfully ugly right now they a donkey ha crazy F goes with the donkey ha oh so cute you know what I used to have a pet donkey it looks a

Little bit like you actually Milo pretty ugly long face and I don’t really like it wait a minute Milo that prank did not work at all she loves the donkey that’s just how crazy she is this is really really bad I think the Situation’s even worse than we thought it was yeah and

Hey crazy Fango I don’t know what you’ve done on this side but the boat is getting really wonky now we need to make sure it is the same on both sides that’s the only way we’re going to get this boat to move it’s important that it does

Go correctly otherwise we won’t be able to leave and we’ll be stuck here together alone on this boat forever yeah true imagine how bad it would be if you and me we were stuck here together forever it’d be like damn we’d have to get married or something uh Milo we have

To get building this boat quickly I do not want to be stuck here forever I have a life to live yeah a life to live with me a long long beautiful life don’t you stress about that chit okay the only thing that’s going to be long and

Beautiful with us together on it is this boat and I think we really need to keep building up the back just like this I’m going to get started on the front away from everybody else actually you’re so right chip this ship is long and beautiful and I think we should get

Married on it no I only want to get married in front of a bunch of really pretty parks with a bunch of cool orange flowers everywhere oh cool I’ll remember that when we’re back on the mainland no I’m not getting married to you crazy fan girl then that would make me crazy as

Well you are crazy we’re all crazy I’m not crazy but what definitely is crazy is how quickly these sharks are coming we don’t have much time so we need to go quicker than we ever have before don’t worry Milo I’ll handle this part if you guys keep building up the walls of the

Bedrooms I’ll be able to make sure the back of the ship is so sturdy no shock will ever be able to get to it and it will never break down again I don’t want to do jobs with crazy fan girl hey everybody needs to work together Milo if

We don’t work together this ship will not work and we won’t be able to leave yeah all right I’ll behave myself then wo I really like what we’re doing with all this wood but I think we definitely need a new kind that’s why I’m going to stop placing Oak planks right at the

Front of this ship this way we will have a bunch of different materials that we’ve built this thing out of making it way more sturdy cool and secure as we make the oak wood floor we need to make sure we do not break the control panel

This is where the entire boat is steered from if we mess up this control panel area we could never be able to steer this boat again and we would be stuck out to sea forever luckily there are some things that I can do to make this

Boat as safe as possible to protect the control panel like building a giant fence all the way out here this way no one will ever fall off no matter how clumsy they are like Milo or crazy they are like the crazy fan girl I say we

Need to build walls on this side as well we need to make sure that this boat is not lopsided if it is then it will tilt in One Direction Direction and it will be very hard to steer we might accidentally hit an iceberg or a caral

Reef bank and crash and never be able to leave this place that would be terrible hey guys is this bedroom finished I really want to start working on my one yeah I’ve been decorating my room to make it look really nice good idea Milo and I’m going to start decorating my

Room crazy fan girl you can do your own but just remember your bedroom is on this side of the wall my bedroom is on this side okay I’ll remember that chip don’t you stress I know we need our separate time sometimes yeah that’s a really good point I could not agree more

And now I’m going to start building the roof of my bedroom I’m also going to use spruce wood planks and of course we need to grab orange carpet and an amazing orange bed wow there are so many colors I think I need to grab Oak orange beds and definitely a nice orange froggy

Chair we can’t forget the orange warped lamp as well it’s going to be so cool to have in my bedroom and I definitely need need a curtain yeah crazy fand keeps placing stuff in my room I’m making it look better Milo what hey what is she doing that for you should not be

Pleasing these things in Milo’s room I’m making Milo’s room Brown because Milo smells like poo I thought we talked about this earlier guys hey that’s actually kind of mean it’s a little bit crazy to cover someone’s room in brown wool just cuz you think they smell this

Is really mean get out my love crazy fan girl all right I’ll decorate Mine by okay just make sure you stay on the other side of this fence Milo this girl is so crazy I don’t even know why she’s doing this to you it’s so mean and I’m

Worried that she’ll get even crazier I know right that’s barely making me freak out I feel like she’s going to do something insane soon it just means that we need to make sure we build this boat as quick as we can not only to survive the the sharks that will come at Sunset

But so that we don’t witness her as she enters full crazy Island stranded mode I just want to get back to the mainland so we can run away yeah me too Milo all right I’m going to quickly finish building my room I’ve made a nice window

So that we can look out it’ll also make sure I have a really good point of view over the Sharks to make sure they are not about to sneak up on here let’s have one bed on this side wo that looks so cool I also need to add a little table

And we can add the lamp on top of it I’ll turn it on right now just so we have a nice amount of light in this room I can also add the froggy chat in front of the window and the lamp desk this way I can have a nice peaceful Ocean View

And it’ll also help me see any islands that we might be able to spot I will put a carpet in the middle of this room and here we definitely need to grab a chiseled bookshelf this way we can grab all the enchanted books we need but I

Only have one that I want right now this enchanted book is the luck of the sea enchantment and maybe if we have enough luck from this ocean we’ll be able to get back to land way quicker I’m not going to fill up this bookshelf all the

Way but I’ll get it pretty close I also will now need to grab a flower pot and an orange tulip this way I add as much orange color into this room as possible and everyone can know that this room is orange and for me only no one else

Especially no one crazy a CH what is it Milo what is this why is there a fence here shh Milo don’t be too loud about it this is a safety fence it’s meant to protect us from uhoh where’s the crazy fan girl oh no she’s right there oh no

Hi hey everyone look at how nice my room looks I even put candles there so it’s extra romantic for us chip okay I guess we have to check it out candles could be pretty dangerous if they’re not checked out because the ship is made out of wood

After all okay I’m going to remove the safety fence and we can go over and investigate isn’t it beautiful I guess this is pretty nicely decorated at actually why are the candles on the floor and around the room well it’s really special if we put them all around

Us oh no that’s not allowed if you put candles on the wood it’ll totally burn down this boat and we’ll be stuck here forever oh I don’t mind if we’re stuck here together chip but Milo I reckon we shouldn’t put candles in your room cuz I don’t want you here anymore what the

Chip are you hearing Dad yeah I am and I don’t like it crazy fan girl I know you’re crazy about me but Milo’s my brother so wouldn’t you be crazy about him as well nuh-uh I don’t want anyone getting in the way of what we have chip

It’s really special isn’t it just you and I uh yeah I guess it is special but what’s even more special is the amazing Crows Nest that I’m going to build right now far away from everyone using these awesome Spruce logs ooh what’s a Crows Nest chip it’s a part of a boat that

Pirates use to Look Out on the Ocean this will help us spot land as far away as we can it’ll also mean that we have the best chance chance of seeing a way out of here as possible ooh it sounds like we could have really really romantic picnics up there uh yeah I

Guess we could but oh no I’ve made it too small that’s really sad I guess there’s only room up here for one person at a time that’s all right we can make a cute spot at the front of the boat instead yeah maybe I really think that

Should also be only one person the front of the boat is such a thin area that we couldn’t possibly all fit hey chip the crazy fangos in my room I can’t giv me a weird look wait really Milo I need to place letters are you sure she’s doing

Something crazy you only give weird looks to people that look weird and Milo looks weird oh chip I’m really about to rage I’m super angry yeah I don’t like the look on your face right now Milo you are getting angry I guess crazy Fang girl was kind of right you do look a

Little weird sometimes but that’s no reason to be mean to him hey you’re both being stupid I’m going in my room don’t talk to me no Milo don’t leave me alone although I guess I’m not alone when the crazy fan girl’s out here too now that

It’s just us two we can really talk about our feelings and how much we love each other right tell me first how much do you love me chip well about as much as I love fresh air which I’m going to go get right now up the top of this

Crow’s Nest that’s why I’m placing ladders all the way up it so it’s real easy to get to wow this makes it so much easier for us to spend time together I’m going to add a log to make it really easy to protect yourself once you’re up

On this Crow’s Nest it might even be good to add a spruce trapo this way we can open and shut the entrance to this Crows Nest as much as we need wow it is so peaceful out here I hope Milo’s safe down there with crazy fan girl I’m just

In my room thinking about mean things mean things Milo I think we should give you something else to think about like an awesome kitchen where we can cook food this will help us survive this crazy Boat Trip I just think we need to get some things to build for this

Kitchen we need to put cabinets down so we have a bunch of places to store everything we cook and all our ingredients too he yeah check it out this is going to be a really good kitchen yeah I’m going to break this piece of wood so we have a little bit

More space we also need to grab a big fridge this way we’ll have a bunch of storage for our cold items which I’m sure we will have so much of yum I’m going to put so many bad seeds in the cupboard you know what I’m going to put

A lot of in the fridge a lot of birds M I love birds they taste so good right Birds the only Birds I’ve ever eaten is fried chicken and that was pretty good but what kind of birds are you getting out here oh yeah I’m talking about Fried

Chicken too Fried Chicken Milo I am not a chicken oh no crazy fan girl please don’t fry Milo he’s too important you can’t fry my little brother yeah get away away from me you’re such a food person a don’t worry Miler I wouldn’t want to eat you you taste so yucky

Anyway Chip I’m really angry hey you need to be less mean to Milo crazy fan girl I really don’t like seeing him like this okay I think we just need to build this kitchen as quick as we possibly can let me grab some Oak planks and some Oak stairs just to build

The floor quick as possible all right the sooner we can make this the sooner we can leave and Milo why did you spawn a donkey yeah well it was meant to be a prank wasn’t it but now we just have a stupid donkey on here with a stupid fan

Girl and a stupid little bird named Milo hey crazy fan girl could you check out the top of the Crow’s Nest I left a super nice surprise for you up there oh special romantic prize I bet chip oh it’s a wedding ring isn’t it I’ll see

What a bit oh my gosh enjoy okay Milo now that I have her distracted we need to quickly build this kitchen so we can build something that will protect us against the crazy fan girl we need to go as quick as possible though we do not have long before she realizes that

There’s actually nothing up there first we need a big kitchen counter and I think using the stripped Acacia one is perfect it’s nice and orange and it fits with my corner of the ship I need a nice orange place that I can go here to when

Crazy fan girl gets a little too crazy yeah and I’m going to deal with the decorations oh that’s a great idea Milo while you do that I’m going to grab some and barrels these barrels will give us extra storage we are at Sea after all so

Barrels fit perfectly a chip I also have a really good idea what is it mil I have a spider doll and I’m going to put it around so maybe the crazy F girl will get scared by it and then she won’t come in the kitchen that’s a good idea Milo

Make sure you put it somewhere far away if she gets too close to it she will see that it’s fake and she won’t be scared anymore all right I’m just going to put it right there okay that is perfect wow I say say we can also put cobwebs around

Just to make it look real yeah I’m really loving this chip it’s so awesome this is amazing Milo now I need to actually build up the roof here we can put the cobweb one block down just like that that way we have enough space to

Build a big Oak plank roof up the back where we can make sure we do not get rained on and the sun doesn’t shine on us all day that would be terrible and it would really make surviving this rough on the ocean way hotter a chip I don’t

Know if the crazy Fango has got into you or any but you totally forgot to put an oven oh that’s a great idea Milo I completely forgot although we definitely need to make sure that this oven is a little safer let me grab some quartz blocks and put them Just underneath the oven

Otherwise the oven is a burning block right on top of wood that is a disaster waiting to happen yeah that is so super true we need to be very safe on this pirate ship we definitely do but we also can’t just starve out here I’m going to

Grab an item frame as well as a bunch of melons melons last for a really long time in storage so if I put a bunch of melons over here this way we will never run out of things to eat I can also put them over here in another pile we’re

Going to be cooking with lots of watermelons in this kitchen Milo well lucky I love watermelon seeds this sounds great now that this kitchen is done Milo I think we need a serious way to deal with this crazy fan girl I agree we need to think of something really

Smart and we need to think of something really quick the Sun is going down it’s no longer in the middle of the sky and wait a minute what’s that up there oh no what is she building oh my goodness me chip that was the most beautiful

Surprise ever the fact that there was no surprise because I’m the most special thing that you’ve got oh you’re so cute I love that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend what boyfriend and girlfriend I have never said that before yeah chip has other things to worry about right now yeah crazy lady exactly things like

Whatever you’ve built up on top of that Crow’s Nest oh you should go have a look it’s my heart and it’s my heart for you it’s as big as I could think to build it and I even put a red stone liit up in the center of it to show the Eternal

Burning Flame that I have for you chip what what this is insane why have you made something like this insanely beautiful like our love oh no this is kind of just insane although I guess it is made out of wool and it is redstone powered Milo I’m about to say

Something crazy right now I think we need to keep this sail it could act as a real wind harnesser to help us go even quicker on this boat no way chip we cannot keep this here it’s really ugly and I think it’ll just encourage her

More waa hey crazy fan girl I did not see you right there behind me I look so cute right now under my love heart made for you thanks it’s really great and I’m keeping it just because it looks so nice definitely not because it’s a great way

To harness the wind power and get out of here as quick as we can a monument to our love yeah sure anyway I’m going to go build a monument to television and make a TV room yeah let’s do a TV room oh I love TV first we need an orange

Sofa a blue sofa and I guess a pink sofa we can place a blue sofa right here an orange sofa right there and the pink sofa can be somewhere maybe over here yeah that’s a good spot right I’m sure crazy fan girl will love that yeah this is a great spot

Because it’s got a really good view of the TV exactly the TV that I think we should put on this counter let me grab a TV I think this old one looks so cool and big it’ll definitely be nice to have and we can even turn it on yeah I love

This I don’t think I can see the TV from my seat oh what that’s so weird I really think it’s get the best seat in the house yeah and I checked it and you could definitely see what about I put mine right here in the middle isn’t that

Nice right next to you chippy boy help Milo I’ve kept telling her no I need your help on this one all right I got this chip hey crazy fan girl hey ugly what the oh forget it hey I have something to show you over here oh yeah

What have you got to show me well one thing about chip is he really loves seaweed and I feel like he wants a seaweed snack so maybe you should go get him some you know what’s an even better idea if you do it for me and maybe you

Stay underwater and stay there for a really long time then I have to not worry about you oh I don’t know about that crazy fan girl Milo can’t swim very well so if you get the seaweed I’ll be really really happy all right if you say

So Chip anything for you don’t forget I love you yep thanks okay Milo quick we don’t have much time we need to build an engine room with where we can pilot the ship and then we need to build a defense against the crazy Fang girl and we have

To do it all before the Sun keeps setting and the Sharks come to get us I don’t know what’s more dangerous at this point the Fang girl or the Sharks I don’t know either Milo but we have to prepare against both of them and we have

To do it quick I think we need to build the entrance to the piloting area right up here it’s got to be on top the old steering area will not work because it’s way down here you can’t even see anything and that is very dangerous when

You’re steering a boat what if we can’t see anything and then we totally crash into an iceberg and a stuck here forever ah yeah that sounds really crazy it would be really crazy so I just need to make a big steering platform up here we’ll curve it around this way so that

We have plenty of space by using Spruce Planks on the edges and by adding Spruce fences above them we help make sure this platform is as safe as possible yeah it’s going to look really lovely I really like the ship except for all the pots that the fan got belt yeah me too

Milo those pots are really weird I can see her still at the bottom of the ocean she’s just sitting there she must be coming up with some crazy plan I think yeah something like that she might be a crazy plan girl Milo but wait a second

What is this why are you building out of blue well because I wanted a little bit of a blur section since it’s my favorite color okay I guess we can have a blue section sure just try to keep it nice and neat we need to play the controls

Right over here perfect that looks awesome now whoever is the captain of this ship will be able to look out in every direction before steering in any way oh yeah boy this is looking awesome we also now need to build the engine let me get a bunch of redstone it’s going to

Be pretty complicated but I need to make this work if I do not grab the right amount of redstone and iron blocks as well as a lever to power up this whole thing we could be in a lot of trouble Milo yep I would love to help you with

The Redstone but one thing about me as I don’t know how to do it yeah I know Milo that’s why I’ll be doing it all first we need to make a big Iron plus shape right here and we’ll also need to place redstone on each end of it these red

Stones are very important because they’ll help power the whole ship we also have to link up each redstone block to the middle just like this why you doing that I’m going to go up here and have a look for the shots yeah good idea Milo they’ll only be getting closer now

That we’ve added all these torches we need to place redstone repeat is going in each Direction it’s important that we flip them in each way perfect I really really like this so far this will work really well we’ll also need to attach levers on each side here this will help

Us pilot this properly we’ll also need to link all the Redstone together just like this all right Milo this engine should help we just need to add one final touch and that is sticky pistons these will help push away from the ship causing us to propel forwards at a

Really quick speed this is your best one chip I can’t believe you built this thanks Milo I’m really proud of it too but there’s only one thing left for us to build before the shocks come what is it we need to lower our voices Milo I’m

Going to tell you but we need to be really quiet okay okay I’ll be really quiet all right so we’re going to come down here and build an emergency defense against the crazy fan girl all right let’s totally do it it’s going to be

Here next to the TV we need to grab some obsidian and we also need to grab some iron bar all right let’s do it I also have an iron door we need to be really sneaky Milo I’m going to build it right over here we’ve got to build an obsidian

Cage that’s about the size of a player could you stand in here real quick yeah but you got to promise not to trap me I won’t Milo I promise okay so now we just have to do that and I’ll just build it slightly outwards okay this is looking

Pretty good so far we just have to add iron bars here and an iron door okay now you can escape Milo this is not for you this this is an emergency place to keep the crazy fan girl I feel a little bit mean trapping her but she really is a

Risk what if she throws me in to get eaten by the Sharks yeah she might do that just so that me and her can be alone forever oh she’s so scary I think she’s so scary that she would never go inside an obsidian box she would definitely know that I would try and

Trap her in there instead we need to cover it in pink banners so that it looks like a gift I can tell her that it’s a present from me to her that is genius thanks Milo I really like the plan we can get rid of the pink once

She’s trapped inside that’s a really good way to make sure that she doesn’t escape without us seeing yeah because pink is y yeah I don’t like it at all orange is way better no blue is way better no orange is better but it’s not as good as surviving a crazy boat drift

At Sea that’s really true I keep forgetting that the sharks are going to be here any second Milo be careful it is not safe to get into the water alone with her but look she’s right here oh hi crazy fan girl that’s the longest I have held my

Breath ever oh my gosh don’t you stress chip I got you some beautiful sea grass so much of it and I even got you sea pickles and then best yet I got you the heart of the sea to show my undying love for you she did all that what that’s

Crazy a hot of the sea uh-oh and here’s an ugly poisonous for you Milo hey that’s really Rudd what oh my goodness we can’t be poisoning Milo crazy fan girl um I don’t know what to do with this heart of the sea there’s not many romantic places on the ship I could even

Put it oh I know what we could do that’s romantic we should go sit at the front of the boat and have a romantic picnic oh yeah totally I’d love that yeah I’ll take the heart of the sea there okay yeah sure I’ll just get this done as

Quick as possible uh boom boom I’ll just put these seats down yep do this so quick it’s romantic because we can all be here together at the same time there’s nothing more romantic than all hanging out together and not alone all right this picnic area seems

Pretty done to me why don’t you continue admiring it while me and Milo go make some uh romantic food yeah yum I love food don’t forget to cook some birds what I can’t do this anymore okay just stay here crazy Fang girl we’ll be right back after we make the food okay Milo

We’re not making food instead we need to get the engine started so we can get out of here as quick as possible before she loses her mind and realizes I am not in love with her and before the Sharks arrive yeah cuz I can’t deal with this

Anymore chip let’s go let’s go we got to go quick Milo this ladder needs to lead right up to the engines quickly before she sees us the engines are going Milo look it’s already starting let’s go this is awesome oh Milo what’s not awesome though is the Sun is setting we need to

Go distract the crazy fan girl because we need to get moving quick yeah let’s do it you keep watch over the engines I’m going to go distract her right now oh goodness I really hope I can do this right uh hey crazy fan girl HEI chip hi

Chip hi chip hi yeah um I really like this picnic area it’s so cool it’s beautiful just pink and orange yeah wait where’s the blue crazy Fang girl what did you do with the blue chest that we had here for Milo oh it’s just a special romantic picnic between boyfriend and

Girlfriend I’m not your boyfriend I don’t know why you think that I just know that oh goodness uh well I didn’t know it were you going to tell me at any point um you already asked me to be your girlfriend I’m convinced of it oh goodness this is Bad Milo where are you

Quick start the engine yeah this picnic is so fun oh I accidentally dropped the heart of the sea over the edge that’s so sad no don’t worry I’ll get them I’ll preserve our love forever chip oh goodness this is Bad Milo what is it where are you I tried to activate the

Engine but nothing’s happening oh goodness this is Bad Milo why do you think they’re not working I don’t know it’s pretty much ya H there has to be some reason for it I built these engines really well I bet the crazy fan girl sabotaged it okay Milo I think so too

But we need to be quiet she’s right over there hey crazy fan girl we’re just going to quickly check for shocks yeah we’re just going to check under the boat for some shocks so you can just stay here you’re so chivalrous chip chip chivalry what the yeah exactly okay come

On Milo quick uh I’m just going to jump off now bye-bye love you stay safe CH are you seeing this I think I see something under the bottom of this ship what is this I don’t know but it really looks like an anchor wait I didn’t build

An anchor why would we build an anchor if we’re trying to leave this place well I didn’t build it but I know someone who was down here for a very long time oh my goodness it was the crazy fan girl she put these anchors here and wait a second

Milo if she put these anchors down now maybe she’s the reason the boat stopped working in the first place oh no chip I bet that’s it she’s totally sabotaging us so she can be with you forever oh goodness Milo we better get rid of these anchors quickly before the shars come we

Need to do it in a way where the crazy fan girl won’t see if she realizes we have stopped her evil way of keeping us trapped she’ll be so angry yeah she might do something really nasty exactly okay this is pretty good we’ve removed the anchors and broken the chains we

Just need to get back on the ship and pretend like nothing is wrong okay yep I’m going to act very normal I’m going to get a ladder and put it right here so we can climb our way back on and wait Milo why is is there fire oh my gosh

There’s a fire on the bo oh no wait there’s fire all around here crazy fan girl how did this happen oh I don’t know quick chip save me something’s setting it on fire hey you’re setting all the fire on this boat stop it no I’m not I’m

Not setting the ship on fire oh no this is terrible I can’t believe you’ve done this I don’t understand why we want to get off this boat so fast why can’t we just stay out here in the middle of the ocean I don’t want to stay in the middle

Of the ocean but if you can’t go home then you’ll have to live here with me in the middle of the ocean and we can find a nice private island to live on together for the rest of our lives no way but what about you Milo um Milo can

Stay here on this sinking boat y I have a feeling your new girlfriend doesn’t really like me she’s not my girlfriend and I don’t think she likes you either but wait a minute Milo that gives me a plan what are we goingon to do just follow my lead okay I’m going to do

Something really dangerous and this has to work okay crazy Fang girl you can stop putting out fires because you’ve lit one fire a fire in my heart and I really want to talk with you about our future together oo our future like getting married and staying here forever

And forgetting about Milo yeah maybe uh I think I left my diary and all my notes about the future that we can have together inside this mysterious big pink box wow I love pink but what about you go in first and you can show me around Well a true gentleman would say ladies

First oh gosh what did I say chevous chip thank you so much darling wait no no why am I stuck here what’s happening wait this is made of obsidian and iron bars what are you trying to do to me I’m sorry crazy fan girl this is for your

Own safety we need to keep me and Milo safe against you on this ship you need to stay here so we can leave you are the reason that this ship stopped working we know about the anchor the anchor what I didn’t build an anchor that’s such a lie

You built two of them under the boat you’re right I didn’t build one I built two cuz I want to stay here together with you forever you need to stay inside this box while we get this ship working and quick before the Sharks come oh no look Milo there are a bunch of

Shocks already here we need to get this ship moving and fast they’re going to try and eat us oh my gosh hey let me out let me out of this stupid little cell oh no the crazy fan girl is getting angry we have to move in now yeah let’s go

Chip we barely did it chip it’s walking we survived the shocks and the crazy fan girl oh let me out of here

Milo and Chip are lost at sea on ONE RAFT with… CRAZY FAN GIRL? But what happens When CFG loses her MIND??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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