This Might Be The NEW Farm Type Coming to 1.6!? – Stardew Valley

With the upcoming 1.6 update for stardew Valley releasing on the 19th of March we know that we are getting a brand new Farm type and ever since I saw this announcement last year I have been scratching my head trying to think what this new Farm could actually be I have

Come up with so many different kind of ideas and I’ve also seen many suggestions from the community as well such as a desert Farm a tropical rainforest a winter snow farm and even a giant eight player out to go alongside the brand new eight player multiplayer feature coming to 1.6 but after some

Deep thinking none of these actually made any sense to me and they don’t fit the theme of what I’ve been seeing from the screenshots and the 1.6 sneak peeks so I decided to do some research and piece everything together from every single bit of information that we’ve had

So far and I think I have finally solved the puzzle and got the answer that I’ve been searching for guys I think the new Farm layout coming to 1.6 is going to be a swamp SL Wetland now let me explain why I think this and let me show you

What I have pieced together to get this outcome now I have briefly spoke about this on the last video I did as well that is where my initial theory of a swamp Farm came but I want to dive deeper into this and I did and that is

Why I want to share this with you guys but let’s go back last year let’s start with the first ever screenshot that we got regarding the 1.6 update this is where it all began now the first thing that I want to point out and start

With and it’s the main part of my theory are the brand new trees here so in the bottom left of the screenshot randomly out of nowhere we have got a new type of tree now there’s a reason this is getting shown we’ve never seen a tree

Like this in stardy Valley as you can tell it looks very very tall this is just the top half of it we can’t even see the trunk and straight away on this tree I saw some moss and some kind of vines now just this tree alone to me

Screams some kind of swamp or Wetland where else would you find a tree like this maybe in a rainforest cuz that is another fear that I have it is between the swamp and a a tropical jungle SL rainforest or whatever but we’ll we’ll get to that later on but let’s I’m

Sticking with the swamp so I did kind of do some research on trees that grow in swamps just to get an idea of what kind of trees do grow in that kind of wetland environment and the one that I was seeing the most was some kind of cypress

Tree that has Spanish moss dangling from it they seem to live in swamps in like Luciana and coastal areas in the United States but these cypress trees are often dawned with carpets of Spanish moss and you can see them kind of dangling from the top of the trees and this is what

The image looks like to me the trees look very bendy and quite long but also we’ll move on to a similar thing and that is a new Bush here that we’ve got again it kind of Screams out to me like a swamp kind of biome this could be a

Number of things this could be a brand new forageable Bush that you can Harvest things from or is this some kind of giant weed that could spawn on the farm on this brand new Farm type that could easily take over your farm cuz if you

Think about it if we do have a swamp the soil could be constantly wet and that could be one of the benefits of this Farm the soil can be either constantly wet where you never have to water or use a sprinkler or maybe if you want to dial

It down and not make it op maybe there’s a chance that the soil stays watered overnight just like the retaining soil or maybe you get a lot more rain on this Farm type to help with the watering but one of the negatives that this could bring is that lack of space cuz there

Could be lots of water puddles you know little pockets of ponds logs rocks trees and of course weeds and this could be a brand new weed type the little weeds that we get if you don’t get rid of them in time they could grow this could be a

Giant form of a weed that could take over your farm and if you remember as well concern ape did leak out that we are now getting idium scythes at the moment we only go up to gold with the scythe and now we can get the aridium

But why why would we have an aridium Scythe guys what purpose does this have maybe you can only get rid of these giant weeds here with the aridium Scythe you have to upgrade your tool in order to take these down that is my theory I’ve pieced it together and I’m going

With it let me know what you think to that now also if we do have some kind of swamp or Wetland biome there could be lots of things to forage very similar to the forest Farm layout that we have it is the only Farm we have in the game

That you can get forage from such as mushrooms the horse redish and things like that and of course another Le that we got we can now put forage items into the kegs to make juice you can now put horseradish into the keg it gives you some juice could we do this with all

Other forage Ables if so maybe there going to be some brand new ones on this Farm layout we get different types of mushrooms different kind of forage Ables that can be turned into wine now one of those forage BS that I want to talk about is this thing here I initially

Thought this was some kind of egg but I don’t think it is I’ve done some research there’s no egg like this other than a quail egg but it kind of looks nothing like it and as you can see from this image there’s three together this is one of the hardest things I’ve been

Trying to piece together what is this item and whatever it is it seems quite popular because we’ve seen it quite a few times in the recent screenshot where we got the announcement of the release date for 1.6 in the little Banner you can see some more of these things now

This could be two things in my opinion it could either be fruit some kind of berries or nuts if these are some kind of fruit let’s dive into what they possibly could be I think this could possibly be a berry called longan I’m kind of going with that tropical Wetland

Marshy swamp theme and this is the only thing I could find that looks like this so longan is a tropical tree species that produces edible fruit you can see the resemblance a little bit although longan a little bit more rounder than what I’m seeing here but you can kind of

See the pattern they look quite similar longan are often known as the dragon eye because it resembles an eyeball when it’s fruity is shelled it is one of the better known tropical members of the soap Berry family to which the lyi and rambutan also belong and like its sister

Fruit lyi it thrives in humid areas or places with high rainfall which also goes along with my theme of a wetland farm and this can also grow on most types of soil bear in mind this is a tree and the longan tree May grow over

100 ft in height which if we see on the image it looks very tall the trunk is 2.5 ft thick with Corky bark and the branches are also long thick and they typically droop again the tree fits the theme but apart from being eaten raw like other fruits longan fruit is also

Often used in Asian soups snacks desserts and sweet and sour Foods either fresh or dried and sometimes preserved and canned in syrup and once fermented it can also be made into longan wine which is perfect for stardy Valley but I think this would be more suited for a

Tropical Farm rather than a swamp one so let’s move on to the other Theory once I ruled out eggs I thought these could be nuts if so I believe they could be something called tiger nuts the real name is on the screen right here but

Tiger nuts can be found wild as a weed or as a crop they are commonly called Earth almonds or tiger nuts due to the stripes on their tubers and their hard shell now in Japan it is an exotic clonal weed favorable to establish in wet habitats again fits the theme of a

Swamp they are used primarily as animal feed or as a side dish but in Hispanic countries they are used mainly to make orata which is a sweet milk- like beverage it can also be consumed raw roasted dried baked or made into oil but here in the UK guys where I live tiger

Nuts are soaked boiled and then used as a bait for carp which is a species of fish so this got me thinking about fish now let’s face it it’s almost guaranteed that we’re going to get some kind of fish in 1.6 every update we’ve had so

Far we at least get three new fish so I feel like we’re going to continue with that theme so if if I’m going with the swamp the Wetland theme we need some kind of fish that fits that and also these tigernut which is used as a bait

To catch carp if my theory is correct maybe we’ll get a brand new carp to the game and maybe this carp produces these tigernuts if you place them in the fish pond or they could be used as a bait which is the only way to catch this kind

Of fish and maybe this new fish machine that we saw on the screenshot could all link that together because this seems like some kind of fish production machine I don’t know can make bait not sure what this is going to do but it could link with my theory here this

Means that the carp that I have in mind or fish needs to be giant he also needs to be rare special hard to catch so let’s think some more what carp commonly lives in the Wetland biomes flooded forests or swamps it is giant rare and it kind of fits the witchy Aesthetics of

A swamp Farm well I did some more research and I found a fish called the Siamese giant carp these fish are very very big fitting with a swamp in my opinion with their black scaly appearance and huge gaping mouths this could be a great addition to the game I

Dived into that way too deep I spent a lot of time researching that kind of stuff but I want to kind of go on what I’ve just mention the witchy Aesthetics is very popular right now you see it in a lot of other games that Whimsical fantasy kind of theme in the witchy

Vibes we’ve not really got that in stardy Valley other than the Wizard’s Tower you don’t really see the witch that’s mentioned or you see a briefly and some of these items on this screenshot kind of give me the witchy aesthetic Vibes such as this purple drink here some kind of herbal tea or

Fruit tea we also have a purple warp totem is this going to take us straight to the Wizard’s Tower is it going to take us to The Witcher swamp but also we’ve got this quiver that looks like some kind of quiver with arrows I’m not

Sure what it is but again it’s giving me that witchy Vibes which all of that fits the swamp theme that I’m going with right another thing that we see a lot of and I need to mention of frogs we’ve saw this on two screenshots so far the first

One which we’ve just been over here we got three frogs yellow black and blue different colors I don’t think we’ve seen any of those in the game right now I know you do see a few green ones every now and then that jump into the water or

You might see them in a bush or something but there’s even a black one here which looks like a void frog and the void chicken literally is just jet black with a red eye very similar to this frog here that we see now if this is the case this makes it feel like

Maybe we could breed frogs we can get some kind of building or frog Hutch similar to the Slime building that maybe we can get loads of frogs in there hatch them from eggs breed them you can maybe sell their eggs or something like that they could be a new farm animal which is

Again perfect for the swamp theme why else would he be showing us frogs what’s the reason for it it doesn’t make any sense unless it has to have a purpose but lastly guys I want to talk about the new screenshot that we’ve recently got and announcing the the 1.6 release date

And that is the raccoon the raccoon is throwing everybody off why have we seen this raccoon is it a new farm animal is it a new pet are we going to be able to pet it like the cat and dog and have it roaming around our farm or can we put it

In a a barn or a coupe and have multiple of them get baby raccoons that can forage for items or is it going to be a pest maybe this raccoon on the swamp Farm or the wetlands will eat your crops in the ground and they’re going to be a

Nuisance well there’s a lot of speculation but let me talk about what I think the raccoon’s going to be so I spoke about this in the last video I did but raccoons are actually known to live in wetlands and swamps it is their favorite habitat they like to live in

Hardwood trees they like to forage in water it makes perfect sense for the theme that I’m going with to have a raccoon now I don’t think it’s going to be a pet sadly for you guys who want the raccoons to be pets we do have cats and

Dogs I can’t imagine us having a raccoon as an extra pet but a Far Man animal is definitely seeable and doable maybe you could buy them from Robin or somebody else you can place them in your bars and I think because they are good foragers just like the pigs if you let them

Outside they find truffles maybe raccoons can find you lots of different things this could be a good shout and I think he’s more reasonable than pets but again there is a reason why he’s showing those the raccoon there I can’t just see it being a wildlife animal that you

Might bump into when you’re roaming around the valley because that’s just a nice visual addition it’s not changing or bringing anything crazy to the game so the raccoon has definitely got to have a purpose just like the frogs this has been baffling me I’ve been thinking

So hard doing so much research of what the farm type could be what the raccoons for all of these items we’ve seen I’m trying to think what are they I’m very curious to see how far away I am when the 1.6 releases maybe I’ll do a

Separate video and we’ll kind of go back to this one we’re doing my predictions and see how many things I got correct or how far away I was that’ll be an interesting one but this is what I think in a summary is we are going to get a

Wetland SL swamp Farm where the benefit is going to be some kind of wet soil that keeps our crops wet either constantly or just a more chance for the soil to stay wet and retained overnight or maybe even more rain I believe the raccoon could be a farm animal we’re

Going to get some new fish that are feed around the kind of wetland tropical swamp feel let me know what you guys think down below are you with me on team swamp if so are you happy with that do you guys actually want to see a swamp

Because it my opinion I actually want that so I am team swamp and I hope that is the case there might be a few people who aren’t excited about that as well they think it might be challenging cuz the uh the obstacles maybe it’s going to

Be difficult to place buildings on Etc I even saw some people say if it is a swamp maybe you can’t place buildings at all because of the wet soggy soil that would be so challenging I feel like buildings are a huge part of stardy Valley and they are kind of needed so

We’ll see how that goes if you enjoyed this kind of weird video where I’m diving into all of this content that we’ve got with no answers trying to find answers and creating theories of uh what I think it’s going to be yeah let me know if you like it just a little bit

Different all the hype around 1.6 has kind of got me thinking and yeah I just wanted to talk to you guys and share my opinion of what I think this new Farm’s going to be and kind of what I want it to be as well everything I spoke about I

Wish was true I would love that subscribe if you haven’t stick around for the brand new 1.6 content very very soon so excited guys but until then stay safe and stay cozy

➤ With the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6 update releasing very soon, I have since been trying to figure out what could the brand new farm type be! Let’s go over the speculations and my theory after piecing everything together!

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