Stardew Valley Live Stream | Chill Vibe Stream

Hello hello how’s it going welcome back to stream it’s your boy uh we’re playing more stardo today because I wanted something chill um so it’ll be fun cash Jin baller hello how are you insane creeper cat puffy lemon demon uh what’s up how’s it going Valerie hello to you

As well hello uh RI really awkward guys I I didn’t have time to eat my dinner so if you see me just take bites of my lovely little stir fry Bowl here I know get a look at that uh you know that’s what I’m doing how is everyone what’s up how’s it going

Hello there we are there we are going to bed soon Valerie it’s so early for me though Kenny what is up how are you things are going good I got Perfection on my main stard to save file whoa congratulations that’s awesome guess what uh I don’t know what’s up uh

You did a 5k today I don’t I don’t know I don’t know hi Shane how are you got up early and watered some crops for you oh my gosh did he water everything a what an absolute lad now I can sit here and talk to you guys and eat my

Stuff icy icy how was I supposed to know that was you hello why’d you change your name I’m just going to move my mic a little bit away so no one can hear me me chewing cuz that would be awkward you have this bowl I got it from Target

Actually so if you got yours also from Target then probably you love memberships me too who doesn’t love a good membership on a different account I can see that m ooh look at all the stuff we got already scare what’s up kills me that you’re let letting time just

Pass I am waiting for the community center good sir and also I’m eating dinner what’s up how are you um not selling that diamond hi Sly how are you hi gooey for real we should play melvor idol should I load up melvor idol and put it

In the left corner like above just like minimize it it’s a possibility yeah I’m glad you thought that was interesting gooey yeah I thought it was a good game um okay bam crops are watered let the animals loose bam oh it’s Sunday Trader is here today that’s actually

Huge actually huge actually big actually huge you know what one plus one is uh three membership expires tomorrow so unfortunately I won’t have silly emotes on Thursday no well maybe he’ll get it back on Thursday we’ll see large egg battery pack straw floor cave carrot speed grow complete

Breakfast puffer fish egg lucky lunch a special little meal metal chair rare seed that’s important um any is the lucky lunch anything gang I’m alive how’s you I’m I didn’t eat my dinner so ignore me while I take bites of food in the beginning of the stream

Here rough few months I’m sorry to hear that yeah I know I can’t believe it’s March already that’s wild it’s so weird that it’s March I hate it I’m like hey what did I accomplish this year I don’t know I don’t know yet there we go that was a loud chew that

Was a loud chew I’m so sorry I am smart thank you ever’s RC got fishing now heck yeah love to see it yeah um I have that on my to-do list to play and I just haven’t gotone to it yet but I know you’ve been

Having fun with it so yeah I would love to play it at some point you know it’s like stard but with a bar right I mean that’s that I don’t know how you can beat that that’s like everything I want in a game uh hello everyone hello hello my lovely little little

Animals did I have anything to do today pretty sure I didn’t pretty sure I was just like waiting for Stuff currently we’re waiting for the community center stuff which is happening real soon we only need a few more things so we’re sort of waiting on the Traer and we just got the

Greenhouse so actually beer is not ready beer is not ready oh did I not put stuff in there yet what am I doing um there we go three Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay oh I do know oh I do remember I had a a I was trying to get potatoes for

Pam for a quest that was what I was going to try and do you’re watching Percy Jackson how is it I didn’t finish it but I started it TD you’re on VR right now oh my gosh do I look weird in VR probably

Not name a pet Bob I can do that I can do that good to know Scarab yeah I will have to pick it up you’re loading up Hollow night oh my gosh am I going to get Hollow night progress tonight from you GOI that would be

Amazing I look the same H yeah that’s probably that makes sense um yeah hold on we’ll let’s review our community center shall we gang okay that’s wrong Community Center I need the red cabbage I need the poppy I need apples and I need a pomegranate and that

Is it that’s it I just need weird little stuff from weird little bum bundles and I have all that I have all that see how um down here I have all these trees planted well I do have the pomegranate and the Apple already planted so we’re working on that we just

Got to wait the red C I just we normally can’t do it in Spring I believe but I just planted it here so we should be good there that’s an apple tree by the way uh I’m waiting for to be Savor to download I just play the horror game

It’s called monkey phobia oh God that sounds scary I’m I you know everyone should be afraid of monkeys let’s be real monkeys are scary and we should respect them um okay let’s do that no idea what to do still I have the point of just killing Soul master I have Crystal Dash right

Now do you want a hint or do you not want a hint cuz I can give you a hint if you want it gooey oh hey gang if you haven’t hit the like button guess who would appreciate it my cat my cat would love that thank

You very much um all right where are we at um dinosaur man now beautiful love that I’m going to sit here for a second yo what’s up bgl going to need a hit for real um you have Crystal Dash go down you need to go down try and try and

Go down now on the map cuz you can Valerie what’s your phobias mine is spiders and porcelain dolls me and my monkey yeah I I heard like there’s some hate about the Percy Jackson live series but I honestly from the episodes I watch and I think I’m only behind I think I

Know it’s done right now but I think I just have like one or two episodes left I thought it was pretty good is better than the Movie just started spring year 2 on my main game starter got me through the stra boys rest update Romancing Emily and almost married nice I married Shane Shane’s dope he gets me blue chickens um yeah who’ you say did you say abig oh Emily really Emily’s okay I need to work on my

Relationships with the Villagers I should really get on that maybe I’ll do that today I feel like my farm is like really thriving right now but like the rest of it is like you know maybe I maybe I could do some work you know I just built this area which I’m pretty proud

Of this area we finally got past everywhere we got some honey that’s being farmed so then I can make Mead and then um there’s some more Barrel stuff going down here um yeah it’s pretty dope I like it sick I have yet to put grain in here I

Should probably do that is the live action worth watching I’m not going to say it’s not cheesy because it’s you know it’s ya stuff so it is a little cheesy slide but I would say it’s worth it Ascend with gorb I mean you could Ascend first that’s

True fear of being lost and fear of drowning you can’t swim o yeah that that that’s understandable guess the song I have no idea what lyrics that’s from can I have a hint like a band name hint or something Hello Sarah yes the mushroom tree is beautiful yeah it I kept it I built built around it we’re thriving with nature is what we’re doing yeah I could get rid of it I was like no no way okay and then I can put me there beautiful are you into turnbas Rogue

Likes yes yeah I’ve played slay the Spire is my favorite turnbas Rog like I mean Everyone likes that though there’s a couple of other ones like I guess Loop Heroes technically turn based I guess I am excited for the update yes and Creeper cat yeah on March 19th

That’s so good I saw a Tik Tok today about um how there was like a stardo convention in New York or whatever and like they had like an orchestra like playing the stardew valley theme theme songs not just the main one and I was like wow I’m so jealous I wish I could

Go to New York to go see that very cool they did that though and also apparently like the the guy the developer of the game was there as well and showed up which was super cool um so I was like oh wow what a what a nice thing um okay let’s go to

Town the dungeon beneath interesting stop doing anymore oo yeah I have no idea TD no mewing Arch oh oh great oh good let’s um let’s you know let’s just hang out at the bar let’s let’s have some Vibes how that how’s that oh what what the heck is

Happening well folks wait hold on should my fa should I be up here there we go well folks once again we’re got for a very special occasion whose birthday is it a rare visit from a very dear dear friend my world famous giant omelette zesty bell pepper juicy tomato Rich

Mushroom and tangy cheese all in robed into a blanket of Rich fluffy egg Hey Ye what’s up do they like it it sounds delicious the mushrooms or Tad chewier that’s that’s absurd that’s absurd is that a good thing no no whose cut scene is this IAD it’s great guys it tastes even

Better because it’s on the house I mean Pam’s always on that cheap chep these eggs are so rich and yellow Marne are these from your place nope you can thank oh right I did a quest for him that’s why this is happening hold on I’m reading in the cut

Scene Valerie give me a second dille eggs that’s me that’s our farm Name by the way dille did they hate it did they hate it or did they like it tamarak Trail you customize to face of dice instead of pling cards interesting do you get more what

Dice are you using is it all kinds of dice like d D4 D6 d8 D20 or is it like just customizing I get or is it like dependent on your character that’d be interesting guess the song I love you I love you let me go

Kill I feel like I know that song viie but I’m not entirely sure couldn’t Guess oh you roll multiple D6 oh cool oh yo I should look that up then that sounds interesting you’re losing member no awful awful stuff oh tiny build was that hold on is this the game you’re talking about with didn’t you like do a community poll

Post or something about a game is this the game you’re talking about Scarab check out this Vibe that’s true you you probably will get a free one on Thursday hello where is oh is Leah not here she’s normally here where’s Shane what day is this what the heck is going on they’re normally both really here I love you thank you Valerie that’s very kind of you to say member for two months I appreciate also insane thank

You for the the member message before as well 14 months from insane I appreciate both of you so so nice so lovely you’re going to have the 12 months badge yo you get a badge upgrade soon oh what badg is insane at is he at oh yeah

Insane is at the level four badge dang son dang I’m going to have to make more badges or something Crazy yeah like half the NPCs do so I’m confused why Shane’s not there maybe he doesn’t go on Sundays 12 month badge in two months exciting stuff okay what’s on before I leave I want to see what’s on the all right Louis’s birthday well I missed it that’s too bad not that I

Care okay I’ll start caring for the villagers soon I’ll do it I you know I just I I care more about my farm is all and is that so wrong let’s be real well time for bed what a lovely day of barely any progress good night Scotch that’s my dog

My dog’s name is scotch you over two years to make new badges that’s true that’s true well I don’t know what bad snooze is at so I don’t know how much time I actually have zow you almost had a heart attack what happened uh living off the land uh weather report uh fortune

Teller neutral today nice F wza what’s up how are you oh potatoes you say do enjoy a good potato already harvested that’s fantastic going to have to buy more potatoes I think bam oh no Bam Bam missed it bam okay and that’s all taken care of honey okay hello little animals welcome to

Today come on out I I give everyone a pet come on out come on out now oh no I missed you okay well come on okay hi Spike how are you look at all of them they’re so cute adorable not not worrying about be friend in NPCs is only a problem if

You’re trying 100% yeah I know I was just trying to be nice to the NPCs I’m not trying to 100% this it’s not happening but uh you know I do want to you know make a couple friends right we should be nice shouldn’t we to the the villagers milk come and get

Milked wait do I have um okay good all right you’re still good was my inventory full what the heck zow says was F this enemy in this game called deepwoken and almost got wiped by a dog fish sounds scary next batch is one year after this one is still isn’t

At it so you have at least two you at least two years okay okay I believe you yeah we’ve got a lot of time I suppose don’t we I got I I also was going to update the badges just cuz they’re not as HD as I want them to

Be like when I made them it was before we had like the new improved like looking bad looking icon amethyst no don’t don’t my food’s over there don’t don’t step on the keyboard um hold on where’s the ancient tree rare seed I mean rare seed put in

There apricot put in there okay put this up over here the pig is the size of the cow I know crazy right blue Jazz oh yo we got special honey that’s what I wanted oh my gosh so apparently there’s a thing where if you have flowers nearby is a chance to

Cross-pollinate to make better honey which I can use to make better me so that’s very exciting um okay everyone’s good there can I help you out designing some new ones I might take you up on that might take you up on that I basically just I don’t know if

You noticed but I colorcoded just random weird cool looking colors for the badges so I was like you know what silver cold weird psychedelic you train your cat to play stard so you can do two-player uh I could I could I could do that you know I she is still a kitty so

She doesn’t really listen to me yet but one day oh boy one day maybe maybe rainbow colored super Super Rainbow oh they’re different shades oh yes oh yes come on now let’s do it indeed hello everyone hello hello um our apple trees in fall is that why I’m only getting apricots right now

Hello I’m going to wait till this cow moves lurk thanks for lurking Scarab I’m almost done eating I’m so Sorry Mhm mhm why are my animals attacking me there we go you almost forgot you’re the points boy points boy you say what kind of points um ye I was eating um I had a little bit of T Tika Masala left and I mix that with turkey meat and stir fry veggies and then

Sriracha so it was sort of like Tik Masala mixed in with stir fry and Sriracha you know pretty good tikol is always good um okay yo get this out of the way can I please pick up this truffle please I beg of you oh god it worked yo

Beautiful chaos sces nine nine is done and 10 Close being finished oh my gosh we’re moving on to 10 I’m scared what’s going to happen to us will we survive Pine I I need I don’t need Pine I need oh no the other one what’s the other one

What did we need for the barrels we needed Oak which I put up here up here I think maybe Hello Duck um no these are all pine we need a different one more ads I didn’t even do anything oh uh points Valerie points Dr Pepper tonight Gang okay slimes did you do anything y’all do anything in here I don’t think so okay cool good Dr Pepper’s here oh thank you sir thank you yeah how many points does Dr Pepper have that’s the real question okay these are Pines aren’t

They get out of here get I got to get my Taps hello Taps there we we go tap that there we go okay I’m pretty sure these are pine I no these are Oaks over here these ones not these these okay beautiful yo we have another mushroom over there that’s

Exciting okay I do have a shed over here I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet I was originally going to put my little Brewery in the shed cuz I think that’s what you’re supposed to do I could change that later but I don’t I don’t know we’ll

See Dr Pepper has 7,000 points that’s awesome the witness reference I I heard that you were going to do that that’s that’s that’s crazy am I going to know it or do I need to get further in the witness to figure that out um oh hey hold on a second

What uh H hold on a second why is is my game window weird okay yeah no one said the game window was weird okay sorry about that there we go now it’s not weird anymore okay good stuff no one said anything that’s okay my bad I should

Have been prepared thank you Cog will you stream more during March break or spring break however you say because that’s next week see I don’t get spring break I wish I did I want to I want to I I want to up content as much as I can you thought I

Knew I’m a professional sly oh Sly Sly wet check it out check what I got today Bam new phone case pretty sick I know very exciting I don’t know if it was worth the amount of money to ship it from the UK but it’s still exciting yeah spring break does vary

From place to place Yeah March break oh really why do you call it March break I’m I’m my phone case is way different now cuz this is like a gel case and before I had like a plastic hard case so now like it feels way different like super different but I’m

Excited about it uh you do have a tattoo two plan are you let are you going to tell me or you going to hold out on me S do I get do I get a hint I told myself I’m not allowed to get a or tattoo until

I beat um fight caves so uh I need to actually do that first before I I do anything else no I was going to get more potatoes okay well we’ll get them tomorrow now that I’m done eating I’m focused up we’re fine oh hey bam and truffle truffle alert there we

Go we are keeping our cheese for the dungeon okay and rid of that um no we’re fine the day that start up upd dates is the first day of spring oh oh did we so we don’t know everything that we’re getting right but we’re theorizing that we’re going to get like a new

Area Correct wait am I not um okay I didn’t seem organized Pichu what’s up Pichu how be you bam truffles truffles in charge okay and then over here they’re working on it you’re giving them control basically going to be some of my favorite things to real in a small scale

Nice I I might do something like that too cuz like I don’t know if I can decide what I want from from them like I don’t I don’t even know what I would get for an osrs tattoo right now um yeah I don’t know there’s just too

Many things to to pick from right you’re fine Pichu good I’m glad you’re fine I’m glad you’re thriving Tim Orton’s advertisement what what is that a worm Mi seeds that’s why I’ve grabbed some of my favorite things combined into one yeah I I might do something

Like is Shane where is Leah where is Shane and Leah what is happening I married Shane but he’s still supposed to be here and I thought Leo was here most nights too what happened to her that’s so weird I was going to say so I was going

To maybe do like something dumb like all the ruins around like a fire cape and then like something else I don’t know want to watch Grog not get advertised a farmers a farmer rap wait what is Tim Horton again I knew oh isn’t Tim Horton like the sausages and stuff that’s so

Weird Shane come here do you want a beer before bed you already in bed you’re already in bed dang it dang nabit unfortunate oh hey gang um enjoy this music for two seconds while I put my plate upstairs there we go beautiful so good fantastic I’ll be right back it’s a coffee shop Really Woo bye Valerie don’t get me more Jack boxes you already got me Jack boxes music is a Vibe that’s ruins Gap music that is we’re g we’re going to keep this music on there we go junimo tattoo what about a blue chicken I’d rather get a blue chicken

Actually o I’ll buy some beans I will take 15 beans please thank you came across brooding molik oh gooey gooey you can do it gooey you can probably take brooding mik now I think you can do it I think you can I said nothing no

Proof hold on can I I think I can technically hold on no I can’t I can’t I can’t retract it that’s too bad oh wait hold on starting music’s actually kicking it okay starting music like fades in and out it’s really weird hey uh Shane do you like morning

Beer do you me a favor I’ll pass away use my desk to fertilize some corn for the ends I will do that for you good you’ll have a little extra luck today you don’t say get the Lantern first cuz I’m close to it yeah that’s important definitely get that bam guess the

Lyrics what do you mean guess the lyrics that’s like the whole song thank you your beans will have one two business days oh that’s okay well you know that’s not too bad I suppose it could be worse could be worse we could have uh you know them arrive way

Later I got get more potatoes today boys and girls more potatoes it’s potato time y’all like potatoes in here time to get some the sweet potatoes hello come on out it’s time for potatoes that’s right little chickens even you even you yes insane that’s right insane you are here for the

Potatoes potato Time Forever everyone it’s be yes potatoes Pichu yes I know it’s a it’s great isn’t it who doesn’t like potatoes really let’s be honest raise your hand in chat if you don’t like potatoes raise your hand in chat if you don’t like potatoes and we and then

We’ll have to point you out we’ll have to point you out and we’ll have to tell you why you’re wrong new fame pass already what did we get is that anything good I can’t milk a pig oops hello Little Goat hello where’s the sandwich I promised you it’s downstairs it’s

Downstairs of course it is apricots here again okay bam all right where’s ye yo what’s up Yeet give me a ride please thank you 320 out of 48 oh does it just say oh okay sick I was going to say I hope it says that for just everything so I can

Actually clear this whole thing good this was looking this was looking dumb before there we Go water bam nice nice horse moment I know right oh and see now the music stopped I don’t understand I don’t understand it’s trolling me really it Is Bam okay more Poes that’s what we’re doing you can be a rabbit Pichu yes would you like to be a Rabbit good morning Mani good morning Willie good Mo who she’s already here I’m high I will take some potatoes thank you what do I okay hold on the rice gang I need for my windmill right stardew Valley Wiki let’s look it up wind wait what’s the Wind Mill it’s not

A windmill it’s something else God the wiki is so helpless if I don’t put the exact words in the wi it does not pop up what I want you died but you have the lantern now heck yeah heck yeah that’s progress that we’ll we’ll take that we’ll take

That AG why does this guy have H halit row weird right isn’t rice isn’t really worth it so should I not have built that windmill thingy ooh potatoes for sale Um I’ll take 30 potatoes for $8 please I will take 30 potatoes for $8 and I appreciate it bam okay are you trying to buy all the potatoes so I don’t get any what blasphemy can I there we go um okay there we are potato potato potato potato potato potato potato

Potato potato potato more potatoes love the potatoes um oh do I why don’t I have this hod over here all right there we go put that in all right potatoes are restocked good good all right let’s make sure that’s good this is good all right chees it advertisement you got admit that’s sort

Of funny a cheesed advertisement that’s hilarious okay I’m going to put I’m going put my stone walkway away for now because I don’t need it what was the last thing I Apple pomegranate yeah Poppy did I not plant the poppies in here I know I planted the red cabbage

Did I not plant the poppies why didn’t I do that wait hold on let me just put these away so I want to make sure it doesn’t mess up the tree for some reason I don’t know why it would but I’m not taking any freaking chances okay so now we are waiting

On this is going to be three of our four stuff and then we’re just waiting on one more thing and then Community Center is freaking done anything new in the life of SP um uh no I got my new phone case today I wasn’t expecting that like my RuneScape

Stuff for two weeks so that’s exciting yo we got potato juice heck yes um hold on a second keg a few potatoes col 12 batches place the product in Pam’s kitchen do I have to go to Pam’s kitchen to put it in there okay I got to do

That uh your 30 potatoes for dollars will be in there one business day and Peach you your 200 potatoes for 36 will be one to two okay oh wow I didn’t know that wow that’s some good service that’s crazy potato potato potato potato okay where’s e e get over here we

Got to go to Pam’s house e Where’d I put you I wish you could whistle where’s my Zelda game okay there we go to Pam’s house yeah I don’t know not much Sly I’ve just been working um been busy with a lot of stuff it’s been really annoying

But I don’t know it’s been fine I suppose could be a lot worse where does Pam live again isn’t Pam pennies whatever oh yeah there we go okay I’m giving her 12 bottles of VOD I’m giving her 12 B how much is she paying for this it better be worth a

Lot hey guess what I just delivered a third of your stuff what Pam I was delivering your what are you on about woman are you kidding me right now and how’ you even know I was in your trailer I’m sorry I lost you there ye my apologies I didn’t lose you I didn’t

Lose you never never would do that Jeremy’s here yo what’s up Jeremy how are you CH M for 4 months I appreciate the Loyalty how are you what’s going on uh we’re just chilling we’re chilling we’re vibing we’re having a grand old time come here ye

I like how your animals promptly go into their Stables when it’s 6:00 a new chick hatch it looks odd oh oh we have a new chick all right what should we name the chick I think maybe it’s a is it a demon is it one of the dark evil

Chickens possibly I don’t I didn’t even know we were hatching an egg I’m going to be honest unless it’s a dinosaur is it a dinosaur what does it say when it looks odd creeper cat any idea doing great finally have boyfriend after so long a terrible experience finally doing great having a boyfriend

After so long and a terrible experience do you mean your boyfriend’s a terrible experience or that’s or that’s the good thing and the bad news is I also had a terrible experience looks odd is a void chicken okay or orphan Slayer yeah that’s probably good yeah you’re right I don’t

See anyone else stepping up so we might have to name it orphan slay Fallen I am live hello hello uh insane is that good name it orphan slay that’s good enough right also thank you for 10 likes gang I appreciate you uh terrible what okay your your ex okay got it got

It got it got it okay yeah live on a Tuesday that’s me chicken can be the name I’m going to name it orphan Sligh I’m going to name it child Slayer that one’s good too hello little Little Orphan SLE orphan slle seems curious but a little cautious it’s

A strange new world yes it is yes it is um um should I should I hatch more orphans and by orphans I mean void chickens there we go oh everyone’s just oh so everyone’s still awake they’re just chilling in here I didn’t get to pet everyone yet

Danny Pants is trying to sleep that’s too bad great to caramate Orphan Slayer Foods Incorporated new chicken name it a word a word is that a reference to something Fallen um hello everyone how’s everyone doing oh you’re trying to sleep my bad Pichu Pichu hey insan are you hiring I

Could use a job Berry sales are low oh my gosh we need to find Pichu a job that’s awful stons is trying to sleep well dang it stons I’m sorry I apologize stons by the way is a chicken named Daryl yet that’s an excellent question that’s an excellent question I will have

To hunt down every chicken and check down check all their names I don’t think so though I don’t think so we’ll have to rectify that why does orphan slay just sound like Pig Latin sort of does doesn’t it does a little bit we are hiding it’s only me

And gorb here so we could use some in police uh it hold on is gorb like gorb gorb or is it your spider your latest spider pet named gorb cuz uh you know depending on that um could vary with the level of service you’re trying to hire

For um okay and then this we put in here I’m not really sure why I’m still trying to make money I’m going to be completely honest I don’t really need to I don’t really need to at all um Bam Bam Bam beautiful reference to an old partner of mine

Oh uh no name of chicken what that’s chicken backwards oh okay empty your coupon name the chicken Penny should I name the other chicken after other coins or name them after the other NPCs name them after the other NPCs that’s sort of cute every Chicken in every chicken you own is named after

Someone in town that’s adorable let’s make let’s go to the the mines or something tomorrow let’s go to the mines or something tomorrow yeah yeah right shouldn’t we we should right gang shouldn’t we do that that should be something we do huh we’ve just been chilling the whole time yeah

Let’s go to the mines tomorrow that’s a great idea gorb gorb oh wow I didn’t know he worked for you that’s crazy a word a reference to my old partner before oh is it for real for real Fallen what like your real life partner where do I sign up I think you

Do have to interview first Pichu right insane do you have to interview Pichu I’m so sorry Fallen that’s terrible that’s terrible I um I have some experience with that as well so I apologize name one grogs child could I could I could name one grogs child oh it’s rainy today beer or

Cider sometimes life can be challenging yes it can yes it can hi Scotch every chicken will be named after one that 13 NPCs that are able to move in with the player except for Abigail since we were to have a chicken their shame name of with your

Wife no no you should name them all Abigail actually you should actually name them every sing one Abigail oh I should check the weather I mean the fortune teller because if it’s bad I should not go to the mines queen of sauce rerun okay you already know this one got It oh you have a little extra luck that’s exciting good for me qum time what is Christmas time why is it Christmas time are you talking about mod mod what mod okay this game is like $10 Jeremy um highly recommend totally worth the price um it will probably go on sale too

As well if you’d rather wait but okay I’m not going to bring all my cheese cuz a lot of these cheeses are actually for um the really important mines that I’m preparing for so let’s actually go to that go to The Milk Pail I don’t I don’t need the Scythe man

I wish I need better storage okay put that in there Peppers peppers there we go okay animals are fine talk about having pachu join orphan Slayer food Incorporated whoa settle down there potato juice we got some potato juice for Pam love to see it more potato juice for Pam

There we go just confused are we talking about getting modern getting people for pichu’s Berry shop Berry shop I think right is that what we’re talking about I think we’re talking about that I could be wrong but I believe we’re talking about that oh I need nine now oops n F creeper cat what’s the best thing to put in these um preserve jars like what should I be putting in here just anything or is there like a strat okay is there an ending technically Jeremy technically there is an ending yes um although the game does go on

Forever so you can just keep playing if you’d rather oh I do need to water my this hello I’m facing the wrong way beautiful there we go we talking about p and my company that SS beans and potatoes yes that’s correct oh the lightning strikes a hi Pam just about to come to

Your house bam there you go and that’s seven out of 10 we need five more easy okay and it’s Wednesday all right we’re fine I don’t use preserved so I’m not sure what’s best for them okay I suppose I can look it up in the wiki later if I really want to

You just got an ad for pasta that’s funny um oh wait hold on a second how’s your day so far thank you for asking Jeremy it was good it was good um yeah it was all right I’m going to be honest I did it so I did a thing

Recently I normally have like YouTube Studio on my phone and I just like check it and stuff throughout the day because I’m neurotic like that and um yeah yeah but no blah blah blah blah blah I would love to go to the desert and my latest video that I don’t

Know if you guys saw yet you should check it out later if you’d like to I know gooey saw it but on my latest video some people made fun of me in the comments cuz I was saying RuneScape wrong and so I I I got like a little

Doubt on myself about it and so so I like turned off my phone and I didn’t look at YouTube Studio like all day today and like half of yesterday so I felt like really weird today cuz normally I like check my phone a lot just cuz that’s sort of like a normal

Thing to do and also it’s hard just cuz like I’m you know being a YouTuber it’s like you’re constantly checking stuff right so I I I was like I was like I won’t check my phone and you know it was sort of nice so I uh I might not check my

Phone all the time anymore which is you know very free I think it popped off a little bit yeah I was I was excited about that um I may have offended some people I don’t know why they I I mean I think they were just offended by little stuff nothing serious

But you pronounce something wrong oh wow oh no oh shoot whatever will we do a did I really get hurt by that already ooh I’ll take some boxes heck yeah ooh battery pack bone fragment gold PE you’re at the shop now as in like you’re uh an

Employee oh no oh oh you just made it to the shop good good good I wish you the best of luck in your interview really okay do you think you can reach 10K Subs by the end of the year oh no I don’t think so I’m trying to reach five five

Would be really nice I think I mean maybe with some support we can reach five and I would I would be honestly happy with that for real for real magma Shield what are the different Tas you have in your task list right now for for stardew you mean creeper cat I

Don’t have anything I just have the community center so like I’m literally just waiting on stuff I have everything in the greenhouse prepped and except for a tree and then that’s next so yeah I don’t really I don’t have too much left oh my gosh the dragons coming here we

Go no way you hit me get out of here with that Fields neck you don’t even have an accent the amount of times people have complained because my accent are insane I don’t even get it was it an I don’t I don’t know I like am genuinely confused cuz that first Sly

Okay let me go off on a tangent here gang I’m I was generally confused at first I thought people were complaining because I was saying ruinscape as in like r u i n like pronouncing it like ruins when the game is titled ruinscape run escape as an Ru NE e so I thought

That’s why people were saying it but now I don’t know and I’m just really confused and I and honestly it’s like basically the same thing so I don’t understand why people people were so upset I don’t understand it was so weird and like multiple people said that too

I’m like did I really pron pronounce it that wrong I I don’t think so like do people think like I just don’t know the game or something like I I I I don’t know I don’t know but it like freaked me out I’m like why people are so crazy like like why

Would they why would they take so much offense to that I don’t know I have no idea uh so what experience you oh oh sweet we get to sit in on the interview like a fly on the wall that’s exciting I didn’t notice anything we about I now

Thinks but it was lurking while working yeah that’s fair buddy there we go oh God okay white algae that’s not good okay okay these things can give IR uh irium right irium iridum how do see I don’t know how to pronounce anything in general I guess oh God they’re so fast

Yeah I’m going to die hold on eat salad thank you Gary’s Mod yesterday for late birthday gift exciting you can do a lot with Gary’s mod yeah I uh I didn’t really like have the Garry’s Mod phase as much as everyone else but I do know that gry’s mod can be

A lot of fun oh my gosh Dragon are you serious three of them that’s crazy oh got one gotor yeah hold on hold on hold on yeah hold on insane ask Pichu about the where do you see yourself in five years I only started selling after my friend told me I

Should oh God we’re in trouble oh God we’re in trouble oh another one oh no oh no these things are terrible okay we’re fine what tasks are in the menu on Oh Oh you mean my quest log or whatever it is yeah hold on a second um give me two

Seconds trying to find my cheese there we go your sister’s birthday is today happy birth oh my gosh sorry hiccuping happy birthday to your sister that’s awesome did you do anything fun did she get like a cake or anything o yes I will take that iron ore thank

You oh come on no no way yeah get critted son get out of here oh God okay oh this is a small level oh ow that hurt dude what the heck was that about gun add not related to food what was it anything good o where do you see yourself in 5

Years that’s the question oh yo we got a purple mushroom that’s very good Krypto wait wait wait you got a crypto ad that’s messed up that’s messed up bro YouTube’s crazy nowadays we’ll just have like any AD now huh any AD whatsoever oh okay okay hold on this is an amethyst that’s

Important throw this away bones we don’t really need do we um okay and then I got that and then I got that okay that’s good we can still go a little bit further gang oh here we go four ow okay we got one IR radium more oh okay perfect we’re fine crypto

Advertising is crazy I’m sorry ye I’m sorry you’re getting the brunt bro I don’t understand ooh lucky Frozen tear an emerald okay okay no clue yeah I don’t I I don’t I don’t know what to do like do I just take ads off I can and but then I don’t get any

Money not that I’m like trying to get a load you know add money is barely anything anyway um okay there we go bam 1050 oh God that thing really lunged at me okay how do you not have cancer you’re touching uranium excellent question well maybe we uh you know maybe there’s like

A 12 second rule or something you know maybe my bag is like full of protection from said uranium maybe get out of here okay okay we got to go home soon it’s 11:40 might need to might need to get out of here oh was that a roll okay hold on a

Second what do we do what do we get rid of get rid of that yeah that seems important um I know it’s getting late leave mines had to be done had to be done wait the bus is still here right oh thank God yeah yeah I’m just built different I

Got Grandpa’s love on my side obviously veg is made out of Thicket or something no Grandpa’s protecting me his ghost is protecting me ye is what neon is wondering where you’ve been oh my God I’m so sorry apparent apparently you were wondering where I was where I

Was I’m so sorry I’m here I’ll even put you to bed I’ll even put you B to bed ye I’ll tuck you in there you go buddy there you go sorry about that can your horse love you in this game is that a thing I feel like it should

Be hey gang I just came back from killing dragons I really want my berries to go Bigg or at least to other cities that’s a good goal Pichu that’s a good goal you’re doing great pet you’re acing the interview what is your work ethic how how is he supposed to answer

That how are you supposed to answer what’s your work ethic the only answer is like good Amy are you under here hi sweetheart hey you can stay there I just didn’t know you were there good girl my cat was in my blanket the whole time at least for like the last 20

Minutes what a little cutie patootie okay what is your greatest work accomplishment crazy what a crazy question give e a hat you can give your horse a hat yeah I’m doing that right now I’m doing that right now sounds like you need a scarecrow jingleberry

Uh the spirits will hate me today got it what is happening good morning dear did George die it was a lovely lock out I haven’t seen this Old Farm in a long time it looks even better than I remember here I brought you a little something it’s a gift from one Gardener to

Another oh thank you what is it garden pot grows crops from any season when indoors that’s great um thanks now I have to get rid of something um thank you these pots are really handy you can use them to grow crops of any season indoors they also look nice outside but out here

They can only house in season crops thank you it only you need more they’re really easy to make too you have got an old magazine clipping instructions you gave me a recipe oh my gosh George doesn’t get grumpy if you have o me all the time you

Have a great day honey thank you Evelyn I appreciate you I appreciate you yeah we’ll give you a hat hold on let me check out my hats um in a second get rid of that vs sauce Michael here classic vs sauce Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay and then let me grab

These oh it stormed yes yes yes yes temp don’t work on pod plants though just let you know thank you for letting me know yes that is very valuable information for me Dam when I sold my first set of berries I made over $400 on Berry sales in my

First day that’s wild wow sounds like some that’s someone you should have on your team frankly just saying okay so like I just put this indoors like anywhere or like oh they’re so close can I put this like here or like there we go okay cool these are close to being done okay

Beautiful all right hold on creeper cat you want me to check my stuff right bring Willie a ling con reach level 25 in skull Cavern uh I haven’t been there yet okay bring Gus a lobster can I get rid of some of these oh can I I might cancel some of these

Place 10 beats inside mayor Lewis’s fridge uh bring Demetrius a puffer fish I could have got that from the tra bring Pierre some Sashimi bring Emily and apricot oh I can actually do that one bring Emily and apricot uh I got a strange note bring Emily an amethyst I can bring Emily so

Many things whoa what did lightning strike my walkway apricot and Amethyst apricot and Amethyst Emily would like an apricot an amethyst just like my cat bam okay are my hats in here maybe hold on let me oh I’ll give you my straw hat give me my straw hat bam watch this

E check it out you have a hat now green house probably isn’t best spot for garden pot since you already plant something green house without the pots maybe maybe or maybe I guess I where would I normally put it like a stable or something or amethyst there we go

And we got lots of potatoes as well can I harvest these yet no wow that’s wild you do have a hat is aren’t you proud are you are you excited you should be excited it’s a great day for a hat potato potato potato okay let’s go find

Emily after I pick up this piece of wood consult my associate consult gorb oh no oh no what if gorb doesn’t like Pichu whatever will we do okay where’s Emily on Thursday I’m just going to assume that she’s near her house I’m going to check there first and then I’ll check the

Wiki is this this is our house right no it’s the other house I’m going check the wiki schedule um Tuesday Friday fall winter raining Tuesday regular schedule goes home to work at goes home to work at stard drop Saloon leaves home to work at 3:30 okay so she should

Be in her bedroom right now got it she should be in her bedroom makes sense when are you doing fight caves I need to finish Recipe for disaster so after that oh what’s happening oh no a cut scene oh I always say cleaning on your cushions it’s your turn this week oh Haley how dare you you visit the Hat Mouse so you can have a bigger variety of hat options when not how often is the Hat Mouse

There I thought the Hat Mouse only came on certain days right well Emily’s upset you’re being childish Haley I do the vast majority of work in this house and you know it oh it’s that new farm boy I’ve been here two years he has a name you know I’m also a

Sailor hey hey I bet you’ll understand my point of view here I’m really sorry to involve you in this SCP Haley’s complaining because I asked her to clean under the cushions of the of the couch it’s only because I cleaned them last week stop by and just clean it

Haley why not have this be your one weekly job lethal company reference hello Pichu me and garbage side that you would be great for this company welcome to the team we trust you’ll be a great asset to the company asset great great asset to the company huzzah oh my gosh let’s talk salary

Right Pichu don’t be afraid to talk salary why am I finishing why am I finishing recipe for disaster because I get barrows gloves dog they’re the best gloves right now second best gloves in the game uh Hey Haley why not have this be your one weekly job sigh yeah that’s right suck

It I’ll give you a diamond later all right you and I guess this can be my job every week then there won’t be any reason to argue over it your one job that’s a great solution I I hope I hope you glad glad hi I really go for a cupcake right now I

Bet you could I bet you could Emily can I come in your room o i can hello hope you’re farming since s w Valley’s ecosystem is fragile you’re fragile ho father than delicious um hey I brought you this as well oh my favorite Stone you’re so sweet it’s from

Oh you got at Clint I don’t care wait I don’t know if I got it at clints I wouldn’t say I got it at clints I would say I got it from the mines probably though I can’t be for certain where I got it okay thanks well good deeds go unpunished

That’s what I always say I’m prepping Sly what is happening oh we’re friends now ah another beautiful day in pelican down she’s got crazy eyes I’m not going to lie are those birds oh I mean of course they’re Birds settle down are they Pelicans my friends oh okay she’s one of those

People right cuz didn’t we have like a weird dream thing with oh no is it okay how’ it run into the window like that your wings broken a oh you’re a bit different than the others aren’t you just like me oh my God a a don’t worry I’ll nurse you back to

Health little one everything will be all right I didn’t I wasn’t even in this cutscene enle took the injured paranor home and bandaged the wing he’s all set up in her room but as a token of respect she didn’t give the bird a name do we get to give the bird a

Name go back in here and see if we can give the bird a name I guess I wasn’t even in the cut scene oh hi okay well that’s new good work Top Hat please okay yeah yeah yeah yeah um Matt house is Matt House bad house Mouse hat is always open all right

Yeah let’s go see Mouse hat Mouse hat Mouse of the hat mousing and hatting um is this hold on quick question is a dumb stupid question okay okay I don’t know why but I thought she had apples even though that’s part of her thing okay

Um I’m going to buy an auto grabber for my other thing I don’t have one yet so I still know all the Ang language please that oh that’s good that’s good that’s good Peach you let him say say the salary first that way uh you know he he makes the first

Move what was that what the what the what the hey Mouse hat Mouse hat what’s up little Mouse hat good old cap lucky bow cool cap Mouse ears oh you could have Mouse ears though bro um sailor’s cap oh there’s no wait how do we get the um the bowler kit Top

Hat can’t get it right now oh specific quest in order to get access to where the top hat is okay well that’s okay do you want Mouse ears we can give you Mouse ears ye any of you got a clothing ad no freaking way that’s

So funny all right ye do any of these look good there’s a good old cap there’s a bow there’s a cool cap there’s Mouse ear I recommend that use a daisy um you could have a captain hat like me oh no that’s for officers okay but you could

Have a sailor’s cap like me we could match that could be funny otherwise you’re wearing the straw hat right now sailor hat heck yeah heck yeah brother heck yeah check this out bam twinsies yo what’s up B yes by the way twinsy so it’s so dumb dude that’s really funny though that’s

Quite good that’s really good need some info about the green house what are you referring to which game are we talking about your salary will be how much you ear in per hour the minimum salary is about 1050 but since you were such a great record we will make it higher than

That okay so you’re hour hourly not salary Sal salary um which is fine that means you can get overtime which is good Pichu um yeah you could yeah make it higher yeah this game oh the greenhouse in this game yeah which Greenhouse are you refering oh the oh the greenhouse Greenhouse yeah

The one that’s broken when you start right yeah what do you need to know I don’t know everything cuz I just got it but uh creeper cat will know the answer for sure can you grow trees I think you can yeah because I did plant a apple

Tree and it’s yet to grow but I believe you can plant a tree yeah otherwise it wouldn’t have let me put it there I think oh you know I was telling oh you’re telling me thank you thank you I appreciate that yeah I’m um with the trees there’s supposed to be

Eight spaces apart right you can grow them on the walls what on the walls what do you mean the walls so like I put mine here cuz I thought it said like eight spaces a fully apart hold on um apple tree um center of a 3X3 Square okay so that’s

Fine each Square must be completely clear of objects form in terrain must not overlap the 3X3 okay so one two three yeah it’s fine can be planted in the greenhouse yeah okay so I could put another one over here right I could technically put another Tree in here I’m pretty sure that’s an

Apple tree fairly Positive against the wall Just the Two To the Left Right or down depending on the wall by the wall do you mean this the wall or this aace is like a goose sprinkler going put a picture in Discord after stream showing the best way to grow trees oh thank you creeper cat yeah

Feel free to send that the wall wall all right hold on let me grab my stuff did I still have some seeds oh no did I I think I planted my apple tree seeds hold on a second me double check I think I planted them Shoot I can go buy some more more I guess not today though it’s 5:20 yeah you’ll have to show me that tomorrow on the wall waza thank you for telling me yeah I uh it doesz what is the indication of that was there like a handbook or something I missed or

Something like that cuz there should have been how am I supposed to know that on the greenhouse um okay Auto Grabber bam heck yeah and then oh do I do I need an auto feeder for them too I do don’t I I’m sorry for the ads I’m very sorry

For the ads I’m very sorry for the ads $15 interesting I would like an application for where do I get that groger Sly snooze is in charge of mod ship um yes last time I checked unless he tells me that he doesn’t want to do it anymore but last time I checked he’s

In charge of mod ship me like 5 10 minutes should be in general okay thanks creeper cat wait no the trader is not here yet right Trader cart wait is it the cart cart traveling cart it’s so stupid um Friday and Sunday okay yep that’s tomorrow okay just checking it’s tomorrow

Tomorrow send it a 40 PN why you want to be M I’ll judge from there 4 tomorrow my good man 400 P p.m. or a.m. got to be specific I hate s’s SES wouldn’t that be crazy if we made you do that that’d be wild we wouldn’t make you do that that’d be

Absurd Bam Bam and egg an egg I might actually just clear my eggs up might just clear my eggs out that’s a lot of eggs that’ be a lot of eggs actually let me put duck egg duck egg those are more valuable okay 10 large gold star eggs

Ooh okay I’m going to keep the I’m going to keep those sell all the other eggs we don’t need all these eggs we got lots of eggs ases to tabs load faster sounds good egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg and not those those though and sell that and

That sure okay great I still need my tools back I did not bring all my tools where am I what am I missing I’m missing um am I blind okay shears in milk pil there we go okay give me that hard wood then that goes in there

Okay where did I put my batteries dog there they are okay getting a little scared there for a second took me two hours to get one page of essay done so it would take me over 80 hours to complete I thought you were about to I

Thought you were about to say I’m done and then like make a chat GPT joke or something like that oo a diamond oh wait I have a I have a more slimes now right can I make a slime egg yeah slime egg slimey egg heck yeah okay thanks for suggestion I’ll do

That should make a short video reading your your 40 page essay from chat GPT don’t make it 40 pages um okay how do how do I upgrade my house I know I need hardwood I know I need hardwood and I know I need like 50k or something okay those are good

Going to the woods at night stop I can bring my horse over here that’s weird yo stop dog ooh a moral I still didn’t figure this thing out yet did I hold m K still searching for the sweetest taste and it wasn’t a bun wasn’t there like a sweet bun or

Something the sweetest taste I have to get like a weird recipe or something I got to leave it’s 1220 come on NE good thing I could see you of a mile away with that hat of yours on H beautiful okay rare seed crop rare seed crop what do you mean rare seed crop don’t worry my day-to-day job is L making reports that sometimes

Hit the 40 page length I don’t want to put anyone else through that oh God I can’t even guys I can’t even imagine writing an essay anymore that’s why I don’t write essays for like my videos I know some people like write scripts and stuff like the other day

Super rocker was telling me how he like writes scripts for everything and I was like that’s crazy man that’s wild I um I applaud you but I could never do such a thing too complicated I mean he did he did say he did bullet points and stuff but still a lot of work

Scripts are fun Sly loves scripts if I know anything about Sly Spirits are very happy today I will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune oh anything to do chickens is it the egg festival today no it’s not oh it’s like tomorrow right tomorrow we’re holding the egg Fest one Town

Square you should arrive between 9: a.m. and 2: p.m. if you’d like to attend you wouldn’t want to miss the annual egg hunt stupid that’s what mayor Lewis said to me okay dare I go in the freaking mines today because the the people the people

And by the people I mean of course the um the spirits are very happy with me today day it would probably be good to go right it would probably be good to go maybe I should go maybe we should go um hold on a second can I not make a freaking

Chest I need 50 okay of course there’s no wood just like in here okay I don’t care about that uh no I need that okay Shear going to take out take that out that image is in general thank you yes um give me a few seconds well I do some stuff four scripts

Sly Sly we need those scripts and by scripts I mean videos yo new honey oh no I didn’t mean to pick that oh shoot oh no I did not mean to pick that that sucks that’s unfortunate I think it’s fine still probably okay yo did we finally get the rest of the potato

Wine uh no I need one more of course we do of course of course we need one more all right hold on let’s um am I going to make it for that Quest well um how many days do we have left three days okay I think we’re okay

I think we’re going to be okay all right that’s fine Mr Cat how are you okay hold on let me go in here how these not grown yet grow faster fairy Rose is the most po flower for making honey ooh okay I need to get me some of that then um put that

Away okay okay all right this is going to be interesting I think we’re going to go for it though I think we’re going to go for it are we going to succeed probably not but um you know we could get pretty far we could get pretty far today I believe

So we’re going to try and I believe Believe in Us I Believe in Us right do you guys Believe in Us do you believe in me maybe perhaps a little bit maybe a tiny bit okay ye where are you I need to go to town bam

PE ye I’m so sorry you’re the last person I’d want to give ads to oh wait hold on I got to put but there we go oh did we get our oh we got a crop oh shoot okay hold on yes the green beans are

Here love to see it love to see it finally going to get get some money off of these and they’re going to uh continue to get money for the rest of the season okay there we go and then we can just sell these at least I’m giving you

Money thank you I I hate to hate to tell you but it is poultry compared to um you know other stuff add money it’s really not a lot rec room is wild sometimes what happened in rec room something crazy what Pichu Pichu how’s the new job has it

Been a day yet I don’t know how time is different in whatever world you and insane are in right now oh this this is the wrong wine this is Grape Wine oh oops okay well drink in moderation sure sure we will sure we Will well it still do be money though that’s true and I appreciate you are you watching through all of them you can skip them dude you don’t have to you don’t have to watch off I had a Chester the whole time okay all right it’s go

Time it’s only been 2 hours since the interview oh okay got it I don’t know what world we’re in you should buy beet seeds from a desert and you can grow them in the greenhouse now instead of waiting till fall the grow them outside why do I need beet seeds

What do I need beet seeds for there been culinary I don’t care they’re unskippable what Um bam a shirt nice beats uh for that one Quest is important get top at okay thank you I bought some do I need anything else no okay I got five aridium ore from that ho holy what that must have been rare AF I got that from freaking using the

The copper pan okay I will never underestimate the copper pan ever again all right nope didn’t know the copper pan could do that all right good stuff that’s wild um okay what do I even do excellent question Pichu excellent question got a diamond pretty Sick bam what the those guys can’t die right those guys can’t die right all right hold on hold on [Applause] oh no you don’t where is the Dragon hello oh come on you did not hit me you did not hit me how are you hitting me right now okay okay goat

Cheese bam oh the goat cheese though the go chees though that was a double kill yes it was give me a random word and I’ll spell it wrong uh coniferus is that a word that’s a word Sagittarius spell that wrong ah oh stop where is he perf stop that

Noise oh my gosh there’s so many slimes here wait what did I just get from that drop hold on I think I just got an item no get out of here hold on I had I got like a h or something crazy hold on hold on hold on is it good creeper

Cat level 740 to 55 oh oh oh it’s slower but it’s sort of good give this a g okay well oh wow it’s really slow huh it’s sort of cool though creeper cat what weapon do you use oh freaking get down here okay oh my Lord stop stop stop stop stop stop

Stop I did a Super Attack by accident too that was crazy oh bro who said combat in this game was not like intense where did that thing even go where did it go well guys what the heck do I do I hate this place this place is too

Crazy it’s supposed to be a nice game you can come here but if you prep to do it you can stand in stand in oh oh I see I got my hammer on my main save nice do you you use it though is what you’re saying it seems like it’s worth

It apparently that super ability like knock knocks back like everything which is sort of wild yeah it did like two attacks that’s crazy that’s actually way better yeah get wrecked Get Wrecked scrub okay okay okay so stupid uh okay all right moving on what level are we on what we’re on eight

This is redonkulous is that a ghost get the freak out of here what are you doing get out of here get out of here I don’t want you here go home go home ghost one more I’m going to get point a shame you can point a shame me that’s only

Fair oh is this a Get Wrecked okay oh did it Dodge my hammer attack what the heck was that whoa whoa special no no I was just pulling cheese to heal I’m supposed to be lucky today ye hold on a second let me see if I can

Update no bro that’s weird okay so I had it on insert mid rolls manually which means there shouldn’t be commercials well there shouldn’t be mid rolls unless I say so like I don’t even have it set up for YouTube to do it for me that’s very weird sleep well everyone are you

Leaving Sly goodbye Sly we’ll talk later did I die how much did I lose did I lose my hammer oh no oh my God oh my God I can’t do it I can’t do it again what did I lose what did I lose oh thank

God oh thank God a a sweet the Lord was with us today 3 and 1/2 hours Sly you got to go to bed earlier buddy I’m sorry H try and get some rest while you can and we’ll see you later everyone wave by to Sly not the cheese it’s okay that’s why we

Only brought half our stack of cheese that wasn’t all the cheese see look we we had the goat cheese we didn’t lose the goat cheese the goat cheese was fine and even if we did lose the goat cheese that was half the stack I would have freaked out if I lost The

Slammer that’s more so what I would have been freaked out about I would say even though we died um it’s a success for two reasons one we did get aridium ore and two we got The Slammer um so because of the slammer we now have a much better chance in the

Future we got surrounded that wasn’t our fault that wasn’t our fault I’m going to say that’s a net positive blame crypto for that one I blame the crypto please you should blame Krypto okay well that sort of sucks what happened to us uh could have been worse could have been worse um

Okay good night my sweet child my prince put that in there Organize organize no don’t mind me I’m blue slime egg oh this is a new one oh cool I’m not going in there today though otherwise I will die so I’ll go in there tomorrow when I don’t have you know lack of Health right now okay all right I think to make up for

What just happened to us tomorrow we’re going to go see what we need to increase our house I think that’s a good idea hold on do I need to I need to shut the gate to my stuff genjin impact oh God that’s the that’s like the worst do people still play genin

Impact sort of wild giving false facts about stardew a why would you do that don’t do that I already get confused enough as it is why is whoa what is happening to the stone walkway all Right I would like nine Berry jams Jam berries please thank you thank you kindly wait am I stupid I didn’t go to the trader today is the trader still there oh sh whoa God what the I guess I don’t need him technically also my where’s

Ye where did ye go is ye still at the bus stop and I just oh you said the bus stop genin is worse than crypto that’s true that’s true are you closed I walk up with my hammer bam we’ll open up Pichu you’re heading out for your

Shift no I I understand good night Pichu have a good one we will see you later buddy um so long so long Pichu oh hold on put that away good and then you said I need my I don’t need the Beet seeds right now and my tools are not in this

Chest there they are I’m going to put my sword away actually as well sword can go away don’t need that there we go off the bed bye Pichu have a wonderful night we will see you next time okay goodbye see you on Thursday maybe I’m gonna die I died I the dragons

Killed me this time Shane they killed me this time preparation begins mildly perturbed of course they are plant them be beets okay yeah we’ll plant the beets those potatoes are really fast actually I don’t understand you slime sorry crispy bacon hello welcome to stream can you say happy birthday to

Maddie Maddie happy birthday happy birthday I hope it was a swell one happy birthday to you kind of addicted to melvor Idol right now are you really oh gooy you might get into runin Escape then if that’s the case I it is addicting you you understand what I was

Saying right like in the video where I was like okay I get it cuz you basically can switch between activities really fast and I guess that could be the addicting part whoa did not mean to do that but yeah I um I almost got 99 astronomy I went I went to the game

Today I hadn’t logged on in like a couple days I 95 astronomy right now and honestly I think astronomy is probably the best thing to get early on because of those Buffs so I would recommend maybe doing that first hopefully I get no more ads hopefully you don’t buddy hopefully you don’t I

Would hate for you to get ads uh put that there okay time to milk milk away oh the egg Festival do I need to do anything for that I they didn’t say I did I I do need to be there cuz Shane will be upset if I’m not there we

Go those two slimes can’t reproduce because they’re both males oh is that why nothing’s happening that makes way more sense um drink large milk no I was trying to make cheese there we go there we go oh I had gold in here the whole time

All right well I guess we’ll see what we need to do to upgrade our house tomorrow there we go golden apricot looks nearly identical at least to me okay all right let’s go to the egg Festival why not right why not the only problem with me with RuneScape was how tedious and unguided

The game was with to do melv Idol is a lot more guiding it’s a lot clear for stuff you can do I understand what you’re saying I understand what you’re saying with RuneScape though there is there is stuff like there are guides maybe maybe I didn’t do a good job

Explaining your tools for what you would need to do also [ __ ] what were you playing it on were you playing on PC or not on on PC um there are like Quest helper stuff you can get like in in the game to help you with what to do as well um and that

Could be very very helpful uh decorative Pitchfork I don’t know if I want any of this stuff colorful set of what I’ll will buy a pastel Banner thank you Shane it’s your favorite Festival our hens have been working overtime for this Festival they deserve the best tonight bowls full of sweet yellow corn

Hi lonus no one really talks to me I just came for the deviled eggs I talk to you lonus I talk to you I always look forward to these gathers it makes the community feel real community community stuff I’m sure the children have been looking for it oh

This is the egg one oh no I’m going to not get all the eggs oh first time you win the egg done you got this TRW head every wi after that you get 1,000 gold oh that’s not even that it’s not even good playing on PC okay gooey there’s a there is

A app app Snap the right word there’s a program called ruin light that is made by not the people that made RuneScape it’s made by like people that um like developers that love the game and ually it’s like a way to help with questing and stuff like that I

Would highly recommend downloading that um you can actually find it from the actual RuneScape website as well but um yeah I don’t know we can do that another time I can walk you through it and stuff but apart from that there’s also like in in the game there’s like hey

What do I do next and there’s actually tutorial people in the beginning of the town that you can talk to and be like hey what do I do to what but I think maybe if you play more Mev Idol and you actually like it you you might want to

Give RuneScape another shot later on but um and then when you do you’ll probably understand it a lot better cuz it’s so similar so that might actually be really good for you if you just play melvor a little bit L did I talk to you already okay Chris Pratt ad Pratt PR

Advertisement what is that what ad was it I don’t even know what he’s doing right now let’s start with the eggs I’m going to beat all the children why am I allowed to compete why am I allowed to compete in this by the way wait where are the eggs normally I

See them by now yes I’m ready one two did he hide them better this year what is this there’s eggs over there what are you talking about where are the oh my God suckers there’s two eggs over here you missed it okay I got 10 eggs if I don’t

Win with 10 eggs that’d be ridiculous I think I got eight last year eggs are always in the same spots are they really though Pringles ad is he the new Pringles guy oh no I can get kids to pick a litter this officially we got cleanest town the side of jimc chuckle chuckle

Indeed 10 eggs is always a win heck yeah ESP that’s right this old man beat you children suck it I know where all the eggs are here surprise received 1,000 gold thanks that pays for the banner that I bought while I came here as long as my husband Shane had fun I

Suppose or whatever whoa bam wait can I put this on the inside of of like anything can I put this on the inside of here like my barn oh no maybe I can’t unless no okay that would have been cool if you could put like some decorations inside your barn oh well

Okay is this not done oh wait is this potato juice is done okay do I have time to give this to her two days I do tomorrow I can give that to her okay we’re set we’re stacked um great I’m going to now okay we’re going to put in different

Kinds of honey and see what happens which is very exciting oh those are still going never mind all right we’re going to put in two regular honey and two different kinds of Honey ooh me exciting Chris Pratt is just everything he’s you know he’s something all

Right I used to like Chris Pratt a lot more than I do now I’ll just leave it at that bam okay get rid of the Blackberry Curry ooh I’m running out of space for all my stuff I have too much stuff for sure this house looks crazy I definitely need to upgrade my

House progress has been saved amazing really good hi Shane I may keep myself lot and it may seem unhappy sometimes but I do appreciate all the work you do I’m a lucky guy oh I’m at 13 out of 14 heck yeah you know what Shane let me let me

Uh reward you oh do I not have beer in the fridge wow that’s really Unbecoming of me actually really surprising I’m going to put a potato juice in there love Garfield Chris Pratt impression it’s it is amazing I I actually didn’t watch the trailer yet

For it was it actually Good Ye or are you kidding oh hello oh dinosaur egg alert oh yeah we got some mayonnaise on the rise there we go perfect okay green beans good no they’re they’re good okay oops some people grew up with Lego Mario and Garfield now it’s all just Chris

Pratt Chris Pratt was good in The Lego Movie that’s true he was good in The Lego Movie though wasn’t he how many beats do I need creeper cat do I need a lot or can I get by with just a few can I pick these up now what is

This oh okay they’re still not done cool cool cool cool all right this hence the Garfield doing a CIS P impression but the movie does look good okay well I do hope the Garfield fans enjoy the movie for sure they deserve it 100% bam okay

But in The Lego Movie he didn’t play a famous character he just played a random Lego character yeah I also I mean like Lego movie was way different because um he was like he was a Lego guy right he was a he was a Lego guy his voice

Sounds like a Lego guy you know what I’m saying now him is Mario not not so much pops welcome in how are you doing today which we’re just talking about Chris Pratt don’t mind us bam putting that in okay put that Wild Honey back put that potato back put

That back we’ve made our first me very exciting fermented beverage made from honey drink in moderation all try um I guess we get to to see that actually was way fast that was just overnight I feel like it would take longer for me to make but you know you never know 10 beats

Okay 10 beats it is really expecting to get more casks soon um C Bam Bam Chris Pratt the guy who ruined Mario now ruining Garfield exactly yes exactly we were just saying he was okay in The Lego Movie okay at least this is my opinion this is my opinion he’s okay

In The Lego Movie and no I’m sorry I thought he was good in The Lego Movie right Mario I don’t want to say ruined because because I did enjoy the Mario movie was he my favorite part heck no no he was not um Garfield though why couldn’t okay

Here’s what we should have really done for Garfield all right we should have just got Nick Offerman that’s what we should have done and that’s what the internet was saying right 3,000 heard there’s a spirit made out potatoes really packs of wallup you’ve never had vodka before okay well I hope our friendship

Continues to thrive Lego movie was a dub do you guys remember when you first watched The Lego Movie and then at the end the dad comes down and it’s freaking will Pharell I saw that I was was like what is happening right now and then he like was a complete jerk to his

Son absolutely wild thing for them to do you know who we should get as the jerk dad will frell and you know what they were sort of right about that made an impact actually in the mar movie I hated Seth Rogan Seth Rogan’s DK was also not

Great he didn’t even try bro he just did his regular Seth Rogen voice which is like he’s got a good voice for animation movies but for like DK it’s you know he could have done something else I also don’t understand why we need all these celebrities why couldn’t we have gotten

The actual voice actors from the games I mean obviously Mario is a little bit different cuz you know they don’t have many lines but we we could still get them honestly Mario was wrong yeah I I agree with you pops uh Chris Brad is fun and AC him and

Garfield is a lazy cat I didn’t okay so I was just saying I didn’t see the trailer so did he act like Chris Pratt in the trailer or did he act like Garfield in the trailer cuz he should be acting like Garfield which is a lazy cat bam Bam Bam got

That I’m just getting potato well I I don’t even know if I need to do this anymore I’m like so confused about which part of the game I’m at I’m like almost done also I can grow all my potatoes inside now so do I even need to grow

Potatoes I I don’t even think I need to I was just like I feel like I’m doing this just to do it you know Ooh go is that done okay no that’s good void mayonnaise great I hate how they never brought back wol they play Mega mine the new oh my gosh did you guys see the reviews for the Mega mine show what is it on Apple TV or something is it a movie or a show

I don’t even know it’s one of it doesn’t even matter it got like zero on Rotten Tomatoes dude I don’t know what they were thinking yeah they didn’t bring any of the voice actors back it doesn’t make any sense what they were what were they trying to accomplish brother was using his normal

Voice again he really for Garfield he was using his normal voice oh man what are we doing guys what are we doing right now we can’t let him keep getting away with this I’m not saying the man doesn’t have talent all right but like why is he all

Of a sudden just doing voice acting right he’s got other stuff he could be doing I mean I know the last thing he did was Jurassic Park or whatever but he has options right you’d assume he has options it goes from new movie to ye are you telling me the

Mega the mega mine remake is a movie that turns into a TV show what so it starts with a movie and then like just continues from there they were like you know it’s going to be so successful that we should make into into a show afterwards

Mega oh my God hello all my animals hello to you hello hello hello hello bam he was wait pops did you see the mega mine show uh Chris Pet Sounds like a news reporter ah you’re not you’re not you’re not exactly wrong Bud you’re not exactly

Wrong which is sad which is sad you know I have no clue why they decide to make a sequel 14 use later like are we actually running out of options are we legit running out of options that bad like we can’t be that desperate that Hollywood goes back to mega mind

Right I feel like we’ve been in a weird rud of shows for a while now like even like I mean I hate to say it but even like Disney doesn’t have like good Classics anymore or anything right it’s disappointing not much we can do though did I already go here in water

Stuff I did right yes I did okay everyone loves Mega mine but the quality was just terrible and every actor got replaced well the thing is they shouldn’t have done it at all if the actors were going to get replaced there’s no need to do it

5:40 p.m. I was going to go check on my house hold on let me go to oh wait traveling cart traveling cart traveling cart I don’t know if I need to do the traveling cart anymore since we’re well at work for the last part of the community center but just in

Case where’ I put ye there you are ye PR like somebody to host a Mr Beast video that one hurts but it’s also accurate I hate to say it I am a Mr Beast fan I’ve talked about it before I say fan lately but I I do enjoy a good

Jimmy do you I I love the fact that he’s now realizing that he broke the internet and um what and is and is like putting it back to normal again dining chair rare seed sumers span go prita I think I need a puffer fish for something I’m going to grab that I don’t

Remember what I needed it for but it’s there um otherwise no nothing good dining room chair actually we’ll get that what if Shane needs a new chair go to might as well get some more hardwood while we’re over here for some reason I think it was 100 to upgrade the house

Which we do not have like marrow not being voiced by Charles Martin in the movie was fine yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I it’s interesting because we’re going to see a rise in video game movies now obviously I mean we’re already

Seeing it but it’s going to be even more so Um and I don’t think it’s all going to be bad definitely not 100% not I I hope I hope the majority of it is good at least 60% of the video game movies that come out with the next 10 years when they try and monopoli not

Monopolize but when they try and um you know take advantage of the popularity of it all will be good but who knows who knows gang in this video I got in this video I got Chris Brad to make the biggest crowd your mom has ever seen why Jimmy

Why no sorry so back to my previous thought I just thought it was hilarious that Jimmy’s like hey uh you know how the how we did a bunch of quick edits and stuff um well guess what that doesn’t work anymore so we’re not doing that and and everyone’s like Jimmy you

Did that you you’re the one that made all of that thing you’re the one that started that and made the trend for it and now that it doesn’t I don’t just I don’t know it’s just wild I’m uh I think I might need to start changing my editing style obviously my

Editing style has changed over time but I might start to shy away away from hard edits now too I did see the Borderlands movie trailer Jack Black is clap trap yes also oh I saw on Twitter today that Jack Black is going to be singing in the Minecraft movie He’s also in

Minecraft if for some reason you didn’t know that either um puffer Fish I mean we love Jack Black we love Jack Black he can do whatever he wants as as far as I’m concerned so not worried about it we’re probably going to get another Banger like peaches so um why is this mineral here put that in there imagine Mr Beast going bankrupt

And stole Chris sprad I I I don’t even know like honestly when you know how Mr Beast has said that he’s not he has he has said that he is like a nice house but he really doesn’t have a lot of money because he puts it all back into videos

And while some of that might not be true I don’t know I’m I’m inclined to believe him a little bit cuz he’s sort of wild that’s his his sole goal in life is to make videos better so in regards to being bankrupt I don’t know if he can be

Cuz I don’t think he has any money I think he’s like obviously I think he’s like upper middle class I don’t think he’s rich I don’t think Mr Beast is Rich I don’t think he’s going out to like five star restaurants all the time or anything he’s in isn’t he in North is

He North Dakota or where was he Arkansas uh he is steep but Steve isn’t the main character of the Minecraft movie but Jason mimo is the main character as a random Adventurer oh I knew Jason mimo was in I didn’t understand the casting yet North Carolina yes thank you

Um so we don’t Steve isn’t even the main character for the Minecraft movie that’s so weird oh no I forgot to see how much the me was I want to see how much I I saw it said 5K but must be pretty good hi Shane what are we doing today oh

God I’m so sorry I’m going out today all right I’m not the boss of you you can do whatever you want dang these potatoes are ripe Oh my gosh can I can I pick that up thank you pardon me thank you I don’t even know if I need these there but there we go we’re just going to keep those there oh no I missed one bam that’s so weird Grog 2024 I do say that a

Lot Chris Pratt springles sparked an amazing conversation see see I mean honestly see that’s what I want to do is I just want to have dumb conversations like this all the time it’s hard to do that on Thursdays e uh Grog where would you put each of

The marriage candidates on a tier list oh my gosh see I thought about that I thought about that I’ve thought about that I’m not entirely sure the thing is I guess I don’t know them enough I I feel like I’d be a fraud if I did a tier list on the candidates

For marriage for stardew Valley because I have only married one person in this game so far so I don’t know I don’t know I feel like I’d have to go through a couple playthroughs maybe I should do a should I do a marriage speed run on stardo

Valley do you remember me I’m the guy who said insert woman joke here what who said that samx with a super chat what the heck my guy Hoy what’s up buddy what are your opinions on Chris Pratt uh H cutting beautiful there we go my wife gets a low rank I’m removing

My if my wife gets a low rank I’m removing my like on the stream this is a joke oh you’re oh I was so confused for a second you mean your wife in stardo Valley I was like what you said you married Emily before no Emily’s at least

B tier Emily’s at least B tier I don’t dislike Emily at all is my alert okay hold on samx my alert box is going to pop up in 12 minutes when it’s not late anymore there we go I was got an eye that was about Italian meals bro what is going on Google’s

Tracking you or something ye that’s actually insane that that keeps happening bam running away okay oh oh uh what’s your face don’t tell me Abigail no Abigail’s good too Abigail’s good too see I feel like maybe that that’d be such a dumb video but it would be funny maybe I’ll do that like

After the update comes up so then it’s hits the algorithm or something are you guys okay wait what’s happening there’s hay in here guys just cuz I clean up the farm doesn’t mean that you can’t eat anymore oh no are they upset because I took their grass away how much money delete this

Safe I’d cry I’m so close to beating the game like it’s like a 100 hours of work I wouldn’t I couldn’t samx I have pride I can’t be bot I can be bot but just not in some some circumstances Grog explained in one comment Grog games and likes it what

Pops explain yourself pops pumpkins are one of her favorite love gifts so I can grub and mastering the fall that makes sense well she also likes rocks though so do you really need pumpkins neebs doesn’t produce milk wait what I thought I was attacking my goat I

Respect that thank you thank you like I said I can be bought under certain circumstances I feel like I would be a complete hypocrite if I if I actually if I was serious or if I even thought you were were serious about that I know you’re not being serious but if someone

Actually came in and did that I don’t think I can do it I don’t think I could do it it’s just like too much work and also like the this is the first time I’ve been in stardo Valley stardo Valley has been one of my favorite games for a long

Time and I’ve just been too preoccupied or lazy or something to beat it until now so this is like mildly a huge deal for me sorry to hear you have morals I know it sucks that I have morals it really does it’s so easy for all these people walking around without

Morals truffle bam okay milk there can we go back talk about Chris Pratt absolutely what else do you have to say about Chris Pratt okay all right come here ye we got to go hey samx do you like how we’re wearing matching hats check it out it’s

Pretty cool right I know I know it’s wild can I give my dog a hat okay if I can give my horse a hat I have to be able to give my dog a hat right hello oh hi mayor I like to check in with the local businesses and see how they’re

Doing 150 pieces of hardwood I don’t have that much do you sell hardwood I thought you did for some reason no you that’s terrible um okay well that’s fine um if we get 12 hardwood a day all right math problem if we get 12 hardwood a day and we have 103 hardwood

How many days will it take for us to get 150 hardwood oh wow that actually sucks that’s terrible it’s going to take us five days cuz four days four time 12 wait no yeah four times oh no no no it’s going to take us four days okay

Never mind 55 days that’s that’s great put the Rotten Tomato comparison to the first and second megon movie on Discord yes that’s a great meme in by itself you did you know they chose Chris Pat cuz zood was so poor they got the best voice actor is that is that

Why less than a week if you go to the secret woods every day yeah it’s going to be 4 days it’s going to be exactly 4 days unless I find can we get hardwood from other Stuff I’m going play lonus a visit wonder what he’s up to hey buddy the Cris be of the Wilderness is all I care to know wait what is lonus like hold on I want to actually see what this this guy likes hope it’s not like dirt um Cactus he likes

Coconuts I think I have a coconut in my house I’m going to go get him a coconut we’re going to go get lonus a coconut I was about to give him a dirty old Berry but um I think we can do one better my other comment so funny I’m not

Actually funny you’re funny you’re funny ye can I grab this Berry please thank you bam like the Billy lonus he’s samx bro but he’s he’s so nice he like doesn’t even do anything he’s not even like an annoying that’s so bad to say I’m going to end my

Thought right there did I go in the greenhouse today I didn’t and that would have been close ooh yo huge huge is big for the account I missed yes oh yes oh yes chief took me for I realized how screwed Garfield was cuz of Chris Pratt it took

You that long pops what are you doing lonus is homeless by choice is he I don’t know his backstory that’s another thing that’s another reason why I can’t make the tier list cuz people are going to come at me for not knowing everyone’s backstory on stard

Do they’ll be be like but so and so is a good person and I’m going to be like well I’m judging based on nothing so shut up bulletin D bundle red cabbage I’m going to give you the best one that’s right oh yes friendship seed maker plant crops inside

To produce varying amount of seeds doesn’t work with fruit trees okay we have the poppy which we are making in the greenhouse we have the Apple which is on our farm um and we have the pomegranate I put the pomegranate or the Apple in the greenhouse I don’t remember

Which one but one of them is in there and then afterwards then the other one will be there so that’s good that’s good good for us actually let’s just double check wait I’m pretty sure hold on pomegranate why can’t I tell why isn’t it it’s like

Curly that that sapling was like Curly I couldn’t I thought I’d be able to tell like which one it is I guess not homeless by choice is copium you think you could get a job at JoJo Mart samx really hey go will you ever play a rhythm game on stream probably

Not probably not I’m bad at it also all the Rhythm games like have copyright music so it’s probably not a good idea um also Rhythm games are just like hard in general you don’t want to watch me play a rhythm game it’s going to just go poor yeah it’ll like the whole stream

Will be like you guys laughing at me and that’ll that’ll be it why’ you say a yes like that I don’t know did I say it weird you can me read this man like a book I know that’s cuz youve known me for like at least three samx how long have

You known me like 3 years been more than 3 years is it more than 3 years can’t be more than three years Right all right time to time to get back in there all right we went to we went and got hardwood today already so I guess we just need to remember to get more hardwood every single day which is dumb four years that’s what I thought but I was

Like scared to say it was been 4 years it’s been a long time I known samx longer than anyone else in chat which is wild um bam sure I don’t even think I need that really sorry to hear [Laughter] that I know I know wild stuff crypto

Adverti why is the crypto happening no one’s asking for crypto I’m so sorry that’s uncalled for dis disgusting behavior um what do we do the rest of the day nothing what is my friendship at with Emily now oh it’s that four that’s it oh I was going to get a c

I was going to get cactus for lonus pretty sure I have a cactus stop lonus give me Cactus you know what f it we’re going to go to the desert just to get a cactus for lius actually let me me check my the my other chest before I

Go that that’d be terrible if like uh we actually had some pretty sure we don’t have one in here no we don’t okay there we go what time does lonus go to bed is the real question what do you mean Pam’s not here it’s 8:40 at night it’s cuz it’s

Monday all right fine we’ll go to the bar I did say F yes ooh oh no he can’t abbreviate words if I if I’m not allowed to abbreviate if I can’t say what the f what has this all been about where why is no one here why is Shane not here why

Is Leah not here anymore I’m so confused do I have to hang out here more or something I don’t get it how are you riding the dog when I how are you riding the dog when I play I just s for Emily and mind bro what are you talking about

This is a horse see it’s horse doesn’t it look like a horse it’s got a horse hat when you played i s for Emily uh ignore my previous CS wait you didn’t think it was a dog did you why did you s for Emily cuz she’s weird okay you would like Emily yeah

Never mind that that tracks dog yeah no that that tracks for you doesn’t it all right I think for the last few minutes let’s just take it easy huh we haven’t fished the whole entire stream tonight it’s a beautiful horse that it is okay I I do need creeper cat or

Someone else to confirm can I get a hat for my dog because if so I will be buying him a sailor hat and then there will be three of us and then honestly what I didn’t check is if I’m allowed to have multiple Stables because if I’m allowed to have

Multiple Stables I’m just going to have a fleet of horses with a bunch of different hats I mean I I know ye that’s probably not my best idea in your opinion because you want to be the only horse but wouldn’t it be funny if we all had a fleet of horses with different

Hats you always get a cat can you put a a cat on your hat can you can you put a cat can you put a hat on your cat I really want to marry George but s dibs are evil people I well but you wanted to take care of George for the

Remainder of his life I’m surprised there’s not an event where George kicks the bucket to be honest uh pops goodbye have a wonderful night uh we’ll see you next time we see you Pops thank you for the conversation about Chris Pratt all named after you you just like Yeet one two and

Three you can put a hat on the alien scarecrow if you have it there’s an alien scarecrow I don’t think I have it honestly missed opportunity if you can’t put a hat on your cat oh almost forgot to shut the old shutter there okay there we go bam so

Good yeah George is bald he sort of needs a hat doesn’t he you think that would that would make him happier just bring the whole look together he might uh enjoy himself more probably probably okay it is bedtime in game and in real life I know crazy we’ve been

Going for three hours so it’s that time um I think we’re just going to I don’t think we’ll raid tonight I think we’re just going to chill which is good um hey ladies and gentlemen those of you still here I appreciate you I hope you had a

Good time um I had fun I had good time um any last thoughts before we end on Chris Pratt or anyone else make sure you take Tuesday pills I will I will take Tuesday pills they’re called melatonin but yeah you can call them Tuesday pills I know ye it’s okay

Thursday is oh we’re not even doing jackbox on Thursday I don’t know I don’t we might still do jackbox on Thursday I need I feel like we should start switch to jackbox a little bit more what do you guys think I mean at samx you might not know

But we’ve been doing bi-weekly so like we do every Thursday I’ll do fall guys for three hours and then the next week will be Fall Guys for half the stream and jackbox the last half or hour of the stream I might switch to more jackbox more oh hey insane Tuesday pills do you

Like my tanky theme version of my profile pick I really do actually that’s awesome I like it a lot Chris Pratt is a person that’s true I have noticed okay I didn’t know I yeah you sometimes people don’t hear me you know I appreciate you noticing why I got you jackbox party

Pack six I know I want to do the the um murder mystery party again the murder mystery party was fun and I messed up real hard absolutely biffed it uh okay all right thanks for hanging out with me gang I’ll see you on Thursday and um if you haven’t checked out my

Latest video that’d be super cool and you could hit the like button on that latest video to counteract the dislikes that it got okay

Stardew Valley Live Stream | Chill Vibe Stream
Hey welcome back to Grog Games it’s your boy SuperPotion (SP). Today we are doing a chill Stardew Valley stream where I continue my play file where I’m on Winter of Year 2 ( I think) and we’ll end up fishing a bunch. Also gonna attempting to complete the community center, still got a few things left on that. If you enjoyed this indie game stream then consider subscribing if you’re not already. I play indie games, like Fall Guys and Hollow Knight. Also other games like Runescape (OSRS) 😀

Game Description:
You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

Feb 26, 2016
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