I Found Scary Minecraft Easter Eggs (Real?)

From Secret Dimensions never explored before to Easter eggs hidden in the code for years I found Minecraft’s scariest Easter eggs starting with the camel lady Agnes an official Minecraft developer stated Minecraft camels have an Easter egg that no one has discovered yet I know it sounds crazy Gamers an Easter

Egg that no one has discovered yet and it has to do with camels now while this world loads here we are on the official Minecraft YouTube channel as you can see in the bottom left making Minecraft Mobs me meet the camel and so we have lady Agnes on the left literally a Minecraft

Developer officially and this is what she says listen closely you are supposed to tell us about an Easter egg right okay yeah tell well I don’t want to tell you what it is but I wanted so it’s a very very tiny little Easter egg but I think it’s

Charming and I haven’t seen anyone finding it yet no one found it’s related to those adorable floppy ears mhm mhm okay so now we know it has to do with the camels ears and so I mean yeah if we just grab ourselves a camel spawn egg

Boom there you go hello Mr Camel man come on oh oh I just saw the ears flap I just saw them flap okay well that’s normally what they do yo why you looking at me like that bro that is what they normally do now what could the Easter

Egg be I mean I have some ideas before we dive deep into the code because it has to do with their ears I’m thinking yo what if it has to do with like some goat horn or something maybe it’s a certain sound that they react to okay 3 2 1

Um okay well I didn’t see the ears do anything but bro just laid down okay that might have been a coincidence yeah I’m going to do that one more time 3 2 1 and dude what okay okay okay I I don’t know why that just happened twice in a row the

Camel sat down and then got up when I did something with the horn maybe it does have to do with the sound I mean it would would make sense right it would make sense that the camel has sensitive ears and maybe sound has it react to something so I’m on the camel’s official

Wiki page and I couldn’t find a single thing searching through this entire page if we scroll down to animations we can see all the animations that the camel currently has but it even says this section needs to be updated meaning there could be behaviors that are literally just missing flat out and if

We scroll down to development images there’s a lot of silly ones like the camel T posing but if we click next here we have a camel completely bugged there’s proof of this camel being glitched if my theory is correct Gamers the camel can get oh my god there you go

He’s tired as I was about to say according to my theory I believe the camel can get overstimulated and just overwhelmed and will know by the ears and so after digging into the camel’s behaviors and manipulating the game files this is what happened oh my God

Okay if this works Gamers it’s going to be insane and great it’s about to be night time I swear that was not even plan but we have the same camel that I spawned and now honestly I can’t even take full credit to this shout out to

This comment right here he was on to something and I mean so was I I guess with my theory but if we get some music discs I don’t know if there’s any specific but let’s just grab 11 and then uh 13 yeah probably the scariest Minecraft discs known okay okay okay I’m

Kind of waiting for him to settle down but I guess it doesn’t matter because what I want to do is place a bunch of these Juke boxes all around the area that he’s in and the goal here is to play so much music I mean I don’t know

How to explain it but maybe like like I said over stimulate and just exhaust him to a point where we’re about to see what this Easter egg actually could be okay here goes nothing I’m going to wait for him to lay down I’m going to wait for

Him to lay down then I’m going to execute the game plan oh my God oh my God go go go go play these discs play these discs go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay it’s working it’s working is anything happening yo wait

Are you guys seeing this the ears he’s still laying down he’s getting up okay what wait what is going on what is attacking him hello um um wait no quick just break him break him break him break him break him wait no no no no no no no hold on a

Second how much did I just break no no no no no no dude dude dude dude dude stop stop this music what just happened snapshot 15 w14a an update documented to have tons of sketchy Easter eggs this specific version of Minecraft has so many weird things I mean I guess

Starting off with create world that’s there can only be one okay that is so weird I’m not going to lie that’s actually kind of creepy game mode existence enjoy your existence and interact with environment creative which I guess is the same thing just yeah in creative mode okay I’m just going to

Rock with that what other options do we have allow superpowers yeah okay this entire update is really really weird and has so many crazy features but there’s one specifically that I want to check out okay what the heck why is there just random snow here yeah like what what is

That everything is also super like saturated that cloud is pink that cloud is literally oh wait it’s a heart yeah it is literally a heart okay am I the only one who doesn’t like when the game is like super cuddly and nice and rainbow farts hello Mr mob what if I try

And attack you what the heck hearts come out when I try and attack mobs dude this is so weird yeah and look water has Hearts coming out wao okay this is really weird I’ll press E from my inventory There He Go so that annoying message can go away there’s a lot of

Weird features in this version and honestly I’m just going to go over them cuz there’s one specifically I want you to see we have the obsidian boat which sinks dungeons are now homes with furnaces apparently desert temples now what the heck have a ladder going straight down and no TNT trap creepers

Have have smiles and they blow up into poppies every single sword is now a heart bows now just shoot Hearts TNTs are called love bombs and heyo hold up hold up oh wait what just happened I guess it doesn’t do anything and if you take damage boom you gain Hearts which

Are also in the center of your screen and if you want to change your options your video settings yeah they’re all blank and now for what I really wanted to show you let’s go in our inventory and let’s search up potion of caring okay okay here it is potion of caring I

Have no idea what the difference of these are there’s literally two that are named the same and do the same but okay I’m just going to grab the two that’s one of the potions and the other one is potion of sharing this one does have a

Time which is kind of odd but okay you know what yeah I’m going to get the three minute one this potion is actually documented and on the wiki it says caring causes mobs to change their AI to move toward the nearest mob as if it were to attack it I’ve actually not

Tested this yet so so I’m kind of terrified I’m going to just grab a pig cuz just why not spawn him in there you go bro is a normal Pig hello Mr Pig and now if I Splash this on him it should alter his AI what where are those

Particles yo where is he going towards what the heck what is he doing wait he’s tweaking does he just not know where to go is there a mob not close enough what the heck did he just lose his shadow what is happening right now you guys see

This right bro lost his shadow that’s really weird wait what if I go into survival mode hey little pig he’s not even like moving anymore okay okay he is I don’t understand what just happened if I summon another Pig yeah that one has a shadow okay he

Doesn’t seem to be like attacking oh he just gained his shadow back now is he back to normal okay here goes nothing I’m going to slap the potion of carrying again oh my gosh again with the night time dude it always happens in the

Creepiest Parts 3 2 1 ye there you go I splashed him literally nothing nothing is happening he’s just bouncing around what what if I Splash this sheep right here there you go boom what if I just keep splashing it oh my gosh oh my gosh

Okay what yo why did you just did you hear that yo something just sheared him something else is here what was that it’s not even like properly working I think I don’t know what’s wrong with this okay I’m not going to lie I’m a little creeped out like what’s supposed

To happen isn’t happening what if I splashed a zombie there you go oh wait yeah the wait the zombie looks like it’s actively trying to hurt these mobs but nothing I guess is happening is he just giving them a hug yeah yeah every time I splash him he just goes to the nearest

Mob okay so it works on the zombies and just I guess not on the sheep or the pig regardless now we have the sharing potion which apparently sharing causes mobs to drop random items in a random amount of time literally the first thing I think of is just straight up robbing

Mobs like yeah sharing okay Mojang so you’re telling me if I Splash this freaking oh chicken okay we got some hard part particles all right let me uh let me get an iron heart give me your money okay he’s not doing anything oh oh what the yo wait what where did that

Where did that iron come from wait oh my gosh the the items are coming from above it’s working it’s actually working hold on so you’re telling me if I actually just splash all these mobs then theoretically oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah items are just coming out literally

Items are coming out I don’t know from where how about these guys can I Rob these guys wait what the heck they just dropped bone meal okay there’s a lot of stuff here that I’m not understanding right now this is such a weird version of Minecraft I don’t know what’s

Happening right now but oh my gosh this skeleton literally dropped a diamond uh thanks 11 years ago in the Xbox Legacy version of Minecraft there was a famous Easter egg inside a specific desert temple and apparently this is it found right here originally in the game it has

A funny name honestly and I’m not even too sure of the history myself it’s a little confusing at least for me to understand and so right here Gamers is a world called Xbox Legacy version 1121 this world is literally a time capsule because and I think we’ll see when we

Load in oh my gosh okay it’s already night time great yes yes I know to move with WC I know how to play this game bro this chunk generation is totally messed up because these specific desert chunks were taken from an Xbox Legacy world this world is completely corrupted like

Literally it just seems like it’s one long strip with a desert temple in a biome in a world that doesn’t seem like it’s supposed to fit I mean look at that Village like what is that I mean this makes sense though cuz apparently these chunks are from an Xbox Legacy world and

So that desert temple should have the ancient Easter egg oh my God wait it’s literally right here bro I could see from the outside this is the golden Tower yo wait and so hold on is oh my God there’s actually chest down there I mean I’ve never played okay hold on

There is TNT okay there is TNT yeah I was going to say I’ve never played played the Xbox Legacy version Oh wait that might be a lie no I definitely wao okay what is that dude hold on a second we just found some oh my God are these

Corrupted items I can’t even place them bro I can’t even place them what the they literally have no name what in the world is this so if I just throw them down okay it looks like they’re kind of useless bro they’re in every single chest that is so weird bro I’ve never

Seen this before and I did not expect to see this is there anything else in these chunks comment down below if you used to play Xbox Legacy I know my cousins did and I know I played with them like years ago when I used to go over to their

House as a kid but it’s is so odd I mean I don’t remember the terrain looking like this I certainly don’t remember these like no-named items that I can’t even place or do anything with yeah and it looks like the chunks just stop right here it kind of reminds me of the far

Lands to be honest we all know when right clicking a mushroom with a bowl you get mus mushroom stew but brown mushrooms have a weird Easter egg nothing special over here right click boom we get the mushroom stew however if we go ahead and summon lightning boom Oh

Wait I summoned on myself oops boom there you go wao now turn the mushroom into a brown mushroom wait what the what’s happening with the mushrooms that wasn’t happening like 5 seconds ago okay and so we’re on the official wiki and if we scroll down all

The way to right here Behavior here we have a list of all the flowers you can right click the brown mushroom with and see the effects you get from the suspicious stew or as I like to call it sussy stew so here let’s test um Lil of

The valley apparently it’s going to give us poison okay dude I’m honestly so creeped out by the legs just not moving but anyways let’s get Lily of the Valley and a single Bowl let’s right click him okay yo he literally just ate it I just saw some white particles too and then if

I right click there there you go we get the sussy stew all right let’s go into survival and just slurp this bad boy up okay it works perfect so we know the behavior is correct but here’s the thing what if we abuse it what if we glitch

The brown mushroom by giving it every single flower at once okay so I have all of these flowers right here some of them just do the same effect so I skipped a few here goes nothing boom boom boom wait is it working hold on a second oh I

See smoke particles I don’t know if this is working but I’m literally just right clicking with all of them I clicked every single one dude I’m honestly so confused about these smoke particles it’s as if it was about to like explode or something okay let’s grab our Bowl

Boom yoink and give me that there you go oh my God wait what the it’s stomping what um do I want to even drink this suspicious to the infinity update a version of Minecraft known to unlock unlimited Dimensions just when I thought it couldn’t get any crazier Gamers if

You guys aren’t familiar basically in this update you build a nether portal you light it and then you get any book you can write anything inside of it like subscribe you should do that and then ye there you go it changes the dimension now each Dimension will obviously load a

Totally custom world what the heck is this okay I’m going to get out of here I don’t like the Subscribe World however what if I told you there were some literal Easter eggs for the 20th time we’re on the official wiki and if you scroll all the way down Easter egg

Dimensions black light bro what that can’t be real that is the creepiest scariest thing ever there’s one literally just called Darkness there’s one called Rooms bro I have four books I really want to test here goes nothing let’s start off with black light okay it’s pink and if we go

Inside oh my gosh it’s actually real it looks like normal Minecraft but completely dark I mean it’s not even like wo it even change the inventory what if I get a torch dude I can’t even read anything yeah that does nothing I’m literally placing down torches Gamers

And it’s doing nothing there’s a sheep here I didn’t even know okay I’m going to get out of here before we are haunted thank you very much we have Darkness next I don’t even know if this one’s worth it ooh green okay YOLO oh wait this is literally the same except you

Can see a little bit more okay that one kind of sucked but here goes rooms rooms has to be creepy no oh God okay lime green here goes nothing yo oh no oh no wait there’s no way dude um okay there’s one two three doors

To choose from um I guess we’ll just go through door number one oh does it just separate the world with a bunch of rooms that’s not too bad I’m not going to lie I thought it was going to be a little crazier huh that is kind of fact that yet like the entire

World is just closed off into rooms that is insane I mean how are you supposed to survive like this I’m honestly kind of creeped out I feel like one of these rooms is just going to lead somewhere where I don’t want to be looks like

There’s also a trapo or like just a hole up there let’s fly all the way up hold up what is this who dude this is so weird yeah they all lead inside of I mean yeah exactly that another room bro I don’t know what it is but I don’t like

This at all the final one I want to test is called terminal I have no idea what this is going to look like but it looked really scary here goes nothing three two one ye okay it’s just literally a a dark room is that it hello hello is there anything in

Here dude what is this no hold on if I get a map out what happens okay great it’s just black awesome wao I just teleported to 00 look at that what is this this is just like the command for like a a console like like a server and why does this wait

Huh what’s what’s powering this where’s the Redstone at is there something below this dude this is so weird I have never seen blinking blocks like this in Minecraft before rumors suggest that using commands to place blocks on your head unlock new hidden Easter eggs now obviously guys normally if you grab some

Piece of grass you can’t just place it on your head however I mean the command itself isn’t an Easter egg but it might as well be if you do SL item then replace entity and then yourself you can now edit your inventory specifically your head with and then I guess we can

Do anything wait like a boat oh my gosh I literally just have a boat on my head but it’s just an item and so apparently putting certain things on your head like a KN Chapel a void block I think think and herob brien’s head actually do stuff

Oh and great it’s actually about to not be nighttime for once so yeah let’s replace our Command instead of a boat I mean we might as well try the the notch head first we just have to type yeah player head and then skull owner and then just do Notch boom wao replaced a

Slot omonic ELO with Notch’s head if you guys don’t know this is the creator of Minecraft and yo speaking of Easter eggs I think it’s documented that whenever he used to die he would drop a golden apple at least his account would so I mean if

That’s the case let’s just fly up a little bit and then boom go into survival will I drop an apple I don’t know okay yeah it should have worked if the proof was real it should have worked but I don’t I don’t see any Apple around

Here I’m just getting shot by a skeleton okay no worries let’s try the next one in the proof I don’t even see the person having the void block but I mean if it’s a void Block it’s probably just like yeah an End Portal Gateway end portal frame no Gateway that block does exist

Though right like if I just look over here and do set block boom boom boom end Gateway yeah it’s it’s a weird block if we can put the end portal frame dude this might be really stupid but end ey is that wait Ender eye can I do I can do

An Ender eye oh my gosh okay 3 two 1 boom whoa wait oh my gosh what did that just it just killed me wo wo wo I didn’t know that would happen I like how an Enderman just pulls up as if I didn’t just die in the void okay okay okay okay

I see there’s no way if that worked surely the Herobrine head won’t work okay I don’t know why Herobrine has cat ears I mean that’s I spelled it right right yeah okay I didn’t do hero cat I did herob BR that must just be the account that has like the name on

Yo I don’t hello hello wait soulfire no no no no no no no no no yo what why did that just happen we just got lit on fire but it wasn’t just normal fire it was Soul fire do it again do it again oh it’s not happening again guys

What okay okay I mean you guys could just whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh did that just burn I okay there two things to replay the blue fire and what was that he just burned into a cross dude oh no oh no oh no oh no I

Have a few more scary Easter eggs but I I I’m no I think I’m going to stop here I love Minecraft

I Found Scary Minecraft Easter Eggs (Real?)

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@Danny Bionic

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  1. Sorry bonc I was at the hospital because of a cough and I maybe just got asthma because now my mom said I need to take two pumps from an inhaler a day hope you have a great day sorry for being late💙🤖

  2. Hey bionic I know you will ignore this message but let me tell you something.
    You know that you pass though border right, soo I'm trying to that don't go near mushroom biome and neither basin (forgot the word). You will also come across some entity's that (I hope that weren't added in the Minecraft). Yeah that's basically it I mean there is Moore but i don't feel like it so yeah love your video's bye.

    (Hint: don't place Steve's head on the neither rack or Herobrine shrineand don't hit unknown entity's okay so bye.)

  3. Bionic im i big fan and I know you for years now I know you spend hours thinking of content but all you did were scary videos can you make another content this is kinda boring ngl

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