The Manbear: How I Made the Most Horrifying Minecraft Mod

Imagine spawning your Micro World You Adventure around and finally stumble upon a forest you decid you want to live here you start getting resources and whatever Necessities you you kind of require you build a house and at last your Journey Begins or maybe it doesn’t you see something that I’ve kept hidden

From you is that you’re actually not alone you start hearing weird noises you hear bushes moving around trees crackling and the screaming of humans well then let me introduce to you the forest of the man beer I’ve been working with my developer for months to get this

Entity perfected the m is a highly intelligent creature it could actually take hours before you start encountering the M now a lot of trial and error came with this entity however the results are pretty insane also this is the first time I’m surviving with the man bear so wish me

Luck I Spa in my world and started collecting some mood and other supplies for some reason food is really scarce in this biy him but luckily for me I found a random Village in the middle of nowhere hey chill out man just a fox chill out

So what was that what was that bro bro that was weird I’m pretty sure it’s just an animal though like a mob I don’t think anything else was there it’s not nice look look at like the height bro it’s not nice being around this I thought it looks suspicious

Oh oh my God I got I’m I’m saved there’s a village let’s go right guys we found a village is the food I was good yo good I do need food so uh I I haven’t seen any okay well there’s some grow over there get out of my way child I found three

Pieces of bread and a furnace but that was about it I continued my journey and left the village behind I figured that for me to survive the harsh climate I should make as much distance as possible to find a proper location to build now something that I didn’t take note of is

That Knight actually fell quicker than I had predicted and from that point forward I started hearing weird noises some some people say when the entity right when it like makes noise it’s it’s mimicking its victims so someone died to The Entity and the entity has now taking

Its voice over and like kind of shuffles around you know like in I’m going to I’m going to crush this okay why is there no food I swear I saw food before like cows and sheep whatever has to be food here I’m not going to lie I don’t like being

Here on this ice look how like what is around me bro I do not like it what was that bro what was that whoa I can’t see anything it is so dark oh my God bro I’m so terrible at parkouring whatever man should probably make a uh shovel

Whatever oh my God I’m bad I’m bad at this game I’m very bad at this game oh my God bro I don’t like it I don’t like this I don’t like this at all where do I go bro I need food come on man what are these noises

Man you stupid foxes man I’m going to kill you they’re making screaming noises that’s what I heard before nah bro shut up oh okay Jesus bro I got to be careful hey there’s cool though found a cave so there’s that I guess I’m not a fan of

The night I don’t like the KN I’m going to get rid of my Lantern though I don’t like the light any longer wait I was here I think oh it’s getting day thank God I’ve heard enough stuff today yes sir it’s getting day I like that all right we uh we

Chilling it’s day again and there’s 10 10 million mountains around me but that’s okay I guess I really found myself in a spot where there’s no turning back I’m like in in France or something like I don’t know now surprisingly the night was actually pretty peaceful aside from the foxes

Screaming in my bloody ear stupid little monkeys anyway a new day was ahead of me and I continued my journey now my biggest problem up till now was actually quite simple if I don’t find any food soon I’ll I’ll starve to death and I mean if I die then what’s the point of

Introducing the mamb I actually got so desperate that I started killing foxes for food oh no not you the other one give me food I need food man please a crap they don’t drop any food how does that make sense bro Mojang man like drop food just drop food a fox is

Also food I’m just saying luckily for me though I finally encountered some pigs for food but the starvation actually got so bad that I became a temporary racist to this black rabbit but guys don’t blame it on me blame it on the game oh there’s a rabbit it’s a black rabbit I

Can kill it stop resisting man thank you at last I found the perfect location to build a house or like a little Hut now from this point forward I actually sent some kind of discomfort with the like with the environment I began to hear some strange

Stuff and I saw stuff as well so from now on I’m just going to stop talking and you can see for yourself I think I think I found the place this looks really solid it’s next to it’s next to a river or like a lake whatever which you

Can carve out I I just don’t like how it’s like surrounded you know by trees and whatever probably picked the wrong location for that I I need to start I need to start uh producing food and whatnot so let’s just get to that got to

Take this tree down first oh yeah let me uh got to cook stuff first um just for safety I guess get off uh iron and food okay now I can start I don’t know I can start carving Woods whatever cutting wood down guys make sure to subscribe like it

Really helps me you know like just got to do that it’s kind of getting night not going to lie honestly like the man beard is as rare as Herobrine he has so many like functionalities it really took a long time to develop him as well but

He’s not like a dweller he’s not a dweller and don’t you dare calling it The dweller because he’s not he doesn’t like stalk you you know like he’s really random there’s like there’s a bunch of stuff he can do and I’m not I I haven’t like explored it entirely myself so uh

I’m still in for a surprise on that part but so far it’s been really quiet there’s no Encounter of him which is a good thing but I’ve heard noises I’ve heard noise and those noises aren’t very nice right now I’m taking down the tree because yeah I have to I wish it wasn’t

This difficult though getting a tree down I’m not sure how I want to build my house a little hot maybe or like I’m not sure what I want to build a Hut would be nice honestly just thinking I’m kind of thinking right now how to make that a

Hut um I made it in the Maze episode but it was a bit a bit small back then you guys hear that bro is that bro is that a child bro that’s messed up that’s actually messed up just a bloody child giggling in my ear what’s the dog doing here what’s good

Doy what are you up to what was that what was that is that food look like food let’s go back bro he’s gone where is he bro that’s messed up n that’s not cool bro I’m not the only one who saw that there’s actually no way n he’s stalking

Me bro he’s teasing me or whatever man he’s he’s toying with me or something bro that’s that’s that’s actually next level messed up man I don’t want to do this any longer guys but how how would you feel guys if if like if that guy was just just like

Whatever that is man it’s just staring at you from your base like it was standing here it was here man oh God snowing as well oh my God it’s so dark I can’t see anything now okay I got to focus how do I improve this area like what do I do

Now uh I got to do the same on the other side right one two three okay one two one two in here I’m going to make this house and I’m going to hide I’m going to hide I’m honestly baffled like what the [ __ ] just happened bro is it nice I

Don’t know I’m not sure that if I like that I got to be careful bro I don’t like this think’s getting day though but it’s still like night like oh yeah it is day but it’s snowing so I can’t really do anything about it so all this time

I’ve been thinking I escaped the man bear because I I heard him before you know I heard him you know like we all heard him we all heard him and now he’s here like he’s he knows where I am I guess he knows this place better than me

It’s still messed up it’s still like really messed up on every Level now you guys heard that you guys heard that heard that I’m Running please let me go scared the [ __ ] out of me man bro do I go back I don’t want to go back though I don’t see him I don’t see him any longer not like I saw him at all bro I did not see him at All what what just happened what actually just happened guys like what happened I am so confused I was standing here and I heard like I heard my own voice bro that’s that’s nah I I I don’t have words man I have no words for this

It was a day it’s actually it was a day so it’s confirmed I guess that the man bear does do stuff around you at day it’s not just at night oh man I’m not I’m not waiting for this okay let’s just proceed okay this a window could use it

I mean we could make it as a window after being a bit more comfortable again with the environment I continued construction on my house however it didn’t really take that long for that discomfort to come back to me if I want to make a window out of this like how do

You do that I’m I’m trying to recover from this instance whatever just happened bro whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where’s my crafting bench where actually is my crafting bench I did not take it with me is it not what where’s my crafting bench guys no that’s weird that’s actually weird

Bloody manard took on a crafting bench or something I mean it’s not impossible it’s not impossible but damn why would he do that I’m going to need more wood I think I’m a person who likes to make like his house out of Oak like just unlimited Oaks I’m not really

A fan of like wood you know like actual planks um let’s let’s take down some of the smaller trees I can’t believe my crafting bench just gone it was over here or like I thought it was here yeah here sticks shovel oh it’s getting nice I don’t like

That so maybe I was like thinking of giving some variety that I mean that’s kind of nice just right now is the windows I guess I need the windows and to make that I need more planks okay I was thinking to make it like this bit like that is that nice I’m

Not sure not not that bad maybe I can make it Oak here yeah that’s nice I like that I really like that honestly it’s s wor oh my God I’m not sure how it’s going to look by the way oh okay it’s not that very good for pro

Protection to be honest but is whatever I don’t want to be outside now I’m going to put everything inside and then we’ll figure it out I really don’t think it’s safe right now outside I’m I’m not I’m not a fan of it okay like that that’s better as horrible protection as a door

As actually horrible protection it’s whatever man I got to work with what I have right it’s okay I guess like that yeah okay that’s nice oh I’m I’m I’m genius I’m genius just making more oh it’s good there better for protection honestly can kind of open it just look

Through I guess so the next thing I really like to do is making fences now I don’t remember how that is made something like this right um yeah so I really like doing that those things you might question why it’s cuz like um it’s usually for protection honestly

I make this stuff kind of gives me like a safe Vibe you know I’m safe by the way if you guys like this I’ll uh I’ll definitely be able to uh make a series on this look right after this I’m going to go into the surroundings and just take a look around

Okay snowing God damn it I can’t see it hello hello what what’s bro there’s he there he is why is he not leaving not leaving no why are you not leaving do I go inside I don’t want to get close wait is it just standing still or like what is actually

Moving I can barely see it it’s literally a dot in wait what she gone I think it I think it went away oh thank God Jesus bro it’s not cool what the hell why she standing there nuh-uh uhuh nuh-uh I’m I’m leaving I’m leaving he’s actually moving Around no no I’m not staying I’m not staying not on my watch bro now he’s still there I I I I can sense that he’s still here what do I go here man okay okay okay let me just go let me just go in a

Straight line I’m just going to go in a straight line and then I’ll rotate back when he’s gone Actually

Welcome to the moment everyone has waited for: The Manbear. This entity is something I’ve been working on with my developer. It’s an advanced Minecraft horror mod with super-intelligence. In this video, I’ll showcase the manbear and how it feels to play in a world with the creature.

If you want to see this entity released one day, I’d appreciate it if you became a Patreon so I can continue to update the Manbear and push for a final release. 🙂

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About Me:
Hey there, I’m Idk Someguy, your go-to source for entertaining Minecraft content! I specialize in crafting hilarious videos with a touch of storytelling magic, bringing you an immersive viewing experience with top-notch sound effects and visuals. My idea vault for Minecraft is extensive, featuring concepts that resonate with fellow YouTubers like Forgelabs, Shadowmech, and Calvin. Occasionally, I might sprinkle in some meme-inspired content for an extra dose of fun. Currently, I’m delving into the world of cinematic thrillers in Minecraft, presenting them in a visually captivating way. Join me on this exciting journey!
#minecraft #idksomeguy #manbear #minecraftmystery #minecrafthorror


  1. Your acting is genuinely pathetic. It's like watching a worm squirm in the dirt, you couldn't just get someone who didn't "work on it for months" or just someone who had no idea what was going on, to play it for you and record their reaction? No, probably because you know their reaction would be super boring and realistic lmao.

  2. Nice mod, though the jokes were awful and the reactions over exaggerated, so the overall video wasn’t really scary..

  3. Nice vid, but bro, your instincts are that of a child. Why did u run into the forest where the bear has the advantage, and why didn't you just make your base higher or something?

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