Stardew Valley Seasons 1 – 3 Highlights | March 2016 – Sept 2018

Let’s do that let’s do now that’s all set up oh yeah I should name him weed God what am I thinking what am I thinking ra is going to farm weeds I’m going to certainly try going to certainly try I’m absolutely having an afro a tuxedo shirt oh it’s done yo

We’re just going to rock the cool guy Shades how about that pants color uh let’s make them red for my red pants that I wear on occasion Sealed envelope I’ll have it man have patience okay there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life all right that’s getting getting pretty deep all of a sudden and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness wow okay when that happens my

Boy you’ll be ready for this gift is he a pirate he got like a pirate sword on the uh over the fireplace there he also has uh I guess that’s a cross XX years later how long am I supposed how long is that oh there’s Mario there’s Peach

There’s someone who’s dead now yo there’s Woody from Toy Story the cameos are off the chain and me I think is that me it is me ooh the notes dear W weed God if you’re ready if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened

To me long long ago I lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the deed to that place my pride and joy ridus Farm it’s located in stardew Valley on the

Southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my boy good luck love Grandpa PS if Louis is still alive say hi to the old guy for

Me will you [ __ ] Louis expect a lot of stupidity backseat Gamers beware uh cuz you’ll probably get so mad well listen we’ll figure it out together oh my God why would you interact with me hello you must be weed God that is I I’m Robin the local Carpenter mayor Lewis sent me here

To fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival this is Raiders farm this is your farm I’m going to try and do well by you Chad oh my God I know tear drop sure it’s a bit

Overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time and here we are your new home it’s a nice place whoa calm down mustache welcome I’m lwis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you I’m sure they have it’s

A good house very rustic rustic that’s one way to put it all right Robin [ __ ] you crusty don’t listen to her weed God she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you’ll buy one of her house upgrades the old Tina Dayton oh I almost forgot

If you have anything to sell just place it in this box you come by during the night to collect it that’s kind of shady well good luck all right so this is the cell box what’s in here parsnip seeds yo Get Hype I think that’s good yo we got some

Uh got some cleaning up to do here so let’s uh let’s start cleaning this [ __ ] up there’s so much mess I know nothing about farming perfect getting our water game on we got to meet some people man I got to meet a lot of people oh you’re the new farmer born

Aren’t you yes I am Haley I have talked to you all right it’s this Robin I don’t want to Club oh this is Leah hello Leah I definitely do not want to Club somebody with an axe I feel like that would be that would make some people a little

Mad Sam oh Sam Other Woman No don’t go in there oh Pam has like a [ __ ] face jojamart hello Morris Shane’s hard at work I’m sorry Shane I’m sorry to bother you buddy Morris the monster oh the beach oh [ __ ] hello person Elliots I live in a little cabin by the

Beach this one it’s a pleasure to meet you dude same 20 more people to meet hey hi Emily was that guy maximilan Pegasus dude I wish oh there’s crafting this game yo I did that for years oh there is crafting yeah man let’s go to bed full

Energy another day got to water the plants hello there just got back from fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you Willie all right Willie relax yo Minecraft didn’t have mail this game’s already Superior ah Shifty Willie what a guy Oho there son hello Willie heard

There was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and here maybe you’ll buy something from this shop once in a while got it you received a bamboo pole

Yo can I try catching some right now oh God that was not where one th it fishy fishy fishy probably can’t even oh uh click to raise the bar release to lower the bar oh keep the bar behind the fish okay don’t you do

It hey I got a sardine 1 in in length oh yeah guess I’m going to sleep at what two nice oh wow 40 for a fish are you [ __ ] kidding me going to bed at 2 p.m. the literal dream advertisement I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack

Is full does this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out our affordable size want for backpack good old Bolton board oh this is Pier’s wait what sends an ad for a backpack close on Wednesday what a

[ __ ] dude who the [ __ ] is closed on Wednesdays I don’t know man [ __ ] oh geod dude huh the local blacksmith can break it open for you who knows it might be what might be hidden inside oh all right all right geod dude wait for my return on the dawn of your third year

Grandpa all right I guess I found where grandpa HD the bodies that was a wasn’t much of a Journey he’s promising on the third year he’s going to make his Grand return don’t go in there sooner I will [ __ ] kill you I assume just found somebody’s mixtape put

The trash in the trash that’s just littering why would you not throw that out you just threw right in the water ooh what’s in the tent oh good lord lonus a stranger hello don’t mind me I just live here alone all right man sorry to barge

In nice don’t know what this means level one forging plus one axe proficiency tree sometimes drops seeds new crafting recipe Wild seeds new crafting recipe field snack looks like a turd with a condom on it I need it yo big money I should check the backpack again you’re right the backpack cost $22,000

You [ __ ] kidding me potatoes good profit people like potatoes feed the Irish get potatoes I’ll get potatoes all right oh [ __ ] I almost killed Grandma hello Evelyn you know what the best part about weed God is is he never takes off his sunglasses he’s too cool for that oh

Are these ready hey they’re ready what is this all right spell some water there to our valued jojamart customers our team members have removed the landslide uh caused by your drilling operation near the M the mountain lake let’s pull these bad boys out yay yeah keep one

Keep one for good luck yeah I’ll do that I’ll keep one for good luck how about that that’ll make you happy oh what’s happening here oh hi there what I sore this is the pelicant town community center or what’s left of it anyway it used to be the pride and

Joy of the Town always bustling with activity now just look at it it’s shameful shameful georia Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse pelicant town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling it I guess Old-Timers like me

Get attached to relics of the past ah well if anyone else buys a JoJo co-membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it here let’s go inside all right is this where the murder happens just going to shank me oh wow yeah this place sucks oh oh

What what’s the matter are you ill did you not [ __ ] see the little green square you saw something hm I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats wasn’t a rat yep there it is of course hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you can help catch

That rat if you got some extra time I bet you’ll be rebuilding it oh I bet the same thing just place your giod on my Anvil and I’ll give them a whack what if I put my nards on there oh okay I got whatever that is nice I can I like talk

To you at all I can upgrade tools oh man I certainly can at some point [ __ ] a copper watering can I got actual gold poo poo oh God is that the new sheriff in town yo his name’s Gunther is he a turtle what’s this you found something

Let me see it remarkable it’s very old I’d love to study this in Greater detail but it is yours yeah you can buy it off me oh here we go favors uh sure man donate to museum what do I got to donate no uh sure right there archaeology oh hey

There thanks for that money let’s talk to the children hello children oh you’re not a child you’re just sitting down I was about to say all right this this is a [ __ ] kid hello Vincent she’s the teacher these are students got it looks like I’m hanging my big dick over the Bridge oh a present thank you I oh that was my clam Elliot took my my my seashell man that’s [ __ ] up Elliot is just [ __ ] staring at me like look at this idiot trying to fish this stupid ass green afro what a loser all right now I’m making direct eye contact with

Elliot going to make it super awkward 2 in new record yes oh can we can we get three Ines can we get three Ines no no oh this a big one it’s probably going to be 15 in it’s probably going to be 1 in who am I kidding come on come on come

On [ __ ] what if all of oh Elliot’s had enough Elliot has seen enough oh boy here we go here we go we got a hit oh easy mode what is that [ __ ] 10 in uh sorry seaweed you lose again what is that what is that up

There uh do I just do this I don’t know what this does I don’t know do I have to I was I was confused by the chest I’m sorry oh my God halit I’m catching a lot of [ __ ] fish all right oh it’s getting late oh it’s 12:00 a.m. all

Right one last cast here we go is it anything oh another record back to back to back all about that paper that was a good uh was a good hole still can’t afford the backpack though I guess I should get a scarecrow and then basic fertilizer right and just fertilize this

Whole area right let me get get some staff hopefully this stays here and I’m not just laying this like a [ __ ] idiot put him right here or well I wanted to come on please there you go man I’m telling you I don’t need no I I don’t need no women I don’t

Need no men just all about that Farm Life man yo uh what can you do for me [ __ ] you damn it so expensive but I I understand why who the hell is this hello Maru Demetrius it’s a hell of a name local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourself D no problem

Oh what is this oh no hands can I do it so good there you go let’s go buy that bag nothing nothing is spooky about that scarecrow looks like the friendliest mother in the [Applause] game a wizard huh wizard my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old

Community Center why not pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in the stone tower [ __ ] Wizard’s Tower what yo I’m here for the backpack yes oh [ __ ] you yo stop being miserable I got your [ __ ] par snip give me that money oh God yo Professor Xavier hold up

I haven’t met you yet George that was close all right here we go here is the cave before I go in is there anything over here I should check out bre and Adventures [ __ ] you Marlin big ass green afro coming out of nowhere here take this you might need

It yeah got a sword all right let’s go in oh baby now now it’s Minecraft go as deep as you can all right is that life advice or is that advice for the cave are there any enemies in here oh there are hello dudes fight

Me oh I guess when you die you make that death noise okaying these barrels besides disappointment o oh God a cave carrot that sounds not good oh I can eat the cave carrot even though it looks disgusting I’m doing it yeah no diarrhea oh I want this I want

This copper I don’t care I want the copper leave me alone I want the copper this is where I die this is where I die cuz of my greed [ __ ] it I’m fighting this one out I’m going to die no I wanted this copper I’m willing to fight for

It swinging for days uhoh don’t get surrounded that’s one down come on that’s two other way [ __ ] yes was that worth it probably not but you know felt good oh who is this guy are you the wizard Clint if you want to get the most of your you’ll need

A furnace of course you would uh oh [ __ ] I can make one nice that was easy oh my God I am oh my God I am rasia seeker of the Arcane truths are you what we got behold oh hey it’s those guys it’s the rats they call themselves The junimos

Junimos mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me so I K I kill him that [ __ ] just blew scude out of his Mansion or his Tower wizard sco we can too oh wow all right why not scoo back I found the note bottoms

Up oh my God is that is that to take weed weed God is finally reaching his final State green screen not now please not during the weed section all right well that was a a literal drug trip why I become a farmer I want to make tons of money

Let’s get some brown Sals in chat for this statement cuz it’s true wow all right Leah [ __ ] you let’s uh let’s focus on the Slime focus on the Slime what the that’s not a slime at all what is this I’m going to kill you oh boy get away

From me I’m scared stop it oh that was easy hello lady have I spoken to you I think I have wow all right Haley [ __ ] you you know where I am have one of those and that and that bundle complete fish tank [ __ ] ises that say

Scat fit catfish right a [ __ ] what a th000 slimes are you joshing me are you [ __ ] you Gil oh what is oh is that a dog you have a dog now hello weed God you see this dog here I do I found it sitting outside the entrance to your

Farm I think it’s a stray poor thing uh Yes Charlie the Doge oh God guess that’s going [ __ ] God damn it every time I forget oh Elliot my love how are you oh [ __ ] kids playing by the sewer why is it locked because of stupid [ __ ] like you that’s why oh all right is that Patrick Star hello

I’m invading your house Caroline how are you oh of course it has oh my God this is the chance to talk to everybody this is my chance to finish this Quest this doesn’t count for the intro Quest what why not are you kidding me [ __ ] me all

Right I’ll do your egg hunt I just want to build a bridge calm down now kiddos you’re going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home surprise all right but I have a sword can I just stab the

Kids mayble to fall on it let the egg HP again where are the eggs at oh [ __ ] get on my level [ __ ] off kid you can get that other one yo I got four where you plebians at oh Mona I don’t care if you’re dead give me the egg I don’t

[ __ ] care that Mona’s dead I didn’t know yo I I’ve gotten five I’m feeling pretty confident if one of these kids comes back with like 30 I’m going to kill them cuz they hacked oh there’s one right there got it got it at the last second I got

Eight what all right well what are you going to do what are you going to do I’ll take the L man I’ll take the L next year year next year I will prosper yeah I don’t know what happened to your daughter she won the uh she won the

Thing and then she just disappeared forever I think she’s next to Mona who am I going to go out with this game uh nobody who’s going to go out with me is the real question cuz I am none other than weed God and all the [ __ ] want me my

Love uh oh it’s the bartender yes his name is Gus doofy mcferson is known as Gus of course he is all right Almighty Bridge what do you have for me hopefully something we got some Coral back here and looks like that’s it one Coral I water this island in anger God if this

Game came out on Xbox One and had like achievements I cared about that’ be unhealthy for me all right time to go to bed at 100 p.m. God cauliflower is so good yo give me the good rod already a fish oh don’t oh [ __ ] I’m do

It oh no oh oh I’m going to do it finally oh oh my God come on come on yes what is this ooh all right yeah I’ll take the Sword and the sneaks why not ooh this area is infested well you are not wrong wow oh did you just drop sneakers God damn

It [ __ ] hope you like this home this is your new home right here in this corner oh my God I’m a slime killing machine welcome to Pier how can I help you I’ve been here like 18 time oh oh God it’s the wizard it’s the wizard from the Moon oh

It’s Morris never mind it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but can you blame them JoJo Corporation is clearly the superior Choice soon the whole town will realize that yo what a what a [ __ ] all right yo I got you man give me your

Seed yo Jazz seeds do I plant saxophones all right thanks man sorry about um Morris the [ __ ] face Morris works for [ __ ] Walmart oh [ __ ] I might not make it no I might not make it come on come on you can do it you’re so close make it clutch clutch don’t

Pass out right here that’d be dumb yes we made it probably should have gone and broke those barrels but whatever small sword nice can I fish down here I’m absolutely going to fish down here oh want see what we get here oh uh oh nice what we get oh a

Ghostfish just had to bait the fish with that oh don’t don’t you dare all right I’m going for it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no I’m not oh God oh my God you’re so elusive damn it damn it oh maybe just kidding this might be the last fish yo this [ __ ] fish all right [ __ ]

You Shane’s birthday hey [ __ ] uh what do you want can I give you a sword or something all right [ __ ] you Shane who cares about you Jody aha hello I finally met you here is your thing yo Jody give me that cash catch two chub oh I got some chubs for you you

Better be in here my fro my fro s they’re tingling yo please let me in please let me in please let me in now we wait one eternity later weed got patiently Waits oh sh it’s going to be 420 here it comes here it comes here it comes wait for

It show me potato salad ooh oh I got an achievement oh and I got Fate what did I just catch a bream all right hey man what’s up found you level two farming [ __ ] oh a sprinkler good old mayonnaise machine I believe every guy comes equipped with one of those oh my

Goodness that’s a lot of Moola oh an iron bar [ __ ] off what are the four adjacent tiles every morning hi me sell hats okay poke come to old old old house poke bring coins hat Mouse hats Hello the shape helps to keep Sailors dry during fish storms you know what I’m going to pass on that but thank you there you go wow [ __ ] you Haley you four I am not going to make it I’m going to pass the [ __ ] out no what happens when

You pass out we’re going to find out cat pudding I’m going to fall on the stairs I’m going to fall asleep on the stairs roll down break my neck oh I got some for that okay I lose money I didn’t lose that much oh here we oh my God here we

Go here here we go this is this is what I like we’ got someone dropped you off from the clinic last night oh 337 okay sorry Dr Harvey go H and seed grow hey man a pirate sword what go left on this oh what is happening what is this guy doing are you

[ __ ] rumaging uh-oh oh [ __ ] girl sounds like those raccoons are back at filthy varmits do you think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing um yes not everyone’s cut out for this world we God here I’ve got a basket of zucchini fritters for you just make sure

You dip them in my spicy marinara lus I think Gus is hitting on you oh the flower dance okay if you find a partner I don’t have a partner yo [ __ ] that oh no let me take Elliot Elliot my love you will be my partner in life starting to

Feel exhausted oh I am but I can cut this down I can do it Noe I missed did it [ __ ] slow motion new reward yo seed me bro seed me Furniture you [ __ ] all right well a I just killed my last par snip why was I holding the axe where’s my umbrella it’s

On my head man you see this afro and doubles as an umbrella oh my God all right this okay oh I’m not going to catch this whoa whoa whoa that fish was playing chess and I was playing checkers there oh boy oh boy come on I can’t predict the fish’s

Movements you [ __ ] stop taunting me you’re better than me [ __ ] you I’m fishing over here now no it’s back stop taunting me please no no no no no no no no no no no no no you know you want to see what my fro looks like come to the surface come to the

Surface [ __ ] catfish I don’t care I won ooh achievement unlocked greenhorn wow so this is the last day of spring right maybe time here’s the mail it never fails hey 500 gold that’s nice thanks Mommy it’s a bad attack I see you creeping bat let me get

Oh my God okay all right okay all right listen I just want the quartz leave me alone all right I got the quartz [ __ ] off Quest completo slingshot interesting require stones for ammo so where the [ __ ] are you going get back in here I have geod you summer [ __ ] summer summer

Time ah every time [ __ ] Des doesn’t like my sweet dance moves yo hit me up with that corn or blueberries man all right I always forget about the time thing one of these days I will remember all right going to need you to seed me

Bro just seed all over my face reward me bro what you give me this time star fruit seeds huh literally one seed okay we God has blessed him with that herb I should go to every house and accidentally drop some grass oh I guess I could put this somewhere I don’t know

Where the hell would put this though you know I’m just going to put it right here there a little divot right there that’s where you’re going to go buddy best of luck to you in life a gold bar I want to give you a gold bar you’re

Going to give me 750 gold [ __ ] yourself I haven’t seen Elliot in months has he passed away has he moved on is that is that my love I forgot what he looks like oh rainbow trout that’s kind of cool I think that might be Leah actually I don’t remember what he looks

Like Elliot My Love would you like this would you also like this oh oh baby oh baby we’re we’re not even close but we’re getting there there’s only one person for weed God wo wo wo weed God it’s Elliot this is embarrassing I lost my lucky purple

Shorts I’m telling you because I think I can trust you if you find themely I’ll pay well hate when I lose my pants what’s up buddy he here’s this snack for you what how about this fish damn it he hates me we’ll never make a baby together my life is ruined I

Should just end it all now all right let’s see what we got for quests here An Earth crystal above the mantle oh I have one of those we have to give it to what’s his name Pierre who is Pierre again where is Pierre let me go grab an Earth crystal when I figure out who the hell Pierre is oh right he’s the guy in the shop I’m

[ __ ] stupid I’m sorry guys I I a [ __ ] dumbass hey bab good that’s going great there’s a spa uh women damn it men oh here we go oh nice woo yo where’s Elliot can I just work in my undies cuz we got don’t give a [ __ ] I

Look so swag thanks man is it the green afro the shades the tuxedo shirt or the red pants all right what are you giving me buddy [ __ ] Furniture God I’m getting close on Cave insects but that’s about it Dougies dude can they teach me that was a bad joke I

Apologize woo it’s the second one I’ve done arcade what can I play these oh God journey of King uh oh is this a twin stick shooter it absolutely is need that one up give me that one up got it oh God I got a shotgun oh the spreadshot oh

Rip oh there’s achievement side of this I’ll wait for the Xbox One for if that ever happens to worry about it then [ __ ] rip ooh did I just beat the first level nice there’s a skull-shaped keyhole oh oh hold on I have a seashell for you

You’re welcome sex me 50 where the Slime at oh enemies respon oh my God a spooky ghost oh it’s actually a ghost it’s not even a joke oh yo I got the solar Essence even better [ __ ] you slime yes oh I’m going to I’m going to

Get rid of all my crops and just build scarecrows I’m going to uh foro being a farmer and I’m just going to be a scarecrow dealer I think that’s way more profitable tomorrow we getting at the beach for the annual Pelican [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] about the L man [ __ ]

Off noodl neck I know people tell me about worms I’m just [ __ ] oblivious to worms I never like actively look for them people tell me every stream and I’ve probably only I think I’ve only dug it up twice Tina d with the five [ __ ] God damn it this is Tina’s new [ __ ]

Favorite joke Tina day with the $5 are we doing dumb jokes here’s one I put my root beer in a square cup now I just have beer Kappa look even the [ __ ] wizard came down that’s the governor never mind that is not the wizard brought something for the potluck add it

To the soup cauldron uh yeah man field snacks you’re welcome potluck ceremony I trust you all put high quality ingredients in the pot this year we don’t want the governor to regret his visit to the valley oops well Governor you do us the honor of tasting the

Soup it looks like gravel who would eat that oh that means he likes it right wow who [ __ ] it up who’s the [ __ ] can I go buy my gold bar now the suit wasn’t very good but the Lu out was a success oh [ __ ] you it’s night time yo the highest of Quality bundle complete bust repair oh just money okay that makes sense cuz there’s a vault what’s that lone plant I honestly don’t remember I got one seat of something I just planted it There hey we did it oh are you afraid oh I know you want to go back to Mommy I know I know just say hi quickly mommy’s right there it’s okay this is your first thunderstorm she’s very scared so I’m going to warn you she might pee or something cuz she’s scared

Not to piss you off I got them blueberries for days I need a blueberry as well I think I’ll just all I need is corn and I can finish this um oh no I got it nice what did I get hey a quality sprinkler Waters the adjacent eight

Tiles every morning yo let’s get that cash money I’m ready for the Cash Money yo let’s get it let’s get it oh baby look at that cash money and what is this oh a star fruit that was [ __ ] ginormous you know what I’m not going to sell that cuz I’m going to have

A feeling it’s going to come in handy later so I’m just going to put the starford away ooh P setting box is my favorite no you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] get behind the counter I’m going to stab you [ __ ] yo you think weed God has like the biggest dick in all of stardew

Valley oh don’t even say that’s you please be someone Else I just I finally can get the coupe and the game W let me I don’t see oh oh God I’m going to get [ __ ] greedy and I’m not going to get it I’m not going to get to her in time I guarantee it all

Right don’t [ __ ] me come on I want that CP so bad oh [ __ ] look at the time your day off don’t give a [ __ ] build my CPE woman I could get the backpack now but I want to get the coupe yes hi there please construct a coupe please

Build cops are smaller than I thought why not why not oh there’s some worms look at that there’s two worms I see them I see the worms guys I’m learning uh there was a book I guess you found a lost book the library’s collection has expanded toasty butt we’re going to buy

That bigger back backpack anyway right good all right oh is my corn done and my corn is done all right let me go get the backpack right every time I forget every [ __ ] time am I banging ellot yet no I’m not really focusing on the relationships sup fam one bag please thank

You what’s Robin doing she’s building a coupe that’ll hopefully be done sometime this Century it’s like a little shank okay oh the CPE is done nice no don’t you you [ __ ] oh the the shorts are right there I forgot about that I need those [ __ ] hello sorry I broke into

Your house but I have the fish you requested here you go Mark nut God do you like grapes Elliot oh we said marvelous chickens oh I get to name my animals hey do you want to be a chicken you like chickens right yeah do you want to be

Chrisina all right Chris Gina’s Tina if you had another chicken with you what would the name be Clive Clive a little little chicks they love me oh it’s a spooky scary skeleton okay I’ll deal with you later the poor skeleton didn’t even do anything he just took all those hits and died what a nice guy apparently Glover is one of like the best meme games I just never played it

Eggs you son of a [ __ ] well I’m fishing on land uhoh ooh hello hey we made it ooh obsidian Edge 30 to 45 five from 8 to 18 yes please Boom the bundle complete the mine carts have been repaired mine carts Dude Sweet [ __ ] rewards I hate

You so much I want to there you go my bear will watch over me every night [Applause] okay like when uh our friend oh whoa what is that first of all I couldn’t catch that second of all the the symbol was different one of them legendary fish

Oh good good thing I was ready how do you catch that like a gun just shoot into the water oh can I get the seagull can I fish the seagull hold on damn it seagull bite it bite it oh I got actual trash all right

Hold oh legendary fish oh oh oh oh oh oh no nope nope no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it I Hate Everything the super cucumber is not part of the bundles so I want to keep it just as a as a memory of what just went down yo this same person comes

In my chat all the time trying to sell their [ __ ] PlayStation 4 life is so easy for a jellyfish just letting the waves carry you on forever that sounds depressing what are we here for there he is if we keep polluting the oceans the jellies will surely go extinct to ready

In the process of happening be mine it’s fall baby I got to change the title cuz now we’re in Fall year one oh [ __ ] rip arino this music is pretty tight though I’m not going to lie need the SC on Dead props nah I’m going to

Keep using my pickaxe cuz it works fine you can’t see it because my Afro is blocking it but we’ got to just just like just token up back there your farm is brighter than my future oh it’s a house on the left I have this this is for me marvous

Oh my God can we [ __ ] now oh but we’re on the board we’re on the board I guess I don’t need to Sweet pee right now if I’m going to try and get him a lobster for his birthday bring out the dancing lobsters oh [ __ ] where you guys going

Oh I’m sorry do you not like when I do that n your beeswax what I’m doing just like in the middle of like middle of the night planting my crab traps I’m doing it though I’m going for it there’s no chance I’m going to make it I’m going to [ __ ] pass out putting

Down crab pots now it’s the Mad Dash back not a chance I’m going to pass out right in front of the thing no fear no fear if this path wasn’t here I’m so close no I’m going to pass out in front of my house don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it

No [ __ ] they’re do I have to pay money for that I like roll over I’m in my bed I’m better not [ __ ] lose money for that I made it okay doesn’t look like it did good woo all done ooh old Mariner achievement unlocked albore Jessica albor is my

Favorite kind of a fish it’s Elliot’s birthday tomorrow and I don’t have a lobster I’m the worst future boyfriend ever that fish cray you think Elliot has a giant gorilla dick maybe there’s only one way to find out cockle yo can I give Elliot the cockle like seriously will that will he like

That I got a [ __ ] Lobster so he likes the lobster like a lot happy birthday we’re doing it we did it yo we clutched it out we clutched it out on his birthday your grandpa comes back at the end of year too and you’re like I

May have failed the farm but I got Elliott’s D so he was the real winner here yeah [ __ ] you Grandpa you didn’t get Elliot you know how hard I worked with that I’ve scared off three crows oh what a nice guy scarecrows actually done something going

Down oh my God what a [ __ ] spawn oh what a spawn that was unfortunate lost like all my health already at least this will get us uh 100 oh [ __ ] you spiral room I did it what is that oh that’s the thing that increases my energy

Nice I want like 18 more of those please you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of memes just like in real life nonstop memes in the brain did they ever get the purple shorts no they’re still there I see them every time I go over there I’m

Not a good enough friend with her please let me In oh what’s happening Elliot My Love We weed God come in you probably know a lot about plants don’t you oh I do I do know a lot about plants Elliot here is a lobster just getting them points getting them points sell the honey no no way man

I’m keeping this honey forever why would I sell the honey gives me good luck I’m going to use it as lube with Elliot here we go we got a cut scene cut hi I’ll take your word in a few moments there he is there is hello weed God what a pleasant

Surprise I was just stopping in to relax after an 8h hour riding session bartender two of your finest alses please dot dot dot do you see Gus’s picture when he speaks he does not seem to approve of our guy love look at him look at look at him judging our

Relationship oh man look me go hard on that oh I guess we just got drunk together okay Tipsy negative one speed oh okay dear weed God one week from today we are holding the stardew Valley Fair for the time I don’t [ __ ] bring nine items to

Be judged I don’t even know what to bring I guess gold star stuff oh I got the super cucumber it’s everything I’ve wanted in more is it gold oh my God for that fair I’m absolutely putting out a super cucumber run [Applause] away holy [ __ ] can I take the plate there go my

Hookah Treasure Trove achievement unlocked what are you giving me buddy a rare Pro [ __ ] kill me oh my God the bottom hey okay the skull key discover the purpose of the skull key all right guess I’ll bring it up to those dudes Bus Repair I got to give money for the bus

Repair I mean I know that makes sense but still okay who’s this game junyo cart uh I don’t oh is this the whole thing later dude use your rare Crow no the rare Crow sucks I hate it jono Maybe well that didn’t do anything kind of pissed them off I’m using one more maybe it needs two didn’t do anything yo nice cow butt why I even bother with the worms they’re so useless I never get anything good let’s be best friends can I go inside damn

It you [ __ ] I gave you the thing you love and you didn’t go up once I hate you here you go my love a flower for you what no no you’re supposed to like Tula oops oh [ __ ] was I on the wrong page was this for Marty [ __ ] it says

You like this I call hacks hacks I say I got the right gift this time I’m sorry about the torch yes he was happy not that happy though cuz he still have [ __ ] four stars I’ve not played slime Rancher that game did not look that interesting to me from what I’ve what I

Saw of it come on fish this is not going to be the tiger Chow it’s going to be like an anchovy or it’s going to be the tiger trout W bam tiger trout and a chewing stick here it is nice let me get more pumpkins and I’ll make another sprinkler as

Well oh my God [ __ ] your Festival dude the whole town shuts down I don’t want to be a part of it I hate it uh what do you want play the slingshot game and win star token sure this is going to go poorly oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh turn around

[ __ ] oh this is ass this control is ass you have like pull back here okay well my accuracy is Godlike try your hand at some fishing oh dude I got this I’m a fish Master got it this is all me baby I’m in the zone I’m in the zone give me the fish

Yce nice I need 27 more points and I can walk away all right 26 more points uh uh hello all right well I guess I can’t fish anymore this the game complet The Game’s completely [ __ ] good good bam yo where’s the Super cucumber in the middle cuz it’s the best that’s why I’ll

Put the diamond there I will put the eel and the super for cucumber cuz they’re very phallic uh we’ll put the pumpkin up there cuz it could be a butt uh put some fish down here um and my order is all out of whack guess it doesn’t Matter perfect haha cheese you loser you won’t win all right well I wanted to talk to Elliot I’m trying to get Gus to tell me his sauce recipe but he won’t budge yo baby you want my sauce recipe yo green oh [ __ ] One yes if I lose I swear to God who else has a super cucumber a diamond and an eel look pumpkins got them fish got them I don’t have cheese or eggs or [ __ ] paper towels or that is but R [ __ ] the rare Crow man the rare crows are stupid

All right [ __ ] here we go number one baby you’re damn right you’re damn right now we bet all of them we bet all 1,000 I’ll just save these points and and try to win next year as well you can’t save them what you can’t save the points

All right we’re going to gamble [ __ ] it if you can’t save them there’s no point green baby all of it here we go no whammy green for the weed green for the weed no well that was fun yeah yeah we did it there you go and also here’s your

Sardine all right are we good friends yeah wow that shot up immediately Super Saiyan Sam get out of the way got Them oh man they’re silver rated shorts yo dude I got your pants I told you not to move and you just move slightly okay it’s fine [ __ ] hey this stays between you and me whatever you say man thanks for the 750 no I’m so close I’m on my property don’t charge me

Don’t charge me damn it oh hey baby good morning Mr we got uh 734 damn it they found me incapacitated on my property bastards okay a lightning rod collect oh guess I’ll just put that randomly on my farm um I guess I’ll put this thing over here by The Silo all

Right don’t want to do that uh yeah do something old Master old Master canoli still searching for the sweetest taste all right here you go new achievement a new friends yo we’re getting there oh a SE cucumber oh that one’s yellow that one’s only silver that’s gross what the [ __ ] was that maybe

That’s the shark oh good good I got a 20-in C cucumber what I always wanted oh oh my God is that a legendary fish or something you look different oh my God the greed the greed the greed got it don’t do this don’t do this we’re so

Close yes water the ancient plant this guy you’re right keep forgetting about that plant cuz it’s hidden behind the silo it’ll grow one day look I I’ll even give some water to my dog as well oh do a kickflip you loser all right that was a kickflip but

I’ll take it level 9 farming ooh aridium sprinkler quality fertilizer and seed maker interesting we got two more days left in Fall trying to save up for that bus can I even take go go to town or go to the here can I like take a roundabout

Way nope all right looks like I’m stuck here [ __ ] hate festivals why am I surrounded by a light Aura it’s a ring I have I mean I’m constantly blazing that’s why there’s a light source around me ooh a little too spooky for me right here oh boy here we go here we

Go oh [ __ ] that the vapor from my cauldron is making my head spin but I can’t seem to leave we get a penny you vape [ __ ] loser uh okay I found the secret path do I win the golden pumpkin also where’s Elliot I haven’t oh there he is hey

Baby I’ve been thinking of you why hello weed God it’s chilly isn’t it yes we should embrace each other for body warmth here man have that helmet new reward dude what are you giveing me man dude sweet [ __ ] statue idiot yeah yeah bus is done nice yeah this world that sellout money

Goes uh how do I use this oh it’s out of service what why I did the thing all right winter I got to change the title winter year 1 okay yo my the one corn survived all right you guys are retired you guys are retired for the next 28

Days take a breather man hey yo baby here’s a cake are we at six [ __ ] you [ __ ] a lobster God damn it all right well next week he’s getting a lobster [ __ ] 500 I’m in let’s go hopefully I don’t have to buy that every time cuz I suck what is this

Oasis I’m intrigued you will have to buy it every time [ __ ] get [ __ ] on Ray what’s this Shifty guy doing over here okay good talk man good talk ooh this where the skeleton key goes oh probably yeah the hell was that oh God oh my God you do a lot of

Damage holy [ __ ] okay nice okay let’s get the hell out of here I will investigate this area later make it to 25 levels deep I got a mountain of money to send oh dude I’m in this is all done as well Bridge repair Uh here it is I can go to the Quarry now that’s pretty rad holy [ __ ] this is awesome two floors down 23 to go oh my Lanta I don’t do any damage I’m running I’m running I think I need a stronger sword I’m running away I’m pussing out

Man later oh yeah we got the Mayo we got the Mayo it looks spreadable oh baby is it spreadable how much is the poppy 600 you [ __ ] I’m in no what I pick the oak resin Oak resin no oh this thing pumps out mayonnaise pretty quickly insert joke

Here lava Katana wow that seems pretty good dude absolutely oh man a rusty spoon nice my favorite kind of artifact yo hit me with another piece of furniture fam yo oh my God all right as much as I like this bear watching over me how about we put

The skeleton watching over me oh man can I get two skeletons no it doesn’t look good there how about I put him in the corner there you go just when you think it’s safe there’s a spooky skeleton lurking put him in your bed to keep me warm and comfy nothing scarier than

Waking up in the middle of the night forgetting you’re sleeping with the skeleton construct a Farm building please yo hit me with that stable let’s put it right here why not I’ll build a nice little path and everything level seven combat plus 5 HP nice and the Ring of

Yoba Yoba is my favorite Star Wars character oh good Festival of ice ice fishing competition oh my God I’m going to decimate all right I’m not [ __ ] around I’m going straight to Elliot’s house and we’re going to wait we’re going to wait out there with like a boom

Box a lobster boom box please be there please be here please be here please be here [ __ ] stupid ass Festival I’m entering the ice fishing competition oh that’s right I’m going to destroy fools yo oh good idiot oh my God on the board perfect yeah another perfect fish come on come on

Seven ah all right six for six better better call weed God I’m going to kill you w weed God oh I get a sailor’s Cap all right oh [ __ ] that it gets rid the afro I don’t want it I don’t want that trash get it out of [Applause] here oh oh cuty

Cut that was was wonderful oh he’s making he’s making his moves oh you thirsty I got a lobster for you I’ve Been Working Day and Night to try and finish my book it’s been driving me insane weed God sometimes I wish I could just throw it all away and become

A farmer like you dude become a streamer um come live on the farm I can use the extra help what finish your novel at my place where we at oh we’re at six oh man here’s a lobster all right we’re getting in we’re getting in we’re at we’re halfway I

Think or more than halfway nice is your farm gay oh dude the gayest no heteros allowed on this Farm oh I got a lobster for you love me forever nice are we still at six all right well it was a good week at least yo I’m rolling in the Mayo I could

Probably I could probably fill this little pond with mayo if I wanted to which would be super gross but I can do it all right let’s go build that uh what is my horse doing it looks like it’s walking animation was that was strange here you go man I got

You whoa dude really dude I’ll take a th000 gold for that oh my God that’s the look of a man that wants a cave carrot where he’s going to put it I don’t know but it’s n of my business the barn has been completed [ __ ] nice Grocers dude Grocers is staying

Elliot I swear to God you better be in your house this Lobster is going to be so dope you’re going to love it we find him we’ll find him you can’t hide from me baby you can’t hide from our true love there you go we at seven we’re at seven oh baby we

Are at seven fish why you a [ __ ] why you a [ __ ] oh my God this this fish has got the deeps finally boom oh wow that’s a heavy one and it’s gold nice okay shot right to the top and right back down to the bottom what a

[ __ ] this better be a gold fish fight get it come on lingard oh my fishing’s almost maxed out fishing and farming dude I’m a fish Master a masturbator as they say exactly what’s up fam boom why are you doing jump roping in the snow you [ __ ] idiot

You’re going to get sick the cave carrot guy is back and this time he wants to squid up his ass well let me tell you I can deliver question do these scarecrows these rare scarecrows do they work as actual scarecrows like if I put this [ __ ] here will he do his job oh

He will awesome okay good what perk does Elliot give you I’m going to be honest I didn’t even know they gave perks he gives the great sex perk dude nice can I get that in real life I need it upgrade house please yes okay we finally finally did that after all this

Waiting oh God you can get hit by the train the Feast of the winter STS a time for the community to come together and fav tradition is a secret gift exchange where everyone in town is randomly assigned to someone’s yeah what Pam all right Gus I need one of your finest brusis

Uh move oh there we go oh baby look at the space all right now we got to move some stuff around first things first this spooky scary skeleton is going to sleep next to me if I could pick it up that’d be great or not I guess it’s stuck here

Forever I like how the house is the same size but the inside is way bigger all right skeleton bro you’re sleeping next to me we’re getting nice and cozy or we’re not just kidding you can guard the fireplace I guess oh yeah milk me I mean I’m milking you don’t milk

Me skeletal hands oh my God yes right above my bed oh my God it’s a match hello Dy that Lobster yo you’re a beautiful gift eight yes we’re at eight yo is this where you summon the Illuminati no reward yo hit me with some more furniture man oh a

Rarecrow all right is that a raccoon oh good morning Mr we God oh almost forgot I have a gift for you it’s an old key that oh hey the rusty key nice I have great news my novel is finished I’m giving a public reading this afternoon in the library I hope to

See you there gotcha weed God weed God you made it romance novel nice a traveling architect okay I’m in oh [ __ ] you going to read the whole thing her [ __ ] Horatio why is there always a Horatio in romance novels you know I got the idea for writing romance novel from

You do you remember that’s why I’ve dedicated this book to you oh [ __ ] D’s getting hot and heavy oh [ __ ] where’d he go I got to give him the flowers is he still in the library [ __ ] I ran away with my horse I’m going back I’m going

Back just kidding I psyched him out oh there he is reading the book hey man this is how you carry a bouquet of flowers right you want to get more serious I feel the same way oh the kids are leaving oh [ __ ] we’re going to [ __ ]

On the table that’s it Gunther lock the doors things are going to get rough you unlock the sewer hatch with the rusty key oh it’s [ __ ] dank in here uh are you a kobus a human visitor this is most unusual I’m kobus Merchant of rare and exotic

Goods huh 20,000 all right well I know what I’m saving up my money for oh you can fish in the the sewers oh I’m actually going to do that I oh legendary fish I think maybe oh oh what’s happening no oh boy it’s a legendary fish come on first try first try first

Try come on oh Fu F thank you for that sub whatever that was I was so close I was so close no he’s being a bck bck he’s being a big dick right now also want a bck bck like the pens he’s being a pen right now a penis oh my

God was that good for you cuz that was good for me the mutant carp that was intense we got it we got it what we get an Cole party time all right where’s Pam is this Pam yes you’re welcome for the booze you drunkard oh oh man what did this guy get

Me better be some of the dankest cush ever hey weed God weed God I’m your Secret Gift Giver this this year and I never noticed your sweet stash here open it poppy seed muffin don’t be excited for that don’t be excited for that throw that [ __ ] in his face throw back

Thursday to 300 p.m. when Ray didn’t have a horse or cows or even a barn dude there wasn’t even snow in the ground we started off and it was fall what’s the status of bang Elliot we are at eight Stars right or eight heart right now we

Gave him a bouquet we are finally done with year 1 year one of stardew is finally over after like what 35 hours ooh nice year two baby what we got for year two oh [ __ ] what’s up dude Kent hello there my name’s Kent I just got back last night from overseas

My wife told me that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone yo well I just want to introduce myself I’ll see you around all right Kent whatever you say man we got to clear this [ __ ] out man this is unacceptable all right that section is done besides

Watering I can give him like a little right close on one St get [ __ ] nerd if I plant Jaz seeds is there a chance that George Michaels will grow I’ll take five George Michaels just playing sacks on my farm that seems amazing already got some progress buy some more seeds it’s a lot

Of parsnips dude wow all right that is a lot of far Snips basic fertilizer cuz I’m a basic [ __ ] b you’re welcome are we at nine we’re so close we’re so close to this so close ooh what do we got here pickled par snip interesting does that thing follow the

Fish on its own oh my God what’s the hook I have that thing pretty much did all the fishing Itself back 81 in eel That’s like [ __ ] ginormous giving that to Elliot for reasons egg Festival oh God the egg hunt dude oh my God [ __ ] you Festival I’m going to lose in the Easter egg hunt again Bu The Bunny [ __ ] God damn it all right I bought the bunny happy the

Bunny better allow me to win all right where’s the mayor mayor I’m ready buddy can I like stab this girl in the leg oh my God I went the wrong way already I can’t get to that one chat I don’t have any eggs oh my God this is a [ __ ]

Travesty we all the eggs our beloved Mona [ __ ] off Mona you’re dead well hey six was not bad right [ __ ] seven maybe [ __ ] just gonna put the bunny right here to remind me of my failures as a human just to remind me of how much

I suck hey man got it I got the pendant can I give it to him right now marry me I accept I think we’ve done it I’ll set everything up we’ll have the ceremony in 3 days it’s happening it’s happening we’re going to [ __ ] do it

Man we’re going to do it dreams do come true I’m going to be with Elliot the one true love meet me by the docks on a sunny morning I’ve got something in mind oh baby my man needs me I’m coming oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look I fixed up that old

Rowboat that’s been sitting by my house pretty nice huh we God would you do me the honor of joining me for her maiden voyage so my book’s been out for a while now it’s not a bestseller or anything but it’s been getting some good reviews from the critics and I really couldn’t

Have finished it without your moral support more like your oral support if you know what I’m saying well we’ve been friends for a while now but I’m I’m not sure if I feel that way about you anymore let’s see how do I put this for once I’m at a loss for Words weed God you’re trembling I’m happy oh well that’s a brutal answer you’re making me uncomfortable stop since we’re out be like make comfortable stop I’m happy I was worried you might not feel this way about another man wait Elliot’s a guy you’re all pissed off what are you

Pissed off at me for cuz you’re not invited to the wedding you’re chickens that doesn’t make any sense oh and you probably want food that is probably an important thing well considering the Last Sword the best sword in the game can only be dropped by luck the sword

I’m buying is the second best sword and I know with my luck as soon as I buy that sword I’m going to find the other one but just in case I don’t the wedding should be called the weeding please I want people to come to my wedding

Everyone has to to it up at the wedding the grand finale is a Puerto Rican salute with me and Elliot just like [Applause] this when w weed God first arrived in Pelican town no one knew if he’d fit in with our community all right Louis [ __ ] you but from this day forward weed God is going to be as much a part of this town as any of

Us it is my great honor on this day 17 of spring to unite weed God and Elliot in the bonds of marriage see I don’t need to wear a suit cuz I have the tuxedo shirt I was ready to go since day one we got Elliott as the mayor of Pelican town and

Regional bearer of the matrimonial seal I Now pronounce you husband and well husband you may kiss in there baby nothing can stop true love anything is possible yo are we [ __ ] now is this is this where we have sex life is going to be different from now on but

The future looks bright so do we are we together oh oh nice nice expansion a dude tonight tonight we’re gonna bang we’re going to bang so hard to celebrate our marriage thank you for purchasing a coupe upgrade in addition to doubling the capacity in your Coupe I’ve taken the liberty of

Installing an incubator to use incubator simply place an egg inside if you have several space up the C the egg will hatch in several days oh all right I’m sure I’m going to for forget that in about a minute but cool oh we can get [ __ ] D wow ducks

Are so expensive $4,000 dollar [ __ ] you yo we’re going to call this guy quackers good name Ray pigs are 16k are you [ __ ] kidding me what hello Clint uh Clint Clint I’m trying to fish here Clint go around or just pass through me Clint a ghost the Prismatic Shard has

The highest drop rate at .1% oh good so you’re guaranteed it is what I’m hearing oh baby oh baby I’m ready we’re probably [ __ ] right now wow that’s a lot of money it’s implied that we did it and by implied I mean we slept in the same bed hey man I’m going

To bed love you did you have any strange dreams last night uh yeah I was holding a [ __ ] lava sword that was my dream one of your finest uh lava katas please thank you you can take that one I don’t want it anymore no all right I accidentally clicked

It I accidentally clicked it someone add that to the fail Montage man that would have been stupid if I actually did that man let’s load the game man look at all that money I have ready to buy the flame Katana do you like this soup oops he does like the soup [ __ ] you

Other Wiki yo trout soup for Elliot he likes it boom myth busted other raise lava Katana with the $5 how could you abandon me like that sell bye we got it we got it that time first try if I get my my record is what is it [ __ ] floor three maybe no enemies

Will spawn I can just walk through prepare for me to have to reload oh oh got the spooky mummy yes oh God is he not dead oh he’s back wow all right 29 Health what is happening right now all right oh [ __ ] uhoh oh God I’m scared I’m

Going to die I’m going to die [ __ ] off everything just die okay we’re fine we’re fine no we’re not no we’re not sword works great topnotch sword 10 out of 10 would recommend you get that sword okay moving on can only kill mummies with explosions oh that’s [ __ ] annoying just buil 25

Staircases will that work is that a legitimate strategy cuz I have one am I going to attt to skull mine today again uh maybe I am a [ __ ] though so I do like living and I do like this lava sword that I don’t want to lose oh look

At the crab dance look at him dance give me that star drop am I going to dream of memes Again you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of memes that’s a good meme oh the duck up grown and my fence is destroyed I guess you can’t have one without the other I upgrade it I don’t want to have kids kids are [ __ ] gross man why do I want

To have kids that seems like a penalty for building the house uh what am I doing going to sleep oh I’m not going to make him to pass out outside [ __ ] idiot no oh you can do it Elliot’s waiting for you whip rip oh the flower dance at least I have

Someone to dance with if you can find a partner oh I can oh hey there good morning honey I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences oh dude nice I also feel Charlie’s water bowl nice I’m just going to go do some dusing over here that should help you

Right yes few it’s h out here kiss we in there hey man oh man Elliot’s little salty there oh nice we’re at 11 we need to get another lobster for him oh you’re up hello baby good morning oh you see that heart yeah last day of

Spring okay oh my God the depression the depression is hit [ __ ] everything yo it’s that same guy trying to sell his [ __ ] PS4 my favorite person oh my God she’s walking on water Jesus Christ confirmed all right here we go time to get [ __ ] literally and figuratively I have no food all right

Well this is not going to end well for me yeah yeah yeah number one nice new PB floor four we in there oh no oh boy all right let me stay right by the ladder get [ __ ] oh you didn’t die oh my God they didn’t die mono weano let’s

Do it I’m not afraid I’m not afraid Not Afraid floor five oh there’s mummies bye no okay that’s absolutely something I would do woo that was almost a fail failure averted the greenhouse is finally completed all right we got some space we got some space to [ __ ] around burnt offering Dude Sweet

Triangle Man uh let’s put this sweet triangle wow this a ginormous triangle uh [ __ ] man that’s a good spot for the triangle maybe no oh that’s plac on a wall uh hello what I put over here put in the kitchen right here this is looking good this looking like a good

Spot Desert Hawk with a 9 months thank you [ __ ] that triangle was not meant for you Elliot make sure you bring something good to contribute oh that’s right I [ __ ] this up last time you added a starfruit to the soup hello baby I love you enjoying the festival

Dear oh you damn right I am solo dance [ __ ] Elliot I’m taking control of the dance floor right now let’s see if this guy likes it come on yes damn right it is eat that soup you’re welcome it is we God I have poured about six gallons worth of weed

Into the soup so hope you guys enjoy that weed soup go am I going to dream of memes Again you found a star drop it’s strange but the tastes remind you of memes has anyone ever ate a meme before you wouldn’t eat a meme oh contr this is such a peaceful song for what we’re doing in the mine I I did I just [ __ ] Logs and it is an auto feeder which is good you know what let me go um I’m going to go Deluxe Coupe cuz I’m going to need that [ __ ] rabbit thing the rabbit’s foot at some point hey man I can understand you now hey want to buy

Something oh that was easy oh you sell bombs that’s awesome Miner treats whoa oh you rare Crow taking that yeah look at all the animals getting along purchase animals one of your finest rabbits please rungus dude nutsy nice Barn me or Mega Big Barn

Me kiss me you fool why can’t we kiss I want to kiss oh you’re moving oh no please kiss me please things are not going good in the relationship as you can tell damn wow starfruit wine does not [ __ ] around I need truffle oil don’t ask me

Why all right mayor Louis I don’t have any pigs yets so you’re going to have to wait on that truffle oil is his Lube it might be listen I don’t ask questions Deluxe Barn oh we do have enough sheeps and pigs you’re building that [ __ ] under a

Piece of wood you found a club card you’re not sure what it’s for but it seems important it’s been added to your wallet I guess that means I could finally go to the casino just lose all my money it’s [ __ ] Harvest day yo did someone want some cash money cuz it’s cash money

Time it’s kind of like pizza day but with less cheese hey Pam remember this pale ale you wanted like spring year one got it for you my love I wouldn’t trade you for 100 aridium bars same let’s see what our money’s like bam blueberry game is strong I’ll buy a

Goat uh [ __ ] uh press press the goat man is this butthole no where’s butthole oh it’s what [ __ ] what did I name butthole was it the Sheep are you butthole hey butthole um Plum Pudding looks like a turd on a bowl hands up put your hands up oh

You’re not oh there you go hands up all right all right all right okay hey hey hey hey hey have fun with Mommy all right all right [ __ ] you fall time you [ __ ] kidding me piece of wood the hell out of here [ __ ] uh here you Go we got it you found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of memes iron bar under my pill all right Kent whatever man I’ll get you an iron bar relax yeah just shove the iron Barber out my ass all right okay so I

Need a rabbit foot and three apples and I’m all done with the c Center OH get the blueberries I’m getting them oh you’re like a bear bears like blueberries I guess it’s in the name oh bear [ __ ] off trees are getting close though soon don’t be able to get them apples all I

Need is the apples to complete the com man we got more Cranberries oh I missed your birthday [ __ ] doesn’t matter you love me I’m the worst husband am I though looks like Elliot loves me are you kidding me he loves me dude I didn’t do birthday more like who cares day am I right hold on I want a smooch give me a

Smooch give me a smooch I want a smooch [ __ ] oh kiss the skeleton [ __ ] you ah why who Moved My skeleton why was my wow we have a shitload of space all right maybe I can actually buy furniture now yo did Elliot move the skeleton or did

The skeleton move himself yo if the skeleton moved himself I don’t know about you I’d say that’s [ __ ] spooky I don’t need a new sword thanks oh man actually lie I need the bone sword 42 bombs 50 yeah we’re ready we’re ready who thinks I’m going to make it

Past the fifth floor cuz I [Applause] don’t [ __ ] eat a dick yeah he’s sad yeah the double kill hey it’s a hole all right floor five oh nice floor 11 see how many levels we fall this time all right 15 oh dicks yay oh it turns out when you’re actually prepared you’ll do fun oh achievement millionaire we’ve done it I am a millionaire woo 7even digits hey the trees are done how do I [ __ ] give me how do I get the how right click the tree I am nothing’s

Happening I’m right clicking like a madman I’m [ __ ] stupid I need to empty my inventory what a [ __ ] idiot oh hey worms disappoint me never let me down yo let’s gamble is this that is is that a Club Car [ __ ] dude I’ve caught a lot of fish that’s a good ratio this table’s for the big shots nope not a big shot I’m actually a punk [ __ ] I’ll stay away from that table look at this [ __ ] guy Let’s uh let’s bet 10 good good let’s bet 10

More all right things are good things are good all right so that was the uh that was a casino which you will never visit again just like Vegas uh what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this get it off my head what the

Hell is that we’re just going to ride on pretend that never happened can this be the spooky room actually no there you go he will watch our baby’s uh our baby’s crib whenever we get one but yeah that’s definitely one of my favorite games that

Came out this year and I know it came out like years ago for the we’re going to have a baby do we have a kid can I call it accident oh [ __ ] Christ that’s not the kid let’s see what we get it’s finally done we’ve finally done it yes the last bundle

Farewell we got we’ve done it everybody the comp Center is done that deserves a gg gg goodbye the junimos have returned to the spirit world Goodbye junimos Oh look it’s pretty well this kind of looks like [ __ ] but this part’s pretty yeah all right here you go just watch over my kids or

Something I want that rarecrow I also kind of want the Fedora and the star drop if I win it twice in a row we’ll be good big if all right let’s be strong let’s be strong let’s be strong for mother [ __ ] not strong enough not strong enough super strong uh Kobe [ __ ] Kobe

Again Kobe Bryant first try bet on green it’ll work I don’t know man people keep saying bet on green but I have a feeling the one time I bet on green it’s going to go orange oh damn that’s Hefty as [ __ ] now I see why people do that first Place baby here we

Go spin it to win It we’ve done it yes I’ll take everything please give me that give me that give me that star drop nice meme I’ll take that F door my lady my lady gets rid of my Afro not sure how how I feel about that though clean house we’re getting out of here

The house has been cleaned keep the Fedora it it hides the afro though man the afro’s been with me the whole time I’m not sure if I can do that get out of here generic scarecrow hello fancy rarecrow yeah you’re welcome the comp Center was a [ __ ] hole

No one took care of it but the God of All Things weed weed god let’s got your back Pelican town I got that [ __ ] look at all those Stars I did it [ __ ] grandpa I did it for me this is where I put my sellout Fortune right here this is where all the

Twitch shekels go I’m not sure how you did it w we got but the community center has never looked better you’ve done Pelican town a great service everyone in town is pleased as a way of saying thank you I’d like to present you with the town’s greatest honor the stard do hero

Award you’ve earned it yes it’s a [ __ ] trophy yes I got a trophy Grumble Grumble oh [ __ ] grandpa is Grandpa not proud of me oh Morris sales have been plummeting where have all my customers gone how does it feel what if he just stabs them oh dude let’s settle this the old fashioned

Way this means nothing I’ll just run a 7 75% off sale and all my customers will come crawling back to me begging for forgiveness you’ll see no not this time Morris I think it’s time we settle this once and for all oh oh [ __ ] Are they going to throw Down what a fight what a fight you’re even weaker than your fresh produce selection oh [ __ ] and the way you throw punches is just like joa quantity over quality [Applause] Oh this [ __ ] just just punched him through the roof Morris and his JoJo Mar cronies were never heard from again did we just [ __ ] Massacre the whole store everybody’s [ __ ] dead no survivors dude God can I go in out of business Jesus Christ the statue of endless Fortune is a decoration item

That can be purchased for 1 million gold from an NPC in the casino uh it produces one random item each day oh wow the statue is the most expensive Buy in the game is the second fastest way to obtaining aridium bar all this for a rare crow that means nothing um

Yeah all right let’s put that trophy right next to the bed so I want I want everyone to know I’m number one yes oh nice I guess that’s what happens when you take out JoJo Mar uh Hey L I always skip those festivals cuz I don’t care but now I care cuz

There’s rare crows there a turd nice 69 blueberries dude 7 + 53 is 60 + 9 is 69 oh all right I know what I’ve done there’s been a mistake get back inside go inside don’t escape don’t escape no no I had the bomb selected I’m so

[ __ ] stupid go inside go inside go go inside okay we’re fine we’re fine I blew up my [ __ ] cranberries too God damn it did I blow up my farm no you bleow up the farm oh my God can you believe the sprinkler survived the blast that’s crazy here’s your battery for your

Butt oh [ __ ] it’s a gang of these things all right good fight you guys suck I hate you bumped into Robin this morning she told me you’ve got a new slime Hutch I was into slime breeding at your age it’s a great hobby but dangerous is that how you lost your

Eye good one good one remember that time you didn’t blow up your farm I dude can you imagine if I dropped the bomb in my farm how awful that’d be Let’s Get Lucky Prismatic Shard [ __ ] I think that’s it [ __ ] yes get the [ __ ] out of here I got it

Give me the good sword please it’s Happening yeah I got it the Prismatic Shard changes shape before your very eyes the power is tremendous you found the Galaxy sword [ __ ] yes what if you die off the Galaxy sword though then the game will crash and I get to restart careful last time you sold the

Lava sword of crash yeah you got to be real careful when selling stuff in this game sometimes the game will just randomly crash it’s the worst what happened to Clint he’s dead or in the comp Center remember when I first played this game I was like I don’t know if I’m

Going to play it any more than today but we’re going to try it out sup fam take that rare Crow hey there you go achievement unlocked Master of the five ways I am now the perfect farmer yes I I didn’t even check my luck today let’s just go number number one

[ __ ] Caleb’s frisbee nice yeah after Winter’s done we’re probably done I’d say oh it’s going to be the last blaze of the Fall get [ __ ] ready and it’s over during the night the adoption agency dropped off your new baby boy Whoa caps lock is on that would have been

Dumb oh wait can I do this oh it’s Chad Chad is sleeping a good you got the protectors chat they’ll keep you alive forever 56 hours I feel like that’s not a lot compared to some people my character looks like a prick no man he looks like the swag

[ __ ] on the planet I think you’re just jealous that you don’t have a green afrona tuxedo shirt it’s all right I’m jealous too the [ __ ] is this up late huh am I going to murder Shane you ever feel like no matter what you do you’re going to fail all right Shane

Relax I’m weed God I never fail well my liver is begging me to stop better call it a night see you around w we God good uh good talk buddy what did Shane do this where are you going Clint where the [ __ ] are you going oh is it Friday oh my

God do you go to the Comm Center you [ __ ] go to the com Center you get back here right now you no process the geod let’s start with the [ __ ] I should have emptied that all out I am an idiot [ __ ] it we’ll come back yeah man let me process like 20

Geod with a full inventory [ __ ] idiot is my kid still a baby yeah chat’s still a baby that’s a check on chat though it is 8:00 so they’re probably sleeping shocking hey Elliot is our kid dead that kid’s dead isn’t it isn’t it definitely dead Ja Rule has no

Milk right now oh Jah also I think planting the trees on the uh on the floor in the greenhouse has been fixed but I’m grandfathered in so can’t stop me hello sexy husband thank you for the coffee brosi Smoochy smooch chat’s awake oh my God chat’s awake for the

First am I just throwing the baby up in the air yo Chad look I’m playing with you you go to the baby the baby’s sleeping right now oh [ __ ] never mind I guess you’re awake all the time now yay chat yay chat is chat on here a chat loves me one

Heart you’re telling me you’re telling me chat loves me just as much as the [ __ ] sewer creature damn it I’m a terrible father you know how some weird people on the internet call other people their dad this is the only instance where it’s true oh

Please I like when I go to swing my sword I’m holding a [ __ ] lollipop Elliot’s a dude did you know that F what am I I [ __ ] married to a man God [ __ ] am I gay [ __ ] yeah I know haha you can’t do any damage to me fool I’m better than

You ah thanks for the coffee broki oh I just gave you the coffee right back all right I hope you like liked it no psych am I going to be honest with Gramps and tell him about the explosion that happened no man no proof that never

Happened I going to play ENT enter the dungeon nah I don’t have any plans oops yes all the rium tools I did it time to go to the Super the the super duper Shady Casino let’s play Blackjack I’m ready play hit me stand 10 five [ __ ] God damn it hit me

Yes get [ __ ] this for the big shots I’m a big shot yes all right we’re rich hey chat you know what I got you for Christmas a bomb I love you if anything that did more damage to me than it did to uh the baby oh my God this little [ __ ] got

Me something I have a gift for you I found it last summer when I was playing at the beach I hope you like it I already got my favorite thing from the beach his name is Elliott a magma geode all right well I guess it’s better than the [ __ ]

Cupcake the guy gave me last year I’m glad you moved here farmer we G all right what why are you here what what is happening are you oh oh oh oh okay that makes a lot more sense I thought you were convulsing on the floor all right here we go it’s time for

Grandpa where do I go for Grandpa how will he do I check like his Tombstone or some [ __ ] a [ __ ] hey Grandpa Shrine statue Perfection you found a peculiar statue Bean Grandpa Shrine does that mean I win do I win I don’t know what that means just sell it that’ be [ __ ] up

All right let’s put this uh let’s put this oh my dear boy it’s been many years since we last spoke you were just a little boy do you remember look how far you’ve come here though you may have forgotten me I’ve been here all along you see my body

Has the part of this world but my heart will always remain in stardew Valley same Grandpa you’ve been here 2 years now I’m so proud of you my boy you’re a better farmer than I ever was and you’ve brought great honor to the family name

Yes I can feel it now my spirit has finally put the rest bless you I didn’t sneeze but I appreciate it anyway the future of Raiders Farm is in your hands now farewell goodbye Grandpa goodbye we will always remember Grandpa with the spooky statue many months later

I don’t remember anything I’m going to need you guys your guys’ help God it’s so weird controlling this with a analog stick it’s good to be back baby it’s good to be back in the valley he’s back like he never left okay uh male dog

We have to make it a we have to make a very a very important decision over here but before I do that uh I think I wrote all this down get everything how it was before weed got his back okay um what do we want to do we’re not going to do

Standard cuz we did that last time all right well looks like we’re doing uh we’re doing Wilderness it’s going to be a pain but we uh we got it Wilderness takes it thanks Grandpa what’s going to be good about this is even after I’m done with

The story and uh if I make grandpa happy or not I there’s still going to be plenty of game for me to play hello you must be weed God hello I am him don’t listen to her weed God she’s just trying to make you dis safy so that you buy one

Of her house upgrades I have to buy all of them for an achievement come on now can you perfect this game in one playthrough no you need to do two separate playthroughs okay oh why is that up there oh I have to change this immediately oh God I need oh sh wow okay

It’s been a while since I started fresh we don’t have a lot of stuff in fact we have like nothing oh what is this oh I could change the color to make it Pink why not hello it’s nice to meet you dude Leah the waifu a penny that red head

Though might have to go for Penny Shane I don’t know you why are you talking to me all right [ __ ] [ __ ] you all right where are you my love are you in here that’s your home you’re not in there or if you are I can’t get to you God damn

It Elliott you sexy [ __ ] I don’t know who I’m going to marry yet I’m going to be honest hey man you smoking a doobie taking some fat rips uh oh you hold X okay oh yes give it to me one for one baby look this is this

Fish ain’t even try this fish is like me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] got it oh [ __ ] I’m sorry this [ __ ] fish is mustash off oh dude nice [ __ ] Super Saiyan Sam yo [ __ ] blaze it dude blaze it up Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem interested in

Talking [ __ ] you Shane yeah you have to become a joa for an achievement you pretty much have to do their version of the community center uh Tam I’m uh fish in here maybe perhaps you can go around me in my Thro kind of just like in my face right now Pam really don’t

Like that too much does that mean if I do a JoJo run people are going to complain and be mad at me it’s very true no matter how I play the game if I don’t play it the way someone wants they’ll be mad so for tomorrow’s stream I’ll

Probably just oh my God are you a catfish h no actually maybe not oh oh oh oh probably probably I’m there’s no way not a chance in hell oh [ __ ] you were in the green bar don’t give me that [ __ ] game that all right it was in the green garbage this

Shane Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem interested in talking looks like he’s walking across a bridge to me he might jump off what do you mean hard at work oh we’re on the board Catch 10 different fish level one fishing nice oh level two fishing oh I can make

Bait oh the game crashed no I got to catch all those damn fish again oh did you do all this stuff today good do it again [ __ ] Pam go around [ __ ] thank you thank you Pam oh uh uh uh hello oh God get out of

Here I don’t even know what you want can you hurt me oh you absolutely can okay uh please die okay I thought I was safe [ __ ] I don’t even have a sword oh God he’s going to kill me I’m going to die at my own Farm uh

Please I just want to chop down the tree got him nice the spooky Farm strikes Charlie yo parip day oh my God I don’t even have my [ __ ] I’m an idiot I don’t even have my pickaxe what a colossal waste of time oh [ __ ] it’s these things I forgot what

They’re called called you’re worrying me weed God weed God there he is hey baby ah the new farmer we’ve all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach it’s a pleasure to meet you I love you it’s 420 in the Valley I love the forest bruh dude you know I’m drinking that weed after I drink it I’m going to inject it it’s the best way to take on weed or I guess through your butt smoke it with your butt I’m high out of my mind I just saw

A wizard some kind of [ __ ] aliens or something am I going after Elliot this time no not this time I’m not really focusing on marrying anybody yet par snit me Dad I’m not going to pass out I promise that doesn’t actually give me any energy what does this give me zero

I’m just eating flowers at this point all right let me go back all these kids doing reefer by the sewer ew it smells ah that sounded like basic slime punk ass kids she she might be the waifu man Haley’s looking [ __ ] nice oh this sword is so balls Jesus Christ I’m so

Weak oh God get away from me monster how to win friends give someone a gift uh [ __ ] what do you want this oh nice what a lucky guess okay $100 how is this tiring I’m going for it I’m going for it man no balls no balls naras is going for

It I can do this line oh no maybe I can’t oh no [ __ ] don’t do it don’t do it all right time for bed oh we made it now the game crashes that was some clutch plant watering oh God is the egg festival today I think it is sorry I

Couldn’t make it to the egg festival today I [ __ ] had a heart attack watering my plants I’m [ __ ] ready man let’s do it no I’m not ready I’m going to [ __ ] lose dude on the board whammy okay two uh [ __ ] uh okay here we go here’s

Three oh this is good good things are happening right now okay I see you seven no I don’t care about Mona she’s dead Mona’s hid a goddamn egg oh there’s nine oh how do I get back there no no I can’t get nine no I can’t

Get it [ __ ] who builts a house that way no you you purplle hair [ __ ] just marry Abigail no I’m not going to marry her she’s better than me in every way I can’t live up to that she wouldn’t marry this Loser yeah these guys are all over the place Jesus Christ oh don’t do it don’t evolve God damn it I deserve this oh we’re leaving we’re leaving oh wow the block oh my God what a clutch block okay that was fun H ooh hello we got some straight up

Garbage come and get folks coupons for 50% off your purchase at jojamart 50% all right what do we get oh we got a better sword nice I got a stone a Stone Fish weed what do we got in here a ghostfish oh [ __ ] spooky oh baby can we do it clutch plays

Clutch plays oh no oh so close does that mean I fall asleep outside my house and those monsters just beat the [ __ ] out of me in my sleep eat that seaweed right in front of Sebastian hopefully he got turned on oh this is the eel I feel it it’s the 10in

Eel maybe if I can catch it I have no proof if I don’t catch it oh don’t do this to me stay still give me the eel give me the eel oh another eel 14 in that shit’s weak what is this a a a [ __ ] bone flute yo do you think

If I play this uh at Tina we’ll have sex for once I’m having all this good luck and the game is going to crash I’m calling it right now yo can I play that game in here I to beat it without getting hit once right is it this one oh God

Let’s see how hard this game is cuzz I honestly don’t remember it’s 15 levels oh God I hope these are the only enemies oh wow your your powerups don’t carry over that’s balls oh we got bosses oh what is that oh oh I can buy [ __ ]

Uh I bought a boot did you do uh did you do any percent first did you do uh 100 I think the Game just crashed told you I called it I’m sad the bone flute is lost I know I lost the bone flute and then the other thing that was with it as

Well can we cheer bits to also support a marriage partner yeah sure why not I’ll take anything I’m a complete piece of garbage Sebastian’s in the lead granted we are a long way away from that yo D dryer thank you for the 21 months oh fishing achievement oh my god oh no

I’m losing it I’m losing the catfish we were so close we’re bringing it back we’re trying to bring it back we’re back at the bottom okay oh there’s still time oh we we can do this we can do this don’t choke Ray don’t choke well don’t choke come on no

The catfish is fighting back oh you son of a [ __ ] I’m wasting so much time here actually time’s not passing never mind you got to be getting tired you got to be getting tired wow what are you doing we were so close yes [ __ ] you we got it

50 in that’s not too bad it’s not 58 but it’s 50 oh a halibut do I need a halut oh what’s your face need a halut Pam no yes wait what oh a herring well got my fish mixed up guess I gave Pam a gift en enjoy this fish I’m

Sorry my reading comprehension is awful what a great Quest bring me five coal you can keep them let me look at them for a second and then here’s some money the silver saber I might buy the saber I’m going to buy the Saber if I bought the saber then sold it I would have punched myself in the face hello honey I did not know you could click the thing at the the start is there any other Easter eggs oh oh [ __ ] what is happening what the [ __ ] hey low Indy

Game symbolism a I wish you could marry lonus how great would it be if some [ __ ] oil tycoon comes out of nowhere is like $5 million for lonus all right man I’ll marry lonus I’ll [ __ ] do whatever you want to lonus uh I would replay this with Tina uh if they have

Co-op oh tuu toan snow toxo toan to tuu toan opu toan oon yo what is my new fling doing with my old fling what is this I don’t like this I don’t like this look at my [ __ ] hair Blends in I don’t like this oh oh my heart Leah

Please oh how about you ug all right thanks Edge Lord [ __ ] this Festival it sucks I hate it you’re all lame and I hate you I’m going to go cry myself to sleep look at my stupid ass up here I’m going to dance with Clint this right

Here this is not okay this is not okay you guys can’t dance for [ __ ] that was garbage that was for who who was that fun for that was not fun for me game that was embarrassing oh Clint please stop kissing me please go around Clint please please why he’s really not going to

Move or he’ll just phase through me yeah oh the [ __ ] slingshot you shouldn’t have all right last day of spring year 1 uh it’s our pleasure to inform you that your farm will be featured next week’s up and cominging column of the stardew Valley Tribune congratulations we we’re impressed with

Their quick progress yeah this Farm you’re going to display this why hey it’s possible waifu here’s a stick what am I supposed to do with this [ __ ] yourself that’s what you’re supposed to do cray fish that fish is so cray basic fertilizer look at my Afro all right I know how to

Farm oh wow okay [ __ ] relax fish what are you doing that that had to be a puffer fish be a puffer fish please oh I see like stars in the corner of my eye we got the puffer fish baby the fact that we’re getting all these fish just it’s the

Game’s going to break oh 24 different fish thank you Vish bomb for the 20,000 bits going for Maru that’s $200 for Maru dude just give me the red oh the really the legendary fish again okay good [ __ ] joke game I just want the Snapper stop throwing the

Legendary fish at me just place is the Snapper only in Rain am I a [ __ ] idiot oh it’s absolutely only in rain all right well I’m a [ __ ] idiot helps if I scroll the uh the page to the right a little bit no whammies no whammies no whammies here we

Go did we get did we get whammied oh I don’t know what that shaking was I thought we just got whammied what the [ __ ] was that thank you upgrade my fro are you kidding me my fro is at Max am I marrying Shane no he’s not even he’s not even close he’s

On the list but he’s not close Maru sucks yo don’t don’t talk to my potentially future waifu that way when with the voting for The waifu End uh the last day of winter of year one all right we’re going to stop fishing I’m going to rate some garbage cans yeah what are you

Going to do about it Shane yeah I’m looking in the garbage I got no shame no one likes you no one likes you Shane but seriously thank you for the $600 okay [ __ ] can we I don’t even know what this is no God damn it whatever it is I want it

I hope when I do catch it it’s just like a joaan it’s like a legendary joaan uh a dude I don’t [ __ ] around with skeletons man sorry good luck Mr Wizard Sebastian no smooches now no smooches unless you’re my husbando oh weed o an iron

Edge 12 to 25 oh yes please [ __ ] get rid of that another iron Edge oh okay guess I got two of them oh Leah’s retaking the lead no [ __ ] sin with the two excuse me the $200 but the 20,000 kappas that’s so many kappas Leah all the way baby all

Right that is $200 toward Leah being the waifu and we got kappas on our side damn oh it’s so sad when we killed the ghost you guys remember when Maru was in the lead throwback Thursday uh the ghost sounds like to me when there’s no extra

Fries at the bottom of the bag here you go dog nailed it all right [ __ ] you I’m going to the ocean let’s see if this works oh how do I oh okay how do I use it how do I what uh uh that was weird how do I use you how does it

Work how do I uh X nope a oh [ __ ] well I that’s going to be there forever Bo here have a grape or something chatting up with the wizard no big deal oh this the governor [ __ ] he looks like the wizard get out of here Elliot you’re old news hey baby yeah

Governor taste the soup hope you like grapes you’re dressed like a grape so should really [ __ ] enjoy it oh he likes it yo did you really like the grapes that that was the best part okay we all did very well but I had the grapes The Grapes though uh floor 70

We got [ __ ] Master slingshot what did I do to deserve this oh man a pizza one of your finest bags please thank you probably should have bought some seeds first but what Eves I don’t need any of this right they they’ll they’ll come back cowpoke earned

$50,000 nice oh Maru hello how are you I love you possibly maybe the mine cart I got the mine cart way earlier this uh this season oh dude let’s put the bear that so it could watch me sleep again all right maybe okay there we go got it a dude

Nice garbage Marne I got this thing for you Whammy oh rare achievement gopher huh let’s go to the ocean try and catch a legendary fish cuz we know how well that’s gone so far oh man a stick so far so [Applause] good oh there he

Is oh my God what the [ __ ] dude stay still [Applause] yes we got it baby we got the Crimson fish nice the game is absolutely going to crash now just in case anybody was wondering is this fish the legend 27 if it is I’ve conquered the fish here comes the Crimson

Fish we’re good we’re good we got the obsidian Edge nice I’m gathering data on correlation levels between soil alal alkalinity and what does that mean I need a fresh melon from your farm all right [ __ ] he’s checking the acid levels in the dirt why didn’t he say

That why do you have to use a big boy word that Ray can’t pronounce godamn Demetrius think you’re all smart and [ __ ] who’s in second Maru it’s Leah Maru and Penny we got 6969 bits team Leah # charity 169 isn’t enough 1K for Leah is

Leah at 1K are you serious oh is that potential future waifu Abigail she’s way out of contention listen if there’s anything I’ve learned so far during these wars is no one’s out of contention dude Harvey can come out and win if Harvey wins on like the last day of

Winter I’m going to [ __ ] lose my mind oh get [ __ ] Ray that’s a diamond and I can’t get it oh [ __ ] you stardew Valley 100 oh we got it oh wow we got a lot done a slime egg press man let me not grab that at all M raid gamer

With the 10,000 bits that says to shorten the lead # charity but you didn’t say to who you forgot to mention the name 10,000 kappas # team Lea # charity all right well that lead is that lead is back to what it just was at Super Saiyan Sam yo are you jerking your

Gerking yo play the keyboard with your wiener umido $500 to Abigail is she in the lead now is Abigail at least [ __ ] close hey we’ve reached the bottom of the mines what do we get a skeleton key oh the bottom lamp oil rope bombs it’s yours my friend are you playing this

Because you miss Minecraft but are too embarrassed to play it yep got it $69.69 from Tina Dayton and she says for Abigail that purple-haired egg stealing [ __ ] Tina you’ve betrayed me how can you have done this no one has given me a good reason why you can’t marry kobis maybe

He’s not into to inter species erotica maybe he wants to only marry his own kind but the game’s too nice to say it so they just don’t give you the option hey baby here’s to another great successful summer it’s time for fall and everything died the end all

Right Leo where are you do you think if if I wait outside of her house all creepily she’d appreciate that try the saloon all right Saloon is over here no big deal just bringing a fish to a girl in the saloon Don’t Go Near the arcade machine I will absolutely stay away from

It she’s not in here I’m not going to the arcade Clint no no Clint no Clint what are you doing I can’t leave I can’t get out [ __ ] Clint Clint go away oh my God thank you thank you Leah oh my God you have a skeleton in your house Leah [ __ ] terrifying

Leah Leah yo Abigail has taken the lead yo [ __ ] Leah she’s old news oh come back hold on I have this for you I I have this fish there you go thank you man Pam is still thirsty huh he just trying to make it happen Pam wants a

Small oh perfect all right Pam where you at probably the bar just kidding maybe at home oh she’s not here I’ll find her eventually we’ll go to uh we’ll go to the bar at night to give uh Pam this fish I don’t know why all these women want fish but I don’t

Ask questions weed hello there you go Pam all right uh north of jojamart on the wooden plank stand in the center and cast North this is going to be great that’s oddly specific I’m sure any of this would suffice but first try oh [ __ ] it was a first try

All right time to [ __ ] this up that was really easy we got the angler okay um what’s the thing I need to forage is it not wild a hazelnut I’ll try and find a hazelnut somewhere so at least I can finish never mind found it okay good job good job

Everybody well done we got it we got the hazelnut I appreciate all of your efforts and we got it together I guess I could like start looking for the uh the dwarf thing in here the fourth scroll I need come on no whammies oh [ __ ] you God damn it that was Mean oh baby 21in C cucumber nice nice this better be a big c cucumber oh yes it’s the super cucumber do you think if we attach the C cucumber to the super cucumber we get like the ultra cucumber the legend 27 in cucumber the Ring of

Yaba I don’t know what that is Yaba taba do I wish you didn’t see the music notes because I swear it looks like she’s taking fat rips four of your fin chickens please OJ the chicken oh dude can I make it like OJ thumbs up damn it

Uh jardo oh jardo is absolutely a chicken name uh Pooh oh we’re getting Pooh there you go we got him toxic Turtle hey Ray Pro tip if you use electric rods as a fence they’ll never Decay and you’ll get batteries if I make an electric fence

For my chickens I feel like that’s a little mean oh this this is a good crib there you go go free little guys go crazy or don’t you have the option to and before Sam wins by $1,000 Super Saiyan Sam goes full Super Saiyan all

Right Leah is up by $4 wow it’s very close oh the stardew fair good hello former waifu yes you do oh we got it on a random bug yes what luck give me a chance at a fish soggy newspaper yeah in this lava it’s a soggy newspaper oh here we go

Okay all right this is uh-huh okay you going to be a son of a [ __ ] yeah dude how did all this trash get so far deep into this mind is another good question are people really going this far down into a mind and littering [ __ ] here’s an eggplant it

Matches your hair so you like eggplants don’t say word to my dad all right what if she marries the eggplant then I hope they’re together forever and ever and live a very very happy life better start all right we got the Soggy newspapers out of the way now we can get the

Eel or glasses all right it’s almost close to blaze time so this this is good luck that hit the water at 4:20 exactly that’s okay we got to get the newspaper out of the way I like think the eel is just covered in newspaper and we took the glasses it was wearing here

We go [ __ ] I just want a chance I got to appreciate how excited weed God is no matter what comes out he has his hands up in the air it’s for glasses oh [ __ ] here we go oh [ __ ] oh I’m going to lose here we go [ __ ] I’m not ready I’m Scared yes we got a lava eel and it’s a gold one oh another Super cucumber who is this super cucumber going to be for who Wants It chat open wide who wants the super cucumber 30 in for all of you oh we got pumpkins uh don’t forget to bring your

Nine items for the cran to play okay good oh wait if I have a lot of gold pumpkins I might save them till tomorrow all right okay all right maybe we’ll just bring pumpkins oh I’m bringing nine pumpkins dude I’m going to bring nine pumpkins to the thing tomorrow now this is all

Done are we going to play through Resident Evil 6 no I don’t like Resident Evil 6 about your balls there’s a c cucumber on your head hold on do it again what pretend to CH yeah hold on oh never mind you go behind it we’re mature we have a house babe get

I’m trying babe get it babe you don’t get this cucumber sorry I held the x button too long I guess the relationship’s over the the I I lost control of the fishing rod I’m sorry boom that’s a guaranteed victory yeah I learned to bet on green cuz at

Minimum it has a 75% chance so we’re going to be doing green yo hit me first place right I’m going to get like fourth what did I get second place I’ll take it I’ll take it hello my man uh green please five 500 so reminder you’re supposed to be able it’s like

75% on like average luck I don’t remember what my luck’s going to be if this fails we may have to do it a couple of times but God damn it we’re going to get the money we need okay we got one we got one yeah buddy one more here we go this

Is for all of the marbles here we go no I definitely deserve that oh [ __ ] the game crashed what use more gold star stuff all the pumpkins were gold star you can get 750 silver stars for being disqualified for displaying the mayor shorts that’s pretty funny I would have never thought of

That look at that that looks sexy that looks like it’s going to give me at least seconds oh first place hello good sir with a solid Top Hat this is my first time ever talking to you i’ like everything oops I’d like everything on green Please we just need one more give me the win Botanical martian with the $20 thank you I dedicate this win to you or loss Botanical Martian you are the man you’ve pushed me to Victory thank you so much Botanical Martian hello yes I’d like to take your uh star drop please

GG I will take the rare Crow I will take the Fedora and I will take the sunflowers why not let’s clean house and get the [ __ ] out of here ah this reminds me of Home nice dude I’m going to marry the dwarf yeah right now it’s Abigail and

Leah everyone else is way in the back there you go if someone tries to rob me they’re going to see a spooky bear hi ho silver away I get like a weird ass statue right oh no I got whatever the [ __ ] this thing is Dick NOS the insect head yes we we’ve done

It oh you [ __ ] idiot I hit a too many times to open the goddamn bag what do we get in here oh God oh my God can I wear this mask can I be one of Them I’m going to keep wearing this mask I will love always be spooky everybody will fear me yeah dude I love that the fro is still there all right we’ll be halfway done with the uh Comm Center now and we still have winter so I think this is going pretty well so

Far what are you giving me another lightning rod nice what are you giv me oh [ __ ] three turds awesome give me that star I need to see it I need to see it go up it gives me strength where’s the guy that gets the star where is he he’s the most hype one

Oh oh oh please tell me this guy has to go get it I’m going to watch the whole thing I’m going to watch this whole thing happen assuming this is the guy come on here we go get the star here here it comes he got it here we go put it up There halfway done the bus is fixed the spirits are annoyed with me today good I’m absolutely going to die dude let’s go I’m ready [ __ ] Pam I’ll R you come on Pam you’re too slow you’re too slow let’s go I’m ready ready I’m Ready oh man I am terrified or ready don’t go this way okay he can’t fit he’s too fat good oh [ __ ] no I forgot about these things nice okay uh all right we are in a bit of a predicament here ooh ooh see you later don’t want any of that okay

Camping the huh you know what let me see if this works for future reference I know I have one left but I’ll try it out anyway that it does good to know all right so uh wasn’t great wasn’t awful got a bunch of geodes I can check out I didn’t die got that

Going for me thank you achievement unlocked ship 300 of one crop it’s probably cranberries all right let’s get some some good [ __ ] let’s get some good [ __ ] out of these geodes 100 I’m ready oh we got six that’s new I’ll take it that’s not new damn

It yeah boy that’s what I wanted I’ll take it I’ll take it that means the game’s going to freeze or I’m going to die one of those two things is going to happen in the mines let’s go let’s go uh uh hello uh no okay my [ __ ] horse I got glitched on

The horse I’m glad they thought to just have you teleport if anything I’m glad they they thought that through that was almost an instant wreck the Prismatic Shard changes shape before your very eyes the power is tremendous you found the Galaxy sword damn right I did all right now let’s die

In this cave all all right let’s see if we can get to floor 25 I’m not expecting us to to do so but we’ll see oh man can I make six staircases I’m sorry seven oh I can make six okay we can do this dude no balls narvas okay skeleton

[ __ ] off time for staircases all right goie doie okay and do we have to complete it I hope we don’t have to complete it all right we got it nice now we did all that stuff which wasn’t too bad but this is the hardest part are we going to get

[ __ ] by the game crashing no [ __ ] whammies no whammies all right so far so Good okay oh well thank you for the 10,000 gold that’ll actually be very very good oh we got this seed as well sweet gem Berry hey man oh [ __ ] we got the star drop if I sold the sword I would just restart the day which I’ve never done before and if anyone

Says differently they’re lying oh the [ __ ] festivals today you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] festivals God damn it God I [ __ ] hate the festival oh man here comes the clay oh wow Stone thanks for mixing up worms you’re great $210 from Sky Ruby the half Blaze your weed

Goddess is waiting go to Haley this is this is the Haley push be at the bush at noon okay well I’m here at noon I’m ready hit the small one this one I’m ready here we go my game’s going to crash I’m ready oh oh oh that’s really

Cute look at this little little plush nice oh man don’t do it Robin don’t do it don’t don’t leave no you’re forbidden to leave you will never get past me I am a wall make my CP bigger yeah [ __ ] we are done with fall year 1 all right this is

The last season for the Wu Wars let’s see oh there he is oh my God come on oh righty you [ __ ] oh God I’m like wasn’t ready I wasn’t ready I’ll be honest attempt number four I’m not even going for the chest [ __ ] it oh well I guess unless I get it on

Accident all right well I’m not going to get that chest so it doesn’t matter [ __ ] I think the uh the fish you get in Spring I think it’s called The Legend is even harder this is the second hardest fish to get so which means I’m never going to catch the Le the legend

27 fish we’ll try one more attempt and then we’ll have to uh we’ll come back tomorrow with a new plan this is not not going to go well I have other stuff to do today besides get wrecked by this fish over and over again it just [ __ ] on

My face all right you win today fish oh man more worms what do you got for me a ancient doll that’s a little creepy by the way weed here we go day two I’m ready I am so ready to get obliterated all right here we

Go well the bar is pretty big I’ll give you that and it is going down slowly so it is a good combo we’re just we’re at the mercy of the fish I can already say this is going uh better the Trap bobber is definitely making that go down

Significantly slower just go into the goddamn water and stab the fish I’m going to Tweet a concerned ape and be like I hate this fish please God please God please God yes and we’re done the bridge repair happy birthday buddy a birthday gift that’s very kind of you I love it

It yeah where we at with lonus boom lonus shoots up four stars what is this what is this thing I won’t bomb it but let’s see a [ __ ] Prismatic Shard dude my luck is crazy this is the best the quy has ever been for me but uh as you guys

Know it’s actually scripted here on uh page four I underline it three times with a red uh with a red pen go to the Quarry and act surprise get a prismatic Shard [Applause] scripted oh the bomb is so far away I’m so dumb plant it plant in a

Run triple kill wow and they all gave ladders what a bunch of nice guys oh I got a rabbit’s foot what the [ __ ] my luck all right I’m getting out of here right now I’m not pressing it anymore that was also scripted right here uh circled four times it says uh

Rabbits fo bis the the crash isn’t scripted yet okay it’s scripted later [ __ ] here you go buddy you can have that oh a drum block great what I always wanted ooh a tortilla AR Reba am I right oh dude a void egg oh boy here we

Go it’s not the legend it’s not the legend but this will be the second to last fish I need as you can tell it’s it’s very easy to capture this thing up here bombs away nope don’t do that the tall thing on the left why can’t I put it in

There is it this this thing oh there we go I was putting on the wrong thing I’m a [ __ ] idiot no one look at me I’m not even going to look at chat cuz everyone’s going to make fun of me it’s going to make me cry weed God come stand

Next to the fire pit it feels great I was hoping you’d come by sometime I wanted to say sorry for mistrusting you at first that’s okay okay I did bomb your tent but you’ve been uncommonly nice to me you’re a unique person and I consider you a good

Friend a feels good man feels good hey I want to show you something come inside feels bad man I don’t want to do it hey man thanks my mask is just covered in splooge all right wild bait nice the song’s for you is this a Paar nice they win all

Right mayor Lewis I’m ready to stomp some ass fishing use Linus’s special bait I’m okay man he kind of freaked me out with all the noises that were being made all right we got seven fish I’m happy with that flit fish the winner say my name say

It w we God let me get to the dock yes I would like to buy something a star drop please look at my energy go up oh is little Charlie here come say hi to your friends hi baby playing H1Z1 King of the kill quite fun yeah you want

To go on the other side so she’ll look at you so it’s like she’s doing the camera H Charlie look at Mommy Charlie hiy Hy Charlie you’re a meme dog for good luck oh it’s the it’s the uh H we got a void chicken the void chicken finally

Hatched yo who’s the top donator right now that’s the name right there zeria you are now the void chicken all right we need to go to the saloon don’t freeze please here we go oh we got this thing we got pinky lemon good my house can just have more

Nightmare fuel in there hey baby room for one more oh [ __ ] where is he is he at the spa all right well lonus is dead good knowing you lonus I think polygon tweeted it yesterday or today rather it’s very oh a new friend achievement unlock the first the first achievement

Of the new year is a new friend friend that’s saying a lot about my social life you should upgrade the rest of your tools to Gold I don’t have enough money all right I’m afraid I’m afraid the Game just crashed on a save screen I think this is it guys

I think we just got [ __ ] all right guys this could be bad okay we’re good the only thing thing that happened is I just lost the progress on the day nothing really happened I just have to give [ __ ] to people but we’re we’re okay hey hot stuff there you go I give

Haley rocks whenever I see her [ __ ] Haley I think Haley’s in like is she in third and let’s [ __ ] hope the game doesn’t crash again or we’re going to have an issue for good luck here we go we made it oh where you go sprinklers you sprinkle those crops yo other

Account ban with the 2710 won’t last but got to get penny back into that bronze $27 and10 hold on what the [ __ ] is this why are you here [ __ ] I don’t know I came to give you give you a fish I just want to give you a fish please weed God there’s something

Special about weed God our Destinies will intersect cuz I want to give you the fish this is what the intersection is here come out here here’s the fish you requested what is happening right now hey here you go we will not intersect unless you win hey we got a void

Egg well that chicken grew up fast void Mayo Baker bruh with the $420 the first one of the new year and Baker BR says first 420 of the Year also Leah for waiu does that knock her back into first place uh the script ride with the $5

Marrying Abigail is on page 23 of the script don’t forget I got it man don’t worry I’m going to stick to the script oh what does that one have an exclamation mark what is that oh oh what is what oh did they did they just make a

Baby slime oh yeah oh dude they just had sex I just massacred their whole family it does happen Man yo we got lean with the 59s goofy wants you to wake up and realize that Leah is the true Wu I think Leah’s pulled Ahead npe no oh well sorry I just ate your baby in front of you oh we got a cut scene oh is this with Harvey it’s meant to be weed God what do you think George should do oh you got to follow the doctor george you’re in a wheelchair already clear something went

Wrong in your life listen to your [ __ ] doctor george thanks W weed God okay uh three obsidian we make it a tower yeah four of them five six six obsidian in a row what a [ __ ] so the next birthday is the 23rd which happens to be Leah she likes

Salad TR ruffle goat cheese wine poppy SE [ __ ] all right she likes this weird [ __ ] that she’s probably not going to get any of we got uh # team Abby that’s $300 for Abby another $100 for Leah thank you y wi [ __ ] you Abigail you purple hair egg stealing [ __ ] you have

No chance anymore oh my God this could be it yes I think we’re all done are we finally done with this oh achievement 1% baby we got got it I don’t know what else okay so this is all done look at that so good [ __ ] yeah yo Josh uh you

Should take this clip I’m about to say and probably put it at the beginning of the next compilation cuz it’s going to be all stard do hello if you’re watching this compilation uh it’s probably all stardew cuz that’s all I played for like 4 weeks uh sorry if you don’t like it uh

I love you didn’t even see I grabbed an ancient seed at some point okay guess yes I got that on floor s or six put the ancient fruit up your butt does that make it grow faster cuz I’ll absolutely do it $337 from Sky Ruby that says Haley will

Always be the number one ha hello am I’m allowed in oh how am I allowed in we have no Hearts I thought we needed two anyway [ __ ] happy birthday here’s a salad yeah I remembered your birthday it’s great [ __ ] insert tossing salad joke maybe it is a birthday thing maybe

It’s cuz her birthday so she’s like anyone can come in and give me [ __ ] like a salad you should marry whoever’s my secret Santa oh then I hope it’s Sam that’s the comeback who’s my secret oh is it it’s you yep hey we got I’m your Secret Gift Giver this year here open

It you know what it was a good gesture thank you jod oh do a kickflip Super Saiyan Sam nice that was a that was a a 180 listen he tried okay he tried and that’s all that matters oh is this a oh we got a flute block Yes xray and [ __ ] well you know it’s Blaze time though weed uh oh Penny Penny I got a C cucumber for you don’t you worry I think I have one lying around you know what since I don’t have a waifu yet or a husband Let’s uh let’s keep the skeleton

Here the skeleton might be will be my waifu for the time being there you go Whoop what a fat beat good night Mr skeleton some more big eggs here oh yeah big egg did I [ __ ] lose my horse am I an idiot where’s my horse did I even take my horse I’m a [ __ ] idiot where’ the horse go how did I lose it I only went

From left to right behind the stable oh God thank you good save good save godamn stealth horse you got to watch out for them I guess the sooner we come to terms with our our mortality the more time we can spend really living in the here and

Now all right this is getting a little too deep Penny well it was interesting talking to you weed got I should go yeah thanks I guess indie game symbolism all right with that being said the wifeu wars are pretty much over unless the game crashes which is absolutely a

Possibility it’s official I am marrying Leah it is done what’s the deal with the salad it’s for Leah so she can become my wfu she loves salad i’ give her two salads a week come here watch this I’m ready to watch amaze me future wife see that I’m revealing the essence

Of the wood keep it up you’ll reveal the essence of my wood am I right I don’t like that in parenthesis it says creepy I just I’m wearing that mask you know I’m just going to go with it’s the same with people yeah it was it was great to

Visit I still have the salad to give you uh mg Havoc with the 10 months hello my name is Ethan I died ripping a fat Vape 10 years ago unless you send this to you unless you send this to copy and paste this 10 times I will show up in your

Room tonight and rip fat fat clouds every night you have 7 minutes to post or else I’m scared already shortly [ __ ] shly dude that got to dude you got to get that Shar milk people think that’s the flute thing making that noise it’s actually the skeleton in the corner just blowing into a trumpet you just can’t see it yo where is he where is he shortly oh there he is oh oh

No oh don’t [ __ ] you [ __ ] uh I got I got the legend 27s I think I got like 60% of the way there and then it just [ __ ] in my mouth oh it’s back oh my God like I get you can catch this fish multiple times but like why why go through this

Pain oh here we go it’s going to be over so fast good was that a speedrun for failure that was really what I was going for right there oh please oh please oh please please please no no no yes yes yes Now the game’s going to crash you know what I’m going to go to sleep right now [ __ ] it don’t do it please please Dad all right we’re good give me that slurp Ah that’s the stuff Kell how many times do I have to tell you I don’t want to come back to the city stop calling me I don’t want to hear from you anymore click oh [ __ ] so I

Guess you heard me yelling on the phone that was my ex oh [ __ ] he was always nagging me to go back to school and study business or medicine something with a lot of money in it streaming on Twitch I wasn’t ready for that kind of

Life weed God I had to leave so I came here to pursue my dream of being an artist was that selfish of Me no and your ex sounds like an idiot that’s a little harsh no that’s reality it’s good to have a friend looking out for you a friend with a

Creepy skeleton mask oh by the way he’s a salad all right Le is at four I can’t believe I [ __ ] love lusm currently of course I’m friend zone I got to work up to the love hey man here’s a coconut you’re welcome lonus I love you you Fred Flintstone looking [ __ ]

Hey I have more salad for you Merry Christmas yo chat do you guys think I should remove the mask I’ve had the mask on for a while do you think I should you think I should take off the skeleton mask I like the little Daisy in my hair

I get the little Daisy let’s see how the daisy looks oh that is that is nice that’s so cute looks like there’s something stuck on my face like a little drip of splooge little plush if someone wants to wants to hang out and chitchat here’s the plush oh God there we

Go get that star you green [ __ ] I’m ready throw it up there do it Yeah hey man I’m putting a bun in your chest don’t tell your dad oh my God uh-huh and uh we’ll put this one right here perfect perfect tree placement legendary oh the egg Festival is tomorrow AKA I’m going to get ass blasted this is what my the end of the

Game is going to look like for me just trying to find artifacts just every day swinging my ho hoping for good things to happen oh what is this all right well we got a strange doll this is the day I get destroyed oh it’s potato day maybe the fact that it’s

Potato day is a sign dude God I don’t want to do the egg hunt I am currently I think 0 for three or maybe 0 for four in the egg hunt I don’t remember I haven’t won I got really close last time and and then I couldn’t get behind a building

Which was tragic what if do you think if I take the eggs from these animals it’ll count like what if I come out with like 30 eggs they be like I win [ __ ] you Abigail here we are back again no I’m not ready leis here’s the

Plan all the kids are going to go down I’m going to go up Abigail I’m going to break your knee if you win again nope not ready let’s [ __ ] do it oh the up strats oh baby we’re on the board with one awesome we’re going up

New new new Strat oh I see two eggs up there good two world record Pace four oh baby oh baby do you believe in miracles cuz you shouldn’t I’m going to choke this away let’s do it baby there’s two back here let’s do it that’s nine a yes [ __ ] hopefully that’s Enough get [ __ ] out girl and people said go down what a bunch of fools everyone knows you go up you got to believe also you got to go up that’s the real strategy and now the game crashes happy birthday I got you a coconut when the cocon nuts no don’t do it

Pierre don’t you do it Pierre oh no he was so close oh Pierre oh [ __ ] the clap a song all right anyway thanks man the double payment yeah yeah hello this is a salad right it is there you go I love you all right where we at with Leah all right we’re

Tied with less we’re getting there don’t you move you foury [ __ ] here we go Get Hype oh oh oh no the dog is blocking no the dog is blocking me [ __ ] you Charlie okay hey spooky skeleton we’re going to have to move you I’m sorry the dog’s being a

[ __ ] and things are back to normal now Yeah get [ __ ] Shane all the way at the bottom my character looks like the biggest [ __ ] all right this is weed God you take that [ __ ] back man this is the embodiment of male Perfection right here this character a shadow person above ground this is outrageous your people were responsible for the

Death of my entire family oh my God I’m sorry about your family sorry isn’t going to cut it what the [ __ ] they’re fighting let me add him he’s despicable come and get it shrimpy oh it’s the wizard oh [ __ ] the two of you must make peace for the sake

Of the humans that live around you surely you can see that very well I’ll still I’ll stay away from the sewer from now on very good I shall cast a seal of promise to finalize this agreement yo can I have that spell so I can cast it

On Tina so she never leaves me for somebody better hi weed God beautiful day isn’t it indeed it is I brought you a gift it’s a sculpture I’ve been working on just for you yes I got whatever the [ __ ] that is you received you received a Leah sculpture good English we’ll add it

Right there it’s perfect oh no she can’t get it I will help you future wife oh oh the Moves XD thanks here try a piece oh that was an apple thank you what a nice little event you know I just realized something oh [ __ ] even if my art career is a flop I’ll always have a friend to catch me on the way down all right well

Am I still a friend we’re at six hearts dude still got friend zoned that’s all right we’re getting there all right here we go [ __ ] Elliot get out of Here woo oh what I don’t get a suit fair enough I took your girl what’s up Elliott you’re the loser now well my liver’s begging me to stop better call it a night see you around weed God he just jumps in the water and drowns as [ __ ] oh I got an

Achievement craft 30 different items what is that Charlie the Doge oh Charlie yeah you do hi hi baby all right thank you for stopping by Charles here you go Birds oh butterfly bow oh a good old cap yes it’s perfect look at me baby it matches my

Pants what do you owe me how about a nice old smoochie achievement unlocked a big help wow 1% nice we are Into Summer year 2 wow we got a good [ __ ] paycheck there I bought a laptop and set up an online Art Shop like you suggested

Buy all my [ __ ] on red bubble for $48 H there’s this Mr K that keeps buying all of my sculptures I guess it must be some rich guy who loves my stuff well I’m not going to have to worry about my electricity bill for a while after that

Sale yeah way to go Leah anyway thanks for giving me this idea weed God so far it’s been really successful this is really going to keep me or give me the funding I need to keep working on Art full time now sorry to ignore you but I

Really need to tweak these s the CSS sheets I don’t I just want to give you a salad hey in there yes she’s my girlfriend now all right slingshot is great for mummies I don’t think anyone’s used a slingshot I think you’re lying to me oh wow okay I somehow timed the toot

With the beginning of that song and it really confused me oh get out of here emo get out of Here rise my horse eating wood cuz El giggle is a special kind of horse I wouldn’t trade him for the world though I got some more grass for you so you can smoke that good stuff in here can’t be weed God if my animals don’t have the

Grass is there anything new here I don’t think so oh my God yes I am keeping that on my face for at least a few days hi ho Silva away also this doesn’t look like a mask as much as looks like my my face is shoved up the chicken’s ass now to try

And sleep with my head shoved up its ass hello waifu whoops don’t talk to me just take your gift and be on your way oh wow wow really you’re over here okay you’re only in the skull mine what what are you doing what are you doing that was strange oh is that a

Truffle it’s a truffle we got one we got a truffle yes um oh dude let’s go to the casino let’s just bet head that’s fine bet 10 Again uh-huh in there oh baby [ __ ] yes dude I got the rare Crow it’ll protect my Greenhouse hey ELO you can put hats on

Alien rare crows are you serious dreams do come true really it’s like he’s saying hey LMO my lady like he’s a he’s a meme and alien but he’s a gentleman about it do you like the Resident Evil games alakai um I’m not like a super fan but I enjoy the series

Oh should I put jazz in there oh guys you think the town likes Jazz if these [ __ ] don’t like jazz I’m moving out you like jazz governor it’s average you know I’ll take it what’s on my face nothing it’s on your face pomegranate we are all done the

Last bundle farewell weed God it is complete how did my friendship go with [Laughter] Everybody get [ __ ] Leah I’m going to be with lonus hello fr I need some of your finest bombs lamp oil and rope oh what best friends reach 10 heart friend level with someone lonus got me an achievement what a bro thank you lonus oh [ __ ] Two achievements clicks reach five heart friend level

With four people yo we are racking up the [ __ ] achievements right now oh another one networking reach five heart friendly level with 10 people bam bam bam I know this game isn’t great for highlights there’s maybe one or two here or there but nothing you can make a a whole

Compilation off of and since that’s all I’m playing I’m not going to you know not going to make you force out a shitty video oh you brought the cave carrot thank you so much Mr Weed God yeah no problem there you go it’s on the floor

Pick it up pick it up in front of me look at my chicken I haven’t had to feed you in forever but now I have to oops just ate your baby in front of you my bad what do we have here ah weed God I’ve been waiting for you have I ever

Told you I used to be married oh [ __ ] my wife and I were together for many years until until I made a mistake that drove her away was it wearing a chicken mask around I’m asking for a friend her anger and envy were so intense that she turned

Green and began flying around the countryside cursing everything in her path when I found out I sealed his patches to her home fearing that an innocent villager might fall prey to her dark magic but now it must be unsealed for when we separated she took my Magic ink

I need that Magic ink pack I would do this myself but I can’t see her again that’s why I need your help spooky witch I’m I don’t like this this is creepy oh my God but the bug meat oh the bug meat oh the bug meat’s going to make this

Worth it yes I have bait for days what the [ __ ] is this okay goodbye I’m sorry this is private property can you tell me what you want I’m just going look it up [ __ ] you here you go good sir sniff sniff that’s smell I can’t resist give me that thanks no problem

Man uh well this is the ink got the ink you found my ink excellent anyway you must be wondering about your reward here it’s a book of summoning the Arcane potential is immense but I’ll make it simple for you by using this book you can summon magic

Buildings directly to your farm I think you’ll find it useful jinos will harvest crops around your Hut for you oh that’s pretty cool warps you to the mountains a million gold there’s the gold clock 10 million gold good oh everything’s so cheap wizard thank you what a deal as a way of

Saying thank you I’d like to present you with this town’s greatest honor the star do here reward you’ve earned it Yes achievements unlocked local Legends oh oh oh there he goes and now Shane is unemployed and will probably end his life cuz that’s that’s Shane all right let me go down to the sewer and do some fishing not the sewer the um the bug the bug Planet remember the bug Planet Vegeta oh

Oh oh oh are you maybe what I need are you slime Jack hey we got him he’s coated in a very thick layer of slime he keeps slipping out of your hands oh oh level 10 foraging finally yes [ __ ] finally oh will tiar ruin my hair let’s see oh it won’t

Yes Rainbow Shell I feel like that’s what are you doing out here so late what the [ __ ] all right there’s no sex in this game oh if there is I can’t achieve it and I’m like I like Austin a lot so I’m going to stay here I just bought a house

Here hopefully it’s the forever home so uh I plan on living here the rest of my life fingers crossed the TR is pimping thanks man I aim to please peace oh God campers prism Shard no oh well there’s The Shard I asked for that I don’t need oh no my dog is blocking

Move thank you bouquet spam Leah let’s see if that works or if she’s just going to hate me afterwards here are all these flowers I got for you I love you forever and always if you don’t love me after this I’m going to date

Abigail I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you are you full now that 100% works thank you thank you Chad all right I should probably uh go byy that thing

Now how’d you get outside before me I just want to say thank you for helping me get one step closer to becoming a real artist yeah no problem oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no it’s her boyfriend who’s a phase shifter Kell what the heck are you doing here I found

Your online art store weren’t you wondering about the Mr K who kept buying all your sculptures you’re Mr K I thought it was just a rich guy who truly loved my art look Leah I want you back I miss you babe I love you almost as much as I love

Orange soda ew don’t call me that you never supported my art before now that I’ve had some success you want me back you make me sick oh [ __ ] punching him in the face get out of here Kell you [ __ ] oh my God yeah I [ __ ] leveled

Him I did the same thing to Wonder Woman that’s how I got the headband let’s get out of here I don’t think Kell will be bothering us anymore a but our [ __ ] the rain picnic no got it I’ll go give it to her now Leah would you marry me

Yes I’ll set everything up we’ll have the ceremony in 3 days okay hey thanks bro we have a redem everything not that that really means anything but woo oh it’s a lot of ore down here yo railen with the 59 oh another P another Prismatic Shard at

This point I’m just hoarding them that’s right game will crash soon or overrated sorry we well all right rip all that aridium kill me if it happens again then that’s some pretty bad juj and we’re going into 80 I’m sorry 90 I don’t think we’re going to make it

Unless we find a a hole that drops us like super deep oh yeah super deep hole no whammies for good [Applause] luck in there we’re getting married everybody we God Leah as the mayor of Pelican town and Regional bearer of the mat monical seal I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may

Kiss yeah we did It hey baby uh here’s a salad yeah hey man oh a chicken statue that’s how I got my mask hello waifu oh thanks for the turd Evelyn there’s my lovely wife oh thanks for the sweet pee I put that right in my favorite spot we’re in Fall hello my love have a

Salad oh we got it I don’t have to pay attention to my wife anymore I got what I wanted we did it everybody Penny you were going to get a diamond and I realized you’re not worth that you’re just worth this m anyway here you go happy birthday sorry

That you live in a trailer sit back relax and allow yourself to be carried away to a better place okay she’s actually going to stab me in the face oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] brown pride Brown Dan what is are those bananas yo Leah sucks compared to Emily Emily should have won best wifeu so it might be too early for Kent to be here oh oh [ __ ] hi weed God I’m just making some popcorn all right Jody oh here found

Kent found the Kent Meister that sound oh the popcorn machine you should have known that sound would remind me of the war oh [ __ ] Kent I just want to give you a star fruit but dear popcorn was always your favorite before you left things have changed popcorn killed my

Platoon blame me I asked for the pop popcorn don’t lie to me I hate lies more than anything Kent I will [ __ ] kill you I’m sorry honey you couldn’t have known the sound of popcorn would make me upset it’s okay dear the last thing I

Want to do is make you upset I’ll do my best to keep your spirits up from now on I’ll use real gunfire oh I got an achievement millionaire I earned a million dollars but without mod you can’t have jum jum Junior no [Laughter] dude it’s the Wizard’s girlfriend

Mamp oh God no actually we do need one for an achievement don’t we [ __ ] God damn it I think as soon as I get the achievement the kids may or may not be turned into doves just saying do you want of a kid weed God no but I want the

Gamer score so I guess yes I’m a [ __ ] idiot by bu again remember that time I sold my lava Katon and the game crashed all right so one of these you’re supposed to give as a gift and everybody loves it cuz I think it’s a prismatic Shard all right let’s see

Let’s see if somebody likes this oh oh Prismatic Shard you say hey Elliot so like so I think it might be patched well the giving the GI part might be patched all right it’s a dinosaur egg uh oh well that looked like it worked spooky oh dinosaurs are cool but Sports

I’ve got a lot of cooking done I’m right there so close to being done we are missing a chipped aora which has a 4% chance of spawning 4% chance good Elvish jewelry one one% % chance in the forest oh these drop rates are [ __ ] legendary strange doll three question

Marks as a description uh you can find it everywhere at a. 1% chance well guys oh [ __ ] we still have some hope we didn’t get anything what am I looking for at this point the will to live can you [ __ ] off please how do I never see this lady in

My life and I see her twice in like an hour I’m way too lazy to harvest many crops and I guess you’re too lazy to make that [ __ ] cash money you’re going to live in poverty there you go happy birthday we’ve never spoke before but there you

Go dud let’s change the floor in the kitchen oh dude yes that is disgusting oh that’s ugly I dig it it’s the ugliest house I’ve ever seen and it’s mine I’ve been playing some stardew Valley off stream I know heresy right but it’s been uh it’s been pretty fun actually to

Not play on stream I beat journey of the prairie king without dying so [ __ ] hyped about that um I’m uh level five or five hearts with 20 people so uh yeah I think last video on YouTube we were in Fall now we are halfway through winter

Um as you can see I also got the return scepter all right and I uh made my house look nice kind of oh I had the Dinosaur by the way there’s the dinosaur and I gave the egg to the museum am I just achievement hunting at this point yeah

And then we just need Penny and that’s everyone for day one something I’m missing yes dude oh [ __ ] I have a spicy eel apparently you like that here you go have that perfect oh was Robin already there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight that should be the achievement I

Think oh there it is never mind the Beloved farmer got it today as well another rusty spur you son of a [ __ ] three Rusty Spurs thanks appreciate it a train is passing through stardew oh man let me go get the goodies oh [ __ ] a cut

Scene did I just get hit by an invisible train I think I think I broke it coming over here oh the Train’s gone I’m still walking into the wall Harvey this is your fault [ __ ] Harvey dude help me Harvey turn me around God damn it Harvey

I hope that corrupts my save if that corrupts my save I’m going to kill Harvey in real life yeah my my game got corrupted when I [ __ ] got hit by an invisible train walked into a wall all while rvy stared at me oh [ __ ] is it

Shane omac Shane what are you giving me buddy Shane hit me with the Shane I gave you Pizza all month and you hit me up with a shell hey there’s a prismatic Shard all right we’re on the board hey oh oh my god do I need this yes we got another

One the prehistoric vertebrae what are you going to give me man oh [ __ ] you gave me a a sloth skeleton M all righty gave me literal feces Stone you’re giving me stone Clint I just gave you a birthday gift are you [ __ ] joshing me right

Now I guess I I could put it to Mr Bones over here there you go just just more bones for you man o should I do oh I I got to do cat ears is it even an option oh I’m a cute little kitty cat oh yeah I am now weed

Cat uh is someone there meow oh God here we go don’t get hit by a train no invisible train okay so that’s what happened I’m supposed to walk up to Harvey but the train bumped me to the right and I kept walking into the wall trying to find

Harvey spoiler alert Harvey just watched the whole time look here it comes oh God is the train coming what the [ __ ] is that Willy Wonka what’s the m stand for marcelo’s balloon rentals at your service what look at this guy look how cool he looks oh man get out of the

Train tracks that’s bad news that looks fun let’s ride baby he’s just in this basket with a furry oh oh boy okay we were’re up so high well how do I say this nicely I have a wife I just like you for an achievement uh we can just leave cuz

Nothing is going to happen oh weed God we’ve known each other for a while now and I ER don’t [ __ ] do it don’t you dare okay all right no want tell my wife about this let’s see if Harvey gives me some of that good luck juice God damn it

Harvey you suck clay really clay oh 200,000 heyo happy New Year everybody let’s go see what Grandpa wants the statue of perfection you see my body has departed this world but my heart will always remain in stardew Valley same like when I die in real life

Okay bye love you grandpa wait I propose a toast to you’re Doom sorry I’m with Leah now Elliott all right that was great and all but I just want to buy coffee oh God Shane is is Dead Shane is dead it’s impossible to describe this feeling watching the curtains of rain whisper above a silent Lake okay hey a mini harp you’re full of

Surprises weed God I’m impressed yeah I keep on wedging my [ __ ] just in case of moments like this oh this the song where you clappa I forgot when it comes up though oh I think it’s coming up after this one there it is oh hey chat you like

Jazz meow what’s my persona it’s wi the Pooh with a backwards upside down visor because he’s here for all the Honeys I mean I don’t know I’ve never been asked that question before in my life a Charlie loves me that’s the first time I’ve seen that message I did my joa

Playthrough got that achievement loaded up this game to make sure it still loads and here we are so chat something pretty funny but also very depressing about my joa playthrough yesterday so I did it I got the achievement no problem um but while I was killing some time on one of

The days I went to go uh hose some worms just the Pas time and one of the items I was missing or one of the items I got was one of the items I was missing it was that one I got a missing artifact on the wrong playthrough I uh kind of just

Sat there in silence for a minute and just kind of accepted what had happened Professor X wait it’s the birthday gal there you go happy birthday to the Merchant haly you were just in front of me what I don’t want to get hit by any invisible objects here thank you for the computer thank thank you for two computers don’t make it three four five God damn it CL uh here’s a dinosaur right there

Conus oh game Crash rip the dream dude rip Areno the dream arino it’s been a while I guess it was deserved how those 10 geod go uh I’ll never know cuz the game crashed all right let’s do it clunt I got 219 of these bad boys all I need

Is a goddamn fire opal I hope I hope the fire opal is the first one I get in like the magma geode so I just wasted like a bunch of like $200,000 oh no why what a great great [ __ ] glitch dude what a great bug who needs dwarf gadgets I got nine of

Them there it is the fire opal on the fourth one get [ __ ] since I got nothing else to do today going to bed at 12:00 p.m. hi honey all right progress has been saved we got the fire ople let’s see what we get [ __ ] God damn it it happened 30

Years ago I was working in the coal mines we were near the end of our shift but there was one last seam that needed to be broken up I went in there aiming to set off a stick of dynamite but my foot slipped into a crack and I dropped

It the dynamite exploded on impact Jesus Christ George you blew your legs off of [Applause] dynamite what the [ __ ] was that oh good an explosion awesome awesome let’s check it out hey man what’s up what’s inside of you let’s see all right all right well that wasn’t

Very eventful yeah I mean it would have been cool if there were aliens or something but nah it’s just like uh Hey a Meteor I have found Pierre’s secret stash hey who’s in the bedroom busted promise me you won’t tell anyone your secet is safe with me thanks I appreciate that just forget you ever saw this okay and I’ll just forget that you were stooping around in my

Bedroom all right man but I am weed God my weed senses were going off I knew it was in here give me the spicy eel yes all right I have all the recipes from people [ __ ] you no my dog is blocking no Charlie you [ __ ] mut move oh the [ __ ]

Dog all right my wife is just standing in the dark more power to her yes we should have a baby thank you Leah give me that achievement so we could say goodbye to the kids after we have this gross second kid we are getting rid of [Applause]

Him oh whoa hey hey what listen man don’t what are you doing I just I’m looking for the treasure chest all right that fish came to play I know right I just want the treasure chest man [ __ ] the fish Leo wizard kid for the achievement does anyone know off the top of their

Head what that is is that really bug meat are you kidding me what I haven’t sold bug meat are you sure is that really bug you [ __ ] idiot Ray bug and then that was bug meat you guys are correct it was bug meat of all things for me to forget the

Picking noise is so satisfying yeah I I like the uh I like the noise as well when it goes into your inventory uh I shipped every item I shipped 15 of each crop and I got married and have two kids So eventually at some point in the Stream we’re going

To have to get a prismatic Shard and we’re going to have to get rid of we’re going to have to get rid of the kids turn them into birds so my goal is essentially to have this game perfected by the end of year 4 give him the milk

Josh oh there’s a new mask I can buy I I meant to buy it uh meant to buy it earlier me buy it after we do this what if when I go to sleep instead of a witch coming by it’s just the CEO of Ocean

Spray and he burns down my farm here it is Goblin mask this is for full shipment let’s see how this looks oh God hello second wife who don’t mind me I’m a spooky Goblin happy birthday what oh [ __ ] Abigail I’ve been looking all over for you your mother

Wants you to come home and help with dinner mind your own business you think I should be at home cooking dinner because I’m a girl don’t you oh [ __ ] let’s get out of here weed God okay right but your dad sells me [ __ ] and I have no romantic interest in You oh I just want to go to the peach that was a colossal waste of time bazonga oh dude it’s an alien look hey ELO one of these days you should come to my room after dark maybe around 8:00 p.m. I want to show you something all right Abigail I’m happily

Married oh no poo poo has escaped Poo’s On The Run godp speed poo dark Shrine of selfishness your children will turn into doves and fly away make an offering of one Prismatic Shard goodbye Rose goodbye Cho and just like that my gross kids are gone thanks for the achievement go [ __ ]

Yourself what do you get when you sacrifice the kids uh the kids are gone peace and quiet and no noise two battery packs and iron bar we might get it right here fingers crossed unless we miss something let’s see hey there we go craft master craft every

Item oh I’m no God no we should not have a kid do you want more birds flying out there oh dude we got some spaghetti guess it’s Maddy’s birthday this advancing time uh pumpkins are done oh no I need to put those in whoops those are not to sell Ray you stupid

Idiot we got to reload the game I’m not supposed to sell those I’m supposed to put them in the fridge you [ __ ] Dingus oh it’s spaghetti must be madd’s birthday huh did I sell the potatoes again God damn it you’re you [ __ ] idiot stop selling [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man these are the

First times I’ve seen these potatoes I should put them away no oh yeah every time I hop on the horse the mask is kind of like wonky you see nice Goblin mask IRL [ __ ] roasted I just got decimated man $584,900 winter let’s see clay nice goddamn spoon local man dressed as a Green Goblin bombs the train station his excuse looking for worms you [ __ ] idiot oh I’m so stupid [ __ ] me dude that’s like the fourth time I’ve done that excuse me Doge hello in game waifu oh get [ __ ] I was right

There are those my kids from earlier not going to lie guys I got maybe one more day of searching okay I would have to buy uh 1,666 of these this will not work unfortunately I can speed it up a little bit though which is what I’ll do oh

Maybe I can I think I did my math wrong wait a minute I think I did my math super wrong yes I did my math super wrong hey we got got the achievement okay man I was using a calculator and I did the math so wrong but hey we got it so that

Was [ __ ] little little cheap come on last day give me something good like the [ __ ] scapula again oh my God please anything else that is the third [ __ ] time I’ve gotten that thing like I can’t get it away from me we’re close man we are so [ __ ] close dude 6 months later hey

Guys what’s up it’s it’s Ray sorry if I sound a little different I am pretty sick uh we haven’t played stardew Valley in a while and in fact I’m not even streaming this but this is going to be the last episode of stardew Valley and I’m going to tell you why right now

There was a glitch recently discovered I’ll link the YouTube video in the description so I’m going to use this trick to spawn any item but for me it’s going to be uh the three artifacts I’m missing and excuse me I haven’t played this game in a while so okay so here

They are this is Elven jewelry the prehistoric tibia and the skeletal hand it all is based around naming yourself an animal a specific code and then whenever it’s spoken you get that item this works with any animal or like I said even yourself you can name your baby this and anytime your

Baby is mentioned these items spawn so so I’m going to go with it’s going to look very I can’t even where’s the Barrack there it is it’s going to look like it’s going to make no sense but trust me it will so uh we have 104 then we have 580 and then we

Have 582 now anytime this comes up in the game it’ll spawn whatever items these are so these are the Elvis jewelry the prehistoric tibia and the skeletal hand so let me show you that’s the name that’s the name of my animal and there here you go she

Mentions it it kind of gets cut off it’s only 580 and 582 but if you saw on the left hand side it gave me what I need in fact there it is uh where’s the other one it’s right there so this is a a perfect way to get all the artifacts so

You don’t have to do any of that artifact hting cuz it is the [ __ ] worst we’re finally going to end a chat we’re going to end this game thanks to some cheese but here we go here we go I’m excited there is the achievement for a complete collection we finished the mum

Collection and now I think I have to and yep here it is here is the last star drop I don’t remember how to use anything I haven’t played this game in so long here we go for the last time there’s the last achievement you found a star drop it’s

Strange but the taste reminds you of wait for it memes and my friends I am finally done with stardew Valley it’s been 6 months multiplayer is coming I think at the beginning of next year up to four people can play so maybe teen and I and a couple of friends will

Re-embark on our stardew adventure but until then thank you for watching the hours and hours of stardew content I put on YouTube much later new farmer that’s me all right where’s my cheat sheet here it is joined I did there he is the legend is back hey hey yo what up [ __ ]

Hi hello so this is going to be the only day that Tina and I play this because it’s in beta so I think we share missions though so I think like I have to greet everybody and you have to greet everybody uh okay I’m going to what I’m

Going to pass out soon energy how do I still have energy because uh I’m playing as the male gender and have you seen my Afro am I right also I have like my bar is almost non-existent all right I’m being a Pro Gamer right now so I don’t

Know what that means but okay I’m I’m playing the game yeah I’m just hitting the bar right now is there going to be a marriage Wars again probably not for this cuz we’re only playing it today also I’m just going to marry Tina somebody says if you just sit in your

Bed it restores your energy oh [ __ ] it does it’s very slow but you absolutely hey baby room for one more oo look at us look we’re spooning you could a what is that I bet it’s what is this it’s going to be a sign I’m going to put

A parsnip in there once we get it cuz growing oh no my axe uh there you go yet Tina is going to be in charge of making the farm look pretty cuz I don’t know how to do that dude I’ll be I’ll be fish daddy if you

Want all right I don’t think we need to refer to as fish Daddy but all right well ooh do you think we compete against each other in the Easter egg hun uh I hope not cuz you will literally destroy me I don’t know if there’s going to be

Waifu Wars when like the three give us F well well you’re going to marry Jamie I’m just going to marry like lonus no hands because I am the fishing God you stay right there fish it didn’t work it went up oh I’m giving this to Tina here you go you offer me a

Chub no why would you why would you pick chub it’s a long eel offering you his eel yeah you damn right you love the eel don’t bring my chub into this dude maybe we can’t sleep in the same bed to be fair I never really tried

Did it give you the option when you came in my bed I don’t remember cuz I made the stupid spoon joke oh you can but there’s not enough room for both of us and uh no sex before marriage and we have to leave room for Jesus so it’s not

Happening Tina does this thing where she sleeps diagonally so uh Jamie Get Hype yeah also we’re not we’re scrapping this Farm after yeah I think he said it doesn’t carry over no he said it most likely will but he can’t guarantee it okay yo this fish does doesn’t exist the

Beta’s broken play Harvest Moon instead I apparently have like just never learned to ever properly speak and I didn’t know until I started dating Ray like nobody in my life had ever corrected me on higher the volume and then Ray had like a breakdown when I

Yeah no one says higher the volume it’s raise the volume also if you’re getting like English lessons from me then we’re [ __ ] par what I want to pick some you have to pick some for the challenge please don’t pick them all I can’t I’m stuck in a cut

Scene oh that’s a shame I ain’t bab please I’m going to be really mad if you pick them all I ain’t in a cut scene babe please man maybe you should skip it do this I can’t oh that’s that’s a shame please do not just leave me one paret

Did you just leave me one you said you just wanted one to be fair oh my God picking fruit I grew these I oh are you kidding me oh my god grow them again [ __ ] I hate you I’m going to sell these there you go I don’t want to play with

Ray anymore you don’t have a choice Jamie’s in school you’re right that exhaust my friends list yeah babe now I have getting started still [ __ ] there I’m so mad do not buy yourself a backpack why I picked the par Snips oh my God what what happened

There’s got to be a way to shut that off wow I say I love you you say stop [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] what’s up where are you and I’m so sorry I’m at Pierce do you like my blink1 182 joke yeah I heard it no no

That’s not what I asked as if you liked it yeah I heard it okay thanks ham Lama dingdong good old p Lama [Laughter] dingdong I got you something it’s a chub oh got the fisherman achievement look I got 10,000 steps on my Fitbit in game oh that’s

Awesome oh I got to go to lonus this dude d a day yeah he better be in his [ __ ] tent I don’t think you can go in I think he Yaba daa doesn’t have a home can you believe it’s uh we’re almost halfway through 2018 and Mr New Booty

Has not been located cool I made it also you can absolutely go in his tent oh I’m going to pass out of my house did you pass out too yep okay we’re dumb what’ you name the dog snooch I didn’t name it I just clicked through it I can’t believe you didn’t

Name the dog Charlie that’s like if your phone Auto taking all the parsnips I had to hurry what the that’s like if your phone autoc correct snatch to snooch I like the fart noise they make oh wait what’s up look hold on ready yeah I’m looking it’s cool

Down hey hold on hold on stick it in me okay hold on it’s got P me ready yeah I just I’m an idiot why I just wasted money don’t mind me I bought a new blade and I sold the other one yeah I went to click on it to move it and I

Sold it yeah so uh done that about 800 times this makes me want to start a new stardew Valley save I mean that’s what we’re doing I’ve been putting off plank stardew Valley waiting for this so it’s been worth it I have tried other games like Gleaner Heights which is a stardew

Killer just got to be on the lookout for it like eight years when it’s an actual competent game what’s my guy’s name this is a weed God who I originally made in you heard of him maybe you’ve heard of him yeah he started as a vile plume and

My Pokemon Red randomizer but has changed to uh being known for this I don’t want to die but it’s looking like that might be a possibility you are so lucky dude your house looks nice I passed out don’t worry I’m keeping your spot warm are you hey yo

What’s up are there like bugs where you’re at right now flying around uh yes why okay do you need something thing is no it is broken and I hear it in mine oh you you hear like oh that’s interesting only when I’m on the farm though that’s pretty funny I forgot to buy

[ __ ] seeds my dumbass can I get a uh couple seeds I don’t have my fishing rod you stupid idiot wow seven whole doll Deuce are you do you have the clap song I guess oh hell yeah taking this one you took the other one it’s a slingshot get [ __ ] got some

Frozen geod [ __ ] yeah we did all right bye I’m just abandoning [ __ ] okay bye I’ll deal with this it’s 120 babe ooh blaz it come on over yep frisky on a Friday night hell yeah that’s how actually how we sleep Tina lays on the bed I just lay

Directly on top of her I’m going to buy as many strawberry seeds as we can cuz it gives us a lot of money oh but babe the [ __ ] lawn Flamingo yep next year what come on I’m going to start this [ __ ] no wait hold on hold on hold on

Hold on oh never mind you already did it I can’t I can’t land it up properly want to be a bunny you’re a bunny I’m a bunny dude I don’t know where any of the [ __ ] eggs are I totally forgot my bad Abigail is going to beat us because

We’re splitting up yeah I have eight you have eight yeah I have five oh I have nine I have six oh dude 69 leave it yeah you did I won way to go man oh you got a cool hat yeah [ __ ] off don’t look at me uh actually hold on maybe if

I sell my slingshot nah it’s there no going to be worth 800 I cannot sell the slingshot I am stuck with it it is a curse this slingshot is bonded to Me would cheese give really bad farts though no they haven’t they give Ray really bad Farts hell yeah that they do did you put the drum thing outside my door yeah oh thanks epic prank there’s a leak in the boat God there’s so many spring onions holy [ __ ] wow we’re already halfway through spring I mean oh my God you [ __ ] what happened you why you put the drum block so I couldn’t get in bed oh well just you know what if I had waited till the last minute and

You would have fell asleep playing the drums right now I been try drink a lot of water now and I have I have a tiny bladder which is great except for you can pee every 10 [ __ ] minutes okay get a [ __ ] bucket yeah what do you think

The sellout bag is full of Ray’s Uncle like dmed him and was like I heard some Gamers peeing bottles so they don’t have to get up I hope you don’t do that yeah like my 50-year-old Uncle I’m like no Uncle Richie I get up to pee sometimes Tay yeah that was the uncle

That was proud of my 360 anal ski ball shop to be fair probably all of your uncles were yeah he’s just the only one that tweeted about it well that was easy love when a 655 inch eel doesn’t move um ien like wanted Starbucks in a really

Long time and then Maddie came over the other day and had Starbucks and I was like yeah I can go for a nice Starbucks hot chocolate a babe I guarantee you Starbucks doesn’t have delivery what are you doing I was pling everything I had oh B babe why would you put those there

Listen we just need the money all right you can make it look oh [ __ ] [ __ ] babe shut up I got to run to Clint oh I don’t know if I can make it by Fork why did I have to shut up I wasn’t even doing anything because I was

Talking to you and helping you hold the stuff so I forgot men we don’t know what we did hey I’ll uh I’ll help you water hey shut the [ __ ] up I got to get to Clint [ __ ] I’m just watering this green bean what are you yelling at me for I

Don’t control your legs you’re asking me to help yeah too you offered the water look I panicked all right your first instinct to panic is to tell me to shut up yeah to concentrate MADD I’m going to text you our order one large hot chocolate and one large iced caramel

Macchiato and uh a pair of venty feet please are these watered here babe uh [ __ ] I know all right those are probably what you were going to water and you told me to go [ __ ] myself so I’m like all right dude babe oh my God stop putting [ __ ] in front of my

Bed I thought it looked nice I was just trying to decorate a little bit when are you doing this what I I don’t know it just kind of happens I get inspired and I need to act immediately hey I’m sorry I told you to shut up it’s okay it was really funny

It takes a long time to build up your relationships in real life for the game all of the above a good thing I watered the path twice want that growing big and strong dude my ass is so sore yeah I’m sorry about that man I mean yeah

Babe what are you doing what’s up un mute your mic what did you say I didn’t say anything what are you talking about babe I have your chat up and everybody’s Ling yeah it’s to good joke said something I didn’t say anything what did you do if there’s something by my bed

Again I’m going to fart on you on my okay well wow that’s going to be different than any other night you’re the worst Co-op what are you talking about I don’t know what you did and I’m going to get annoyed you’re going to be fine I don’t know okay I

Like lowkey feel like you’re pausing your chat and being like just type this in chat so Tina thinks I’m saying why because I don’t trust you I’m going to go back I’m going to [ __ ] give up on the caves and go back to my house what are you

Doing I was just dropping stuff off no you weren’t yeah cuz I got a bunch of [ __ ] to sell cuz I broke all the geodes you’re so full of [ __ ] you [ __ ] what happened what do you mean what happened what happened I’m going to the mines

Babe you’re so full of [ __ ] why are you mad because you put all my [ __ ] by the bed yeah I told you I was reorganizing oh also to be fair some of that is my my [ __ ] I have to reorganize my entire house now can you reorganize

Mine too cuz I you made it a mess I can’t wait to uh go home and then just be kicked out of the game we’re like really low on wood oh my God is that hardwood it’s not okay I don’t I don’t have my axe I can still sleep with you that’s

Fun rough night no I can sleep with you what are you talking about no in fact this is my bed [ __ ] off get out of here do you want to chop it down uh I mean you can chop it down nope are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah I guess give me

Your Axe and I’ll chop it down nope I didn’t know you had turned your axe in that’s even better I didn’t turn my axe in It’s just in there I didn’t have it with me cuz I went to the mines so it’s like even worse oh so you can’t

Get it back all right here I’ll give you an axx then yeah I gu I don’t have to upgrade my axe now please give me my axe back no why it’s like it’s brown I’m Brown it makes sense give it back give it Back it’s back uh would you did you want to put this wood fence anywhere oh I’ll take it all right I it’s I put it in the chest I was going to start making wood fences okay oh my [ __ ] god dude oh my God [ __ ] off Hey babe yeah that was really funny oh it’s so much better that you left your axe I can’t believe I gave it back to you immediately without looking hey can I have your axe again now we’re even for the par Snips the par Snips are you

Kidding me yes babe that was our so petty babe that was our first first harvest together and you ruined it this is the beta God what a waste of a day Co-op stury was a mistake I just took my bonsai tree all right truce that’s fair dude I’m going to [ __ ] that hot

Chocolate yeah yeah I’m like really is that what you said you call yeah absolutely okay and then he’s like that’s me haha how you become an adult virgin you don’t have Sex or tier three sub oh babe I’m going to die in this these mines telling you right now not die I’m going to fall asleep that’s fine I’m trying to get us to 70 oh I got it what a God oh I got a [ __ ] Master slingshot why does this game hate

Me a this is so cute this is way nicer than the other thing you did I was trying so hard to make that look like a heart no you did a good job babe I made a mistake I sold our one golden bar Smith babe what are you doing I got to just

Put it away next time you do I literally feel like we’ve been playing for like maybe 2 hours time flies this game man we’re going to be [ __ ] when it when it fully comes out and there’s three of us yeah and then like the season stuff what oh

No what get out of the shop yay get out the sh babe I think we’re overdressed okay sorry Caroline Oh no what’ you do I said the server has closed the connection you Clos a connection no you probably just got kicked H dude 0 to 10 [ __ ] Roblox

Better this game doesn’t have the oof noise I saved it proba would have Sav the desk baby oh I just heard that poor girl wh hold on hold on Charlie Charlie you’re here she’s just like standing on me right now hey Dad sha kisses from Charlie what’s up

Charlie did you miss us I guess it has been 6 hours why could it be on sale one more day for me to get my paycheck oh I got a glow ring don’t die don’t die that baby arm hey hey there you go what what

Happened I went to click and drag it off the inventory to give it to you but I dragged it right over the trash can it’s all right I had stuff to eat okay no it was a glow ring it wasn’t food oh you threw the glow ring out you sure did bab

I know I should have dragged over to more to the right I know it’s all right it’s just the you [ __ ] oh my back hurts how’s your uh neck [ __ ] and crack doing stop do you guys know how weird that question was me for me the first

Time cuz I didn’t know that was a song my neck asking my [ __ ] and my crack please don’t ever sing in that voice again why that’s how it’s sung I don’t like racing the word [ __ ] in general [ __ ] uh what the game [ __ ] up I have two

Copper pickaxes now I can just give you mine so overall it was pretty good had a couple of minor sound glitches and that weird glitch with like whatever day that was but um that was fun I’m really excited to play the full version of this when it’s all same all good hopefully

It’s this year and not in like 2033 much much later how do you not have a way to pause the game when people are joining because it thinks it thinks you’re in the game even if you’re not and like I can’t just pause it for everybody does

That make sense sounds like he’s already blown the update all you just going to sleep or I guess good night this like day three this day two I just watered my bed where’s Jam’s house oh down there yo what up we’re doing it guys oh do you want to explain or do you

Want to tell everyone the name of our farm and why you named it that oh it’s the three amigops I uh I hit a parsnip are you serious [ __ ] can’t pick it all it’s just annoying cuz I have to walk to my secret spot every day

And water it do you want me to walk with you just in case you get lost or get attacked no stop I’ll protect it at all costs I will be the guardian of the par snip is this the this the forest Farm what yeah okay thanks yeah here it is what Su Marney you [ __ ] so we have to buy the backpacks three times yep I hate everything yeah the bit war is should Jamie have money yes or no yes is winning right now oh got

Wood I don’t have any oh I do have space give me the wood don’t give it to him give it to me hell yeah I I love it I love all of the wood so this is season 3 of stardy right this is the official beginning oh

Can do a cut down the tree please woo oh dude mock speed right now oh are you like have you have like one energy so you move yep that’s what happened to me I lost all my energy fishing oh good I don’t have to risk going to my parsnip

Today I may have been hovering around just in case Jamie may have discovered my parip already that’s fine you can trust Jamie she’s not going to [ __ ] with it I don’t know I stuck in that cut scene for quite a while this is my good guy Ray play

Through oh yeah I’m just here to work on the farm like a good Farm hands [ __ ] quote Ray you guys I’m going to get dragged this whole [ __ ] stream just a heads up so this is a joa playthrough right yeah cuz I’m going to buy the card

Don’t you dare I will be so mad well you said it was a Jo play through good guy Ray what are you talking about joo’s not a good guy uh their [ __ ] symbol has a smiley face so of course they’re good guys what bad guy would smile The

Joker right damaged on my forehead penny is in need of a daffodil you guys have a daffodil um no okay I will be on the lookout for one we can probably find one oh yeah probably who needs one uh I do oh Penny needs one do you do you get the

Quest as well or is it just just no it’s individual Okay then if we can all grab it then yeah it’s 90 gold all you need is a daffodil is that a daffodil right there stolen [ __ ] [ __ ] ganked dude ganked are you following me what’s up

Are you following me no I went further down than I thought for the MH the ship try and follow me every time I’m going to go to my [ __ ] parsnip I’m going to walk around the entire map so you no idea okay where I’m going that’s coming

From kobis is the best as Bondo oh my God at the flower dance two of us can ask like one of us is going to be a third wheel big yikes Jamie you guys just got busted dude like I give a [ __ ] what Emily thinks come on man make that

Cash dude every day we grinding out here all right Emily wants to [ __ ] date Clint so she doesn’t get an opinion yeah what’s wrong with Clint he’s a hardworking man and he’s also a Haw guy [ __ ] boy Clint’s a [ __ ] boy are you kidding me clinch just working hard man hammering that

Ore or what I hate you she [ __ ] got you man do you know where my parsnip is and are you going to [ __ ] me uh no to the first one yes so the second one what if I’m just standing by right now I mean have you been to the farm

I’ve had plenty of time to just walk around aimlessly that’s why I don’t know if you found it already yeah maybe we’ll see tomorrow I don’t want to go check in case like you follow me over to it oh man that’s just the risk you take

Huh where are you you know I’m around oh you’re [ __ ] in town you’re at the bar yeah cuz I found your [ __ ] already so I’m just drinking the night away no you didn’t uh-huh we’ll see you tomorrow typing secret codes to Jamie that’s not me typing I’m the one typing

Okay Jamie thank you now I know where it is appreciate it don’t stop I have faith I don’t know man you didn’t pay Jamie for work in the booth so she’s a little on edge right now yes I did I paid her oh no I fell

Asleep uhoh I didn’t realize it was 2: a.m. look at all the money you lost us oh is it 2: a.m. did you fall asleep too uh no I’m still awake I’m saying up all night I’m breaking breaking the rules oh it’s very important I do this and then

I’ll come to bed just breaking the game don’t worry being the best Cowboy Al I really need to find this par snip so like give me a little bit more time to find it you hit it really well thank you for the year resub I appreciate it oh

Yeah oh I passed out thank fine [ __ ] give me this [ __ ] dog pleas this is it uhoh uh-oh Marty stop looking at the dog just uhoh let’s go find it I’m going to grabb it please don’t oh my God Dave the dog let’s go Marty

Stop I’ll let you know it was a gold one I’m coming ring on holding the bar how mad are you going to be in like 2 seconds I must have forgot to water it today don’t worry I watered it today no you didn’t you don’t know where it is do

You you don’t know I hit it you don’t know what happened to good guy right yeah that’s what I thought now we got parsnip the [ __ ] dog you named it parsnip you said name it parsnip all right I’m going to buy the bag since some one else has bought it oh it’s 2,000

Cucked I got to say bab you did a good job hiding your par step I can’t find it thanks that’s interesting I was like if even if you had a patreon it’s just it’s like $1 what do you want to do for dinner tonight [ __ ] oh there’s your par

Snip no I don’t believe you all right where is it tell me why you know where it is already I know I’m just going to see if you know yeah it’s on the farm where I don’t want Jamie to find it oh no I just looked at your screen you

Might have actually found it yep stop oh my God we were having fun dude you can get bottomless broccoli at Red Robin wow dude I can only get so hard dial it back about topless broccoli babe I’m stuck in my bed oh drats [ __ ] you please come let me out

Beautiful what do you what do you mean did you do this search for my par babe please let me out let me out please what’s going on in here please please let me out I want us to be let out please Jamie help a girl out I can’t

Please I can’t it’s not my tree yes you can it’s not my oh the dogs going help you dude parps right there what are you on about oh don’t no are you all running to it no Jamie no don’t do this Jamie no oh a did somebody ruin it babe it’s

By itself there’s no scarecrow probably got picked oh no you did not think that through at all this game’s actually the worst does anyone have a jojola is it anybody have a parsnip [ __ ] Jam did you just pick a parsnip yep was that a parip I thought it was a

Potato no there were both babe what are you doing man I saw you walk right by it I’m like okay my inventory is full that’s me opening my mouth for the ass yep I got it all right just making sure I think we all did for for those who didn’t get

It so Charlie’s just standing on me babe yeah yeah I don’t know if she’s like standing on me I’m going to kill all these slime Charlie you just stay right there y’all promise you didn’t actually actually pick my par snip I promise I didn’t know where it was you

Just didn’t you didn’t put a scarecrow there so it just got taken it was so isolated too it probably got taken the very next day to be honest yeah this is your one we’ve only been playing for like an hour or sorry 2 hours it’s been

A [ __ ] fast two hours man it has been fast as [ __ ] boy Tina did you get your part snip yet no oh why I just wondering I can’t believe you still don’t have one not have grown plenty of grown you have a sprout though what you have a sprout at your

Thing at my secret spot yeah what do you have bab I have a little poke stick it’s called the wind Spire Aria Aria 302 what just this weapon is so dumb a little Pokey boy Jamie yep are you kidding what happened you what you she [ __ ] planted a potato there

Wow has been watering it and then just set me up to make me believe that I had a [ __ ] parsnip and I picked it and it a [ __ ] potato Tina just got trolled man I literally did that on day one I’m not sorry what do you mean like you acent

And put my new one there yeah what oh my God [ __ ] you I didn’t even do that oh my God told you good guy Ray play through Jesus Christ oh my God I go to Clin what you just sounded so defeated when you said that I am I need a scarf

The first mission you get is called getting started you have to cultivate and harvest a parsnip and it’s not completed until I pick a [ __ ] parsnip I just wanted a par snip that’s all Jamie just a single par snip where the [ __ ] here it is okay I

About to say I’m hey tin running out of rocks it just be like that sometimes [ __ ] I’m not even mad anymore cuz it does just be like that sometime oh good I got the [ __ ] slingshot just what I’ve been countown it’s the best weapon in the game new

Meta person I thought you going to drop the cherry bomb in the middle of the crop so I was going to be like all right I’m going to go play dead cells oh bab parps hurry up before Jamie takes them all [ __ ] you do you see where I am nice guy Ray

Didn’t even make an attempt at itay whatever uh changed his name on Twitch and he said only if he could have slash Ray but they don’t allow three like threel names that would be the only thing I change my twitch name to just make a x-ray could you just never speak

To me again please why cuz she has such good ideas yeah cuz I’m just in awe of your Genius I feel like you deserve all of this I literally haven’t even hit farming level one yet so like should all three of us try for the eggs or should

Two of us or just one of us do it because I don’t think there’s enough eggs and I don’t want Abigail to win oh do you guys want a plush bunny or a lawn flamingo no please do not spend all our money just kidding okay guess I’ll die

You think with all the times I’ve played this event I’d remember where the eggs are but [ __ ] nope I only have seven I think do we both get the Hat oh I got the Hat oh I just remembered you could put hats on horses now dude Jamie yeah yesterday I turned

To talk to you on the couch and then remembered you weren’t there anymore that’s that’s gay it was to tell you which I can say on stream cuz I don’t think it’s bad that I know um I know oh well actually I don’t want to say it all right good talk I don’t

Want I don’t know if it’s public knowledge I’ll be right back everyone go to Jamie’s stream right now please please thank you am I the new Ray no I’m the old Ray and Ray is the new Ray what is this oh obsidian Edge [ __ ] thank Christ

Ah nice I’ll walk my ass over in a minute you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of memes is my is my chest where we’re just putting all the extra equipment uh well you have put so much extra equipment in there that I

Just didn’t okay I’m making sure there wasn’t like some kind of bug where everything got like duplicated your voice sounds so good today babe does it it’s coming back it’s just like deeper [ __ ] Jamie can you [ __ ] dial it back you’re talking too much please yeah I

Know everyone in chat hates it YouTube’s going to be really mad at you pass yep do have you ever played this game before do you know it’s 2 a.m. now we’re going to lose money we’re going to lose money ooh look at that I got 500 [ __ ] G’s

And I was only build 440 so I still made US 60 G’s uh I just sold all the [ __ ] quartz eat my ass Pier uh what came first first butt plugs or the runes skate man I assume butt plugs do you ever think before you speak no no a thanks

Jamie for what the heart of torches in my house I yeah I did that for sure Jamie’s such a big fan um oh flower dance great the museum is like glitched how so I stole a qut I was trying to put things back down and

Then it froze and it kicked me out I have to and can’t put it back because it’s not a new donation oh good so so that’s that’s going to be an issue yeah I don’t know how to fix that Chad we’re going to do some fishing down

Here for the rest of the day try and get some more more Das Good Start was it not a good start no it was a can of soda yeah like that didn’t sound like a real good start I just died pabe how though what were you

Doing want to talk about it how are you the worst and the best at this game all right this like sucks I hate it yes I’ll dance with you I’m sorry [Applause] Jamie uh oh man oh you want the rare Crow you want to get all the rare crows I’m taking it

You bought the rare Crow yeah I said don’t buy anything why we need all the rare crows it’s how you win the game did you actually buy it yeah babe we need seed money in 3 days yeah but we have the rare Crow it’s rare it’s in the name

P up your stream oh Chad someone else just bought something how are you J Jamie you mad lad I just saw the money go down live where how do you guys see the money I can’t see it you hit escape to bring up your inventory it has it right

There yeah but I didn’t think you’d be looking at it Jamie we you bought two now it’s not as rare it’s like a common crow no I bought uh some flowers okay yeah that’s fine don’t even do anything so are we going to dance or what yeah I found my dance partner it’s

Going to be hard but we’ll make it work you like a wheelie in that thing Or I just walked up as you were saying that and pictured you talking to him woo where’s Jamie just [ __ ] crying in the corner Jamie’s not in the cut scene Jamie’s just like [ __ ] I’m out of here guess I’ll [ __ ] die I tried a hot sauce today and it was not hot at

All so it’s just sauce kind of can this fish just like stop right now oh please thank you Rachel I appreciate that you’re welcome a true fan please I meant to say friend fan came out pleas just stop watching me I don’t do well under pure pressure stop

Stop I’m getting stage fright no I’m going to [ __ ] no stop stop Jamie get out of here we got it woo we got the catfish oh no don’t you have anything else to do see okay this is the equivalent of a t pose in this game Jamie that thing you

Glitched out of the museum you said it was like the white thing right yeah yeah it’s it’s there now all right so free quartz I guess actually it’s there twice oh good you guys remember gleer Heights remember R Heights everyone should stop keeping Heights out of their name it’s

It’s bad ju guu someone’s going to pass out it’s 150 oh it’s me yeah oh oh you oh Color Me shocked was just going to be the 40 for the green bean I’m an idiot I don’t know what people want from me to stop being an idiot yeah well that’s not going to

Happen are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my [ __ ] god Tina is playing on my laen remember when Tina got mad at us for buying stuff because you know we need money for seeds and she’s just spending more money dying every 13 seconds really I just meant we need money so I can [ __ ]

Die room for one more got some wood for you oh no I can’t sleep in your bed oh I can’t question so no head stop somebody in Jamie’s chat said I thought you were a little boy cuz I haven’t watched Ray for a year oh so the

That means that they like missed a year and they’re like H they went straight for little boys huh a girl straight for little bo straight for little boys FBI open up think that guy’s going to get arrested [Applause] do we need the like I got a super cucumber sorry the puffer fish is

Actually just fish out a man who’s just like he’s pretty heavy so he’s a hard fight here we go first try oh [ __ ] no please no no stop stop how’s a puffer fish that fast you kidding me [ __ ] the merchant does have one oh yeah how much is it

A th oh we don’t need it I’m going to catch it right here round two [ __ ] look right here just no please stop right here we’re going to save the money right now oh God please we’re so close don’t do it don’t do it please please we don’t need It no no this is [ __ ] I was I couldn’t do anything I was in the animation of going down the ladder and three bats attacked me do you have rabies now that was Bull [ __ ] [ __ ] Tina it’s Friday I need you to uh relax please no Tina do not break the

One rule in this house perfect spooky actually you know what Tina I’m on floor 95 I’m getting wrecked by like two enemies so I could see it me imagine three bats coming at you okay but they they weren’t bats why do you hate money and our progress you were going to love

And support me always No Hands chat what a God no stop stop no is this wheat Jamie [ __ ] gross where the corn at where’s Ray he’s dead we had to go on without him sorry man can you and Jamie get together and [ __ ] I’m breaking up with you babe Jamie are you

Single nope all right well thanks babe now I’m single good plan now what [ __ ] I have a gold spring onion does that do anything for anyone uh I don’t know about that one it rustles my jimmies but I don’t know if that’s good for what about a gold

Radish pretty rad I guess no it’s only a little rad please it’s a radish shut up yeah do we need a squid for anything w w w w oh yeah actually I think we do oh do we all right I bought it oh you bought I didn’t I thought you

Meant you caught one yeah I did from the merchant with my money maybe we don’t need one actually looks like you just wasting money Dayton I what it’s raining in game and outside oh my God I’ll be right back I forgot to do something Tina forgot to

Vote oh the two didn’t make it I I tried I’m sorry I was trying how a turntable now we just lost 400 these [ __ ] women taking my hard earned money Tina do you love me yes and I was like uh we have an appointment with Mickey and I turned

Around I was like what was his last name and Ray just like goes Mouse ask a question I gave an answer you didn’t even look up from your phone you just instantly were like Mouse and I was like what and he’s like Mouse and I was like

I hate that I asked the second time yeah you should listen you would have heard it the first time not in this game it’s not if they say they want pale L that means they want pale L they don’t want a beer guys yo what I just got a prismatic

Shard no from a crab what one of the rock crabs just gave it to me [ __ ] 17 what I’m dead serious I’m on [ __ ] 85 trying to grind and you’re on [ __ ] 17 let me see what the percent that is dead ass well it doesn’t even say you can get

It from a crab so Jamie’s hacking I can’t wait to donate it to the museum now to find a super creeper God all right crab I heard your friends giving out Prismatic shards you guys remember that thing I said that was at GameStop months ago uh well it was still there today oh

No and uh we got it baby we got my son please never talk to him or me ever again it was $30 but it was well spent we have a big pickle Rick so uh Kevin just banned pickle Rick that’s unacceptable moment stop oh my

God uh the most Cosmic moment in Ray and eyes oh this is what he looks like on the Green screen by the way he’s like [ __ ] invisible all you see are his eyes perf just make him like come up just Like what do we want to name our chicken I like nuggies hell yeah dude how much is to go to the desert is it like 500 yeah yeah I want to go there tomorrow cuz I want to get the specialty fish there to finish up another bundle you should take the Prismatic

Shard and get the sword and give it back to Jamie yeah I can do that so you guys don’t we don’t have to spend a thousand just for who bought something uh seeds I’m sorry I we didn’t have a lot of money no it’s okay guess I won’t [ __ ]

Go to the desert then it’s okay we’ll make the money back today hey guys blaze It there’s no way what I actually call [ __ ] on that I died in the cut scene of leaving the mine and I had like I wasn’t even like low Health we just go to the mine just get some more resources that’s pretty much I don’t want to cuz if I die again

You’re going to [ __ ] kill me yeah well I mean you’ll be dead already but just don’t die just like cuz it’s auto start Discord like if me and you broke up I’m sure there’s people who would think it would be funny to like continuously give

Me a sub to you you would un sub yeah wow hey guys yeah what do you know atic Shard I might have done that I’m can I have it cuz you like me better absolutely [ __ ] not she’s going to lose in like three seconds right me and you have been so much me

And you are way better friends I’ve given you more money I don’t know I don’t know who who did you go to London with who have you been out of this country with okay to be fair Tia has the higher spot on the bit leader she true

That’s true get [ __ ] that’s my prestic Shar also Tina dies all the time yeah but if I had a bigger sword I wouldn’t nope no believe me I know that’s not the size Jamie you love girls more than you love boys you’re right that’s true I am

A man it is 2018 so you can’t talk to me here’s what you do you know what just put in the museum yeah we still need one for it yeah we’ll find our own oh I got a cheese press oh I can make hardwood fence and I can finally make [ __ ]

Quality sprinklers nice dude can you make some from can you oh I missed the [ __ ] plushy what do you mean at noon to go get it at least there was at 10:00 like p.m. no that’s the festival oh I know what you’re talking about right right

Right the last aay ver well we [ __ ] blew it again stream surprising to nobody did you get one Jamie did we blow it did we you got one Jamie it doesn’t look oh it doesn’t let me pick it up [ __ ] I’m running I’m running help bab where are you I’m in

The min’s working I’m coming don’t come don’t come over here you’re going to come over here you’re going to die and then we’re going to lose it she won’t be able to find me literally just look at the map she doesn’t know where I am any other bright ideas she can’t see Me I don’t know how many cranberries to buy did you like put all this up somewhere else it should be I think in the third one I muted them not like this there thank you for the gifted Subs appreciate you greatly oh here we go infested area

Prismatic Shard incoming may not be able to finish this floor is that my degree yes I got one [ __ ] pie you got a prismatic Shard I sure did no you didn’t I did where are you I don’t want to see it [ __ ] you dude uh there you go I love you I love

You too do you want it you can oh you can’t turn it into a sword can you so there’s no point in you having it also there’s a reason I gave it to you why cuz Jamie just got the sword for me it’s in my chest right now were you guys conspiring

Oh yeah there’s like text logs no where on my phone where text locks would be you texting about me behind my back my face oh just texting her that she’s going to give me The Shard now you have one now we all have one yeah it’s tainted I thought you it’s not tainted

Sweet I was being sweet I could have easily just held on I could have put it in the museum last night in the car R’s like I don’t know how anyone can do what you do in reference to dating him yeah it’s very true you and Kyle have been

Like trying me the last few days what are you talking about you guys scream [ __ ] in the car like six times a [ __ ] car ride we do it goes something like yo you got any of that pink [ __ ] [ __ ] on how to get the achievement oh babe it’s fine did you

Lose a sword no guys I finally got a prismatic Shard yeah nice man yeah I can put it in the [ __ ] thing Museum yeah oh we have a rare Crow we want a rare Crow no no okay so I’m going to buy the rare Crow y

We had to complete the set we not break anything they didn’t have anything else we needed no like fruit hold on if I move this chair and I put the skeleton here then it looks like I have a friend to talk to across the table that sounds depressing yeah was it good for

You all right you laugh so oh the sewer key where’s our main [ __ ] there he is the crester oh there he is oh I don’t have my [ __ ] cork bobber oh [ __ ] oh mistakes oh I’m going to save it I’m going to try and Salvage it chat I believe in you

Babe you do it nope I’m working on it it’s really up to the how the fish is feeling hopefully it’s feeling like coming home we got it I told you I believed in you hell yeah I’m having a sleepover with apple plushy are you [ __ ] [Laughter]

No oh we’re done oh I got a glow ring for that all right comp Center’s halfway done oh oh Will’s going to do the cut scene for the [ __ ] the pan or whatever [ __ ] Jamie just walked across during the cut scene did you not see me standing there

With him no you just walked right past the [ __ ] cut scene D was like get the [ __ ] out of the way good morning man M was in my dream last night hell yeah good go go on stop did you get real close to your mic

For that yeah I sure did yeah saw some logs all right do it back how [ __ ] hard you going on that log man Jesus was a Lo log song you feel like they made these work oh oh no no no activated my [ __ ] chat box we’re fun

Dude no computers this time no like seven Dwarven computers or the [ __ ] we got last time I am a banana no you don’t like those cartoons oh [ __ ] we need our oh no we need to get the star drop here and they have a fedora and a

Rarecrow oh [ __ ] dope all right well I may have just wasted $50 or what uh I also may have broken the game oh I think I’m stuck in the game the timer’s going down that’s fine we’ll wait in a minute I guess oh nope okay we need to restart the day or maybe

We just end here why because I am stuck in here maybe if you leave the fair someone said I don’t think we can leave until [ __ ] everyone’s getting the star drop help [ __ ] I can’t help where are you he’s in the fish and I’m so sorry I’m in the fishing

Game what’s up it says like Bradman weed God has left and Jamie just wrote cool whoever’s out of bed you’re going to pass out yep I am good night get fued uh uh okay there we go you guys got any stick jokes L them out uh what’s the

Difference between jam and jelly will you stop I can’t jelly my dick in your ass but people want to know how Ray and I became friends uh I told him that joke and he almost died and I think that is true one of the main reasons we became

Friends D and I are essentially married now it’s just like we’re don’t want to spend the unnecessary amount of money to get the title more married with all the like paperwork that we’re working on is finalized guys we already set up where if Ray dies I get like the payout so

Well that hasn’t gone through yet somebody better uh [ __ ] put up the bit War make sure you keep track of my 250 what does Jamie get when Ray dies peace in her life wow she could finally have her own birthday stream what are the benefits of marriage

Uh in medical situations if you want to be able to make decisions on their behalf um like if I’m in the hospital and I have a cold Tina could be like pull the plug uh I won’t have the Junior because Ray’s a party pooper and won’t let me

Add Junior to my name you’re not a junior so why would you get it because I’m marrying you and you have it what are you going to be doing at the SK skull Cavern is just getting materials yeah okay maybe I will accompany you that’ be fun ooh skull Cavern date I

Know you didn’t invite me but I’m coming anyway no unlike last time when you two went my invitation is open to everybody oh actually I don’t have a pickaxe so never mind you and Jamie girl’s not out I uh I also put my pickaxe in the store

I forgot all right kidding just kidding Tina going solo joking no I just forgot so now that like this update is out I mean obviously needs to come out on consoles and stuff but like is he like done with this game yeah after what 3 years 2 3 years after it

Released oh I died uh oh okay de is this what it’s like yeah Su [ __ ] dude this mummy came and just whacked me in the face with this wiener yeah it sucks there’s like eight mummies in like like three ghosts y cannot get this guy Bron

Frasier where are you I’m going to go put a hat on this Horse Chat we’re going to see how it looks I have a stupid hat but it’s something that garbage one thank you he just wears the Hat it looks cute on the horse oh my God I can give it a

Cow gal hat or a cool cap oh dude a blue bonnet how does this look on me first of all all right let’s hell yeah now we have a pink cowboy hat on our horse you’re welcome oh pumpkins are ready oh yeah look at that it’s a good old pumpkin patch oh

Wow I didn’t realize we find that many pumpkins yo but we got Arch chokes AR choke me Daddy all right well I’m going to put them back how do I put them back can we make a shirt that looks like a plain black shirt and we don’t tell anyone but glow-in-the-dark it’s

Just pickle Rick like can you imagine like wearing oh the server’s closed Tina uh I think that’s on your end Tina is it cuz I said Pickle Rick why is it every time I mention pickle Rick he [ __ ] do you know why Hey low babe did you name this cow titty sprinkle

Yeah why [ __ ] one of our friend our boy 420 yeah that was me as well how do you rename them I just asked them what they want their names to be did you rename the chickens no you promise no big duck nrgy yeah big duck energy like big dick

Energy that was from the chat coggers I hate you why cucking did you put this [ __ ] pillar in my house what’s up oh the ceramic pillar I bought what are you I spent money on that can I have it then if you’re just going to Chuck

It hell yeah this is my naughty corner now no one can look at me be naughty chat hello you can’t see me what am I doing back here you you can’t see what am I doing That’s why I feel bad when people ask me like if R needs an editor oh I got a dinosaur egg oh nice hatch it Hatchet I’ve never I’ve never gotten a dinosaur like legitimately until right now oh really yep streamer luck Chad we’ve been over this especially when I played

Gungon on the PC streamer luck is a real thing so what you’re saying is if I stream I should get my ancient seed at long last yes Oh speaking of ancient seed I just got one sorry dude that [ __ ] timing though Chad be a little careful it’s it’s a little spooky right now see Tina’s scared oh a skid mark in my shorts now thank you babe put him at the table oh it’s like I have a big friend

To talk to I can’t get him like up against the table let me go check it’s of it’s cuz of the torch oh the torch I don’t want to mess up the heart and babe look it’s me and you we’re holding hands all right skeleton boy it’s me and you

Again dude my house is the thick [ __ ] house peekaboo I just slept in your bed Tina I just realized a whoops I was waiting in yours surprise what a very us thing to do if we if we lived in different places I can easily see me a assuming it’s this point

Part of my life where I can drive driving to your place and you driving to my place and we’re like surprise we’re like a [ __ ] oh I’m getting the cut scene with kobis no come back that’s a new cut scene right Jamie stop walking through my cutcenes

Kobis ran off the screen on one side and Jamie appeared on the other side it’s like a Scooby-Doo gag when they’re chasing the villain look at this sweet slime Squad shirt I’m wearing oh hell yeah If you don’t have one of these you’re not a true Jamie fan all right chat quick Snapple fact here do you guys know that Africa is divided into more countries than any other continent that’s crazy I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out on most days the conditions in here are

Perfect all right Ray I can’t believe I finally thought of a gift for both you and Jamie same thing yeah it’s a tandem bike I told her I can’t ride a bike but hopefully you can carry Me I would love to watch you two tantom bike your fanfic is weird yeah I think Jam’s one more more like creative stream away from getting me into Kpop all the years of me blasting s while you’re trying to sleep didn’t do it I really like that one song that I’m

Not going to try and sing but they say hi a lot oh that one yeah that’s a good one you blaz it Kevin stop sending me the link for the reciprocating song I like to think Kevin’s bookmarks are like our streams and then the Home Depot link and that’s

Tina’s like we should go to Seattle I’m like let’s do it she’s like for Valentine’s Day I’m like hell yeah February and then she’s like we can go watch octopuses have sex and I’m like uh come again that response was What’s Happening Here Yeah like what how did this what’s

What’s happening how did this go from let’s go see friends in Seattle cuz we know like a bunch of people there to like we could watch Octopus as [ __ ] apparently Tina said uh and I cannot confirm there is like is I assume it’s an aquarium you said right it’s at the

The aquarium remember we’ve been to the aquarium together yeah but we did not see octopuses have sets I think it was like the last two years they had to like cancel it because like they banged before Valentine’s Day yeah so on Valentine’s Day I guess the people work

At the aquarium get the octop octopi all riled up and then you can watch him [ __ ] do you think there’s like an intern at the uh aquarium that has to like fluff the octopus stop just Terry the new intern just has to go in the [ __ ] aquarium he doesn’t know where the penis

Is he’s just jerking off all the tentacles he’s like I hope this works the ink comes out I’m like oh no did I ruin it but seriously would you watch him [ __ ] I mean yeah if I was in the neighborhood why Not what I was doing the random name thing for the sheep and one that came up is shat Reena Oh My Game just crashed I guess the game didn’t like that [ __ ] [ __ ] pone dude I did that’s nice oh bad news babe why do you seem excited about it the Seattle Aquarium

Has permanently cancelled the octopus Blind Date event what oh no [ __ ] why uh they had to cancel it 2 years because raspberry is a skank and has your eggs fertilized by another mail prior to the date [ __ ] dude can we like Jerry Springer it or morette and just

Bring all the octopuses together octopi and have them fight oh now they have a new event oh God it’s 21 plus a [ __ ] are the octopus is going to drink I’m afraid babe they do diving Santas I wonder if they have a Splash Zone for it like in SeaWorld oh the

Octopus is having sex yeah I would have to assume so do you sit in the front row you get like the umm the thing we’re good hopefully you know what I mean by this motion the C Poncho there you go believe that’s the technical term let’s fish [ __ ] all right we

Should all share one hole hell yeah nope oh no okay we did the same I did it again babe we’re so dumb yeah fish God right here oh hell yeah I get the naughty sailor cap hey babe babe yeah look at me are you are you looking

At me no no look at me they look at me I’m looking at the real winner no look [ __ ] I getting junk no look at me look at me look at me I am the captain now I’m not looking no no do no Tina was a meme hold on

We’ll try again dumb [ __ ] look at me t look at me I am the Tina no Tina Tina hold on we we got Tina look at me Tin Tin look okay I’m the captain now stop [ __ ] trolling me I know how you like this hold on hold on come uh

Come come into my house Tina I’m the captain now Captain’s goingon to plunder for some booty [Laughter] Tonight harsh he blows all right that’s the end of my captain puns oh that [ __ ] was iconic oh why would you do this in my [ __ ] house though you having a laugh why would you do why would you start this we were having such a nice time I didn’t do anything I don’t

[ __ ] believe a word coming out of your mouth right now okay who is putting [ __ ] by my bed I just removed my carpet in anger I can’t believe I’ve done this oh we got a baby lizard finally Oh yay what’ you name it uh I don’t have a name

For it yet oh dude rley what a name rley is my favorite Naruto character oh I can make a slime incubator oh an explosive ammo for the slingshot oh wow you’re [ __ ] what up I got it a poor kobis shadow guy Eep o what is this what is this new you

Received the magnifying glass you now have the ability to find secret notes these notes reveal rare and useful information oh that’s kind of interesting are those the notes that are on the wall in the caves I didn’t even notice those those either sounds like it’s just [ __ ] you can find on the wiki

What if you find a love letter between Marne and Lewis will it help me get the shorts faster I can go get our greenhous we need one more thing don’t we nope I just got it oh we’re going to get the [ __ ] greenhous we’re going to grow

Some cush I hid something behind the community center all right that’s really [ __ ] ominous and terrifying it’s not signed there’s a dead body behind the community center does anyone want to go look I don’t want my magnifying glass anymore oh oh I got a stone junimo oh yeah yeah apparently there’s

Like another one that gives you a golden Lewis that I want I would love a golden Lewis if you want to see him it’s directly in the middle of my house also did someone take my skeleton my only friend no hands no stop no stop no stop no hands

Still no hands no go down all right we’re done I’m for bed I’m timey to wrap up we were so close Chad I guess but I forgot what it said and I don’t think you can like reread them no you can’t reread them mine it was like bring me

Maple syrup oh no that was me that was a that was a shopping list the uh Night Market starts in 20 minutes hell yeah oh [ __ ] good we’re loaded with cash went to buy everything dude new event hype they have candy canes at this guy oh it’s a [ __ ] submarine

What oh yeah you can go deep Fe deep fish diving deep feet hell yeah Tina Kink get up man oh my God we don’t have enough who spent our money it was a deep sea fishing tour oh you guys look like you’re in a strip hello ma’am oh God hello was I

Right I want to join hi what’s going on oh hi she’s performing Tina shut up I got you This hey baby want my candy cane look how big it is stop you thirsty okay Uh yes dude I’m the mermaid BR it [ __ ] I want to be one I like the show what’s my first Sona we’ve been over this it’s Yogi Bear wearing a vest and a upside down visor have we been over this I have that’s not I’ve been my answer every

Time it’s asked for the past like year and a half excuse me yeah not a real fan I’m going deep sea fishing nobody can stop me I got my captain hat on I’m ready to go do captains oh this song’s nice what is that oh it’s the

Mermaid ah a midnight squid what the [ __ ] is this travesty good old dick NOS babe how about this in drop toober you [ __ ] drop to the floor and Make That Ass [Laughter] Clap I will do my best to make that happen oh my God what up

I got a secret note to check this bush and I thought it was going to give me like a plushy and when I clicked it the mayor and Marney popped out of it like they were definitely I’m oh they were [ __ ] I’m going to pass out cuz I had

To go see that so H me too hey I got solid gold Lew it’s so big look at him there’s like my gardening angel now he could watch me when I sleep babe have you been to my house recently no should I uh no but I bought

All the candy canes and set them up in the house here comes here comes mayor Lewis you coming to get your shorts big boy it’s Santa I know him I know him who was your Secret Santa oh my God [ __ ] zelder you were my secret Santa

Oh my God Tina can you get out of the [ __ ] cut scene please zelder is giving me a gift thank you all right this goes in the neon Natty light Natty Ice let my C [ __ ] my joke never mind babe say the American flag joke just say the American flag American flag

There you go good save a note from Haley and Emily’s mom and dad in the bottom of this cave I guess they’re dead oh guess they’re dead oh can I make blueberry wine I’m going to do it oh my mom’s going to send us Blackberry compost by the way thanks I

Mean I know what it is but do you want to explain it to chat what that is blackberries yeah they’re berries yep okay all right Jamie I know what it is do you want no it’s like a it’s like a like kind of like a Blackberry syrup but

It has like chunks of blackberry in it okay it’s like kind of a mix between like like there’s like jam jelly syrup I am somehow more confused than when we started if somebody asked you what’s jelly what would you say the opposite of jam and then I would say the

Joke all right year two boys today’s Help Wanted is for girls only I need a large mouth bass you know what it’s for keep it a secret what from Haley Haley you [ __ ] skank bro first to die gifted a sub to Little Debbie cakes in my butt all right hell yeah dude dude

Wait what did your thing say about a largemouth bass girls only I need one mine says local wizard in search of a fresh large mouth bass wizard will be pleased cuz you’re not a girl so you can’t get that one yeah but why the wizard I’m not a

Wizard either oh my God I can go for the legend 27 all right chat we’re going to try and catch the legend should I buy another uh rare seed yes cool unrelated I also bought hash browns it was a good deal couldn’t say no oh

Here we go chat here we go it’s the legend 27 right here oh my God he is just as aggressive as I remember [ __ ] oh my god dude this lad is so [Applause] mad oh it’s on I mean at least the bite rate is up but it’s just no dice chat no

[ __ ] Dice Man this guy’s a [ __ ] if he shows up again he’s going to show up when I like go to fish at 1:00 a.m. he’s we’re going to fight to the death he’s going to run away or he’s going to get away and then I’m

Going to pass all like an idiot no to 1:00 a.m. he better not do it okay it’s not him let me escape that and try to get back home dude just just [ __ ] catch the fish forehead oh here he is oh my god dude oh my God he was in the [ __ ]

Thing I call [ __ ] I mean I would have lost but he was in the thing he was in the green square it’s a rectangle right he was in the rectangle he better show up again I’m going to be so mad if that’s the only time he shows up

Oh oh please stay still oh God please stay oh please stay please stay no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no yes no yeah no what the [ __ ] are you doing we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it all right no

No we don’t no we don’t yes we do nope oh we got it the legend 27 thank you for the cool did I pick a partner to marry yet in life I mean Tina in the game probably also Tina if you can read this come to secret Woods

Please bring maple s that’s the bear I’m going get that big dick bear energy all right so looks like at like 12 40 at night I need to check a bush behind a bridge oh no is that is that [ __ ] mogar dude oh my God I got to go my internet died

What what happened they were [ __ ] in the bush oh yeah that’s what happened to Jamie oh I forgot all about it yo they were [ __ ] oh my God is this a minion bunny do you see it it’s a minion I can’t get lined up on this and it’s insane the

Bunny what did you do why are people saying no I don’t trust you I just bought a couple more strawberries cuz you didn’t make it even what minion bunny see right here no the bunny I in oh yeah kind of looks pretty Miny okay did you buy a [ __ ] ton of flamingos no way because people are saying all the flamingos and then that would explain why people were like lol when we were at the fair yesterday where did you put them I didn’t I nowhere cuz I didn’t buy any you’re so full of [ __ ]

Right now [Applause] I’m like did you put the flamingos in my house I’m so paranoid about these [ __ ] flamingos this is Tina you listen to that Flamingo song once and now you’re Paranoid where are the flamingos I’m probably at a zoo I don’t [ __ ] know checking my house they are in here [ __ ] you [ __ ] I don’t know what the hell you’re on about man I don’t think I can pick them up oh that sucks you should

Have place them oh you have to chop them down T you bought them you [ __ ] walled about this I don’t know what the hell you’re on about I’m here working my ass off in the mine chat late last night I was I put CH to bed and was cleaning

Up and I come into the bedroom and Tina’s like squatting like a frog with her phone on the floor tell people this it was a weird but weird thing she was doing weird no no no we are moving on from this conversation she just looked at me and

Started laughing and I’m just like do I need to leave oh there we go oh wow a treasure chest holy [ __ ] I’ve never seen one of these before these are like super rare uh does Ray like beefs doew probably not because that’s what we call farts we just talked about this recently

So I’m laughing it was like two days ago it was someone on TV was like I’m going to make some beef too and I was like oh you going to fart in the bowl [ __ ] good breath it’s very literally about like his struggle with like opiate addiction oh

Relatable well yeah like that’s the thing like I’ve never been addicted to like anything besides sex why did you say it like it sounds like you wanted to but you Chang your mind the last second I threw up a p sign with it but you guys couldn’t see it Jamie is going to

[ __ ] marry Elliot and not tell us sure man yeah oh my god wow that timing was perfect [ __ ] I knew it wow that was that was impeccable timing did you guys ever have those girls in school who were like I’m a [ __ ] even though they weren’t okay yeah you’re dragging me

Like that again or they they weren’t because like nobody wanted to sleep with them that’s like kind of r that was inappropriate I feel attacked Ray over here talking about being a [ __ ] when he’s been in a committed relationship for years well you know excuse [Applause] him I love you I love you too and my other secret family yeah Tina’s laughing but she’s like please say psych on the inside hey brown man where’d you get that suck Shirt dude frame rate for all the sucky shirts you need I heard Japan is just like shenmu well now I got to go and wrestle all the kids don’t don’t say that no FBI should we finish the season yeah we can finish the season I think that’ll

Put us to like 4 hours are you okay playing for like another 45 minutes or so yeah okay like tamago oh it’s zelder yeah stop want just throw back to last time I really want them to make a new college football game with newer mascots but I don’t think they’re going to

Anytime soon like can you just imagine big red in 4k I can’t it’s too much it’s too much big red yeah even big red in real life is only 720p 4K big red is too much that’s too much big and too much red it’s a deadly combo all right last day

Is spring Year too oh man all all these strawberries are going to die that means you get to replace them with blueberries all right well next time we play we’ll I’ll buy like a thousand blueberries we’ll start that yeah it’ll be fun hey thanks for playing thank you babe I’ll

See you in like 10 minutes if that yep all right bye Jamie see Youie

Edited by Light:
Thumbnail Artist:

Happy 8 year anniversary of my playing Stardew Valley for the first time!

Season 1: 0:00
Season 2: 1:40:18
Season 3: 3:17:38

Watch the full playthroughs here:

Check out the Full Game Highlights playlist here:

Thank you to Jamie for letting us use her footage for this highlight! Be sure to follow her Twitch channel here!

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Want to send some fan mail? My personal mailing address is:
2110 W Slaughter Ln, 107-172, Austin, TX 78748


  1. Wow man what a fucking throwback to throw at me. I can't fucking wait to binge all of this like it deserves. Thanks for the highlight!

  2. ITS HAPPENING! Thank you so much Light and Jamie for all of this work!!
    Great job as always Light, Gael, Jamie, Glasses, Tina, Ray and all of the other mods!

  3. Ray it’s thanks to your streams/VoDs that I got into Stardew Valley in the first place. I’ve been enjoying it ever since and happy to spend time with every new file I make.

    I shared my experience with my gf who is now as addicted to the game as I was when I first started playing!

    All I have to say is thanks for the laughs and fun throughout the years with this cute little farming game! ❤

  4. Three hours of Like a Dragon highlights, an hour of Goldeneye highlights, and now an almost five hour Stardew highlight video. Light and Gael are doing amazing work with the videos and thumbnails, respectively. Keep it up!

  5. This was the playthrough that originality got me into the game. When i first played it i was a lesbian obsessed with penny. Now im a Trans dude in love with Elliot. 😂😅 Thanks for the comfort, laughs and well needed distractions during that time of figuring myself out❤

  6. Ray previously said on stream he wasn't going to play SDV anymore.

    Let's make this highlight video one of his most famous ones to make him rethink that >:)

  7. A Stardew Valley highlight vod as I'm deeeeeeep in a new playthrough? I've put in like 40+ hours into my new save in the past week. I DON'T have a problem.

  8. I love all the stardew valley videos but one thing i find hilarious is that Ray will say the same jokes across multiple playthroughs and i always laugh at them seeing them back to back made it especially funny😂❤

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