202 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening or nighttime welcome back to Hemlock Farm on the 14th of winter year 2 finishing off week two of winter it’s also a new gifting week it’s Harvey’s birthday um so let’s actually look I don’t know what Harvey likes I know he likes coffees so

We can make him a coffee however that’s not a loved gift Harvey what do you like my friend coffee pickles super meal truffle oil and wine oh okay so we have a bunch of truffle oils for you um let’s start the day though we are going to we

Have a lot of things we want to do first we want to check queen of sauce lobster bisque which is I think our third last recipe that we can get um that’s not friendship related I don’t even know where that is is that over here was that

One of these right there lobster bisque so yeah that one’s going to be the last one we get we do have that one okay um so we’re missing whatever this is whatever this is three four five and I think this is like CL Kent like a plum pudding recipe or something

Um cool we are going to just continue to fix up our farm a little bit I think cuz we that’s what we were kind of doing yesterday last episode starting tomorrow traveling Merchant all right it’s traveling Merchant okay um so let’s grab oops let’s grab our oh we need a bucket

Actually CU we don’t have any Cobblestone path around and we’ll do what does this one look like copy paste paste there we go I’m thinking maybe one more here just to fill in this Gap and then copy paste yeah there we go that’s more of a Meandering path up

There um we’ll let the grass grow I did turn on grass growth in the winter which I know makes absolutely zero sense with how grass works but oops I’m copying textures of things um just for aesthetic reasons literally that’s the only reason is I wanted to to aesthetically look

Nice okay I still don’t know how I want to do that path up to there but we’ll figure that out eventually we’re getting all oops I just ran away from our mushrooms o and we got all common mushrooms minus this m matuk whatever mushroom that I can’t pronounce

Matsuki okay um sure Crystal fruit yet again that is there hey so we can store this one Cobblestone path let’s move these down now before they become a nuisance I mean they’ll still probably become a nuisance you might also hear a crash at one point

Cuz my cat might try to jump in the window even though the blind is half down um silly fin just as silly as radagast let’s Harvest all of these we are going to go continue project mahogany so we might go and check out Mesto and see if Mesto is selling mahogany

Seeds here we go I think we can get another pale L turn today cuz I don’t know if we did it last episode or not um if we did it’ll be ready later in the day regardless so we might go and do that my hops you have two weeks left of

Life we will have more hops just not in this greenhouse there we go it’s been really nice harvesting them for pretty much a year though oops I forgot to put the coffee beans away and let’s see what’s going on in here nice cranberries are all done what is next on the

Docket carway sure um this is more than we can actually put in it’s so pretty that’s okay run back across go and put the seats is car a springtime oh wait no you don’t even have it yet silly me um make seeds donk yeah we’re going to have to

Really figure out what’s going on with that chest but we will move all that stuff into the applicable shed when we get them um let’s now texture this lovely shed and we were going to be moving down this building one spot so I’m going to be moving the Obelisk for the time being

There oops that was not even where I wanted it there just so we have a bit more flexibility for when we move those buildings oh I’m trying to texture things again okay and we are going to I guess do another turn of the cheese oh we sold all of our truffle oil

Four hours okay Harvey y’all better still be available in four hours um oh we’re actually like really working through our supplies 1 six 78 um 9 10 11 12 our cows I miss our cows every day okay so we need to remember to go get the truffle oil will we remember will we

Remember that is the true question we are going to be doing Cory things today so loud noise warning heads up in about 10 seconds um cuz we haven’t been down here for a few days oh it’s doing okay um maybe I’ll just get the diamonds for right

Now actually let’s get the Jade two because we can go turn in the Jade today and the rubies in um we got the clay too over here yeah and then we’ll let the rest kind of sit um I’ll put the Clay Away though I don’t know why I just have an infatuation with

Clay and sweet I’m going to ignore that rope let’s go and we can go gift Evelyn and George yet again so let’s go and do that we can go gift Shu we can gift kobus I think those are like the four that I’m for some reason chosen to focus

On um okay so we can take in these gold quality ones now and we one of each of those yes and then we just need a leak for George and no we don’t have any we might have some more gold like irium quality diamonds but let’s only focus on those

Four for now I feel like if we focus on too many people at one time it gets a little overwhelming put those away and grab a pumpkin for kobus yeah there we go okay let’s go and rip around and do all these things um actually before I do that can

We go into the desert Trader and take care of these thingies Um yes confirm the warp how long on these two days okay so on on Tuesday um in game we will have those ready spicy eel yes please give me as many as you can 48 that’s looking pretty good and then staircases there we go 18 more staircases added to our

Collection we got some more coffee it’s just regular coffee today no extra fun flavors to it put the gifts up here actually we’ll put them all beside there because yeah we need to go give shuck for gift um I think that will actually Max shuck which is really exciting I going

To put the staircases away 59 that’s actually looking really good so if we get the hung hungy the hungi the hungry challenge oh there’s still that one there we can actually potentially do it hello are you new Spruce tips I don’t think so I don’t think you’re

New okay let’s go and find our Pals oh shoot I wonder if the um no I don’t think the um truffle oil will be ready yet nice Evelyn’s in here I have a lovely gift for you Evelyn there we go six hearts this is absolutely marvelous you made an old lady very

Happy um and wait George wasn’t in there is George where’s George oh it’s Sunday he’s doing Yoba stuff’s heated shop uh let’s give Carolina pale ale nice that brings up to nine Hearts hey you must to be really close Caroline Abigail’s good um George we’re going to give you this

Leak yeah this is your favorite thing congrats and let’s give the the other two I know yeah I was thinking that we could have burn out a diamond for jod um she’s actually doing really good too though let’s talk to them while they’re here nice Kent’s actually doing really good for being

Like a late Joiner you know can I yes ha I can sneak in front of you okay so now let’s go down to the sewers ah the tree is so pretty and yay thank you Mesto I was hoping that you’d have some of those and let’s do pumpkin for you how

Are we doing on friendship N9 out of 10 kobis ah so close L is actually almost maxed as well kobus yeah like very yeah Demetrius is like oh we can go get Leo too let’s go and do that we’re have to go into our Coupe and see how our

Duck feathers are looking though jeez um let’s quickly go and see if the truffle oil is ready though cuz I think that’s probably more pressing we can get the duck feathers while we’re doing that cuz that’s in the same area oh my gosh Mar’s house looks so

Nice what the heck in the winter so pretty just grabbing a drink of my coffee before get it’s cold that’s going to be ready by the time we come back from um popping around everywhere yeah we’ll deal with those eggs later nice truffle oil is ready so we’re

Just going to grab that oh and it’s aridium too we locked out yay okay Harvey where are you are you in the clinic you are okay Harvey up to then down to the island to find Leo oh are you in your room oh my goodness thank goodness we’re friends with

You boom done thanks Harvey bye oh hello hello is anyone out there this is Dr H at 52 North 43.5 East seeking aerial response anyone out there look at his face grab a drink copy Dr h on the ground this is Blackbird fivr fivr zuu anything to report someone’s there I means stand

Ground report wind at three clicks 30 degrees north of West ground temperature at 42 Craigs humidity 53% Dr age out yikes my pulse is soaring am I yep just going to barge in of course Sheamus um ask Harvey why he’s all flustered ah well you see I was just on

My radio here and I made contact with a real pilot as a matter of fact we can probably see him flying overhead right now are we actually going to get got a scene of this quick get over here look oh we do cool I don’t think I’ve ever seen this cut scene probably

Just skipped it I love that it’s like gradient is so cool too I love how you can see each line that was fun as a kid my dream was always to be a pilot but with my bad eyesight and C fear of heights that dream started to

Fade away that’s sad so I can not have my mouse on his face it’s okay don’t be sad I’ve grown to accept my situation in life not everyone can achieve their dreams that’s just the way the world is I mean that’s why they say you have your day job and

Then you have then you know not your job to actually pursue your interest in Hobbies right um hey let me show you my model airplanes I just finished the new TR Star War Deluxe Set what a nerd so AES awesome cool well thanks for becoming friends Harvey I appreciate it

Goodbye shuck we’re coming our last Guardian that we’re going to Max That’s so exciting and go and see how the train trees are doing I’m expecting nothing to really be progressing here cuz again they um oh Alex can I give you a pale ale this is cool thanks yeah you’re

Still going to be at five for like an Infinity hey the great ball game is on today okay have fun watching that oh shoot we didn’t bring up our Paint Bucket that’s fine yeah I think those trees that are growing are like the um the ones that actually just grow there all the

Time here you go shuck yay there you go shuck congrats Our Last Guardian is now Max Hearts we did that all before year two and I mean I kind of did go out of my way especially like the last month’s worth of gameplay I would

Say um but it still didn’t feel like a lot of effort there was sometimes where I was like oh shoot we didn’t gift them but yeah our friendships are looking really good we’ll take um we’ll take a peek at what they look like at the end

Of this month before we go into year three and again it’s kind of passively most of it’s like we just see the person and we just give him the pale ale or like we’re giving fruit out for a little bit there too or even espressos um that’s Kenton jod oh Maru

Speaking of Al I don’t think Maru do you like pale ale you do okay wow Maru we need maru’s birthday really bad diamonds strawberries might grow some strawberries just so we have like an aridium quality one for her um let’s do a turn of these Elliot is Max we don’t need to

Worry about Elliot I love the noise like that’s one of my favorite noises is like that for some reason I know that might be a a tick or a stem for some other people but for some reason I love that noise from the crap Poots that’s why I got really

Silent because I just wanted to embrace it Oh My Willie can I I can gift Willie again because it’s a new week Will’s at eight again just from like giving him alcohol um cool Willie I am going to make you immediately turn around to take me away take me away um I have

Closed this yeah so we’ll never get people here which is uh Leo I are you even on the island today you’re not even on the island today what the heck where are you huh where is Leo what on Earth like is he in his house he’s

Saying he’s not on here okay well let’s take a quick run around I guess and see cuz that’s weird he’s not here oh we can come do this while we’re here oh cuz yeah this is okay it’s going to be a little bit of a loud noise warning

Heads up loud noise warning cuz I’m just going to blast through all of these and there’s going to be fiber noises too so that’s why it’s going to be loud loud noise all the clay and Bone nodes and oh my gosh this is so great okay loud noise

Loudish noise warning again I’m going to smash over here there we go this one won’t be as Pig yeah that’s so weird where is Leo missing asleep CU normally if he’s on the island it just it does say that right so there we go now let’s just hold these

Up for more you good holy golden coconuts now I feel so bad about looking at the looking up the golden coconut um yeah I’ll just keep that all there are you sure you’re not here Leo weird Leo my friend and yeah I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be just

Hanging out up here um no let’s go to the Jungle then I guess see if he’s here and if he’s not here we’ll just go kill the farm really quickly no he isn’t okay so then now let’s do we got a secret note no whoa that scared the heck

Out of me I didn’t know the gorilla just walks out that was freaky I thought that the gorilla was just gone whenever you oh my gosh that scared me I don’t know why that scared me and it’s a new week so that means that there’s probably going to be some weeds right

Here is that the only one 11 days 2 days cuz they be down here 4 days sweet okay this is looking really good here I know it’s again a chaotic mess but it’s chaotic Mess by Design Let’s uh we’ll Harvest these and then we can bring it

Back and Seed them now that they’re kind of more synced up that’s that’s the main reason why I was delaying it is cuz I wanted more more of them to kind of syn up part of me is wondering I don’t want to do this whole thing as ancient fruit

Either I don’t want to go down that route what do we what do we need for this again what were we waiting for caviar right oh and avoid salmon okay so we might go and try and fish avoid salmon because our caviar dreams died when we deleted our sturgeon Pond

Whoops all right 10 iridium quality that’s crazy that’s crazy and let’s store the feathers here cuz I feel like we’ll put them in ah where is that one that we have we’ll sore the feathers in this chest cuz this is kind of like easier accessible chest let’s bring one with us

Just in case we do find Leo but we’re going to go back via boat because fear is still on the dock on the pure on the warf I don’t know what it’s called Pure I know I don’t even know the difference between all of those like why there’s a

Different name for all of them again nautical still dwelling human so I don’t know nautical stuff wow fan you look so awesome okay so he’s probably asleep wherever he is which is fine we’ll just keep the feather on us so we remember that that’s what we were doing oh shoot

I didn’t realize we had this beach glass do we have Beach Glass in here at all we do somewhere okay um 900 p.m. what can we do did we buy those seeds from Mesto today was that today that we did that yes it was okay oh and we probably

Stored them okay let’s go and grab those and then shake the trees oh my gosh sorry Abby and out of curiosity I am going to like that’s weird how Leo’s just gone I mean I know he’s not gone he’s somewhere but uh Let’s um we didn’t put those FR steps away what was I here for again mahogany seeds which I moved up here whoa we have so many mahogany seeds in here we should be cutting more stumps down I completely forgot that that was something that you typically do when you want mahogany

Seeds is get the hardwood stumps we’ll just put the rest in here for now um what is this caroway are you spring fall we have way to too many of these seeds I’m assuming 66 yeah we have we have lots of those um now let’s find the spruce tips home oh oh

Sorry in our lovely chest no willow bark oh we haven’t shipped a willow bark and there’s a spruce tip sorry I was just noticing that this chest I think had a lot of other yeah so we will try and consolidate these into one which might be this

One and willow bark is yeah we’ll ship the silver quality one that’s not the shipping bin here are the shipping bin and let’s actually grab another pumpkin for kobis which might Max him I’m not too sure um then I’m going to bring fine up here cuz we are going to yeah let’s let’s

Smelt see what damage we can do with the silver first and then switch to the iron oh my goodness excuse me my gunky throat that came out of nowhere and cool we have 64 so we can do two more turns oh I love this um now let’s go I think we’re just

Going to run to yeah let’s let’s just make sure there’s no debris getting all crazy here no looking good did we no we don’t have our um paint bucket on us I wanted to recolor the mini Obelisk but that’s fine so why did I come up here I

Brought I don’t remember why I how are we doing on this we’ve gifted a 100 Grand worth of gifts that’s huge there’s a reason I wanted to run with fean up here I don’t remember I don’t remember okay so this should oh yeah we only need like 10 here or something whoops

Okay nice that feels really good to finally finish this off yet again and I I don’t know I’m going to this might be a mahogany tree but I don’t know so we’re just going to cut it down and replant can I put them oh I can’t put

Them here okay we’ll do this area too now that we have extra seeds at our disposal yeah there we go and then we are going to actually stash the rest of those in here hello the ANL ping power okay um are you selling anything fun no you just

Sell your you’re crazy expensive s wow yeah um summer starberry wow your your tree seeds are actually like pretty cheap wait we are going to shake these trees cuz this will be the last time we really do this then hopefully we just passively get more mogy seeds as we Harvest catch uh

Lingard is that how you spell it I don’t think that’s how you spell it link Cod yeah it is okay so I’m going to check off Shake mahogany trees cuz we have done that um all right Fe in take us home I cannot remember why I wanted to and there was

Something on this this map in particular um more over by Robins oh right I wanted to see if Leo was in his house here that’s why no he isn’t where on Earth all right Leo’s just vanished into the abyss well we’ll see if he appears tomorrow I don’t know I’m not going to

Oh we fell asleep oh no oh no that’s okay all right well that was day 14 of Winter thank you so much for joining us we are going to continue we’re going to go check out key room um next episode I believe just to see if there’s an easier

One to do there because we do have some ambitious goals with key gems now that we have a little bit more time we’ll check out the special orders board cuz there’s still some special orders we need from it and and then we’ll do some more gifting that’s the plan and then

Maybe putting around but yeah thanks for joining us on the 14th of winter I will see you in the next episode until then bye-bye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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