Minecraft but If I Confuse You, I Win…

This is Minecraft but if I confuse you I win today my friend bet $1,000 that I couldn’t confuse him in Minecraft so we have five attempts to try my goal is to create the most confusing Minecraft experience possible but I only have 24 hours and five attempts so can I confuse

Him by attempt number five stay tuned to find out okay if I get confused and give up you get $11,000 you get five attempts go go go all right all right here I go okay so let’s begin at level one where the theme is going to be a confusing

House and for this house we only have the red square right here don’t worry though I have a plan so real quick let’s get a house in there we go very nice house how are we going to confuse crafty though with only this area let me show

You guys what I got ready so this right here is a portal wand where we can bring up this portal that I already had ready and it’s going to take us to a whole new area so to remind you guys this is how big the building is and when he walks in

It’s going to be a completely new area we are going to make this man confused so quick but for him to admit that he’s confused we got to code something real quick with the coder let’s right click so because the entire goal of the video is to make the Creator give up let’s

Start with the the blank texture and just write the words give up that’ll do it now let’s outline it in white to make sure it stands out and that’s all there is to it let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and get to the coding where the name is

Of course give up and this is what the YouTuber’s going to right click if they give up so let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and there we go this is the give up item and when he right clicks this well I win $1,000 okay so how this place is going

To work once he goes inside here is we’re going to make a house of Illusions so let me decorate this place real quick that’s a lot better and don’t worry I’m getting help from a builder cuz we got to win so now we have a one two and

Three for different illusion areas that he’s going to go in that being said two has nothing three has nothing and one well it has nothing for now no worries though I already have something set up so we’ll just lift this up real quick and now we have another room that looks

Just like the previous room this is going to be the main illusion Hub with one two and three where number two is locked and number three is locked so the YouTuber’s mission is to get a key which is going to be hied in plain sight literally right here but first we got to

Make a key so let’s right click this I’m going to start with a blank texture here and draw a simple key shape a circle here a line there two teeth and now let’s color and shade this will get the job done and all we got to do now is

Just turn it upside down that works now for the code in 3 2 1 where the type is just a block and it skill is going to be to open the room two door when right clicked let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the upside down key where I’ve

Coded it now where we can only open that door with this guy so let’s hide him real quick right here and now let me show you guys how this place is confusing obviously he can’t enter three he can’t enter two but if he goes through one he’s going to go straight

Back where he was yep it’s an infinite never ending room that’s only part one let me show you guys what happens when he goes to the balcony so at the balcony looks pretty normal just a staircase that goes down to the balcony yep it’s it’s a little confusing and when he goes

Down to the balcony he’s up here don’t worry but there’s an illusion in this room cuz if he goes for example right here he sees a mirror of himself or me and it’s a never ending room look and to get out Simply has go right here okay so

Now now when they have the key they go to number two and at number two well first you’re going to see the doors are very cursed cuz this is another portal into a very empty room and I’m not going to talk about that just yet that being

Said the theme for this room is it’s going to be upside down so let’s real quick face something again that’s a lot better we now have an upside down room and here’s the goal of this room there’s a lot of buttons crafty’s going to have

To go all the way over here and press this special button right there it’s going to let him go through this place right here that’s going to be room number three all right it’s a little bit weird but he’s going to be able to jump down into another room where it’s pretty

Much the previous room but upside down and the goal here is to get to room number four but it’s going to be locked so first we need a key so let’s click the coda real quick and for the key this is going to be the television key or

It’s just going to be a block and the skills is to open room four door when right clicked that’ll be pretty much it let’s click confirm and before we go back we’re going to be coding one more thing which are the footprints where its only skill is to place down the

Footprints you guys will see what I mean let’s click in verb in 3 2 1 and we got them good old Footprints and a TV key which is where we’re going to hide it I’ll show you guys what I mean first let’s put down an item frame it might

Not get the job done like this hold up I fix the code there we go so I’m just going to put Footprints all the way over here and they’re going to have to go all the way to this area where as you can see there’s not much going on but I

Already got something planned so all we got to do is real quick break these blocks right here and there’s nothing right now but we’re already ready cuz right down here we already have a portal ready and now it’s kind of an illusion cuz all they got to do is check the TV

Out and inside we have the chest where we’re going to put the TV key and once they have the TV key they can go ahead and open up number four but right now it’s nothing but don’t worry with the help of a friend I already have the next

Room ready this is going to be a fun one all right on to room number four it’s better explained if I just go through it I’m going to go this way and as I keep going it’s a NeverEnding maze but the only way to get out guys I won’t show

You guys yet you guys are going to have to see what crafty does that being said sooner or later he’ll get out and enter room number 4.5 this is going to be a fun one as you can see at the door for number five there’s creeper heads so I

Have a fun idea for a puzzle we have these three mobs the wolf the chicken and the cat but we’re going to make them a little bit different first cuz that’s confusing so let’s click our coder real quick so let’s start off with the dog where we’re going to make him a cat

We’re going to start off by first turning the guy orange and we’ll give him some stripes and green eyes perfect I’ll polish him up a bit and now we can cut him in all right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and so this is the confusing dog

Where its name is the dog that meows and its skin is literally Cat Skin let’s gock confirm and this is what I mean we now have the cat dog it’s honestly a little bit curs but it’s about to get more curs let’s click the coder again and now for the confusing chicken we’re

Going to turn this one into the dog first let’s remove it beak sorry little guy and next let’s make his legs nice and full instead of those scrawny little things now we’ll add the chicken skin tone to his face looks confusing enough to me let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and

Like the dog this is the confusing chicken well we’re going to call him The Barking chicken with of course the skin of the wolf all right let’s go confirm and oh my gosh that is so cursed so anyways we have one left which is the

Cat and their goal is going to be to figure out which one is the cat and take it to the door to open it cuz it’s a creeper door that’s why they have the fishing rod anyways let’s go to the last one right click and so finally now for

Our cat well we’re turning this into the chicken to wrap it up let’s start by making her entire body white and now we turn her nose into the beak two little black dots for eyes and now chickens don’t have four legs so let’s get rid of

That now we just have a front te I’ll paint them yellow fs and then erase everything we don’t need it’s a little bit cursed but you know what it’ll work let’s gock confirm in 3 2 1 and for the code it’s literally just the confusing

Cat where the skin is a chicken skin so let’s confirm that and now we have oh my gosh it’s even goofier game yeah pretty much if that gets to the door we get to the next room and let me get one of these real quick just in case it gets

Stuck I’m going to hide one right here good old Le that’ll make it easier anyways on to pretty much the final room room number five where it has nothing right now but you guys probably already know what’s coming let’s let’s get the portal wand out and we just got to drag

This all the way up to reveal the final staircase of Doom when he goes inside it’s going to go on for a good bit and I’m going to let you guys see it for the first time when crafty goes through that being said let me show you guys the end

So after a long time you’re going to make it to this spot where it says turn around and watch what happens when they turn around it’s the end and of course turn around again and that’s going to be level one complete if they make it this

Far so without all that being done let’s get crafty online crafty I’m ready welcome to level one where I need you to get one thing real quick before we begin this is the give up button if you want to you can go ahead and right click it

Right now and I win $1,000 but not right clicking nothing Neer I’m just saying I’m just saying but anyways if you look right in front of you what do you see a normal house right it’s a normal house right I’m not confused yeah it’s just a normal house don’t worry but here’s your

Goal you just got to go inside and make your way back out to the normal World okay I’m not going to help you I’m going to disappear and you’re just going to have lots of fun okay I’ve got to go in this house and then come back out of

This house you got to make it harder than this dude I’m not pressing this button for nothing hey man it’s only level one all right good luck okay I I’m walking in the house this is way larger of a house than I was expecting welcome to the house inside of a house where

Your goal right now is to get through 1 2 and three and figure out how to get out whenever you want go ahead and go through door number one oh I’m terrified find the upside down key oh what the heck oh gosh oh the balcony okay this is

A balcon this is totally normal what could possibly go wrong well you took the balcony upstairs good job man thank you yeah this is totally normal I go downstairs to go up I’m not confus what if you want you can go to the mirror room I feel like you’d had a lot

Of fun there okay where’s the mirror room is that number two to your left just go right in there and have fun oh gosh this is a trap and he’s disappeared okay great oh Lester this is weird man have you not found your answer yet the

Answer is I am wasting your time right now so you really don’t want to be in there I knew it I’m going to give you a hint though got to get back downstairs by going upstairs I guess and there might be something you need for the key

In the main room where you came in interesting I like your hint telling me exactly what to do I go up to go down no problem I’m looking for an upside down key it’s a a one of these fake uh paintings no gosh dang it Nester this is

Hard yes you got it I think I found something if this explodes I swear ah I’ve got an upside down key I got three of them in case I need them oh well all you got to do now is go to the number two door and congratulations cuz you

Beat number one but it gets harder oh gosh what is this go in crafty have fun press the weird button welcome to the upside down room I did leave a button here to help you get out of here if you can find the exit oh no

So one of these buttons will get me out is that a weird button button I think I found it already Nester do you want to press the weird button that’s the question I’m I’m not sure that one seems too obvious dude well I mean it’s right there all right I’m pressing the weird

Button hey yeah what just happened turn around okay now go up the staircase and just believe all right I’m I’m on the roof go forward and now fall wait what welcome now you are on level three you have one goal now you can either you know click the give up button or find

The key to room number four so I have to find a TV key okay well there’s a TV button oh there’s a room back here a TV key that was easy that that was a lot quicker than I expected all right good good job CRA I’ll give it to you I’ll

Give it to you that being said onto room number four TV key onto room number four this one I will be surprised if you get I’m not going to say anything just go straight ner what is this man you know what they say right is always right

Until it isn’t nope I’m back to where I started that’s not how that’s not how this is is supposed to work oh you are going through it man I I don’t trust you Nester oh wait what oh wait did you figure it out wait wait I I I’m in F5

But I just see a different area you figured it out so quick no the question is how do I get through it oh I see I walk forward and then now I walk backwards oh good job man all right all right I’ll give it to you now welcome to

The next room where look at the mobs they’re going to be a little bit off and if you look at the door number five cuz this room 4.5 this guy’s so Derpy dude I feel like his name is like Franklin or something anyways if you look at the

Door right now your goal is to get the right animal to it the only hit I’m giving you is creeper I guess uh pick whichever one you think is the right one okay uh creepers are afraid of cats do I got to bring a cat over that’s kind of

My logic here fair but which one is the cat which one is the cat I’m listening for the Muse are you a cat little one I punch you and do you make a little meow sound no there’s something fishing rod I’ve got what I need all right where’s

The cat the cat’s around here somewhere wait wait no wait I already got there no good job little chicken cats I’m proud of you boys congratulations on beating room number five or the cats did go on to the final test can you get through this illusion oh gosh I’m backwards oh

Gosh it’s it’s a forever staircase is that what’s happening maybe go all the way down and see what’s waiting for you okay okay okay I I don’t trust you Nester keep going down you’re going to get stuck here forever unless you know you figure it out okay there’s a sign

Over here hold on hold on there’s a hint of some kind turn around I’m back in the world Nester boy no congratulations crafty that is level one complete let’s go on to the next one and it’s going to get harder you’re not ready for it that was

Just level one keep that give up button very ready all right see you in the next one okay now for level two where we have a little bit more area and the theme is a desert temple so that being said let’s paste in Temple real quick there we go

One big old desert temple now to actually make it confusing cuz inside feels pretty normal but we’re going to make under it a lot crazier but it all begins with the temple itself it’s not going to be a real Temple anymore let’s right click you it is time to make

Something insane but we’re going to start off with a basic empty canvas and build up from there and with the help of my friends we started off with the feet the most solid of Foundations we needed this to be hugee like very big but with

The foot done let’s do the leg one leg done time for the other and now time for the body where it’s going to be a basic pyramid shape let’s stick the head on there some big old teeth and some basic arms and now all that’s left is just

Some Polish look at this guy let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and as for the code it’s a giant desert temple where its only skill is to eat nearby players yep I said that right they’re going to think it’s a normal deser Temple he’s going to

Come up and just eat him and take him to the real area all right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and so now that we’re back let me show you guys what I mean all he’s going to do is walk straight in here and

Then he gets eaten okay and now we have this basic empty room where I’m going to have a friend build me something insane let’s go back to game mod creative and so right now we have nothing let’s add a big old Temple that’s a lot better this

Is the giant Temple thing which of course I got a friends to build me this cuz I do not have these skills and we’re going to be splitting it up into four rooms there there there and there that being said it needs a lot more decorations so real quick let’s get that

Added there there we go okay so we have 1 2 three and four where each room is going to lead to a piece of a key that’s going to open up something in the center right there it’s not there yet but that’s why we have the coder so real

Quick let’s place the Sandstone right there let me show you guys what he’s going to try to open let’s right click this okay so we’re going to be starting with the blank scene and the first thing we’re going to be doing is adding some cubes to get a basic shape going next

We’ll add in some ears and after that a good old nose now let’s give it some basic colors and now we should have a good Vision here so because it’s level two I’m going to hand it off to modeling Pro friend of mine and see what we get

Oh my goodness this is great I think we’re good to go let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now let’s add the code where this is the desert coffin statue where the skill is to spawn the giant desert temple when open so he’s going to get

Spit out once this opens and he’s going to to fight a desert temple another reason for him to maybe a give up button all right let’s get it in in 3 2 1 and now we have it and so a statue key is required to open it this is it right

Here and these are the key pieces that we’re going to be putting into every single room so to make the key is just simply a craft he’s going to be using that crafting table right there that’s the craft on the screen right there and now it’s time to actually set up every

Confusing room for example room number one where once he’s in he can’t get out and as you can see right now it’s a bit of an empty room but we already have this covered the only mission is to find the exit and with the friend’s help guys

We already have the first confusing maze ready so when I raise this up inside is a NeverEnding Maze Look So if he goes back nothing happens if he goes this way nothing happens and to get out well you guys watch to see how he does it but

When he does get out he’s going to be met with his item frame and one Statue key piece that’s only number one so with one done now it’s time for number two so this room is going to be a little bit different where the puzzle is going to

Be with redstone so you’ll see something green there something blue there and as you go deeper there’s going to be a red thing there too where it’s all going to be hints to this item frame puzzle where if he gets the combination right this door right here is going to open that

Being said I’m not mean so let me actually open up the hands so with red he’s going to have to go up and with blue he’s going to have to go right and if he sees all the colors and memorizes these you’ll know how to get out of here

And to give him an extra reward for actually getting this right when he goes all the way through here and actually makes it out not only is he going to get an item frame with the Statue key piece but an extra one right here which we’re

Going to have to code real quick let’s right click this and what we’re making real quick is the mummy sword where he’s going to need this especially to defeat the giant desert temple that being said it skills is to stand slash when swing it’ll do some good damage I’ll also add

Some details but let’s see how it looks in 3 2 1 and here it is the mummy sword which will go right there and that should complete room number two next up is number three luckily this one’s a bit already set up let me show you guys for

The third puzzle there’s going to be for note blocks when we press this right here it does a bit of a sound thing and if we look on this side when we play this it’s a bit off it’s going to be pretty simple if he matches this one

With this one that door is going to open and of course when he gets all the way here he’s going to get yet again another satue key piece and that was just number three pretty easy on to room number four where this one is going to be based more

On candles where we have a gray candle and a candle so for example all we got to do is just place a candle right there and right there and if he lights all the correct candles that door right there is going to open so pretty much these right

Here are all the real ones and to confuse them this looks like these are the right ones to do but these are actually fakes and we’re going to add a little bit code to them let’s right click you and so this is a fake candle

Where the name of course is going to be candle and the skills are to jump scare the player when lighted got to keep them on edge it’s not the most confusing puzzle we’ve done yet but it might take them a second but when that’s solved this should should be open and of course

At the very end let’s go ahead and put the glow item frame with one Statue key piece and now that should complete all four so they’re going to have to go through one 2 three and four and then open the sarcophagus let’s see how he

Does and hopefully he gives up in 3 2 1 all right crafty welcome to level number two where I’m going to give you something before you go inside this desert temple you’ll need this oh gosh here’s your mission all you got to do is go inside and just uh just go inside and

Go to the blue thing all right that’s it go inside and go to the blue thing that’s the I’m the blue thing can I just stand next to myself not really but you can click the give up button if you want oh go oh my welcome to inside the giant desert

Temple your mission now is go downstairs and uh you know explore you have the worst missions ever okay well there’s a a statue key interesting so this is the sarcophagus of I’m not going to tell you but if you look around you there’s there’s a one there’s a two there’s a

Three and there’s a four do those in order each room being maybe a little bit more confusing than the other and uh that’s how you get the statue key go ahead and go to number one though Mr crafty I think you got this it’s time for door number one I’ve got this no

Problem find the exit I already found it it’s right over here uh no NOP uh crafty I don’t think you can go back oh I don’t I don’t trust anything all right we’ve been through this already I don’t trust anything you say or do oh gosh dang it

It’s fine there’s just a bunch of me again great um I got to find the exit oh gosh nope that’s that’s a dead end how about this way oh no at any point you can click the give up button crafty you’re doing great man all right thanks

For the reminder yeah of course that’s what I’m here for no yes yes that was so easy statue key piece acquired all right that’s number one level two I’m ready Nester all right do your thing buddy go inside and I’m going to go ahead and give you some information okay you’re

Going to see paintings and you’re going to see rugs you’re going to want to break them those cuz when you break those there’s a little hint okay memorize the color and memorize the direction that’s all you need to know oh so blue is to the right I guess oh

Here’s a key piece so I got to flick the lever wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so green was to the right that’s left and that’s blue what oh uh blue is to the right uh-huh and then maybe I go up this ladder I’m dyslexic Nester this

Is going to be rough it’s okay cuz guess what turn around cuz you just accidentally got the code right I messed up the Redstone no dude easiest Challenges ever let’s get to number three number three this one it’s going to be a bit harder than whatever you

Just want through uh-huh sure it is yeah I’ll accidentally solve it again you got to make the same music to escape now if you look to your left click that button uh-huh oh I like it if you turn around there’s another little button thing you

Got to match the two okay so it has they have different sounds so this is like a lower sound oh no there’s so many options dude easy got one no okay okay this one’s lower wait a second it glowed white whenever I got it right can I just

Scroll through until it gives me a white particle no I made it way too easy no you thought this was going to be challenging I’m listening yeah oh my goodness now play it now play it congratulations that was not as hard as I thought it would be go upstairs and

Get the chest Corr another key piece acquired all right crafty for number four the last one you need a flint and steel the rest is up to you oh no no no not that not that not that okay that’s not it my bad my bad you know what U

Make your way inside and uh pay attention to the candles that’s all you got to do pay attention to the candles he says we got some burnt candles and normal candles oh gosh there’s a lot of candles Nester what is this I well why don’t you just try lighting one see what

Happens all right I lit this candle nothing happened I lit this candom I light all the candles oh something opened all right I’m just going to light all of them okay okay I I’m hearing Redstone maybe I light all the ones that have these little faces on it oh I heard

A door I heard a door oh gosh oh gosh wait no way you got that first try no way no way I even Sho it Neer Neer what happened level two is a joke what is this bro level two easy you won’t get past this next one cuz this next one

It’s a little bit more difficult go ahead and make your key and open him up and see what happens all right you know what I’m going to say right now I recommend giving up now well I have a feeling it’s going to be the terrifying monster from earlier that was some

Pretty good foreshadowing all right we unlock it what what is happening what hello wait look forward um oh my goodness Neer this is the desert monster and here’s how it’s going to work you might want to go and use your sword as a projectile as a projectile heyya oh snap

I shoot out like sand or something oh gosh you’re already doing so much damage to him what take this monster right in the mouth oh D he’s almost dead oh my goodness no ouch oh he’s doing damage to me yeah oh my goodness no P said you

Shouldn’t have given me that hint dude that was easy all right you know what that’s level two done it might have been easier than level one but level three trust me it’s going to confuse you on to level three all right time for level three I’m getting a little concerned cuz

He hasn’t given up yet so we’re ramping up guys I got even more friends to help me with this one where they set up a lot of stuff down there that being said let’s start off with this new item called the time Loop where we’re going

To be confusing him with time this time get it time this time but when I click the time Loop this happens look at it go this is only on beon right now cuz it’s going to get crazier down there but first to get there we need some Parkour

So let’s get it in real quick there we go and now his goal is to really just parkour all the way to the end but we need to make it weirder see these blocks right here we’re going to code them into something else let’s right click and so

This is going to be a simple one this is a clock block where the skill it’s a speed up at day cycle when placed I’m going to add the texture to it and everything that’s a clock but let me show you guys what it does when we CLI

Confirm in 3 2 1 and so once he goes through all this parkour he’s going to reach a spot over here or you probably already know what’s going to be in there but I’ll get to that very soon cuz the main important part for this next area

Are these three item frames where this is going to be speed up time slow down time and stop time and yep I mean everything in Minecraft Let’s goe real quick so first speed up time where the type is going to be item and its skill is a speed up all time when right

Clicked let’s click confirm and now let’s do slow down time where it’s going to instead slow down time when right clicked all right let’s click confirm and now finally stop time where it’s going to stop all the time when right clicked these are going to be really

Cool and you’re going to have to think out of the box to really solve some of the puzzles coming up that my friends made all right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and here they are stop time speed up time and slow down time all right so

Speed up time goes there slowdown time goes there and stop time will go right here so they need to grab these because when they click these everything around them is going to to change you’ll see later and now finally for where they’re going as you can see we can actually

Move a portal up here right now it’s nothing but watch this it actually leads somewhere when we go through this is going to be the first test of the slow down time and speed up time where when I break one of these diamond blocks let me demonstrate right here this happens all

The diamond blocks connected are going to break and if they slow down time they’ll be able to parkour over every single sand block all the way to the ending over there which is going to be the next time Challenge and if they make it through everything then they’re going

To get to the trial number three three that being said let me add one more thing in the first area okay so we have the clocks we have the crazy Ambiance but let me show you guys one last thing we can do with time first let’s face in

A cage up here there we go and you might be wondering why do we have a random glass cage we’re about to do something goofy cuz we don’t need these right now but instead let’s get the chicken let’s get the cat let’s get the wolf why not a

Cow and a pig and we’ll just spawn them all over the place real quick some good old cows some good old wolves or oh wait I forgot they were cats um yeah you know what we’re going to go with these let’s get all these guys in and now now for

The fun part watch these commands so first we’re going to change the gravity of all things to 0.01 so when they move down they’ll go really slow and now for something even more goofy we’re going to randomize the direction of the gravity look at them go but if we were place

Near and get this they’re now free have fun my friends that’s some good on beond all right so level two should be ready they just got to break these and of course use these buttons but let me show you guys what else my friend set up to

Make him give up cuz we really need them to give up through this door we have something absolutely crazy it’s nothing but you already know the vibes we just got to grab it from here and this is going to be the next area right here where they’re going to be walking into a

Crazy build as for the goal of this build though it’s going to be a bomb I’ve coded it where these levers are going to be for a bomb which we got to cat up still so there’s four here 1 2 three over there and four as for the

Bomb let’s C that up real quick right click and so this is going to be the super TNT where the explosion power is going to be 9500 and the skill is to count down from 1 minute when spawned I borrowed a nice model for it but the

Main thing to know is is that they’re going to have to use their slow down time ability to use this let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have the bomb where you can see it’s going to explode in that much time but already

Slowed down time and if we speed up time well it’s going to go very quickly so let’s slow down it again and you might be wondering Nester why doesn’t he just stop time well if he stops time I made it so he can’t use that right now so

This goal is to get out the levers and now for the final part which you’ll find right under this arrow and luckily this time it’s a completely normal door but behind the door is going to be an insane room with some Minecart rides but pretty

Much he’ll ride all the way down to this little TNT area here here’s the final challenge though I’m going to be making him fight a warden and if you guys know the warden in Minecraft it’s very difficult to kill this guy like very difficult unless you can stop time for

Example if we time stop he stops in his tracks and his goal is going to be to try to light TNT and kill him in one go if he gets the puzzle right he just has to do that and once we un stop time this is going to explode and he also gets

Lava arrows and all the stuff in the world so literally he can just do this this is his goal right here he needs to do something crazy like this to kill the warden in one hit not the hardest challenge but pretty cool so without that being done let’s see how kouy does

All right KY level three all you got to do is go down in the time parkour you look around and there there’s a lot of stuff going on you just got to jump it all right why is the Sun so fast Nester that that’s honestly the most normal

Part of this whole thing just get to the end if you can have fun all right I I’ve got to jump on these platforms this is fine I’m having a great time this this is easy parkour dude oh dude some of these jumps are getting hard man yeah

Don’t worry and if you do fail you can do this all over again or give up rush it oh and as you can see you finally found the three little time tokens oh speed up time slow down time and stop time interesting okay okay okay so how

This is going to work is you have one Mission with those new time tokens the theme of this area is stopping time so when I break this diamond block y you’re going to have make a decision on how you’re going to be able to make it to

The very end here so would you like to use any of your things before I break it you can tell me once to break the diamond block I’m going to slow down time right now all right do your thing all right I’ve slowed it down breaking

In three two I’m ready one oh there it goes you might want to slow it down more or stop it ah okay okay I’m just going to keep going a little more and stop oh that’s so cool all right crafty now can you jump on the stopped time sand oh

This is so weird dude okay okay yes I can I can this is so weird I feel so weird on my toes I’m booking it dude he’s doing all the jumps he’s doing all the jumps he’s crazy he’s crazy oh and well done and we couldn’t only have one

We have another one right here where are you ready to stop time again I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready here we go in three 2 1 there it goes okay and perfect oh nice all right now can you do this one it would be kind of nice

If I could reverse time but you know oh these jumps are getting hard Neer oh he’s doing it he’s doing it I was falling in the sand oh my goodness and now you got to dodge that one wait what the heck if you just go straight you’ll be fine congratulations

Crouchie now I’m going to only give you 10 seconds for this one think fast because I’m about to break this one in three 2 1 here it goes and stop time now I can do it got to go quick got to go quick oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s going to

Make it he’s going to make it oh I almost fell through the sand I almost fell through the sand can you make that last jump can you make that last jump I don’t know yes that was crazy congratulations now let’s go to the next room let’s do it

Diffuse the TNT oh I messed that up it’s not actually 5 seconds it’s 60 uh you might want to think quick or slow down time right now cuz if you follow me this way there’s going to be a clock in a bomb that’s about to explode in 55

Seconds come straight this way buddy oh gosh okay okay I’ve got got to diffuse the bomb yes try stopping time stop it’s still going 53 seconds if it explodes you do lose and have to do this over and over again go around to the levers flip

Them and try and hope that that thing does not explode there’s four of them I’ve slowed down as much time as I can run okay that’s one lever there’s two two okay all right now I just got to find the other two oh gosh that time is

Still going down krafty be careful no it’s all the way over there yep yep yep have a good run use my little legs and final one you actually did this in pretty good time yes congratulations so I just realized I never deactivated the bomb so here

Follow me before the bomb kills us off okay yep sounds good let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go congratulations you did deactivate the bomb and if you come over here there’s a little mine cart thing you might have a fun ride real quick press the button and ride your way

Down no no no no no oh look at that he’s using it to his Advantage here’s the thing though you might have some fun right now but when you get to the at the bottom there is something going to be waiting for you okay okay and oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh God yep yep yep yep no worries don’t worries when time paus you don’t take fall damage that being said Mr crafty yes be ready with your time things cuz this is your next opponent Neer why you might want to stop time uh

Stop time stop so go visit your friend real quick okay um hi he’s currently stuck on time here’s your mission crafty you have only one attempt to kill him during time being stopped try to make the biggest attack possible to kill the warden in one hit and if you do it you

Wion level four I have to kill the warden in one hit yes and if you fail this the next time you got to do two then three then four so you better get rid of right this time or you can give up right now okay um um so I could punch

Him a bunch and then maybe when I start time it’ll do a lot of damage that’ll take forever though dude cuz I don’t do a whole lot of damage with these fies lava that might help I got arrows and a bow so oh you know what I can do if I

Shoot while time is STO yes and now if I start time is that going to yeah okay okay perfect perfect so I can just shoot him like this prepare all the arrows and they’ll all fly at once Nester will this count as one shot technically yes so you

Got to get as many shots going all the TN everything you can get all your attacks ready but remember if you get too cocky and it doesn’t kill them you got to do this all over again infinitely until you give up so I have to make sure

I definitely have enough arrows yes okay I’ve got some planks and flint and steel okay this is good this is good so I’ve got a little interesting Strat here if I put some of these blocks down like this and then I put lava on top and then I

Can shoot the warden through the lava easy money and then of course for good measure I can light some of these bad boys that is horrifying to look at oh my goodness that that should do him in that is a lot of arrows okay are we ready I

Am ready 3 2 1 start time yeah oh come please please TNT no no no no please TNT Oh no I got him I got him oh my goodness dude that was way too close man I so glad that TNT worked all right well with that being done that is level three

Complete crafty congratulations this next one I’m going to make sure it’s impossible here we go okay there’s five levels and five attempts but I’m going to make sure level four is the final one I have a fun idea what this Barrel so we have a bigger area again and also some

More Builders so real quick bring on the Beautiful else there we go oh wow they did really good but we’re going to keep it simple for the confusion on this one all he has to do is go inside to this nice house he just needs to go all the

Way up here and check this little bookshelf area out as you can see there’s nothing going on right there what we need first is just a simple painting cuz with the painting we’re going to be pacing this guy good old Donkey Kong because I’ve already coated

It where when they go up to it this is going to happen they get teleported into the painting Well for now this looks pretty mundane nothing much going on but his goal is to get all the way way up let’s actually get out of here and let

Me show you guys what is the Minecraft painting into the real deal that’s only part of the confusion cuz we’re going to now code three things let’s get the coder out and here we go so first up we need the recording camera where is just

Going to be a camera and it’s going to record a YouTuber when held let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now for the main event guys we are going to be making the first Donkey Kong Mario game in Minecraft so let’s go ahead and start

Off with the vanilla Barrel we’ll lay on inside and give it a simple rolling animation like this perfect now we have a projectile let’s code it in so for the code it’s just a barrel and its skills is to fall down when spawned let’s go

Confirm in 3 2 1 and now for the main thing which is Kong so it’s going to be very simple guys all we’re doing is we’re going to take this Donkey Kong image I found online and we’re just going to drag it into blockbench B

Effect though now let’s go to men in 3 2 1 and his name is of course Cog where the skills are to summon the barrels when players are nearby now to place them in let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we have him good old Donkey Kong where now

If we place him right here here he’s throwing the barrels look at him go okay let me just fly out here and this is the fun part guys his goal is to get to Donkey Kong to win this level but I’ve made it impossible where I can speed up

The speed of the barrels quicker and each Barrel is going to do a lot of damage unless he jumps over it and if he dies he has to restart over and over again I’m feeling good about this one and I think he’s going to hit the give

Up button you might be wondering that’s not really confusing I have a little trick up my sleeve but you guys are going to have to see that for yourselves with crafty’s attempt coming right up here we go welcome to level four which I think it’s

Going to be the final one man I don’t see you getting through this one honestly Nester these were easy uh I think I’m going to be fine easy oh okay okay with the hubris all good follow me straight this way right here crafty you’re going to see an iconic Minecraft

Painting what up Dunkey Kong oh is that what this is yeah yeah just go inside and uh there might be a base behind it if I hit my face in this painting and there’s wood behind it oh gosh uh Nester crafty welcome on my screen you’re now

The player for Donkey Kong where Kong is at the top with his barrels and they’re coming straight down to you right now the mission is simple make it to him and hit him once and if you can’t or if you die you will be teleported all the way

Back to the start oh gosh why you could have picked any game from my childhood but no I got to dodge barrels and punch a monkey not cool man I can also speed up the barrels at any point of course you can this might be impossible I

Pretty much made it impossible so that give up button is right there but here they come oh gosh oh gosh that’s a lot of barrels that’s a lot of barrels oh oh oh oh oh he’s doing it keep jumping ow ow keep jumping keep jumping oh goodness

I I don’t think it’s possible craft you man you’re already so low in health and there’s so much more to go it’s fine it’s fine hold on if I can find a safe spot no all right crafy round two you ready for this dude am I back at the

Start oh gosh I’m going to go ahead and let you know you only made it probably 30% of the way there and every you time you die it’s increasing in damage and speed great oh yeah that that’s just going to be awesome just got to go fast

Before the barrels get here go go go go go go go oh here he goes again here he goes again oh no no the barrels will be here any second it’s it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough just go fast oh there’s the barrels jump jump

They’re so fast dude ow go go on bars go on go on get him so much damage how and there he goes again gosh dang it n one eternity later crafty buddy it’s been quite a while what are you doing down here now I can’t do this man there it’s impossible it’s just

Getting harder they hit harder it’s right at the start they’re spawn camping me so are you saying Mr crafty that you’re going to give up Nester I I think I have to man I’ve got to go see my wife and kids you had a good run and I didn’t

Even know you had a wife and kids I don’t but one day I will but if I’m here forever I’ll never have one that makes sense you know what good enough reason click the give up button and send the money here we go all right I’m giving

Up I’ll take it oh my goodness crafty you did an amazing job but hey maybe next time well hope you guys all enjoyed for a great one and the video just like this one bye Guys

Minecraft but If You’re Confused, You Lose… w/ @Craftee
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🎨 Thumbnail/Idea Idea Inspo: @Spifey @DoniBobes @wisp

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