Hermitcraft 10 – Episode 7: 2000 Block Nether Challenge & Mail Car!

I’ve been slimed look the entire car has been slimed by these little rascal snails the turquoise one I’ve known about it’s been up to no good over a Magic Mountain but now there’s a pink one they’re replicating these silly little gooses and they have uh yeah they’ve left their tracks all over the

Place HH what do we do about this look the entire train has been covered in their tracks I think they came over to the feed car to either get a snack out of the aquarium where we have our fish or something on the barbecue that’s right we got our meat on the barbecue

There they came over for a snacks didn’t they now the question is what don’t look at that there’s little Trails everywhere of slime what should we do with these guys now we are run zoo zoo train that is so we need to grab an animal crate

Pack them up and send them back over Yonder where I think they belong a you know what they are kind of cute aren’t they now now do they have names by the way or is it just turquoise and pink snail hm I just realized I haven’t even

Welcomed you to the video yet so well hello there my fellow Miners and Crafters good times with scar here and welcome back to the wonderful worlds of Hermits and crafting boom you got a full good times with scar intro there you are all welcome anyway we’ve got a big

Episode for you today first of all we’ve got to squeegee our windows so we can clean off the all of the Slime and then pack our snail friends up in some animal crates but we’ve got big stuff important stuff to do and that is an expansion of

The train as we continue down the rails and we will not be adding the orber car yet we’re actually going to be adding the mail car because I had a really good idea and I want to do it and when inspiration strikes you got to take

Advantage so that means we are going to be doing maybe a little bit of redstone today where we’ve got to pack up all of this and uh maybe that too and put it inside of our new mail car for the train Redstone is kind of scary to be honest

With you um I may be a an expert at selling Redstone but doing it terrifies me but never fear we’ve got bamboo that is right I am starting to grow up a whole bunch of bamboo because the whole reason I’m going to build the mail car

Is that I want to make a bamboo roof and it’s going to be amazing it just reminds me of an actual zoo train I saw one time it had a bamb roof that that’s why I’m a simple man I see something that inspires me and I’ve got to then build it in

Minecraft and that’s always been the case I went to a tree farm once and afterwards I said got to build a tree farm in Minecraft so I see a bamboo roof on a zoo train and we’ve got to do it ourselves and the sillier this train gets the better I nearly forgot getting

Slime that I’ve got to show you an update to my off camera mining which has resulted in this much or we’ve got a little carried away so we’re going to do something really fun with this ore but best of all I’ve actually gotten the rarest of the or blocks the

Deep slate Black Stone emeralds now that is an exciting block to get I really should get to work enough goofing around hold everything we’re going to the nether impulse Tango and skis are streaming right now raiding a Bastion and they’re doing terrible and I may or

May not have done a little mockery in the chat so now they challenge me to get to them with an entire stack of diamonds in my inventory without dying and I’ll be rewarded with skiz calling me sir scar for the entire season how could I not take up this challenge this going to

Be amazing they can’t hear me I’m just listening to their streams but I need to know where they are Scar’s asking oh I’m asking we are 691 1945 all right here I come I just need to grab a few more diamonds to make a full stack did this I got to call him

Sir scar go I wish you could hear me yes you will be calling me sir scar oh that was a mistake there’s the coordinates this is going to be a long journey I don’t even know I don’t even know which way to go I don’t know which way to go

I’m already lost and I haven’t even left the nether Hub or what nether Hub we do have here on the server oh my gosh this is the absolute worst I’m on Soul Sand there’s lava below me I have no idea how to get to them without an elytra well I

Guess that’s the challenge oh man this is going to be super sketchy and now we are bridging across lava and there are piglin brutes behind me or Wiggly ear pigs whatever the ones are that chase you if you don’t have gold I am so lost right now good time scar says he’s lost

Yeah I’m lost kid if you could hear me I don’t think they know I don’t have wings scar doesn’t have wings no scar you can’t come with come out didn’t think I have wings sir wingless that’s what you will call him I’m not sir wingless I am sir

Strot God I almost went over the edge trying to come out here without wi he’s not even coming out here he’s all talk what what sorry kid I’m going to screenshot that I’m I’m sending to him on Twitter and a Discord how dare they say that I’m not risking my life on sh

Give me some emotional support this is the most insane journey I have ever had in the nether I’m going to ask them to come get me because they don’t know I don’t have wings it turns out come get me I’m sorry it’s caps it’s Gem’s fault

Long story come get me get you excuse me you will not be kned if we have to come rescue you yeah and do you know how electress work you think you’re going to just ride shotgun on our shoulders I don’t think so Tango thinks I’m not coming skis is insult me I’m doubling

Down I’m going to find them in the ne without wings we’re doing this together Tango is still not convinced that I am making my way through the nether oh this just adds fuel to the fire why aren’t you that good SK the troll was oh what’s this here oh

Scar really is trying to get here he’s gone to every biome before he got to using in circles in Parliament seriously I told you they didn’t believe I was going to take up the challenge what he gets here like the second we see him we have to

Say okay everybody streams over just log off oh I’m going to Hawkeye you SK this is never ending Terror I don’t want to go swimmy swimmy in the love love and I’m doing all of this risking all my tools all my armor and a stack of

Diamonds just so skis calls me sir scar is that weird it might be weird scar has made claims that he’s making efforts to okay I’m still listening to their stream Tang mocking me to his wife that’s a beautiful phrase right then he’s also told us he doesn’t have an elytra which

He’s making all these stupid excuses these are realistic exuses scar of booby pantar of dookie town the last time I heard anyone say dookie was ay- old I could have come up with who are these guys it seems fitting these guys have no trust I had

To tell them I’m doing this this is happening what he’s doing he’s you know he’s borrowing right borrowing which is you know what that’s getting done this just feels me this is we’re we’re just shoveling coal in my inspiration furnace to prove these guys wrong I can’t believe they think that I

Have wings I have no wings guys Star no winds no a shoot man wings wings whatever WIS now here’s the deal I but I have no WIS oh you I will say this though you stop plenty of Wis for you come over here Star by default back end

WIS you don’t want his back end is mocking me Tail wins what is happening know my Tail wins she sounds like she’s had a lot of experience we are getting close I’m watching their streams but they were about to leave and go to a different Bastion that could be

Thousands blocks away oh gosh that could have been us that could have been Us in the in the love love I am so sweaty how much diamonds does scar actually have at this point but the tip of my bow why is he so fine losing a stack of diamond

I’ll show you or Mountain skis it’s a work in progress It’s happening oh no I’m on fire oh no I can’t let this end here not after all this work it’s been 30 minutes oh quick eat oh God I got to tell him I’m going

To die if if I die I got to tell them well we’re going to go to another one no guys don’t leave hold on I’m on fire I’m fire god no I’m fire god no hot caps again fire everybody I’m hot and you’re not but if you want to hang with me I’ll

Give it one shot top that to die I can’t spell when I’m on fire sometimes when I’m not on fire I can’t spell either it never ends now there’s big large Piggies leave me alone piggy Wiggies I’ve got a meet Skizzy wizzy for my title I’m I’m

Here okay so we leave now no don’t leave I’m here I’m here guys I made it I did this honestly I made my way all the way through the nether it’s taking 45 minutes oh let him in let him in please let me in the voice chat password this is so

Dangerous there is a Crimson Forest that’s true I have something I have to show skiz it’s so important you know I don’t think anybody’s traveled this far in the nether without wings in years no definitely you’re insane look up look at me Tango Tango

Look see I told you I made it here he made it I want to be named sir scarel or whatever I am so proud in the world you know here’s me over at my train thinking oh we’re not getting wings this season turns out you all keep your wings

Hidden leave him into the lava so bad right now oh my gosh oh if a brute comes out and kills him somehow you’re entering the Bastion yeah you’re I’m here no no skis skis challenge me and then T you doubled down like a 100 times

And said I wasn’t there to I don’t need no totems I am the totem I didn’t get third place for nothing in t out okay okay where is he he’s almost in he’s almost in right click this right click this right click this there you go okay this is where you live

Now I am so impressed right now ow and also I just want to make sure this is passed around everybody hold it for a moment I just want to have everybody hold that let me see let me see woo what nice to meet you skiz I make this amazing deal with you

And you do that let me see it let me see it that’s impressive he made it here without wings and a stack of diamonds wait do you really have no wings you also brought this because it’s valuable you have not earned the title yet I will

Knight you I do too I’m very happy about this what’s this mean we’re finding another Bastion we’re gonna find another Bastion and and and Scar you hang out with us for the rest of the stream which isn’t like hours or anything and you get in there you do not hang out in the

Lobby you get in there you raid you fight you do that whole thing you do what we’re doing you do it with no armor and you are s scar for the rest of the season Buddy Baby Chango Chango really wants me to call you sir Scar the star Star Wars I love

It nobody die I have no Rockets Rockets Rockets let’s go oh my God here we go following dible do oh it’s the first I flown all season so are we just trying to get as much loot and then bail as fast as possible yeah yeah yeah you okay rules

Weren’t explain to me I’m doing my best to catch up as I go here Tango and impulse anytime you see scar I want you to ask him to show you the diamonds I want to know he’s got them on them I have him in my hand I see him in his

Hands he’s he’s offhanded him I’m so close oh no no more diamonds opened the thing I saw the treasures in there and I lost my silk touch pickaxe no oh my gosh what’s up I see the diamonds guys the diamonds are still there here in a

Second get over here come on popop popop be the broodiest we should have just done a lot of this no the diamonds are gone diamonds are gone diamonds are gone what’s up what’s up I’m going to kill my first brute you got it you got it SK you

Got it you can do it either way I mean stupid uh-oh oh no Tango car rolls in Tango I hear you buddy let’s let’s keep it going okay did anyone charge it now cuz I don’t want to die either dude in The Walking Dead here I know don’t look don’t look okay you’re

The only one need help impul just so you know that skiss here help take help we’re all in the Overworld nobody charged the spawn aner all right here we go Tango you’re a witness buddy scar NE oh no it’s happening you scar have been a member of the herocraft

World for some time but your loyalty your tenacity who you’ve become has proven that this land is the one who is lucky to have you I hereby night you sir scar Zar of Star Wars I thank you I feel slightly more powerful good I’m impressed you came all the way out I

Am too man get a compliment from Tango that’s almost as rare as one from eth you came all the way out without wings with 64 diamonds which I lost on your person we don’t know about that I might have been the one that dumped him in the

Happy fun sauce but it doesn’t matter anyway you did great scar I am super impressed and you are well deserved very much and I got this fancy thing if if if one of you figures out how to use this let me know I need a hoe sers scar I am

So glad we did that I could have fallen asleep but no I decided to stay on and had some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Minecraft and these are the types of things that I might have just done off camera and I’m experimenting putting it

In an actual video I hope it wasn’t too boring but these are the things that are making season 10 so fun for me and as you can see here I am starting to pack up some of our little Ruffians and put them in some animal crates until we

Figure out what to do with these snails but yeah I had an absolute abute blast with the guys in the Nether and I hope you did too all packed up and ready to go now we do need to of course send them somewhere but we got to clean the train

Because it is still very slimy use some of the Slime cleaned off the train to light the tracks under here and that hopefully will fix my uh real life nightmares I have every night on the train that would be really really nice nope nope they still are spawning oh

Gosh oh man and I got to fix this bed I need to get rid of the crib so I don’t have to undo that every time by the way have I showed you guys this somehow I’ve hacked Minecraft and I have uh x-ray vision where I can just look through

Walls look at this what kind of Witchcraft and Wizardry is this I can see people approaching who are trying to attack see it’s gone now and it’s back and I can see right through the wall enjoying some Royal Prince maple syrup absolutely delicious oh you got to love

It you can’t get enough you just keep eating it over and over until you’re burp anyway as you can see I got this from our adventure into The Nether I don’t know how to use this I used to know how to make netherite do you just

Put this here and then you put an Ingot of netherite and then your product like your sword or your shovel I I guess um yeah if you could let me know in the comments that would be great time to start building there is a yep there is a

Creeper behind me oh my gosh I just saw the little pixel of green behind my ear I almost thought I had an earring on for a minute but we need to get to work here and build out our structure for our mail card now with the train of course we

Have an underlining realistic undercarriage for the train and that can be found from the front of the train all the way down here to our brand new mail car but we gets exciting is on top is where we can really use our imagination and be a little silly right on the car

Next to us we got a fish and a barbecue and an aquarium and then we can do the same with the mail car up here but still have that underlining structure of a train here with the wheels and the Pistons and it basically gives us the best of both worlds silliness and

Realistic Houston we’ve got a problem the turquise snail is gone I have no idea where he went I’ve been working on the train car Gathering resources and I came over here straight up gone didn’t even use the door and they’re not even locked but nibbled away

I suppose at the bamboo pink snail on the other hand is still here H I’m looking around here and I have not seen it either so yeah I I don’t know I feel uncomfy right now that there’s a loose WRA scallion of a snail and the snail has

The personality of green and I think there’s something to that H yeah I don’t know Green was around here somewhere so I suspect any moment I will see a green snail up to no good a wild Cub can we send some spam mail to Etho do you have a Shuler box is

The real question no dude I can’t send anybody anything I have two shulker boxes and I need them like constantly I need a return system on this mail deliver system man we need these is an absolute uh problem that we don’t have enough Sher boxes Cub came over to send

Some mail to Etho but we both realized neither of us have shulker boxes to send any mail with so yeah we’re going to really need to go to the end soon and get some wings and some Shuler boxes but until then we need to start working on

The mail car and with that let’s hit super fast build Mode And it’s super fast build mode and the zoo train now has a mail car let’s pop up into the air and take a look from afar with our bamboo roof with Beehives interweaved into the design we have our crane to catch mailbags and a whole lot more little details like our box car

Door down at the bottom but I’m loving the way the roof came out with the colors we have a little envelope here to represent the mail car and of course as you can see how we kind of put the beehives and the flowers I need more

Flowers as you you can see there’s some empty pots here there’s the mailbag so old timey trains when they went down the rail track they would have these Hooks and they would catch mailbags as they went along so I tried to represent that in my own little way but yeah I’m quite

Proud of the train there’s a bit of an empty interior but we’ll talk about that in a moment but the walls are made out of composters with Spruce signs on them which I think looks really really cool and then on the back wall here we have all sorts of little designs and

Apparently a very leaky roof we need to do something about that I love the Box c car door here back at the front this is the interior of course and yeah I’m a little bit intimidated right now about the fact oh my God we have such a leaky honey

Roof moving the Redstone so I’m thinking we put the user interface here right we get that installed down below here we run pipes and those pipes will go underground where of course that infrastructure is under that that box oh by the way before I forget gem stopped

By and the pink snail disappeared so that confirms that those two are in cahoots and they are doing all sorts of snail business so the turquoise snail is Koreans the pink one is gems apparently so yeah but anyway while gim was here these are dangerous creatures so we got

To be careful about them in the future she showed me how to use the template which gave us a great idea why don’t I try to make a temp template to create nether tools and armor for everybody in magical Mountain that’s a great way of trying to get this whole group back

Together because we haven’t really done anything as an entire group since day one we could go up there we could ring the bell we could slap the fish and give out the templates and maybe work on some projects together which sounds amazing oh I love the colors of this oh look at

It so beautiful so this is important the other day Gan stopped by while I was streaming and mentioned to me that he was building in the shopping district a permit office a permit office where Hermits can come to him in the office and exchange permits make new permits

And anything permit related and these of course are all of our permits for things that we can sell in the shopping district but the thing is there’s a permit that was never created for something in the game and I don’t know how Cub or Gan did not think of this but

I want it I don’t care if I have to trade a whole bunch of my permits for it or be grian’s Butler for a day or something I don’t know what something for me to get what I want would be very important on my list of things and I’m

Quite curious by the way can you guess what it is can you guess in the comments try to guess the permit that I want it’s something that has not been created which surprises me oh it would be so excellent anyway we got a mail car we’re going to get the Redstone installed in

There on the live stream so make sure you’re following me on Twitch to be notified when I go live and there we go until next time this has been good times with scar and we’ll see you later don’t subscribe because you may just become scarred for life

Welcome to Hermitcraft season 10 – Episode 7! I add a massive new railroad car to the zoo train for the Hermitcraft mail system. I get visited by the Magic Mountain snails and they slime my train base. Also, I get challenged by Skizz, Tango and impulse to find them in the Nether for a massive prize.

I hope you liked my idea for Hermitcraft S10 and see you in episode 6!


New Hermitcraft members:

Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@UCYdXHOv7srjm-ZsNsTcwbBw

Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@UC4qdHN4zHhd4VvNy3zNgXPA


My Links and stuff:
* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar
* Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar
* Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar
*TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar
*Business Inquiries Send to: gtws@pbnj.gg
Hermitcraft SMP – season 10 info and seed coming soon.

For more information and links to all things Hermitcraft, follow the link to the Hermitcraft website: https://hermitcraft.com/

#hermitcraft #hermitcraft10 #hermitcraftseason10


  1. so crafting bench to copy the template FIRST however many times you need/want. Then smithing table with netherite ingot on either tools or armor. Same for trims if you ever add one.

  2. Loved your adventure into the nether, would love more content like that. The best content is always when Hermits are having fun! 😀 Also, yay for superfast build mode! <3 everytime that song plays it makes me smile 😀

  3. The diamonds are still there!!! Unreal, tango thought he melted them in the fun sauce. I’m sure I saw them as YOU DIED (sorry caps, blame gem) EDIT: just rewatched… may or may not have been pork flavoured power snacks

  4. Personally, I love watching content like the going through the nether with 64 diamonds and no wings! That was absolutly amazing, and I'm so glad you are having fun!

  5. 0:59 "Do they have a name btw? Or are they called turquoise and pink snail?"

    Idk their names but now I just want them to be named after the Pac-man ghosts.

    Blinky(Shadow) = Mangrove
    Pinky(Speedy) = Cherry
    Inky(Bashful) = Warped
    Clyde(Pokey) = Acacia

    We just need two more snails for the Mangrove and Acacia lol

  6. The beauty of hermitcraft is in the amazing builds and storylines each individual person develops.
    As well as the shenanigans that happen with others, the interactions and fun.

    The question isn't if youshould include some of them, the question is how much you should include. Where the correct balance lives of seeing you're own work, and seeing you and others interact.

    I think this felt pretty good so far.

  7. I legitimately believe the permit is smithing templates, profit and a item that most hermits NEED to go to bastions for in order to get netherite, let alone the correct type of bastion since there is only 1 of 3 variants that give it in it's loot table. Or skulk :

  8. It was fun watching Tango's stream and realizing that you were indeed coming to them, through the nether. So it was fun to watch your viewpoint of it!

  9. After watching this I think it would be really awesome (and HILARIOUS) if Scar teamed with maybe Grian and Joel in the next Life series to make a trapped Nether base.

    How cool would it be if the final battle took place in hell itself with Ghasts and Piglins running about? It would be absolutely chaos.

    I also imagine Scar running a shop from hell itself would be hugely entertaining.

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