NOOB vs PRO: COCA COLA House Build Challenge in Minecraft

Our friends Mikey and JJ are in huge trouble now me and my brother Milo have to build Coca-Cola houses to keep them safe but what happens when this huge tornado comes for us CH what can we build in 20 minutes that will protect Mon and JJ from the tornado we have to

Save everyone Milo that’s why we need to build Coca-Cola houses I’m going to build a big glass one over here I’m going to use tinted glass because it is a lot stronger than regular glass my Coca-Cola house will also be a giant big Coca-Cola bottle well chip I don’t want

To build the Coca-Cola bottle because I like Coca-Cola out of a can so I’m going to build that over here okay just make sure you build it well Milo if you do not build this correctly the house will not survive the tornado and Mikey’s family will be in danger yeah I’m a pro

Obviously I’m going to build the best Coca-Cola house the world has ever seen yeah I hope so look at J J ‘s baby is already inside my Coca-Cola house he really likes it I just need to make sure I get the shape right if I do not build

This Coca-Cola house right it won’t look proper at all and I’m sure JJ his wife and his kid will all hate it hey miky’s wife Stop Standing where I need to build I’m just trying to protect you guys obviously um Milo why is your Coca-Cola can a rectangle aren’t they meant to be

A cylinder shape just trust the process chip you don’t even like Coca-Cola in a canc so why are you worrying about my bill it’s because I Want You To Survive Milo I drink Coca-Cola in any container but I also really really want you to survive I don’t want to drink it alone

Well I’ll definitely survive I’m super excited to see how awesome this is going to be honestly I think mine’s going to look better than yours no way Milo mine’s going to look so good it’s going to be really pretty and you’ll be able to see outside of it it’s going to have

The best view of the landscape where which might be destroyed by the tornado but I’m sure if we survive the tornado we’ll be able to rebuild yeah we can rebuild but these houses are going to be pretty strong cuz Coca-Cola is amazing yeah true I’m sure if the tornado had

Feelings it would not want to destroy our Coca-Cola houses it would be way too sad and it would miss drinking it yeah Coca-Cola is scrumptious I’m really glad that I have chosen to build this base out of glass instead of metal glass is way cooler because it lets you see all

Around you but I don’t want to see everywhere if there’s a scary tornado coming really Milo keeping a lookout for a tornado is a really good strategy to survive it if you can’t see the tornado coming how are you going to know when to go inside well because I’ve got my epic

Birdie senses and they tell me when to run away from the tornadoes uh Milo I don’t think epic birdie senses are going to be enough to survive this one this tornado is going to be pretty powerful it’s not like the other tornadoes that have hit this area before this one will

Tear up the entire Village and destroy everything in its path hopefully that does not include our Coca-Cola houses no way these are going to be really secure exactly mine especially I’ve almost finished the first level of my Coca-Cola house I’m about to make the big red ring

Around it where it shows you the Coca-Cola logo what chip your building so quickly slow down no Milo I’m not going to slow down we only have 20 minutes before the tornado comes remember if I slow down I will not finish building this house in time and

We will be in a lot of trouble especially me and JJ’s family because we will be the ones without a home during a tornado that is the worst place to be it means you do not survive I also need to make sure I build the proper things inside this house if there’s no

Equipment or survival materials or even a storage area we won’t be able to lost it out tornadoes can last a pretty long time especially ones as powerful as this we have to be prepared for anything which is why I’ve already finished the glass area it’s looking pretty cool so

Far but now I think it’s time for me to work on the red concrete band around the middle of the Coca-Cola I need to place a bunch of red concrete just like this in a ring it also needs to have some white in it because those are Coca-Cola’s official colors I wonder if

Mikey and JJ are feeling nervous I probably would feel nervous if I was them this is a pretty difficult situation to be in Milo nobody wants to be stuck in a tornado yeah but my knows that I’m such a pro I’ve never had my house destroyed before uh Milo your

House gets destroyed all the time it’s actually kind of crazy and I usually have to come save you hey chip don’t say that in front of JJ and Mikey now they’re not going to want to come into my Coca-Cola house I don’t know Milo if your Coca-Cola house cannot survive the

Tornado in the first place maybe it’s a good thing that they do not go inside your Coca-Cola house yeah but what else are they going to go they could come inside mine my Coca-Cola house is going to be pretty big and it’ll have some spare room for any people that need some

Help no way we are not going inside your Coca-Cola bottle I do not like that place at all what hey how can you not like it I haven’t even finished building it yet Milo yeah well maybe you should finish building it but still I don’t like Coca-Cola R gloss cuz it tastes bad

So we’re not going there what it tastes way better than Coca-Cola in a can nobody wants to be drinking metal flavor well I do it’s my favorite pretty much e Milo that is so weird I know that me and JJ’s family love drinking Coca-Cola in bottles and we also love the pretty

Colors on the side that’s why I need to make sure I don’t mess up the shape of the white and red symbols on the side of the bottle yeah you better not mess it up otherwise JJ’s going to be sad yeah him and his whole family will be I think

His wife especially she really loves glass bottles it’s her favorite thing to collect maybe after the tornado is over she’ll be able to collect this one and they can all live in it happily ever after it is their favorite color after all red and white we save Mikey and JJ

Today they’ll invite us over for a Coca-Cola dinner yeah and we can have Coca-Cola cake and Coca-Cola chicken Coca-Cola cake sounds kind of random it is but it’s pretty good don’t knock it till you try it Milo all right I really want to have it now yeah me too I also

Really want to have a secure area to look out and make sure the tornado hasn’t hit yet that’s why the top of my Coca-Cola house is going to be a big glass Observatory it’s going to have glass windows all the way around the edge this way we’ll be able to see in

Every direction it will put us pretty high up though that’s why I’ll have to build some kind of weather station or weather device up here to Monitor and make sure we can stop the tornado if it gets too close yeah Earth we going to stop our tornado I’m not sure it’s never

Been done before Milo but I think if we try hard enough we could be the first people to ever do it that sounds like a really big mission but you know me I’m always up for a big mission yeah me too big missions and my total strength I’m

Really really good at them and I’m really really good at protecting Mikey and JJ’s family I’ve helped stop so many bad things from happening to them it’s kind of crazy we always have to keep saving them I wonder why they keep putting themselves in so much danger and

Sometimes they don’t even invite us out for dinner after yeah it is really rude but this time they totally will after we let them inside our Coca-Cola houses they’ll be so happy that they’ll invite us out for dinner every day we just have to make sure we live another day to tell

The tale if we do not make it past this crazy tornado I have a feeling we won’t be having any Coca-Cola dinners ever Milo especially not if it breaks our Coca-Cola cans and destroys all the Coca-Cola in the world luckily my Coca-Cola house is going to be pretty

Sturdy so the tornado is going to have to try pretty hard if it wants to destroy destroy it it’s not going to even make it past my tinted glass it is way stronger than normal glass and only a pro like me would know how to use it

That’s why I’m pretty confident in this house it is definitely going to survive and so will Mony and JJ’s family oh I’m very confident in my house as well it’s looking so awesome yeah and wait a minute Milo why does this say Cola Cola

It says Cola Milo Cola has an A in it this says Coy and why is there an exclamation mark it’s like the canat is yelling at me it’s excited okay and don’t be mean I know I spelled it right and you’re just trying to trick me so I

Le what I’m not trying to trick you Milo I’m only trying to help you I would not try to trick you in a serious situation like this one only you would do something like that I would not do something like that and I do not like your criticism I’m not trying to judge

You Milo I just want to make sure we all survive this thing isn’t that what you want as well yeah I pretty much do want want it but I really also want to have the better house hey Milo this is not a competition of who has the better house

This is just about surviving what’s the point in having the better house if we don’t make it through this tornado yeah but if it was a competition I would be winning no way if it was a competition I would be winning because I’m building a big big Coca-Cola house with many many

Stories your one is only on the side yeah it’s on the side because it’s a can and cans sometimes fall over yeah yeah Milo if your house is falling over before the tornado even hits that’s a pretty bad sign that means it’s probably going to fall over again and roll down

That big cliff into the ocean when the tornado does hit oh chip that’s actually kind of a good point I’m going to put some chains on it outside so that it stays put GH that’s weird it’s like you’re putting the Coca-Cola house in jail Milo I really really hope you think

About this a little better I don’t want to make you upset but I think your house might not survive survive I think you’re going to have to build a lot better than that if you want to survive this tornado which is going to be more powerful than any tornado we’ve ever seen that’s

Because you don’t like Coca-Cola in a canid doesn’t mean you have to not like my house to Milo that’s not why I don’t like your house I think it’s pretty okay but it’s just not strong enough to survive a tornado well look now I’ve got chains everywhere so it totally will be

Milo these chains are ridiculous they’re hanging off the side and these are kind of small as well are you sure they going to be enough to hold down this giant Coca-Cola can 100% oh goodness Milo I know you don’t know math very well so you probably

Don’t know what 100% means yeah I do it means Epic no Milo it means it’s guaranteed maybe if I just spild my Coca-Cola house well enough you’ll see what a proper Cola house looks like and you’ll know exactly how to fix yours well let’s see what you got then oh

You’re going to love what I’ve got because I’m almost finished building the glass section I just have to make this big area up the top this is where we’re going to have the attic area it’s also going to be our main telescope Observatory it’s really high up in the

Air so it can see really far it’s also really close to the clouds which is pretty good the clouds are where tornadoes form maybe if we can see how the tornado starts we can stop it before it causes too much destruction that means that me and JJ’s family would

Totally save the day we’d be real heroes and I’m pretty sure we’d get free Coca-Cola for life great Coca-Cola for life I really want that yeah maybe if you build a vet a Coca-Cola house you could get it one day Milo but for now I think that’ll go to me I’ve already

Built the top area of the Coca-Cola bottle now I just need to build the big lid on glass bottles the lid is made out of metal and it can only be opened with a really powerful bottle opener I don’t think the tornado has that power so I

Should be pretty safe inside my house this is just all part of my strategy to making sure we surv survive this thing I’ll totally let you inside my house if you want Milo I’ll think about it okay that’s good it means we’re making a start I’ll just make this lid go down a

Little bit further and oh yeah this is already looking so cool I just need to make sure it’s nice and thick like a real Coca-Cola lid the shape of my bottle is now almost complete it is missing something though there are giant words on the side of a Coca-Cola bottle

That are normally there that I have totally missed inside this one we need to actually write the logo on it let’s make a Big C over here it’s written in pretty swoopy writing which is really difficult to make out of blocks but I can try my best if I just make it look

Like the swoopy riding it’ll hopefully look just like a Coca-Cola can and we’ll be able to show everyone exactly what the house we’re living in is meant to be okay this is looking pretty okay but in every Coca-Cola can there is a big swell just like this it goes along the side

And goes right up into the top we just need to make sure we do this properly on all sides it also swells up around on the back just like this and it goes right over the edge and back down on the other side too once I finish this JJ’s

Family will be able to come inside my Coca-Cola bottle and I can get started on building the inside this looks pretty good but I think I need to get rid of some of these white bits I need to try better than that if I want to build a

Proper accurate Cola can okay this is looking a lot better now I need to build an entrance right now there’s no way inside but if I break this glass here perfect it is now a full entrance into the Coco Cola house I’m going to use Blackstone as the floor it’s going to

Blend in really well with the tinted glass I also need to place it underneath the tinted glass to make sure that there are no dirt parts of my Coca-Cola house that would be terrible if the Coca-Cola house was standing on pure dirt then the tornado would be able to blow it away if

You want a house to survive a tornado you need to Anchor It To The Ground using foundations if you do not build foundations it will fly away which will be a big disaster and totally wreck the h house what are you building inside your Coca-Cola house Milo just a really

Nice dining room really I didn’t realize you were building a dining room that’s a pretty good idea I should probably make one in my Coca-Cola house too yeah you probably should otherwise where’s everyone going to eat that Coca-Cola dinner yeah if JJ’s family has to eat their Coca-Cola dinner outside or at a

Restaurant they could be in real trouble when the tornado hits what if it hits while they’re running home and they don’t make it in time that would be a big disaster I have a bad feeling that this tornado will be worse than we can imagine Milo it’s already been on the

News that it’s a very powerful tornado but if it’s more powerful than we think a Coca-Cola house might not be enough Y what else can we do Coca-Cola houses are pretty much so strong they’re very strong Milo but we just need to make sure the inside is as strong and

Fortified as possible if we don’t make it good enough the Coca-Cola house won’t even survive a regular tornado and that’s not even talking about a giant one we need to make sure we we don’t miss a single spot or forget about a single thing to add if we do that could

Be the last time we ever see JJ and Mikey or their fames again oh my gosh all right I’m going to build something really really strong yeah me too that’s why I’m making a giant quartz staircase out of smooth quartz slabs it’s white just like part of the colors on a

Coca-Cola bottle and it goes all the way up to the top the staircase needs to be big because if the building sways we still need to be able to run up it in an emergency buildings can sway from left to right during a tornado and if we

Don’t make sure we have that under control we could be in big big trouble luckily I have a concrete pot in the middle of my house this can be an emergency Retreat section where we can go in case we need a strong area to withstand the tornado chip me and Mikey

Won’t need to join you because my house is going to be stronger anyway no way my house is already so tough and this spiral staircase looks so cool I accidentally left a gap in it whoopsie daisies that could have been pretty pretty bad but now that I’ve patched up

That Gap the staircase is perfect and it already looks so much cooler than I could have imagined they’re going to love running up and down this every day in our tornado proof survival Paradise it’s going to be so cool up here we can have lots of fun things for everybody to

Do I need to make sure the staircase ends at this level though it does take up a lot of space and we can’t have the whole house just be a big staircase it’s important that we don’t have a ladder on the main floors because if you fall off

A ladder at the top of a house house down to the bottom it could be a big disaster and you could be in huge trouble luckily I don’t think we’ll be doing that this staircase also looks amazing from the outside it looks just like the spiral on the outside of a

Coca-Cola can now at the very bottom level I need to make an awesome kitchen let me grab a mangrove cabinet the brown back of the mangrove cabinet looks just like Coca-Cola and the wooden red bits look exactly like Coca-Cola’s color I also need to grab some kitchen drawers

And a kitchen counter as well it’s important that we don’t forget these these will also help us cook anything we need to it can wrap around in a pretty cool shape like this on the left we can grab some furnaces as well as some stairs we’ll need to grab deep slate

Stairs and some deep slate regular blocks just to make a vent for all the smoke in the cooking area to go up we don’t want smoke to circle around our house there is a tornado so the smoke will probably blow everywhere if we do over here we need to have a fridge this

Is where we can keep all of our Coca-Cola drinks nice and cool everyone’s going to really enjoy it here perfect this kitchen area looks nice maybe if we have a dark fridge it’ll match better with the floor and yeah it totally does we definitely do need to

Add a kitchen sink though we’ll use the mangrove kitchen sink because it matches with the colors so well wow this already looks so much better than I thought it would let’s also grab a flour pot and instead of putting orange flowers which are usually my favorite we can have a

Red flour and a white flow because those are the colors of Coca-Cola wo this already looks awesome let’s also grab some red and white carpets this will decorate the area outside of the kitchen and make sure everybody in the kitchen has really clean shoes we don’t want

Them to be all messy and Mucky that’s not clean and it’s not very safe over here we’re going to have a big glass table wow it is so reflective and shiny it looks just like a glass in the side of a Coca-Cola can we also need to have

Some chairs around the outside of a table and I think these Mangrove ones work perfectly they fit with the color of the rest of the house Lo let also extend this table out a little bit we don’t want it to be too short that would be terrible because not everyone would

Be able to fit inside this area is looking so much nicer already but there is still more we can add we need to add a sofa area for everybody to chill and relax together let’s use the official Coca-Cola colors we can even bend it around the corners so we have plenty of

Space there is a single piece of white in the middle although wait a second that looks really messy uh-oh I didn’t think this properly through maybe instead the entire couch can be red and on the inside we’ll have a nice coffee table this one needs to be a little bit

Lower because coffee tables cannot be the same height as a dining table that just looks weird we can also push this couch out just a little bit I don’t want anybody to be hitting their head on the stairs that would be really really sad we can also add a nice bookshelf over

Here where we can add even more flower pots let’s use the classic red tulip and the classic White Tulip that we put on top of the kitchen counter by using these flowers everywhere we really make the colors pop this is so cool I did not think this base would look this awesome

Above the dining table looks kind of plain at the moment though I think we definitely need to add a big giant painting but what one could we get let’s have a look each painting can be totally random so what we get is a matter of

Chance hm I want to get one that fits with the color of the house and doesn’t look totally crazy wo this painting is a total Masterpiece it’s painted by this girl and she even painted a pig that is so cool I really like it I think it fits

In great with our Coca-Cola house so far I think now we need to extend the quartz over here to go all around this level this will be level two of our Coca-Cola house we can make sure it goes all the way to the edge that way the floor is as

Big and spacious as possible we don’t want to miss any spots it’s going to be pretty cramped living inside a giant Coca-Cola bottle so if we have as much space as possible on each floor we really make sure this place will basically be like a home we never want

To leave I also definitely need to add some glass railings over here we can use red glass just like the red of Coca-Cola perfect this looks so cool it’s going to make sure nobody even tries to walk off the side I’m really excited to see what

JJ’s family thinks of this house but I don’t want to show them this part yet I only want to show them when it’s fully done we can also add the god rails up on this top level here it’s not as big of a fold but nobody should be falling down

The stairs for now I need to get decorating this floor this can be a giant bedroom let’s get red and white beds for everybody to enjoy we’ll also also get bedside cabinets in the same Mangrove wood that we made the kitchen out of we can put them right over here

This way the beds can go in the corners and they can share a big cabinet in the middle this can be my bed and this can be JJ’s bed we’ll also make a bed for JJ’s wife and for JJ’s kid jjj’s kid will get a much tinier bed but it will

Also have a little crib around the outside just like this it’ll make sure the baby stays nice and safe during the night time and we can also add a little NightLight this NightLight will be red to match the color of the house I think we can build it on a little cabinet

Right over here we’ll put it next to the crib and we’ll just do this that is so nice I’m sure the baby will love his nightlight let’s also make sure we give JJ’s wife a bedside cabinet too I do not want her to have nothing although

Actually maybe JJ and his wife can go in these beds that way I give them this space and I can take this one over here I can even make a little bookshelf over this side maybe I need something orange just to let people know that this bed is

Going to be mine oh I know we can totally grab those flower pots and add my signature to orange tulips orange is my favorite color so it’s going to be really nice to have it over here to live in we also need to grab some ceiling fans and some little decorations for

This room we can have a big flat screen TV as well as some other decorations like a spruce lamp for the bedside I wonder if they even have a mangrove lamp and they totally do this fits perfectly it looks just like the Coca-Cola colors I like this so much that I’m going to

Put it down right away we also need to expand this roof just a little bit I Don’t Want to Miss a spot so it’s important that we make the quartz go out like this we’ll need to build something special inside this pot we don’t want to

Leave it empty that would be a big mistake I fear okay this is looking pretty awesome it’s a nice and thick and stable floor H I’m not sure where to put the ceiling fan maybe if I add some chairs for the baby to play on and if I

Even add a little flat screen TV on the bottom floor I’ll have a better idea of where to put things wait a second where can the TV go oh I know the TV can totally go here on the entrance this way if we’re leaving and there’s an emergency alert about the tornado we’ll

Be able to see it how does this house look from the outside I think it looks pretty cool so far I really like this and I even like the blue signs what why are there blue signs on here hey why does this say botel bad what is a Batel

Oh does this say bottle hang on a second and this also says the same thing they all say bottle bad oh I think I know who put these blue signs everywhere it’s the same person that was talking smack about my bottle house earlier Milo did you place these signs everywhere I don’t

Know what you’re talking about yeah I think you do there are signs all over my Coca Cola house that say botel bad hey I’m trying to say bottle bad okay cuz I don’t like your bottle ha so you admit it was you I got you red-handed Milo red

Like the color of this amazing Coca-Cola bottle which will always be better than a can oh no I can’t believe you tricked me I was just trying to explain to you that I don’t like your B yeah I know you don’t but Milo this build is to help me and JJ’s family

Survive why don’t you like that well because I think it looks a little bit better than mine and I’m pretty jealous wait so you don’t like my build only because it’s better than yours that’s not very nice at all Milo you should be happy for me I’m not happy for you

Because I want to win we can both win this Milo if we both survive the tornado we’ll be able to live happily forever oh my house is already looking so good inside you’re probably just of mine really what does your house look like inside well I’ve got a really nice

Dining room a cool kitchen a nice TV area and a bedroom of course wow this is pretty cool Milo although I think it could definitely be better there’s not a lot in here and Milo I can’t stay for long I need to head back to my house and finish building the Emergency Equipment

Well I don’t like your opinion so please leave oh sorry Milo I didn’t mean to upset you I just want all of us to survive together together okay I need to quickly make a fireman pole this way we can jump down all the way to the bottom

In an emergency it’s the quickest way to get right to the bottom I think I’ll need to dig a large space in the middle for it I’ll need to make sure we add some safety railings to the edge though otherwise this could be pretty dangerous

Maybe if I add quartz slabs all the way around the edge of the hole like this it won’t be as totally crazy if we go down to the bottom here and place an iron pole we should be able to climb up and down it let’s make sure it goes all the

Way to the top first it is very important that this can reach every single floor even if we can’t this way no matter what we’ll always be able to get down perfect this Pole looks good the only thing now is to test it out I really hope it works and wow it totally

Does we can spin down the fireman pole this is a great escape in an emergency I think I better check the TV though just to make sure nothing bad is going on with the tornado it’s coming really soon so we better get all the information we

Can oh no Milo the news is saying that the tornado has hit a nearby Village it’s causing massive destruction and many houses have been lost oh no don’t worry Milo we just have to make sure we finish building our Coca-Cola houses really really strong we have to make

Sure we can survive for a while because it’s tearing up the villagers Farms I have to start building a farming section and quick wow that broadcast was crazy that just tells me I need to build a really good Farm I need to find the perfect vegetables to grow okay sweet

Berries could be pretty good as well as some beetroot and I think potatoes it’s a bit weird of a combination but it’s going to become really important I also need to grab some pods all because we’re not going to grow this on regular grass as well as some Farmland not to mention

Some water too I will also need bone meal as well as some jungle logs those will come in handy later for now these are the blocks that I need to use to build this Farm oh no the wind is already really starting to blow Milo

This is a lot more dire than I thought this would be yeah I’m actually freaking out a lot right now and I think I’m going to have to reinforce my build don’t worry Milo it is not time to freak out instead it is time to focus and put

All our efforts into making our Coca-Cola houses as good as we can make them don’t you worry chip I have a really good idea okay I trust you Milo I really hope your idea ends up well the reason I’m using podzol instead of regular grassia is because it is

Coca-Cola colored and it’s going to be really helpful when growing the ingredients to make Coca-Cola in my Farm we’re not just going to grow regular things instead we are going to grow the ingredients you need to make Coca-Cola that’s why I have all these red colored things and these berries ready the

Jungle logs will come in handy because I’m going to use them to make a giant cocoa bean section that’s actually what coca colola was first made out of cocoa beans back in the really really olden days before we even had cars it’s so crazy to think about it I also

Accidentally just broke this black stone whoopsy daisies that could have gone really bad let’s also continue play in this podzol all the way around I Don’t Want to Miss a single spot this needs to be perfect and it needs to be a circle around my build I don’t want to messy

Farm nobody wants to survive in a house surrounded by mess no now is not the time to complain now is the time to put the work in and make sure we get this house as secure as possible before the tornado comes in just 10 more minutes I

Really thought we’d have a lot longer than this that tornado is quicker than anyone thought it would be that means we have less time to prepare and we need to go way quicker are you prepared to go even faster Milo yeah I am check out my

Build okay wait a second Milo what are you doing this does not look the same way it did before yeah because I filed in the edges of the can to make it really strong Milo this is a square Coca-Cola cans are around yeah but I’m just trying to protect from the tornado

Chip okay that’s not what a real Coca-Cola can looks like though Milo it feels like something’s going to go wrong that is not what it’s meant to look like oh no now what am I going to do I don’t know Milo there’s got to be something though the wind is blowing even stronger

As the tornado gets closer and if you have to live in a giant rectangle it’s going to fall over because you haven’t even changed the bottom it looks like your Coca-Cola can is actually melting oh no I’m really freaking out I thought I did a good job I kind of thought you

Did too but I am not so sure anymore Milo you have to make sure you fix this before Mikey’s family gets totally destroyed Oh no I got to fix it right now yeah you definitely do while you do that I’ll get to work on making sure my

Farm around my Coca-Cola house is as good as possible I’m placing red glass all the way around the edges it looks just like the big cardboard box the Coca-Cola bottles normally come in it’s going to be really cool and it’s a circle just like the shape of my

Coca-Cola bottle I’m happy with it so far but I need to change the shape of this path a little bit let’s place the Farmland down so I can grab it in a second and perfect this now looks exactly like I wanted the surrounding area of my Coca-Cola house to look now

We can really get started making all of the Farms we need to do let’s have the red section over here this is where we will add Farmland to grow our sweet berries and our beetroots it’s important that we grow them quickly that’s what the bone meal is for if I can’t grow

These quick enough Milo I will not have the ingredients that we need to eat to survive a chip can I please have some of your food I’m kind of running low over here okay I guess you can but Milo it’s pretty far away from your house if you

Need to run and grab food from mine in an emergency in the middle of the tornado you might not be able to which could be a real disaster but why can’t you deliver it to me I can’t deliver it to you during the tornado Milo that

Would be crazy oh I think that’s what you should do if you really care okay I guess I have to deliver it to you but just so you know Milo this puts me and JJ’s family in a lot of danger I get yes you can have these beetroot seeds maybe

You’ll be able to use them to grow beetro of your own you’re welcome Milo hopefully that’s enough to keep you surviving luckily I have a bunch more beetroot seeds so I can continue growing as many as I need I’m not sure if I will actually need potatoes I don’t know why

I thought I would potatoes are not used to make Coca-Cola at all so we should actually be okay without them I do need lots of water though water is very important in making Coca-Cola and it’s also really important in growing crops and drinking water to survive water is

So important and we would not survive this tornado if we didn’t have lots of fresh cool water to drink that’s why I need to put a bunch of it in the farming area we can have really pure water for us to drink at any point by putting podzol down before turning it into

Farmland we help make sure that all the goodness of the podzol is also in the soil I should probably make this Farmland a little bit quicker and I’ve almost forgotten one key ingredient we need to add a big sugar cane section so we can have the sweetest Coca-Cola ever

If we do not have lots of sugar canes then it’ll be all bitter and sour and gross if it’s not sweet it will not taste like the real Coca-Cola so we better fix that immediately I think the sugar cane can go right over here we’ll

Put it on the sides of the entrance oh no it cannot be placed on the Farmland I’ll have to remove it and add back some podzol over here just like this now the sugar cane can be placed perfect we’ll also have to do the same on the other

Side and put the sugar cane back over here now in order to make sure we can keep keep this growing as quick as possible we have to continue planting all these plants all around the edge if we don’t get this done in time we really will starve through this tornado I care

About JJ and his family way too much to let that happen we cannot let anybody starve especially not ourselves we should always make sure we have enough equipment to survive a tornado perfect these beetroot plants and these Sweet Berry plants will definitely be enough as well as the sugarcane will basically

Never go hungry now that we’ve planted all these plants though we definitely need to add some bone meal this way the redness of the beetroot is ready to be harvested and the redness of the sweet berries can soon be grown as well look the sweet berries are growing way

Quicker than the beach roots were they’re already harvesting themselves this is perfect if we have enough of these we’ll never need to grow another type of food again Hey look it’s even raining that’ll be really good at watering these crops except oh no hang on a second Milo raining is the first

Sign that a tornado is coming we have to be moving a lot quicker if we want to survive in time oh my gosh y oh no I think it’s really about to happen yeah it totally is so why are you placing sofas on your roof well obviously I’m

Going to have an upstairs outside Lund room um Milo call me crazy for asking but what happens to an upstairs outside Lounge room when a tornado hits the upstairs outside from the sky oh my gosh what I didn’t even think about that maybe this is a bad idea I’ll just build

A shelter of over the top yeah it is a real bad idea and it’s even getting soaked from the rain Milo I don’t think a shelter is going to be enough to stop a tornado oh no chip This Tornado is a really nasty situation yeah it’s really

Bad and the clouds in the sky are also getting way darker I’m afraid we’ll have to move a lot quicker if we want to be done in time I just have to burn meal all these crops except you know what I don’t even think I’ll have time to

Finish off these last ones I better start making the next part of my safe build which will be an automatic Farm an automatic farm chip I don’t even know how to build that Milo you need to know how to build an automatic farm if you want to survive this tornado oh no I

Should have listened when you were trying to teach me yeah I’ve been trying to teach you for years now and you never listen you always get distracted talking about bird seeds and taking over the world that was a weird phase but luckily now if you’re ready to listen I can try

Explaining it to you Milo well I guess I could come over and take a look but I’ll probably get bored or something Milo if you get bored that’s on you I just need to make sure that I explain it properly so that I don’t tell any wrong information hey this house is looking

Pretty all right if you ask me thanks Milo I worked really hard on it if you just come up to this level we’ll be able to start working on this mob farm we need a bunch of different mobs but the most important one is sheep we have to

Spawn them all inside this area right over here W that’s a lot of sheep chip what are they doing here these sheep will give me wool blocks wool blocks is what we will use to patch any holes on the outside of my Coca-Cola house hey be careful you don’t fall down the fireman

Pole that could be disastrous well it’s really crazy I don’t know why you have a big hole going straight down it’s so we can make a quick emergency escape if we need to it’s very safe and very important I think we can also go up it

If we need to hey it’s actually pretty fun thanks Milo but what’s also fun is dying the Sheep we need to get red dye and white dye to to make them all the right colors it needs to fit the Coca-Cola house I guess we can even have

Some sheet with black dye for Coke Zero because that’s also a part of the Coca-Cola house I just have to make sure we uh-oh I think I might have made a mistake oh goodness I placed water and it’s running down this is bad it means my house is not weatherproof right now

Quick I need to place a bucket to make sure the water does not continue flowing okay we managed to block off the water now I need to slide down my fireman pole and PCH up the water from this bottom level yeah boy your carpet went everywhere I know Milo don’t pick it up

For me though I need to get the equipment so I can rebuild it myself all right there you go okay now that the water is stopping from coming all the way down here I can put the carpet back exactly the way I had it I’m pretty sure

I did this design kind of like this I also had some white shapes going like here and perfect okay this is basically what I had before Oh no I just hope I don’t mess this up too badly this is looking basically like what I had so I’m

Pretty happy with replacing it like that that I also have to make sure we don’t let water spill like that again it’s pretty dangerous to have water so I’m just going to leave it on this ledge now that all the sheeper died though we can

Get working on the next part of my farm which is the colorcoded shulker Box section these are what we will use to store all the materials and all the shears for this Farm we’ll be able to have so many we can keep them right over

Here on this wall we can have black red and then white followed by one more layer of red this is designed to look exactly like a Coca-Cola bottle hey chip thanks for the idea you’re welcome Milo you can totally use this idea if you want all I care

About is making sure we all survive oh I’m totally going to copy you now hey don’t copy me exactly although I guess if you do and it helps you survive and Mikey’s family survive I’m totally okay with it Milo I’m just going to add Shia inside of all of these shulka boxes like

This we don’t want to run out of any space to keep our Shia to sheare these sheep I think we also need to leave leave a bunch of them empty that way all the wool that we collect will have somewhere to be stored and won’t just go

All over the ground which would be so messy on the outside though we need to start building a cocoa bean farm this is where we will grow the cocoa to put in the Coca-Cola I just need to find a good place to put it I think over here in the

Entrance would be pretty cool maybe it can be a big Archway over the top yeah this is kind of nice I like this a lot more than I thought I would now I also just need to grab the cocoa beans and start putting it down I I think we’ll

Put down four on each side let’s also make sure we bone meal them properly so that it doesn’t just look like they’re raw we only need to use the fully grown ones in the Coca-Cola mix we can grow them on the top section as well otherwise that’s just a total waste of

Space look Milo the wind is blowing the rain sideways it’s raining and windy right now the leaves are also blowing all over the ground from the trees and from my beetroot crops and berries This Is Not Great Milo this means the tornado is getting closer than ever no we don’t

Have a lot of time and I still have so much to do yeah me too I really need to get going on the final parts of my build but I have an even better idea at the very top of my house I need to build an anti- weather station this will delay

The tornado for a couple more minutes by harnessing the weather power and sending it elsewhere we give ourselves a fighting chance if we don’t do this Milo the tornado will come a lot quicker it’s going to be pretty difficult to make Milo do you you know how to build a

Command that will totally send the weather away yeah because I’m pretty much an expert really wow I had no idea you knew how to do it Milo would you be able to come over here and help me especially since it would send the tornado away and buy time for both of us

Yeah let me write the command it’s going to be really good perfect thanks Milo I just need to finish making the satellite dish so that we can broadcast this everywhere I’ll need to place iron trap doors in a ring just like this this way

We get the full shape and we can send it all the way to the stratosphere I also need to place a command block right here and it needs to be facing with the arrows upwards lastly I need to place a lightning rod so that it can properly

Transmit all right chip I’ll take it from here good luck Milo all right I think that’s the best command I’ve ever wi okay let me check it out tornado bad go away Milo hates tornado girl Milo this is not a command the tornado won’t listen to this what what do you mean I’m

Really good at riding ma okay let me fix it up and done okay that should totally work look I think it is the weather is now fading and the sky is clearing up quite a bit I’m glad I was able to help Milo but thanks for trying yeah well I’m

Pretty grumpy that my thing didn’t work but thanks for buying us some extra time you’re welcome Milo but remember it has only bought us 5 more minutes the tornado is still coming and it’s still coming fast we have to get moving as quick as we can if we want to survive

This thing no now that the tornado is getting so close and we’ve had to disable the weather for a minute I really think this house might not be secure enough I have to do one final Escape Plan just in case this will be an underground Coca-Cola bunker I really am

Worried that this might be our last hope at surviving if this is what it takes we’ll all have to retreat down here so I better make it as safe and secure as I possibly can let’s make sure it’s dug deep into the stone so it does not get

Hurt or torn up by the tornado even if the torado Tado digs five blocks into the ground it will still not hit my secure Coca-Cola bunker we also need to grab all the colors that we’ve used so far to make sure that we do not miss a

Single spot let’s also make a little mini staircase that goes around the edge like this we can use quartz just like we’ve done for the other parts of this house it’s got to fit every single color palette if we want to make sure it’s a part of the Coca-Cola house let’s

Properly make all these walls red just like Coca-Cola this bunker will not have any Windows because it needs to be be ultimate and secure most Coca-Cola bottles do not have secret bunkers underneath but this one’s a little bit special I think it’s pretty cool that it

Does we also need to remove all this concrete I wonder if Milo has a bunker I’m going to go ask hey Milo does your Coca-Cola have a bunker and wait a second why are there so many frogs out here M chip there’s a little bit of a situation happening Milo this isn’t

Cocacola this is croca colola CH when I was making my pool I think I accidentally used bucket of tadpole and I think all the rain caused the tadp to grow up Milo I think that was just time because of how much closer we’re getting to the tornado I can’t believe there are

Frogs everywhere now this is really really bad this is a really froggy situation and I’m not sure what to do Milo you need to make sure all these frogs are safe you can’t let them get eaten up by the tornado now you’ve got to make a little frog sanctuary in here

What but I don’t want them to be my responsibility maybe you can build them their own little mini Coca-Cola around the side yeah I’ll think about it I guess good luck Milo I’ll be building a bunker to keep me and JJ’s family safe from the tornado these walls are going

So well I think once I dig down to this level we can actually start making the secure living part of my bunker it’s going to have so many rooms for everyone to live and survive together inside I think this direction is the perfect way for the bunker to extend it can go all

Right get this many blocks out this is a pretty good distance we want to make sure it’s nice and spacious in here but we also don’t have a lot of time before the tornado hits so we better make sure we build it quick I think the walls can

Also be made out of the red concrete just like the rest of the entrance to this bunker it’s important that the design fits and it all matches together if it doesn’t it’ll look really silly and wo Milo did you just slide down the fireman pole oh yeah I might have a bit

Of a problem uh-oh is it frog related oh yeah CH see okay I’m a little bit nervous to find out what your problem is Milo I can’t even imagine what it is it’s really bad chip um have a look right here wao wait a second why is the

Water a darker color it kind of looks like Coca-Cola come and look at the ocean as well um why is the ocean the same color as Coca-Cola I don’t know but something crazy is going on is it the tornado no it was not the tornado I know exactly what caus this our Coca-Cola

Weather station when we delayed the tornado for 5 extra minutes we must have also hacked the weather and made it rain Coca-Cola which is now landed everywhere oh my gosh now there’s so much cocacola I’m actually really happy cuz it’s delicious yeah it is but this could be

Bad hopefully it did not make the tornado a Coca-Cola tornado that would be really awful I better prepare this bunker twice as quickly if we get taken out by this tornado and thrown into a river of Coca-Cola we might not be able to swim past all the bubbles it could be

The end of us Milo and P the Coca-Cola might make us all sticky yeah ew and it’s not healthy to only drink Coca-Cola every day if we survive this tornado we need to reverse the weather station and turn all the coke back into water oh no

This is really stressing me out me too Milo that’s why I’m trying to get this bunker done as quick as I can I also need to think about what kind of survival builds I’ll make inside of here it has to be good enough to keep me and

JJ’s family alive during the tornado and we have no idea how long it will be giant tornadoes like the one about to hit our houses can last for a pretty long time we have no idea how long it will stay for and how long it will take

For it to go the destruction could be so massive that we never leave our houses again that is a terrifying thing to think about yeah definitely luckily my Coca-Cola base should be strong enough and if my Coca a hous isn’t at least my bunker definitely will be I’ve done a

Pretty good job in making it really strong and really secure so far all I have to do is make this final bunker room and we’ll be ready for anything the tornado can throw at US unless it throws your entire house at me Milo then I probably won’t be able to survive that

Luckily I don’t think it’ll do that because you’ve totally secured your house to the ground right oh yeah definitely my house is so secure and there’s nothing to worry about are you sure Milo you kind of sound a little suspicious right now hey I’m not being suspicious I’m just a little stressed

Right now what are you stressed about well I don’t really know what I’m going to do if my house breaks apart I think I might have a solution if your house breaks apart I am going to build an extra section down in this bunker just for you and Mikey’s family to come and

Retreat over to me and JJ’s family side it’ll be a big group dormatory area this way we can rescue you Mikey’s family and any other survivors from the The Village it’ll be really important that we all stick through this together my house has plenty of farms and plenty of will to

Keep everybody warm and to rebuild any cracks that might form in the bunker or the glass this means that we have the best chance of surviving I think you should try and survive in your Coca-Cola house firstest even though it’s probably not as secure or as safe as my one

That’s so bird I’m not coming over to your house after you said that what but Milo it could be the only chance you have to survive nuh-uh we don’t want your help hm I need to make this bunker so good that everybody wants to come in

Even you Milo which I know can be pretty difficult to do but I’m actually really confident first we need to make beds for everybody instead of using Coca-Cola colors we’ll probably need to use everyone’s favorite colors to get them to come in here we’ll have red ones and

Orange ones for me as well as blue and lime ones for Milo and Mikey’s family we’ll put them over there and we’ll also need to get cabinets we can use cabinets that are the same color as Coca-Cola and the white on Co Coca-Cola bottles or we could actually make all of them

Coca-Cola colored that looks so cool we will also need a bedside lamp I think the dark oak lamp works perfectly let’s turn every single one of these on to make sure that it’s well lit down here before anybody needs to come inside this looks pretty good so far but we will

Also need a big couch to fit everybody on perfect we’ll also need to grab a flat screen TV so that we can watch the news and stay up to date with what is happening around the world from this giant tornado I’m also going to grab an

Iron door and a bunch of iron trap doors I’m going to put these all around this side it’s important that I do because these will form a big part of the barrier that will stop the Tornado from properly hitting this bunker we’ll make sure that we place redstone blocks right

Over here oh yeah this is already looking super secure we’ll also need to put a bunch of levers around just like this and we’ll have to activate them in front of every single trapo we can have a bunch on the ceiling in order to break through this place you’ll need to break

Through every single one of these levers and the iron door that I’m I’m placing right over here we’ll put two more levers on this side this way we can control the doors all you need to do to get inside is flick the levers and to

Shut them off you have to do this we also will put the levers here so that we can activate the escape from here otherwise no one would be able to get out which could be a real disaster finally I will add one last carpet on the very bottom I’m just going to use

Coca-Cola colors this carpet actually kind of looks like a can of Coca-Cola I guess Milo got what he wanted after all I’m also going to add some last minute fortifying decorations we can add trap doors and redstone blocks around the corners like this it adds some reinforcement to the walls of this

Bunker if we did not add these we would be a lot less protected we can also put some nice paintings inside to remind everyone of home this looks pretty cool it looks kind of like a taco and in this side we can also have something different wo that looks like a nice

Sunset this is perfect I really like this bunker so far it is time for me to check every single one of my builds and make sure we are safe from the tornado oh oh no it looks like the rain is back this is terrible Milo the tornado is now

On its way and we have to check both of our builds before the tornado comes oh my gosh chip it’s R time I’m so scared right now me too why don’t we look through mine first and then you can show me yours okay let’s see here’s the farm

Area where we grow all of our food and this is the main living room I won’t show you the bunker yet Milo but we can see upstairs we have the bedroom as well as the spare room in case we need to shelter and and finally the farming room

Where we keep all of our sheep wow this is really cool thanks Milo why don’t you show me your Coca-Cola house so I can make sure it’s going to survive all right let’s go down quickly yeah I agree quick is the best way to go down I

Really do not think your house will last very long Milo if you want you can stay with me to start no my house is beautiful and you’re going to love it okay um wo you have actual Coca-Cola blocks that’s pretty cool yeah because I’m still a lot of Coca-Cola boxes in

Here just in case I need to drink some yeah that’s a good idea and is this the fridge area yeah that’s the fridge area that’s where we cook all the food and here’s where we eat our dinner the sh boxes is where we store all our things

But I haven’t had time to store anything yet this is pretty cool but Milo this is new what’s down here well I started trying to BU the bunker but the Froggies got in my face oh no Milo you ran out of time this is bad we don’t have time to

Build anything else we have to get JJ and Mikey’s families inside our Coca-Cola houses before the tornado strikes okay let’s do it quickly Milo I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find JJ’s family what that’s not good well at least I can find M’s family but wait C

What is it Milo I don’t know where Mary’s family is they were right here just before this is terrible but we do not have any time to look for them because I think the tornado is here oh no really Milo the tornado’s starting quick we have to get inside now okay I

Made it inside Milo oh chip it’s got me up in the air what do I do oh no Milo we just have to wait for it to go somewhere else I don’t think your house is going to keep surviving for much longer chip it just drops me at the top of your

House can I please come inside yeah you can we just have to hope the tornado does not make its way over here next oh no and a monkey and JJ I’m so worried about them me too I really hope they’re okay somehow but wait a minute Milo that

Tornado looks like it’s starting to move yep if it moves over here your has better hold up oh no I really really hope it does and wo Milo I think it’s forming right around the outside of my house now Chip what are we do this is bad it’s tearing up my walls and

Breaking my glass quick use the fireman Pole to go down into the bunker the man PO is working we really got down here and chck look it’s Mikey and JJ’s family they’re safe inside of here wow I am so glad you managed to find the bunker oh

No chip I hope your bunker really holds up and I’m so glad that these guys are down here yeah we’re all safe and sound in the bunker from the tornado the bunker survived Cocola house wins the day yeah woohoo

Mikey and JJ need our help in todays Noob vs Pro Coca Cola build challenge! But what happens when someone’s Coca Cola, EXPLODES!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. The bottle of Coca-Cola is better than can cause Coca-Cola bottle smells amazing and you don’t eat in you’ll get to drink it just I choked on it one time. I still love it like cold I mean can Coca-Cola ones well, you can eat the metal flavor and I taste the taste like poopy.💩

  2. acctualy chip i would rather stay milos coca cola can (1 when its a tornado its acctualy safer where is no windows milo doesnt have and more windows the bigger hazard of death chip😊😊

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