The INSANE power of Terraria’s Sniper Rifle! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.13)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody welcome back to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough at dryad in a mushroom biome can you figure out what we’re going to be doing first thing in today’s episode if you guessed we’re going to make ourselves a custom surface mushroom biome you’d be quite right before I

Start anything though I just want to apologize if you can hear banging in the background I believe what’s happening is my neighbor is getting some fence repairs done because we’ve been having some pretty blustery nasty weather here in the UK in the form of Storms and yeah

Their fence kind of fell over it’s just one of those real life situations you have to deal with hey my friend so you know it is what it is we’re still going to have some fun playing some Terraria and getting some stuff done in this case we’re actually going to go ahead and

Convert a sky island into a mushroom biome now I know I know I’ve actually done that whole idea before making a mushroom Island out of a floating sky island but you know I just want to kind of get things done in this series at

This point I want to try and wrap up the series I want to try and move on to some other stuff on this channel only as I’m sure you guys have noticed my numbers really aren’t up to anything anymore and I need to figure out some new ideas for

What we can do going forward streaming is an idea that I have had floating around the old nogin for a fair while now only the thing is my friends once this Terraria Master Ranger playthrough ends that is it for Terraria vanilla content up until 1.4.5 comes obviously

In the meantime there’s going to be a brand new Calamity series to come but in terms of vanilla Terraria I think what we may do is shift our Focus away from normal Let’s Plays onto maybe some weird and wonderful hardcore challenge runes in the live streams that I’m planning on

Doing the thing is my friends I’ve actually had these hardcore challenge ideas for the longest time but I’ve always kind of figured that folks on YouTube might not be all that interested in watching them however watching them live might be a better way to do things

Cuz of course I can interact with you folks on on the go and maybe it’ll attract some new viewers here and there all I do know is that I’m at a pretty pivotal point in my YouTube career where it’s genuinely getting to the stage where videos alone is no longer cutting

It so yeah I genuinely do feel that my future lies with streaming I’m not going to abandon video making alog together that is absolutely not what I’m saying and it’s not going to be what happens what I’m saying is I need to start mixing in more live streams here and

There in an Ideal World what I’d like to have happen is I have no more than one video series on each of my channels and then we can have maybe a stream series or just sort of streams in general sort of on top of that mixed in you know so

If all of that sort of sounds like your cup of tea or you have any feedback regarding the matter then of course let me know in the comments area down below I’m always interested in reading your guys’ feedback regarding the things that I bring up in my video so yeah let me

Know all righty it’s just turned daytime so my hope is that the Truffle will spawn in anytime now I certainly hope so anyway because what I’d like to do needless to say is I’d like to make myself some shroomite armor and preferably all three helmet types as

Well all right the good news is the background has changed so it’s all sort of mushroomy so this house here should indeed be worthy for the Truffle to move in I guess we just got to wait I think what we could do in the meantime while we’re waiting for the Truffle to spawn

In I’m thinking we go mushroom hunting there are several mushroom biomes I found in this world there’s one down our elevator here uh there’s also one over by the Shimmer where the dryad currently is and there’s also one sort of neighboring the dungeon over here and

Here’s the thing we could sort of double up kill two birds of one stone and we can go grab ourselves some truffle worms turns out I was wrong in the last episode as well I thought the cyborg spawned in after you defeated golum but no it is actually a post planta NPC we

Need to wait for night time to roll around and that’ll be the point in which we can start getting ourselves some rocket 3es so we’ll have to wait a little bit for that but yeah like I say in the meantime I think it’s truffle worm and glowing mushroom time hey line spores the

Truffle we finally got a truffle on our world folks that is absolutely fbasics realized something we don’t have a rare creature detector I would have thought we’d have had a rare creature Detector by now but no apparently not we’re doing this the old fashioned way folks we’ got

To keep our eyes peeled yeah plenty of mushrooms going on for now though folks so let’s see just how many we can get to be honest with you though I don’t actually know just how many mushrooms I need so um I don’t know I’d say a

Thousand is a pretty good goal but I genuinely have no clue how many I’m going to need for all three of the shite helmets ah hey guys check it out I’ve just realized there’s a slime statue right there and gel is something we need for ammo for our flamethrowers and maybe

The eventual elf melter ah are you guys thinking what I’m thinking ah excellent there is indeed one of these fellas Oh I thought was about to get killed by that uh skeleton there thank goodness for that oh got him that’s truffle worm number two number three fourth truffle worm obtained and

There we go five truffle worms got them the oldfashioned way just by using our eyes that is all right very very good now what we can do is we can go hunt for another mushroom B we’re actually up to nearly 700 mushrooms all right let’s see what

Kind of a supply we can go from the mushroom biome right here I mean it’s only a small one so I don’t imagine there being a great deal of mushrooms all right 8115 that’s what we’re up to now the final mushroom bind that I know of is

This one way over here it is a big one but I think what I want to do first is just see what kind of a supply we can get right now you know what I just realized as well I could have totally made this into a double house and had a

Mushroom Pilon up there ah okay all right one job at a time folks uncraft the chlorified armor give us back all of the beautiful chlorified bars we can whip out the remainder of the chlorified bars or whopping 99 of them with a further 110 that can be made

Into bars we got 121 chlorified bars now that is absolutely mad isn’t it right let’s put on the greedy ring and get on with our next job which is buying rocket 3es look at the damage difference a whopping 35 damage difference between rocket ones and rocket 3es that is just

Mad all right let’s see how many we can buy I mean a good amount I would imagine there we are I wish you could get infinite rocket pouches that would be pretty darn boss if you ask me but yeah there we are we finally have ourselves

Some good stuff 76 range damage plus a further 90 ranged damage oh that’s just mad isn’t it does extra damage on a direct hit as well all right let’s see if we can do this real quick we’re just basically going to split this into two rooms it should be relatively

Straightforward skyware door let’s put down the workbench a little bit of lighting and there we have it this thing should be good right yep there we go housing is suitable do we have any NPCs that are sort of in weird and wonderful places yeah the angler although maybe I

Should figure out what the golden combo is in order to buy ourselves a pylon eh huh apparently the guide and truffle are pretty good together so we’ll just fly away come back and what we should be able to do now there it is not only can we get ourselves the mushroom pylon but

There it is the almighty auto hammer absolutely wonderful folks so let’s get this bad boy placed down do I have enough space to put this in here yeah I do all right very good how many shite bars can we make 54 shite leggings 18 bars the chest plate takes 24 bars

Which means for now we can only make one out of three of the pieces of head gear I kind of want to do the specialist range damage one because I mean we haven’t really used any rocket launcher type weapons in this series yet and I’m very very interested to do exactly that

So here we go 11 defense increases specialist ranged damage by 15% % specialist defined as launchers dart guns or anything else that doesn’t shoot arrows or bullets all right ladies and gentlemen time to get ourselves down to this mushroom biome here holy crap look at the amount of damage my rocket

Launcher does now not just that but a whopping 34% crit chance in non stealth mode that’s not bad going if you ask me rocket 3es do 101 damage and 29% crit chance holy crap holy did you just see that 400 plus Dam and that was through a

Direct hit I think that was imagine how much damage this thing could do against the dookie boy though oh that is just gnarly isn’t it like seriously here we go let’s do it again oh look at that 840 crit there is one thing that concerns me about this

Rocket launcher check this out we do damage to ourselves um yeah that’s that’s not cool that’s not okay and I’m dead is there a type of rocket launcher type weapon that doesn’t do self-inflicted damage a quick search on the wiki seems to suggest that yes there are rocket launcher type

Weapons that don’t do self-inflicted damage unfortunately we don’t have access to any of them just yet the Snowman Cannon Jacko Lantern launcher electrosphere launcher celebration and celebration Mark 2 apparently are all the launchers that don’t do self-inflicted damage so we’re definitely going to have to try and get

At least one of those weapons folks that would be a good idea I think here we are folks just got to dig on over to the mushroom biome and here we are wonderful all right I am sensing a Mario mushroom type outfit ah C it there it is the mushroom

Outfit of course it would either be the mushroom outfit or the mushroom Minecart although I don’t know there might be some more mushroom chest loot that I don’t really know of or can’t remember not that it matters toward was at this point in the game of course my friends

We’re far past the point where I get excited for chest Loop aside from maybe the piranha gun but we don’t have a jungle key just yet sadly well if I don’t have enough mushrooms to get myself the remainder of the armor that I wanted to make then yeah I’d be very

Very surprised all right very good 368 that is the number we have rolling for us right about now now let’s see how many of these bab we can make we need 24 oh just enough wow I bet I can do that again I didn’t even know the amount I needed

But we got there there’s the head gear and where’s the other one we just want to make sure we’re not accidentally making dup ones there we are gun damage and bow damage we now have all bits of shite armor fantastic and that means with the remainder of the chlorified bar

As what we can do is make some chlorified bullets we’re not even going to hold back on this my friends we’re just going to make them all into chlorified bullets oh mama that is a crazy amount of damage I mean yeah I realized I was in stealth mode there but

451 with The Godly sniper rifle and I don’t even have the gun damage buff uh helmet if I was to put that on this would now be 372 and and 59 in stealth what the hell man I think what we need to do is we need to grab

Ourselves all of these beautiful Buffs and then we’re going to head on over to an ocean we’re going to Chuck all of this stuff down again and we’re going to try the dookie boy folks I should mention by the way one of the things I have done since the last episode is I

Did a massive uncrafting and Rec crafting sesh over at the Shimmer and that has allowed me to get menacing on everything I have maximized damage in my load out here Ranger emblem worm scraft an Shield Master ninja gear magal lumines the lightning boost and the hary

Wings all with menacing so that is a base level of at least 28% increase damage just from the prefixes a load so yeah we may have made ourselves a bit of a juggernaut damage load out with our Ranger set here how it’s going to fare against the rest of the bosses that

Exist in this vanilla game here remains to be seen but yeah I’m hoping that we’ll be able to absolutely ruin the dookie boy little bit of ammo conservation and ladies and gentlemen I think we’re just about ready to do this thing we are going to try the sniper

Rifle I don’t think I’ve ever tried to take down the dookie boy before with a sniper rifle and well as you can see look at that health bar though oh that’s a little bit crazy oh it’s a little bit crazy and I love it I really do it’s

Going to be the second and third phases where the chlorified bullets are going to come in super freaking clutch a yeah all right about to go second phase here folks make that present tense here we go oh Snapp snap Snapp snap Snappers okay yeah we got we got

Freaking giant tornadoes now wait no they’re still small ones what am I woring about ah here we go now the big tornadoes are coming ah you got to be careful it folks oh dodged away from that like an absolute champ hell yeah baby and again the master ninja gear you got to

Love it folks you got to love oh dear got to love it all right 20,000 Health remaining third phase is about to begin yikes okay very big y 207 damage that guy just did to me oh man I think I know how this is going to go but I’m

Going to try the rocket launcher next okay oh okay yeah this is going to be an interesting one just how many times are we going to wind up hurting ourselves uh probably a fair amount unfortunately we’ve just run out of bottles so we need some glass and or sand blocks or

Whatever the hell and we need ourselves a bunch more water bottles let’s get it done goes with that saying the downside of going for a juggernaut damage load out is a slight lacking of Defense 55 for mid to end hard mode that’s actually a pretty low amount isn’t it the dookie boy has

Returned got to try and keep this guy away from us if at all possible do you know what already I’m sensing this isn’t as as good as the sniper rifle I won’t lie I don’t know 10,000 Health down I mean you yeah know that’s nice and all but I

Just I don’t know I think this one’s a bit of a yikes if I’m honest with you folks if I maybe had a rocket launcher that oh I don’t know homed in maybe and didn’t hurt me I don’t know I might enjoy better luck ah the darn fish keep hitting me

Dude not okay if I’m being honest with you one more hit and I am absolutely dead no come on now could we get a third phase at least oh no it’s done it’s done it’s done yeah there we go I got cornered I got absolutely cornered by a

Freaking tornado I’m about to make myself a second platform I should have done that from the start let’s be honest here folks I just wanted to try and rush through this boss if I’m honest do you know what honestly I kind of want to go

Back to the sniper rifle it did a far better job I I would say so there we go it’s back on 382 damage 59% crit chance the crits is what’s going to do the damage for us folks there’s a small part of me that actually wants to go ahead

And reforge every single one of these into lucky that would be a further 28% crit chance so what 59 + 28 that is uh 87 that would be insane that would be almost every single shot is a crit like how mad is that all right platform

Number two is being added let’s get this thing done and dusted shall we dookie boy is going down today I canot not do this all right second platform has been added ladies and gentlemen should we just get on with this thing I think we should Duke fish run attempt number

Three and I’m hoping for Third Time Lucky we have ourselves a second platform now and that should make things considerably easier so let’s see what we can do 754 crit damage 8 78 it’s those big damage values that is what is going to keep us in contention here like come

On it’s ridiculous oh not another one no okay ah I keep getting cornered by the tornadoes man it’s not ideal it has to be said but never mind we’re still doing kind of okay there’s the tornado oh look at that the platform is literally the very same block above it I could

Probably walk on that and still be okay right here we go oh snappy snap Snappers ladies and gentlemen this my friends is where things are going to go start getting a bit dicey just got to remember the one two three trick okay and three okay resets to one then it goes one two

Come on now keep those hits coming in baby a what more H I’m dead what more H I’m dead uhoh I’ve lost me Rhythm one two oh thank goodness for that we did it my friends the sniper rifle it was enough I just had to do a slightly better job of preparation I

Feel like that’s my downfall I feel like I never ever prepare enough for these things you know but there we are case in point we prepared we’ got ourselves a second platform and we absolutely gave that guy the treatment now if only I could get some rain to happen then I

Could on the shrimpy Truffle and use it to get around a lot quicker but now though you know what I think we’re going to go for a couple more dookie boys I mean why not we have two more trule worms and we didn’t get a Ranger weapon

From that first one so ladies and Gentlemen let’s get this thing rolling again see if we can keep this little streak going we’re currently 21 down to the Duke so this would be the equalizer if I could get it oh no come on man I was nearly at Max

Health down I just got absolutely wrecked in two to three hits in a row oh M that isn’t fair at all bro oh my God I was in absolute panic mode there I won’t lie my heart was racing my eyes was starting to glaze over you guys ever

Get that when you’re like trying to hyper concentrate on something you get proper tunnel vision and then when it starts to not go your way he oh man oh man it doesn’t feel good folks it doesn’t but there we are at least we bought it back to 32 to the Duke I think

In the next episode we’re going to have to at least equalize he my friends I think what we may be able to do in the next episode though I’m thinking we go to the jungle temple we maybe try to get ourselves a solar tablet and I’m

Thinking we try and go for a nail gun I think that would feel the effects of the specialist range damage right I mean Dark Gun guns nail guns I’m hoping it all comes under the shite helmet I really really do only in the next episode if we can get that then I’m

Going to use it to absolutely destroy Duke fish run once and for all and actually bring the score back up in my favor so ladies and gentlemen I think for now though it is time to wrap up the episode thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode

Of course you’re excited to see more to be sure to drop a like if you haven’t already hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now my friends thank you so much for watching do have yourselves

A fantastic rest of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The Sniper Rifle in Terraria is a weapon I usually pass up for other (arguably) better weapons but in this series, I thought I’d actually give it a proper go! Enjoy!
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This is Episode 13 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Hey python, on your next calamity playthrough i suggest trying the vanilla calamity mod music mod, I know you may be used to vanillas music, but vcmm goes for a more calamity styled soundtrack and will be a little change of scenery. even if you like the vanilla music alot, i still suggest trying, if not i definitely suggest listening to the songs on youtube at least.

  2. Maybe you should try a minecraft playthrough? I know you used to do that a while ago, but i dont youve done it fro some time, so that could be cool maybe?

  3. Im more interested in a youtube hardcore series since I am unable to join your streams do to work irl… hope you will still have videos up cuz if ya go on only live streaming then Id lose my before bed video fun times extravaganza

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