The Hidden Boss in Terraria’s Mod of Redemption #8

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to the mod of redemption today we continue in our post I culu era that’s right what are we like eight episodes in and we’re finally post I of culu so today as always and I don’t even need to really say it cuz we’re so early

But we have a lot to do now I will say this I actually messed up this recording just a little bit and I’m sorry to say it but essentially before I went into this I was like you know what I’m going to be productive this morning I am going

To go and harvest and farm for a thing that will make this episode easier you know we’ve had some pretty laid-back episodes recently as we know we’re taking a slow chill Vibe anyway all of this is to say I went down to the tombs down below the little graveyard to go

Collect some lost souls and I accidentally triggered a boss fight and I wasn’t recording thankfully I died pretty quickly so it doesn’t really matter all that much but I don’t know if we’ll get the cut scene again and I’m very very sorry about that to be fair it

Wasn’t a full cut scene it was more just like a boss showing up and being like Oh I’m I’m here to kill you so in the last video we got this the sorrowful Essence and actually we do need to talk to it so let’s talk to it

First Octavius protector is in search of you a conflict will be inevitable however perhaps this may bring a chance of courteous ending for for a courteous ending so I think that means that we might have the chance to to spare it maybe that’s what spawned it was like a

Ghost and it didn’t it didn’t last long cuz it killed me pretty quick but that’s what I did I so I’ve messed up a little bit all right that’s where I’m at and also uh let me just say I am very very very grateful to have made it through

Today’s intro let me tell you right this is just a little like a little handon heart special moment between me and you a little confession all right I get stage fright recorded which is weird right cuz you’d think why would you get stage fright you have been a YouTuber

For like half of your life I still do I don’t know why right and it always comes down to the intro if I can’t nail this intro in like two takes that’s it I’m thrown off my game all right my my form is ruined and that’s what happened today

Because I started recording like I did a little intro and uh and essentially the post went and and Atari was like having a little Gap in the background I thought well I don’t want this to be like an awful recording you know I respect you lot and I respect your ears that’s

Important to do I do respect your ears anyway um that threw me off so then I was like well I’ll reset and while I real while I reset I’ll go do the thing that I just mentioned about anyway I got thrown off and I was like oh please do

Not let this be my my uh stage right ER it cuz it does happen even on this channel it’s so strange it is so strange okay so we’re grabbing lost souls and the reason is we need lost souls to make this staff thing I don’t know if I’ve

Explained this very well as as I’ve noticed I am thrown off my game so today we need to make a brand new house I’m making it sound more exciting than it is hell yeah get excited for building all right we need need to make a brand new

House so that we can get a new NPC and what I figured I’d do is I would tie it into the larger world because we have not been to the Jungle yet and I feel like I’m doing not to PP myself on the back too much but I’m doing an

Incredible job of uh progressing through this mod in terms of balancing and whatnot I think the balancing has been pretty on point so now that we’re deny kulum we are doing jungle and it’s going to be it’s going to be great so it’s Monday day how did you spend your

Weekend was it a good one me personally great weekend one of the greatest weekends of all time no it was it honestly was such a great weekend for no particular reason other than I relaxed and I relaxed well I just it just hit right this weekend yesterday I was so

Zen I was so Zen do you know what I’ve done on weekend I’ve played STW Valley all right I I finished recording on Friday and I was like God of War and reading right because as we all know and I don’t even need to say it all right

Not like me to say it but I I do read box anyway no no no I just played stardew Valley the whole weekend it was awesome it was the best right I I I wasn’t going to play it because there’s a new update coming out I just couldn’t

Resist I could not resist um I’m getting sidetracked Soul Shake um tastes like marshmallows all right cool I am a I’m a big fan of marshmallows I mean I don’t eat them too often right and as we know I am in my diet era which hopefully is coming to an end soon

Um but yeah I do like them I like them I don’t know where I’m going with this I’m I’m flustered all right I’m flustered what are we doing we are making the staff I’m not even tired today I can’t even be like oh guys I’m so tired I’m

Not I’m I’m wide awake I’m wide awake I went to the gym this morning gym was awesome it was a good session um so yeah overall really good right Grim shards this this and this okay forgive me I am I am well all over the

Place so here it is King’s Oak staff 17 summon damage uses six Mana summons a nature pixie to fight for you occasionally shouts at their target dealing psychic damage uh it also has some law and the Chalice says something as well has a chance to drop a defense increasing nature Boon upon hitting

Enemies that inflicts with a non-fire debuff ignores enemy guard points all right so let’s speak to it first a staff that calls to the critters of nature uh do not be uh do not be perturbed perturbed okay by the the both spirit for they may even convince a certain

Creature of your friendship okay that’s sick that very cool all right so here we go here we go look at it go it’s very cool now I’m going to assume that the nymph that we’re trying to spawn in probably spawns in during the daytime so I’m going to go to sleep and

We’ll see how that goes is there anything else I want to to say I’m trying to remember what I did this weekend other than play St Valley that’s probably what it is I probably just got St Valley on the brain and brains turned

To Mush but no I was like n I’m going to wait because there’s an update coming out and I was just like no right because the thing is I play on switch so all of my saves are on switch and I really want an endgame World on PC because if there

Is a terrari crossover I bet you it’s in the end game so I’m like well you know for YouTube’s sake I want to be able to make a video on that so I I did a lot of that this weekend oh I also started moving stuff out of my office you know

I’ve been talking about that for a while um that went really well I managed to get a good parking spot and I moved out like some plants a rug some furniture I still got a bit to go I’ve got a an office chair a desk I have to dismantle

A computer and a monitor but the rug right let me tell you this is like proper idle chitchat hope that’s all right Courtney bought me the the rug as a gift for getting the office because when she got her office I got her a mechanical keyboard and a mouse which is

Like a very me gift but I was like no no no right you got to type properly um so she got me a rug and she got me a chair oh I’ve also got to move the chair out of the room anyway I’ve put the rug in

My office here oh it fits perfect it’s lovely right there’s probably like 5% less Reverb in the room today you can thank Courtney for that no it’s a wonderful rug it looked good in the office but it looks it looks even better here so I think what we do is we hang

Around the foresty area for a little bit and it’s meant to just naturally spawn in oh all right that was quick hello you all right listen Okay your face says you have a good heart I will be less weary of you from now on oh wonderful wonderful

Common guard are you member of their troop used to lurk around the forest I came from they got too close for comfort so I left and found the portal here is that because I’m wearing the armor wow that is that’s class don’t make yourself too comfy I only

Trust you because of your fa kind words about you I do not have a herbag I need to get one Nature’s blessing thank you so that’s it they’re the they’re the two options right let me see where do you get a herb bag from that isn’t like a starter chest it’s

Probably just that right it’s probably just the starter chest thing well let me have a little look at this because I’m fairly certain unless I’m like mistaking Terraria worlds this is the only Terraria I’m playing at the moment so I’m probably not um there should be a

Starter chest around our spawn all right so I can’t seem to find a starting chest over to the right so what I’m doing is I’m essentially just running around with a Spong to potion we are going to find one that’s the only way I know to mind

That would give us a her bag like quite quickly I think you can get them from fishing crates though I don’t know it’s weird because obviously and I always say this I’ve played so much Terraria like I have like thousands and thousands and thousands of hours now but I think

Because I’ve played so much moded in between those hours some of my vanilla knowledge just gets absolutely tanked by playing so many mods because mods obviously take a lot of vanilla stuff and they Shake It Up just enough like just enough but it proper froze me off

All right is there a chest around here I don’t think there is oh wait no there’s a chest up here cool but I guess this is good because I did want to um we are heading this way anyway because I want to get hey her bag all right I want to

Get a the stuff from the jungle right so go back to zoom 18 five perfect me personally I don’t know if I’ve said this I probably have I don’t don’t like Terraria too zoomed out I I kind of agree with red red has like a really strong opinion on this where it’s like

He only ever wants a certain level of Zoom because uh because he thinks it ruins the game like you see too much I’m like that as well okay right offer her back is this gesture a friendship sorry wait is this a gesture of friendship as we all know I do read books uh

Interesting I will accept this lovely array of flowers and in return I will give you this so we got the forest core uh equipable increases chance of nature Boons to drop from nature Elemental bonus I I’m butchering this but you lot know what I’m on about right uh nature

BS additionally increase Critical Strike chance for nature weapons by 10% uh I will put this on then we’ll just do that see how that goes uh offer Angelic Mystic right now that’s a flower that is a flower now is that flower the one that’s like around here

Yeah it is all right let’s go grab that all right so let’s grab this flower also I’m sorry for all the jump Cuts I don’t know why but naturally today and I think it is because I thrown myself off a little bit I keep just like not talking

Oh wait here we go here we go this was the boss okay right right we’re buffing up we’re getting into it yeah okay so this is exactly the same as it was before time to reap what you saw oh this it’s around this area cuz this where I this where I got killed

Okay right so we do have those summons on the go uh cuz I accidentally spawned them in which is fine okay summons take care of them leave me alone it’s nice this is why I I put Buffs in my inventory just in case what I like about this is you really have

Have to um you really have to fight this on the Fly oh no fall damage yeah okay we do take fall damage just got to be careful of that summons do your thing summons keep me alive no pressure no pressure let’s go oh I like the Sprite I really do like the Sprite

Oh okay okay for anybody that’s like you know listening to this like a podcast we just we just absolutely almost felt to our death my dear mistress I failed you it seems our torment stays Eternal wow so we lost uh we lost um yeah we we we didn’t do too well with

That one you are truly neutral oh okay okay well that wasn’t good um all right so we got the Demonic skull diggers skull Digger uh spinning the weapon around you will conjure Arcane mirages yes he did name the weapon after himself hell yeah that’s

Like me this is what I would do I would make chippies chippies couch couch so far um okay abandoned Teddy I feel awful a ragged Teddy and a bringer of peace to the Mis fortuned right let the keep Spirit rest now do we spawn the keeper in again and give them the abandoned

Teddy is that what it’s hinting at or am I just like completely off the Mark I think it might be worth trying I don’t know if we’re hitting the jungle up today I don’t think we are and I also don’t know why I just laugh like goofy but that’s all right everybody’s always

Like oh you laugh like Stampy long nose so I’m I mean I’m already like stealing people’s laughs uh this is to offer such Rarity to me is bewildering to say the least what may I bestow upon that may rival this my possessions are limited however my blessings are boundless take

My weapon for it is the only tangible gift I have Forest NY sickle cool well this is sick this is actually baller what why is that so cool we are getting good stuff today let me tell you we are getting really good stuff oh my gosh

Right so let’s do the let’s do the keeper fight again and see how that goes also what is it to make shine potions I assume it’s a little bit of blink rout let’s have a little look because everyone was just like James it’s so dark in the last video and I felt very

Guilty so it’s actually day Bloom I do not not know I do have a herb bag though but it didn’t give me day Bloom I was going to say I don’t think I have day Bloom which is not ideal um oh no wait we have one we have one so we’ll make

Let me just look again what was it it was the glowing mushrooms day Bloom water I am so off my game today I am I’m very off my game I hope you’re all enjoying the episode though I hope it’s still all good um okay right uh let me clean this up skull

Digger’s mask made of bone do you know what this mod this mod would be like oh you wear this during the keeper fight it will know it’ll know let the spirit so what what do you do with it a ragged Teddy and the bringer of peace to the m

Okay right I’m doing I’m definitely doing the keeper again I’m curious now okay uh is there any more potions to take I’ll take an iron skin I’ll take a read gen is there a night glow no okay let’s sleep a little longer God now maybe now I’m tired maybe

Now I’m tired the coffee’s kicked in actually a little bit I can’t claim this too much I cannot half seven let’s go all right here we go okay let’s hold the teddy out the keeper noticed the abandon and Teddy you’re holding oh that is adorable oh that is so

Cute that is actually so wholesome oh oh that’s Ace you’ve redeemed yourself Octavia May rest in undisturbed oh the keeper Spirit Fades away the keeper is no longer after you what that was sick that was so cool I’m so glad I figured that out for myself I

Mean I don’t know if that’s a huge accomplishment but that does seem like the kind of thing where I would neglect that oh that’s that’s made my day I really enjoyed that um so we got the keepers ciret humanoid skeletons become friendly now that’s pretty cool uh did

We get no we didn’t we didn’t get some else I was about to say what else did we get but it was it was the trophy wow we have like we’ve done some cool stuff today I don’t know if I hm I’m going to yeah I’m going to wrap

It up there I’m going to wrap it up there so tomorrow we will be heading to the Jungle to go and do jungle things and also we have the uh the brain of culu for tomorrow and after the brain of culu we can get this boss here called

The Eagle crests Golem I’m quite excited for that oh yeah I went to go see Dune 2 Dune 2 was banging what a great film I really enjoyed it Courtney not as big of a fan as me but she also like yeah I don’t know I don’t know and

That’s her kind of movie but she she thought the pacing was a little bit weird all right what did you think if you saw it right that’s it for today thank you all for watching and I’ll see you in the next one peace

It’s time for some more Terraria Mod of Redemption

This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, wonderful tiles and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. Heyy Chippy! Just a quick hint, since you let the keeper's spirit rest, you can gift the ring to the skull digger 😀 Also, if you ressumon the keeper, she'll have a new sprite ^^

  2. Fun fact
    Because you started to play the newest version of redemption
    I started to build a Dungeon and dragons campaign based on the mod (my players won't know the references)

  3. does anyone know how to actually fight the miniboss in the underground portal? im doing 1 damage all the time and dont know what im doing wrong

  4. Played a bunch of lethal company over the weekend with my mates and then i was back to Uni today for the week with a couple of deadlines so this video was a blessing for the background

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