Stardew Valley – Into The Mine – Part 5

Hello this is stampy and welcome back to my let’s play on stardew valley i’m here once again being joined by my puppy who is one years old now by the way alex has had her first birthday and as you can see she is very very excited about being one years old but today

Sadly alex is not about alex this today is all about stardew valley and i’ve done a little bit of work between the last episode and the the end this episode the one i’m recording right now and i’ve done a lot of listening to all of you who have been telling me a load

Of amazing tips and i’m gonna put some of them into practice and all it’s raining the only time i’m excited that it’s raining um yeah inside of stardew valley because it means i don’t need to to go and water all of my plants hello alex you gonna play i wonder what she would

Do if she tried to play with her nose just lick the controller i need to touch this right there so something that happened while kind of organizing all of my crops and stuff is a bird came and it started stealing some of my crops you can see that we have

Some missing which is really bad because seats are really expensive and i don’t have much money and i’m trying to to save up in order to be able to to get this backpack so it’s a big deal but i have quests and how do i bring them up

Here i’ve got my journal and there’s basically missions that i i have to to do and then i think i get like a big reward for it so introductions i need to greet everyone i need to meet everyone i’ve met just under half of the the

People so far um i need to build a coop uh robin the local carpenter lives north of the town in exchange uh for raw materials and money she’ll construct new buildings on your farm well that’s good uh you’ll need to build her a coop or barn so you can raise animals or you

Need her to build a crew ball or a bomb and then reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow i think i am already at farming level one so let’s see can i make a a scarecrow i can oh this is new uh i need wood coal and fiber

Do i have coal i think i think i might have coal do i have coal oh there we go here’s coal down here uh i need fiber and then i need wood as well so i believe i have everything i need to to make a scarecrow uh prevents crows from

Attacking your crops has a limited radius of about eight tiles okay so it’s not it’s not like you just put it in your farm and that’s going to scare them off it really is pretty rubbish range if i if i’m honest about it where should i

Plop it down then um maybe i should have like two maybe i should have like one here oh i didn’t really quite mean to put it that way it does block my way as well uh i haven’t encountered any crows yet hmm does that mean like speaking to

The the scarecrow uh where should i put it then because i don’t know if that’s a good place to to have it really i think i need like a couple of them like on either side oh yeah i’ll leave it there for now like i think i’ve completed that thing there

And there we go now i get 100 gold for it and as you gain experience you’ll discover new crafting recipes blah blah blah there we go i was able to get 100 gold so it looks like building a coupe is going to be a great thing for for me

To be able to to do today then i might go and start some some things growing first though i don’t know if i should go and buy some seas the thing is i keep trying to save up money but then you need to spend money to make money that’s

What they say don’t they yeah i sound like a crazy like businessman from like a film like come on we need to buy low sell high go go go but i do i need to oh actually flowers sorry i got distracted then but apparently you can

Like do i use um do i use the hoe i know i can just pick them up apparently picking up flowers is good i think i can just sell the flowers at all i can get on the bus if i want to there’s so many

Things i can do like and it’s kind of a little bit overwhelming all at once also a lot of people told me don’t cut down the grass yet so i’ve listened to that don’t join the the whole mojo corp i’ve listened to that uh as well uh but let’s

Let’s see what’s going on on the calendar cause it’s like egg day or something coming up so you know what’s this help wanted i need seaweed if it’s not too inconvenient 60 gold on delivery oh i’ve probably had some seaweed but i probably just like threw it away let’s go let’s

Go get some seaweed oh the shops closed on wednesdays anyway so i guess that solved the the whole situation but anyway that’s going to be an easy um an easy 60 gold just for getting some seaweed i can’t remember if i fish it up or if i just find it kind of lying

Around on the the beach so let’s just go and have a look around is there any just like seaweed on the floor around here and i think there is i think i might need to to do some fishing in order to get it so yeah let’s go on to the um

Onto the the dock thingy here and let’s go and do a little bit of fishing and see if i can fish up some seaweed like normally normally like i’m after like the the fish but then like end up accidentally getting all of the the rubbish stuff and now i’m actually kind

Of after some of the the rubbish stuff to try get some of the the seaweed and then i’ll go and speak to robin and see if she can do a coop because that means i can start getting some animals and actually if it is egg day coming up soon

On the the calendar having some chickens ready for whatever egg day is probably isn’t going to be that bad of an idea is it so that’s going to be probably one of the the next important goals that i want to do and then i also want to go and

Speak to some of the dancing apples the the lumen the luminos lumen luminoses whatever those those things are called i’m going to call them dancing apples for forever a lot of people are telling me over the comments saying no they’re not dancing apples they’re whatever their actual

Name is but they basically are dancing apples aren’t they all right we’ve got a bit of a tricky fish i should probably i should probably concentrate a bit more i nearly lost it i nearly lost it i just saved it i want to get this one no no no no no

I think like i think i tap too much but where like i should like hold it and then let go maybe to to do it a little bit smoother might be a good way to do it so let me try this again and let’s see if i

Can get one the thing is i’m not even really after fish i’m just after after seaweed like i wonder if like if you put the the rod further out in the water if that means you’re gonna have a better chance to get good fish because there’s

Like a whole power rating like when you flick it out i wonder if i do like rubbish little weak ones if i’m going to end up getting seaweed no there’s a chest there’s a chest i want the chest come on fish go higher go higher that’s

It that’s it let me get the chest i might just go and try and get the chest like quick and then go back and get the fish there we go i got the chest at least now let’s see if we can catch this fish this one seems much easier

Than the last one that was risky though that was risky there better be some good treasure if anything i’d be happy to to get just some seaweed in the chest but this this fish is uh is being good insane at the bottom it’s always easier when they kind of just stay at the

Bottom and you just don’t need to press anything and you can get it there we go i got a one inch sardine but i also got some coal okay that’s that’s handy if i need to make more scarecrows i guess the coal is probably like is that like the

Eyes of the scarecrow or the nose or something i didn’t really think at first how weird it was to to use coal to make a scarecrow but i guess that’s just the the way it goes well let’s just do a few more and see if

We do get the the seaweed if not like oh there we go i got it perfect sorted let’s go and deliver that to willy and go and complete that goal i will then look at the calendar again and then go to to where robin’s house in and see if

She can make a coup the thing is she’s going to charge me loads of money for it isn’t she that’s the thing that’s the thing that i don’t have money i don’t know i don’t know if i’m gonna even be able to get any of this stuff because

Backpack is still priority number one because it’s so annoying not having room to to get all of these these things but first i need to track down where willy is he’s got he’s got a house around here is this his house here maybe i know it’s one of these around

Here let’s see if this says oh here we go good afternoon good afternoon ah there’s nothing like a strong cup of tea in the morning now that is a man talking some real sense i have your seaweed oh is that seaweed i requested i really appreciate it here’s

A little something for your trouble there we go 60 gold easy peasy lemon squeezy right then let’s go and look at the um at the the old calendar then and let’s see if there’s anything else coming up and then let’s go and at least speak to

Robin and kind of work out what the the deal is going to be uh for all of these different coupes i’m starting to learn my way around the town a little bit better so oh it’s vincent’s birthday tomorrow i believe is it the ninth today i don’t see how it’s vincent’s birthday

Today who’s vincent i don’t know why i need to get him a present i don’t know who he is but i need to get him a present i haven’t introduced myself to all of the other people yet oh dear let’s let’s maybe not worry about vincent’s birthday

I’m obviously not close friends of him then right where’s where’s old robin’s house then it’s up here oh that’s the adventurous guild there’s something mysterious over there i need to go and explore there’s all question marks up here these are all just places i haven’t been to oh here’s the carpenter shop uh

So i need to go like up and like east a little bit i guess it should be like literally like right here is that it no that’s the uh the community center we will go back there and and chat to some more of the the talking apples like i’ve

Had some i’ve become one with the forest or whatever it is now so i should be able to to understand a little bit better what’s going on with them but i believe this should be where robin lives and here is robin herself what can i do for you today shop upgrade construct farm

Buildings four thousand four thousand to be fair if you consider a backpack is two thousand either this is very cheap or the backpack is overpriced i think the backpack’s overpriced and i need to give the wooden stone for it as well it’s not like you know i’m paying for

Her to get that so i really need that coop i already need it else we can get a barn we can get a well we can get a silo to store all of our seed and stuff and get a meal a shed a stable a slime hutch

I’m glad i went to have the the big farm because i want to get all of this stuff but it’s all very expensive apart from the silo the silo isn’t that much but i need like copper bars and clay and stuff and i don’t know any of that stuff so

Won’t be getting into that i can upgrade my house for ten thousand let’s jus i i can see that i am out of my depth uh when i’ve arrived here but let’s go and chat to some of these people since i do need to meet them all this is maru when

It rains i have a good excuse to work on my gadgets all day very good that’s tick off someone met someone who likes their gadgets looks like there’s a scientist here demetrius you’re probably growing a lot of interesting plants on your farm huh i mean beans and and parsnips and i don’t know

Not the most interesting things in the the world right looks like there’s not really anything i’ll say is this like an upstairs or a downstairs here i think i might have just gone down says is this like robin’s house oh i need to be better friends with sebastian’s to enter

His bedroom i want to go into his bedroom that’s cool oh this was this about this in sebastian is it no who’s sebastian i don’t know sebastian is right let’s go into and leave here though obviously i am a well out of my adept for for upgrading any of this

Stuff i’d really love to so what else is there so oh this is done i got i didn’t get my reward lucky how i was able to to see that and get my my reward so introductions i still need to meet a bunch more people and then build a cube so they’re the

Only like official goals that i have i guess everything else is up to me so let’s go to the mines apparently that’s a great way to make money so i want to go to the adventurous guild first i think i need to join that so actually i

Should have carried on going up this way by the the looks of things and then going across here it’d be great to get like fertilizer or something something to speed along the ground process i know is this just this just like oh what is that i’ve got a lake i’ve got a lake

I’m not surprised of all of this rain just lie there i just pick it up and there’s not one of these little statues down i wonder if that has something to do with the luminos thingies the dancing apple guys uh oh there’s a tent up here

Is this oh is this the mine oh this looks like maybe the mine here oh i can grab her up all of these i’ll let’s sell these and i’ll maybe eat them if i get hungry as well let’s go and gather up all of these up there’s my is it gonna

Allow me to go in the mine now i can there’s someone in here though i don’t know if it’s just going to let me go straight but i don’t even have i should do a pickaxe don’t i alex really really you’re going to start squeaking that now i’ve met marlon hmm Hello marlon looks more like a pirate than a miner doesn’t it i was just peering down into this old mine shaft it’s been abandoned for decades like he’s having a fun afternoon still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place undisturbed for so long i’m afraid or isn’t the only thing

You’ll find oh yeah there’s baddies isn’t that i forgot there’s baddies in this game here take this you might need it i’ve got a sword i don’t know who’s going to get a sword and i guess i’ll have to deal with the baddie somehow a rusty sword sounds like a quality tool

I’ve just uh was able to get there my name’s marlon by the way i run the adventures guild right outside i’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and i might think about making you a member ah i think i might be able to go mining can i go in the minecart

Oh it’s out of order that’s out of order then what’s this little place for alex i’m gonna have to steal it from you alex drop it leave it no it’s too squeaky it’s just too squeaky alex i’m sorry well i think there might be an elevator then there’s

Weird stuff here can i like can i mine this uh your pickaxe isn’t strong enough okay so i’m obviously gonna be able to go through there later and just go straight in the mine oh can i just start mining all this stuff up i can

Oh okay it was just stone i guess oh this doing so this is like great and and rubbish at the same time alex leave it no look i’m gonna have to take it i’m gonna give it here give it a hint give it here i’m sorry it’s too squeaky

And people want to hear my really delightful and insightful commentary and the squeaking isn’t allowing them to do that so this is good and bad because it’s great because i’m going to the mine and i think that’s going to be a great way to make money it’s bad though

Because i still don’t have the backpack and so i can’t even gather anything up because my pockets are full already so i’m going to go run home i’m going to dump all of this stuff off and then i’ll go back to the mine now i’m carrying a sword as well that’s like

Another thing that another thing taken off his face i might drop off like my watering can and stuff soon as it’s raining anyway i’m not going to need it too much and then i’m going to go back to the the mine and do some proper mining so at a very

Convenient time i had a new oh i just took a picture didn’t mean to do that oh yeah i got a new thingy explore the mine reach level five in the mine there’s an old mine shaft in the mountains or for the town uh there could be valuable

Materials inside but marlon hinted that it might be dangerous and by might be dangerous i think they mean will be dangerous has this all just changed i think i think stuff might have refilled or maybe not maybe i’m going mad but anyway let’s go and get with some of this stuff oh

Did i get it oh that’s just stone was this all just stone i thought this was like a bunch of oars and so i think these are just like different color stones i mean stone is useful stone is a useful material i just thought this was all like cover at all i

Found a ladder i found a little hidden ladder to keep going down at all okay we’ve got baddies we’ve got googlies we look like we’ve got a little slime and was it going to hurt me oh yeah i have health i didn’t even remember that i had

Help it looks like health only matters when you’re in the the mine because it’s not even like on the screen otherwise let’s just keep whacking this thing i probably shouldn’t have a have got rid of all of my uh my food because my energy is gonna go rocketing down

Now that i’m down in this mine and like smashing all of this uh this stuff up should be like really useful you know to get this stuff at all i think that i think that might be like an oar or something there no oh the slimes are

After me the slime’s after me this sword is like the worst thing in the world it’s like three damage which i bet is nothing but the amount of times like these are like little tiny slimes like these should be nothing i should be just slicing through all of these guys no

Problem and they’re actually doing a decent amount of damage against me i’m gathering something from though is this um it looks kind of like they’re the same as the the sap but i guess it’s like a slime sap right let’s just spam let’s just go crazy is this the strategy this might be

A good time to give tips for for combat i can’t seem to like hold it or charge up or anything so spamming the uh the attack it just seems to be the the way to go about things fall for now also how do i get my food up does it gradually

Not my food up my health up do i have to eat food does it just gradually go up by itself all of this stuff would be very useful stardew valley experts but anyway what’s this here i got an earth crystal what on earth is an earth crystal

And i got slime from them i know what is sap i was able to get a glottalist glob with no smell uh an earth crystal uh gunfir can tell you more about those if you donate them to the museum ah okay looks like i need to go and take

That to the museum but oh what’s this thing the rock the rocks moving what is this they’re like a little little crab rocks like little tentacles or something what is this thing i killed it and i got a cherry bomb from it can i like throw that to attack people there’s

Just so many new things all at the same time generates a small explosion stand back maybe i could use that to take out one of the the slimes or something my energy’s actually doing okay but it’s pretty late in the the day as it is so i

Should probably get back pretty soon uh but let’s go let’s go on a little bit further i want to get like some good ore i know i think that might be copper is that copper ore up there i wonder if i need to like smelt it or or process it

Or do anything to it or whether i just like gather it and then that’s going to be enough and it was that silver maybe a little bit ahead there let’s go and see if i can grab that i’m having a bit of trouble with this little slime down here

I need to get a new sword maybe maybe if i join the adventurous guild that’s how i’m going to get better swords but this this really is not cutting it pun 100 intended that was a good pun right let’s go and uh well let’s go and get whatever

This is is my pickaxe good enough it is copper or okay so it is the the ore i got nothing else and then what’s this can i get rid of this oh this is oh this is algae let’s just eat the algae shall we because there’s basically i need to make room to

Be able to gather up uh whatever this is as well because i still don’t have my backpack i got what is this stuff it’s a quartz gum fur can tell you more about that if you donate it to the museum okay so it looks like uh a trip to the the museum

Is most definitely gonna be in order but first let’s go and try and deal with these uh these slimes it looks like there’s a few more earth crystals up at the the top here as well this is so cool this is like like a proper adventure i

Didn’t expect it would be so much like this i’m just really looking forward to kind of really diving deep but i think my next proper big mining trip would be great to do with an extra sword but also i just need a bigger backpack i’m just

Getting all of this stuff i just don’t have room for any of it that’s like the the big problem at the the moment so let’s let’s go and maybe make my way back to bed now because it is getting really really late i got so much energy

I just i’m just full of energy i said i guess i spent like most of the day just talking to people i feel like i should just like smash up some of these these rocks on my my way out of here just just to waste some of all of this energy

That i have and whoa it is dark it is really really dark right now so all i’m going to do is i’m going to go and head home i’m going to go straight to bed actually am i going to get to bed in time well because i

Think something happens if i’m not in bed by like 2 a.m or something and there’s actually a decent a decent bit away where my house is go go go go go go time goes so fast in this game and it’s easy to lose track of time i got i think

I might not even have time to sell this stuff i might have to just run straight into bed am i even going the right way it just makes it so hard to recognize everything okay here’s the the shop i know where i am now i think i’m gonna be

Okay if it is to if 2 a.m is like the hard limit bedtime be in bed by here or collapse i might still be okay so actually i don’t even really want to sell this stuff anyway because i’m sure a bunch of it is useful it’s one am now

I have one hour which seems like ages but that was 10 minutes just from there i now have 50 minutes left to get back into bed and i’m gonna be okay i’m going to to make it and then hopefully tomorrow some of my crops would have

Grown but sadly that is going to be the end of this episode here in the next episode i’m going to hopefully get some more money and maybe get the backpack i want to explore the mine more i want to go to the museum and show my earth

Crystals and my quartz and all of that stuff but yeah apart from that that’s in this episode here thank you so much for watching and i will see you all later bye

Next episode –

Welcome to my let’s play on Stardew Valley. Join me as I improve my farm, meet new friends and explore. Enjoy.

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  1. Stampy: I'm really sorry but I have to take this away from you, Alyx. It's too squeaky!
    Alyx: stares with a look of betrayal

    I just thought that was adorable. šŸ˜‚
    Also, I know I'm years late but happy very late first birthday Alyx. :3

  2. Youā€™ll want to turn in the earth crystal to Gunther at the museum or save it to make a mayonnaise maker. Every time you reach the tenth level of the mines (10, 20, 30, 40) youā€™ll get a better sword or boots

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