I’m Being Hunted…

Whoa oh my god there it is the Abomination the way this guy looks the name suits him well so during this video I had literally no idea what this entity did I didn’t know where it would spawn its weakness or how dangerous it actually is and for the

Sake of the video I don’t think I should tell y’all either in this intro but we’ll figure out everything about it as we play the goal for this world is to get to the boss fight yes this mob actually has a boss fight and I’m giving

Myself one life I know I don’t have the hardcore hearts on I actually forgot to put it in hardcore mode but nonetheless one death equals end of the run this mod will be in the description if you want to check it out for yourself and let’s

See if I can get to the boss fight and kill the Abomination without dying once okay this is a good sign we’re not dead and we have some sheep there all the Sheep kind of what the hell where did they go there’s pigs what oh they

Blend into the snow really well I don’t know anything about this creature I’m not going to lie I don’t know anything about it right now but let’s do something that nobody who has ever played this game has ever done and has gotten wood I’m changing it up I know it

Has never been done before but I decided to do something completely different and out of the box for this video we can also murder some sheep after I get some Stone because I actually do need some Cobblestone so Mr horor guy please don’t kill me okay and now we’ve got our stone

Tools got the stone pickaxe the stone Axe and now I can kill these sheep and not feel bad thank you sheep I won’t kill the baby though because the baby won’t give me food if if it did though I would have killed the baby just just throwing that out there yeah actually

This is a lot of food we’re going to be pretty set on food here what is that noise what the hell is that noise I don’t see anything also God dang it I forgot to turn my Shader on oh yeah this is what I like to see but okay yeah I

Guess the guy spawns off rip or or else those are just you know cosmetic sounds to Spook you maybe it doesn’t actually mean that he spawned a nice there’s some coal here too to cook the food that’s amazing nice one piece of coal perfect definitely don’t need any more than that that’s that’s

Enough for me to live off of for sure oh nice there’s some coal up there as well I’m just going to make some torches so that I can hold one out because I have a mod where holding a torch amid light which is amazing and I don’t know where

This monster spawn so it may not be the best idea for me to go into this cave right now but at the same time it’s got coal in here I wish I had iron in here as well I would I would be all up in

This cave even more than I am now if I had some iron in it I’m not going to lie oh my God what the hell maybe the mod I downloaded spawns a bunch of creepers cuz why are there four creepers trying to block my exit but

Okay snow biome is one of my least favorite biomes in this game so I want to get out out of here as fast as I can oh my God what the hell is this beautiful little underground water area that looks amazing especially with the Shader with the light going in but I

Really just got all that Cobblestone so that I can make a furnace and then cook my food and it’s also good that I’m cooking it out on this Lake here cuz we’ll be able to see if anything come towards us and uh yeah I guess I can build up okay

We’ve cooked all the food and the Sun is now going down okay let’s find a biome that is more habitable a biome that I want to live in I don’t want to live in a desert that may not be a desert it may just be like a little beach can’t really

Tell but yeah I don’t want to live in an ice biome I don’t want to live in a desert so let’s go around until we find something like a plaines surely that won’t be too hard to find right let’s also go ahead make this a bit faster let’s make a

Boat love how the ice is melting and then put the boat down and then we can go really fast along this ice path cool is this a spruce Forest not a horrible place oh my God I could get dogs right now um this is pretty tricky this is pretty tricky oh yes get

Them yes get them bones we want bones yeah yes hello guys yes oh my God we have pets this is amazing oh dang that one dog didn’t drop kill this thing for Me yes oh my God this is amazing my dog no bro this game yes let’s go guys can you kill that skeleton oh my God this is amazing what oh my god there going to kill that bro this is epic come on dogs Let’s uh let’s

Go on a journey together this is amazing by the way because now if we see the monster we have two dogs that are going to protect us holy I just found a cheat code to beating any horror mod bro dogs please don’t spawn right in front of me

You’re pushing me guys I just want to move my boat God dang okay maybe there is a downside of having dogs I know that someday eventually one of these days we’re going to come across a planes biome and that’s going to be the greatest day ever also what the hell is that what

Netherrack bro where are my dogs at oh my god did my dogs get killed what the hell is going on my dogs must have gotten killed what the hell there’s just three random Netherrack sitting here oh my God wait the island is inhabited I think I understand what’s going on now

But you know what this is content baby yeah I’m going to totally live here like unironically we’re actually going to live here because uh there seems to be some activity here this is content the mystery man we are looking for Li lives here and I want to make a nice home for

Him because I’m a cool guy but I don’t really have anything to make a home out of damn that kind of sucks well for now I guess I’ll make a little underground house because yeah I guess that’s all I can really do right now all right now we

Have a cute little area down here I should actually light this up though Jesus like what am I thinking yeah now now we can go to sleep finally right I mean I haven’t placed that I could have placed the bed the whole time it’s been

Night but I just haven’t um I want to see what does it look like out here during the day oh my God it looks so cute and peaceful is this really where I should build my base all right well I’m going to get some wood for my

House yeah I’m still not entirely sure where I want to build it because there’s not that much wood around here but I probably do want to build it in this general area yeah there’s a lot of wood over there I’ll probably just get wood from there oh there’s another one of those

Weirdly cut trees I mean what the hell is wrong with this monster does this monster not know the etiquette of cutting down a tree in this game that is not how you cut down trees dude Jesus some people I’ll probably get a stack of these logs and then I think I’ll be good

I don’t know how big the house I want will even be so maybe we’ll have to get two stacks you know what this is it this is where I’m building the base this is possibly the best area you could ever build a base in a war because you have

No idea where the monster is actually going to spawn and all these trees obstruct your vision absolutely genius let’s DeForest the whole area say goodbye to that tree and that tree you can’t forget this tree either say goodbye to that one too oh no it’s

Getting dark and I left my bed in my old house I have to go back to my old house let’s just go to sleep here and then I can pick this up whoa oh my god there it Is that is pretty ugly what the hell it’s so slow too I expected the evil monster that would chase me would be a hell of a lot faster than that I’m not going to lie um why is the music getting louder what is it what what would it do

If it touched me wait oh God wait what would it do if it touched me oh no is it going to go is it going to go faster than that I kind of want to see what would happen if it touched me but at the same time what if it just instantly kills Me is it going to swim maybe I can easily kill it in Here oh oh my God and when I hit it it hits me I can’t kill it oh my god oh no what the hell do I do it’s going to keep no I had no idea it was like this I had no idea it was like this oh shoot what the

Hell okay at least it’s slow oh and it’s gone okay huh interesting let’s build a little house here why not I don’t want like a crazy extravagant house or anything just a tiny little house and then have the classic logs for the corners of the

House oh man this house is going to be so beautiful I’m not going to lie oh my God this is a very rare house you’ve probably never seen anything like this before I know it’s super unique super unique uh coloring design super unique palette I’m using for making this house

But uh yeah it’s uh it’s something all right let’s put the crafting table here let’s put the bed there and I actually want to make the entire floor again I know this is something very revolutionary I want to make the entire floor Cobblestone and just like that the

Whole floor is Cobblestone now we can put some doors and then obviously we need a roof God this is the most ugly house of I mean ugly Jesus the most amazing house that’s totally what I meant to say it’s also make a little double chest put some random things in

There yeah just a bunch of stuff that we’re not going to need anytime soon you know that monster is a lot I don’t know if how many of y’all have seen this movie but it’s a lot like the concept of a movie called it follows if you haven’t

Seen that movie it’s like an okay movie it’s nothing too crazy but the like I’m not going to go too within the weeds of it but the monster is very similar to that movie so if you thought thought that was interesting yall should probably check out that movie but that

Monster does actually have a boss fight and we need ancient debris to spawn it and I accidentally just threw my mouse up in the air for a little bit there that’s why my camera went crazy and I’m just going to let y’all know now I’m going to spawn in the ancient debris I

Am not looking for ancient debris that just sounds really boring to me and I know it would probably be good for the video but imagine it from my perspective trying to you know look for ancient debris for an entire hour it just seems kind of annoying and boring but yeah we

Can set up a pillar put some ancient debris on there and then spawn him as a boss fight but I want to get iron first I at least want to get a set of iron armor so I guess let’s go down from under the bed I feel like that’s a

Pretty cool entrance to a cave okay we have our first cave and I don’t know if the monster can spawn in here I I actually don’t know I’m not even going to assume not I was going to say I assume not but I literally have no idea

Maybe it can um what the hell is this cave it’s already a bad sign when you just see a bunch of random stuff and no iron how the hell do I find diamonds before iron how many is it though is the real question you’re trolling me right it’s

Like dude it’s literally one Diamond bro this is not real you know what I’m just going to find an above ground cave because Jesus man I just cannot find iron digging down whoa whoa nah man that’s crazy nah don’t do that to me don’t be playing random noises oh there’s a

Village over here you know I almost wonder if the Iron Golem would kill that guy the stalker the Abomination whatever it’s called oh my God now this unironically would be the what bro I have never seen an area so flat it’s not really flat but you know what I

Mean there’s no like big mountains or Hills anywhere it’s so open there’s no trees like never seen that before this would unironically be like a best better at least place to build my house what the hell wait guys this isn’t an actual game it can’t what is going on why is stuff

Randomly being destroyed I have never seen that before is that part of a mod that can’t be bro why does what oh my God it’s the slowest man of all time okay so I want to lure him to this Iron Golem because I’m I want to see if the

Iron Golem will kill this guy that would be amazing come on buddy I know you can come over wait why is it just standing still okay come on it won’t kill the villagers will it oh my God imagine it just comes in here and Slaughters the villagers where the

Hell is the Iron Golem all right come on buddy let my friend kill you here holy look at that iron golem No no hey I got some iron though hey that’s actually good we got five iron from that oh and it’s gone I just realized I was yelling too cuz the wow that’s embarrassing I thought I was talking at a pretty normal level and then the music

Stopped and I was like wow I actually am yelling I’m not even talking on normal tone okay well I got five iron that’s good so now I can get those diamonds and honestly I do Wonder Could I I don’t know how strong that mob is I’m I’m like wondering could I if I

Spawned it for the boss fight right now could I kill it I don’t know I really don’t know because I don’t know what attacks it’s going to do I don’t know how crazy it is oh my God you know what though we could have wolves we get no damn it okay we’ll only

Have one all right back home to get my singular diamond with my new okay there you are with my new dog you want to come on the bed okay that’s fine I can just push you on the bed you can rest right up there buddy

Awesome nice look at that we have a dog in this world oh my God and oh my God is I mean come on was it really One Singular Diamond bro back in my day there used to be like veins of four seven diamonds eight diamonds I

Think but now in the good old days of modern Minecraft there’s possible for there to be only one vein you can’t really even call that a vein just one Diamond sitting by itself that is so lame oh nice oh my God that’s amazing right on Q multiple diamonds great I

Actually with those three diamonds I want to make an iron axxe or not an iron axe a diamond axe so when we do the boss fight for this enemy um I’ll have a really good weapon oh you know one thing I’m curious about is this guy does he Break Stuff to try

To get to me or does he try to climb to get to me I’m very curious about that what will he do Here Nothing that model is Crazy by the way oh he’s not doing anything I wanted to see how much he hits for wait he doesn’t do anything what the hell that is not oh he hit my shield there okay wait that was really weird um I don’t know why I still have this in

My inventory I I want I wonder how hard this boss fight is going to be it can’t be that hard then right I mean he didn’t even do anything there okay now we have full armor and this is the key for how you’re supposed to set up the alar I I

Know it’s a weird key it’s not like a picture it’s just you know it tells you what blocks the place so I’m going to set myself to creative to get these blocks all right so I’m going to try to understand this key here it says blocks G block BL QQ so fors blocks

Cool oh oh oh oh oh oh let’s go finally am I oh I am doing damage to him totly but surely let’s go oh shoot it turns into lava oh God okay okay okay okay okay a man I only I had a water bucket God damn it

How did I not think of that how did I not think to bring a water bucket oh God okay we’re doing fine though he’s so slow he’s so slow up here a buddy you are screwed I I got to take a screenshot of these coordinates in case I die

Though I hope you don’t mind me scalling the fight for a second I also hope this music isn’t copyrighted if this music is copyrighted you’re just going to hear Kevin mle OD that’ll be the boss fight music okay okay okay okay this guy is really

Strong God he’s so slow oh my God this this lava that spawns bro ooh let’s go let’s go let’s go we got two of his little health things down Okay damn not bad not Bad oh you know what I Wonder ah he doesn’t even try to go in it oh shoot oh no oh no oh no oh No oh God that’s not good that’s not good at All God the environment is crazy can I oh thank God I was like can I please stop being caught on fire woo that’s a lot of lightning that is a lot of Lighting Oh God okay oh that was Close I wonder if I go in like a little circle here if it’s better than going straight behind me cuz I’ll be able to see if there’s lava around me I wouldn’t be able to see lava going straight behind Dang this guy’s a noob though this is easy let’s go got him halfway down nearly halfway I guess not fully Halfway oh yeah we can do crits Too let’s go halfway down oh god what the hell is going on I thought we were going into like a second phase of the boss fight there my screen went all dark okay all right we got this we got this we got This he’s not very good at Attacking I think as long as we keep him also by this lava he is not going to spawn new lava that’s what I’m getting at oh let’s go he’s almost dead he’s almost dead he’s almost dead hopefully there’s no phase two we did a boss fight earlier on this channel on a

Different video and there were three phases in the boss fight uh what if this is like that too nice oh shoot oh my God yo let’s go I am not dying I’m sorry I am not dying I will leave the world and rejoin a billion times before I die okay not on fire

Anymore what the hell did we get out of that I’m going to use gold blocks to build up because I’m just epic like that okay so you get your ancient debris back it’s just a random structure what the hell what could this possibly be things right

M oh my God that’s crazy nah nah nah bro that’s crazy that is awesome I don’t understand why didn’t he use that at all in the fight then if it does that I mean oh my God that thing does so much damage bro that is awesome yeah we have

Some new things here actually in the creative menu the things right ma which we got and then glitchy head implant yet another Gadget that merges with its wear giving them more of that thing’s power do I just get infinite resistance all right well that was the Abomination mod I think we’re going to

Add this in palper and I you know 15 plus horror mod video I kind of want to have 20 horror mods for the next episode that we do of that Series so this will probably be one of the ones that I add because it’s a really cool concept and

Then obviously this is awesome if we ever actually beat the boss fight but yeah like And subscribe I appreciate y’all and I hope you all have a good rest of your day night evening wherever youall are from all right bye

I’m Being Hunted…



TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy

SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly

INSTAGRAM | @ viv23v


Abomination Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/abomination

​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #horror


  1. Use entity 303 mod, entity 404 mod, null mod and grave yard mod as well in that video of yours pls
    You can also add mahou tsukai mod

  2. Loved the video @Vivilly! Can't wait for the next video man! I wonder if Potions and Tipped Arrows will affect the Abomination? Guess we'll find out when you and @Palpers fight it in the Horror Minecraft Survival Series man! Another Mob that might be interesting to see is The God of Roadkill that @Ezurre has been playing around with over on his Channel.

    For Making Potions, you'll need to craft a Brewing Stand which is made with a Blaze Rod and 3 Cobblestone. You'll need Glass Bottles to Make your Potions in, as well as Blaze Powder to Fuel the Brewing Stand. As you can Figure out by now, you'll need to Make a Trip to the Nether to grab all of this as well as Nether Wart and Some Soul Sand to Farm it.

    So the Potions you'll most Likely be Needing are the Potions of Slowness, Weakness, Harming, Poison, Healing, Regeneration, Swiftness, Strength, Night Vision and maybe Water Breathing.

    • Potion of Swiftness and Slowness: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion, Sugar to turn it into a Potion of Swiftness, and add a Fermented Spider Eye to Make it into the Potion of Slowness.

    Swiftness allows you to run Faster and Widens your FOV, while Slowness makes you walk as if you're Crouching and Narrows your FOV.

    • Potions of Healing and Harming: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion, Glistering Melon Slice to make a Potion of Healing, and add a Fermented Spider Eye to Make it into the Potion of Harming.

    Harming is Instant Damage while Healing is Instant Health. The Strength of the Potion will determine how much Damage or Health is done.

    • Potions of Regeneration and Poison: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion, Gast Tear to make it into the Potion of Regeneration, and add a Fermented Spider Eye to Make it into the Potion of Poison.

    Poison is Damage over Time while Regeneration is Health over Time. When Taking Damage, you can never go below Half a Heart, but just like their Instant Counterparts the Strength of the Potion will determine how much Damage or Health is Done.

    • Potion of Stength: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion and a Piece of Blaze Powder to make it into a Potion of Strength.

    • Potion of Weakness: Just as simple as adding a Fermented Spider Eye, without the need for an Awkward Potion.

    Strength allows you to deal more Attack Damage while Weakness makes you deal Less Attack Damage.

    • Potion of Night Vision: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion, and a Golden Carrot to make it into the Potion of Night Vision.

    Night Vision allows to see in Dark Places like the Caves or at Night in general, and illuminates the surrounding areas to a Light level of 15.

    • Potion of Water Breathing: Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion, and a Pufferfish to make it into the Potion of Water Breathing.

    Water Breathing allows you to not lose your Air Bubbles while Swimming Underwater for the duration of the Potions Effect.

    Redstone Dust will make the Potion last longer, so most potions will normally last for 3 minutes, but when a Piece of Redstone Dust is added to the Recipe they'll last for 8 minutes. Glowstone Dust will Enhance the Potions Effect, in which case most potions will last for 1 minute 30 seconds. Gunpowder will make your Potions into splash Potions and a Bottle of Dragon's Breath will make the Splash Potions into Lingering Potions which are needed for Crafting Tipped Arrows.

    Once you have your Lingering Potion, Just place it in the Crafting Table surrounded by 8 Arrows to get 8 Tipped Arrows with whatever Potion effect you want. Just remember that They aren't affected by the "Infinite" Enchantment on your Bow and You'll need a Decent Supply of them in your inventory if you're going to use them.

    God Bows:
    • Unbreaking III.
    • Infinite.
    • Flame.
    • Punch II.
    • Power V.

    God Crossbow:
    • Mending.
    • Unbreaking III.
    • Multishot.
    • Quick Charge IV.

    Fireworks might also come in handy with the Crossbow. Just takes some Nether Stars to make a few Firework Stars and you can have the Firework Rockets with Flight Duration of 1 or 2 by Adding Extra Gunpowder. The Firework Stars can also be Dyed, so for you I think maybe a White or Light Grey Burst with a Red and a Blue Firework Star each as they are your Channel colors.

    Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man! Sorry for the Long Read, but there's a lot that goes into Brewing and Using Potions, with the Effects of Harming, Poison, Healing and Regeneration being reversed for Undead Mobs like Zombies, Husks and Skeletons.

  3. Ok the bossfight completely broke for some reason, i did not encounter any such problems while testing I don't know what happened but ill need to get that fixed asap, thanks for the review/playthrough ❤

  4. The iron golem flower thing is part of the game, when a baby villager is next to a golem there’s a chance the golden will give the villager a flower.

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