I Ranked Every Mob In Minecraft By Fighting Them

This video I ranked every single mob in Minecraft by fighting them in an arena this is the tier list and we’ll be ranking them by how hard they are to beat the tiar are hardcore hard normal easy and peaceful hardcore being the hardest and peaceful being the easiest

Let’s get started all right the first Bob we’re going to be fighting is the Alay are you guys ready the first battle is going to begin right now let’s go let’s actually use an axe I think axe does more damage if I just crit oh oh

Wait where’d it go oh no no where did it go oh let’s shoot it boom what I missed oh no no no you’re going to kill it yes I’m going to kill it oh my gosh you know what I think I have to put La in hardcore I

Can’t beat it I can’t beat the LA no what wait there is no way hold on does it not die how’s it not dying 1 second one second why is it not dying wait I’m so confused let me use oh who whoa wo let me use a sword what La

Is Invincible wait really what there’s no way okay then I just have to do this boom La is dead nice they have 10 Hearts apparently wait really let me try it again there’s no way they have 10 Hearts what what all have a unique ability to restore their health at 2 Hp

One heart per second this makes them pretty strong as they can survive some damage inflicted on them they have 20 HP 10 Hearts the same as gamer what I didn’t know that you know what I’m going to actually put La in a hardcore no no

No I’m going to put them in hard because I couldn’t beat them without commands all right so the next one is the Axel wow that was too easy that was super easy no not the Axel a don’t do it sorry I already did it too late too late all right Axel is peaceful

That was way too easy we’re doing the bat next let’s try to fight the bat while it’s flying oh my gosh oh wait a minute this is kind of hard yes okay I’m going to actually put the bat in easy because bats can fly away and it’s

Actually pretty hard to beat them when they are flying the next one is the be let’s go oh this is too easy there you go too easy be is actually peaceful oh wait they have poison so I’m going to put B in Easy the next one is Blaze oh

My gosh it’s already started okay so whenever the blaze is on fire like that you can block because they’re going to attack okay oh oh that was actually pretty easy I would actually put the blaze in hard yes because the fire would burn you and it’s really annoying especially when

You’re in the nether all right so the next one is the camel don’t kill camel no I have to kill it boom boom wait I didn’t know the Camel had that much HP camel HP 32 Hearts time 16 wow that’s surprising I didn’t know Camel had that

Much HP I would actually put C in Easy Mode then the next one is the cat uh-oh you guys are going to be mad not the cat oh no three two oh oh my gosh K the no not the creeper not the creeper right now wait wait the cat’s pretty fast oh

No oh the cat’s pretty fast oh wait oh Cat come back here cat holy moly it’s actually pretty fast oh there you go oh I’m sorry cat I’m so sorry so the cat was pretty fast and it was able to run away I’m going to put cat in Easy next

One is cave spider does it attack me okay yes oh wait that was one hit I think I’m going to put it in normal because whenever you’re in the M shaft you’ll probably get poison it’s really annoying the next one is the chicken hi Chicken that was it easy peasy peaceful mode next one is the Cod come on come on oh what oh what why did it take me two tries for that I think I’m going to put cod in easy because it’s usually really hard to attack them especially when you’re

Swimming and they’re really small so it’s also really hard to hit the next one is the cow hello cow bye cow that was too that was too easy let’s rank that in peaceful mode next one is a creeper oh man let’s fight one thing I

Have to be careful of is the explosion I don’t want it to oh my gosh I go here why why did you have to do that holy moly and Casper as well oh my God okay attack and go back there you go nice easy peasy don’t creepers have the

Thing where if they creep up on you like right behind you they do more damage if that’s the case I’m actually going to put creeper on hard mode above the LA the next one is Dolphin so the dolphin also has dolphin’s Grace which makes me

Fly fast which makes me fly fast I mean not fly faster swim faster so I don’t know if this is going to be tricky to oh my gosh wait a minute oh what oh oh oh no water water wait wait wait wait wait I’m going to drown I’m oh my gosh oh

That was scary come on there you go the dolphin is pretty tricky to fight especially with dolphin’s Grace wait a minute I’ve seen a YouTube video where a dolphin attacked a player I’m going to put dolphin in Easy the next one is the donkey boom okay oh what the did you see

That death animation that was a weird death animation I’m going to put donkey in peaceful the next one is the drowned hello drowned oh you’re slow you’re super slow so easy the drowns with Trident do a lot of damage so I’m going to put drowned in normal mode the next one is

Elder Guardian oh we got the effect hello Elder Guardian oh they’re fighting the squid oh my gosh oh come on oh wait I’m going to drn I’m going to drn W oh my gosh yeah o yes the Elder Guardian was pretty hard I think if I was in a

Actual ocean Monument it would be even harder I’m going to put ELD the guardian in hardcore the next one is Enderman 3 2 what fighting the Ender Dragon oh wait wait did I say Ender Dragon yes I did okay ow uh-oh oh oh my gosh oh come on

Oh oh my gosh totally an Ender Dragon I’m going to put it in hard next one is Ender might bye I’m going to put it in Easy the next one is evoker oh oh come on come on Boom oh my gosh oh the vexes are so annoying never mind I’m going to

Focus on the voker first okay easy with the voker having two types of attacks that one thing that comes from the ground and also the vexes I think evoker would be in hard next one is the fox hello Fox no it sounds so cute oh no

It’s so cute I don’t want to kill it no I’m so sorry oh what the oh it grabbed the item oh [Laughter] no the fox is kind of similar to the cat where it’s able to run away really quickly so I’m actually going to put the

Cat I mean I’m actually going to put the fox near the cat the next one is the Frog oh my gosh it’s so cute no oh man frog is in peaceful mode next one is the gas attack me yes let’s go if you have a bow the gas is really

Easy but without a bow the gas is super hard because the only way to defeat it is if it’s really close to you or if you shoot the the the the the the thing what’s it called the what’s the ball called why am I blanking the

Fireball I think the gas should be in hard mode next one is the glow squid let’s go oh wait what I thought it was a one hit glow squid is peaceful the next one is the goat oh the one hit the goat goes into easy the next one

Is the guardian oh my gosh don’t attack me please holy oh okay oh there you go oh my gosh let’s put in hard the next one is the hoglin hello hogin oh oh my gosh okay oh oh no I hit the wrong one hoglin goes in hard next one is the horse hello

Horse too easy horse goes in peaceful the next one is the husk if it attacks you it gives you the hunger effect so that is also one thing that you have to consider when fighting a husk I think the husk would probably be normal the next one is the Iron Golem okay come

Here come here oh oh oh my gosh oh oh my gosh it does so much damage holy moly ooh it has so much HP wow I’m going to put it in and hard next one is the Llama boom let us spit okay no damage oh it

Does have the ability to spit so I think I’m going to put it above goat the next one is magma cube hello Magma Cube wait wait doesn’t it attack me oh never mind there you go ooh ooh hello babies yes sweeping Edge I love sweeping Edge boom

Easy I think I’ll put it in normal next one is mushroom hi mushroom goodbye mushroom mushroom peaceful next one is the mule boom yeah easy it’s probably the same as horse and Donkey mule is also more rare the next one is the ocelot oh oh no oh oh no the

Ocelot I’m going to put ocelot between cat and fox next one is Panda no no the noise that it makes oh no bamboo no than I’m going to put it below horse above Axel if you hit the panda it will attack you oh right really let me

Try that let’s just attack it with my hand oh it does attack let’s change the panda to easy next one is the parrot are you not going to fly all right goodbye parrot the parrot was asking for it I’m going to put it above glow squid for

Peaceful next one is the Phantom fight come on come here Phantom I’m going to shoot you boom easy I’m going to put Phantom in normal next one is the pig hello Pig bye pig I’m going to put it between Cow and Chicken next one is the piglin brute

Uh-oh oh oh my gosh oh it has an axe so it breaks the shield oh block okay okay oh my gosh The Brute does a lot of damage let’s put the brute in hard next one is the piglin oh ow okay fighting the crossbow piglin in three

Out 2 1 block oh that went through me block okay yep honestly the one with the sword is harder than the one with the crossbow I just thought of something if you have gold armor they won’t attack you at all let’s put it above the drown in normal next one is the

Pillager oh oh my gosh block yes yes nice Pillager below Phantom above magnu next one is polar bear does it attack you oh it does okay oh my gosh oh I think it does more damage than the Llama so I’m going to put it above the

Llama next one is the puffer fish come on it’s so small hold okay there you go holy moly above B in Easy Mode next one is the rabbit come here rabbit come here come here oh oh the noise that it made one thing about the rabbit is that it’s

Really fast it’s also really small so it’s pretty hard to hit I’m going to put it in Easy next one is ravager oh block yes wait what is it what wait is that a new attack huh I’ve never seen that oh my gosh it does a lot of damage rer HP

Is 100 oh my gosh that is a lot of damage that ises a lot of damage I’m going to put ravager in hard I’m going to put it above evoker below pigin Brew next is summon next is summon oh salmon hello easy I think it’s easier

Than a Cod going to put it below the card let’s do sheep next bye I’m going to put cow I’m going to put cow above mushroom and cow next one is the Sher I I can block this holy what what the where’s it going oh where’s it going why

Is it like that oh no I got hit oh wait I have to wait for it to open okay there you go bom come on there you go got it oh don’t attack me don’t attack me oh oh come on come on oh my gosh the only

Thing about the Sher that I don’t really like is because you’re in the end and you’re usually climbing up the end cities if you get hit by that and and you fall to your death you’re just dead we could put it in hard next one is silverfish it’s close to the endermite

So I’m going to put it here next one is skeleton horse oh it’s two hits I’m going to put it between donkey and horse next one is the skeleton Buck okay nice buck nice skeleton has Aimbot I think I’m going to put skeleton between piglin and drown

Next one is the Slime go ow one hit one hit nice and then sweeping Edge nice awesome there you go Bel low case spider in normal next one is sniffer holy moly it’s huge oh I’m sorry snipper put it here between horse and axel next one is Snow

Golem bye Snow Golems don’t attack you so it is in peaceful below the Frog above the pig next one is spider wait wait what it’s night time what’s going on oh what the what the now it’s going to attack me okay my gosh that was really weird but that

Was super weird definitely more easier than the cave spider let’s put it between kave spider and slime squid next let’s go boom there you go I’m just going to put it above the glow squid next one is the Stray ow so the slowness effect is really annoying it’s not like

Super slow because the Stray has the slowness effect I think I’m going to put it right above the skeleton next one is Strider hello sniffer hello sniffer yes easy the only thing about the Rider is that it spawns in lava so it’s much harder to actually hit it if I

Take it into account that I have to go into the lava I think I’m going to put it between rabbit and bat next one is tadpole oh it’s so small oh there you go wow actually hit it because the tadpole is super small I’m going to put it above

Cod next one is Trader llama does this spit hello oh it does spit okay oh my gosh why am I struggling there you go I’m going to put it above llama next one is the tropical fish tropical F tropical fish is the same as Cod and salmon uh uh salmon there are

Different variants and some of them are really small so I’m going to put it between tadpole and cod next one is the turtle oh what why was that so hard to hit oh it has a lot of HP oh wow it was a little hard to hit but I think I was

Just bad I think I I think I was just bad so I’m going to put the turtle above squid because it has more HP next one is the VX oh where’d it go wait what oh my gosh oh there you go I think I’m going to put it above piglin since it is

Really small and it’s hard to hit and it goes through walls next one is the villager oh I’m sorry villager above Snow Golem next one is Vindicator boom oh okay how much damage does it do though oh okay oh oh W that does a lot of damage okay I’ll put it between Enderman

And Sher next one one is the wandering Trader this one should be the same as the villager oh never mind there’s the particles right here right yes where’s it where’s it where’d it go right here huh where’d it go oh my gosh what right here right there you go okay it died

Okay I think I’m going to put it easy since it goes invisible I’m going to put it above the camel uh-oh next one is the warden oh no is this the first one I’m actually going to die we need to be quiet oh my God it’s so dark where is it

Oh oh run away run away oh oh my gosh that does so much damage oh my gosh hold on oh holy moly wow two attacks and I’m dead that’s amazing holy moly it’s way too strong oh I’m dead okay yep there’s no way way harder than the Elder Dr the

Elder Guardian way way harder hardcore at the very top next one is the witch oh it has a speed effect oh no poison okay there you go oh my gosh I don’t like poison between stray and pigin because the witch has poison it also has slow I think it also has

Instant damage and also can heal next one is Wither Skeleton oh my gosh oh oh two hits Wither Skeleton has the Wither effect I think it’s more annoying than a blaze probably not as annoying as a Shuler though so I’m going to put it above Blaze below Shuler next is oh next

Is the wolf I’m sorry everyone I have to do this put it in Easy you don’t have to no I’m sorry let’s make it Angry okay oh oh no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry # cancel I should don’t cancel Me Above polar bear below endermite next one is the zaglin

Okay oh my gosh oh holy moly wow I think I’m going to put it below hoglin the next one is the zombie oh ow okay two hits easy where did I put the husk right here okay I’m going to put it below the husk and above the cave spider

The next one is zombie villager it should be the same as a zombie yep the same where should I put it I think it doesn’t matter I’m just going to put it below zombie let’s do the zombified piglin next yep not that much damage there you

Go if you don’t attack it at all it’s not going to attack you but if you do attack it it also has a thing where it summons the other zombie five piglins to attack you I’m going to put it above piglin all right last two the last two

Is the Wither and the Ender Dragon Bo let’s get the bow ready oh my gosh okay oh oh my gosh Dodge everything Dodge everything oh oh oh no no not the Wither effect ohoh holy moly where’s it where’s it where’d it go okay it’s right above

Me I need to eat I need to eat oh my gosh I need to run I need to run oh my gosh I do so much damage I need to eat I need to eat come on please please no effect no effect oh it’s also regenerating can I attack it with my

Sword yes I can holy moly I’m going to die I can’t attack it no it’s too far up oh it’s regenerating so it’s just hard oh my gosh I don’t think I can do this come on please I need to get it to half HP oh I’m going to die oh

No that was really hard I don’t think it’s as hard as the warden though so I’m going to put it below Warden the last mob is the Ender Dragon so I need to focus on the crystals first get that nice nice right here no oh did the Enderman look at me okay

There you go got one oh nice I got that one and Boop yes got it let’s climb one of these go up go up go I hope the Ender Dragon doesn’t hit me there you go oh please please no almost there Dragon don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me

I’ll do this one last oh no I’m not going to do it we’re doing a teer lless I’ll touch grass later can I hit this or what if I do this there you go got it let’s go down safely okay oh oh my gosh we got all the crystals let’s fight the

Ender Dragon Ender Dragon come here nice nice easy peasy oh let’s go oh I missed that one come here Ender Dragon oh yes it’s going to perch okay let’s use the axe boom yes a lot of damage nice that is so much damage nice oh holy moly no where’s my where

Did my bucket go what you threw it I don’t remember pressing Q what how did I throw it let me let me touch grass what there’s no way how did I mess that up huh let’s continue the fight okay perching perching let’s go and

Let’s go in let’s go in let’s go in oh ow axe okay come on we could do it we could do it couple more hits no okay no throwing no throwing oh my gosh I’m here ow and Enderman no it’s not about you right now is it going to PCH again

Nice okay let’s get oh the head and boom Oh wait one more hit boom there you go wo wow we beat the dragon let’s go let’s go we beat it in one try let’s go in normal circumstances you shouldn’t die so I’m going to put it below wither

Above Elder Dragon I mean Elder Guardian this is my full tier list do you guys agree with my tier list I think it’s pretty good thank you everyone for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to follow me on Twitch so that you can catch these streams live thank

You everyone thank you

In this video I ranked every mob in Minecraft by fighting them in an arena.

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iShoya does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023!

Today iShoya plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft 100 Days, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft short from iShoya! It was HILARIOUS. #iShoya​ #shorts #tiktok #short​ #Minecraft ​

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.19.4, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.19 in 2023!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin but it is me, iShoya from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.19.4 and not Minecraft Bedrock.

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