I Survived 100 Days as a FIREFLY in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I was a small Firefly hurrying my way through the dark muddy swamp ah finally back home foso what are you doing turn off your light now before they find us wait who finds us just then deadly frogs leapt through the tree line all around us and began attacking my

People everyone was trying to fly away in panic but the frogs were able to use their tongues and devour each and every one of us whole the swamp frogs and finally found more of you insects eat them boys eat them all from just the Toad’s presence my

Home began to be Infested by a vile poisonous fungus boo you have broken the Firefly’s number one rule to never shine our light and this is why no I’m sorry I can fix this ah you’ve done enough all of this is your fault we were interrupted by one of the frogs Landing

Right in front of us everyone who’s still alive escape on day two a small group of us fireflies were trying to escape from the frogs but as we were flying down the river their tongues began darting out from the bushes my people were being taken out one by one

Oh no we all had to navigate through the tunks until barely reaching the trunk of a tree oh no we’re still not alone thank goodness you guys are all right ah this is all your fault you know we are never supposed to use our fire light no wonder everybody thinks you’re weak and

Delusional we’re going to look for other survivors look I didn’t mean for this to happen I quickly tried to follow them out but as I left the the trunk they were already gone a nearby campsite though caught my eye maybe they went there on day three I wandered near the

Campsite as a human ran by excitedly oh boy I got another one another what I looked and saw that they were collecting different types of insects oh no guys where did you go this isn’t funny I passed a very large campfire and made my way towards the collection of jars and

Thankfully they hid me away from the huge humans I turned to see an ant captured in one of the jars huh hey have you seen any fireflies around here what no I’m just surprised to see one with its light on it’s been decades wait really do you

Know why we stopped using our light as I said this one of the humans came walking by I barely ducked behind the ant jar in in time wa H I must be seeing things too close all right listen up you break me out of this jar and get me to that

Picnic with that sweet sweet pumpkin pie I’ll tell you everything I know about you fireflies okay deal I flew up to try and open the jar but instead I clumsily knocked it over breaking it that’s one way to do it because of the noise the humans turned and spotted us uh Firefly

Hurry up and get me a jar the humans chase me around the camp with jars in hand stay away from me I was doing everything I could to avoid them stop it why are you doing this is he talking to us I don’t know man just catch the thing and I just need

To find the rest of my people but but they didn’t listen and swatted me right towards the campfire because of its fire I suddenly grew much stronger what the huh one of the humans charged at me with another jar but I shot out a fireball hot hot hot they frantically

Ran around the camp and when they touched their tent it caused it to catch on fire firli uh sorry I turned to see the ant from before was on the picnic table eating pumpkin pie ah delicious okay pal this is the most beautiful food I’ve ever

Eaten yeah yeah good for you now about the fireflies why did we stop using our fire right come on follow me on day five I followed the ant down a spooky path in the swamp where I heard there are frogs here just stay low we’re

Here we walked out to a large lake with an eerie green Clow are you sure this is safe you wanted to know about fireflies right look around those horrible frogs are what happened years ago this entire swamp was pure beauty especially the lake but one day those dirty wart filed

Frogs came in and they brought their poisonous filth with them they also aim every insect in sight and with our light I’m guessing that made us the easiest targets but why not stand and fight back against them why are you asking me you fireflies are the ones who are supposed

To maintain the balance here to begin with wait we were just then a powerful explosion erupted in between us wait is this honey yes food more ribbits began to Echo in the nearby trees we need to find a safe place to hide and fast on day six we were making

Our way through the vial swamp come on there has to be a safe place around here to make things easier we got onto a lily pad to go down the nearest river uh do you hear that it sounds like I looked up and it was bringing us right towards a waterfall no no

No we crashed down and thankfully we’re unharmed wait what is this place I saw a hidden Terrain in the swamp it’s so beautiful this must have been what the swamp was like before the frogs with that I quickly got to work building up a home for myself I used a jar from the

Human Camp I don’t know where the other fireflies went but I have to find them and show them that we can’t live in fear if they won’t stand up against those frogs then I will after finalizing my home home I noticed that the ant had built himself his own personal antill

And is that the honey of course food is Food Dude can’t let it go to waste by the way my name’s crumb nice to meet you crumb suddenly another huge pile of Honey splatted down onto US ah gross oh sweet nectar okay seriously where is this stuff coming from on day seven I

Followed a trail of Honey left on the ground until reaching a flower forest and there was a strange scientist be ah this stupid test why did it have to fail why hey are you the one causing those honey explosions oh it’s just a little fly a firefly yeah whatever so the Honey’s

Shooting out that far is it that’s not good he is not going to be happy who’s he just then I heard a loud roar coming from nearby hey what are you doing oh what you just shut it we looked out to see a gigantic bear closing in sniffing

The air where is my honey I had an idea and shot out one of my Fireballs out in the distance because of this the bear turned towards it and ran off wow you have actual fire powers oh my goodness this could be it wait what could be You

Follow Me Now on day eight the bee led me to his Hive Town nestled in the forest okay look that bear we saw he comes here every single week demanding for our honey and destroying everything so we were testing some experiments to expand ours to fend him off and keep

Some for ourselves elves and I guess something went wrong yeah that went wrong he pointed to the far side of the town and there loomed a honeycomb volcano it suddenly erupted with more Globs of Honey slamming into a be he brought me to the volcano’s entrance and as we approached hot too

Hot ignore him here’s the deal we used a special fireflow for this experiment it’s too hot for us to handle but you on the other hand wait you want me to retrieve it fine only because it’s destroying my home on days 9 to 10 I headed inside the

Honeycomb volcano where I was quickly met with blasts of burning honey okay stay calm looking around the area I saw that the fireflow had completely overtaken the volcano testing testing okay what you’re looking for is in the core room the deepest part of the volcano and you must hurry this entire

Thing is going to blow soon no pressure I hurried through all the different rooms passing by a nectar Beach and a liary these are just so weird I heard them but as I was leaving I saw a book titled fireflower one of the Eternal Flames Eternal Flames what are those another

Quake shook the entire volcano as I reached the final hallway leading to the courtroom it was broken up and hot honey poured from above and it was about to seal off the room no come on I quickly navigated through the hot honey and flew under the last drop just in time I did

It finally I made it into the volcano’s core room but there the large fireflower was waiting for me and it surprisingly looked very upset on days 11 to 12 the enraged fireflower began to unleash its hot honey attacks all throughout the room how do I even stop this thing the

Ls I looked out and spotted three different levers all around on it I dashed towards the first one and flipped it causing the mouth of the volcano to begin to close that’s it if I close that then the flower can’t shoot out its honey as soon as I said this an

Explosion of nectar hit me back almost knocking me into a pool of hot honey wao spotting the second lever I unleash a fireball flipping it too one more to go but the fireflow seemed to sense what I was doing and summoned other firep plant creatures to its defense oh no I flew

Over them as they reached out to strike making it to the final lever just in time ha I did it the volcano was fully closed off and without any sunlight the creatures withered away a look at the fireflower it’s all small and cute now I went up and collected it for the beast

But as I did it fire caused me to grow even stronger I gained five more hearts and grew out my very own fire wings that allowed me to rain down a flame barrage attack wo why does this keep happening but then the volcano quaked again and

This time it was caused by the giant bear clawing it open my hone oh no time to get out of here on days 13 to 14 I escaped the volcano dance stupid Bear all he cares about is honey this honey that he wouldn’t know a good experiment

If it Stu him in the face okay calm down look I’m sorry but we kind of have to leave now before he sees us the remaining scientists and I fled to another area of the flower Forest ah your wings that fireflow must have empowered you just as I expected in my

Hypothesis you got to love those Eternal Flames the Eternal flames what is that they are very rare objects the wispy campfire the fireflow The NeverEnding torch the burning flashlight and the ignited lily pad if my research is correct they are meant to bring light to the swamps and

Aid the fireflies that’s it if I find them all maybe I can grow strong enough to fend off those swamp frogs and take back the swamp for our people come on I know a better place for you all to stay on days 15 to 16 I brought the be

Scientists back to my home together we built them a new beehive high up in the tree and because of this they began to work on a new Honey laboratory in the base hey thanks for that we’ll take it from here all right just no more volcanoes okay yeah yeah whatever pal

Look if you ever need anything just call for me the name’s Buzz glad you’re willing to help Buzz suddenly I heard crumb yelling out and he was frantically hopping around the base what’s the deal man there you are I’ve been looking everywhere for you I was out searching

For well food but I saw more of your kind other fireflies yeah but you’re not going to like where they are on days 17 to 18 crumb led me to the nastiest part of the swamp I had ever seen it was covered with poison poisonous fungus and warts everywhere and crawling within it

Were swamp frogs you’re taking us here do you want us to die oh I’m sorry I was trying to be a good friend and help you find your people yeah right sorry just show me where you saw them I followed him as we stealthily passed by the wandering swamp frogs and reached the

Heart of their territory their poisonous goop was spreading all around encasing cow Countess other insects and sitting on his Lily Pad Throne was the large swamp toe look around we’ve never been stronger this swamp is ours as our filth spreads all its creatures will have nowhere to hide they’ll only serve to

Fill our stomachs I looked over and saw in a separate pile were my Firefly people oh my goodness you guys are okay boo what are you doing here I quietly burned away some of the goop freeing some of my people getting you guys out now come on you’re still using your

Light look where that got us not now we’ll talk about this later as I was bringing everyone back the way we came a frog was now hopping down it great we need to find another exit everyone was too weak to fly so I looked looked around and spotted that there were lily

Pads making a path across the lake we have to do this fast let’s go they began jumping from pad to PAD as I stayed close behind making sure everyone got out safe until oh no run it shot its tongue at one of the fireflies but crumb managed

To push them to safety I unleash my flame barrage attack at them which hit him directly in his die wo how did you do that with that we used the opportunity to run from the Frog swamp the fire FL Escape how on days 22 to 26

We safely made it out of the swamps with all of my people seriously wa how did you do that it’s a long story I’m just glad you’re safe don’t think this changes anything we were in that mess because of you look I’m just trying to

Do what I can to get rid of those frogs so that we can live freely again those frogs they cannot be beaten it’s a Death Wish well when I find all the Eternal Flames we’ll see about that uh did you say internal flame I’ve heard of one of

Those wait you have he led crini off as the rest of the fireflies follow the king back to my base it’s supposedly deep inside this scary Forgotten Temple Temple so be ready but as we approached the top of the hill I looked out and saw

A fast food place oh score oh yeah I forgot the temple used to be here but humans built this over it you just need to get into the basement okay got it on days 27 to 29 Crum and I managed to slip through a crack into the restaurant it

Was after hours but a worker was still there preparing food I’m going to make my best burger yet M Burgers hey hey Focus do not go after that Burger we made a break for a door that led to the basement but it was locked great suddenly the chef stormed

By us on his way to gather ingredients wa okay my best guess is that Chef has a key we have to make sure that we stay quiet so that we can steal it from him so what we’re going to do is wait crumb I looked and he was on the burger what

Are you doing this burger is amazing holy guaca an aunt on my Gade dish I kill it I kill it now oh come on the chef ran to the pantry and grabbed a potato launcher he began firing potatoes all over the kitchen trying to smush

Crumb hey I’m I flew in using my Flames to fend him off it’s an insect Revolution protect the gourmet dishes Gourmet it’s fast food dude what was that in his anger he shot out a potato that bounced off the wall and hit him in the head knocking

Himself out I flew over and grabbed the key from him really you just had to have a burger huh oh uh sorry on days 30 to 32 we made our way successfully into the basement only to see that it was a littered with expired food yuck one

Man’s yuck is another man’s Buffet past all the junk I saw the entrance to a strange Stone Temple how did they not notice this we walked up to the doors as they slowly creeped open and Whispers filled the air creepy inside side was a long dark hallway but at the end was a

Fiery light The NeverEnding torch you go ahead someone’s got to take care of all this trash you know okay if I can just get there I’ll get stronger on days 33 to 35 I stepped into the hallway but because of this it began to stretch before my very eyes suddenly the doors

Slam shut and I looked to see that I was now in a crystalline maze so it was a trap I need to find that torch I began to move through the Maze and strange Shadows filled within it huh then out of the walls dropped Golems they started

Launching shadowy figures out at me Who whoo they kept appearing and looked like they were trying to drag me into the walls I hurried through the maze in a panic until I ran into the center chamber and there it was the torch almost there but as I made my way

Towards it my path was blocked by hooded villagers those who do not have the Shadows Shall Perish in darkness I’m sorry what the what they wasted no time and began to attack me with their Shadows my attacks weren’t working on them but then it hit me the Darkness I

Use my fire abilities which lit up the room causing them to back away from me fire and light is their weakness with this in mind I went up and ran for the torch all right now don’t crap that I didn’t listen and when I grabbed it I instantly upgraded I gained five more

Hearts and two powerful fire fists wo this is sick in my new form I was able to shoot out fire from my fists which lit up the room so much that the Shadows vanished turning around I saw that the hallway had returned to normal okay time

To get out of here I started to head out of the underground basement with crumb but as I did I saw a customer yelling for service hello is anyone here oh a potato this looks amazing the customer ran over to grab it and ate it oh no those are the ones he was

Shooting at us what huh oh no he’s back up you there are you the chef this potato here is amazing I will come here for service every day for the rest of my life oh oh my yes thank you the chef then turned over and saw us oh this is because of

You crazy little bugs yeah take this burger as an award yes yes this is the best day of my life on days 36 to 39 we made it safely back to base where I saw all the fireflies did too I helped them settle in by building cozy treeit homes

For them once I finished I was able to place the gourmet burger from the fast food place in front of crumbs and danhill I’ll never be hungry again I think you will oh there you are come with me we’ve got something for you okay I followed him and so they’re now fully

Functioning honey lab wa you built all of this you sound surprised come on we’re worker bees you know we’re scient anyway look this is what I found he tossed me over a GPS tracker yeah we’ve been looking for anything that gives off that same level of heat as the other

Eternal Flames there’s a lot of activity coming from the area tracked on that thing another flame could be there say less I flew out towards the area but when I reached the clearing I saw that it was a field set on fire not only that but poisonous goop from the frogs was

Everywhere oh no it’s a trap before I could react though ranid and his swamp frogs leapt out of the trees and I was completely surrounded are you that little fireflow that freed my snacks those snacks are my people all of the insects you’re eating you’re ruining the

Swamp because of it one of the frogs was about to shoot out its tongue but stop he’s mine I used the opening to fly up and try to get away but ranid jumped up and knock me back down ah I admire your bravery all the rest of your kind of

Scared little cowards who deserve to be eaten and with youorn that is all they will ever be he luned to eat me and I barely dodged out of the way and tried my new firefist attack but he just laughed it off oh was that supposed to hurt he

Knocked me back again and I was now extremely weak don’t worry I’ll make all your friends dead quick ones ranid then shot out his tongue swallowing me whole on days 45 to 47 I woke up in a gross area ah my head I looked around at my new surroundings and realized I was

In side ranid stomach oh no that’s it I’m going to die here ahead of me was a green glow coming from another chamber gross is that stomach acid why yes it is what the wait a group of half decayed insects ah you guys are alive but your

Gross don’t worry in time you’ll be just like us all the bugs who get eaten eventually do they led me to their small camp where there were even more of them hey I’m flying here what I’m all the way down here you guys all live here so what

You just gave up we searched for an exit buddy but every path is blocked by acid we’ve been trying everything there’s no use no no there has to be a way out out of frustration I Unleashed a fire punch that struck one of the stomach walls because of this the whole stomach Shook

And the pools of stomach acid began bubbling that’s I have an idea on days 48 to 52 all the bugs began tossing their things into the stomach acid wait what are you guys doing look if you could use my fire to create a big boom we could possibly force that frog to

Throw us up that is gross but worth a try what about all of you and your stuff we’re weak and only getting weaker we don’t have much time left this frog has taking our lives our freedom please just promise you’ll do what’s right and stop him no matter what happens to the rest

Of us I I promise hey you’re the Firefly right the one looking for the Eternal Flames wait how did you know I just got eaten recently everyone out there has heard of what you’re doing the Blazing flashlight is one of the FL Flames it was in my home a dumpster in the city

You got to find it please Mister yeah thank you I will and thanks to each and every one of you farewell foso there in the acid was the pile of their things here goes nothing I struck the pile and the acid causing the stomach to shake violently okay here goes

Nothing w a looking around I saw I was high above a busy City humans were walking around everywhere not paying attention at all this must be the place the snail was talking about okay I still got to be careful I journeyed through the streets until I finally found an

Alleyway with a dumpster jackpot once I flew inside I was greeted by the view and smell of a world of trash yuck I got to stop going into places that smell this bad as I landed I heard voices coming from nearby huh what was

That oh no I got to hide what I swore I heard someone coming onto our turf you got to get your ears checked man come on hurry up we’re going to miss dinner the rats ran off wait mobster rats this just keeps getting weirder and weirder I

Began to search around the dumpster and it didn’t take long for me to find the Blazing flashlight yes I rushed to grab it but nothing happened it’s out of batteries seriously hey buddy um oh no hi on days 57 to 59 I was brought before the rat mob boss you come here on

The day of our great cheese Feast look I’m sorry I don’t mean to intrude I just oh be quiet get this Losa out of my sight hey ah now someone cut the cheese cheese I looked over to see they had revealed a large blender full of cheese

And the batteries they’re in there I used my firefists to break out and dash towards the blender what in the world somebody kill them one of the rats jumped in the way so I shot a fireball at him but it missed this and hit directly at the blender oh no the machine it’s

Malfunctioning all of the cheese began to shower the entire dumpster wo I’m in heaven H this cheese stuff is wonderful I love some Dairy is that cheddar sweet sweet mozzarella this cheese is pretty good but a and the Rats began to eat all of it you know what pal I underestimate

Ated you hey Georgie get this guy’s batteries or whatever he needs the rat ran up and handed me a pair of batteries oh cool thanks I put them into the flashlight which turned it on and caused me to upgrade I gained five more hearts and can now unleash a blinding tail

Light attack sick on day 60 to 63 I was about to enter back into my base when I found my king by by himself I’ve been meaning to talk to you talk to me look I didn’t mean for all of our people to be found okay I just stop it’s not your

Fault it’s mine long ago these swamps were nothing but pure beauty us fireflies we were the ones that kept it safe with our light but then those frogs came and showed us who was really in control as king I should have stood against them but instead I forced us all

To dim our light and hide but now you’ve shown me we still have a chance I’m proud of you and I want to help however I can wow uh thank you Our Moment was interrupted by one of the decayed bugs hey you made it out no no no I saw you

In that Frog’s belly I overheard you talking about the Eternal flames right oh yeah you know about them too yeah I was one of the lucky insects that did and I’ll do anything to get back at that time oh he has got to go my other dragonfly people will look after the

Last one you need awesome wait you think they’d be willing to help us you do know dragonflies eat insects like me right yeah come on they wouldn’t hurt a fly oh no on days 64 to 68 the decayed dragonfly brought me to his people’s territory by a grand waterfall at the

Edge of the swamp so you said I’ll be sick safe here right as I said this a massive dragonfly burst through the trees heading right towards me come here I haven’t eaten in days you said they wouldn’t Hur a fly I flew through the area trying to get him off

My tail but it wasn’t working so I blinded him with my new tail light attack hey stop it he’s cool man yeah yeah please listen to your friend friend the dragonfly reluctantly listened as we flew to the top of their terrain where I saw just how beautiful their part of the

Forest was the frogs haven’t even touched this place yes and it’s going to stay that way let them destroy everything else for all I care wait what are you guys just going to watch as the frogs take over it’s all of our home let’s stay focused we’re here for the

Eternal Flame right this way they took me through the waterfall and into a cavern where there was a lava fall flowing into a lake at its Center floated the ignited lily pad yes I flew towards it but the dragonfly cut me off hold on there hot shot you want that

Thing first you got to do something for us on day 69 to 73 the dragonfly leader and I were looking down over a human Carnival these humans are even more vile than the frogs they moved in recently and began to expand their freak Show onto our turf destroying it all if you

Really want the ignited lily pad go there and make them Le you want me a bug to convince a ton of humans who can’t understand me to make them leave okay yep copy that I slowly made my way into the carnival as there were humans of all sizes having the time of their

Lives this is so much fun hey this isn’t so bad but as I looked around even more I watched as a kid started to hit a pig in its pen it’s so fad who wants bacon wrapped cor dogs yes me me me me oh my goodness they’re

Hurting the animals I got to take take this place down while everyone was running to the corn dog stand I noticed A well-dressed man walking into the huge Central tent he must be the one running this entire place a corn dog for you a

Corn dog for everyone on day 74 to 77 I flew into the central tent approaching the ring Master hey uh sir it seems your circus is oh no a bug in my circus he blasted me with a cloud of disgusting Vapor o good thing I always keep my

Insect repellent on me now to smush you before any of those customers see time to go I tried to fly away but I was so dizzy from The Vapor I could barely fly straight wo wao I accidentally ran into a pile of flammable materials causing them to burst into flames what what

What’s happening my fire burned up the ropes of the tent rapidly spreading Flames across the entire thing uh sorry oh the humanity the entire place is burning to the ground hey I haven’t finished my corn dog yet hello is this thing on hello everybody uh please remain calm remain

Oh who am I kidding fire everyone run all the humans fled the circus ground as the tent burned hey you did it you actually did it yeah totally meant to do that we then heard ruffling off to the side only to see the dragonfly leader was eating a ton of the Carnival’s

Cotton candy this human food is delicious we have enough here to feed us for the rest of our lives I’m never going back to eating insects on days 78 to 84 I was heading back to the water waterfall with the dragonflies when poisonous rain began to pour over the

Area oh no suddenly in a huge burst of goop the swamp frogs leapt in attacking and devouring dragonflies with you Dragon flaws out of the way all of this swamp will be more eatting grounds chaos from the battle was all around me as one of the frogs

Leapt in to attack hya but then randid spotted me you you’re still alive how oh what are you not impressed anymore do you realize it was all your fault that we found you fireflies and they were a noce me he lunched at me as we began to fight

I tried to Blind and burn him with my abilities but he pushed through every attack until slamming into me sending me through through the waterfall ah wait the ignited lily pad I really will enjoy eating you again suddenly the decayed dragonfly swooped in hitting him back hey you ugly

Lug I got a bone to pick with you now’s my chance on days 85 to 90 while the dragonfly distracted ranid I seized the opportunity to grab the ignited lily pad it’s fire surge within me as I upgraded I gained 10 more hearts and became much more powerful but as I turned around

Ranid hit the dragonfly against the cave walls killing him no the impact was so strong causing the waterfall to cave in with me inside as the dusk cleared the only way out was up so I flew up into the toxic rain ah it Bur Burns I saw that the

Swamp frogs were gone and there were almost no dragon flies left what happened in there where’s the other dragonfly I’m sorry he didn’t make it look these frogs they don’t even realize how much of the swamp they’re ruining it’s wrong and I need all the help I can

Get we’re done for no home barely any people no I have an idea you guys should come with me on days 91 to 94 I brought the dragonflies to my home and gathered everyone around ranid and the swamp frogs they’ve done enough none of us can

Stand it anymore and I’m going to face them all the fireflies then look to our King for too long I have snuffed out the flame of the fireflies and now it is you foso who will lead us into a life of light we are with you suddenly all of

The fireflies lights burned bright as the whole base was lit up I felt a wave of heat like I never had before as my flame burned the brightest let’s go burn some frogs because of this I felt so much stronger this entire time you wanted to stop the frogs to prove to us

We shouldn’t live in fear you shouldn’t fight alone it’s time we fight for our people and take them down together I’m glad I have you guys to back me up on days 995 to 99 the army of fireflies and I landed in a clearing of the wart

Infested swamp there across from us was ranid and his frogs this is it we’re not afraid anymore so be it men frogs devour them we all flew into attack the fireflies launched Vol of of fireballs towards the frogs and it was working our FL Flames burned so bright that we

Actually stood a chance the frogs were ruthless though and kept fighting so I flew down and took out a wave of them with my abilities w a tongue flew out but my king jumped in the way and thankfully the Frog couldn’t eat him because our Flames they’re too hot for

Them the Frog was then taken down by crumb’s bite I got him what oh dude you could do that go Foo we can take these guys on but him he’s all yours on day 100 I faced ranit at the center of the murky swamp so the little firl really thinks he can defeat

Me this swamp belongs to me you all are nothing but food a meal and went on F finished with you all of your friends will be eaten too no they won’t I’m not afraid of you anymore randid none of us are and this ends now because of my

Anger I felt the fire I gathered along my journey fuel Within Me randid launched his massive tongue at me as the fight began and I dodged around the air hitting him with everything I could yo need more than that to beat me he Le up and slammed into me sending me to the

Ground ow as I said from the very beginning you insect you and your tiny little friends never stood a chance ranid was about to eat me whole but I Unleashed my fire fists and was actually able to push him back now each strike weaken him further and further this is

For all of the innocent creatures you’ve eaten this swamp is our home I then summoned the strength of my new ability a beam of Fire Light which shot down right on to Ranon no there can’t beam the beam caught up to him and engulfed him in Flames ending him for

Good with that the swamps were freed and all of us innocent creatures could now finally live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Firefly! I had to save my fellow insects swamp, from the evil gross swamp frogs! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


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