Minecraft’s Most Powerful Armor

What would you do if I gave you a Minecraft armor set that would allow you to keep your items when you die you’d probably think that it’s some sort of trick and when you went to test it out you’d inevitably die and lose everything but you would be wrong because I’ve seen

It time and time again it works and so when I heard that four of these armor pieces had been scattered around the world I grabbed my elytra and immediately rushed to spawn but there was one problem every player on the server did the same thing

All right guys we are going to 10,000 by 10,000 and we’re looking for little blackened patches in the ground like four of them and underneath each one is a different armor piece which we need to collect every player on the server knows about it and every player is trying to

Get there right now I am one of them I don’t know where this thing is but we’re going to find it all right we are getting closer I think um we’re we’re in that uh 10,000 by by 10,000 area and so we are we’re getting closer

All right here is the first one um it doesn’t oh never mind okay that is a player doesn’t seem to be attacking me ow okay getting a little a little poison here um is that it for players doesn’t seem like a lot never mind okay that’s not great um I think it’s

Time to bust out the big guns okay Jesus okay okay we made it home SL e chest um we got a shoker box with crazy gear a player gave this to me it’s got custom enchants and a ton of totems I should have busted this out earlier but I

Wanted a plan B I don’t want to use all this okay okay okay okay we got this we got this we got this all right all right totem On okay okay okay we’re doing good we’re doing good let’s just go let’s just go okay I think we’re gonna employ a little a little strategy here if you will okay we got this we got this we got this okay and I did get a better pickaxe

From that guy as well blood dropped it on death all right so let’s just boom boom boom kind of skipped over this little bit here all right alt Q okay uh we need to Gap up a little oh diamonds Nice this has to be them guys these are the sapphire boots for now though I’m going to go ahead and put this on uh on here just because this set’s way better um and so we want to keep this one on for now let’s get out of here okay we’re

Uh I would say it’s honestly it’s better to um probably just mine up we can buy one we can buy one real quick shop combat elytra boom bo boom boom boom boom boom boom okay take that off so I think that went well okay we got the

Gear we got the boots um we need the chest plate and the and the leggings and everything as well I don’t know where any of that is what I do know is we need to like I I feel like we kind of got lucky with that first one we need to we

Need to make a grid pattern so we can get to the other gear before other players do okay so let’s go to the um top part of the map here we’re going to go over to uh the X value which is 10,000 it’s it’s all all of this gear is

Within a 10,000 x 10,000 radius which should make it pretty easy to find all right right there 10,000 let’s go back over here boom okay that is 10,000 by 10,000 shop and then combat and then just buy a bunch of um so let we’re going to just go down the line to 10,000

And then back we actually sorry we we’ll go to negative 10,000 so 20 total of 20,000 blocks and then we’re going to come back and do this over and over over and over again okay let’s do It wow okay look at this I I found one of the trees from an old video Let’s see if there are any uh any goodies in here oh no it’s gone these things used to uh contain hearts and I just I just found one wow I I feel like I probably looted

This one to be honest um remember looking for those that’s pretty cool these trees are awesome anyway let’s keep going all right all right guys real quick I wanted to tell you about feather client basically feather C and I have partnered up to create the B taken skin

Fedora hat the bent taken night sky cloak the Baken Blue Moon cloak and the Baken Galaxy cloak and also the Baken Planet Pet make sure you check it out at feather mc.com Baken or if you want to win one for free type # Baken feather in the comment section below for a chance

To win one item of your choosing okay that’s one as well my bad I had to turned on my mic surprising though not a single player has found this one thus far it kind of just seems like a little freebie okay we got a little cave system here um let’s try not

Straight too far away just because um it has to spawn underneath oh perfect oh my God what is this that is so interesting got like gray vines with this thing oh I’ve seen this before yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen this type of structure before that’s pretty cool that it’s good anyway

So let’s just keep going down this way keep mining down keep it Trucking oh oh dear God okay I think the best course of action is to just kind of fly around here oh Fire Res is off um I think we should just take off our gear

Um and kind of redo this we’re holding a c so should be good oh my God that’s that’s the chest that just like appeared right next to me it’s got the sapphire leggings okay that’s it no other players here nothing that was the easiest thing in the world

Wow if we just put those on real quick that looks super good super good like actually really good wow I mean I I’m I’m still going to keep these on just cuz I don’t want to waste that durability on there it doesn’t have a crazy amount of it um this has way more

I mean and by that I mean it’s it’s unbreakable um either way though that is uh that’s number two on the um on the armor set so let’s let’s just go up to the surface okay oh perfect okay there we go all right we got out and we have

Uh we have two uh one more one more Sapphire thing let’s keep going here I don’t know where where my grid pattern was I don’t even remember all right it’s this way let’s keep going here okay the terrain generation on this server is actually insane they’ve got

Like an ice waterfall here and it’s it just it looks so good like a big a big fing land mass sticking out it almost looks like someone run went around and built all this by hand like it’s not natural or Anything there’s like a pretty clear staircase up I wonder if there’s like chests up here or something it’s there are but they’re uh empty that’s also Crazy oh Every now and then maybe we just do this type thing wow GL res right let’s just keep going down oh that’s great okay oh that has to be it right there oh can’t get it that is the sapphire helmet so far it looks like we gotten pretty

Lucky in the way of people okay maybe we uh maybe we haven’t been lucky with people yeah that is going in there you guys are going to run what are you what are you doing running buddy come on come on what are you what are you guys doing running from Me Oh god oh that oh No this this guy’s here to save me I killed this guy earlier Come on just a little more couple more hits oh my God his helmet broke okay we are so close oh what a coward what a coward let’s keep going who who just flies away like that okay you know what we got away I’m going to take the win okay and we’re just going

To try and find that other armor piece um I don’t really know where it is let’s also keep a totem in our off hand just so we have it what the sh oh God that is a player that guy definitely saw me I don’t know if he’s coming back though so at first

Glance it kind of just looks like a regular Battleground but there’s all this black stuff in here which definitely makes me think that this was was one of them and it it wasn’t like one that I’ve already been across I’m not seeing any chests here but considering there’s no players I do feel

Like it’s looted um let’s go to the shop and we’re going to get some more obsidian and then some more of this that way we have we just have it and then we can also kind of just that is a player up there see if we can go get ourselves a kill oh

Okay so we still do have the um the three pieces of gear we just need the fourth one and it’s it’s gone all right it’s it’s it’s not in my possession and I don’t really know what to do about that all right we’ve got um most of the

Armor but there’s one we’re missing and I don’t know how to get it so I’ve done a bit of research and it seem as though a player I killed earlier who’s actually kind of my friend lxt has it okay now I don’t know exactly where this guy’s

Located but I’ve got a lot of friends on This Server so I do know that he’s pretty far out in the uh the negative uh the negative positive um quadrant of the world uh and I’m sure a given time I could find him um it’s it would it would

Be probably pretty hard I know like about how far out he is is um but I’m not 100% sure like his exact location but again I could find it if I wanted to here’s what we’re going to do okay my first option is I’ve got $35 million I’m

Not willing to spend too much on this but I’m going to I’m going to hit him up okay I’m going to ask him how much he’s willing to willing to sell it for all right I just sent that message all right he’s asking me what my

Offer is I’m going to go 300 300,000 all right my first offer was 300K I think he’s probably going to turn that down considering he has $13 million I doubt he would go for that but we’re going to see okay he did not like my 300K request

I don’t think he’s really willing to sell it at least not a price I’m willing to pay considering I know around the location of his base I thought I’d try and ask but uh let’s go find his base all right we are slowly but surely getting there okay so I need to tread

Lightly in order to not spook this guy we should be around where this guy’s base is I I was told that it was in a cave um there’s a big cave right here all right we’re going to tread slightly here okay massive cave anyway um I’m

Here for one thing and one thing only I’m not going to grief this guy’s base I’m not going to take anything the only thing I’m going to take is his life all right and then that Sapphire chest plate everything else he can keep I’m only

Here for one thing I do want to go on uh to ah and see if I can’t get any hearts um I wish I could know the difference between between uh Revival one and two make things way easier H and these ones that I put on the auction house a while

Ago they just they don’t work um so we’re not going to use those shoot okay I don’t know if there’s anything we can do um except for going I’m sure he has Max Hearts I have this crazy gear boosts my stats heavily it could be a water

Cave no not that one okay um anything in here no just looking for a nice open entrance into the ground nothing here oh oh big cave here I think never mind it just tapers off there are a lot of caves in the area I was given not see any

Caves not really seeing any breadcrumbs outside of caves although I wouldn’t imagine you’d leave breadcrumbs in an area like this little cave right here barely saw that in the corner of my eye this part goes up yeah this part goes deep ow ow it like opens up into some

Sort of massive thing huge oh oh my God I just barely caught this out of the corner of my eye this has to be it oh there’s no way this is look at look at this we got Trident and and and enchanted books does that say eight

Piglin brute spawners does it say eight I don’t I know we’re not touching anything okay just in case I don’t want to like like like I don’t I don’t want to take anything from here okay including that amazing looking piglin brute spawner oh yeah oh yeah look at look at

This he’s got cow spawner skeleton spawners witch spawners zombie spawners oh and they all make so much money I that that’s not that much money to be honest I’m not going to lie to you um we’ll just put that right back where we found it it’s not like 100% his base I

Mean it might not 100% be his base I’m not sure it’s in the area that I was subscribed to it’s in a cave so I would imagine that it is um the best thing we can do I think is just set our home here so slet home LD to make sure yep and

Then just wait I I don’t really know what else to do that’s that’s all I got is just is just wait for for this guy to uh to return back online so yeah all right you guys _ lxt is back on I am really nervous right now this guy is

Good um as far as I’ve seen he was helping me out a little bit earlier which makes me feel bad for what I’m about to do but um it needs to be done I’m going to do my best to Veer away from his base and not kill him at his

Base boom he’s not here says he’s online here wait let me let me try spawn is he here or anything I feel like we could just wait for him here honestly I feel like that’d be kind of funny like he just comes back and we’re here ready to kill him

Hello that’s him right there go go Go okay that’s it this is the last piece of equipment and I also do want to do SL home just for just cuz I’m a good guy boom boom boom boom boom all right um so this is the I’m very lucky that a janitor cleanup didn’t happen right just

Then that would have sucked um let’s uh just replace that with um with all this infernal gear there we go oh that looks so good the infernal gear actually looks insane um this is the sapphire gear though um and basically when you have this on you keep your stuff when you die

So if I was to RTP out you have to have every every piece it on um if I was to RTP out and then just go up here take my totem off and just die I would keep everything including my levels obviously my hearts anyway and everything else um

You keep all of it that’s kind of the perk of having this armor it’s it’s an amazing set so yeah that’s about it

JAVA SMP IP: Play.FoxSmp.Net

Buy your BEENTAKEN HAT, CLOAKS, AND PET: https://feathermc.com/beentaken

How I CONQUERED The Infernal Dungeon

server discord: https://discord.com/invite/foxsmp

subscribe: youtube.com/c/beentaken?sub_confirmation=1
my discord: https://discord.com/invite/hpWX3dkyen

Edited by: Me

Thumbnail by: Mango

twitter: twitter.com/beenstaken

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2 / season 4. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife or DoubleLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on and there is revenge, griefing, stealing, scamming, and war!

Similar to Parrot / ParrotX2 / Leowook and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP / ajthebolds dog smp / tommyinnit hardcore smp / school smp parrot where he Started a War or Ended a War / LifeSteal SMP series, joined, survived, and I took over the lethal SMP. This is a lifesteal SMP copy. in Minecraft / Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2, fully produced by BeenTaken

This screenshot started a war. In this epic Minecraft saga, witness the screenshot that sparked a colossal war on our server! It all started innocently enough, with two dragon eggs placed side by side, seemingly harmless… or so we thought. Little did we know that this seemingly innocent arrangement would unleash a chain reaction of events that would forever alter the course of our Minecraft world.

The drama unfolded as factions rose, alliances formed, and battle lines were drawn, all centered around these mysterious dragon eggs. What was initially meant as mere decoration soon became a catalyst for chaos and conflict. Players vied for control, seeking to harness the ancient power of the dragons for their own gain.

Will you witness legendary battles between rival factions? Will secret alliances be formed, or broken? Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as friendships are tested, and new enemies emerge.




  1. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

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