Beating Terraria With Only a Copper Shortsword

Terraria has a lot of weapons in fact it has 563 unique weapons but what if I only used one of them your starting weapon the copper short sword that’s right I’m going to beat the entire game start to finish up until moonl Lord with only the copper shortsword here’s how I did

It now before we can get started we need to lay down The rules number one I can only use the copper shortsword to deal damage if I accidentally hit a random enemy with my pickaxe that’s fine but I need to deal all my damage to bosses with the copper shortsword number two

This is a multiplayer run but we won’t use any multiplayer exploits so this should be entirely possible in single player and with number three on the topic of exploits I’m going to try to avoid using glitches of any sort for this run unless absolutely necessary

After we spawned in and got some wood we were ready to start exploring I had black Yoshi start making the elevator while I went out looking for chess you know what actually I think I’ll go this way looking for chess you know what they say after all West is Best after searching for a while I finally found a chest and oh what luck it had so many useful things in it so many things that would later Define the run just you wait unfortunately right at that moment the eye of cthulu spawned Black Yoshi X would not be able to ow

The ey cthulu Was Defeated next up was Skeletron I got back right as Black Yoshi was finishing up the base I used the lead from earlier to craft an ano I then used the tin I got earlier to make a set of tin Armor with this I was as prepared as I could possibly be for Skeletron we made our way across the world all the way to the dungeon we were fully prepared to fight Skeletron now that we found the old man all we had to do was make an arena and start fighting Skeletron right

Now this was going to be a battle of attrition even though Skeletron did not have the damage output to onot me yet my damage output was still way lower than it should be at this point after putting in some decent damage I unfortunately died I had to Hope Black Yoshi could clutch this Out the eer worlds is a very strong boss one that I would need to be extra prepared for I was going to need a worm scarf for the extra defense so I got a worm scarf by killing the eater worlds after that I was fully prepared

To fight the eater worlds I made my way down into the caverns of corruption and threw a bomb to destroy the final Shadow or or I started fighting the Eater of Worlds but this was going to take a while so let’s see what Black Yoshi’s up To next up was Queen B now we beat eer of Worlds pretty easily so this shouldn’t be that hard we made a simple Arena we’re ready to fight It Queen bee is not Possible Duke fish Ron the Wall of Flesh was the final trial we need to face before entering hard mode as such we would need to be expertly prepared I decided I would need to upgrade my armor meteor armor would probably do well so I started mining out

The meteor in the world and made the armor the armor wasn’t enough I needed to be abs absolutely sure that i’ would be able to beat the Wall flesh first try so we Min out the entire Underworld the sacrifice is ready I’m sorry Tanner but I have to do

This I threw Tanner into the lava and began our fight with the Wall of Flesh this was going to take a while now that we were truly in hard mode we needed wngs cuz without them it would be way too hard to dodge all the attacks especially with how low our damage was

So why not start with the best Wes in the game Betsy’s Wes we started fighting the old ones Army and we’re destroying them but we had to be careful cuz we only had one Crystal so if it broke we were done for this was our only shot we cleared through wave after wave

However things were dangerous as we still only had prehard mode armor and the Old One’s Army was meant for Mid hard mode this was not going to be easy however we pushed through clearing through even more waves finally it was time to fight Betsy I summoned the final wave and Betsy

Immediately came flying towards us ready to fight however she was no match for Black Yoshi X who swiftly cut her Down we had to prepare for the mechanical bosses next so we needed to make our permanent new Arena this was going to have everything we could possibly have for it we need this to last until the end game the arena was looking good we were putting up our finishing touches on it

And after this we’ be fully ready to fight the mechanical bosses finally it’s time for planta we even found a bulb fairly fast now the important thing in planta is you need to build an arena around its ball otherwise you may run into some trouble like

Winning too hard all the time let’s do this planta was a real challenge probably one of the hardest bosses of the Run Next up was Gollum now fun Easter egg if you summon Gollum while wearing gollum’s mask he’ll actually spawn in his second phase honestly not much to talk about here I’m cracked out of my mind now I know you’re probably thinking right now why am I fighting deerclops well it’s actually preparation for

Lunatic ctist he has an attack where he splits into four copies of himself and only one is the real one and if you attack the Ron one you’ll summon a dragon that could almost instantly kill me and in this run it definitely will so how do we get around this well if you’re

Wearing the deerclops mask you’re actually able to see which one is the real one so it is essential for this run we are almost to the Finish Line we have our deerclops masks on and we’re ready to fight lunatic cultist let’s do This he came at us with a flurry of attacks but it didn’t matter we had our deerclops masks on and we weren’t going to fall for anything we dodged it all with ease we kept dodging his attacks making sure to as much damage as possible to

Him when the time came where he used his final attack split into three we were able to identify the real one and with that the fight was over it’s a beautiful day out the sun is shining the birds are singing it almost makes you forget I opened my eyes the final boss

Was right there I had to take him out I used all my strength everything it was finally over that was Easy

We didn’t make the Queen Bee act like that. That just happened.



  1. I wet myself in suspense during that plantera fight. Couldn't help but notice you were lowkey carrying, black yoshi really needs to pull his weight smh.

  2. this is unbelievable! The amount of skill and effort put into this run was incredible. I am flabbergasted at this video. I hope I will be able to do something like this.

  3. God damnit this one actually got me, I added this to watch later when i got the notif not realizing its our favorite legitimate challenge runner

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