Hermitcraft 10: Episode 7 – BIG BUSINESS!

Today I get to do something that I’ve always wanted to do are you ready 3 2 1 previously on the hermitcraft server I really really want that permit but I know that grien probably wants my prismarine permit more I’m curious to see what he will give me who could say

No to that I’m going to be honest with you mate I still feel like I could probably make more diamonds than this come on how many diamonds do I need to put around then all the ice all the ice is good but I’m going to be getting iced

Out with the prismarine perm just take them all then just take them all here take my mending book I don’t want it that badly I just realized I think The Mending book sent me over the edge no I can’t I can’t part with it no I’m out I’m done oh mate and

That just about brings us to the present day there he is oh yes hello hello Mumbo hello grien how’s it going how are you working on a permit office what for like trading of permits and things are you interested in any trading of permits or anything like that

More more to fix some of the mistakes I made when I wrote the list ah it’s not as glamorous as all that well look see I’ve got a barrel as well yeah I can do the barrel thing The Negotiator do you remember this is that

Is is that still is that still on your mind I remember it do you do it is that still on your mind in terms of Trades and things like that you know I know we had like that jokey back and forth and everything and you know I was like

Bumping up your price a little bit and then I almost gave you my mending book and you almost did that that really genuinely kind of hit my soul yeah so you up I I just started questioning how much I wanted it and I was like no I want The Mending book more

And it kind of I don’t know put me off a little bit right so you don’t want it is what you’re saying you still don’t want it well I mean I’d still I’d still take it off your hands but more for like this at least it was two stacks you know

Cuz one stack would have been insulting but two thans well I feel I’m being generous now look okay I really really really want your iron and gold uh but why did you just take it because I just I I thought I could get like a little bit more out

Of you but then you seemed to really want it and I was like well you might go really far but then I you know sucked at negotiating I like I mildly want this mildly um okay how about this how about this okay I’ll throw the saddle in you

Know that’s a that’s a is that the saddle I gave you no I don’t think so did I pick it up I could have done maybe I don’t know what about look this got put a little hat on yeah pretty good little hat on it yeah yeah can give give

You some two sides on either side and how about this I’m liking the way this is shaping up really throw in war blocks okay take those out who’s buying War blocks it’s a good question gr thought I could thought I could get rid of that one easily what if I also I

Go that it’s like corales no I see what you’ve done there yeah know that’s good that’s good yeah so it’s like corales and you wouldn’t want to letal if you genuinely want to get rid of the W blocks I would I would take that oh now

You got me thinking so War blocks for iron and gold I can keep the prismer in no no I’m taking the it’s done the deal is done the deal is done the deal is done the deal is done take take the iron and gold and I tell you what give you

Some copper as well we always need coer I thought you said give me some copper I was like no you can’t do that after the deal is finished boom there we go let’s make this official that is official it’s been signed there we go signed done oh

Thanks MBO I can’t believe it oh it was I can’t I can’t believe I you could have taken everything I had and somehow it’s I I could cry I could actually cry and you have a better mustache than me this is a terrible this has been a terrible

Experience oh no no I’m happy I’m happy I’m happy I’m happy that I got the iron and gold I’m going to be rich um and I’m going to be happy and are you missing the W blocks yeah Wily I am a little bit but I think

Look why don’t we we could share the W blocks if you want okay we’ll share the you you want to team up and sell wart together yeah this is going to be we’re going to make a w Monopoly we will share we we’re going to share that one Diamond

Between us so hard back in yeah forget mega mega shops and corporations we’re going all in on warts I tell you what it would be amazing to make the biggest most just like obscene W shop in the world yeah I’m not sure I’ve ever bought

Warts or seen warts been sold no but you best believe our shop is going to be the most magnificent most complicated most incredible Mega build to have ever exist might be the stupid thing that’s ever happened but I’m really happy it has okay yeah I feel

Better you feel good about the deal I’m feeling good I’m feeling good it’s pleasure it’s a pleasure my my pockets feel a little bit lighter but I think that’s a good thing and I’m excited for the future so yeah I think that’s a that’s a success right look okay quite a

Lot of you were pointing out in the comments section that I’m not exactly a master negotiator uh oh I think I’ve messed up a lot of my deals so far turns out doc wants to pay me in sand watching back the deal with Cub I actually managed to

Convince him into to getting my gilded Blackstone deed and then I gave up the ability to have all of korean’s permits and some I ended up paying him more this is terrible I do still have one fairly valuable permit remaining just give me a second I’ve got access to

Thing perfect it’s this all item frames genuinely I actually think this is quite good maybe I I don’t know anymore I really don’t know I thought explosive fireworks were pants but then everyone told me they were good I don’t know what to think prismarine probably was a

Better permit than the iron and gold one but honestly I don’t want to build a prismarine farm so I’m happy with this in my opinion item frames massive pain to gather you need loads of sticks loads of leather I actually think that’ll be quite good sellers so I’ve got a looting two

Sword I think I’m just going to gather the leather manually for the time being and see how much I can get if I sell them for one diamond for 16 that seems about right for the time being while they’re organic organically harvested no Farms involved these are wild grass-fed cows hopefully should be

Able to generate myself a prettyy good profit I’ve set myself a time limit of 1 hour every Westwood cow shall be slain if I can Dismount my boat I’ve fallen at the first handle not a single cow has been slain yet get me off this thing everyone knows you’re not a true Sean

Until you’ve tripped on your own boat things are going well life is satisfying murdering innocent bow Vine is an enjoyable Pastime where are your parents I need to murder them for their skin what on Earth I forgot about that red oh my goodness I forgot about that feature that’s good the The

Horseman oh my goodness oh I’m a Savage I’m an absolute Savage Oh okay get me out of here do I do I get anything good from that I got this but honestly I think judging by the number of arrows that are in me it’s not worth it I could tell I was becoming

Unhinged so I did the rest of my murdering in silence and I got to say if I’m intending on having a fully stocked item frame store for the rest of the season definitely going to need a bathroom Farm now that does work in my favor because I do now have the gold

Permit which means not only can I sell the gold I can also get the leather from the bartering Farms you use for the item frames but doing it this way my goodness I’ve killed hundreds of cows and I don’t even have that much leather but hopefully it’s enough I’ll be honest

This is probably the largest amount of leather I’ve ever had in Minecraft we have got just over five Stacks which if I gather all of the sticks for the item frames is going to be oh I guess it’s one to one right it’s one to one on the leather so it’s going

To be just over five stacks of item frames which is around about 20 sets of 16 20 sets of 16 so I hang on a second I’ve just spent an hour and a half flying all around the server using up all of the durability of my elra for a maximum of 20

Diamonds I could have just gone mining this this shop is stupid I’ve ruined everyone on the server’s chance of getting a cow for what for what I haven’t even built a shop yet I still need to build the shop to top it all off I’ve just come to terms with how many

Sticks I actually need item frames are the the worst recipe there ever existed in Minecraft can we all agree on that please yeah look that’s two stacks of locks in fact I’ve just done the mat in my head of course it is it’s one log per

Item frame how how is this little frame an entire 1 M by 1 M cube of log what s of wasteful frame Builder is crafting these things I’ve just done some Googling one cubic meter of Oak it weighs 730 kilos 730 kilos worth of wood have gone into this this

Frame that’s about the weight of a feat Panda I don’t know why fat pandas keep coming up in my hermitcraft episodes is not a sponsored message unless you want it to be F my DMs are open I’m absolutely flabbergasted after whining and moaning for a little while longer I

Finally gathered all of the item frames I need so now let’s actually build up the shop and to be honest I haven’t actually been over to the shopping district yet since we did the hermit permit stuff so there might be shops popping up already I don’t really know

What the vibe is but I do have an idea for this shop and hilariously it actually requires more resource Gathering let’s get this out the way quickly for you guys not for me uh it’s it’s not it’s not quick for me but I’m speeding it up for you so that you don’t

Have to watch me just continuously punching trees and Gathering Cobblestone and all that good stuff I’m now all sorted so let’s head over to the shopping district and take a look I don’t know why I’m almost feeling nervous at this point in time like if I

Mess this up it feels so much more official now that we have the permits but for all I know there could be zoning laws and things okay it seems like I’m going to be one of the first to make a shop this is really cool there’s lots of

Really nice builds doted around here there’s a few that are currently in progress I like the look of this one what is this okay so we got gray wool and lime wool as well one stack for one Diamond not bad yellow terracotta okay and rooted dirt the bamboo looks so good

That looks so so good I really like this as well I actually love this oh that’s nice oh The Mangrove roots with the mud inside that is oh in terms of placement what do we think to here I mean this looks pretty good I can go on the top of

This Hillside here I feel like that’ll be out the way it leaves room for expansion there’s still room for a path there is I have absolutely no frame of reference for how big this build is going to be do you get it frame cuz it’s frame frame chops good it so prepare

Yourselves for my fairly silly idea potentially I want to make a build inside of an item frame so the entrance to my shop is going to be a house that is suspended in an item frame which sounded sounded a lot better in my head but I like I do like this idea I

Think this is going to be quite cool I think if I execute this well this will actually end up looking good uh so we’ve got yeah the standard front of a house here that’s a good start it’s a good start and then of course I’ve got to add

In all of these bits so we’ve got the overhangs we got the roof and I’m trying my best to add in some color differences yeah I think that looks okay I might even actually add some stripped Oak in here will that make things look a little bit better see

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I like it I like it I’m acting as if this is some kind of revolutionary architectural design fairly certain this is like page one of the how to build a Minecraft house guide as I was building skis popped by and worked on his build next door and I

Realized I haven’t actually spoken to him much since the start of the season oh my goodness is that a skizzle man hey Mr Mumbo how’s it going bud good man how are you yeah not too bad I’m I think I’m going to be your your Sho neighbor maybe

Am I too close am I too close to you no cuz I I literally just started building so if anything uh am I too close to you no no no no not at all no that’s that stuff never bothers me in fact I started to build up here and I didn’t even is

This wait what what’s your shop going to be I forget oh so this is this is going to be my item frame shop uh this is uh Cherrywood and Mangrove W oh you’ve got oh that’s pretty cool that’s a good combo you know what’s funny is uh so my

After we pulled the Deeds uh my that whole clip it it the last thing you hear is your voice fading out saying that’s a lot of manual labor that’s true that’s yeah they’re pretty rough things to gather well I felt a bit bad because I so I I was a I

Was a log person but then but then doc came in and gave me an offer that I didn’t want to refuse and now but now I feel like I should have refused it because I think Doc’s going to pay me in sand um is what yeah I tell he if he

Pays you and sand we’re getting a union together yeah yeah exactly yeah I’m joining I’m joining the log Workers Union yeah yeah neighborly chitchat aside let’s get back to the build okay I’m about ready to start building my item frame but I’ve just realized it has

A slight gradient to it how on Earth am I going to do that that actually seems kind of difficult something I’ve thought about doing is packed mud maybe that could be the way to do it oh gosh it is slow though let’s have a look so if I start

Stacking these up next to one another they yeah I think I mean I probably don’t have to do the vignette but as long as there’s some kind of difference in texture I think that’s good yeah I think that’s way better than it if it was just

Terra Cotta I don’t know why I’m feeling incredibly nervous I just I really don’t want to get this wrong uh it’s good it’s just off center but that should now be fixed and I am yeah I’m feeling happy with that let’s start adding in the frame going around

The edge and I’m going to mix in a little bit of stripped logs to this just to once again add some texture because the item frame has got a few little differences in the way that the wood grain looks and done okay let’s see nice okay yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wow

I’ve chuffed with that that is great oh no I’ve just thought can I make mud slabs I can that’s cool okay so maybe the underside of this could be made of those in fact that actually yeah that works pretty well cool I’ve added in all of the extra

Details I’ve put a door on I think this is a very very good start now I’m actually going to construct the block that this thing is placed on so I’m going to do it as like a stone grassy block here and I think one thing that’s

Going to help this look really good is a whole bunch of leaves they will just help me add some foliage to the top but for now I’m adding all of the bits in at the bottom and I’m trying my best to channel my inner Joel and my inner my

Inner b o and my inner grean by adding some gradients and bits I I think it’s doing something okay now how do I do the gradient from Stone to Grass I need to transfer over now from Stone to to dirt and then grass do I just do I just do it

There’s kind of no intermediate block maybe some more packed dirt that could probably do the trick oh maybe some gravel gravel seems close to dirt it has the texture of dirt while still having the color of stone yes yes yes I think I think that has worked now it’s the dirt

Layer and then I’m going to hang the leaves off the edge and I think that that will be the thing that ties everything together here I do feel weirdly out of my comfort zone on this one but I am enjoying the process it looks kind of funny at the minute I I’ll

Give you that it looks kind of funny it looks a bit like a piece of of bread that’s been in the oven for too long it’s like expanded outside of the pan I actually think like bits of drip Stone also here so we’ll have drip Stone and

Then the leaves coming over the top so it will almost look like there’s root St o that’s cool that’s cool I like that idea that might just be the ramblestone and bits and I’m adding them in and already I’m liking the way that this feels I’ve now added some stairs

And bits in and this is looking even better let’s actually add some Greenery here first things first hilariously I don’t actually have silk touch right now so I’m having to do something so old school this is a grass ladder I need the grass to spread from all the way down

Here up onto this roof okay okay I’ve got a dangler there and I’ve got a few more danglers coming in I do think this is going to look better once the grass spreads because I mean I can’t have it completely covered in leaf blocks up at

The top it does look cool already though and the first step of our grass ladder has been taken all right I think I’m finally reaching a stage now where this is at its good point I have absolutely no idea what this video is like at this

Point in time it could be just a complete mess I don’t know but you know what that’s a really good thing because I’ve just had my head in this build I’ve just been having a blast making this and and I think it’s coming together pretty

Well I really like it I think it looks really cool I just need to wait for the green to spread to the top our grass ladder is not progressing quite as fast as IID hoped I guess I could cheat and use moss and some bone meal but I don’t

Currently have any Moss or bone meals so that’s probably out of the question too I just spent some time catching up with scar on a live stream we both had an existential crisis so now let’s do the interior I just had three creepers explode what on Earth right now this

Might sound a little bit strange but I actually kind of like the way the inside of this dirt block looks so I might try and preserve some of it like I’m almost tempted to do a build within a build here if I build up this thing and then

Have a room but then have the rest of the build visible will that look weird feels like a strange idea especially because this wall is closer to this one have I built it wonky nope so it is just it’s just the way that the organic structure is formed like I’m almost

Tempted to build a room within a room here is this weird like is if I build a room in here but then leave some of it visible to the outside would that be strange does feel like it could be strange but then I know this sounds

Silly what if I place a bunch of bamboo in here so this called like a weird Garden you know we got we got stuff stretching to the ceiling is this so oh man I don’t know I don’t know I I honestly you know this stuff does not

Come naturally to me I kind of weirdly like the idea of it though like I think it will look quite cool yeah I’ve concluded it does look a little bit weird so I’m going to extend our room upwards and I’m going to add another layer to our sets of stairs here oh but

Then that looks weirdly kind of cool maybe I just extend them up to the ceiling and then have some fence posts and there things maybe I don’t know grass ladder update is looking good interior update it’s looking it’s looking interesting it’s looking like something you know what I’m just

Going to whack a podcast on I’m going to get this finished the interior is done and my grass ladder has begun providing results who needs silk touch when you have random tick speed I am absolutely knackered I’ve been playing Minecraft since 5: in the morning and it is currently 12:00 midnight

But look at this place look at this place it looks pretty cool doesn’t it and I imagine you know once these areas get filled in with bamboo a little bit more I just put some torches cuz none of them will grow in once once this area gets filled in with

Bamboo it actually looks really nice and kind of like it feels just super natural in here I love the hanging lanterns I like this this is cool this was my problem solving trying to get this line of blocks to line up with this one and I actually think this idea works really

Nicely I quite like the floor these are all blocks that I don’t really build with ever to be honest with you I am a very very big fan of this hopefully the 20 diamonds that I earned from this store will be worth all of the time that I’ve put into it

In this episode of Hermitcraft season 10, Mumbo meets with Grian to discuss a deal for the Hermitcraft Prismarine Hermit Permit, discovers that item frames are very difficult to gather, and builds a new shop in the Hermitcraft season 10 shopping district.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. I was under the impression that “all item frames” included custom item frames, so if people wanted to sell their custom item frames they had to go through you. You may want to ask the mods if you haven’t already.

  2. Why not work out a deal with the lumber selling and beef selling people a trade of a few frames for a lot of resources. Then you don’t have to farm anything.

  3. Wart blocks are back(?) in fashion! Either you or Grian need to start advertising that HEAVY while the other is the face of the business (without the hermits knowing it’s a co-owned business)

  4. You know you’ve got a massive loophole to take advantage of. “All Item Frames” you could sell “a stack of item frames with sea lanterns”…

  5. 9:03 Depending on the type of wood, a full cubic metre can cost anywhere from a few 100 bucks to the price of a pretty nice car.
    Now oak shouldnt be that pricy of a wood, but thats still a significant material cost per frame.

  6. I can honestly see the hermits doing some funny fake drama against this lovely shop, like how item frames are "bad for the environment, how dare you sell them" because they cause lag. Lol.

  7. Wait, this could be a loophole of sorts! So Scar has the sand shop, and Doc plans to give you 50% of his sand proceeds… so what if you sell your sand from Doc to Scar to sell for diamonds. You’d just be supplying the market full circle!

  8. Supply Scar with the sand docs gives you. Conspire with the others who doc screwed to supply HALF the sand he's paid to Scar who'll then sell it at a constantly discounting price adjusted to the price of the wood shop. All wood will be 50% off and as doc increases the price the supply simply increases to the point his prices are so high nobody can buy the wood and as SUCH the permit office enforce a new selection of permits with the express cause that they can only be sold for diamonds.


  9. Honestly, I think the interior of the shop looks better than the outside. Not that the outside is ugly by any means I just think the interior turned out really nice

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