This is what happens if you never leave spawn in Terraria

Dig fight explore build the very world is at your fingertips as you fight for survival fortune and glory but what if you never leave spawn okay so here is our protagonist his name is hermit fittingly enough intercede lock down okay so this is what i’m considering my

Spawn in terraria left to right i’m gonna build a wall there and block each side the guide must just be like what the hell is wrong with this dude all right there we go oh god damn if the slimes are arriving with balloons like some weird call of duty kill streak oh

Good he hit the wall oh thanks for the money oh that was just off dead bodies i mean my guy doesn’t look like he’d be above grave robbing okay there we go i’ve got a wall on either side and i am trapped with my new husband daniel oh

Why did it have to be called daniel gonna try and plant as many trees as i can because i’m guessing i’m gonna need these and it’s better to do it now rather than later all right i guess let’s get digging and why are slimes always trying to ruin the fun

Oh those trees grow fast okay that’s good news for me oh god what was that noise i made a table is it really that big of a deal i’m just smacking this butterfly with my hammer i’m an angry hermit wow look at that for a house it has worms so if you

Watched my minecraft little series where i had the same kind of idea i’m basically going by the same rules that i can go up and down but not left and right so i can get something like this because it’s within my reach but i can’t go over to get something like that even

Though i really want it and i’m just collecting the oars as i go down trying to get stuff of value okay that was to my left is that just a storm i hope it doesn’t start raining because this tunnel is just straight down i’ll just drown myself

Ah some rope and an archery potion i don’t think the rope’s going to be long enough to get all the way down there is it oh amethyst great okay this all is worth it now i wonder how far underground i am because it feels like i’m pretty fair underground this has

Taken some time to get down here using the most basic of tools any other goodies not just this a torch great all right well now i have this very long vertical tunnel which brings me way down into the depths of the map and there’s a few little offshoots here that we might

Be able to use yep look at that gold straight away excellent we may never leave the house but we will look very blingy doing it god i’m gonna leave a beautiful corpse jesus i think old hermit here has the biggest basement in the call me kevin cinematic universe

Which is really saying a lot he’s got some stiff competition oh look at that stairs have fallen on my house i assume that’s a good omen ah jesus christ it almost killed me and the others disappeared okay this is a bad hormone i misread the science sorry god is angry

At me how the hell do you make a chest in this terraria chest you can buy them that’s something i really want to buy uh crafting oh why is there so many chests wood and any iron bar excellent okay so i’m guessing i need a furnace then uh yep that works

Why do i hear boss music are you a boss there’s like boss music and lightning and thunder and then this guy just shows up with a funky umbrella like hey i’m the part-time boss the regular boss is busy right now all right we got some ingots and now hopefully we can build a

Box just to store my stuff there you go mission accomplished it’s the little victories there you go you can come in if you have to i’ve just left him out in the rain for days look we had a little fight all right i drew a line down the

Middle of the chunk and was like this side’s your half this side’s my half classic sitcom there we go that’s your room have fun oh no he’s freaking out he’s like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right well i’ll leave

You to it have fun in there and now i’ll start digging on the other side oh god the fish are evolving you see this is why i’m hiding from the world the world is scary as uh daniel over there has already learned i’ve just come up with a

Genius idea as well okay so there’s water here right and this is the edge of the chunk so i’m gonna make this the downside so i can just jump right into the water and then i’ll tunnel across to the right and have the weight go up so

It’ll be nice and fast and i don’t have to build another little platform side because it’s really really boring to just be building the platforms up okay so to make this nice and easy i’m going to actually release the water now so i can make the tunnel then go back up

And around back down and then the water will be there and then i break the floor and it’ll flow straight down it’ll work perfectly trust me and yes i’m aware when i usually say stuff like that it doesn’t work out but look i know what i’m doing i think the hell achievement

Unlocked bulldozer have i really removed that much earth already it would be some laugh if the whole thing just collapsed in on me like i’ve taken away all the structures supported on the left and right and now i’m digging underneath oh oh god the cave is flooding all right i

I lied catastrophic disaster is not actually that funny okay i need to try and release this water into like another cave or something there we go yeah destroy that cobweb there you go drain the lake oh no there’s slimes in the lake luckily i made myself this blinging

Gold sword there we go and i got a recall potion that’s epic oh wait hold on a second i gotta actually cover this up and make a little water pit for the water to actually be caught here that would have been bad if i forgot that the

Whole plan would have fallen apart oh what’s this an ancient statue of an angel huh i guess i’ll just use my pickaxe on it and pick it up okay there’s my other tunnel so i just gotta connect these and then i’m good i have a highway to hell

Wait oh no i hear a giant worm oh well he’s not too giant there you go oh he had a bit of money on him too i wonder what he was looking to buy carrying around money like that there we go finally we’re connected and you know the

Bright side of all this as well as having that connection now i have a lot of like bars that i can use to make stuff he’s still freaking out we’ve both been on the ground all day but for very different reasons the hell is that oh it’s an owl i should probably

Try and identify what things are before decapitating them i’ll put it here just as a warning to more wildlife that might decide to show up hopefully i can make another pick because my one is so slow you can make a toilet now should i make one for daniel i’m pretty sure he’s

Already himself now that he realizes what’s happening an iron pickaxe lovely the owl had disappeared so i’ll put the statue up there now it looks like a religious thing although it could be argued the last one looked a bit like a religious thing as well but a

Bit more questionable cover that off so it’s not too much water and let that water go down and now for the fate jump oh yeah that worked okay i see something lighting up there that means there’s going to be something good for me to steal and bring back to my hermit

House and horde for all eternity oh god i think that worm wants to take me inside his digestive system for all of eternity well for all of my eternity which wouldn’t be very long come on i’m looking for treasure there better be something good in here i need a big win

Not just iron and gold and whatnot even though i would take iron and gold if you have that oh i heard myself on gravel this is why i stay in my house all the time i don’t want to accidentally choke on gravel okay what have we got here we got some

Iron a gem something in the wall there whatever that is ah seeds okay that’s disappointing okay i’m not gonna lie this isn’t that great of a treasure hall okay this just in you cannot drown skeletons which i guess makes sense after all because they don’t have any

Lungs i see there’s like a trap block here but i think i’m okay like surely he set it off i’ll take it home with me i can trap the exit of that daniel guy’s little basement oh wait wait wait what do we have here oh it’s just tin i

Thought it was like diamond or something because it was all sparkly okay the one issue with this is because of my limited space i can only go down obviously i can’t like just explore horizontally on the map and there’s a lot of dangers here which i’m not ready to really

Engage with like there’s a lizard man over there he’s hard to see but he’s like right underneath me now oh sorry he’s a salamander i was gonna call him a salamander man but it already has man in it so actually that’s a pretty creative name if it’s meant to be a fusion or

Maybe it’s just a really big salamander i don’t know oh another statue oh what have we got here a dripler statue what the hell is a drippler actually you know what no i don’t want that answer no in my luck one will just appear next

To me and dribble all over me all right i think we have enough supplies that we can go up top and actually try and make some stuff now oh what the hell i was just thinking about this a second ago like if something fell down i’d be in trouble ah

No no no no no no no no no that is exactly what i didn’t want to happen i should make food i’m going up top only just realizing now i don’t really have that much wood which means i don’t know if i can make enough platforms to get me

To the top but we’ll see okay um i don’t have enough jesus how far i’ve dug down okay good thing i have that recall potion we’re gonna have to plant a lot more trees there we go hey buddy i’m back to torment you oh and a lucky

Star wow what a great day to be fair to the guy he’s got some moves like if this song came on in the club i would be doing the exact same movement damn owl on the roof guess who is going to kill you come here i feel like i’ve gone mad

Like even the look of my character he looks like he’s filming a netflix special called inside is there any way i can break the pot without actually oh okay why did i say ow i’m just i’m wondering if i okay there goes my glow stick i’m wondering if i

Can break it and leave the things rolled to me but i don’t know if that’s possible i just wanted to grab this iron ore before i start making stuff oh jesus christ who are you oh god you’re seeking revenge for the owl aren’t you that is one issue with this they just fall

Straight down i wonder can i make like a trapdoor or something resource wise i feel like i’m doing all right six iron nine silver 42 tin and two gold i might make some tin armor is that a good idea it seems like a good idea you know what

Feck it treat myself gonna need to harvest some of this wood go away owl or i swear to god they know not to mess with me anymore look i have no one else to be enemies with this is all i have to focus on in life hating owls oh wooden yo yo that

Sounds cool that was probably a waste of materials i didn’t even check what it cost i just got carried away trapdoor yes okay perfect well let’s see if it’s perfect or not i don’t know how they even work ooh that is neat i like oh

Wait i can’t reach it okay yeah yeah i like ah excellent that tree grew now i just need the roots to slowly creep in here and strangle daniel i’ll make a campfire too that could dress up the place a little bit there we go that’s lovely and

I could even stand on it and i’m fine now i think the house needs a little expansion oh did i say little expansion i meant massive overhaul the only problem is how do i get down luckily i built this fire earlier to break my landing ah okay okay i

Didn’t die that’s the main thing that’s fine now we just connect this up ah i’m very good at falling okay so my calculations were off i say ah calculation sorry i felt may i say calculations that the building is one too high but i just guessed

I’ll just put this in and call it insulation i suppose yeah look at that lovely insulation that’ll keep me warm in these this place isn’t even cold um look it’s good for sound dampening just anything to cover up my mistake is fine with me i don’t really need a

Reason there must be a better way of building these doors just slowly sliding out and then placing them yeah look at that what the hell is going on it looked okay for a second and then i think i added the doors and it messed it up i

Gotta warn you daniel i have no structural engineering degree so i just hope this doesn’t collapse on you not for your sake but this has been a lot of effort to build there’s cracks there but as i said not a structural engineer you know daniel could be a good excuse for

Why i have insulation as well you know as i said sound dampening no one can hear him scream there isn’t that lovely oh god damn it i gotta be careful it might be lovely but the house is a health hazard get away he tried to find a home but it’s not happening

Oh god it just smashed my vase oh i wanted to put a flower in it i thought it’d be so cute i don’t know why i’m decorating the house i don’t think i’ll ever have visitors and if i do i’ll most likely kill them look at that my

Construction has upset nature this poor eye even though this guy is literally just an eye he cannot see where he has to go oh oh no oh my god how did i manage that i forgot the hole was there and i was trying to kill the eye oh my god like

Where he got in oh that is so embarrassing i got a lens the rest of it fell down unfortunately and i guess i’ll just not get the stair that’s like right next to me yes i think i got my money i think it’s following me yes it did Oh no oh no oh no please be watered please be water oh my god i completely forgot i didn’t put the platforms all the way up the whole point was i didn’t have wood earlier that’s why i came up oh the underground is scary and dangerous trying to take my

Anger out on owls by throwing my yo-yo at them come here ah if i learn how to fly you’re dead buddy dead okay this has to be very careful okay i’m just gonna like slowly work my way down building platforms oh that’s that’s too low hold on hold on

There we go and i’m just gonna drop and build another build yeah that’s fine yeah i feel safe this is a good plan yep that’s fine there’s no panic at all as you can tell no one there’s the coin so you can find that i’m almost down to

Where i earlier died great wow what an adventure the thing is there was water down here if the platform that i built didn’t block me from getting to it what the hell are you oh you’re you’re the ghost of kevin’s past i’m haunting myself what a typical me

Thing to do oh i see something below me that’s exciting jesus what was that i think i’m poisoned there we go military genius called me kevin strikes again i’m tunneling underneath the things to grab them without engaging in combat with that dude i don’t want to have to show

Them my yo-yo after all oh now we’re getting to the goodies i see some goals down there big caves one of those hearts oh that’s out of my spawn area i can’t get it that’s really sad actually oh there’s a golden chest down there and everything

That is so sad the hell is that it feels like a lot of things around me are dying which you would think is good because it means i don’t have to kill them but at the same time why are they dying what is the what are they after hitting what

Happened okay i filled in the lava we’re all saved everyone now i can get this it had two torches in it well that was a giant waste of time i placed two torches just getting there oh no oh no skeletor’s on his way oh where’s my yo-yo oh

Oh i like the yo-yo that is so cool oh i love this weapon it allows me to be a coward and have fun which is a rare combination let me tell you what the thing is that skeleton came from over there which i only opened so i could get

That stupid base that had two torches in it all right what have we got here tin okay i thought that would be slightly better not gonna lie oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh all right that’s dealt with oh okay all right he dealt with himself

That helps i was gonna try and yo-yo him through the gap but i didn’t need to turns out life without me just wasn’t worth it how are things even alive down here every time i see them they’re just like a moth to a flame with the lava they’re just diving head first straight

Into that yeah there be silver here i don’t know why i’m a pirate now this is starting to feel a little bit dangerous anyone else getting that vibe or is it just me what is killing them what just happened there that’s worrying because like i’m

Going down there next and i i don’t know what’s happening okay that one caught fire so just avoid the fire and i should be good precise depth meter oh that’s neat oh look how deep i am now it’s so handy that that bat just decided

To bring that to me what a nice guy oh no that is a big boy whatever that is thing is i don’t think i have enough good equipment to be down on this level but i don’t really have a choice like i have to get good stuff somehow why is

The fire angry at me no no no no no no no no no no okay i i am dead i burnt out even though i had myself in a box i was still on fire oh those can shoot through the rocks anyway oh god i was definitely

Screwed no matter what well at least i got to keep my stuff i suppose let me put my own gravestone outside a little bit weird but there you go called me dead lol just leave a big lol on it that’s what graveyards will look when our generation move on wait how’d

You get out of the hole daniel get back in there you know what the punishment is for escaping the hole don’t you bombs away you shouldn’t have left your basement die daniel die oh god gotta be careful with those bombs never step foot in my home ever again now that is a basement

Oh come on the the falling star went straight into that hole i’ll just cover that up before anyone asks any questions why there’s a crater in my room wait a second how’d you get out it’s crafty i’ll give them that much i have enough lenses to summon that eye

Not that i think i’m ready for it but i’d be tempted to try it oh i got the star i forgot it was down there the only problem is i’d have to find an altar and i don’t know if that’s even possible like what if i just didn’t get one oh

There i go again almost casually killing myself once more i don’t think altars are usually this far down and if that’s the case then i do not have one in my little chunk which is unfortunate but i’m gonna keep trying to rush through and just see what i can find uh where

The hell am i going okay i have left my chunk i guess i just have to die now where the hell am i going oh jesus i don’t even know how to get out i’ve just accepted my fate that i’m driving to my death right i deserve that there’s one other

Thing i wanted to check i’m gonna build the great wall of chunk and build straight up into the sky just to see if there’s anything right above me i’m apparently in space now by the way he’s come a long way he’s like i’m never leaving the house and then one day he

Just decides i’m going into orbit now i should have left a pool of water at the end yay i hadn’t achieved it into orbit i’ve never actually done this before that’s pretty crazy now i’m just putting myself in a giant dome so even when i’m outside and i’m on the

Roof of my house i’m still technically in my own little safe space all right wait what what the hell why why are you up here what how did slimes get into space okay i’m gonna have to make a jump for it i hope i can land in the hole next to my house

Uh-oh oh no oh no oh no oh no this is terrifying okay yep yep i did it it’s a shame i can’t do the i boss the catoulus i think but there’s just no altar in my little chunk here so i guess it’s just herman and daniel forevermore

I better get started on that netflix special building my own little home and bury daniel alive digging holes left and right then forgetting how to climb full on amnosia losing focus then i died equipment getting better but then replaced it with a toy total isolation as hermit lost his mind

The start of war with owls wonder if i’m the bad guy dog that unexpected space adventure an unexpected fall the quiet understanding there’s no altar after all hey what do you say it was overdue but it’s over now so subscribe hey It was overdue but it’s over now so subscribe Hey what do you say it was all for you But it’s old and now subscribe

This is what happens if you never leave spawn in Terraria. My poor Hermit went mad within minutes.

#CallMeKevin #Terraria #Challenge


  1. I’m already subscribed but that song just made me wanna subscribe 😂 that’s the second time I’ve heard you sing/make a song and both times I’ve really liked them. Bah-duh-duh 👌🏼😂

    Very catchy!

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