Bathhouse Trips – Stardew Valley (Joja Run) – Ep. 5

Okay uh so there shouldn’t be any game audio right now which is fine uh I just want to make sure I’m not going to miss anything oh yeah on the Virtual Console that’s really cool that you can also written by the writers of mobia so hopefully they won’t be involved

Oh I have a lot of feelings about this chisma we e we e thank you so very much for the what was that that was a 39 Monon resub thank you thank you I appreciate that who decided live action for Zelda I just want to talk I yeah exactly it it

Just animated if not get that partnership with studio jibli and it just would like it just yes it would have been great and I didn’t do that I don’t know know how they would do that I know there’s a lot of like you know business that needs to happen for two

Companies like that actually I guess potentially more to be working together but it would have been awesome had a fun snow day with my niece and nephew oh that’s lovely yeah we’ve had a lot of snow here over the last few days we we went from very nice warm temperatures like I went

Out last weekend and just like a hoodie and jeans uh to it’s freezing and you need snow boots and a proper snow jacket to go outside so um but yeah it looks like we’re on the second day of summer here we’re not having a good first

Day uh we got our our blueberries and then some other little basic crops planted I think we’re doing pretty decent me I’m going around which they could be called Madame web game I think we should try it in chat the premise is there’s seven descriptions of things

That happen in the movie but one of them is not true you’re supposed to guess the fake one that sounds like fun oh heck I forgot that it goes this way for some reason I think it goes like three in front of you and it doesn’t throws me

Off um but yeah so we had a really bad snowstorm the other day and it was super cute um we had like four pigeons land initially on my balcony which like you know has like you know some space obviously between the edge of the balcony and the window so like Ollie was

Having fun watching the birds um but then Mike and I went back into my room and we noticed that there was like I think at 1 point4 pigeons as well on my window sill so they were pressed right up against the glass uh and we were playing like a City undercover and we

Ended up muting the game because we could hear their little like coups and stuff it was very cute they were all just like talked in they were freezing though and like there was like a good like centimeter on of snow on top of one of them who just refused to

Move um we had just like crazy falling snow lots of high winds and stuff so I guess they were bunkering down for that and I did eventually move all right here’s number one madame Webb is born in a cave in Peru with the help of magical spider people number two

Spider-Man or Spiderwoman never gets powers and are only seen in costume during dream sequence okay wait both of these are really weird so far number three and we’re guessing which one’s not actually in the movie by the way friends evil Spider-Man is killed by a large Pepsi sign spoilers I

Guess what I knew Pepsi was evil four Madame Webb becomes wanted for kidnapping by the NYPD number five Madame web runs down evil Spider-Man in her car twice why do all of these sound so weird number six Peter Parker is born but not named what what is he Peter Parker then if

He’s not named yet thank you for the follow welome on into the shenanigans mam it explicitly splits into three ghostlike copies of herself near the end of the movie I all of these sound equally likely and that’s the sad thing Scarlet come on in which is fake chat which one of those

Is fake do y’all think I I don’t know that’s the issue those all could possibly happen from what I’ve heard sounds boring and normal so you’re going to pick that you’re going for number three oh wait sorry I had a uh oh no I forgot that I made a uh a tool chest

Okay so we’re having a bad day today in game I think I might focus on clearing our farm a little bit although I could upgrade my axe I’m going to upgrade my axe actually I think that’s a good idea to start getting getting going on that a lot people are saying three or

Six it seems like so maybe we’ll go mining today instead then get some more copper Rand has actually right the meme it has small text in the corner saying that they all have it oh no what what are the shananigans oh wait a minute uh we need

To do the prediction we need to do the prediction I Didn’t Do It bear with me I’m half awake still I got it I can do it Uh start the prediction all right so if you guys hey BL how are you and Van slim welcome on in if you guys weren’t here for it last time pretty much there is a trash can of hat that you can get and stard you via searching in the trash cans it

Has a pretty low chance of happening but I want it so every time I stream staro I’m going to have a prediction at the beginning or roughly the beginning of stream where I say uh or it says will Crystal get a trash can hat today you

Vote Yes or No using Channel points or not if you’re in a place that can’t do that um and then by the end of stream we will announce whether I got it or not or if I got it then obviously we do that earlier um yeah I’m just going to set that up

For like a minute here got it there we go all righty it should be up above in chat if you guys want to go ahead and take a look can she see into the future or some is so she saw those different realities like what that explain it someone got

Paid to Green Light Madame web I heard about that Rebecca I had heard about that all in random oh my goodness oh you went for n did you I see it I see how it is yeah vote Yes or No chat got like a couple seconds

Left I’m not moving from here just in cas the like I get it right away you know what I mean I don’t think I will but it’s zero it’s 2% the odds are in my favor they might be they might be but I Can Dream right joa needs his uh his trash can

Hat I did my boy Peter Parker dirty in my damn web oh no simple statistics if I could jump all my points and to know I’d also do it uh Aquamarine I guess I could try which is closer than what you were expecting it to hey bloy you got it pretty early once apparently some people in here have gotten it very quickly so like I have hope you know where does lonus have a mantle it’s a good question it’s a good

Question I’m suffering but surviving postco funk I got you I got you I really hope you feel fully better soon something I clearly convinced them that they would be in a Marvel movie and one of them talked about how excited she was for it yeah it’s that’s really awkward that’s really

Awkward okay so you’re going to go into the library and then I’m just going to hang out and wait don’t mind me kid don’t mind me there we go I have 400 plus hours of stard do I too partake in the dumpster diving I’ve never gotten it only seen others get

It Mike has never gotten it he also does dumpster diving I never do dumpster diving so obviously I’ve never had it but one day one day uh okay wait a minute where am I going we’re going to go put our ax in to upgrade it is money actually that’s

Pretty much all of our money I didn’t realize how low on money we were um but it’s fine it’s fine there we go it’s for the best got to clear out that space make a nice big old field oh oh sorry I forgot how this works there we

Go hey Maas how are you that is a cursed Beetle emote but I’m here for it I was watching someone play a little bit of Wind Waker last night and I’m like I really want to play again it might be time soon do you dual stream T I do not I do

Not I i’ I feel like twitch has gone back and forth on whether or not that’s okay uh I think the last thing I heard is you can do it but you can’t have your chats like combined and I don’t know if I’d be able to focus on two different chats like

That so I just never bother but I do upload my streams to uh to YouTube as like vods essentially um you know what I think I’m just going to stick to the lower floors we’re just going to stick to the lower floors and try to get some

Copper um instead of like digging our way really deep down uh horribly edited turned out to be edited down from the actual sequence in the movie which makes me even more confused it was so bad I can’t imagine anyone thought it was good at marketing you have to wonder what like what are

They seeing that we’re not you know or is there some weird like you know oh I guess I guess it’s going to flop anyway so why bother have you never played Wind Waker it is very very good it’s very fun especially if you just enjoy like sailing around and and finding treasures

And stuff also I it’s just that link is the most expressive he’s so fun he has such a little sassy attitude about him hello I know that we’re having like a bad luck day but seriously game ladders stairs there you go oh my goodness me yeah look at that little face look at

How done he is with everything is the only link with any emotion yeah he has a lot more Skyward Sword link was okay um but aside from that no I I I I think it was definitely definitely when Waker Link who had the most and like I’d say toun link but the

Other DS games are like very hard to see Tiny itty bitty screen so it’s kind of hard to see if he has quite that much expr question I think he does but I think I’m just remembering the like silly face that Skyward swordlink could make had this little like

Happy happy face uh okay I am not having much luck I feel like I should have gone fishing today but I feel like I do too much fishing and I don’t want to bore people yeah this is this is not going well I’m just going to go I see how it is

Game I respect it I also forgot that we have the mine carts now I’m not used to having them like so quickly uh Sony is just still as out of touch as they were when the uh and KX happened the ones where they talk about how Spider-Man should say NBD and stuff

To sound modern yeah that’s it very out of touch that’s probably you’re probably right that’s the right term did he say it did he actually uh okay so I have my like trash in there there we go I stard going it’s going good it’s going good we don’t have our trash can

Hat yet but it’s a small percentage chance so Uh Wood Stone iron I was thinking about making that recycling machine there we go uh just cuz I keep getting all this stuff I don’t remember if there’s anything like really good you can get from this but why not right we go uh okay so let’s take out some of

Our trash here there we go and I might just run around clearing our Fields a little bit here as much as I can without a um without our axxe try to get everything looking nice oh hi Kitty I forgot about Nook oh my goodness me even the hunter releases in August

Anyone excited they at least got other writers for it I’m just I think I’m just out of loop with the superhero movies now I’ve just I’ve fallen off they had my attention for a while not as interested anymore and at this point I don’t know

If that’s a me thing if it’s a them thing if I’m just tired after all these years on the Sonic 3 train I will say I I’m cautiously optimistic for the um oh what is it it’s coming out really soon the uh Avatar Netflix series cautiously optimistic I’ve heard some

Things recently to make me a little nervous have you seen the clips it’s not looking good I haven’t seen Clips no I had heard two things which made me kind of feel like I don’t know if the story writers really get the source mat or at least really get the characters and their

Motivations um I think the first thing was SOA does n he’s not as um I don’t even know the is it sexist I don’t even know what the word is I can’t remember what I don’t know if womanizing is the right word either um he

Uh like I I feel like that’s such a big part of his story from the beginning is he has these views on women and what they can and can’t do and by the end it’s completely different it’s part of that Arc right uh and then Ang apparently does doesn’t go off on as

Many like you know Wacky Adventures but again that is his story his story is about a kid who was forced to into a bit lot of responsibility and uh he ran away from it that’s why he was in the ice at the beginning right um and that still carries on until the

End misogynistic that might be the one that might be the word I’m thinking of and it’s like I get time constraints and and all that stuff but also I I don’t know hey melon how are you this is really awkward to like work back here so many trees but it’s okay

When we get that upgraded axe we’ll be able to cut through here a lot more easily oops some movies or TV shows I’m not excited for anything I was excited for Avatar but they have sucked out the fun yeah why do they want it yeah I had

Heard something about they trying to be like Game of Thrones but like that’s not the vibe that’s just not it I’m excited for Deadpool 3 at least that’s going to be fun yeah okay that’s quite a bit cleared out let me through there we go but yeah I don’t know I’m you

Know I’m I’m nervous okay I just got Stone from that dead p 3 is going to be the only MCU movie this year I’ve heard I think maybe they’ realized they need to take some time and like not put out things every two seconds it’s going to be dumb to the

Point where I might be annoyed uh sorry is it going to be dumb to the point where I might be annoyed by consistencies afterwards probably but it’s going to be fun to watch I think that’s the thing with Deadpool is it’s just you’re going in and you know it’s

Going to be silly it’s kind of like guardians but 10 times more stupid right um You Go in expecting it it’s not really necessarily always going to be 100% serious especially Deadpool that took a second I was a bit worried there hi level three combat level four mining

Nice I didn’t make any money I have to do some fishing I’m sorry I’m fishing is so good for early game when we get the blueberry money rolling in that’s when we’re sold there was an earthquake during the night oh is that the hot hot spring I think

It’s been a minute I think it is uh tomorrow is going to be thunder and lightning I don’t have any lightning rods yet and it’s a bad day again what’s that about game I thought you liked me Jojo This is embarrassing I lost my lucky purple shorts I’m telling you because I

Think I can trust you if you find them bring them back to me discreetly I’ll pay well I’m going to put them in the low pot sounds good was one Avatar to be good so it could help me waste time before rebirth comes out tell me about it tell me about

It only care about three movies coming out right now that’s Dune part two part two sorry Deadpool 3 and Kung Fu Panda 4 that’s it yes Lua shorts I won’t be able to get them by that time I have to befriend Maring I can’t remember what on Earth she likes

It’s it’s going to be a while he’ll be waiting okay no do you want some water there you go nice water okay let’s get this all watered here speaking of you guys heard the uh the rumors going around and again it’s always my thing take it with major grain of salt

But there’s the rumors going around that Nintendo is now looking at a quarter 1 release for their next console quarter 1 2025 by the way um it’s that’s true I’m I’m very okay with that um I’m ready for the next whatever Nintendo has coming up but also I’m in no real

Rush especially as re is coming out I’m going to be happy for a while I’m sold I’m Good seems sweating sweating God fitting the switch is getting old it is it’s getting up there in years Pokemon project 24 is going to run like garbage again yeah yeah what day is that again the 27th we got Pokemon day I saw that it would be an odd time for

Them to release it but I do appreciate time to save up some monies yeah 10 days oh that’s going to be fun always look forward to those uh yeah we’re going to go fishing sorry we’re going to go fishing today uh earn up some monies in Game uh not to much I guess I haven’t really done a lot of fishing yet in uh in summer oh I need the new fishing pole too I just need new everything uh I’ll take 225 it means we get most all the things we hope for yeah if we have that backwards compatibility

It’s you know a no-brainer I’m happy and it sounds like we probably will be the Wii U to the sequel no one wanted Oh uh let me get rid of this I don’t think I have an aquamarine for him I feel kind of bad I was hoping to find one yesterday oh be with a missing chat I just hope that better Hardware means certain games run better too many

Of the games I own on switch make me motion sick because of how the low frame rate yes so I mentioned this before and again I’ve heard rumors this could just be like you know baseless rumors that have no ual um why did I come back right aquamarine that’s it thank you

H uh I don’t have that I don’t think I think that’s the blue one I are you watching okay uh I will actually bring some of these in here there we go um sorry what was I going on back blade um right baseless rumors could be completely false but I have heard that

Potentially if there is that backwards compatibility that they could do like what PlayStation did which was awesome where you could put in you know PS4 disc and it would upscale it there’ be like an enhanced version because you’re running it on the PlayStation 5 if they do that for switch

If if they allow that backwards oh that scared me thank you for the follow that backwards compatibility and give it that upgrade yeah mik’s been hearing it too if they do that especially for Pokemon that’s like instant awesome like you know I’m I’m 10 out of 10 happy sold you know and

Again might not be actually legit but I know stable scarland by right uh so is getting old I don’t want to be forced to upgrade just to release a new console we hope the hardware is similar enough the backers comp mix switch games run better on as well

Yep makes L of sense big fans buy it then and not as interested fancy kids get it Christmas there’s less stock issues yeah without it being laggy it would be amazing it awesome Goose hello we are on the dark side we have joined joa how are you

Doing what is love Pokemon I don’t think that we can blame the hardware for running for running very poorly other open world games uh on the switch run so much better no I agree I agree looko blade right um I don’t think that’s entirely the switch’s fault I think that

Game is just not very well made um but still if there’s even the chance that it can run better um because again and I I have no idea about any of this I don’t I don’t emulate switch I have no idea how that works um I have heard

People running scarlet and violet on PC again with a more powerful system obviously it it can run better maybe not perfect but it can run better okay let’s get these assess see maybe we’ll get aquam Marine for uh bless oh heck you’re still working on the axe whoopsies that’s a

Shame it’s okay don’t worry I forgot about that too Mike is the one who is being like go get your geod scarland Violet does run better on emulation yeah I’ve seen I think like one stream oh look at you uh I’ve seen like one stream of someone who was who

Was obviously emulating and it does look Better B how’s your day going welcome on in don’t believe in the backwards compatibility to Nintendo actually says something about it exactly and that’s like the big thing right always take everything with a grain of salt we might never see it it might be entirely different I think the funny thing

Um and I was thinking about this actually over the weekend do you guys remember um before the switch came out before we had that initial first announcement there was that rumor floating around it wasn’t an official name it was the code name like the the GameCube was dolphin right we know that

We know a couple of the code names for previous Nintendo consoles we knew that the switch was the NX that was its like little code thing right I haven’t heard anything about the the new system oh I got a a Rainbow Shell I got two rainbow shells I don’t remember why these are

Good but I remember needing them for something I remember I was having a hard time getting them to spawn um but yeah I realized we we we knew about the like the NX for like a while before the switch is official announcement and we haven’t heard anything about that yet with this new

System oh is it the gqu quest okay got you oh hi hello all [Applause] right oh jeez hey it’s his wife how are you and silver pal welcome on in thank you for joining us I hope you’re all having a great day hi thank you bear with me here I want to

Catch up with [Applause] chat um got my oh wait wait wait depends on how backwards compatibility is done this is if there’s a switch internally like Nintendo used to do it it won’t be possible but if it’s more like a newer and better version of the chips at the

Same instruction set that it’s possible with backwards compatibility I got my SW from Toys R Us back when that was a thing we actually still have Toys R Us here actually still got it I remember the NX days that was interesting it was fun it was fun high

Pay I think I’m just s about Pokemon in general it’s my favorite IP and I’m just so disappointed at this point I wish they’ just go back to the pixel art days and just make a new game with old assets that could run decently yeah yeah no I

Agree I’m so rubbish at fishing in this game I just can’t do it fishing can be pretty pretty tough in this game um I find it much easier with controller I don’t know how people do it with mouse and keyboard I just cannot comprehend that uh I don’t remember how you play

Star you play mouse and keyboard yeah I don’t know how you do that it’s weird but yeah no i’ I’ve mentioned before brickade um if they ever and assuming you know their next our next remake is going to be black and white because that’s generally the order they

Go in um if they remake black and white but they do it in that oh God I always forget the term it’s like the 2.5 HD method like um octopath and live alive and stuff if they do it like those games do and make it look like

That I’d be happy it doesn’t need to look like the newest Pokemon entry doesn’t need to look like scarlet and violet for me to be happy for a couple different reasons but like it’s still 2D it’s the it’s that Sprites and stuff but it looks gorgeous 2.5d or something like that

Yeah keep packaging for my consoles but not games unless it’s like special special packaging yeah much less open world yeah Pokemon look like octopath traveler I would instantly defend all their bad decisions they’ve ever made i’ be the number one fanboy yeah I know that there’s like an instant

Fishing mod and like other mods to make it a lot more straightforward for people who are playing on PC it’s always really handy El ring Pokemon game have controller but I’m terrible good job I don’t need fish to survive cuz I’d be toasting day one yeah no you can get by

Without fishing unless you’re doing like very specific things I just find it really handy for money especially early on Pokemon back in the game could be a lot more forgivable I’m always so like on the fence about that because part of me is like you know I really enjoy

Catching them all but do I want to catch like what is it over a thousand these days that’s a lot that’s a whole heck of a lot how do we feel about Xbox’s nothing Burger I uh I was talking about that earlier Rebecca they really were impressive they went around in circles

And said nothing for a good like 20 minutes it was it was pretty impressive no like I’m I’m excited for SE thieves coming over to other platforms especially if it is properly crossplay like I can pick up my account from steam or wherever on PlayStation that would be

Cool kind of doly to take yeah no I’m I’m not big on it but Mike’s been really enjoying it uh Power [Applause] World 1,200 some odd too many It’s true yeah never finish a Pokédex until recently if it’s over 1,000 Pokemon I wouldn’t even bother don’t be a catch just actually in the game Fly can be transferred in oh I see what you’re saying Lally just open Val world the opposite I like the smaller

Dexes allows more focus on New Pokemon and potentially to put a shine on the older ones see I also like I think that’s why I enjoyed Pokemon Black and White so much is because it forces you to try out these new mods and like that’s what I do every generation is I

Try to use brand new Pokemon from that gen as tempting as it is to just bring in like you know tyion and a and Espeon like it’s tempting but there’s new cuties you know oh I got some meridium ore in that chest nice have a local server that’s

Cool never got to more than 80 even back in the day do have a living deck from gen one up until sun and moon sword shield Scarlet by alone was enough for me abandon that several yearlong project make it a post game thing like black and white

Having access to all the Pokemon from the switch games we get you back on it same one I’ve had the entire time I don’t care what the internal decks has just put all of them into the game Amis is and Scarlet and violet but unless you

Want to transfer and you never know it doesn’t affect the decks that’s there or not yeah no I respect that I respect that for people who want to have everything in definitely do Coco is best boy like I have I have quite a few favorites in the newer gens that like I

If I just used my old favorites I wouldn’t have known about you know there we go we’re going to get our money’s worth today chat I really want to be able to upgrade more tools how theola games worked you could transfer everything in but the game only tracked yeah the 300 to

400 I wish Xbox would go back to being like OG Xbox in the 360 area I I never i’ I’ve never actually had an Xbox console um so I don’t know too too much about it but from what I’ve heard like they were really on top of things back

Then especially on the 360 and then they like they tumbled and never fully got back up after I think Xbox [Applause] one yeah the whole like allinone device like they I don’t know how they manage that but only argument against what I’m asking for is that it makes Pokemon home

Useless which which they don’t want yeah okay it’s 9:00 my HP is or my uh not HP sorry my my energy is getting a little low but that’s okay do maybe like one more fish here here we go perfect reason why we shouldn’t look in look at data to make

Decisions it just I don’t know it’s funny because from what I’ve heard with their like whole allinone console thing it sounds like PlayStation was doing the exact same thing it’s just they weren’t marketing themselves on that they were like trying to be like this like entertainment center for everything when

They didn’t necessarily need to um I have now played a little bit of the Xbox one I played jordonia on it recently um I was playing band joui on it uh and then I got really really really frustrated at a level and I stopped um and it’s

Like I don’t know the UI is really it’s not as good I should I guess with the Xbox One you compare that to the PS4 right that’s the that’s the same generation uh I like the PlayStation much much better but like maybe I am skewed towards the PlayStation because I know it

Talking about TV and sports yeah PlayStation had the benefit of going after Xbox that presentation rip okay uh going to go ahead and throw some more of these in just about to explain stuff no it’s okay I’m not very great either there we do have an abre coming up here friends

I’m just organizing chest and going to sleep and stuff so I’m just going to go ahead and let that play out thank you guys for being so patient while we get that done um no not that one there we go and you know what this has been bugging me since yesterday there we

Go watching the Xbox One presentation making adjustments to their script based on the negatives they’re like mhm this is some good stuff yeah that was pretty funny they were but that’s because YouTube and Netflix were the most used things for the 360 but Smart TVs weren’t

Quite a thing just yet so that makes sense to focus on what people are using it for they didn’t think that maybe people used it for media because it was there and the games made them buy it in the first place yeah they went all in on something they shouldn’t

Have okay oh these are done blades youi from 360s Peak console UI design Spencer was like exclusive won’t be a focus in the industry in the future like no you want it to not be a focus because you have none yeah God that that little that little 20 minute director presentation whatever

The heck you want to call it was very funny getting Xbox stuff still is because I had the DLC for Rock Band 4 that I want to play on a not brick system without paying to Reby the songs yeah there we go okay so we’re going to have uh some bad weather

Today uh it’s a pretty good day I can go pick up my axe I don’t have to water my cops they’re warning for flashing by the way obviously uh but just in case people are bothered by it Lally for investors and not us it was a very weirdly Market as being something

People should watch when it was just a shareholder PR speak yeah it was it was the weirdest thing to watch I was like could have couldn’t have this been like an internal like email like it really didn’t feel proper um I might fish again I might fish again

Just got to get that money you know thank you for the follow welcome on in O sorry have to be a small business update that only nerds like me would have watched because the the leak’s a lot more people tuned in yeah had of back this a time when Xbox one

Was revealed it’s like well if you don’t have internet please stick with 360 yeah there was a lot of weird stuff said uh Farm Fresh radish no sorry buddy not happening all right today’s the day Chad I feel like give me my garbage can hat I want

It no that’s a soggy newspaper I’ll take it though four games are going to be released on other platforms but we won’t tell you because despite this being a thing because of rumors we want rumors to continue God yeah that was funny but like lowkey though like I know

They’re trying to have their exclusives and stuff but if they just put Game Pass and other platforms I would definitely keep my game pad as it is I’m kind of looking at ending it when I’m done uh specific games that I can’t get anywhere else

Um and that that that would get me to keep it but I guess we’ll see I uh have 5K or for those that know pal world that mean anything to you huh uh silver pump Mike’s reading chat don’t like Nintendo and Sony are letting them pretty sure they’ve tried

Okay get some more money get our next upgrade I don’t remember what the next one is it might be the bus not sure I remember can’t share games with your friends only if you’re friends with them on it for a certain amount of time and Sony made a video making fun of Them I also uh I think we were talking a little bit about this as well before uh or like on Wednesday uh the last day I stream before now um there’s also that that uh I think it was like a a comment made by someone high up at at PlayStation or

Sony um the PlayStation is entering its later life cycle I think that was the the terminology they used um and people are like freaking out because apparently we’re not going to have a first party PlayStation game between now and like may I think it was or something

Like that I don’t know how often when they come out with first party stuff but like that doesn’t I don’t know that doesn’t come across as really concerning to me surprise skate from my brother and our mutual friend they just bought balers skate three for me oh enjoy enjoy mango that’s so

Cool oh affection I’m so sorry I hope you feel better soon it’s not good oh this is kind of a cool little detail I followed you 20 days after I got married oh easy enough to remember it’s kind of fun we won’t have a AAA title before

March oh March 2025 from Sony that’s a little bit more substantial I don’t know there’s so many good games on here though like I’m I’m pretty happy with the library I’m I think I’m just kind of in a Content mood because we’re getting rebn like that’s all I need right now

I’m I’m good as long as that comes out the day it’s meant to small T will still be a thing it’s no more games like Spider-Man God of War okay fivey year follow anniversary this year oh my goodness feeling awful dance decid to feel a bit worse unfortunately I’m

Hoping it’ll be gone by tomorrow hopefully I wonder if you just like ate something weird or whatever feel better soon though I always really enjoy stard like sound design I just think everything sounds great um but I will say with headphones on I’ve only ever had a

Thunderstorm in acnh like twice since I started playing that game which was day one um the thunderstorm in that game though with headon phones on is beautiful it sounds so good Xbox confirm new hardware holiday 2024 probably Pro or something yeah I know we were talking about it

Earlier with the switch and stuff like I’m I think I’m ready for the next Nintendo console um you know it’s time I’m ready I I’m happy to upgrade um but with PlayStation like you know this is still a really new console to me but maybe because everyone

Was having a hard time getting their hands on it for like the first year year or two I want a Dreamcast too or Dreamcast too ahead of its time I don’t have a trip to Japan planned it’s so much cheaper there oh my my goodness you got to get one planned

Apparently for early 2025 could be the handheld that’s been rumored to be developed by their surface team oh that’d be interesting as well yeah cuzz like I think PlayStation they were trying to break into a little bit of handheld with the uh oh what’s it called that like tablet

With PlayStation controller stuck to either side what was it called oh I got a diamond heck yeah the portal yeah I know they were trying to break into it and obviously there’s the steam Jack and that’s the other handheld thing going on right now but like other than that in the switch

There isn’t much going on you want to go back to Japan just in time for our next anniversary it’s settled go on in like go on anniversary trip to Japan get yourself the new whatever Nintendo has coming out perfect perfect that would be cool though I sorry I just looked over and on

The twitch dashboard it’ll tell you how long you’ve been live for and I happen to glance at it right when is when it was at 1 hour 11 minutes 11 seconds that was perfect someone is leaving me for our anniversary Jenny remember the PSP oh absolutely I

Still got my red PSP it uh it doesn’t like to run without being plugged in the battery’s completely shot on it the poor thing heck I still got my PS VA which I I don’t use but it it’s there you did yeah Mike showed me how easy it

Is to uh hack definitely not actually but maybe the PSP as well back in the day was your introduction to Tekken oh bear with me oh I get that treasure chest okay there we go chrisly bought a new PSV in Japan the and pink one oh that’s cool I didn’t

Even know it came in other colors I really don’t know very much about that system what’s this had a PS v and barely played I’m going to be honest Mike got me the PS VA it was like you know I used one but good quality good good condition

One couple years back uh cuz I really wanted to play Persona 4 Golden that was the only place you could play it at the time and then they released it on Steam and then they released it on every other system um after years of being quiet

About it uh that copy of Persona 4 Golden is still sealed it’s sealed sitting on my shelf battery on your 3DS is almost de yeah my battery’s going too on uh on my uh 3DS XL didn’t even get to the blinking red light it just died exactly Jakob

Exactly did anyone who had the PSP did you guys have the cable where you could like plug it into the one of the ports on the PSP and then plug it into the TV to play on the TV I had that but I remember it didn’t work it like only worked with very

Specific programs on the on the beta it didn’t or on the on the PSB song it didn’t work with like everything the same thing I’ve been wanting get into fate for so long since I bought it and Fate Stay day night R to play through it and

Translate all for hu and now they’ve announced the re-release yep isn’t that just the way hey B I hope your cosplay work goes well that’s always fun come on in we’re talking uh handheld at the moment uh okay I still got a little bit of room I remember

Uh I was at the movies with my mom I don’t remember what we were seeing but we we arrived kind of early so we’re sitting a pretty empty quiet theater like you know no trailers were playing yet or anything uh and I was sitting there on my PSP I think I was playing

Birth by Sleep or Crisis Core knowing me and um I guess my mom had never heard the PSP in a quiet environment before because she just kind of went and turned to me after him and went that thing makes a lot of noise doesn’t it cuz it

Would like make a very distinct disc spinning noise every like couple of seconds or like whenever it was like thinking about something and I’m like yeah I guess this thing is kind of noisy Birth by Crisis Core you know it I think those are like the only two

Me games I had a couple other games on there I know I had de cidia uh I had a harvest moon game on there I had a couple games on PSP uh and I of course had OG Final Fantasy 7 think that was one of the first games I bought off

Their their like online store oh will you Jacob I hope that you have fun I hope it’s a good con hello welcome on in how are you doing today whoever it’s soly thought to put a spinning disc in a handheld needs to be fired we already tried with the disman

It doesn’t work no you’re going to have lots of skipping and issues those discs are really interesting looking know that they’re like cased in I’m good I’m good playing some stardo we’re doing our joa run here um trying to make some money by doing some fishing today

After I spent most of it oh did I wait I didn’t pick up my copper axe did I whoopsies disman I miss those days until I remember the skipping yep yeah I don’t miss that very much I remember um being with my friends and US list

Into some CD on like a small CD player um and like you know you couldn’t jump or dance around too much especially if you were in like a creaky older building uh or or house or apartment or whatever because it would cause the thing to skip like you know us me kids were

Running around like crazy anyway right Moon hello welcome on in trying not to jar it at all yes oh my God goodness yeah welcome on in friends if you guys are just joining us as well by the way question of the day you tend to keep your packaging for consoles in

Games mine is my answer is yes far too many listening to some uh N Sync on a bumpy road and it turns bye bye bye into Bye Bye Bye by oh man oh my yeah you were a spoiled kid that’s that’s the problem there mind Mike had the Sony what was it Sony

Anti-shock 10 second seconds of no skip or something I didn’t got any of that I wasn’t that lucky uh okay so that that that there we go games yes console know the boxes take up too much space yeah never get packaging because most of my stuff are hand me Down’s valid yeah I

Didn’t used to have any new stuff actually when I was younger it was all always secondhand so and my we and GameCube box I know I remember the Box My Game Boy Color came in but I was six maybe seven um uh so of course I

Was far too young to realize I should probably keep it same with like Pokemon I remember the the like it was cardboard it wasn’t like a proper box can afford a box in this scy man not even me not me okay we’ll pick up our axe tomorrow

Here I used to not pepper and S we do in case we move yeah okay now we have a decent amount of money now maybe we’ll get some mining done oops uh of course we’re not having a good day again though collecting physical editions especially games I love but I don’t

Think I have any console boxes maybe my A&H switch box somewhere yeah I’ve I’ve uh I’ve kept my e& switch box that box I’m not getting rid of I don’t know I I tend to save the consoles the console boxes a bit more uh than games

Usually I don’t know where my 3DS box went I had uh because of capture cards I had a couple different the Pokeball uh 2DS excels or new 2DS excels I think it was um the one with like the Pokéball on the front and like the button

Um I had I had two of those so I had two of those boxes floating around and it’s like I really do not need to keep both of these oh no one of my oh no two of my blueberries got hit by lightning shame I don’t got no lightning rods I’m

Not that I’m not that advanced yet oh Lego boxes Lego is something I haven’t gotten into and it’s kind of a thing I haven’t cuz one I know they’re pretty expensive but two space uh I know that those can take up quite a bit of space okay Nook come here there you are

Try likey time I just hatch and go but I’d rather hatch these Pat rats so I can stop this or ass hunt used to have a stack of them down the side of a bookcase in our old place but ironically we got rid of them before we moved do

Know or sorry I do now but my first couple consoles were second in hand yeah you got out your aunt’s closet kept the box your guitar came in yeah it’s really easy to hold on to stuff like that okay I’m going to attempt mining again

Today we saved up a little bit of money I’m also going to try to pick up that is not a pickaxe uh I’m also going to try to pick up our uh our ax here thank you for the follow welcome on in I think I need to change the font on

That alert or like the color at least it kind of Blends into certain certain scenes too well okay today the day I said that yesterday but today I mean it it’s not going to happen anytime soon but I really want this trash can Hat hey blue how are you welcome on in I hope you’ve been having a good couple of days my demo day was fun the other day friends thank you guys so much if you were there for that we did uh uh check out like six different demos

From the steam next next fast sorry on stream it was a lot of fun okay today is not the day okay you know what I’m actually going to go grab the geod and stuff uh and donate stuff here I should do that while I’m uh while I’m in the Area oh I didn’t change the chat back I thought something looked funny this morning whoopsies I can do that later uh okay I guess I’ll donate that I I’ll get more eventually famous last words went to go see where it used to be at and found my sister’s old Toshiba

Laptop and her old iPad case why do we still have those I have a trouble getting rid of like old technology like that like old phones and stuff oh some journaling nice I’m doing pretty good I’m very half awake still unfortunately I uh went to bed late for

Me and woke up late also for me um and I didn’t have a whole lot of time to get ready this morning okay let’s See got ahead uh to have food with cl’s family before sister goes off to prep for the play today her high school is putting on a production of clue have fun so coming to capitalism sounds good Jacob you have an amazing time we’ll see you

Later hard to find a place to get rid of safely yeah is liy back home what do you mean we won’t find a use for four different phone boxes I feel called out I have so many old phone boxes lying around four laptops in your storage alone yeah

Yeah uh I think I got rid of my first laptop I know that I still have my old one I only had three total so Far milman hello how are you oh okay I can’t like go over that way there we Go get played up on switch I really want to get it but I’m anxious to see how it runs I have not I have not but I hope someone in here can uh shed some light on if it’s good or Not I ly want get played up but you have so many games as is yeah uh all right we’re going mining don’t know if I should go down all the way I guess I could try see how we do I wish I had a better sword for

This I think it runs all right it worked fine for me when you played it oh there you go someone did get it here for a lurk and work absolutely I hope that your workday goes well and thank you for the lurk don’t know if it’s because I’ve

Been enjoying stardo so much on stream but but I’ve had such an itch to go back to uh story of seasons of Wonderful Life to finally like 100% it um I did pretty good with our on stream save file um but there was a couple things I missed out

On because I was nervous about getting into the hybrid the flower or not flower uh the crop hybrids is today just another not great day I think today might be another not great day for this here we go I just need stard 1.6 to come

Out I think then I’ll be happy oh there we go oh and I see the next ladder that’s good just want to try to get some uh some iron while we’re here I like how our uh our character joa he kind of Blends in with this floor almost just all the

Blue very joa approved come on shoot oh God bats please let me go I just want to explore work at my presentation slides I finally finished my presentation script yesterday good and I just type Seasons instead of subsidary because I heard you start talking about story of Seasons oh I’m sorry oh

God I’ve done that I’ve done that before TMI but I had a blood test earli this week it somehow resulted in a small spot of red blood right under my skin but over the past few days it seems to have turned to a bruise and has slowly

Disappearing oh God I hate getting blood work done but hopefully that does continue to disappear and oh monster floor really and you uh you feel all right I get I’m I’m really bad with needles I get really squeamish about it there we go okay that bad is really Annoying oh we got like a full siiz bomb don’t mind if I do just going to eat some here that your character’s just cosplaying someone from the Blue Man Group or something you’re the second person to say that we’ve also had mega mind comparisons a couple times but no

Our character for anyone who maybe is just joining uh we are uh is that the right thing yeah we are joa on joa Farm we have had too much of the blue Kool-Aid Andor Joo blue or geia Cola even um and we’re living our best JoJo

Life our favorite thing is money by the way or cash I can’t remember which I chose this SE not look and it’s fine although sometimes it actually hurts oh no I I like just knowing I get really weird really Laded push on the pad hard after they finish despite them often saying not to it stops the bleeding and prevents bruising good to know yeah I bruise like crazy after getting blood work done so I will try to keep that in mind for next time come on there you go

Okay let me see here the best place to use the bomb over here maybe okay there we go there are stairs I’m just going to run because there’s a lot of enemies after me I am going to grab this first cuz I’m greedy there we go out of my way to

Freedom there we go 450 we got some Tundra boots Lucy’s back up to where she’s supposed to be it’s her medicine thank God maybe she’s actually taking instead of spitting it out we’re now starting to only get medicine up to 6 months because you never know yeah

Definitely uh there we go got some new boots need to play stardo more definitely I’ve been uh I’ve been really enjoying this I’ve had that like to play stardo recently but I didn’t want to do a full you know like a big playr before the 1.6 update and then chat was like

Just do a joa run cuz you’ve never done it so oh no I don’t have my hoe with me okay so we haven’t actually been up here yet we have not been into the I almost went this way I don’t tend to play as boys um but this is different different in here

Okay oh wow this is really different in here I don’t go in this side um what was I on about I don’t remember what I was on B but you guys get the just of it I’m happy to be playing some stardew again you’re still here at su su of pain

I just hit my hand it’s the edge of my table by accident no Rebecca why gave Tiggy yeah yeah like the tubes right I saw the pictures it was so cute um I don’t know if you guys have chus over there um it’s pretty much the

Same thing it’s like a yogurt tube for cats um olly really really likes the churu like it is like cat crack um so if you ever want to try that with little Tiggy I don’t know we don’t have an official date and I don’t know if

Console is going to happen at the exact same time as PC I hope it does because I’m going to be playing on Playstation oh it’s right yes will you help me dig up those spots then he’s buing through the tube trying to get more yeah it’s it’s really good

I’m kind of jealous that it looked like you were feeding him from the tube directly olly doesn’t like that it’s really cute when you when cats do it but Ollie only will take it from a saucer have to like you know move it out of the

Tube and then give it to him on a plate he’s a fancy boy okay so these can be sold I realized I don’t need duplicates of these like maybe I’ll keep one but there’s no point in me having dupes that I think I can craft stuff with so I’ll leave

That we did it was a mistake doing it on the carpet yeah yeah it gets messy oops uh you know what I think bat wings can also be I think that’s lightning rods maybe the need those why are you keeping one instead of just selling for maximum profit I don’t

Know I I don’t know it feels weird to sell everything I’ll be honest I just I feel the need to hoard and this playthrough is not about hoarding so it’s weird okay here I’m just going to clear out some trees I guess I don’t need it for anything right thank you for the Follow my total hoarder on start I keep everything exactly yeah my normal playthroughs like I have one at least of everything if not multiple um but with the JoJo run because you’re just you just need money it’s weird I guess that cuts down quite a bit faster have the basic materials maybe

Some coffee and that’s it I just keep nothing oh God I’m going to work myself up to it and then when I eventually get to the new update doing a proper play through again uh I’m going to be really probably weirded out by Saving everything I’m insufferable to play

Minecraft with because I keep almost every block yeah yeah I always my favorite thing to do in Minecraft is make a really big storage basement uh with just full of chests wall wall chests everywhere um just for storing stuff just in case yeah I’m glad I found my people oh

No you’re in my way my God there’s so many little baby trees in this area what is happening go keep every block in Minecraft what if your friendly neighbor Builder me needs materials Minecraft is different speaking of Minecraft by the my friends Andrew and myself and actually Mike were

Uh getting going on the on the new reboot server the other day we need to still make like a starting area and stuff for everyone figure out where we’re doing that but looked like a pretty interesting uh interesting world I had not seen the camels in Minecraft

Yet so that was kind of interesting Andrew was was showing me everything I missed um since the last time I had properly played game says this is useless please tell I hold on to like five just in case exactly what if someone like what if

There’s a side quest and ask for it what if someone has a request on the bulletin board and you need it so but yeah no I always enjoy our Minecraft servers they’re fun I have to be in like a real mood to play Minecraft but when I’m in that mood it’s

It’s there for like a good month keep it because I know that’s going to oneshot the final boss change my home screen to a cute picture of Pikachu with hearts and stuff for Valentine’s Day oh that sounds cute my phone is just rebirthed through and through breath of the wild yeah ooh hot

Peppers so these are for Shank um I want to I want to get uh blue chickens for our our blue Farm designed a starter base of a huge custom cherry blossom tree I can’t wait oh my God I love that R I love how into it you

Get long time ago and to access the endgame you had to throw away all of your inventory no oh that sounds that sounds so violent like I feel personally attacked I don’t like it just the perfect Jonas game okay there we go there is our field watered I’m a little bit ticked off

About the lightning strikes but what can you do at least it was blueberries and it wasn’t like you know the star fruit singular star fruit we got the final boss can have the world I’m keeping the stick I found on route two we’ve been through a lot

Did I check this stuff today I don’t remember if I did okay sunny tomorrow it’s again bad luck today um maybe I’ll just clear out the farm still thank [Applause] you I don’t know what I uh don’t think I can top a witch CH with a ruin Castle chest

Room I didn’t think it would do that no it’s okay it’s fine I appreciate the Applause every now and then it’s nice you know it’s all good um wait oh God sorry I’m going to accidentally put these in here constantly there we go no yep yes yes there we go okay let’s

Go look for our uh trash can hat and then I’m going to come back we’re going to continue clearing out our fields making things look pretty and by pretty I mean money making we need to we need to make more money uh o I’m I might be able to do

That I haven’t checked I always forget to check my mushroom game I I’ve realized I’ve become very dependent on my mods from uh PC stardew I don’t know the days that the traveling sales lady comes by I think it’s like Fridays and another day um but there’s like a little icon in

One of my mods that will tell me when she’s there and will tell me when there’s a cooking show on and stuff um so I always forget to check on my own you FSH sh nice very nice is it Sundays it might be on Sundays but yeah

I’m I’m out of the loop I need to get good I need to learn to live without my mods not the mods in chat by the way I need those mods I like you guys the star do mods no no trash can hat today that is a

Shame is Shane at work do you guys think as a fellow joa worker where is he no he’s not maybe he’s off Saturdays I don’t know where this man like goes other than the bar uh oh the next one is Panning I don’t really need that oh you play on switch Yeah I just wanted to see do you guys have anything I was hoping they’d have like outside flooring like a blue floor or something but okay where else does Shane hang out Friday and Sunday yeah so Jenny was right with

Sunday between Mary and Pierre’s I’m on my way come here doesn’t he like I feel like he’s usually oh no it’s a little late isn’t it he’s walking to work around this time that’s weird Shane oh there he is he’s staring at the microwave they do this for hours it’s a little

Weird why are you bothering me I want to be alone would you answer differently if I gave you a hot pepper yeah there you go I know what you like give me the blue chickens no it’s it’s okay it’s all good it’s all good you you gave me the like

Two points I should check which was Pier’s and Mar so it’s all good I appreciate it okay let’s get back to to clearing shall we and now that we have the um the hot spring open we can go and take some bads there to refill our energy if we really need to

Just let someone post instead of giving Eevee more eeve utions give us a new Reginal Eevee with the typing of the Eevee utions that the original doesn’t have I’ve heard I’ve heard something similar before they were saying give me out different ones because we already have different versions of meow now

Um I like the idea I like the idea of there being some other Pokemon that can do that I’m also down for like just the full range of evolution mind you of course but oh thank you for the follow welome on In okay continue grabbing these here I just want new Regional Farms we didn’t get that much in gen N I don’t know what I really I’m just I think I’m just excited for the potential of black and white remake you know they don’t even like I I really

Enjoy black and white I don’t feel like they need to do a whole heck of a lot just do it well don’t do a a shining Pearl was it brilliant diamond is that the other one just don’t do that again and we’re good I’m going to go run up to the hotring

You can only give people two gifts per week in stard do right okay Mike just said yes um I’m going to have to try to remember that plus birthday true I should probably figure out when Chain’s birthday is I feel like it’s probably already passed can’t believe my favorite Pokémon

Got added to Pokemon unite ages ago and I still haven’t picked it up to see how they play who is that one which uh which Pokémon spring 20th yeah I missed it that’s okay right so all good I should have bought him like a beer or something there we go actually refills quite

Quickly oh Lapras right right right right blue I could be wrong this might be someone else and I might just be misremembering did you used to have a usern name with Lapras in it was that you I feel like that was you it could have been someone else no keep going there we

Go do you have the wiki open are you just that weird oh man I was going to say like maybe I don’t know maybe Jenny uh romance Shane you know maybe that’s why they know I forgot to bring my hoe out again there are so many dig

Spots see he’s a little unsettled I’m going to hang out with him in the other room he’ll inevitably not follow him we’ll still steal my chair no worries we’ll see you later I hope you and tigy have a good time yes blue okay good I remember that

Username and I do try to remember when someone switched usernames like who they were like originally to me so that like I can you know remember the history essentially uh um but sometimes I don’t do the best job at remembering I’m glad I still like you know had that um in my

Head I will never have a day without typos it’s all good it’s all good I probably won’t either uh cool hi I’m new hi new I’m I going to say I’m dad but that’s not quite right you know what I I’m actually going to go grab uh those dig spots because they are

Going to bug me and then we’ll come back and continue clearing you’re new too oh my goodness so many new friends I say is there are new people in here um no I’m spart no this is the Crusty Crab gosh darn it tpe on my resume a week ago I had written consultant

As consultant oh no that makes me nervous now I always hate having typos like that on important things there we go I you know we got some clay I can’t complain about that and it only sent it to one person at the time fix it quickly for the next

One all clones the legendary Pokemon new okay grab this oh I should probably check the mushroom cave right uh oh no purple mushroom unfortunate unfortunate okay let’s see here oh there’s more of them my goodness answer my own question they had the wiki open but knew most of what they

Were saying off the top of their head that’s crazy like I I know vaguely the Sebastian schedule and stuff but not not that well I don’t I have no idea when his birthday is I think it’s like fall or winter maybe but me whenever I say anything about Pokemon in Chat it’s like even stuff that I’m really really fond of like Kingdom Hearts are Final Fantasy I still don’t feel confident enough to say things like that without looking it up first you know hey unicorn also would have asked I it much nicer in here than I would have had it

Just been between us to I was have that down in just a quick glance to confirm it yeah offending others in here you’re just like oh God I got to be nice in front of people okay that is much clearer I’m doing pretty good today I

Get to play some more stardo so of course that’s going to be a good day for me um we’ve just been clearing out our farm we upgraded some tools s Pokemon anniversary run just beat Lance oh that’s cool yeah the fact that that was 10 years ago though scary 10 years

Yep yep I saw that on uh um Twitter I think it was the other day the original Twitch place Pokemon was uh started 10 years AO AG go I think like last Wednesday Tuesday may be at Lance already this isn’t the first time battling blue oh I

See got you God another bad day really game just be nice oh unicorn hopefully you feel better fully soon Yeah easier with a lot less people probably less people trying to actively troll as well also I don’t know if Ace is still in here uh but I was creeping in A’s stream last night and uh they were playing some uh Lego uh Star Wars the newest one

And again I just want to like put out their Lego like traveler sh whoever does your games I don’t know who does it these days if you make your Lego games the exact same way but give us proper online Co-op multiplayer where I don’t have to share a screen with

Someone I will pay so much extra money for that I really really want to play that Lego game but there is so much stuff to look at the world is so expansive there’s so much much stuff to do uh and when I play with Mike we’re split screen

Obviously right that’s the only way to do it and uh there’s just too much to look at on your tiny sliver screen and like I I get overwhelmed so I don’t end up playing it I’m just saying please it would it would be so nice

Um what should I do today I know we’re going to go see Shane that’s our new our new thing is we’re going to go befriend Shane maybe I should build that chicken coop I don’t know where I’m building it though I didn’t do a layout I was going

To this weekend and I completely forgot got myself breakfast fried eggs swiss cheese on slices of toast and some strawberries that sounds Yummy there we Go ooh ew it smells why is it locked I want to explore the sewers I didn’t gther has the key Professor Gunther the man who runs the museum why do you think he has it I saw a big Rusty little key fall out of his pocket one time a creepy sewer

Door like this has just got to be a match for a big steal key there’s something moving around in there oh I’m so sorry Sandra for your loss I hope uh maybe we can take some mind or take some mind take your mind off of it a little bit and and

Absolutely I hope uh lurking can help out a bit laptop always dies at the wrong time it causes clutter unicorn I wish I had that mindset unfortunately I just need to like keep everything Is yeah right now it be too much I get you nothing there okay um okay I wasn’t sure if that cut scene we saw earlier if that was just a random thing that you can trigger or if that meant that like you know I’m like close to getting the

Key cuz I would like to meet kobis I could but I don’t drive so I charge a small fortune give a box for every Nintendo console that’s cool that’s neat kind of wish I had my old ones you know yeah I haven’t complained about any antic yet yes go

Ahead drop all your grievances in chat I’m here for it um so let four I got to keep that in mind fear warning friends we do have an ad break coming up here in like I I’ll just probably run it now to be honest it does help support the

Channel I know they’re annoying um but thank you guys for being patient with them uh bar okay so we already have the silo which is a great start right the fish ponds um all right I forgot that’s what we need the hardwood for yes okay thank you for the follow welcome on

In welcome on in kind of tempted by that workbench too um let see here should I buy flooring maybe try to organize a little Bit there we go all right so let me see here I was playing Pokémon go yesterday and suddenly I got some special research and Sierra from Team Rocket showed up for it started doing the tasks and it turned out that it wasn’t supposed to be

Available only the people in La at to go toour event so I completed two tasks I want to clle a second it wouldn’t let me as they had removed the research from my account again God good job Niantic good job actually you know what I’m really CL

Oh you know what no no it’s fine I was going to go to the hot spring but I don’t really need To you know what no no I am going to go buy that workbench I love having that one place that I can see everything that I can craft from and not having to take it out my chest is really handy I figure we’re going to be getting

Our uh our blueberry money here soon anyway uh workbench there we go what’s the upgrade oh okay that’s just that that’s fine oh um how does one repaint their house again I remember that being a thing but I don’t know if you need to upgrade first no I can’t do it from here

Okay I’ll leave it for now but I I do remember being able to change your house is it fully upgrade got you thank you definitely need food but I don’t know what I want keep punishing the players for it if you give me a research and error let

Me keep it yeah no that’s it’s not really fair is it oh so uh I can’t remember which floor I liked I know I had like some favorites it might not have been this one but you know what let’s just go with it okay I’m going need to make another one

Cuz it’s not even and that’s going to bug me uh there we go now I am I am pleased uh so the treasure or the the chests need to be like touching right apparently if I have eggs link isn’t interested but strawberries oh man give me the strawberry I want Some okay but everything back in here not all of this is obviously like you know craftable stuff but stuff that I don’t really want to get rid of yet I mean strawberries are good they are good we had some the other night with our new favorite thing which we found which was

Um coconut whipped cream which is apparently lower calorie than your standard whipped cream oh it’s tasty is so good if you enjoy to toasted coconut pretty much um it is amazing and you have some of that with some just like fresh strawberries oh uh oh wait a

Minute oh here we go I was like why can’t I repaint this you you don’t enjoy coconut that’s okay I know it’s not everyone’s preferred uh flavor I’m quite fond of it but I can see why people wouldn’t like it as well oh wait a minute some of this is meant for this

Chest for there we go that looks a lot more organized doesn’t it love the smell that I can’t stand to taste that in pineapple or no a so good but I I get it I get it not for everyone there we go now we got like a

Nice little crafting area I can see everything that I can craft which I really really like um it’s a bit of a shame it doesn’t tell me how many stone I have to use but that’s okay it’s fine uh see here I think stone is definitely something I’m running lower on uh you

Know yeah I definitely don’t have as much as I do um wood but that’s okay there we go if I can’t find like a nice blue floor um I figure this is going to have to do nice like Stone peanut butter ham sub sandwich I’m not going to knock it cuz

I’ve never tried it but I am skeptical oh you no come here don’t you there we go uh airic can I were found to be legally liable for a policy that their chatbot made up which is great don’t replace customer support with AI chat Bots if you don’t want to be liable for

What the chat bot says oh that’s funny what what did it say do you know that’s kind of interesting I hadn’t heard about that one actually okay organize um so we have 13 of those maybe I’ll make some more and then I’ll swap over to iron there we go

I know there was one time I think it was when we were having our TV delivered or a bed or a mattress I can’t remember what we were having something big delivered from Amazon and uh it just wasn’t arriving when they said it would be um and like

You know being such a big ticket item we were a bit concerned uh sobody got in contact with customer service and pretty much this customer service guy ended up saying outright in writing if it’s not there tomorrow you get it for free was it the

TV yeah so he said that in writing over a chat message which we had logs of and uh oh they backpedal so hard the following day different customer service rep and it’s like oh I hope that I hope he didn’t get in too much trouble but you Know oh there we go didn’t understand it fully but it said something about a partial refound related to bement being obtainable within a certain period but the actual policy didn’t work like that the period was made up so they didn’t want to honor it yeah we go nice and organized nice and

Clean yeah so I couldn’t get that unfortunately but you know what our our farm is looking a little bit more put together now I like that no worries unicorn I think this is actually a great time for us to go on a stretch break anyway we’re about halfway

Through my normal stream time um if you guys would like to join me maybe get up stretch grab a drink grab a snack do what you got to do uh I am going to go ahead and play some BRB videos while I’m gone so if you are new and you haven’t

Seen them before maybe you’ve seen them a thousand times I think they’re pretty funny yes definitely definitely be careful there absolutely um yeah 10 minutes enjoy the videos and uh I we’ll be right back

After nearly 8 years of owning Stardew Valley, I’m finally undertaking my very first Joja Run! My goal is to earn the Joja Co. Member of the Year achievement

If you don’t know, a Joja Run is kind of the “bad route” in Stardew. You buy into the Joja Co. Membership and effectively turn the Community Center into a Joja Warehouse. After that, any community upgrades (the bus, minecarts, and greenhouse for example) are unlocked by paying Joja directly.





MON – 10 AM Eastern
TUE – 10 AM Eastern
WED – 10 AM Eastern
THU – Day Off
FRI – Day Off
SAT – 10 AM Eastern
SUN – 10 AM Eastern

**I stream every day aside from Thu/Fri over on, starting at 10AM and ending around 3PM Eastern Time! Twitch is free to join, but you do need to be above 13 to use the website, and 16 to join my streams!**

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