Terraria But Everything Is Different…

What’s up guys welcome back to Terraria and things are a little bit different I’ve got new music for both Calamity and infernum and as you can see I’ve got a Calamity texture pack now which looks pretty cool everything looks very new and fresh which I like quite a lot uh

You can of course tell me if you like this change I’m just trying things out right now and also I’ve got some things in my inventory um as preparation okay but first two fallen stars don’t mind if I do really cool even the these things right yeah even

The the little icons here in the inventory are different look at the piggy bank I’ve got the piggy bank by the way I’ve got like more NPCs a bunch of stuff happened but first of all I I I took down some trees I got the hapu fruit which is a vanity item though

Equipable a fruit that calms your nerves may have unintended side effects a developer item I guess I’m just going to put this on oh okay good okay good game game of the year right here okay I don’t know that’s pretty cool I guess that’s going to be

Our new drip for the time being wow that’s a change sure cool we’re pink now um also as it’s it’s turning morning which is really nice I got the forest pylon which you can buy from any like Forest NPC in a forest town I’m going to

Put it right here uh right here which I think looked pretty cool I don’t know man especially with the new graphics this looks like a nice little just mean a village is something else it’s like one Tower but sure and I also I’m just going to put this here for now I also

Made a little bit of a sky Bridge not fully complete yet but a little bit and this is the the the the other town here you get the desert pile on so I guess I’m going to Boom go here kind of kind of nice I think built into the desert

Like this with a couple of houses for the desert people here I gu a banner and everything and then every now and then as we’re just wait a minute this is kind of cool man with our new look we’re just going to go here go onto the new looking

Rope look at that man that’s crazy and then I guess I’m real quick just going to run to the right and there we are we’re pretty much like halfway well not really it’s a I I’m going to need like another pylon here for the ocean for

Like fast travel but for now I mean I don’t wow that was fast I don’t even have a pylon here look at the flowers man the jungle we do kind of have the normal music here I guess so not all the music is different which I I don’t mind

Cuz I’m going to like Miss some of it but here we go I mean there should be a couple people living here but I guess they didn’t move yet but Ian I don’t know man I always had like a living tree base this is a really small one but I

Don’t know I’m kind of proud proud of it but we’re just going to do the recall potion what up with that get the hell out of here jungle bat I don’t want to deal with you yeah these people are still living here but okay um what I’m

Going to do okay first of all quick stack I oh don’t want the money to the piggy bank I love this as well dude I don’t know man everything really nice the piggy bank by the way has some money I got a DPS meter from the traveling

Merchant and a bug net from here Louis thank you very much l Lou okay um and then very important we’re going to go here and possibly the most important thing we can craft um the icon is going to be different I think so uh can I even

Find it here ah never mind okay I guess you have to craft it somewhere else here the Hermes boots which is of course in incredible Calamity change you can actually craft it 10 silk from cobwebs and then swiftness potion I think that was complete luck on my part for the

Slime rain I I have like nine swiftness potions so hell yeah we can craft the Hermes boo doesn’t have a modifier but that’s still really good I don’t know what I want to get rid of I mean honestly I love the band of regeneration is it that good though right now slowly

Regenerates life I’ve got here I’ve got the shield I’ve got the wolf from battery for more summon damage and a ton of Defense I think maybe I can put this here just as a new vanity thing and then boom get the dude get the boots that’s actually so good for early like terraria

What you need and then you know what I kind of decided um it does you can make wool from stuff but you need the energy cores for that I’m just going to do that it’s only one core per thing and it’s like only a little bit of scrap I’m just

Going to I don’t really know if I’m going to be like Summoner but I think just having like one one that early on is going to be better than this kind of messy thing here I guess we can take off the Hau fruit I’m so sorry for just a

Little bit to check this out all right and right the devil horns I also have these from the traveling Merchant oh my God holy Mo okay that’s kind of cool I I’m like this is I guess full steampunk huh what wolf from Bastion double double tap down to equip wolf from Power Armor

While the armor is active you can use the fusion Cannon oh you can only use the fusion Cannon calling down the armor can one piece of oh wolf from scrap okay I don’t want to really use that armor will lose durability okay never mind hold shift to see the stats oh

What who needs a who needs whips when you I guess I’m going to try it are you are you insane how how long this in is I’m freaking wait can I I can still move and stuff right can I also run um okay I’m insane but I can’t use

Anything else um okay I’m going to let it run out forgot the freaking power armor is this good should I be using this for boss fights maybe is this op and then it just goes away but again what calling down the armor one piece of metal scrap I mean that that’s not too

Bad though huh one plus Max minion for the set bonus okay so so but only one so yeah so I’ve got two now which is really good though I don’t know maybe I’m going to do this I’m still going to get ha fruit though where where where

Does it go no okay right here I guess dude and then maybe I could I could hide the I’m going to hide the shoes man I don’t know man this kind of cool I like I even got the little Cape what the heck um and that’s pretty much it I think for

Now so I’m just going to clean this up a little bit here and then it’s finally going to be time after we did this to finally explore the left side I guess I’m going to get the bug net maybe that’s better to have just because you

Never know I also have the life form analyzer which I think I got from the traveling Merchant day is almost halfway done so I got to be quick I I guess maybe I can get rid of The Shield we still have it but maybe that’s a little distracting maybe that’s better and now

We do have the Hermes boot so I mean we’re super fast oh dude the trees look so beautiful the the wind or I guess it’s not really the wind it’s us running that’s making what whoa wait I’m not ready for this The Adventure theme man dude suddenly I want to a dude you

Want to go are you crazy oh never mind no Adventure it’s evil the evil theme so yeah okay we can we can kind of tank this how do you look oh my God you look even more terrifying than before I don’t if I like that oh H cria I think looks a

Little bit different okay so we went down here um we don’t have to do this again thankfully oh my God the perforator thing what you’re so fast get the hell out of here okay we’re just going to jump over that and then tank some damage here just to make it speed

Up because it’s going to be night time soon man that’s a little sucks a little bit still got the shield here boom boom boom boom got the mini shark of course I mean and I’ve got like two honestly maybe a little bit here I don’t want to take too much

Damage we are we we’ve got the squad behind us which is pretty cool okay man just run through it with the Hermes boots oh my god get the hell out of here man I’m using your own weapons against you I love the trees I love I mean the

Background is probably the same if I had to guess a little okay oh my God not the spider I don’t want the HD spider and the HD slimes it does kind of feel like a new game I’m not going to lie right just a little bit I’ve got rage I I

Don’t need to use it against normal enemies I think we don’t have to worry about them either we’re just going to run okay I lost my shield but it’s going to come back soon uh okay I guess technically I should put two sunflowers here that

Would be the smart thing to do what w w come it’s a Hut I’ve never seen that before is that Calamity that’s interesting I mean that’s actually really cool because that could just be my house like frozen chest what the hell a surface chest this oh my God a little

Baby ice slime I I’m sorry I have to get my Pokedex there you go I don’t know this is the rast theary but there we go um I mean this could already be the the town for the ice world the ice biome you know what I mean that’s really

Convenient how can I get in here man hello hello what if I do this is this already suitable you think missing a table and a chair missing a table so already two rooms just for free thank you so much and somewhere here I mean okay there’s actually already light

That’s the chest right there new new new look and everything I see this this is already the house where the freaking mechanic is supposed to live bill that’s actually so cool so this already tells you hey here you should put people in here death we too okay I mean I don’t really need

These things I think just yet but I’m just going to I’m I’m thankful that you’ve got that it’s like flour and everything there’s some bottle I don’t think I need to all right I don’t need to mess around with that but that’s really nice is there anything

Else heavy work B all right heavy work bench dude you know what I’m so sorry I’m going to steal this okay and then maybe since we’re already here would not we can put like a bench here and then it’s already suitable huh that’s crazy and then this we we can maybe turn this

Into a suitable housing like later on but okay for now we’re just going to keep going super cool man super cool I don’t know I like that I like that quite a lot we’re going to have to go here oh my god I didn’t even see

It a bomb and everything okay but no chest I mean we already got we did have the ice chest yeah okay we took it with us I do want normal wooden chests but oh my God I don’t really need you anymore I already I I’m already the master really really you stop

Cheating and I can’t even get your stuff you know what screw you I’m out of here man all right into your your cold here in the water or is that only in the underground I’m not sure dude this is beautiful is this is this underground or

Is this just a little cave or or tunnel actually I still miss a dash I still need like a good Dash oh hell yeah man gimly the demolitionist and you live here okay immediately made it your home no this is super cool World Generation man I really

Like this um may we we could technically go down here once it’s night time I think a little penguin a little thing here get the hell out of my face we I’m I’m going to just check a little bit are you piran no goldfish there’s a

Pot sure what is this tin okay we don’t need that um ah but but it’s already night time though technically right oh my god oh that’s mine I thought you were an enemy Oh no I got to think about this what’s here don’t know if that’s something ooh and those are zombies okay

I’m going to go back into the cave I think we’re going to do a little bit of a cave exploration just as a little detour just to wait until it’s daytime also because I want to know what’s down here dude look at that cool you go down

And then down wao frozen zombie as as if it’s like intended man okay but just checking we got everything here we have this we got the bombs I guess I can eat one real quick even though that’s a bit a bit of a waste and then we’re just coming in

There’s a Zombie behind me I saw that don’t worry okay come on man you got the arm which is Dangerous completely different game as well with the music and everything the new look I like it I don’t know man I like it a lot thank you for for the heal wao man I I don’t like the slipping and sliding should be able to get down here no problem is that something

No got a rage again is this is it Platinum tin why does it look like Platinum man or is that just me God damn it okay we have the hook don’t forget that makes it everything a lot easier there’s a dude look how cool the demon ey man

Looks bum and here we go what is this though lead m i mean lead is a little bit more important sure because you can make chests and stuff going to make sure to get everything here what is this I always got to check I think that’s tin though

Yeah okay we we don’t we can just completely ignore tin we don’t even really need any armor I mean I guess I can get this here maybe you got a lens no but some money I mean this this might already be like good enough for

Like a pretty long time I’m not sure I mean we look so cool man this looks I don’t know it’s happy time man this pretty pretty cool or not happy time but more like maybe Happo time what yeah speaking of happy time dude this is Terraria as soon as you feel kind of

Happy they ruin it oh my God my Shark I was afraid of my Shark by doing that screw you man actually now I’m thinking look at my HP look at the difference that is a substantial difference maybe I do want this thing but what could I have instead is the

Battery that good or maybe just the armored shackle maybe I can get rid of the AR shackle I’m so sorry and then I can put this here don’t hide it though and then I think boom that that might be better I don’t know defense I’m sure is

Really good but I like just being able to regenerate my HP faster cuz having no HP is just annoying is this the only way to go yeah look at this cool cave man I love I love caves that don’t try to mess you up with confusing layouts

Um I’m going to put a torch here just to know my way what’s here man more traps see some something on the right but we’re going to go down instead I think that’s more tin I see you now get the hell out of here and get

All the pressure plates I guess I don’t really yeah here just put it here I don’t want to fill up my inventory with stuff I’m never going to use sorry traps I’m not a Trapper and never wanted to do that is that that’s freaking Platinum okay and there’s some people up there

That is very important though or is it I mean I guess I still need like Platinum whoop like a pickaxe and stuff what is my pickaxe currently tungsten which is nice what is here that’s just tin okay a shiver Thorn not that bad though sure man give me give me then here but

That doesn’t seem like anything okay o we’re going to get the I slam get the hell out of here I’m I’m I’m pretty much just I just want to find like what is it tin lead wait where’s lead but what’s this tin God damn it why is

There a single Le are you trolling me game I want to find at least one and that’s R random Platinum this weird World Generation or is that is that a new thing in their area I’m not really sure I do want cobwebs I want to find a

A a a crystal hell yeah man thank you so much uh rip my torch boom now we’re at 180 and 180 mana mana as well um ah wait are those emeralds okay of course emeralds I kind of want to go in there but I don’t want to flood the place so I

Got to think about think about this wait I’m wait I’m dying holy crap I didn’t even notice oh my God okay I need another one of these oh my God man it’s dangerous good enough good enough and I think that’s more tin I just always got

To check because I never know but I saw something here lead okay that’s a lot of lead though that might be good give me some cob whips can never have enough of those because there’s also a couple other things that you can craft with this which is pretty cool um thank you

Thank you we’re going to go in dude the the the rotted Fork is still so much so much stronger than anything else it’s nice to have range of course what’s this I guess I could try to zoom out is it just a jellyfish any okay there’s a dart

Trap there don’t know if I want to mess around with those those people right now more torch action H oh that’s a oh that’s a house okay already worth it what is this a little canyan Beetle very very much worth it we’re going to is this really all

Lead a lot of lead at least okay man I mean with the tungsten pickaxe it’s also so fast this could also I guess this does this count as a snow biome house or as a underground house I’m not sure or maybe there’s a how what is this rhy Hound what H

Hello oh oh but you’re weak okay you’re really weak question is how can I get to you I think I need to go from up top I want to get that though sure we’re going to get some tin even though I said I never wanted to see that

Ever again and maybe get while we’re here get maybe lead hell yeah and then we’re going to go from up top which is actually going to be a way to to the emeralds the other emeralds I didn’t get okay maybe maybe we got something good

Here let me let me let me cook I guess um but it’s ice water so I got to be very careful what I’m going to do I’m going to be smart about it actually I have this here I’m going to nope Bo oh thank God okay get

This I mean you’re just going to die huh okay I leather though oh what oh there we go I’m just going to get it real quick get everything here and then my my my my oxygen oh dude the oxygen drains so fast is it because of the cold I I’m dead I’m

Dead I can’t I can’t get out okay okay okay what did I get leather is that is that normal I don’t remember leather but probably I don’t know ah crap man ah was there anything there’s some cobwebs here I could try but but I’m I’m so afraid of

The I I don’t know if I want to do that honestly I think I’m going to ignore it for now there didn’t seem to be anything too special we’re just immediately going to go here we go oh what is this some topaz what is this some more topaz okay a ton

But topaz isn’t that good right so I don’t think I even need to get it more stuff here healing potion which is nice okay I can’t I’m too fat for the freaking tunnels stop even the mini shark looks different by the way that’s pretty cool that’s a pretty cool redesign I didn’t

See the sludge or what that is slush oh baby okay but I don’t need the amethysts technically cuz I already have the hook but I’m still going to get it because that’s Terraria man that that that that that’s how you play Terraria you just you just want to get

Everything okay inventory is already kind of full so this might be the end of the exploration here for a little bit at least let’s just see if we can find anything here it goes down really really deep okay you be got to go boom Canan husk Canan die okay that’s nothing too

Important though another painting I’m going to open this up and get rid of all of you archery potion is really good do we still have okay this is the end which means we can’t even loot the chest and there’s a spiked ice slime which I don’t like what is this here

Tungsten ah I hope I’m not missing like a heart or anything how am I going to do this I’m going to go down here first see what’s happening okay we can kind of ignore the ice Spike the spiked slimes I think okay let’s see what’s in

Here who guess the Herm boots are not that important after all if we can just tungsten bar is really good gesture okay I do want these they’re probably the exact same but I guess they’re cooler cuz they’re more unique so I’m going to get them I’m I’m just immediately going

To do this boom I could even like show them I mean it’s kind of cool man it’s kind of the drip look at those shoes stylish shoes but I also kind of like this okay then I need to get these and these and then I guess I’m going to go

Back home you know what uh get rid of the pressure plates get this leather I get rid of the mushroom get get these but I need one more no one needs the topaz I’m so sorry get this I also want this though ah crap now it begins where’s where’s tin then we get

Some Tin Tin you go I want this krono devours his oh is that like cronis devour okay uh um um holy crap what a detour I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting to do something this crazy but very successful is it daytime dude it just turned daytime the timing could not be

Better where’s my sunflowers I’m going to need some sunflowers what I need now though is to put this somewhere nice yeah oh my God look at that um I’m going to quickly get my inventory sorted out and then we’re actually going to go for more exploration okay it already

Spread since last time so real quick I’m going to put one can I here I guess is already good just just to be safe so it’s not going to spread any further at least for now and then we’re here and what I’m going to do um I did put a workbench here right

Yeah okay can leave this open what I want to try a couple new things that I saw I can’t craft them here God damn it okay I guess you need something else oh my God okay I’m sorry about that I’m going to go back um something here I

Guess yeah so first of all there’s a red bow also a developer item paloa favorite bow look man this is maybe a little silly but oh wait oh no oh what the hell I’m a freaking I’m a freaking fox or I don’t know what is the what are these things I

Don’t know man which one the the pink Menace or the freaking fox ears I don’t know I guess for now maybe there going to be next I don’t know we’re going to stay the the Hau fruit for now holy moly man it’s too much sometimes it’s already

Night time soon man CU I’m just okay icicle staff with 25 ice and shiver Thorns Celestial H is one of the best I think let’s see um wow um that’s like an end game weapon 11 magic damage and it’s even less speed a little bit that is crazy though I mean hell yeah

Don’t mind if I do I don’t know if it’s going to be super good honestly I’m sorry the squirrel it’s not that good anymore who cares like it’s nice to have like a summon but I don’t doesn’t even deal that much damage we’re going to do

It like this I guess have a new Celestial one that’s pretty cool but okay oh my God okay didn’t take damage because it’s night time or soon I guess we’re going to get the flower flower thank you so much um can I buy something here oh wa wait

Okay how’s your happiness by the way yeah you love the jungle huh okay pretty view how much is it eight gold I’ve got nine 69 silver very nice I guess why not right paintball I don’t really need that I’m sure we’re going to get the jungle

Pylon just for some nice fast travel do you also like it here Marty the little fox I don’t know love having okay you don’t like the jungle but you’re happy enough because you’ve got your own place and then we’re going to make a nice I

Mean I always like a little bit of role play I guess it could be up top but maybe mhm yeah I know what to do so this is going to go here and this still opens up the door right perfect and then this I think it looks pretty nice here yeah this you

Know what I mean maybe get rid of this cuz this doesn’t really fit that well the demon ey but this just kind of dude I love it I don’t know cozy Vibes I love cozy Vibes in this game and now what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to go

To the Crimson to spend the night because I was told I did in fact Miss A Life Crystal dude the Crimson looks really I was going to say the Crimson looks kind of tasty I don’t know man does it this is the thing the dinosaur

It looks kind of like Cherry man I don’t know like kind of I don’t know I support it okay right here question is there’s a slime we can’t destroy oh yeah we can’t destroy this there’s the Life Crystal how are we ever going to get there without that’s the important part

Without destroying a heart I think this should be safe how much is the radius okay I I don’t know about the this is so dangerous do you think this is okay it should be okay if if I accidentally summon the boss that would suck okay this should

I’m going to go down oh this is going to be tricky man what is this this is there we go that bothered me and I guess I can immediately put this right here wait I already got it wow that was good the luckiest freaking bomb I’ve ever seen

And we got the Life Crystal boom 200 180 that feels pretty good man okay that was a lot faster than I thought it would be a lot easier too the music dude and just cuz I’m pumped up you got to go a goblin army is approaching from the

West not really what I had in mind I guess I can use the icicle St I mean should I zoom out for the a crap man okay Goblin Army already I guess because now I’ve got 200 hp 200 mana mana 27 defense I guess it’s like a thing ah

Crap I mean we’re pretty strong I guess I can also try out if I’m fast enough drops try out the the metal scrap ones not really going to be a boss fight but something like it okay we got everything don’t think I need any potions or stuff like that got some nice equipment

Okay man do we have a campfire we have two campfires here looking good as little bird get out of here man it’s going to be crazy bone Zone by beam what okay um here we go okay let’s see how strong this is I’m so squirrel okay that’s pretty good okay there’s a warrior

Oh oh all right okay you you got to go you’re the most dangerous ones what plasma rod what is this magic damage wow wow oh my God no how did you get in here screw you screw you oh my god everyone stop please ah crap I hate invasions man I hate invasions

Okay you all you all got to go do I have these two yeah oh my God I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m freaking out I’m freaking out the nurse going to die the nurse somehow isn’t dying ah no no no okay I’m going to just run it for it

Oh my God man I hate this you can you please leave how dare you maybe the nurse can’t die I’m just going to be here okay nurse you’re going to save me we’re going to we’re going to work together here can you heal me one silver

That’s fine oh my God oh my God oh my God boom boom boom you yeah nice one nice one get get them get them guys get them 25 okay I’m I’m just going to deal with these people I guess reluctantly but it has to be done I’m

Dead oh my God okay we going to die heal so annoying I’m sorry in Invasions never going to like invasions man all the people died but they’re all coming back that’s fine you have to actually stop existing you the the do it I’m I’m I’m I’m never never look all the great Le

Everyone oh my God what a horrible horrible night man I need to I need to I think rethink I need to rethink this what I need to do is I need to make I don’t know how you make them I need trap doors so that the people cannot get to my NPCs

That’s so important okay and we’re back here don’t go down anymore we’re going to we because of the goblin army I kind of lost time but I’m just going to I’m going to go now oh but it looks kind of cool here we got another cave God damn it Terraria

Can you stop that every time man it’s another ice cave too I mean let’s just see if there’s anything nice it’s like a dude it’s kind of cool it’s half grass half ice a song of grass and Ice I don’t know there we go okay have to

Climb a little bit back to uh what oh my okay I think you just yeah yeah you just buff the others but man thank oh warding battery what is mine also warding okay they seem to be very warding and rewarding I guess this is beautiful man holy moly I love oh I love

This area really really nice World Generation there um oh bye there might yeah there’s some chests here that’s really good actually and some pots and some everything and even more dud beautiful man holy crap oh no I only have the I no I don’t really want to put them there I

Guess it doesn’t matter man we’re going to have some ice chests sure or ice ice torches what’s in here this the worst thing can of worms though and some recoil potions okay I mean not too bad this is just give me this this is just for fishing I mean maybe I hate fishing

I mean fishing is kind of nice but it’s like you know it’s a tranquil thing you don’t really want to do it if you don’t have time to just kind of chill and sit but okay now I just got to go up if I can thank you so much get the de here

Another chest and another cave Boomerang not really interesting anything here definitely the most interesting thing is this though I don’t another chest what is this this is Crimson huh okay we’re going to open this up dude this is a Troll game swiftness potion though freaking stools stop no one lik

Likes them you can even just I think craft them with some wood they’re so not special but okay there we go put this here um what did I want to do so there is another Crimson how are there three crimsons or four no three so far maybe that’s normal I don’t really remember

That though maybe that’s like because because it’s a medium map oh but you perfect perfect unless it it spreads here because of the wall doesn’t it ah crap do I need another sunflower eventually here maybe a man okay you got to go for better entry and passage God damn it now

I got okay now I got these annoying people I mean you got no chance against me though 69 169 HP I saw that blinded gel okay maybe get this a little bit a Man Annoying man the Crimson does this mean there’s another Crimson m i

Mean oh my God this is is the assist what okay you can die that’s another chest though a radar an herb bag okay I’m not going to open it up because it’s going to fill up my inventory my God man that’s a pretty cool world though so far

Ouch but it is night time but I’m I’m going to stick it through man or see it through get rid of everything here go down the evil the spider is flying that was insane another what is this bomb oh okay I guess that was like

A pot but nothing here huh okay just a chest climbing claws are pretty good especially since it’s material slide down walls ah but we don’t really like that that’s not that good or is it I don’t know can I loot all I can inventory is already full should I waited out I don’t

Know man this is insane this this game I’m not ready for this game man um H I’m just going to H how how much more we still have a long way to go though okay you know what I’m going to do the same thing hello okay I was

Creepy oh my God not the spiders again I’m going to and once again I unfortunately I think I need to do a detour I’m going to go into the somehow the third Crimson M all right I guess the best place to put it is right here a little Sun flower

I think it also must makes the world like a little happier and lighter also got rid of some of my weapons cuz I think these two that I have the ret fork and the mini shark are just the best by far I don’t need to mess around with any

Of the other ones but okay it’s already like halfway done soon the day got a so little time so I shouldn’t be watch out for that wasting time but okay we don’t have to go down here I think we pretty much checked everything actually yeah that’s just not nothing

Okay don’t have to mess around with that oh I have to get used to the mini shark being on two now not on three anymore we got the two drones though which are oh my God I’m taking damage man ow yeah I know it’s very painful was I here before no this is

Completely new right I mean a chest wow a super sneaky chest I saw this dude coming though you can’t sneak up on me I want that Boomerang Builder okay not I mean a lot of Oh I thought that was 18 gold nice tortes can I get this though

Perfect chests are very important okay no it’s a little Annoying don’t you dare I’m I’m being sandwiched run away okay and you wow w wow a just die give me give me the blighted gel and more and no no no no no I’m running another chest holy crap man it’s

Too much it’s too much this game you go don’t accidentally kill this thing what’s in here traveling Merchant hello umbrella I mean that’s actually kind of good for fall damage right I I think that negates fall damage so I’m going to have this maybe just honestly maybe like

This I’m going to okay I guess there we go you know what like like let’s okay wait one second it’s a little chaotic there’s another chest on the left really okay actually get out of here I want to try this so here I’m accidentally falling

Down and then I’m just boom yeah and I go down okay and I almost die because of that holy crap calm down calm down there’s a there’s a thing uh I’m going to just heal oh my God thank you for the HP okay okay everything good I’m I’m

Weed I’m dead oh my God bro I don’t know sometimes I need to regenerate HP now I can’t even go here don’t don’t don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me should I do something a little sneaky does this even work little random to have a campfire here

But I have 40 seconds and I can heal I got to be super careful that wow wow why the dash man did the dash get a little stronger okay wait what is this just some dirt block too much too much okay you you all go and you’re freaking me

Out yall stop there’s a living tree okay there’s some uh saplings okay I mean that’s kind of cool we actually have a fullon living tree there’s a chest I mean I can’t really this is actually really cool I don’t need the sun this is the perfect and there’s another desert the

Perfect like like counter for the Crimson spreading right a natural living tree oh don’t tell me oh my God it’s a freaking it’s a wow dude a living tree right into a shrine holy crap man wait this kind of cool now I don’t expect there to be anything anything

Crazy oh even new music maybe or unique what is this huh goes down into like a whole cave well not really in here also maybe that’s just how it’s generated let’s see wait actually oh okay dude the enchanted sword 32 h holy crap so I I know there’s like one

Sword which is super lucky that is not the super duper Lucky Sword but maybe still really good okay mini shark back to three it has Auto swing I mean I can try 32 it’s not true melee though because I guess it has the enchanted sword beam M

Okay and we got some gold nice nice nice okay is there anything here we can see I don’t think so this is really cool I love the idea of like a a shrine what a Little Gnome wait what do I do with you I forgot do I kill you there’s something

You can do with the Gnomes I apologize if that was wrong to do this could also be like a I don’t know about that though right right the leaf wand okay so I don’t know if I’m going to do this this time cuz the the base is too yeah kind

Of in the middle of nowhere but I’m still going to get it thank you so much I’m going to get you and I guess I can leave this for now I don’t need to mess around with that there’s nothing in here okay pretty cool though I’m always happy

To see living trees I think one of the coolest things about Terraria all of the little structures you can find and then another desert imagine if we can find a stool I’m so happy you exist oh my God if we can find a desert temple which could give us like

A double jump maybe if we’re Super Lucky wait that’s oh it’s not the desert it’s a it’s an oasis that’s a cactus very cool okay I mean yeah bye I don’t want to destroy anything here cuz it looks really nice water Leaf yo man dude I don’t know I like this

World so far I think it’s very cool World Generation more water Leaf definitely want that um and that’s it and then we go here oh blueberries thank you so much and then we are actually finally at the dungeon huh hello cannot be summoned under the day light of day okay

No problem don’t worry I’m just going to go in a little bit just check things out see if we can see anything cool here maybe that’s Mana we don’t really need a Mana potion right now there’s like a trick where you can look for the for

Like a spell maybe there is one I’m going to go down one more step but I’m not going to mess around too much I don’t want to be killed you don’t want to go down there if you’re not ready it’s getting kind of dark but we’re

Almost at the end okay do I need anything else now I got three three three chest which is also really good sorry if I’m a little oh my God I can’t climb uh I’m a little little little Russia there is actually another desert what the hell man or is this a whole

Thing a desert I don’t know or maybe that’s already no that has to be the desert I don’t know let’s see how how fast how strong I think that’s a pretty strong find the enchanted sword it’s going to be a little hard to aim it though get some water

Leaf is that what I think it is yep okay I I recognize that music okay how are we going to do this I think and you need to be here oh my God it’s the Trasher or Thrasher Trasher I’m scared oh no I know I remember kill it kill it Brothers

Droids D treasure the the scariest enemy in all of Calamity it’s the freaking treasure man die boom first one done Marathon Metalist I don’t know what that achievement is maybe I I’ve I’ve walked enough or maybe I killed the Trasher and I’m the hero of the world now I don’t really

Know I do know this music I think I’m pretty sure this has already been in the game when I did my first time oh dude ding ding yeah definitely yeah ding ding ding what is this an ancient freaking Shrine another Trasher okay that’s actually good here but you’re super fast in the water

Huh okay I guess it’s still better Aiden I’m so sorry I didn’t get any of your AIDS dude oh I’m so scared I don’t know if they can kill me in one hit I I remember they were very tough kill them man kill them okay right and there’s so can you even

Do any wait wait are you useless in the water even though you’re like an alligator or something that’s a little sad okay rip dumb Trasher not that smart anymore huh okay we’re going to make it look nice I guess um what is this sulfurous sand right okay okay you know

What are you oh wait you don’t even attack me I’m so sorry the trashers are passive I didn’t know what is this here if this summons a boss I’m going to be a little Mad oh tablet pedestal can be used to enchant a this okay no no we’re going to we’re going to role play here we’re going to leave this here we can’t just take it we we’re an Explorer an adventure we’re like oh my God why do

You want to kill me I did nothing to you I did nothing you’re going to fall down here cuz you’re too dumb yep rip there’s a cave here don’t really want to mess around with it yet so you’re not dangerous huh oh what brother you’re a cheater you’re a cheater how dare

You I’m dead the Trasher GG got me okay um at this point though that might be it right I mean this might be a cave which is interesting on the left it’s just really dangerous and then I think it’s only the ocean the the the acid

Ocean or how it’s called so I don’t know if I’m going to deal with that just yet guess we can have here boom boom but okay A little bit of a different Terraria session I guess everything looking different new music I am going to miss you know the old iconic

Music from Terraria or of Terraria but I don’t know man the piano everywhere kind of like in the style of Calamity that’s what it’s supposed to be I kind of like it it it really like like I guess sets Calamity even more apart you know from original Terraria and then infernum of

Course you have the infernum music and like this main menu with infernum just all kinds of crazy successful episode though we finally explored pretty much the entire map got the boots got like the enchanted sword which is interesting got a lot of H HP some defense I had the crazy like wolf from

Armor which I didn’t really try out I have to like try that out maybe against the boss cuz it seems kind of powerful but I don’t know and also what I just have to say the music here by the way listen to that dude because that

Fullon choir or I guess not really choir it’s one voice but it’s Angelic man like what like what it’s like we’re playing Final Fantasy 14 man what is this a full on song and I don’t know how many more I mean Calamity already did that but infernum apparently it does it

As well it crazy it’s beautiful though genuinely beautiful I I really like that that makes me happy to hear then even another turn goes even crazier hell yeah man guys for now though thank you so much for watching and until next time take care

Terraria Calamity Infernum. Trying out new music and textures. Merg Gameplay Playthrough with commentary and reactions.

Calamity Mod by Fabsol
Terraria by Re-Logic

Terraria Calamity Playlist

#merg #terraria #terrariacalamity

All footage and music used belong to their respective owners. Allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Thanks for reading. 🙂 trasher time


  1. I do think sticking to one class is a good idea especially in calamity because mostly every late game is going to be catering to one specific class

  2. i was about to get in a call with a friend, when suddenly i had to stop everything because cherry man uploaded a new infernum episode

  3. btw i think you big jungle tree is kind of weirdly generated. dig down a bit. maybe youll find something. spoilers below to what it is.
    there should be a massive hive with multiple larvae

  4. I really love your videos. They are a great chill time to relax to. Do you know that there is a mod for hollow knight that adds the five greats knights to the game as bosses and adds much more; I won't spoil it just in case you want to play it someday. It has the quality of an actual dlc by team cherry and is called the pale court

  5. Merg they changed sulpur sea mechanics with the water it's no longer draining HP like a poison. It's more like a new hotbar show up on your head that tells you when u will take dmg

  6. Thumbnail Background theory: Merg exploded but someone took a picture right before the particles faded away, but this is just a theory, a game theory.

  7. another tip is if u go onto ur terraria menu (not the main menu) menu u can click on the button called mod configuration witch lets u change mods setting and if u go on to calamity u can speed up the spawn rates of npcs so u wont need to worry as much.

  8. yoo more infernuming !!! still can't wait for you to face some of the later bosses,,, it's gonna be so epic.

    p.s. if you want some Extra Challenge once the game's done, try the Wrath of the Gods mod! it's perfectly fine to enable on an infernum world made prior to using the mod, and only adds a couple additional bosses after calamity's final bosses. the bosses themselves, however, are REALLY cool, and if you feel like you want a final course after your infernum journey, i highly recommend checking it out!

    oh, and if you're here from my last comment regarding the healer run, the healer class (especially the weapons from thorium's final boss(es?)) are… a bit wacky on the balance side, to say the least. the run's over, and at the very least it was a fun and interesting experience. next time i'm banning recuperate and the other self-healing item i forgot the name of

  9. Merg a couple of heads up!
    Using multiple classes passively decreases the damage of weapons and kit bonuses. If you want to go all in you should use one class for your playthrough to maximize your potential! 🍒

  10. Wall of text has awoken
    oops i forgot the part with the timestamps. ill add that next time (i think)
    second time, ive got some tips to tell
    first lets start off with..
    — what to craft? —
    now, this depends on what class you take but generally in prehardmode ranged is really really good. try getting the star cannon soon if you want pierce (this is after evil boss though)

    also, try exploring wayyy up in the sky, as there are small little planetoids that have life crystals in them (they are next to the upper world border)
    if you feel like the minishark isnt giving enough damage, try finding/crafting the boomstick as its relatively high damage and bursts can be devastating. as an added bonus it also has a crafting tree in calamity. involves a specific biome under the underground desert
    — choosing classes —
    now, after prehardmode your gonna have to pick a class.
    melee – overall pretty good. if you want to craft calamity's zenith your gonna need to keep that enchanted sword around. defence is insane
    ranged – up to moon lord everything is nice and clean but after moon lord its pretty messy, if you wanna choose this class id reccomend getting the recipe browser mod as its basically a portable guide that you can search up item's names without they're components. defense is pretty good
    mage – i dont know why you would choose this, as last time you played it. uhh. also a pretty confusing class. defense is not bad but not good either.
    summoner – by far the worst pick id say. even with calamity's new post-moonlord whips its still pretty damage lacking and the defense is just bad.
    — mods and QOL —
    alchemist NPC light (adds a variety of npcs that move in after eye of cuthulu/evil biome boss or even in hardmode. one sells herbs and hp and mana potions. one sells buffs potions. one sells flasks that imbue certain attacks with debuffs. and one just sells general annoying to get materials and even boss treasure bags (for a hefty price)
    recipe browser – (this is taken from the ranged description) its basically a portable guide that you can search up item's names without they're components.
    — what to do next –?
    beat your first boss, get the neccesary preperations like building a proper arena (a few layers) just dont make the layers TOO close together as in hardmode the platforms constantly hitting you and slowing you down to a snail is gonna be really annoying, especially when fighting a boss so your gonna have to mine the old parts out and replace them with spaced out ones. (wings)
    *also, funnily enough when i was playing infernum king slime was harder to me than eye of cuthulu.
    — boss guide —
    if you dont have the sheild while fighting him, for king slime try speeding up and slowing down to trick the annoying crystal. should be easier now you have running boots.
    for eye of cuthulu you just gotta watch the helper eyes and perhaps use the looooooooooooong platform highway you built.
    anyways thats kinda it.

    i forgot about rouge!! ahh!!!
    rouge is like a mix between ranged and melee. with a bit of spice added in aswell
    wouldent reccomend it, as it hops from item to item in different crafting trees, "if you miss one step of the ladder then you gotta fight something your not prepared for". around the same defense as ranged

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