Can you finish Terraria Calamity INFERNUM Mod while using Spell Tomes Only? Part 1/2

So I said that I will never play this mod again right well I lied here’s what happened I uploaded this community post after seeing that you guys wanted the flamethrowers only run I expected that to be the most voted option but it turns out that you wanted to see me suffer

More so here we are infernum is a mod that changes the difficulty of the bosses making them a lot harder but with a Twist look at these beautiful visuals makes you want to play this mod right it would have been funny to do the flamethrowers only run on infernum

Because it’s with fire infernum you know but I decided to redo the spell Tom run since the other one I have on my channel is kind of outdated this is the first part which will cover two main stages of this adventure starting at the very beginning continuing after the wall of

Flesh has been defeated and ending as the moon Lord is killed will I obliterate all the bosses like a true gamer or will I die like a stupid idiot that I am keep watching to find it out also I don’t think it’s the case to mention what you have to do right okay

Good without further Ado let’s get started all right cool hi what you doing playing Inferno mod again also sorry for my voice I got a bit ill hello buddy I wish you the best in this run I just hope this is going to be great like I had a

Lot of pain with Inferno when I did the rck let’s play but now I guess it will be a bit better I kind of have a plan for this run so I just hope this will be all right so first things first we’re going to enable Inferno mod and yeah the

Second thing we’re going to open this treasure bag organize my inventory and go straight to the ice biome I just hope that the ice biome will be on the left side if not we are going back oh there we go I was about to say that I hope

There will be no corruption but there we have it a corruption biome so I guess I’ll go to the right side I don’t even know get some gear and come back Traverse the corruption and get to the snow biome let’s dig a bit in here worst

Case I go go to the desert and look after all right I guess I’ll go back home this is a really bad spawn point to be honest hopefully there’s going to be a pyramid desert temple whatever you call it okay there is not oh all right this room is too

Big maybe but maybe there will be a desert temple or a pyramid whatever how do you call it desert temple or pyramid yes it is hopefully it’s going to be a sandstorm in the bottle and um maybe a Magic Carpet that will be good as well the desert vanity gear is also good

But like I don’t want to look for the Shimmer right now so it will be the best if I would get the sensor in the bottle since I’ll have to get that later as well I got a lot of money and a Magic Carpet okay this is good this is okay

Okay let’s go in this cave actually this is a promising entrance which two climbing claws what mod would you recommend for start I’ve only played vanilla play torum mod that’s like a vanilla plus mod then also play Calamity like the first big mod that I played uh

Was Calamity for me hence I’m a Calamity YouTuber if I could consider that I don’t even know [ __ ] this I’m not going back home I’m going down okay there’s a life Crystal all right so 50 amethyst I can make an anvil and I can make a grappling hook just like that there we

Have it the grappling hook the amethyst hook the worst out of all of them oh no there’s another life crystal that’s great get a lot of gold okay 10 gold that’s exactly how much I needed for a pickaxe hopefully get that jellfish killed in the Pro oh my

God how did you jump okay I got a life Crystal oh [ __ ] and four and there we have it we got four houses oh I can also get some Stars right now cuz it’s night time you know know fantasm where did your red pressure plate go oh crap you

Do have some speed there is a snow biome so like I need oh there’s the shiver torn let me get it I’m dead I think I’m dead oh maybe not okay I got everything I need for the spell now let’s just go to the dungeon and get some books how do

You attack right now I don’t he uses the power of his mind to fight Water Bolt will be POG yeah I cannot get that unfortunately it spawns below level zero right where the dungeon guardian spawns so yeah hello chippy gaming how you doing hello Terraria Enthusiast how many

Books I think it was like 10 books for the shelf and I think I’m not going down frostbolt there we go this is the first Mage weapon that I’m going to use in this series and that’s going to be a pretty good weapon and uh we’re ready to

Go to the Jungle to the corruption give it to me B her okay I’m I’m kind of screwed I’ll not smash the third one I don’t want to summon the boss let’s go to the Jungle dude this looks so weird one two three and four there we have

It and I guess I’ll not go for gold armor anymore I’ll just go for jungle armor just like that this spell is really good to be honest pants and helmet also craft the ivy whip seaweed we got a pet we got a turtle but I want

I want to find a water chest and get the boo boo cuz like that’s my favorite pet in rare I swear to God fantasm will you allow yourself to use the Dream sastic from Inferno mod I was thinking about using the dream sastic like that weapon is just busted that’s just great but

Like switching from Mage to R Class nah oh water chest guys it’s going to be blue no [ __ ] it’s not oh I got a kite but I also got the chest plate I’m some of the Skeletron must feere I cannot wait to fight Skeletron in this

Let’s play to be honest I’m going to die to it probably a lot of times but I do have a plan I plan on defeating the slime God first and then Skeletron oh okay there are look at this like free Life Crystals next to each other this guys is the best X in

Terraria the the fell of Evergreens wait hold on I think I crafted something else I didn’t mean to do that I wanted to to craft this heavy tried Calamity on get fixed boy no thank you I need two of these and four of these for the spawner

Okay okay so I get this and I also get this pressure plate your your list hype yeah I’m going to do that on a live stream in the future who knows how about you what do you sell [ __ ] you oh mic Rob yeah that’s not great okay got 30

Bottles the permanent buff is mine now let’s go to the Shimmer what would you say is the most broken class to play on infernum up until now spell TOS only I don’t even know I’ll guess I’ll make a elevator right here maybe I’ll find the Shimmer if not I’m going to the

Left oh [ __ ] there was a boulder oh my God okay I reached the lava level okay we’re going back home now let’s make the elevator all right no Shimmer I suppose oh no that was a boulder okay I got killed by a piranna okay all right

Good okay that’s going to be the arena it’s pretty messed up but it works great let’s do this oh there’s a Syrian and also wol from enemies come on at this point I’m not fighting the boss I’m just fighting the environment so good so far he do be doing some

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] why did he despawn but it’s okay I can do this again don’t worry it’s an easy boss oh my God slime is falling from the skies I guess we’re doing King Slime as well don’t despawn again please oh crap that was a bit close to be

But here we have it the first boss killed now you ready for the second one ready to see how I die actually cuz this boss is going to kill me this chunk right here oh my God I totally forgot his crazy in infernum this is not going to work

Guys oh I found a way to dodge this good it’s all fun in games until the ninja spawns and start throwing shurikens oh crap I need to regen health I think I’m doing this on my first attempt as well okay that’s great King Slime also defeated why does inferno mod feel so

Easy right now we got seore hello all bosses today no cap yeah literally going to do dog today and I can also defeat the boss again yep there we go first death first death in this let’s play guys what if you go to the Sea and pick up the

Materials from there oh yeah you’re right I can do that try checking for the Shimmer a bit closer to the beach so funny that the Shimmer can spawn next to the beach but also next to the Jungle I don’t even know now I can grab the goblin thingy good magic damage

Good we got a brand new set that I’m going to use in the sunen SE when I’m going to look for uh the Giant Shelly cuz I’m going to kill it soon yo life or analizer that’s great that’s brilliant oh there is the Shimmer

Guys great to the sun con SE oh the J clam already spawned so let me just make the arena really quick and heal a little cuz I’m pretty low I hope it doesn’t despawn Okay this spawned okay the shell is spawned too oh I totally forgot the

It does this thing sh okay good now I should be fine right oh I am not should have brought a gills potion and a flipper potion to be honest all right I might die good there we go we’re doing the Goblins now yet another side quest complete hey

Fantasm will you ever play it harder mods like death mode or even infernum I’m just playing infernum right now do we have more infernum challenge runs plint I don’t know depends on how this one goes you know what I’ll go up to the skies first and kill some harpies okay

So one feather I still need like hundreds of it oh crap there are so many harpies and I’m going to die probably I’m going to go into the house you know what oh shiny red balloon one out of three no I didn’t mean to do that crap okay I’m alive somehow I’m alive

Killing harpies is harder than killing the desert Scourge to be honest that was freaking intense what the [ __ ] is this yo that’s just insane that’s just an insane weapon what the [ __ ] boom what do you predict will be the best part of the run I don’t even know we’ll see about

That yo what the [ __ ] that’s insane so it’s time for the elevator and I’m going to do it right next to the corruption so it’s it doesn’t spread near the spawn point B Goblin oh and also mushroom biome good yoling through the lava guys I’m not

Dying going to make this going to make this as well going to make this to the ocean time to do some fishing I only have three worms I hope that’s going to be enough I don’t know this is going to be a process that might take from 1

Minute to 1 hour okay here we go let’s hope for the raver shark raver shark bring it let’s go straight into the lava good we got a flare bolt and it’s kind of quick hopefully this is going to be good against craon who knows calm

Down this is pretty decent so far I I can do this and then switch to this and he’s almost dead so we’re fine okay that was uh pretty scary if I could say so but we got a fungal Clum so I guess we’re going

To the sunen SE and uh try to get a Revenge right to defeat the J clam and then to the evil bosses yeah let’s make a bridge really big bridge and I’m going to add two more rows to it I’m going to do the cthulu

First then I’m going to summon the E of Worlds I remember this being kind of easy so I hope this is going to be all right I hope I’ll get an adrenaline charge good oh [ __ ] I’m dying didn’t noce what is that great come on guys infernum is not

That hard after all you know after all that pain is not that hard you know what let’s do the hive mind first yeah I might die soon cuz that thing is so unfair what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] I don’t remember that thing happening that was

Not good I got to be way too cocky guys and uh that came to bite me in the ass let’s do the boss let’s try using this first let’s see this is good this isn’t really good as I said it’s like a single Target so I’d better use this

Thing no what the [ __ ] I thought that would disappear quicker now that ain’t good all right look at this I might die right now what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is raining oh my God they also summon those clouds that the hive mind also spawns all right that was not

Good oh that was it oh okay so it was four I thought it was eight oh and I also get two treasure bags yeah I remember that let me get up come on good we’re up we’re fine we have Buffs we should do this right what the [ __ ] he spawns enemies on

Top of me I don’t know like I was almost ready to unleash the adrenaline charge oh adrenaline am I getting it yes we got adrenaline too bad I didn’t really get to deal a lot of damage oh my God no what the [ __ ] is this why is this so

Unfair why does it have to suck so bad why do I have to complain so much what the [ __ ] he’s so quick when charging oh my God he’s just insane what the [ __ ] is he doing he’s [ __ ] all over me Shield of Cup come on he’s dead yes let’s

Go all right I think I have enough area light okay we got a weapon for slime God let’s see how much time I spent on this H 3 hours 70 minutes okay that’s enough I want mythical for this Superior masterful mythical okay so six reforges

That will be oh [ __ ] one two two times and place it okay two instant Bridges that’s okay oh I need the bonding potion I would like to have that that would be a cool potion and I think that’s it I think we’re done with potions I don’t know

What to expect cuz I totally forgot how that fight is it’s probably going to be painful who knows here we go oh no not this wait what the [ __ ] am I doing where is my spell what the [ __ ] is happening God no this is painful I’m going to die

He’s like ravager to be honest or like Ostrum over use yeah I remember this thing okay one is gone let’s get the other one too oh he’s going crazy what the heck I’m not dying to this come on or maybe who knows there are still chances of me screwing this up so

Um okay there we go and uh wait what I don’t remember this thing why AR you dead don’t tell me I have to defeat this thing now is that moment when I just hope it that just a desperation phase and I don’t have to kill it okay I do have to

Kill it oh my God that’s going to be really bad oh boy I’m not surviving this is uh [ __ ] me up and I don’t have a rod of Discord I cannot teleport and I’m dead cool he’s spinning like a fidget spinner oh my God that’s so annoying how I get heit by

That come on he’s uh he’s almost dead don’t get hit by that [ __ ] come on there we go that was close why don’t you use the demon sight cuz I didn’t get it okay let’s go we defeated a pretty hard boss if I could say so now oh Mana

Polarizer increases maximum Mana by 50 and Magic damage by 6% let me craft the armor set too so this this and also this brand new armor set now let’s check the treasure B for the slime God how expensive is that one platinum and I don’t have that now I’m going to sell

This to the one and only the happiest man on Earth the Arms Dealer get a treasure bag and and there we have it the abysal to but I still want the other one too so [ __ ] come on no spell toome no spell toome and there we have it we

Got the eldri to as well it still does the same thing and range is just insane I think this is good for the wall flesh oh also yeah let’s get a permanent luck buff throw this potion into the Shimmer get the pink pearl throw it in

The Shimmer again and that’s how you get the Galaxy Pearl okay I got a magma stone that’s not what I want oh my god do I want to do this do I want to use this I don’t even know what to do guys please tell me it’s going to destroy both the brimstone

Crack and also the Providence building so uh I guess I’ll not use it you know I guess I’ll just make make it manually you know what guys [ __ ] it we’re balling that’s where I learned when playing Terraria you just say [ __ ] it we’re balling and that’s going to be it

The brimstone Garden has been Blitz Creed guys we are so balling let’s [Applause] go I have to deal damage to all of them at the same time so I get to um have them circle around me at the same time these two I should stop dealing

Damage to them I should focus on this one oh crap not get below them that’s not good okay now do this good okay that’s great is this it is this the entire worldall of flash fight I don’t even remember oh my god oh crap no what the [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happened guys this took only a few seconds seconds what that was so quick oh no oh no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] f f I’m not dying again I’m not dying again I’m [ __ ] I’m dead [ __ ] off I cannot heal what the

[ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is he doing what the [ __ ] is happening guys tell me just tell me what the [ __ ] just happened why am I dying what the [ __ ] is happening oh my God I’m so mad I might have to say this but we’re doing Skeletron yo my boy

The worst boss from infernum guys let’s see how this goes I totally forgot how this fight is I know it’s just painful and he’s already killing me what the [ __ ] is he doing oh my God I forgot he’s doing such [ __ ] oh no at least I’m dealing like

A lot of damage so uh this should not take ages oh no oh no what the [ __ ] is a kilometer oh [ __ ] I’m almost dying yeah I’m doing it the first attempt now he’s going to charge into me come down boom Boon that was it that was the Bonk go to horny Jil

Sound I still have to do something before I take on the wall flesh again good you should put in the description why don’t you use magic storage literally that’s what I’m going to do in the next stream why is the top eye almost HP [Applause]

No I’m not dying to him again I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not [ __ ] it we’re we’re balling we’re balling I’m going mad I bet you can’t wait to fight infernum dog I cannot wait to fight that again oh god with a bu of filate cuz

That’s the best spell to you can get at that point let’s get some uh Souls of knif oh you are tanky as [ __ ] to the Shimmer and then I’ll have to look for the wizard oh there it is y give me these two things give me this and also oh

That’s it I don’t need anything else from you oh I mean this is not bad I expected this to be way worse oh yeah I’m finding colam shadow in this round not the calamas clone from regular Calamity I’m fighting like supreme calamitas but Supreme Camas at home [ __ ] shooting through

Blocks oh also oh crap why does it split I do have to kill some of these so I get the curse Flames oh [ __ ] I’m almost dying what the [ __ ] worms do be hitting hard so golden shower curse Flames yeah let me craft the other book as well The Frigid flash

Bol all right here it is look at is and I also got the P book so um yeah should I go for pedon or the other one too I don’t know what to do should I go for everything should I go for Skeletron Prime come

On what the [ __ ] oh no signus come on what the [ __ ] are you doing just go [ __ ] away go home you don’t deserve to be in here three and this looks so weird to be honest give me the rod of Discord bro signus wants a

Kiss I’m going to punch him in the face you know what okay so let me make the set boom boom and boom H I think I need only five of this okay we’re done in here I need Stars I do have stars okay it’s good cosmolite good good now I

Guess it is time for the one and only prime minister I am not ready for this but here we go oh no actually let me get another graph pot so maybe I will use the gravitation potion thingy here we go yellow let me peace on you oh you’re mad

With your arms I totally forgot you are so crazy with your arms what a the [ __ ] am I supposed to do either no hold on this might be working why is he staying below me honestly I don’t know what’s happening Yo No what the [ __ ] is killing me no what the

[ __ ] that took like oh my God I’m so shocked is it up there I think it’s up there it’s causing Mayhem this is like the dog fight but even worse what the [ __ ] is going on help me I’m dying I’m dying again of course I’m dying again why did he stay up there

For so long I didn’t know what to do no no no unfair things are happening what the [ __ ] I got the serpentine yes how did it hit me what the [ __ ] is going on okay so I got a megaphone that’s good do you sell the bread by any chance no

You don’t but you sell these two things that I will buy this time so I won’t have any trouble with them uh during cold test good okay no mimic spawning we’re going back home I guess disappointed but we have the grand gelatin I don’t know what’s happening but I’m just

Trying okay I can do this and also this and there we have it the Mona cloak that’s not going to work oh no that’s not going to work guys I really need Wings the golden shower is not great I mean not the golden shower the crystal storm oh no

She’s here what the [ __ ] are you doing in here oh there we go yo come down there we go 20 good fairy wings good all right I might die what the [ __ ] is he doing oh no oh God I don’t know what to do let’s do the queen SL

First I don’t know what’s hitting me there are so many things oh god oh no she was killing me so bad oh God okay I’m not paying attention anything I’m so tired to be honest imagine if I do this oh never mind I’m done I’ll just try this tomorrow I’ll do

The Mex tomorrow and fish run so yeah what’s up back on infirm I guess I promised that I will stream today so here we are okay so I guess I’m going to start with um trying to defeat the mech cuz that’s what I wanted to do the last

Time and now what I want to do the first boss that I want to defeat is the Destroyer because Prime is going to be a little bit hard so 3 2 1 and let’s go let’s use the curse Flames a little see how it does and then switch to the golden

Shower let’s try to dodge as many hits as possible and maybe get an adrenaline charge like I watched my Inferno video from uh the rck let’s play and uh I did the destroyer in a few attempts like it didn’t really really take much so it

Should be okay if I get to hit the props and not let them hit me at all and Dodge destroyer in general that will be good and not get hits like I got now and also not use the mini map as I do with dog cuz that’s not helpful like

I rechecked the stream from yesterday and just because I had a mini map open I died to some projectile spawn by him and yeah that was it and also take care during this part oh [ __ ] three hits in a row crap that was uh pretty bad now he’s trying to get relevant but

The thing is that I’m uh going to defeat him like he’s pretty low and uh oh yeah I might die I just checked my HP and I’m almost dead but you know what they say hey don’t die horses when dogs want that’s going to be the lesson that you’re going

To learn today and here we go good that’s a good beginning for this stream oh there’s Sans undertale hello do you sell the Lo by any chance there we have it the Artis on love wait hold on it stopped I got it no he ran away [ __ ] my inventory was full

There’s a truffle worm only one on don’t die okay good let me check the recipe for that thing this truffle worm platter platter yeah platter I need a plate and free travle worms how do I craft a plate two clay blocks okay that’s the easiest recipe I’ve ever seen

In my life brilliant armor set for now we’re done it’s time to try skeleton Prime now he’s going to do some [ __ ] that I don’t like and I’ll have to to fly now go down Good and I’m also getting adrenaline guys dude he’s so low he’s dead what the [ __ ] that was so quick all right cool if fishron is going to be hard this stream is probably going to be like me trying to defeat fishron but if I get to defeat fishron with is I

Might try to play as much as possible maybe try to reach Moon Lord who knows get rid of the circle in the middle of there oh my God you know what you’re right you ready I hope the game won’t crash there it is going to fiss on it going to get

Cursed flames on it going to keep on pissing on it and oh no why is that sea serpent coming after me oh no oh no I I killed it and I and uh yes it dropped the padon great we got it we got this uh mini Razer Blade typhoon thingy yo cry

Aen oh this has homing that’s going to be really helpful wait hold on why are you invincible oh no don’t tell me I have to fight in G snow I am I don’t have an arena oh that’s not good and this is kind of slow to be

Honest oh what the [ __ ] is that oh no it’s summoning stuff that I don’t like I don’t know what to do oh no he’s teleporting I’m getting a trilling guys no i w i oh my God that was horrible teleporting again and there we have it easy crudge and first

Attempt hello what do you sell come oh there’s the dren laboratory I almost got past it now the Quest for cryor continues brilliant shade Crystal barrage yeah H I don’t know what to expect from this one but we will see we should make dayus armor and starik wings should I should I

Get that guys is it better than what I have I get the bars pants range Rogue melee magic and chest plate and I’m going to keep this right here okay this might be it let’s try is hear me out before starting this I don’t remember

Much about the fight so um expect to see a lot of deaths let’s do this guys three two 1 there we go [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he’s so fast I don’t remember him being this fast oh God and I should also get The Inferno potion for this yep first that okay first things

First Inferno potion this thing totally forgot that this thing exists so the astral biome Comet Shard boom Oh that sound is sweet the jungle let’s look for life fors this should not take ages you know there it is these are almost all the preps for

Fish run I told you the worst case I defeat The Twins and then get better mobility and try fish run again die and I also get this and this good oh there there she is let’s go oh she has an actual supp good oh this is what this book does not

Bad here we go I didn’t hit it at all I’ll I’ll I guess I’ll just use the golden shower how did I not get H right there oh crap that was a big tsunami [ __ ] that [ __ ] that’s that’s so annoying oh [ __ ] that ain’t really conf my boy fantasm you must be smoking

Something really wait what oh is this homing cuz if it is that’s going to be good oh my God what the [ __ ] was even going on dude I guess I’ll go for the twins you know what this might work like this weapon is homing and I can easily just try to

Dodge twins while dealing a lot of damage to try try to survive the desperation phase surprisingly I’m still good at dodging this somehow yeah they’re starting to be funny come on bring that desperation phase already okay here we go let’s try this let’s try not to mess this

Up like he’s going to [ __ ] me up so bad with this attacks you see just die already come on I’ll not survive one more hit oh he’s dead okay good oh I totally forgot about this thing yo you know in life when plan a doesn’t work you got to go for Plan B

That being to defeat fish run after the Mex so I guess now I’m going to get the mo of all balloons and the the boots and chlorified armor and uh I think that should be good let’s get the fruit and also make the boots and um I should be ready to kill

Fish run boom I guess I’ll get it so 3 2 1 let’s go look at this movement speed oh my God this is way better than what I had before Mother rol balloons for the win guys almost had adrenaline back back there oh no no no [ __ ] that was close oh

[ __ ] okay here we go per pH no not in the space fall down where is he oh there he is [ __ ] I don’t know where he is to be honest oh there he is no no no no no don’t grapple woo let’s go I was shaking so hard at the end holy [ __ ]

And I might consider this my little even though it’s not now the moment of truth will I get the razor blade typhoon 3 2 1 two flar runs and the wings at least I got a wings okay one we got the wings we got lucky wings okay that’s good

Two there we go if I also do Golem in this stream that would be just great I think this weapon might be enough so yeah let’s try to defeat this tank let’s try to no hit this you know what let’s actually focus on the game okay he’s

Dead that was close yet another boss taken down and I get uh this thing which is cool and also this thing and I think that’s it but yeah let’s go to the Jungle right now and find a really good spot for the arena Boom shurikens for

The worthy For the Win not for the worthy all right here we go I’ll just keep on working with the arena or actually how about will we try it that would be so funny to defeat this boss while not having the arena ready yeah I’m going to die okay good but like

20% holy hly crap all the traveling Merchant is in here I should check him maybe he sells the DPS meter if I get only one adrenaline charge I’ll do this just like that oh no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was going on I didn’t notice where the findes will be

Easy now I’m not going to do any upgrade I’m going straight wa for Golem what the [ __ ] is he doing what the [ __ ] is that thing where is he oh no oh God what is this what the [ __ ] is he doing oh God I need to survive I might die to him like

My HP is really low oh okay he’s doing this thing it’s okay I can dodge this or maybe not [ __ ] I died there we have it the upgraded pie now it’s green 5% come On here we go that was almost that was almost it oh no mini boss I think it’s a paladin yeah it is I’m going to piss on him and I’m going to use this thing oh yeah I also have to get the Asgard spell to the

Abyss okay oh my god there are a lot of giant squids you stay there we’re not going to fight oh crap let’s go home oh I cannot use a recoil potion totally forgot about that there we have it a viable weapon for Ostrom use come on

Give me the miracle fruit let’s go now I get uh this another one with healing this sucks this and uh good we got to break new armor set oh can you craft the Water Bolt oh you can okay I guess I’ll just craft it oh no the goblin is not in here when

I’m going to learn that let’s try as uh not escal why do I keep on saying Escal yeah let’s try this ooh okay that’s interesting Is this any better iust it’s it’s kind of the same I’m going to keep that for the brothers Dude what the [ __ ] is she doing Bye-bye it’s also that time when I get to craft one of the most iconic things in Terraria then I need a toilet and there we have it the Terra toilet guys I’m going to put it right here in the merchant room one 2 3 4 five going to get all of them six

Seven and eight let’s go we got it the next thing I had to get was the Sigil of camidas just make the Avenger emblem this one and there we have it and I was using the Arctic diving gear oh my God I was using the Arctic diving gear to fight

Calamas that happens to me it’s okay that usually happens to me to use random accessories instead of what I’m supposed to use so yeah should I move on with the cultist I’m going to try ome du for one try maybe do it maybe not do it I don’t

Know where is he why is raining with things okay there we go this is not any better of course the forbidden Son a Soria weapon got to be broken against you he trying to circle around me he’s trying to behave like dog what the [ __ ]

Is he doing what the [ __ ] is this thing he’s so crazy oh God so yeah thank you guys for watching this stream let’s see how much time I’ve spent on this world so far look at BL is so crazy below 10 hours this this is good hopefully this

Entire Adventure is going to take below 20 hours that’ll be great but I think post Moon Lord is just going to be painful so yeah hello what’s up streaming again today we’re defeating Moon Lord guys I guess I’ll just start with austrom du today cuz I tried it yesterday and

Almost defeated it but died to it when it had like 20% cuz it was just crazy okay here we go he started doing some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that I don’t know what he’s doing but we’re surviving this so far we’re still alive and I can also heal so um oh he’s

Doing the thing that I died to yesterday so yeah okay I survived and I’m also getting adrenaline so uh oh [ __ ] I just lost it again crap wor you not we’re doing this or or maybe not he’s got like 10% what the [ __ ] I’ll not die to this come on just die

Already I’m not dying to this there we go that was close I was almost dead but here we go we did it first try today so uh that’s just the beginning of a great stream why did I get two relics all right good let’s open the treasure bag

Let’s just hope that I’ll get the spell to so um oh I didn’t get it crap I’m going to buy some more treasure bag no problem six platinum and I don’t have that so um guys you know what time is it right I think you already got used to

What I’m doing when I don’t have money so I guess I’ll put this here get this item and go to the corruption and get some taxes okay let’s get treasure bags yo no spell toome yo no spell to [ __ ] I don’t have money can also try to defeat ravager

From what I remember it’s not easy oh no okay so 3 2 1 boom if I get a good adrenaline charge that might be it but you know dodging this boss is uh not something that I’m good at oh no let’s try not to

Die cuz if I can do this I can also get money for asrom de was Treasure bags and maybe try to get the spell again and oh [ __ ] oh no oh crap oh I killed it great I get the rage upgrade too and still no spell what the [ __ ]

Oh my God that’s so cool this is going to be so messed up guys oh my God good thing that I’m not dying to them good thing that they’re not dealing a [ __ ] ton of damage cuz that would have been just insane okay cool I get a lot of treasure bags from

This so this is good 30 treasure bags okay okay that’s uh that’s great let’s hope that we’re going to get a spell to there it is good now I’m not going to use the tears of Heaven anymore you going to give me this potion and you guys are going to

Die The Lunatic cultist let’s see how this goes how bad can this be the [ __ ] is he doing what the [ __ ] are these things are so what the I don’t understand anything but it’s okay I’m dealing like a [ __ ] ton of damage so uh he might be dead in a few

Seconds yeah I totally forgot that he does such things I totally forgot that he thinks he’s the main character um and I think that was it what the [ __ ] is this oh crap I almost died oh no stop okay cool make the to of Fades

Which I don’t know how good oh it’s like a shadow flame hex doll thingy this do be taking a while imagine if drops the turtle shell thingy where did it go what the [ __ ] is this summons the jungle mimic let’s fight the jungle mimic you know

What oh I didn’t mean to do that okay I got a part in a jar that’s great and also golden shower and the spark of slime balloon isn’t this like a thing you get in the remix seed or for the worthy I don’t even know not for the

Worthy I think it’s the remix or is it for the worthy I don’t even know do you think the absorber is better than the Epic amlet I’ll maybe get both of them who knows Mana upgrade time yep the Asal biome oh no Stardust pillar this is

Going to be painful cuz I know how bad this is in revenges what the [ __ ] there are so many worms Oh my God boom this one yes where’s the other one w was so up in the sky okay I got it that was uh really quick so I get this

Thing then I get the absorber great theic amlet cool there is no pillar in the jungle so I guess it’s time to do the dragon volum let’s oh my God the regen is so quick oh God what’s happening what is this no no I didn’t mean to get hit by that

Oh [ __ ] I’m dead crap that was close okay let’s craft the the the astral armor and what does this do 5% increased movement speed and 3% Max minions I don’t need that 35% increased damage and 25% increased Critical Strike chance holy [ __ ] whenever you crit an enemy a

Barrage of stars will rain down this effect has a 1 second cool down before he can trigger again this is literally really good I’m going to keep it you know what so let’s go in the jungle and let’s try this again cuz I’m doing this [ __ ] yeah we’re doing this where is

He come on uh this might be good against merer cuz it’s not that fast and uh this boss I don’t know it’s kind of fast so okay we’re getting adrenaline guys you ready that was brilliant oh my God I do be looking forward for the second adrenaline in Charge yes come on just stand still a no no let’s not die again oh [ __ ] I’m switching to this okay he’s dead let’s go easy do I get the rock slash guys place your bets I’m going to drink some water while you you’re going to place your bets 3 2

1 [ __ ] and let’s get some treasure bags uh not boss drops treasure bags okay nope there it is the Rog slash okay let’s just hope that game won’t crash here we are really love this thing like this is so cool imagine if you can build a town where are you at Argus

There you are how you doing my brother actually the Rog slash might not be good against this yeah I might be using this thing let’s get starts to rain on Argus hold on I was using the wrong spell to this is brilliant now I think he’s going to summon the big

Shark run oh oh no he do be a little bit thinner I don’t know what’s happening like I only fought this boss when I had like extreme powerful gear and I killed it in two seconds so yeah die oh my God mana mana regen I think I

Killed it I didn’t what the [ __ ] are you doing dude oh oh my God that’s so cool the visuals for this are so cool all right cool that was it yo oh that was it okay this is good actually the Rog slash is uh facing all the

Enemies okay good thank you I I don’t need this anymore [ __ ] and maybe but maybe use the Z I you know what okay this is great look at this this is fun okay let’s rain with stars let’s actually use the RO slash no cuz I got it and okay Moon Lord let’s do

This yeah let’s try to oh [ __ ] I’m dead already cool okay great oh I’m dying okay cool and I might die oh what happened wait what happened I think this will work let’s try using the other Set okay top eyes is down oh God this is a bit laggy well this is the Fireballs I died to he’s eating the world what the [ __ ] is happening and I think he’s dying yes okay that was quick Rog slash for the win yes there we go short stream not going

To lie that’s going to be it for today’s stream guys cuz A promise is a promise part two is going to have the endgame [ __ ] yeah let’s see how many hours this took so far 10 hours oh 11 hours exactly I mean not exactly almost 11

Hours okay 11 hours for an infernum run to have M or killed that’s not a lot that’s good actually thank you guys for watching and uh yeah bye-bye

Terraria is a land of adventure! A land of mystery! A land that’s yours to shape, defend, and enjoy. Your options in Terraria are limitless. Are you an action gamer with an itchy trigger finger? A master builder? A collector? An explorer? There’s something for everyone.

Start by building basic shelter, then dig for ore and other resources. Discover and craft over 500 weapons of magic, ranged, melee and summon varieties, as well as armor, and use them to battle hundreds of different enemies. Soon you’ll be going head-to-head with any of a dozen enormous bosses. Go fishing, ride a mount, find Floating Islands, build houses for helpful NPCs, and much, much more.

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, five new biomes and new structures, a new class, more than forty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

Infernum Mode is an addon mod for the Calamity Mod which introduces an extra difficulty. This difficulty is intended to be harder than Death mode and can be activated via the Calamity difficulty selection UI. It is balanced around Expert Mode, and thus can only be activated in Expert worlds. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs across Terraria and Calamity, along with the addition of other exclusive content including custom achievements, biomes, and weapons.

I said that I will never play Infernum Mod again, but it turns out that I lied, so here I am again, having the time of my life with this mod. I decided to redo the Spell Tomes Only run since the other one I had on my channel was kinda outdated (1.3 Terraria and old Calamity)

This is the first part, which covers the vanilla part of the game, starting right after the world creation and ending after the Moon Lord has been defeated. I livestreamed this entire adventure so I will say sorry in advance for bad quality, me stuttering and any other inconvenience. Stay tuned for the second part, which will also be livestreamed soon.

The music used is not composed by me. It is from Terraria, Calamity Mod.

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and check my other videos as well. Stay tuned for more!

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#phantasm #terraria #infernum #calamity


  1. And coming back here, have you checked out Illusioner's Reverie (the infernum exclusive "tome" from primordial wyrm)?

    Also infernum is very predictive and that's probably why it now feels much easier – you kind of know patterns already

  2. one more thing: cherished sealocket is currently bugged and its cooldown is just 2 seconds instead of 90, do not use it as it is way too overpowered now (saying just in case)

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