I Cheated With //SCREAM In Build Battle…

I’m in a build battle against my friends but what they don’t know is I’ll be cheating with sl/ Scream which will turn anything I build completely scary just so I can scare my friends scary myths don’t get scared guys ooh and the reason I said that is simple if I do SL I

Scream I get this which is a scream mask and it’ll turn anything scary So Cal you’re a perfect test subject so if I punch you with a scream mask oh my his eyes have already changed but he looks completely normal there’s not really anything that would scream at me me oh

He actually screams let me get rid of the evidence well this might be a little too overpowered but I already have a really cool idea with what I want to build so I need to First build an igalo and you honestly that actually doesn’t look that bad okay let’s have a lecturn

And that’ll be the start of Lord let’s place a desert temple I say it looks pretty cozy so far but that’s not what we’re going for cuz I can just add a bunch of redstone around here and by scream fying it I can make it into blood

Which already makes this a little bit more creepier you guys know the story about Soul Sand huh how there’s Souls literally trapped in the sand yeah I think I kind of really like that but we can’t forget to add a bed inside with some chests if I was some to sheep this

Time would you do the exact same if I was to hit you with the scream mask oh wait he’s looking the opposite way his eyes have changed oh my yeah that’s going to get kind of scary so I’m going to leave you there I’m just going to

Block you off don’t mind me just stay in there until the build’s complete this is going to get good okay we’re going to go to a secret room and inside that secret room we’re going to have some stuff that comes out of tombstones I think but we

Have a creepy abundant igloo which is going to be one of many scary builds we’re going to be making now I don’t know what K is doing but it’s over on my side but there’s another cool feature with the scream mask using it I’m able

To become a ghost and the cool thing is if I go over on their side they can’t see me at all all right the trees are looking good so far looking extra spooky hi kiple I’m right in front of you all right we’re going to start in this

Corner we’re going to go on a little Adventure into a spooky nether Forest but what’s even crazier if I was to right click this block there we go it’s become black and that’s cuz it’s going to crup this entire biome gibl I’m sorry but I had to test it out wait what is

This now it should have spread too fast but oh wait why is it all black up here it’s like been corrupted or something yeah her build’s been corrupted okay I don’t know who did this but you lowkey made it look awesome I’ll be adding some Oak saplings around here just so they

Could kind of Spawn and cover the igloo that looks a lot cooler and I’ll be changing that to snow later on because I can make the snow scream so since I’m going with a snowy Vibe I need to make a path that will lead into my next build

Which will be right here they come in here and they’re going to have some crazy lava parkour and if anything scream scary it has to be a graveyard because I’m pretty sure I can scarify these blocks just adding some simple blood around here I just need to make it

Look abandoned and ruined right here will be the graves and now you might be thinking there’s only two graves what can I do with two that’s cuz in one of them I’m just going to add a player Skull and cover up with some coer uh let’s put some skulls around too like oh

If your offers not enough then you know rough days for you but this one’s going to be empty what I’ll do is instead I’ll add an armastan with a skeleton school now how would the scream mask make this scary okay what is this it looks like a

Mutant herob Brian he’s kind of scou out the entire area oh that’s creepy what I want to do is like make like a little wheelbarrow or something over here now this is supposed to scare my friends by screaming and I don’t want to get too close so I’m going to carefully add some

Redstone torches graveyard now complete quiff has built some trees I see kiple peeking over there but my build looks completely natural so it shouldn’t matter too much I bet it was pepper it was 100% pepper man I add some blood around here just to make it a little bit

More creepier and can I make these blocks scary I can oh this is awesome right now okay imagine this at night it’s going to get cursed so if I become a ghost again I can sneak up Peppers build and he looks like he’s made a desert temple I don’t know how this is

Scary he just vanished through the wall there something something behind here oh okay so boom oh you can’t even land on it okay this is a little bit creepy I’m really cool but you know what would be better if I get a cow spawn egg what I

Can do is I can summon a cow right here and Creeper fire it now he has a bunch of creepy cows around here that would be screaming what’s going on I don’t know what that was this is a little bit too powerful what is that yelling I’m

Getting my ears what are you talking about I need to figure out where I’ll be making the next build now I have I’m interested about this since my build is ice I can summon polar bears but what would happen if I was to use a scream

Mask on a polar bear wait that’s not polar bear no more that’s Freddy fuz bear I’m just going to look this way for a second and turn that’s creepy yes I caught him okay I’m going to kill him before anything weird happens and I’m the one that gets scared

But we can use that to scare my friends kind of leads into the second build I want to go with and it’s going to be a simple scary well and like that it’s done with a cool looking well all looks like pepper got his Taste of karma but

What about beina huh I don’t think she has that hurt my ears so much let me add some Oak planks because they does look slightly more Rusty am I able to turn this into blue planks I can oh this is awesome who would want to enter this

Well not me that’s for sure and again since it’s abandoned it doesn’t need to fully be complete like that that looks kind of cool you know what Bina I’m going to give you a bunch of goats just spawn a bunch of goats now the dirt kind

Of makes it look a little bit boring so maybe I add black concrete to make it seem kind of endless okay this definitely look cooler than I would have thought you really can’t tell how endless this is now this looks creepy but what should be at the bottom what we

Could do is have like the trees be the hair of Medusa right now I’m thinking of Enderman cuz he kind of merges in but something better would be if I could punch this Enderman and make him creepy oh I actually can what exactly do you

Do oh my I think I’m the one being scared right right now this Enderman will be the guardian of the well I don’t know how much more creepy this build can get cuz once I start planting the trees it’s starting to get a lot creepier all

Right now we got to make like a cool scary looking skeleton dude that chases after everyone now we have three different myths we have the screaming sheep the mutant Herobrine which I still don’t know where he’s disappeared to and the scary evolved Enderman yeah this well is looking awesome can I scarify

The actual oak trees I can all right from here we go this way now what can we build over here huh this side’s kind of empty I’m pretty sure I’m going to make the entrance right here I do need to add a build and thing is I don’t want them

To get scared early on so I’m just going to make a sled but the thing is I’m going to make it completely broken there we go a simple sled it pains me to do this but it has to be done if I just TNT

It there we go we now have a broken sled and it can’t be too creepy so I’ll just add some player heads around here and now we have a sled with a few heads but like always I need to add some sort of blood splot around here to make it a

Little bit more creepy cuz this is a scary myth there we go it kind of looks natural now oh that guy is scary oh my gosh what can we do to make him more spooky we have a like alter to summon something okay you got to give something

Up I say we build a giant summoning C but I’m going to build a bunch of snowmen I a cough pumpkin oh wait I didn’t really think that through never mind no C pumpkin frze instead what if I was to add wither schools and in front

Of each one is a blue campfire well that side’s pretty much done I could finalize this bit by just adding a bunch of trees around here I’ve now caught four scary Minecraft myths and it’s about to get even scarier I’m going to keep this side simple by writing a sign says don’t look

Away and pretty much just Spam the bunch of signs right here I can cover the back side with trees there we go don’t look away and that pretty much could mean the m and Herobine that I somehow disappeared but I can spawn him again when it’s time there we go I got this

Little circle here so now let’s raise it up by one now this is where it’s going to get kind of creepy right here I’m going to make a giant tree a base like this could actually look really cool cuz I’m going to make a giant Hanging Tree

Which means it can’t look like that this kind of looks like a nice tree although why are the leaves breaking this makes no sense oh my gosh we so could add a Herobrine jump scare let’s do that but right here I’ll be adding a bunch of

Chains if I was to just make a normal Spruce looking house it doesn’t need to be anything too crazy and just by adding a simple door it’s done now this might look stupid but I’m pretty sure I could scream this entire build and make it scary by left clicking and yo it’s made

A creepy looking house has covered in BL okay this build is almost complete yes this is looking awesome look at this I’d be scared if I found this in a random nether Forest H look at all these candles I’d be terrified the last thing I’m going to make is right over here and

I’m going to make a little ritual area with a mobs in case so I need to copy this on all four sides or maybe on three sides I kind of like this and what I’m going to do is going to I’m going to break them like something Escape or

Maybe I keep this one like there’s something still in there I’m going to add some herob Brien lore right there we now have seven trapped scary myths let me quickly go spye on kipley she’s going with something insane yeah I like that I like it I like it now he looks scary now

He looks like he’s some corrupt Soul looking guy I don’t even know what this is and I don’t even know how she did it but she’s also got trapped mobs here too I’m going to set all this off just don’t mind me no who is killing them wait no

No no the sacrifices they weren’t supposed to be sacrificed like this who did this oh wait did she arrive good thing she can’t see me oh my w I possess one of the Ls I’m going to possess this LA right here and now that I’m the LA

I’m just going to play some TNT right here wait yo does that have TNT in his hand where did you get that from I just blew up did the laay just place that stop no no no oh my I’m blew up okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving that was

Just so smart that’s good to know I can possess them I think what I need to do now is start finalizing this build and with that the trees have been added and it’s all been covered now I kind of have an idea with what I want to do inside

This house I really hope this works but I kind of want to build Michael Myers I don’t know if you guys know who he is not exactly the screen but something semi similar there we go now you know it’s Michael Myers and this is the knife

Oh my God this is so scary I think I’m very proud of how interactive this is and like what would make it even better is if it was nighttime okay so far 10 oh my okay I I think I messed up the knife he’s not holding anything oh you know

What he can chase in the forest I want you to stay around here to say he chases people what I’m going to do is I’m going to add some villagers right here I’m going to add some blood around here and yo this looks super cool I’ve made it NE

Blocks of magma now this looks haunted I’m going to turn the grass blocks into blue ice and with that I think this place is done what I’m going to do is I’m going to add a polar bear right here and turn him into Freddy Fazbear so when

They come in he’s just going to be there but the longer they walk the more he’ll follow come this way we’re about to find the scariest myth in Minecraft ooh what is this as you can see we have little lays they kind of look like lost souls

Oh this is spooky give your most prized possessions up people toss it down the hole right here here’s my full inventory of netherite blocks so you might be wondering wow okay we just sacrificed all of our Earthly possessions what is the next trial so you might be wondering

Wow okay we just sacrificed all of our Earthly possessions what is the next trial all right some black voidness going on here corrupting the land okay I like it choose four sacrifices I choose sacrificing wa quiff just murdered all of them it it had to be it had to be you

Could have saved one you psychopath he killed the dog and the cat and the Villager every single one of them is now dead well I guess you passed the trial all right what’s the next trial kly final trial who is the strongest among you offer your soul quiff what is

This walk the chains man walk the chains oh this is creepy you’re being sacrificed buddy oh boy voila wao wa the king of souls oh yo this is so cool can’t believe this is easily a 9 out of 10 I give it a 9 out of 10 H I’m going

To give it a nine too this was awesome gly got 27 out 30 if y’all want to follow me come down right here and read the signs going right here oh this is creepy no I don’t know if I like this wait is there stuff in the barrels oh

There is Slayer okay this food sucks read right here cursed by the gods making her a monster of stone oh this is producer wait a second oh yo it looks like a snake head I thought it looked like Medusa wait are these are these Stone pillars past people yeah yeah I’m

So glad someone noticed yes these are the people that she has slayed guys it goes downstairs look at this map yeah look at the the M wait w now you feel how it feels to be trapped oh oh we’re trapped down here now oh I like it I

Like it small this is this was actually really cool I’m going to give this 8 out of 10 I like it it’s 9 out of 10 8.5 out of 10 small got 24 out of 30 Legend has it of a cursed desert temple cursed by herobrine as you can see with its white

Eyes this is actually a cursed desert temple what everyone can look here and there’s chest loot for every single person there’s one 2 three I Got Dirt chest plate how’s this fair oh I go I’m stuck you have to be in survival for this what the did anyone else see that

Saw what Herobrine appeared in front of my face okay this seems kind of normal you know just normal do table I don’t have a pickaxe woo if you’ll look around no one ever comes down here after the TNT explodes so you’re like hm what could be down here and then you’ll look

Here there no this has to be a door wait there’s a hole right here look there’s a staircase and then a lever in the staircase wait that’s so yo wait is this parkour okay I think I got this I’m going I’m coming woo no no guys this is

A this is a trap chest right here oh let’s open it what yo they’re so ugly kill them kill them kill them well we’re back at the start honestly this bill is a 10 out of 10 I give it a nine that is

A 9.5 out of 10 Peppa got 20 out of 30 this is my build I’ve gone with a spooky Iceberg kind of vibe okay I like it I like it look at all the blood what is this there there’s been a crush the sled’s been broken and there’s no Escape

Santa what is this don’t mind him he’s just he’s just he he’s an automatronic he has no life he’s he’s kind of disappeared okay yeah he’s not moving he’s not he’s not doing anything weird okay oh W it’s it’s a bunch of of dead snowmen no not the Snowman well he just

Moved he just moved he just moved he just moved he can’t move he’s not a player there’s only four of us I keep my eye on you buddy and then you come across this well now the first thing you think is who put this well here there’s

A there’s a scary thing down here as you might have not notice cuz of how black it actually is but there’s something luring down at the well uh oh jeez oh my gosh I’m okay he’s been cursed by the well it’s followed us I don’t want to

Look away from it and before we head to the Hanging Tree you discover a graveyard and you see signs don’t look away from what Freddy so you might have not noticed but if you check the graveyard wait no he he he looks friendly he’s not attacking me hey there buddy what’s up where

You oh my God and now this was a murder scene you wonder who destroyed the sleigh who was in the well who was in the graveyard and when it couldn’t get worse you realize there’s an igloo nah and once you’ve passed the hang tree you realize this entire snow biome is

Cursed I know whose ritual that is ain’t no way then you decide oh wait there’s a house there’s a man there’s a man here you got it small look there’s a door right here that will just lead to your Escape yo the humides beina you have armor you have armor you

Go go away go away and with that you’ve escaped that was a 10 out of 10 man I am horrified I hate being jump scared like that that was awful but also awesome I give you a 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 meaning I scared my friends and it was

Only starting abandoned Village ooh don’t scream guys oh no now the reason I said that is cuz I’m going to make the scariest Village that’s going to give you jump scares now before I do anything on my actual build I’m going to leave the build Arena cuz like I thought there

Is a village right here I’m just going to paste the village right here oh this is looking awesome it almost looks very creepy with how organized it is wait a second it came do the exact same thing and just like that I got myself a real Village she has she’s copied an exact

Village oh okay there we go now we have a thriving village now we just make need to make it look uh abandoned but what she doesn’t have is if I do SL scream I can make these Villages completely scary like this that’s what abandoned Village means but how can I make this more

Abundant I think adding cobwebs everywhere would be really cool oh I just heard TNT Peppa’s going with the same Vibe it’s like the best idea I’m thinking just blow up everything I do like the idea of just blowing up my Village just to make it seem a little

Bit more abandon you just blowing up your build too oh are you doing the exact same thing I was thinking that someone’s blowing up my stuff and it’s like oh they’re just blowing up their own stuff just like me Peppa I’m just saying we team cuz I have a feeling

They’re both going to team too what’s the best way to like team on this should we like should I just go invis and start fixing the broken parts of their build while you work on it I said first we tear down this wall let’s get the wall

Yeah I I’ve got unlikely Ally and Peppa cuz I have a feeling kipley is going to be teaming with small we got to team together yeah so the smart thing is to team with an enemy cuz I can then get away with these dead villagers and if

They find out blame it on Peppa time to make a crazy build yeah let’s make this insane I’m going to make like a big windmill in the middle and just by simply adding a bunch of fire all over the place it already looks more abandon so they noticed that we were teaming

Right so I made this command block that will prevent them from teaming this basically makes it to where kipley and small can’t be close to each other there’s no way it just teleports them away from each other if this is actually true it’s genius stop flying away from me dude no seriously

Iina what is wrong with you come here oh my God wait I can’t I can’t hear you if you’re this far away from me oh it doesn’t let them get close that’s so funny oh maybe teaming with him was the smartest decision I’ve ever made cuz now

I don’t even need to worry about them teaming I can just work on my build make it crazy and then scare them all at the same time ooh I have an idea okay I’ve made a nether portal this big but what I’m thinking now it’s using simple world

Edit for Netherrack magma block oh yeah like the nether is infecting this entire place just play some Netherrack and I think it does look like the nether seeping in I will be checking up the competition but what in the fake world is this I don’t know if I like this what

I will do though I don’t know if this is even going to work pressure plate will be right here without me hearing it can I put the door and that’s the only one that looks kind of weird just in case I’m just going to add a head there and

Have Herobrine haunting them in their own build why is Herobrine in front of our house I think gly might have notice he stands out like a s Thum what are you doing here I’m not clicking you what did you do to this what did you do to this

Oh no no no you oh she she almost killed herob Brian oh oh be is going to be so upset oh my God no block that upop and I was never here all right pepper I think our build’s complete I know this is looking really good with a time that

Upop we had to meet in the middle welcome to the simulation the simulation this looks weird abandoned giant village and you walk around you just think to yourself man something is just not quite right here that’s half a house here hey glitch in The Matrix o I kind of like

That and you notice how the clouds aren’t real either it’s a 2 out of 10 it’s kind of sucks for you guys teaming too three so we come over to our building you can see there’s corruption from the nether okay giant nether portal as you see it’s completely on fire

There’s not a Viller to be seen except one that’s right here no there’s one over here y Li there are the survivors that we left to keep the tail oh what is wrong with him he does not have nice trades he has no trades cuz he’s dead he

Was never alive there’s nothing left there player heads on the floor they were recently killed oh what is this guy he’s a real killer of all the villages in this abandoned Village he was a serial killer all along and he was hiding in the windmill but yeah this is

The entire abandoned Village yeah no I still like our simulation one better but I do like the mobs I don’t know how you got them to want to die like this look at them I I I’ll I’ll be nice I’ll give you guys a solid six I will take a six

I’ll give you a five meaning my friends were scared and my job was complete

►I Cheated With //SCREAM In Build Battle…
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I Cheated With //SCREAM In Build Battle… I Cheated With //SCARY In Build Battle… Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Me love quiff
    Made by #FacemojiAI

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