Minecraft’s Rarest 1 of a Kind Seeds…

From an end Dimension with no endstone 74 cows spawning in a single chunk the largest mushroom Island in existence and spawning thousands of blocks away from z00 in a new world to unbeatable seeds which are impossible to play on going to the end in under 20 seconds the deepest

Village in the game and one in 337 quadrillion Rarity glitch seeds of which only one exists in all of Minecraft it’s safe to say there are a variety of extremely unique and oneof a-kind Minecraft seeds with special features that are so rare they won’t ever be found again let’s begin when you create

A new Minecraft world you will always spawn around the coordinates 0 0 but often never directly at 0 that’s because there is a 21x 21 block radius at which you can spawn around the world’s origin in the single player world the world’s origin is its spawn point for example

This world’s origin is -24 70 -42 and every time you die and respawn as long as you haven’t changed your spawn point you will spawn within a 21 block radius around it however if I create a new world with this seed here look at the coordinates we first spawn at that’s

Right we are thousands of blocks away from 00 it’s exceedingly rare to spawn this far away from0 in fact the odds of such a seed are about 1 in 2.55 trillion and this only happened because on this unique seed 0000 was right in a large ocean with the only biomes nearby being

Large mushroom islands the way the game checks for sporn locations means extreme climates such as oceans and rivers are deemed invalid locations as the game does not want to spawn players in the water but on a grass block however in the game’s eyes since the same climate is responsible for generating mushroom

Islands it thinks a location much further away from 00 is better than a mushroom Island so if the ocean and mushroom biomes are large enough around 00 and the the right conditions are met the game will continue to search further and further out for a spawn location

However if we go back to 1.12.2 where it’s possible to find even further spawns from the origin using this seed right here and look how far away we have spawned from 0 this seed right here contains the furthest current known Spawn from 0 the reason this seed is so

Far away is because back in 1.12 in earlier Minecraft versions player spawning function differently the game would first look for a grass block to spawn a player on between -256 and 256 and if there wasn’t one it jumps between -63 and 63 blocks in the x and z

Directions and tries again basically it keeps jumping in a zigzag formation until it can find a location where it can spawn the player on this seed here the ocean which the origin is in has a bunch of sand islands and as such the game tried 635 times to find a valid

Spawn location before finally ending up at one the Red Dot on this graph is where it first checked and the white dot is where it ended now spawning super far away from 00 is certainly cool but another one-of-a-kind seed in fact it’s a seed with a rarity of 1 in 25

Quintilian was found because of a similar principle using this seed here in Minecraft 1.12.2 Let’s load up a world and you’ll see we once again have spawned quite far away from 00 on a small Plains Island in an ocean however what’s even crazier is that because we

Are so far away from 00 we have spawned right above a stronghold the odds of this happening is 1 in 4 million but in an even more absurd twist the strongholds portal has 12 eyes in it and is already lit the chance of finding an end portal with all 12 eyes is already

Exceedingly rare at 1 in1 trillion by the way so not only spawning this close to a stronghold but also the portal being fully lit makes the seed almost One of a Kind this seed right here is the seed in which you can enter the end

The quickest in being able to enter it M seconds after loading the world or rather was the quickest until this other 1.4.2 seed was found where you can enter it quicker I guess it’s more of a two of a-kind seed then and speaking of the end well imagine using that seed to enter

The end at record Pace only to find yourself in this that’s right there currently exist 19 known seeds where the n’s main island has absolutely zero endstone you better have brought a lot of blocks because beating the dragon will be a massive challenge interestingly though such seeds have

Existed since the end was first added back in Minecraft 1.0.0 and occurs because specific world seeds will just pick zero for the number of blocks to make the main end Island out of even though there is currently an unresolved bug report about this Behavior technically it’s a feature but it’s

Unlikely to be intended anyways you can see that the Ender Dragon behaves a bit weirdly on this seed but can still mostly fly around as normal and bad news killing the dragon won’t let you escape the end either as the end portals Bedrock frame partially tried to

Generate below y level Z where blocks cannot be placed meaning there is no area for the portal to light interestingly Andrew and Matt who found the seeds also found end islands with one endstone two endstone three endstone six endstone 10 endstone and more it’s a very cool collection of unique seeds

Staying on the topic of the end another unique end seed exists a common object you’ll see generate in the end are these floating pillars in general these only tend to to be roughly 4 to8 blocks tall however in Minecraft 1.16.1 if you use this seed and go to these coordinates you will encounter

Four of these end pillars all connected and stacked upon one another like so what you are looking at right now is the current tallest endstone pillar in Minecraft sitting at 26 blocks tall pretty cool the code and information surrounding how this seed was discovered can be found in this link here we’ve

Talked a lot about the end and this quirky unusual seeds but what about if you well just couldn’t go to the end in the first place as it turns out if we go back to Minecraft 1.8.9 there exist a handful of seeds where you simply cannot

Beat the game and the chance of such seeds generating is around 1 in 42 billion now seeds are cool and all but you know what’s even better world downloads to the various worlds and experiments I’ve done in the past available on my new patreon if you want

To support my channel to continue making videos consistently as I have for 4 years now please consider subscribing to my patreon here there’s lots of cool perks you can get that I’ve never made publicly available before Oh and be sure to subscribe to my channel so maybe we

Can hit 1 million subscribers one day before I die of old age no pressure anyways in Minecraft 1.9 and above a total of 128 strongholds can generate in a world but in Minecraft 1.8.9 and earlier only three strongholds can generate all roughly 1,280 blocks away from 0 when a seed generates a

Stronghold there are certain factors that can influence where and how it generates for example the game tries not to generate strongholds in biomes like deep oceans as the wide level of deep ocean biomes is so low that it can lead to exposed strongholds which the game

Doesn’t want so the game can move the stronghold from the position it was meant to generate if that location is invalid by about 112 blocks but if there is no other valid location within that2 block radius then the stronghold will generate in that invalid location regardless so if you find a deep ocean

Biome big enough the stronghold will be forced to generate there another structure which can generate in deep ocean biomes are Ocean Monuments and Ocean Monuments have the ability to override a strongholds end portal generation preventing it from being lit or functional back in 2021 the Minecraft atome team discovered five seeds where

All three strongholds of a Minecraft world were overwritten by an ocean monument in various ways effectively making the seed inaccessible and thus making Minecraft unbeatable I made a video about that here if you are curious now these aren’t the only known unbeatable Minecraft seeds in fact there exists an unbeatable seed in modern

Versions of the game as well if you use this seed in Minecraft 1.16 you will spawn in an underground lava pit and immediately die if you hereit to respawn you’ll respawn in the lava pit and once again immediately die and this cycle repeats over and over and over and over

You cannot Escape before you die effectively making the seed unbeatable as you cannot even play it well and unless you use a bug in an obscure snapshot of Minecraft that allowed you to crawl into this space which you shouldn’t be able to but that doesn’t count discovered by Cortex and mo cow

Milk the reason this happens is because the locations surrounding the origin are all invalid there is no grass forcing the game to spawn the player underground here instead now spawning in a world where you can’t go to the end or you die over and over would suck but what about

If you had a seed that made you feel like the luckiest player ever only to make you feel like the unluckiest a second later earlier in this video I mentioned that there are exceedingly rare seeds where an End Portal can generate with all 12 eyes already lit if

We boot up Minecraft 1.9.4 and use this seed here and head to the stronghold at these coordinates you find yourself with a 12 iend portal astonishing luck right well unfortunately not as this is a 12 iend portal that cannot be activated but why well updating this world two newer

Versions of the game and enabling chunk borders will display exactly why it’s because three of these are located in a different chunk and all 12 eyes need to be in the same chunk for it to generate as a lit portal what has happened here is Minecraft is technically recognizing

This as two different End Portals one with nine eyes filled and another with three eyes filled which by chance generated right next to each other and merged perfectly this occurs due to the way strongholds generate where the portal is generated multiple times if it’s in multiple chunks so this portal

Here was generated twice once with nine eyes and once with three eyes considering the already high Rarity of 12E portals finding a 12i seed where the portal isn’t in the same chunk but also perfectly lines up to be a 12i portal is quite an astonishing feat all right

Let’s move away from end related seeds now and just kidding there’s still another one-of-a-kind Minecraft seed related to the end that I just have to show you and it might actually be the rarest seed in the entire video as demonstrated by mooing cow milk here if

You use this Minecraft seed on 1.16 and head to these coordinates you will probably find yourself looking at one of the most bizarre things in all of Minecraft Let’s unpack what is going on here so first of all a stronghold and an ocean Monument have generated over the

Top of one another here but more specifically the Elder Guardian has spawned inside the strongholds portal room the chances of an Elder Guardian generating over the top of an end portal frame is 1 in 43.1 million so already an insanely rare seed but there’s even more

To analyze here as you can see there is a a glitched lit and portal here as well if we turn on chunk borders you can see that the reason this portal is lit is similar to the seed we just talked about this chunk here of the portal is

Internally recognized by the game as a 12i portal despite the rest of the portal not generating as a 12i when I say this is a one-of A- kind Minecraft seed I’m not kidding all the currently known lit end portal seeds in 1.16 were scanned and this was the only one in

Existence where a guardian spawns over the top that can enter The End by itself this is actually a oneof a-kind Minecraft seed the probability of a random player generating it by chance is 1 in 337 quadrillion and there is no other like it that can be found now

Another lesser known game mechanic is that of passive mob spawning when you generate a new world the seed actually determines how many passive mobs will spawn in certain chunks and locations if we use this seed here in Minecraft 1.16 which spawns us on a mushroom Island and

Walk about 30 seconds West you will find a Minecraft chunk which has spawned 74 mushroom cows as explained by the seed finder such a seed is so rare to find not only because you need to find a chunk seed that’s borne so many mobs but also because it needs to be in an

Already mushroom biome with suitable surrounding terrain mushrooms are the most optimal choice for finding the most passive mob spawns in a single chunk as they spawn in some of the biggest herds in the game which is why a mushroom island is required furthermore they are the only passive mob which can spawn in

Such a biome obviously okay let’s move on to some seeds with Oddities you won’t ever see playing Minecraft normally the first of which is this seed discovered by Andrew for 1.16.1 where if you teleport to these coordinates you notice a witch in a rather peculiar predicament that’s

Right this witch hut generating right in the lava pit of a ravine which slices through a swamp biome is the current record holder for the lowest y level or deepest witch hut in all of Minecraft extending down from y level 16 all the the way to Y level 5 you have to turn

Off fire tick to make sure it doesn’t burn right away Mansions are pretty rare in Minecraft but using the seed not only will you spawn in rather awesome looking terrain but you also find yourself surrounded by four mansions likely the most in such a close vicinity currently

Known about a year ago a unique phenomena was discovered in Minecraft versions 1.9.2 and earlier where large sink holes could generate as we’ll get into in just a second a side effect of this is that it led to potentially the deepest Village generation currently known with this seed here containing a

Village in a sinkhole as deep as y level 55 however sinkhole sto generating in 1.9.3 and later versions but fortunately another seed was discovered for modern versions of the game where you immediately spawn at the bottom of a huge cave where a desert village has generated at y level 55 as well the

Generation here is pretty astonishing as not only is the cave system absolutely gigantic but you go from a normal desert biome straight down to virtually Bedrock level completely unobstructed look at the way this desert village has generated by cascading down into the cave as well amazing but back to synos

Now they are a unique phenomena which occurs due to the game’s weirdness values being at unusual extremes and weirdness controls the noise of terrain strongly influencing the height and depth of land in very rare scenarios it can lead to a huge decrease in the depth of terrain generating sinkholes like so

These were technically fixed in 1.9.3 and a lot of inho seeds have been found since their Discovery as I covered in my video about them here but one seed I want to show you which technically isn’t a seed but rather a special World generated by cracked magnet one of the

Discoverers of these sinho seeds is this one here where the weirdness noise value has been modified to its extreme that means what you’re looking at right here is the theoretical limit for sinho seeds if the stars aligned and such a seed could be out there waiting to be

Discovered pretty cool but back to actual seeds now the weirdness value also influences some other mechanics in World Generation such as the height and midpoint of in-game structures and in extreme cases can lead to them ignoring biome checks basically if the weirdness value is Extreme enough structures can

Generate in the wrong biomes as well as overlapping one another and in completely unusual States just as they have here in this one-of a kind Bedrock seed also discovered by cracked magnet this seed here is truly a sight to behold an ocean Monument not in an ocean

With a woodland Mansion stacked on top of it not in a dark oak forest a Pillager Outpost that ascends above the clouds two floating aquifers and even a buried treasure let’s not forget these stronghold suspended right in this body of water here a fever dream type seed if

I do say so myself all right let’s load up this seed here and things seem normal we spawn on the beach of a jungle but hold up a second is that a mushroom island in the distance yes yes it is a seemingly endless Mushroom Island that’s right this seed here discovered by jaru

Contains the largest current ly known Mushroom Island at 5.41 million blocks looking at this seed in a biome viewer really illustrates how insanely big the Mushroom Island is at this point I think it’s more accurate to call it a mushroom continent it takes about 2 and 1/2

Minutes to fly with an elytra from this point here at the bottom to the top of the Mushroom Island By the Way Insane stuff if we use this seed here in Minecraft 1.16 and teleport to these coordinates you will encounter a Minecraft anomaly a single chest surrounded by five pig sport

That’s right five functional Pig spawners this right here in the middle is a buried chest and the answer to what’s going on here the way buried treasure generates are by checking the blocks the buried treasure replaced and ensuring the chest is buried by surrounding it with the same type of

Block it replaced on each side besides the bottom as you might be aware in Mesa Biomes cave spider spawners can generate pretty close to the surface due to the abundance of abandoned M shafts so basically what’s happened in this exceedingly uncommon seene is that a buried treasure has spawned in a Mesa

Biome right at the location a cave spider spawner would have been as such the game has replaced all the blocks surrounding the buried treasure with a spawner as it’s meant to do but its block ID data is not saved and as such it defaults back to a big spawner the

Default Minecraft Spawner also the chest is super bugged by the way and finally today we have another extremely unique and one of kind Minecraft seed on Minecraft 1.7.10 using this seed you notice you spawn quite far from 0 in a village however what you don’t know is

That right below your very feet is a stronghold in the same chunk you spawn in and since we are on 1.7.10 and in a village we can gather some basic resources trap some villagers trap some sheep do some mining get some good gear breed up the villagers breed up the

Sheep Shear the sheep for wool trade the wool for emeralds trade the emeralds For Eyes of Ender a trade which you can only do in 1.7.10 in earlier versions by the way get enough Eyes of Ender head to the end and kill the dragon all in the same

Ch chunk that’s right this is a special Minecraft Seed where you can beat the game all in the same Minecraft chunk you first spawn in a seed which took almost 2 months straight worth of searching by the Minecraft out home team to find with all the right conditions if you want to

Support my channel to continue making videos consistently please consider subscribing to my patreon you can get access to special sensored videos of mine my Minecraft worlds worlds and plugins from past video experiments models from past videos and access to 49 of my videos from 2014 which I’ve had

Private since and your name could be featured right here at the end of every one of my videos as well be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching

There exist a variety of extremely unique minecraft seeds, with features so rare they may never be found again.

My Patreon (exclusive censored content, worlds and plugins) – https://www.patreon.com/TheMisterEpic

Want to run your own minecraft server with friends or a community?
Get a 25% discount on hosting with code “Epic”!

Most of these seeds were found by members of the minecraft@home team, be sure to check them out and join their discord here – https://minecraftathome.com/

1. 2242180942571
2. -3539678881786985216
3. -5362871956303579298
4. 4973628407607760032
5. 7593177223396
6. 33935436461067
– -2365344 80 -23592448
7. Unbeatable Seeds (1.8.9)
– 772382841533788422
– 5664417936764989702
– -6578054700288282362
– -5003765155545583354
– -2232081059875753722
8. -4231131849898478410
9. 196166561392265731
10. 5523463327430069361
– 2349 43 237
11. -3663987239164495264
12. 8771252677992474
– 27574292 18 -22462411
13. -1937252284825986948
14. 27980614299423256
– -180 90 650
15. -2404910741640601849
16. -7360672562458547898
– -760 90 200
17. 4259803136545493218
18. -2464334185163669257
– 6105 58 18969
19. -8164601954503879294

Fel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZMJ59zxiyc
End Island Pillars – https://github.com/Kludwisz/EndIslandPillars
Thumbnail Inspiration – https://youtu.be/ms1YBju63ps

Thanks for watching! Subscribe and Join My Discord!
Discord – https://discord.gg/WGc9UNM
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheMisterEpicYT
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/themisterepicyt

Join my OG Minecraft Server, The OG Network! (1.8-1.20): og-network.net
– Website: https://og-network.net
– Discord: https://discord.gg/G7zq6NPZnM

0:00 – Intro
0:38 – Furthest Spawns From 0, 0
3:01 – Entering The End
4:17 – Endstone and Pillars
5:55 – Unbeatable Seeds
8:45 – “Unbeatable” Seed
10:11 – Guardian of The End
11:41 – Most Cow Spawns
12:30 – Rare Occurrences
13:16 – Sinkholes and Their Quirks
15:41 – Largest Mushroom Island
16:18 – Quintuple Pig Spawner
17:18 – Beating Minecraft In The Same Chunk You Spawn

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Discovery
2. Lena Raine – Labyrinthe
3. C418 – Shuniji
4. DBadge – Mystic Land (https://youtu.be/6Osu-d74WeQ)
5. Kubbi – Formed by Glaciers
6. Youtube Audio Library – You’re Not Wrong

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftseeds #minecraftseed


  1. I really love super rare and unique seeds in Minecraft, they're such a fascinating oddity of procedural generation in my eyes. So this video was definitely worthwhile.

  2. I found a sinkhole seed on bedrock 🎉

    But i accidently deleted the seed and im not kidding its was massive with an ancient city and minshaft at the bottom


  3. Bro aint no way this happend to me 💀💀💀 so i was playing minecraft and watching the video when you said like furthest spawns from 0 0 i look at my spawn point and it was -42 76 -312 and when i go to 0 0 theres an mushroom biome there and my spawn is in the ocean and i cant spawn on a mushroom biome SO WHAT THE HELL ARE THE CHANCES 💀💀💀💀 not joking heres the seed 5934521804629132382 verson 1.20.4

  4. 14:00 not only to mention this village generating in a cave so low, but also it is one of the rarest villages by being abandoned. It's around 1% to find one iirc.

  5. I remember actually discovering a seed with a stronghold at spawn (and open to the surface) by myself in some early version of the game (probably 1.3 or 1.4 or something), so it seems to be not that rare. Unfortunately I don't have it anymore because the forum where I posted it shut down one day.

  6. in my first ever survival word i remeber spawning 1 or 2 chunks away from a mushrom biome, it was generated in a snapshot of 1.13, sadly i deleted the word long ago bc i changed my pc from a 11yo laptop to an actual gaming pc ,the old one just stoped working after two weeks

  7. another possibility for the spawn location is if you ever played tombraider 2 for example there when you are dropped into the great wall of china level 1 you slide down a slope until settling at the bottom of the valley.

    the same happens in venice in the small path before coming out to fight the dogs and a couple goons.

    also the game has been remastered in unreal engine and should be releasing soon.

    the game will not allow you to spawn on a slope.

    in the latest version of the java version of minecraft you can die instantly if you keep digging until you break through the floor and fall out of bounds.

    in the demo version of java version and the classic version your digging stops at the floor of the level.

    i dont know if the developers took the lazy approach to patching the bug if they even patched it where if you go to the extreme upper corner you could break out of bounds and die.

    this happens even in the creator mode with cheats on and all items and damage and death disabled allowing you not to die by the normal means.

    be especially careful digging on the flat level because the floor is only a few layers thick.

    i am not sure how the game detects if the location is valid but couldnt it temporarily give you an elytra and leave you hovering in mid air and you have to fly to get down.

    for those who would say "oh you will get banned by our anti cheat system" if it is an online server.

    no problem the game can give you a temporary amnesty to allow time for you to land.

    i think why the portal is split over 2 chunks is because it takes up 25 blocks a 5×5 grid.

    correct me if i am wrong a chunk is 16 blocks a 4×4 grid so it should not work at all.

  8. my seed has a stronghold that only has two rooms (staircase and portal) but i think it’s glitched from going from version to version

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