I Built the SCARIEST Minecraft Base…

Today we’re building the scariest bace in Minecraft We’re with my admin tools and scary mods my goals to have my friends terrified of ever entering but they’re determined to save their friend inside so what scares will I be making and who are they even trying to save

Stay tuned to find out you have 24 hours to build the scariest Minecraft base before we raid it go go go go go we go okay so right now we have absolutely nothing but I got some help from some Builder friends so we just got to do

That Comm in and now we have the area we’re building where today this haunted B is going to go from area 1 2 3 4 5 and all the way to six where each section is going to be something scary and number six that’s where the Haunted Mansion is

Going to be we’ll get to that a little bit later okay let’s start with one where first let’s make this place a little scarier time night that’s a lot better and on each side let’s get some mountains there we go that’s better but now with this set up we have one last

Thing I want to do this is the sound of a Minecraft footstep not very scary I’m going to make sure they have to use this mod right there now watch this there we go that’s some better footsteps now for actually area number one I’m thinking for this part of the base a spooky

Forest so first let’s get some fences on each side so they can’t escape and open up the ground there we go so they’ll be greeted right here with a sign that says missing Alex find at Mansion let’s make that glow real quick and so once they

Step foot in here well that’s when the scary stuff starts to happen so for this area we need some spr trees and some cobwebs there we go shout out to the builders and so now this is the spooky Forest where once inside there’s going to be a lot of things added around here

We’ll get to that soon that being said before we do anything you guys see the sky right there I figured out something we can add watch this in 3 2 1 there we go so now in this entire base they’re going to be able to look up and see

Skulls on either side terrifying but now let’s actually get to the scary stuff that’s why we have the coder where I’m thinking three mods and as I get closer to the mansion over there things are going to get scarier so this is only level one so I’m thinking we do the

Zombie Enderman and you can never forget the Villager let’s start with the basic one a good old zombie let’s right click him with the coder and now we’re on block bench where we’re going to be able to edit a basic zombie and start off by first giving him a lower jaw next up

Let’s give him some big old teeth and color in his mouth a good bit I’m trying to make something not too scary but it’s definitely going a pack a-p punch now let’s touch them up a bit and that should be good with our finished first crawling zombie guy shaded colored and

Some basic animations ready to go now let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and this is the crawling zombie where’s name is simply a crawler and we’re going to start off with a 20 health and damage six nothing too difficult where it skills are to bite the ankles of the

Players and the main thing is to jump scare on attack and of course hide in bushes it’s our very first one I’m excited for it so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him look at him go the main scary part is when he actually bit

Them let’s spread them around real quick and before they get to the gate they’ll have them waiting for them right there very happy with that next up let’s do the Enderman well I think we can make this guy a lot scarier especially when you look into his eyes let’s right click

You and so this is the normal Enderman where my plan is to make him shorter and give him a little mouth let’s make his head a little bigger and we’re going to do something cool where we’ll give him like a brown and blue glowing design

Kind of like that but but let’s get some help for the Polish there we go as for what he does I’m going to wait for you guys to see that later and let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him look at this guy yep that is terrifying we also

Got some help from a friend on this one and so of course we got to past him everywhere there here and here where by the time they get to the end they might be dead and they only get one chance and to make things harder we have one last

Mob for this area Mr villager let’s right click you and now it’s time for the knife hand villager it might sound a little familiar but with the basic villager we’re going to give him some better arms to work with let’s un pour some ketchup covered kitchen knives and

Drop it in we’re actually going to start off by making a basic handholding pose where he’s scrapping a knife in both hands now let’s get a basic texture going starting with a creepy smile and red eyes and we can forget some Polish there we go this is a sick looking

Villager let’s spice him up a little bit though by adding more knives yeah now for some animation and I think this is ready guys the third Mob of the area let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and with the code it’s going to be simple they’re facing a villager with knife hands with

20 health and five damage kind of similar to to the zombie where the main skills are to stabby stab and to stalk so let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him so just like last time let’s spawn these guys all over the place

Where all these guys are going to be doing jump scares so that’s level one almost done but I have two more crazy ideas right now there’s not many sounds what if we added scary ambient sounds let me show you what I mean let’s right click and so we’re going to be coding

The spooky sound player where it doesn’t need health it doesn’t need damage it’s pretty much it’s going to be an invisible thing but the main thing it does is it just plays spooky sounds randomly I’m going to have some devs help me with this this one let’s click

Confirm and now we have it so for example at the beginning right here we can put a spooky sound player right there and it does the Minecraft scary sounds but obviously it’s not invisible there we go now it’s ready and we’ll probably place them all through here and

So there’s only one thing left for level one it’s my base so I got to defendant so we’re going to add something right here watch this there we go this is going to be the tower and on top of the tower I’m going to be on a mounted

Cannon for example this guy right here credit to my team where they made it where I can right click this thing and at any moment I can use this item right here where it’s the jump scare laser look at this there we go so I’m going to spam it literally while they’re down

There and it’s going to cause a jump scare that you’re going to have to see later that being said with that Cannon done that’s going to be area number one done we’re at the very end they’re going to immediately start number two where they’ll be greeted with this little

School right there okay so for area 2 this is going to be the bloodwater parkour so thanks to my Builders we have this thing right here where right now it’s pretty much normal water but don’t worry that’s going to change soon let’s also get some parkour for them tach

Across there we go that’ll do it it’s not really the hardest Parkour in the world but they’re definitely not going to want to fall soon that’s where we come in let’s start with the water so all I got to do is right click the coder

Here and so for a water I’m going to open up its texture and shift the heue from Blue to Red now we have ketchup water yeah yep I’m calling it Ketchup let’s going to confirm in 3 2 1 and to stick with the ketchup water the type is

Going to be blocked and of course it’s going to be a water block where it skill is that it’s going to damage the player if it’s in the block with of course some bubbly ketchup noises it’s straightforward let’s go with it in 3 2 1 and we have it now the the ketchup

Water where when they fall in there a lot of damage is going to happen don’t worry though the school is still just crying water I also added one extra thing if I do this Command right here we also now have geers that go up randomly

I that would’ be a nice touch I don’t think it’s scary enough just yet though so before we get to number three we have one mob to do real quick we just got to look up the Cod and we’re going to spawn one Cod right here right click you and

So we’re going to be making piranhas so of course we got to start with a tropical fish instead I swapped it out from the cod we’ll stretch it out a little and now give it a mouth can’t forget the tea and some more diesels up top I’m liking the piranha so far let’s

Get some color I think a Eerie green shade will work cuz it contrast with the red perfect now to make the meat with some code and with the piranha they’re going to have 20 health and of course cuz they’re so small they’re going to be

Hard to hit while they do damage of five in super fast speed their skills being they can leap at the player knock back the player if they’re not crouching and scream at the player on attack let’s make sure there’s some sounds in there too and now let’s get confirm in 3 2 one

And we got him look at him now here’s the fun part we’re spawning lots of piranas now it’s invested and so after getting past number one they got to get all the way through here and make sure they don’t fall so with two being done now on to number three getting a little

Bit closer to the final Mansion where the scariest stuff is going to happen for this one I’m thinking a maze let’s get some building help there we go now we have the maze where it starts very big and as you get deeper it gets smaller and smaller all the way to level

Four but we got to make it a little bit more scarier than this let’s get a better design that’s a little better now it’s going to be very tall for them and for some Darkness let’s get a roof perfect and we can still see the m solution from up here very

Straightforward but it’s going to be scary like that skull back there so once they go in here I’m thinking why don’t we lay out some traps like lasers and mobs I’m thinking first let’s lay out a mine for zombies so with the coder let’s right click this and we’re going to be

Making a zombie trap where the type is going to be Steve and we can ignore the health and damage right now my developer friends will help with this where the main skills are to summon fast zombies at the Players if nearby let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 now we have it the

Zombie trap so pretty much when they walk through here there’s an invisible trap right there that’s going to cause a lot of scary zombies to come in when they walk on it you might be wondering though what zombie let’s make that real quick so we’re now going to make the

Fast zombies from the trap and because we’re at level three they’re going to be getting higher health of 40 with the standard damage of six super fast too with the skills are to jump scare the player on hit and to scream randomly and they might spawn in some more randomly

Let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got them look at this guy J your wait till you see the jump scares we’ll get rid of him for now cuz the Trap is really going to be the one that summons him that’s not enough though let’s get some lasers

So for this we just got to do s head space ex storo and this will be the base for the lasers my head isn’t that scary right so let’s right click this and we’re going to be making the scary laser and the main things it does is to laser

Trap on a timer and to summon fast zombies on trigger and of course a jump scare so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and so now we have the scary laser it’s not on quite yet but don’t worry we’re going to real quick do something cool going to

Put one here and here and here and now let’s activate it in 3 2 1 and now they’re activated I moved them a little bit and so when they enter the laser you you guys will see what happens for now I’ll put some more round here but we

Have one more scary thing to do as they get deeper in the maze for example right here I’m going to put scary pictures so real quick let’s get one painting put it down right here and oh oh uh may maybe not that one yeah we’ll do that for now

And for the code what’s going to happen is it’s going to summon a fast zombie if nearby player and looking at them is going to cause a jump scare let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and so now in survival mode if they look right here they get

Jump scared okay okay okay that’s enough anyways that’s only painting number one we’re going to do one here and as well do that one there get these going around here as it get deeper into the Maze and as they go up here and go into the deep

Part it’s going to get scarier remember these spawn in Zombies too but finally at the end they’ll get to the gate and that’s number three done now and as you can see the mountains are made of nether this time so me and my Builders have an

Idea okay so right now we have nothing but watch what the Builder made this is going to be the nether floor they walk into so they’ll come out right here get to this spot and now let me ask for some more stuff this is a lot better this is

Going to be the nether room where I have a plan for ghosts and a boss let’s start off with the ghost which will be pretty much based off me let’s right click and so we’re going to start off with the player body and I’m going to play this

Cool Ghost Skin I found online and we’ll cut out the excess and there we go and now for the code to make it scary and deadly so this is the Ghost with the type is a villager and the health is now 40 and the speed is going to be fast

Where the skills are kind of like vex’s to go through walls haunt the player and charge at the player and of course a loud scream on attack so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him look at him so we can spawn a good bit all over

The place we just get a good bit of ghost around there we go and their goal of course is to make it to the end but they might have to get rid of the boss first because the boss is going to be all the way right up here where we’re

Going to base it off the ghast where it’s already kind of scary but we’re going to make it scarier so let’s right click you and now it’s time to make the nightmare ghast so we’re actually going to start with the blank canvas We’ll add a cube and start working on a basic face

Shape now let’s get a bottom jaw shape going and some tentacles growing out to the back perfect it’s coming out nicely now let’s take this model and out a great texture and there we go and let’s give it some life perfect let’s click confirm and this is the nightmare gas

With with 50 Health it’s going to be a boss where they’re going to shoot dark Fireballs at the Players I’ve already designed these you guys will see this later and it’s immune to its own Fireballs so literally they might have to Sprint for it and of course awful

Streaks on damage so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 oh and we got it the nightmare gas we’re now we can spawn them right here oh and there they are they’re just going to roam the area and when spotted you guys will see what it shoots it’s pretty

Cool so once they get through here they should be safe and all that’s left is number five and number six so because it gets more difficult what if we do something similar to the warden first let’s get a build in 3 2 1 this will do

It’s a straight path with a lot of dodging but before we get the main monster let’s add some sound stuff it should be a little bit better so their goal is to make sure not to summon these sounds or these but there won’t be a warden this time let me show you guys

What I want let’s right click the coder and so we’re going to be making a blind husk and for this guy we’re going to take our ugly fat zombie and start off by making his skin look like a husk now we’re going to cover his eyes he’s going

To rely just on smell and sound and just like that we’re set let’s Golick confirm in 3 2 1 and so the blind husk is going to be very dangerous where the damage is going to be 20 not that high of Health but the sight range is two and the

Skills are super hearing start the players if here and to wander just randomly and if they do get attacked fish and zombie noises will happen and there’s not only going to be one I’m going to do multiple so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him how’s it going

Buddy so we’ll put one here and here and here and here all over the place waiting for them to make a sound oh someone already made a sound and they’re trying to kill each other don’t worry I’ll handle that but before we get to the final part let’s get one one final

Obstacle and that’s knives let me cat it right click so we’re going to be taking our bloody kitchen knife from earlier and give it a basic animation of it stabbing out of the ground and getting a little bigger and with that done let’s get to the code this is the ketchup

Cover knife trap where it’ll jump out of the ground randomly and damage the players on stop cuz we’re still trying to make them die cuz they only have one chance so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have it look at it where we can

Just put them all over the place and they’ll slowly be going up and down literally going to put one right at the entrance waiting for them as soon as they get in and that’s should do the trick and all that’s left now is number six which is the Haunted Mansion this is

Where their objective is so with the help of a builder we first get to Foundation get you a good view of where everything’s going to be and this is the actual Haunted Mansion when fully built there’s a bit more to it though when we go inside they’re going to have to go

All the way up here to the very top cuz the basement is the final goal and inside they’re going to have to go through a linear path all the way through a lot of scary parts it includes a maze a special locked room there where they have to unlock it with this and

Once these doors are open it continues for a while finally going all the way down not even to the first floor yet but some other challenges and in the sub here I have a few ideas of what the all to fight but once he drop down here it’s

Going to feel like Zen some happiness some peace but it’s going to lead to them placing a music disc here that’ll open up their next path that being said now it’s time for the basement where I’m going to be putting a lot of normal villagers here but you’ll see that very

Soon but all you got to know is with this music disc they’re going to activate a secret door where this Secret Door is going to be right here and then it takes them to the teleporter underground as you can see I got a lot

Of help with this one cuz we got to make sure we don’t lose but when they go down here they’re sent to the mega basement and this is where their objective is going to be a long side of surprise but you guys will see that later let’s start

With the objective so real quick let’s use the coder and this is the objective that they’ve been playing for this whole time they’re trying to save Alex we actually already have this model from an older video I did like this so let’s just copy it over and get to coding with

The code it’s going to be Alex where it’s going to summon Alex’s ghost which we can click confirm here and let’s get straight to Alex’s ghost code where it’s going to be a 50 health stabby and chargy ghost it’s pretty much a boss but it won’t be the main boss let’s click

Confirm in 3 2 1 and there they are right there in the center they’re going to go right click scary Alex and something else will spawn which is pretty much me right here I’m actually the final boss in survival mode I’m going to be entering this bad boy right

Here which one of my friends made where when we right click it it is the scary Mech which we can go ahead and ride and use many abilities to fight them off but if I die I lose this is only the final room and to make it a little bit more

Fun let’s add some ketchup knif sace especially where they spawn in yeah okay let’s go back to the front and let me show you how this works inside the Mansion there’s still three more parts we got to decorate we all starts in here which we might as well add some ketchup

Knives right here that’s better and once it get past that this is where the next obstacle is to save some time here on the screen I pretty much quickly modeled this coil head and gave it some code and ended up with this guy right here where

He’s not going to move when you look at him but when you’re looking away he might follow but he won’t follow me he’s nice so we’re just going to put a lot of them all around here luckily they’re too tall to follow them this way but they’re

Going to have to get creative one waiting right there all the way to this room where they got to press this lever good job guys finally they’ll come all the way down here might play some more coal heads cuz why not oh my gosh that scared me holy cow okay that’s how it

Works okay um yes the coal heads work anyways these guys terrifying and sooner or later they’re going to get here where this is the next boss I’ve got some help with pretty much on the screen you’ll see that we ended up making a familiar boss which is Huggy wuggy where he will

Be a formidable Foe and definitely getting their health down when they get down here so I had confirmed and for now he’s going to be spawning just chilling on the ground don’t worry he’s going to activate when he gets here their best interest is to get a away through here

Like I showed earlier so they fall all the way down finally back to this room where I’m going to be spawning a lot of normal villagers like this guy right there but what they don’t know is that when they put in the disc into the Juke

Box a lot of scary villagers are going to spawn you’ll have to see what happens when they click it and just to make the surprise a little bit better there are a lot more things in there that I haven’t shown yet if they’re making this for

Well I guess I have a big challenge of had of me so there’s one final thing to do and that’s to put aside good luck you’ll need it Dash Nester they probably won’t hear from me at this point so it’s about time it’s been a good bit of setup

And coding let’s get my friends online and see if they can save Alex and defeat me here we go gentlemen welcome to the scary base where I want you guys to just go in and find your friend Alex if you guys manag to find Alex you guys win

$11,000 but there might be some struggles along the way and as you can see you have lots of friends waiting for you right behind me are you guys ready NE I’m not even scared scared I’m not not even scared yeah yeah yeah I mean you guys sound great anyways I might

Also be trying to stop you guys along the way with them so uh yep have fun all you guys got to do now is go straight forward and I will be waiting with the cannon well Forest um ladies first oh no I think that’ll be you first as long as

We don’t separate like every scary movie we should be fine you know the classic saying if if a if a tree drops in the forest somebody dies yeah that’s definitely how it goes oh my gosh what was that that is the Canon of Doom just saying I recommend probably making a run

For going he is going for it let’s go this way let’s go this way let’s break through here let’s break through here oh no oh no oh no I hit you I hit you oh gosh you scared me dude I thought I was getting munched on go around right go

Around the right side just take him out we can Crush our fears away with swords what is happening crafty wait you need help I’m here I’m here oh no you guys are going to make it to the next level no round two baby welcome to round two

All right gentlemen time for round two this is the ocean of blood if you guys look up and to your left that is my friend Freddy oh no get the l oh my gosh are you guys okay that you almost lost $1,000 theree just saying anyways if you

Guys look up Freddy right there he’s a little bit sad his fish have not eaten in a long time so your goal right now is to either fall down there and you know provide food or make this level three whenever you decide have fun it’s all up

To you by the way you don’t want to die to the panas the panas will uh do lots of stuff and damage have fun and do some Parkour I think we don’t take this one slow crafty I have a bad feeling these things are jumping up really high you

Know what let’s just send it all right send it send it send it okay things are okay oh my gosh look at you dude okay this isn’t bad this isn’t bad so far I am so surprised you’re surviving this what is the armor you guys brought into

This what is this we made some serious netherite upgrades let’s go this way only a few more jumps only a few more jumps and we’re there at the very end come on no are you serious are you CRA wait crafty you fell oh no the P are

Coming on land I will help you come on crafty one more jump yes well done gentlemen and by the way I recommend getting out of there cuz the fish are still going to chase you down so uh get get to the next room okay let’s go

Crafty welcome to room number three I do not recommend looking anywhere yet look at me right up here all I’m saying is it is getting harder and scarier fair warning you guys can quit now and pay up half the money no I think I’m good okay okay fair okay gentlemen welcome to

Level three all you have to do now is go forward and see if you can survive I mean if you guys signed this one I wouldn’t be surprised have fun I have a bad feeling about I also have a bad feeling I think we just need to time our

Run so we can avoid these lasers okay ready 3 2 1 go okay maybe not run run oh go don’t even think about it don’t even think about it what is happening gentlemen be careful there might be something chasing you down also oh there’s zombies There’s zombies no stop

Where do we go where where do we go I’d say go straight down to that scary painting right there have fun I don’t like this oh my gosh the zombies coming coming there’s a couple things coming after you uh you might want to say hi to

Them oh you broke the painting I didn’t like your painting oh gosh no run the zombies are after us run gentlemen run another one of my paintings I’m a big fan of it okay okay okay how many things are going to appear wait did I just go

In a circle what you got to figure out how to get out buddy okay okay up here up here staircase staircase staircase we’re getting closer we’re getting closer we’re making progress am I almost there no they made it yes oh and I only peed three times all right you know what

We need to make this harder gentlemen give me your totems totems no totems okay okay okay anyway so welcome to level four where there’s going to be a bit of a difficulty buff on this one and all you guys have to do is make it to the other side here’s the issue though

There are a lot of mobs in this one if you do survive I’m not going to be proud of you and there is one extra guy and he’s going to want I’m going to meet you right about here oh no have fun let’s be careful over here uh let’s go this way

Maybe if we just don’t get spotted I think we’re probably going to be fine doesn’t look like it’s got oh my gosh okay it spotted us it definitely spotted us maybe if I hit it with my bow it’ll oh gosh NOP that doesn’t help that that

Doesn’t help it hit me in the lava that’s not good there’s a lot of ghost over here oh there’s a lot of ghost oh can we attack them I’m withered I’m withered I’m eating Golden Apple honestly you guys are doing pretty well I think I’m almost there my ghosts were

Not as well as I thought Forest we might be able to take out the night gas where is it where is it I don’t see it behind the lava I see it I see it bow it down bow it down by the way you guys can’t

Make it to the next area until you kill the gas oh of course of course that would have been nice to know okay there it is there it is one more shot one more shot one more shot come come on you got it Forest yes no we go let’s go all

Right you guys 20 seconds to get to the exit go go go wait what that’s not a lot of time here you go here you go you got to get there quick I think I made it I think I made it oh and congratulations gentlemen you made it to the next stage

All right let’s get a breather real quick cuz again it is going to get harder again hey uh nister can I just have a real quick panic attack please uh you can have a rock cod that’s all I got it for you okay thanks gentlemen welcome

To level five where again it is going to get harder and in front of you you can see lots of blind husks that means sound and smell is very important for this one also you see those things Rising on the ground if you guys could step on those

That’d be amazing especially for losing 10 hearts and uh hopefully you guys don’t make it to the scary mansion cuz uh that’s where it gets really hard have fun I don’t know about you Forest but I think he was being sarcastic about standing on the knot oh I don’t think he

Was let’s be as sneaky as possible then uh I’m not trying to step on any pressure plates or figure anything I might know how to create oh they made noise they’re moving why why what’ you do I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything crafty keep doing that you’re

Doing amazing crafty come here I’m I’m coming I’m coming slowly slowly but surely I’m just saying there are a lot of zombies heading your way oh of course there is oh no here they come we might need to pick up the pace we might need to pick up the pace oh my

God what the heck was that man come on hus get them they’re right here they’re right here they they’ve definitely seen me run run they’re running all right get in the door boys this is the haunted Manion congratulations on make it close the door close the door close the door

Go wow you guys actually did that gentlemen welcome to the Haunted Mansion honestly didn’t think you guys would make it this far but a lot of my stuff did not do as well as I thought that being said I made made sure this is

Going to do a lot of damage to you guys your goal today is to get to the basement and find Alex and there might be a surprise there too are you guys ready let’s do this all right have fun I will not be helping you goodbye yo

Forest you want to make a bet amongst Bros uh sure no helmets if one of us dies first you owe the other one 50 bucks bet let’s do this interesting decision I’m not going to complain go on up and do your thing guys okay uh this

Seems completely fine oh go yet okay oh my gosh okay uh maybe I’m going to put the helmet back on no no I’m kidding you know what challeng accepted let’s do this let’s do this let’s take these things out one at a time oh what the

Heck is that what is that so let me explain the coil heads to you they’re actually harmless they haven’t even tried to attack you uh harmless who who that looked like Alex keep going guys you’re doing great wait wait hold on oh goodness okay who wait watch this dude

If I look away from them what happens oh my wait they appear behind you oh no okay so we just need to keep looking at them then that’s that’s simple enough right just don’t look away yeah just looking right in their beautiful little springy eyes and they definitely look

Friendly very very friendly let’s just oh why no gosh oh there’s a Alex Alex that looked like Alex the problem is every time I get scared I look away from my screen okay well you you may not want to do that just saying it’s going to be

Hard to find your way out uh you know what right or left let’s flip let’s flip a coin do you have a coin I do ready heads uh sure okay that means right sure yeah okay just keep moving through we might have just keep moving oh no what

Was that my gosh you might want to run the house is alive it’s alive what is happening dude did we just go in one a big circle you guys is in a big old Circle you really got to work together to find the way out okay left you were

So wrong about going right it was the Apple’s fault oh gosh what is that what is that oh no there’s hands oh no there’s arms there’s arms in the floor okay you know what let’s get past them let’s just get past them just run just

Run just run just run oh yeah yeah just run let’s run just run just run oh my there’s a tentacle there’s a tentacle there’s a literal tentacle you know what just run past it just run past it uh there’s more of these things I I don’t

Know where I am okay take those out uh where do we go okay so if you guys can hear me pretty much you guys need to find the switch to open the door and it might be obvious where it is see the knives get in there and press the button

Oh no okay uh I volunteer crafty distribute go ahead we go together let’s let’s just go oh it’s right there okay there we go oh no what oh no no so Forest you just found out what happens when coil head hits you you just got

Sent all the way back to the start while crafty is alone at his Finish Line are you kidding me it teleports you to the start crafty you better hope he gets back quick cuz things are going to get difficult soon cuz that door’s open let

Get back there I think I know the way I think I know the way I think I know the way come on Forest I need you bro just through here there’s a tentacle oh no oh no no no no no okay I’m here I’m here

I’m back I am back this is only the top floor guys you guys got to make it to the basement floor if you guys want to give up now that’s completely fine oh and also uh more coil heads incoming oh no we got to watch our six my boy if

They catch us we’re back at the start that is not yeah we we don’t want that to happen another tentacle another tentacle that’s okay wait how do you get P this thing okay okay there we go wait where am I where am I go go go just go

Down here just go down here oh and now the hallway of knify boys the golden apple and make a break for it make a break for it krafty you’re left alone what are you going to do yeah I’m backed up in a corner but nothing ever

Stops I will help you okay okay oh oh no oh no I’m so low go go go go we’re almost there I think we’re almost there go is this it well welcome to the room where you guys are not even halfway done there’s one thing left to do in here

Before you guys can get out of here and I’m just saying I pr him good all right gentlemen as you can see right here we have my friend Huggy wuggy but I want you guys to celebrate making it this far so real quick turn around and take a

Screenshot on F5 a that nice little screenshot with Forest yeah you know I think we can do that facing forward too late uh how do we kill this thing I cannot see when he hits me keep him away from me crafty I’m coming in I’m coming in take this Huggy you got

This you got this no wait we took him down yes okay well gentlemen well done after this we’re going to pull out all the stops just be ready all right go on towards that room and jump down I’ll tell you your mission once you get there

Okay here goes nothing hey oh no he just went down a it’s a Happy Village this is this is a good break anyways your mission right now is go to that jukebox you see play the music disc and unlock the basement that’s all I’m saying if

You want to give up now I’ll give you half the money back you know what that’s pretty tempting that’s tempting but you know what giving up is for losers I like your thinking wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on oh gosh what if all

These villagers come to life and try to take us out dude no no that would happened that wouldn’t happen okay here goes nothing oh no y I knew it I knew it well congratulations you guys now have access to the door at the end of the

Room oh no oh no I’m going to lose 50 bucks I’m stuck I’m stuck in the corner there is a hord of zombies behind me you got to run grafty you got to run yes yes yes grafty get over here oh gosh okay okay okay I’m running I’m running grafty

Help help forest forest oh no what I just going hit into where am I oh oh I think Forest may have made the basement go go through that patch of zombies and get to the basement crafty but they’re blocking the door I can’t get in there

Just get in just get in just get in yes yes you might want to jump in the basement right about now I’m jumping yeah hold on dude I’m at one heart let me just heal up real quick one heart gentlemen you guys made it to the

Basement now the final area all I need you guys to do is real quick face this way and I’ll tell you guys I want to turn around okay okay okay they’re over there and now it’s time let’s get in this guy ooh all right gentlemen turn

Around and get ready to battle not only what’s coming up next but I am the final Mech battle this is Mecca scary villager uh Nester are you in the mech I am now visible from the mech here I am wait so we got to take out Nester here here’s

How it works you kill me $1,000 split between you guys you guys don’t kill me and die well uh sorry about that anyways though you can go forward and probably find the Alex person you were looking for there’s Alex Alex is down there they actually want to see you go go go talk

To them okay um hey hey Alex um okay oh no dead Alex the first boss is dead Alex what Alex why oh no there’s cobwebs here oh wow you guys are actually doing pretty good damage here okay looks like you guys are going to win this fight so

Let’s get ready for the real final fight oh wait go up oh gosh you might want to take your time taking care of dead Alex uh take out Alex take out Alex first okay okay okay we got Alex out of the way and congratulations you got now to

The final boss let the fight begin villagers come out oh my God oh my gosh what have you done scary lasers attack what is happening there goes one what are we supposed to do only one left my God that’s insane Force I’m so sorry but you never were going to win the

Power of the scary base is impenetrable no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get me on top of this hit me up hit me up yes yes I’m up okay oh what is this oh he’s in a good spot now

I just need to use this bow all right don’t worry I’ll take care of this myself get away from me Nester crafty are you still alive tell me you’re still alive has been long dead no no no get out of there eat a golden apple eat a

Golden apple no no no no no get him get him my minions go not today Nester not today oh no oh no I took a lot of fall damage no it’s over it’s over no no no please hit me let me shoot my lasers and

Let’s get him out of here no no no no no no let’s finish him off he’s so alive once I’m Alive come on lasers no no no no no no no no no no no oh no yes gentlemen you guys were great Sports thank you for coming to my mansion and I

Won’t make you guys lose any money only $2 so send over the dollar each and with that being done I hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and it was a video just like this one bye guys

I Built a SCARY Minecraft Base… w/ @Craftee @Forrestbono
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🎨 Thumbnail/Idea Idea Inspo: @Spifey@Bionic

🎉 What was your favorite Scary/Myth Moment in todays Minecraft, But I Build a Scary Base…

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